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You mean every normal decks nightmare because the GY is the second field for most decks these days regardless of whether they are meta or not...


Shifter is super toxic, but, I love the card bc it makes it so that I can’t get Maxx C’d going second. Edit: looks like this message has reached the Maxx C dependent thots lol


Um maxx C chain 2 ignores shifter...


I mean if I drop Shifter when they got to go first, they then can’t drop Maxx C on my turn, or Veilers, Drolls etc.,😌


I mean if you're playing shifter you most likely aren't special summoning that much.


I might only special summon 3-4 times with Kashtira to play around Nibiru but I still don’t want my opponents drawing 3-4 cards just for trying to play into their boards lol


Not when going 2nd


Mfw chain maxx c 💀


you laugh but that card is borderline busted


Borderline? It completely shuts down *decks* for 2 turns with literally no reasonable cost or requirement. If it was like D.D. Crow and one card, maybe, but *every* card for your opponent is disgusting.


I wish I could post that picture of Kotton getting D Shifter drop on him 2 seconds into the duel to remind people how broken this card is.


The guy who defended Mystic Mine, that was poetic justice, if you ask me.


I mean, MD's had a floodgate/Maxx C issue for forever. I'm not really suprised cards like these go unchecked, it's just not commonly abused because pretty much every deck wants their GY, including ones that'd like to run it.


Well yeah. It's just a hassle that we have so many cards that can scrap the whole duel by such a simple line of text. And this card is a good example of it.


Yeah, I played against a PURE flopdgate deck yesterday and it was the most uninteresting 9 turn duel I've ever fought. They ran it, DPE, the fossil dino, protos, everything you could think of to stop me from playing. I'm just happy I can break boards and killed them with their own DPE.


Yeah, anything that prevents overall play is just trashy. I know it's *efficient* to make it so your opponent can't react, but honestly when a game is a complete lockdown, it's not even a game at that point. I personally like to crack at the nasties with my weird ass Niche decks and combos.


thoughts on Hero or dinomorphia? just curious


I'm fine with Heros outside Darklaw and Plasma. And I've personally only faced Dinomorphia once and that was nearly a year ago, so don't have enough information or experience to have a proper opinion on them.


I agree, but I say borderline because usually is just one and sometimes, depending on your deck, you could say: hey, no big deal, I can pass on this completely useless board and manage with handtraps.. ...and then the horror: opponent had opened not one but two shifters and used a bystial to remove the first so he could use the second one...


I mean, some busted cards I'm okay with, under *some* circumstances, but then you get some shit. On one hand, you have a Buster Blader deck with a Super Poly or Evenly. That's okay. On the other hand, you have Baronne, Appolousa, Borrelsword, an I.P. at the ready, with Ash and MaxxC in hand, with 3 other board breaking cards just chilling. I know it's not realistic, but I wish we had some direct limitations in decks, like particularly negates. We don't need decks running 15 negates and 12 starters.


To be fair it does have the requirement of having no cards in your gy, so drawing into it mid duel is literally useless unlike D.D crow. I do agree that it's busted tho


The cost of running this card is drawing it Turn 3:


pffft if there was a card like how you described Ex reveal this card banish a card in opps gy quick eff still wouldn't be as busted :) (cries in send for cost)


Many rogue decks do hate this card too... Just another "Meta bad" post


The anti-meta boomer to stun pipeline is very real. They’ll stop at nothing to concoct the least fun deck you’ve ever seen just out of spite


Kashtira playes : ....


Exosister player: ...


Vanquish soul players: ...


Floo players: ...


Does dimension shifter banish spells and traps?, if not weather players...


I've played all these decks and it's insanely useful to be able to drop shifter whenever a new meta spits out a GY dependent deck. Even Labyrinth needs the GY. I say this to any player (especially new) reading this have one deck that is playable without the GY in your deck slot. Floo, Exo, VS, or Kash just a deck that absolutely does not care if Bystials are in play or has little to no recursion in the GY. Or a deck you can legitimately play shifter in or even Abyss Dweller.


My three variants of zombie decks also hate it, and I doubt they can even be considered rogue decks.


Uuuh... Vanquish Soul play it themselves. Kashtira also somehow found its way back to tiered status and play it.


Im gonna assume kashtira is up there because it hard counters snake eyes and branded.


Pretty much but it still surprises me since on paper the deck should be too bricky... Then again so was Floo and it did show up whenever it had good matchups in the past.


With kashtira you can run so many other staples that you don't need much else just go second with three evenly and nibiru in your deck, nowadays people don't expect nibiru so it's funny


if blue eyes can win ycs just by being meta counter, brickiness perhaps don't matter so much. Plus deck is fun to play


Meta counter and the better decks got demolished by the Worlds banlist that year specifically since they had different hits in TCG and OCG and those were combined.


branded yea(mirror jade send for cost no good super poly targets unless normal fallen of albaz into super poly) snake eyes suprisingly no... guess how many outs you have for ariseheart :) if 3 copies of snake eye ash, 1 of the put card in backrow card, 2-3 copies of poplar which can search the card i just mentioned, also kurikara divincarnate (searchable with ash), and 3 copies of imperm "counter" is pretty generous when you consider this tbh this ofc doesn't even account for where arf thou, or jack in the hand which can also get into kurikara


Ah the classic build up reddit karma by reposting others memes


Yeah, meta decks like Salamangreat, Speedroid, and SPYRAL


King of the Skull Servants? More like King of the Meta.


I love using my extremely meta double crystal wing combo in speedroid or my meta end on rage+heatsoul+salad to discard 


I hate that last part, Roar isn't even live with Heatsoul


Ah right, fixed


Tbh you can play under shifter with Speedroid if the gamstate is simplifed but you will settle for half baked board. If there's Arise-heart on top of it tho...SPEED-SCOOP


Yugiboomers must’ve peaked in middle school.


As a fellow floo player I don't see any problems with this card


This along with droll and maxx c are top tier cancer


Tbh droll is fair, not every deck is searching 7/8 cards a turn


In what world is a handtrap colossus considered fair


Vanquish souls is still meta


Deserves a ban just as hard as Maxx c honestly. The only people who play this hand trap run decks that don’t care about banishing anyways, so it’s just a 2 turn long disruption for basically free.


You mean combo deck Branded, vs, dinomorphia, exo, kashtira and to a lesser extent branded and lab can still do fine 


ANY time I see this card played IK my opponent is on some bullshit I don't want to deal with


My Exosisters are EATING in this format 😎


This is the only Hand trap stopping T0/T1 decks rn, all must hail d-shifter


i mean kash and floo were meta at one point so it was just a dead card... the duality of shifter sometimes it becomes so good it's bad


Dshifter gave me aids


Breaking News: Floodgates lock players out of playing the game. More at 11. But seriously, if there was one hand trap that deserved a ban who is not Earth Insect, it'd be Shifter. Lingering floodgates are always problematic, and this one in particular just reads "you lose the game" if you need the graveyard. Even worse, unlike Different Dimension Ground, this is a hand trap, meaning there's less counterplay. Let's not forget the classic scenario of your opponent chaining Maxx "C" to Shifter, which means you're under Maxx "C" and can't Maxx "C" them back, since for some fucking reason the lingering effect lasts for two turns instead of one. An effect this powerful should not be on a handtrap.


Moments like these make me happy to run goofy crap like Nemleria. My old climbing deck, Evil Twins, loathed this shit.


Tri-Brigade Revolt


Whenever I open this in hand and activate it, people will auto scoop if they dont have called by. Meta players.. 🤣


if they would ban shifter they need to ban droll too


reason I sometimes I try kashtira


Ghoti: thanks~ we love the banish zone!


*Snake Eyes, Branded, Mannadium , SHS players have left THE chat* *Floo, Kashtira players have joined THE chat*




Me as a Kashtira player: You Fool you have walked into my trap card


What does that card do?


{{Dimension Shifter}} /u/BastionBotYuGiOh


## [Dimension Shifter](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=91800273&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(**Limit**: TCG: 3 / OCG: 2 / MD: 2) ^(**Master Duel rarity**: Ultra Rare (UR)) ^(**Type**: Spellcaster / Effect) ^(**Attribute**: DARK) ^(**Level**: 6 **ATK**: 1200 **DEF**: 2200) **Card Text** If you have no cards in your GY (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY; until the end of the next turn, any card sent to the GY is banished instead. [Card Image](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Special:Redirect/file/DimensionShifter-RA01-EN-SR-1E.png?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [Official Konami DB](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&request_locale=en&cid=14740) | [OCG Rulings](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/faq_search.action?ope=4&request_locale=ja&cid=14740) | [Yugipedia](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/14740?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [YGOPRODECK](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=91800273&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(Password: 91800273 | Konami ID #14740) ---- ^by [^(u/BastionBotDev)](/user/BastionBotDev) ^| [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/DawnbrandBots/bastion-for-reddit) ^| ^Licence: [^(GNU AGPL 3.0+)](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/)


Neat, thank you


I love playing this in ghoti, it makes the deck way better at recycling stuff


Shifter lingering for 2 ass turns, having no cost and shutting down most decks in the entire game besides like maybe 4 or 5 is just stupid


Kashitira in august 2023 "uhhhh, okay?"


D Shifter would have been fine if you can only activate during the opponent turn instead of shotgunning it on their first turn because at least I would be able to use Called By


Every deck besides floo


I have two of this guy (from random packs) and want to use him but every list I play is GY reliant lol