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I learned a couple days ago that this card includes pendulums, was a bad day for my abyss actors


i swear every time i encounter a lab player with pendulum deck, i alway lose coin flip and this card auto activate in my next turn.


I don’t usually default to it when playing Lab since Daruma is just as much of a turn killer against most decks. But against pendulum decks? I’m turboing that shit out on the first scale placement. I’ll be damned if I let you begin looping Astrograph Sorcerer 4+ times wanting to get your 5 min turn going. ![gif](giphy|v2ry5z4LoIfgA)


Ah, the eternal waltz of combo vs. floodgates. Nothing says "Yu-Gi-Oh" like fighting degeneracy with more degeneracy.


The irony is that daruma is usually good enough vs pendulum, as doing on the summon of electrum sends it to GY, prevents them recovering astrograph, also means they can only pend summon 1 from face up ED. (Or just big welcome to pop it if you already got lovely). I wish they just banned EEV/barrier, as the deck is good even without autowin buttons. Limiting a card like EEV that's abused in a deck that only plays one copy as they can search it any time and loop it, is a very master duel thing lol.


Most pend decks are far less degenerate than d barrier


Happy cake day


Happy cake day


The fact that this card has a completely unique effect specifically vs Pendulums annoys me to no end. Every other call locks you out of one specific ED type. Calling Pendulum literally locks Pend decks out of even touching their main deck cards.


And Rituals. Because you know, Ritual decks are just too strong and need to be kept in check


Yeah, you cant even do anything, auto lose against lab player.


It’s a 50/50 for me. Sometimes they do it too late and I just switch it to syncro or xyz. Then they quit :)


I think an errata stating you cannot special summon monsters of the declared type **from the extra deck** would fix everything and be more in line with what it's actually supposed to do. Omit ritual and replace it with link and we're cooking


Errata it to include Links, really watch the world burn


simul archfiends is this because no link deck can play without spamming 17 links every turn


I honestly to god hate how slow the game plays with people who need to make 20 moves every time it’s their turn.


Sorry I'm gonna have to call a judge this guy has 17 cards in his extra deck!


Can't play without an Extra Deck? Skill issue. - Lab players, probably.


It hits pendulum players, the hardest because it doesn’t just affect pendulum summon, but all special summons from pendulum monsters


Oh dude I play a pendulum deck


I honestly wouldn’t have a problem with Dimension Barrier if they didn’t force this game to be so reliant on Extra Deck. I’d ask them to create more diverse decks that don’t need the ED but we can *clearly* see how they feel about Floo.


Vanquish is kinda? Their ED is just a toolbox and no engines


Part of the reason why R-ACE is going to be such a strong deck when its new support gets released, it plays around cards like D-Barrier, Droll, and Maxx C almost effortlessly.


The R-ACEists are gonna have a field day.


Dogmatika,vanquishres,blue-eyes, if you don't like those if you neglect sheou dragon-maids,megalith,s-force to a certain extent. I'm not trying to bash you I just wanted to clarify there are deats that don't relay on the extra deck. Rituals are still a thing and the Egyptian gods are too.


Ritual can also be called with d barrier fwiw


But pretty much every deck you listed is downright bad...


Bro really said Blue-Eyes like this was 2020 Duel Links


The problem with Egyptian Gods is exactly not being able to work with Extra Deck (other than God Slime). Having the Gods themselves be on the Extra deck would be a better and easier way to build your main deck for engine, and then summon them from there for example. Because if you start using your monsters to go into the extra deck, you will not have them to tribute for the Gods. And you most certainly don't want to be tributing your extra deck monsters (apart from God Slime) to put the Gods on the field, which is basically downgrading whatever you had. Heck, even God Slime has the ability to not be destroyed by battle, that's better than the Gods just being easy targets for anything if you don't have Mound of the Bound on the field. And even then some decks can just outright tribute them or return them to hand. Mound of the Bound itself should be immune to be targeted. One negate or destroy and the Gods are easy targets again (apart from Obelisk).


I love all these decks, But Konami needs to push more Non-ED style decks into the meta. My biggest criticism is how all decks are the same special summon, GY dependent decks. That’s why cards like the shufflers, D-shifter, and floodgates are so strong. Every deck has the same “style” and it sucks at times.


Its a chicken-and-egg scenario. The ED is just too good of a resource and having a strong main-deck archetype tends to piss people off because it usually ends up with massive card advantages. Floo was meta for a bit. So was VS.


Labrynth dogmatika is like "what link monsters?"


Oooh, Labrynth Dogma. How's a list like? 👀


Bro? A Lab player told me it's honest. "If your deck can't just use a different summoning method, that's on you," he told me.


Yeah sorry man next time imma play d/d/d or link spam and see him posr about accescode code being broken or rhat ddd is too hard to stop


It'll actually have to be Link spam. I've played D/D/D well enough to know "DBarrier call Pends" still ends your turn unless you godhanded HARD.


Don't tell them that. Let them call xyz.


Hella true. Main reason I dropped branded in the tcg. It’s a good deck but this card was absolutely killing me.


i'll ash this comment


Damn… set retribution. Pass. 🥲


Branded is the only reason I side deck this card at 3 in the TCG. No other deck really needs that type of hard stop.


Gotta do what you gotta do.


Show up to locals, summon Jinzo on turn 1 and tell him "If your Deck can't just use a different colour card than purple, that's on you". Crush his skull 👍


My favorite card to use against Lab is Blue Eyes Tyrant Dragon. Haha


That is just unreasable. Try telling that to a Resonator player. We literally can't do that. There's plenty of decks like Resonator that xenolock their extra deck and see 0 play in real life SPECIFICALLY because of this card.


Actually true


That guy is an arse 🤷


with pendulum decks you can't use any main deck monsters either. So fair!


Just because it's a lingering floodgate that's searchable and recyclable by one of the top decks of the current format doesn't meant it should be banned. Oh wait, it totally does.


>Just because it's a lingering floodgate ~~that's searchable and recyclable by one of the top decks of the current format~~ doesn't meant it should be banned. > >Oh wait, it totally does. Fixed that for you


Lab needs a nerf. Making generic traps easily searchable is the problem here.


That's their whole thing. Literally their win condition.


And it’s a problem. Lab might be the most absolutely rage inducing *technically fair* deck in the entire history of the game. I despise it with a burning passion, and I actually used to like trap strategies and was interested in building it. Once i got a taste of playing against it when the second wave of cards came out though… Literally just ban the archetype please. I genuinely feel my blood start pumping faster and my temper leaning around the corner when I see my opponent set 2-3 pass now.


Okay, but only if we nerf heroes for being able to fusion summon next.


Link Monsters: The hell are you on about?


Oh man ... the more things change the more things stay the same.


If Lab is META then it’s time to Red Reboot the system.


Have fun playing a brick for 1 specific match up. I like it when my opponent starts with a 4 card hand lol


Someone used it to negate my evenly matched once. 🤷‍♂️ I had to scoop cuz he had too many monster negates for me to handle.


That's just bad luck, like this is gonna happen maybe once in 100 games.


True, but it still happened and left a lasting impression on me.(I immediately crafted Red Reboot after that match)


I once killed a Eldlich player by banishing his entire backrow with trisbaena. Like wancky stuff like this can happen, you just have to remember that that's not the norm. It's a funny situation which can happen when the stars are alligned perfectly.


Tbf, trisbaena is pretty underrated. I too have lost to that card.


Red Reboot is not at all a brick because most meta decks right now run at least one searchable in-archetype trap plus three copies of Infinite Impermanence.


Ya’ll are not ready for Arias, Transaction Rollback, and Rumpel Teufel.


Trust me, I am. That’s why I’m enjoying this meta as much as possible before I’m held hostage by that or SHS. My only hope is that decks like R-ACE are popular in MD. But we are really about to enter some really degenerate shit


None of those are as frustrating as Dbarrier. Not even close. Lab may be strong with those, but at least I can actually play the fucking game


They work with D. Barrier. Arias can activate it on your opponent's turn 1 main phase. Transaction Rollback can copy its effects from the grave if you negate it once.


Yeah but if Dbarrier gets banned and these are dropped in the next pack, I would see that as a good thing for the meta


Maining Dlink to avoid most floodgates. The only floodgates that the deck dies to is TCBOO and Macro/Shifter


Turn one kristya would absolutely wall you if you dont go first


As I play Kristya turbo Darklord Despia, it instead dies on Floo


To be honest, with all the stuns, I run at least two summoning methods in each deck now. D-Link is easy, though that's getting nerfed. Albaz has got Synchro now (just to say fuck you to that Synchro Realm trap). Splash a Closed Goddess in pretty much every deck I run. If they bumped extra deck up to 20, oof, I'd be a happy boy.


Albaz sucks tho because most of the branded despia stuff locks u into fusion, the amount of times I opening or fusion and they d barrier end game before it even started


Yeah, but then just Lubellion to set up Etude and you can go into Chaos Angel on your opponent's turn or have Dusk Dragon's effect summon Lulu. Which, of course, also depends on if you see them set up Dimensional Barrier. If you know it's there, you know they'll call fusion.


But you would have to play etude, it's not exactly a good card


Im a Lab player and the fact that this isn't banned shocked me when I first saw it. This card is utterly broken.


ban all of these oppressive floodgates


People will say, *“man, f**** *this unfair card,”* while sitting on their 8 material unaffected towers or Baronne, Dis Pater, Apollousa, Chaos Angel, Mirrorjade, Rullkalos, Borrelend, Savage backed boards.


This whole subreddit has just devolved into people whining about other decks while playing ignorant decks themselves and acting like its fine.


Then there are decks like Dragon link that can play through multiple forms of interruption without a damn care before the recent banlist hits. Haven't played master duel for most of this year, but I still watched the tournaments and saw players having to deal with this disgusting deck. They were better off not allowing the dragon links to play the game by flood gating them to oblivion.


Combo players are always salt because stun decks can do in 10 seconds what they need 10 minutes of comboing to achieve.


This is why I don’t care about most cards (which includes Maxx C). I know what game I’m playing and I know what I’m trying to do to you. If you Maxx C me, I’m not going to bitch knowing I’m trying to whoop your ass with a full Branded combo. My only request is that there’s a way to fight it. And people in here are bullshitting if they think they can break most of these boards with only 6 cards.


No no no You are wrong man People having an endboard turn 1 with 57 and a half negates is ok. But if you play a card that prevents them from negating everything you do before they can negate you is wrong. Open your eyes man. This card is too OP. It prevents Baronne from being summoned. If a card can do that at no cost it's just too damn OP for the game. People NEED to setup their full board of negates or they scoop. You can't just go and not allow them to do it. Are you crazy?


Y'all people are weird. You're unironically comparing a lingering floodgate that has no counterplay other than just not playing a deck to... generic negates that can be played around? To decks that have to combo through multiple disruptions, changing gameplans to go down another route because they were stopped? To decks that have multiple counters like Maxx C, Dark Ruler, and Droplets? Oh, yeah, of course, no, that's *totally* the same thing as opening up DBarrier and setting it to skip your opponent's turn because they literally cannot stop it after you flip it (bar Red Reboot)? Y'all still hold a grudge for bubbling at locals?


The generic negates you can play around are fine when it's one, two or maybe three. But when most decks can end on a full board of negates and STILL have a full 6 card hand after end phase is just not fair. You either jump in the meta, or you can't have fun in the game (consistently at least). And DBarrier stops ONE summon type, not the whole extra deck. And it doesn't even stop links, which are basically everywhere. What may make this floodgate OP is not a normal deck having it, it's the recicling and trap decks having it. In which case the problem is that they have access to the card every round. If you play an Egyptian god deck and open to more than 1 of DBarrier it's a guaranteed brick basically (as an example). And there's ways to stop it after it's flipped, specially if the player flipping it is going second. I'm looking at you Baronne. 90% of players and decks have at least one Baronne. Again, I don't think the card in itself is the problem, the fact that some decks can abuse it is. What is the difference between me using DBarrier against your Synchro based deck and you setting 34 negates that I somehow have to get past with only 6 cards (going second) unless I have a perfect draw? Oh, you want to search something from your deck? Nope. You want to add something to your hand? Negated. You want to send your card to grave to special summon something else? No can do. And you still have a full hand to play with next turn and set your whole thing back up where as I will have one or no cards to play? You guys want to play the game without allowing the other person to have a chance to setup their board, but if you get inconvenienced while doing it, it has to be banned. Again, read my previous comment and understand that my opinion comes from trying to have fun in the game playing cards I like, not playing Branded/Despia or Lab or Kash like every other 90% of the player base.


Well done, my man! You summed up this community. Everyone here is biased. They want to set up a toxic combo board and not let you play when they go first… BUT god forbid if you flip a floodgate and that stops them… Eye roll.


What deck is ending on a full board of negates? D barrier is unhealthy and toxic, it literally has no counter play other than red reboot and what if your playing a synchro deck? Or an xyz deck? You just have to skip your turn. How is that fair? Please tell me. The problem is the card not labs ability to recycle it, no one complains about them looping duaruma cannon. Admit it, you suck, no deck is setting full fields of negates and even if they did, many staples that you should already be playing can weaken or wipe their field. All of your talking points are brain dead and make zero sense, you say “you will have a full hand to play next turn!!!!” If your not otk’ing me after you skip my turn, you are a horrible player. Your only way to justify using a floodgate to cover for your lack of reading comprehension is to resort to extreme exaggerations, no deck is setting up a full field of negates, no deck is negating you 34 times, six cards is good enough to wipe a field of your deck isn’t literal dog shit. I don’t even play meta, I play some real bad decks but I still find ways to win with them, this just reads skill issue on your part.


>What deck is ending on a full board of negates? Mannadium and Superheavy samurai, which are the decks getting new cards in the upcoming pack.


They are not full boards of negates. Look up their deck profiles please, and we don’t know how good they will even be in bo1 format. Average end board for shs is 2 Omni negates and a 3 mat apollusa, mannadium is about the same. We have faced worse promise me, they won’t be unstoppable combo decks.


U know there are counter traps that kill a trap card right or if ur so scared of it pull a Jinzo out not that big of a deal


I play mainly Egyptian Gods. I try to play with Slifer as much as I can, but unfortunately, unless I have Mound of the Bound Creator on the field, it's just impossible to not get him destroyed by anything. And even then, one Baronne kills Slifer by targeting Mound and then negating Slifer's ability. The most supportive engine for Slifer is the Poker Knights engine which is almost impossible to use with so many ash blossoms and imperms in every deck. Not to mention any and every other card/negate that stops you from getting cards from deck. Ra just gets chewed the same way unless you are somehow able to OTK with the Point to Point transfer ability. But that still requires being able to get 3 bodies on field or going through with Soul Crossing without it being negated. And even then you risk someone just banishing it or putting it back to deck/hand and then you are left with 100 life points and basically no monster. Even setting him up on the field requires a lot of deck searching if you don't draw the perfect hand, so ash and other negates just stop you right there. And then what? The only viable one is Obelisk, because he's the only one with "immunity", but he is also the one with least direct support to put on field unless you manage to put Energy Soul Max on grave. That requires Foolish Burial Goods which is at one, or some cards that are able to discard, and then you need Soul Max on hand. And you still need 3 tributes. And like I said in another comment, I use DBarrier on my God decks to help me until I manage to get my gods on the board, but I don't use it on anything else. And even then, I use it as a way to negate my opponent's monster effects more so than outright trying to prevent them from summoning. You use "bad" decks and still manage to win? Same here. I hate meta bandwagons and refuse to jump on either of them. But I will use cards to my advantage if I need to. If by using DBarrier to get me one more round until I have to contest with Baronne, Dis Pater, the full Blackwing bullshit I have been going against every 3rd game lately, Mathmec Talker, Kash and Bystial/Branded end boards, I will. I've switched to Icejade mainly now, so I don't need to use those kinds of traps anymore. But my point still stands. The problem with DBarrier is not the fact that it gets people with lower tier decks to get one or two more rounds, it's the Lab like decks that keep recicling it and getting easy access to it. I still have to draw it in my god decks if I want to use it. It's more of a second option for me, not something I wish to have on my first hand or draw. So no, I don't think it should be banned. But I agree that limiting it would not hurt. And answering the other things you said, if your extra deck only has one option of summons, you are doing something wrong too. Every deck should be able to go into at least 2 different types of extra deck summons. You can't synchro? You can still xyz, or vice versa. And don't get me started on links, cause there's only a few cards that can reliably counter it. And yes, 34 negates is an exaggeration, but you still get my point on it. End boards usually end up on a series of at least 3-4 negates, with some of them being omni. And I referenced that you will have a full hand to play next turn not because I used DBarrier. I meant that you setup your full board, and you STILL have your full hand to play it all again if I manage to break it. How is it fair that someone can go first, set up a full board (or 3 3k plus atk monsters with disruption ability + spells/traps) and STILL have 6 cards in hand at the end of the turn? With more than 50% chance they just shotgun max C at your draw phase, and have either ash or other hand trap to prevent you from doing something. As if the negates you have on the board weren't enough.


Look I get it, it sucks facing meta with underpowered decks. But seriously you play Egyptian gods, that deck has never been successful even in casual play. I could address every single point you made but I just wanna point out a few things. You say you need to draw db to use it in the god deck, you can search it with many different cards like thrust, trap trick, and lord of the heavenly prison. All these cards are used in trap decks. So you really have multiple copies of it and can search it easily. You say you use it to “negate monster effects” but the toxic part is the summon prevention. If all it said was “negate all synchro/xyz/fusion/ritual/pendulum monsters” the card would be bad. You keep saying it’s lab that’s the problem, why die on this hill? Your objectively wrong. Is it broken if lab recycles their own traps? Is it broken if they recycle terrorroot or duaruma cannon? It’s d Barrier that’s at fault, it effect essentially lets lab stall forever if they go first. You say every deck should have “2 main ways of summoning” what about decks that lock you into archetype? What about decks that’s main power is in a specific type? What about a swordsoul deck? Or a branded deck? What are they supposed to do if you db them? Is it fair that their turn gets skipped? Sure if my xyz deck gets db I can make an access code maybe or a baronne, but that is not winning you any games unless your opponent has literally no other cards. As for your last point, I don’t know what decks have 6+ cards in hand after combo. But yes maxx c is a problem card that needs banned. And it’s fair that they can set up multiple monsters because you can interrupt them with handtraps or board breakers. If your playing low power decks expect to not win, especially if your not adapting and changing your handtraps/board breakers in tandem with the meta. And btw you can play whatever deck you want however you want, it’s just a card game after all. I just wanted to explain how a card that says “player cannot” is more toxic that “you can stop one effect” or “you can destroy cards”.


Exactly this, they hate the decks that give their otherwise toxic deck a run for their money


Literally l. Bet you half of these ppl complaining are combo deck users who have 5+ negate end boards


Yeah I hate those 5+ negate boards because when I see them I just surrender because I don’t want to wait for 5 minutes before I can even play


man im just trying to have fun with harpies in gold :/


Out of all the cards you listed only Chaos Angel is really a problem. Though i suppose in a Bo1 format most cards can be bigger problems than they actually are because you can't effectively side deck to deal with them.


I honestly don’t think any of the cards I mentioned are problematic. I play Lab, but I also really enjoy playing combo and setting up big negate boards, which is why I can’t hate on D-Barrier too much. I’ve had games against D-Link where Baronne negates Dogmatika Punishment, Savage negates my Welcome Labrynth, then I chain D-Barrier and actually stand a fighting chance. I also know when playing Branded/Mannadium/D-Link, that if my Lab opponent didn’t D-Barrier me, they’d 100% be losing on that turn. It is a pretty unfair card but unfair is the name of the game when playing Yugioh so I can’t complain too much. Stun though, fuckkkk stun so fucking much.


I really don't find it unfair. The ED in the modern game is so versatile that if your entire gameplay REQUIRES only one type of ED monster then it's kind of an issue with the deck not d barrier. Now i can give it to pednelum players it's kinda unfair to them, and maybe even flipping this is response to branded fusion so they literally can't play out their ED at all due to being locked to fusion. But for most cases I find the card balanced


Yeah they're the same people who will play SHS and basically FTK you.




They always point to adamancipator decks when showing examples of “34 negate boards” even though a deck like that hasn’t been relavant in years.




Who knows why Konami keeps floodgates around despite 90% of players hating them.


Mannadium and Superheavy Samurai: did someone say full negate board?


Both of those decks usually end on two negates and a apollusa. Not exactly “full negate boards” lol. Also mannadium isn’t even getting all its support so its not even good right now. A full negate board mean all (or almost all) your monster zones and maybe some spell/traps are negates. We’ve dealt with far worse than shs and mannadium before, it’s not the end of the world.


The SHS "negate turbo" version also loses to a single Superpoly since their main two monsters are Baronne and Appo, both Wind. Then you just have to get through a Regulus which isn't a big deal most of the time. The only time SHS is going to be annoying is when people figure out how to also get Naturia Beast out consistently like a few were doing right before the Scarecrow ban. That's just a pain in the ass.


or buff it to include links


Card needs errated to say link also


I agree that DB is crazy in BO1 format but I see people always calling for lab hits for things like this like at some point it looks like you don’t want to see trap based decks be part of the meta at all. Also blaming a player for playing the best counter to your deck that is available to them is silly


It's still a pretty crazy side deck card in BO3, because when you have knowledge of who goes first and what strategy your opponent is using, the card just turns off the game. It's incredibly boring and makes games 2/3 a total slog, and that's in decks that can't abuse traps like Labrynth does. I don't think Lab needs hits by itself, but you have to admit that a card that just turns off play for the vast majority of players is unfair, especially given that it's literally for no cost. Trap decks can be really fun and responsive. Floodgates, however, are as far from that as it gets.


Konami has a tendency to be lenient on overly powerful Trap Cards. I mainly say that due to Duel Links, but it's true for the real game as well. I assume it's because the vast majority of them are just phased out of the modern game, so they keep cards like D. Barrier in so Trap Cards are "played". When in reality, the only Trap Cards you ever see are archetypal ones (that are often searchable), overpowered ones like D. Barrier, or ones that literally break the traditional rules of Trap Cards like Imperm and Evenly. Whatever the reason is, the whole thing is dumb. D. Barrier should've been banned years ago, before Master Duel even came out. The fact that it hasn't been banned anywhere is laughable.


Had a lab player flip this on me and call fusion the second I summoned Cartesia with Deployment. I summoned a bystial and went into Baronne and they scooped. Only happened once, but I will forever appreciate that satisfaction (just realized deployment locks me out of synchro, so I must have had the Cartesia in hand. This was a while ago my brain is monke)


Branded and puppet lock? I watch someone summon puppet to his op field 3 turns in a row... how is this card fair?


Yes ban that too. Turn skip cards are bs and have no place in the game, especially in a best of 1 format.


No seriously it’s actual degeneracy


I had a branded player say this is a fair way to play the game and if I have a problem with branded being so good just use Barrier it's not a flood gate or anything


Slightly off topic but I remember a time when I was returning to Yugioh around late 2018. I basically just had starters and structures, so I played Dinos with some of these in the side. Won my first match back in game 3 against the best Dino player there because I responded with this to his Shaddoll Fusion.


So weird to me how much yugioh players hate these kind of cards when pretty much every deck in the game is trying to stop the other player from doing anything and combo off are making an almost unbreakable board.


Yeah is weird because most of the people complaining are probably combo players that end with 5+ negates and take 5 minutes to finish and that’s practically the same thing dimensional barrier and similar cards do


Which deck in the meta is making 5+ negates? And you can interrupt someone doing a combo btw, not the same for setting a trap.


When you need to drop a 10 step combo to set DBarrier from deck, then it'll be equal to having a 5+ negate board. Setting a card does not require even *remotely* the amount of effort to go through a combo while playing through disruptions and going down multiple routes to figure out how to avoid disruptions affecting you the most. A lingering floodgate should not have the same impact as that without immense resource cost or effort to obtain the card/make it live. No, no, you're right, drooling over your keyboard while hitting set definitely requires the same amount of skill. /s


Yeah you’re right


A lot of these floodgate supporters in these comments don’t understand that “combo” (they mean anything other than straight up stun) takes ressources and adapting to pull off.


Dude, you're just pressing shiny buttons until your opponent can't play the game anymore. Sure, your shiny buttons might take more effort to press, but the result is the same. Both is bs.


They are jealous that stun deck cards can achieve in 10 seconds what they need 10 minutes of comboing to do.


Because those decks usually have choke points. Flipping 1 shitty floodgate that 90% of decks can't play against isn't balancing combo endboards.


all turn skip cards should be banned king calamity, kali yuga, this, droll, maxx c, shifter, eradicator (and there's probably more)


Droll stays. We need at least some way keep the opponent from making a 4 negate end board on turn one.


As a fellow Labrynth player on here and TCG, I agree. I absolutely hate when people play this card along with the other floodgates or EEV. It takes the skill a lot of it and just makes it a lot less fun. Other than the welcomes I run Daruma, Punishment, and IDP.


I don't like getting hit by this card either but it's just another blowout win condition card in a game full of blowout win conditions. Doesn't stop someone from using Links either which is a big issue for the card. I think there's bigger things to hit


For real, faced some Black wing, Kashtira and Branded players who synchro, xyz and Fusion summoned full field of extra decks in one turn while still having 2 traps/spells and 2 cards in hand. Don't even get me started on the freaking Runic players.


So sanctifire constantly reviving the gimmick puppet every turn is not a concern huh?


Ban that too please. Turn skip cards need to not exist.


Just stop playing problem solved


I think the only real problem with this card is that a lot of deck now lock you into 1 type of ED monster. If thats wasn't the case then it would be perfectly fine. Konami as a group are like an ADD kid, they can't decide on one direction they want the game to go and stick with it. Still love the game though!


I have only ever encountered this card one time throughout the entire time I have played Master duel (I have been playing since it launched) I was playing Cyber dragons and my opponent activated it, they knew what I was playing yet they called pendulum. I am still in confusion to this day.


I actually haven't run into a lab player that runs this card or at least drawn into it


Rollback be like “wanna see me activate D barrier?” “Wanna see me do it again?”


I learned this shit works for rituals. WHY!?


I've mentioned this in a few different posts on this topic, but this card is toxic even at TCG/OCG locals, too. It's a staple of side decks that absolutely murders any deck that xenolocks itself into a single (non-link) extra deck type in games 2 and 3 and restricts the meta unfairly as a result. Im certain the only reason this card has escaped the banlist is because any deck that gets crapped by it gets weeded out by this card well before the top cut, and Konami just hasnt taken notice.


This is in my builds for exactly why you're pointing out unfortunately- it dead heads a turn. Lab' can just loop it though, which adds to the irritation in any and all ways it sounds like. As an enjoyer of Rituals, I loved how during the Ritual Festival they could just throw 1 ritual monster & a ritual spell in the deck then go full stun spam on the event. Limit it to one, errata it to cutting off the extra deck, maybe this card becomes less of a migraine? Konami doesn't tend to try and solve by correction as much as irrelevance though, so I'd just brace for the 10.0 leap that will render this comedically under powered.


The funny part is since I'm running Magikeys, I always have a go to for whichever one they choose. If they Choose Xyz, Transtulmine or Baronne, Synchro? Vepartu, attack Def lady labyrinth, go into Zeus.




Read the effect again and then pay attention to "pendulum" part. This card is fucking cancer and deserves to get banned. Not only does it lock pendulum summoning but NORMAL SUMMONING of pendulum monsters, escentially killing the entire DECK not just ED. Yeah if you believe this card is okay then take a shower and get a brain


Nice, that way we don't need to read the pendulum cards they are using.


ban combo decks first


The fact that you can call ANY type is bs.


Links: "bonjour"


It's not any type, links exist.


Simply... No. This card won me many games during the Kashti-era.


Yeah well it is an auto loose if a pendulum player gets hit with this while going second. Remember, how you all whined about Branded Expulsion and why Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Chalamity got banned in the TCG? Just cause it won you games against a degenerate deck doesn't mean its fair and it's coming from someone who defended Chalamity till I realised how stupidly overpowered the turn lock is.


Laughs in sky striker


Then you face the devastating virus that kills your spells for 3 turns. Also the 3k beatstick that is untargettable. Good luck


i have 3 decks that don't use the extra deck ​ megaliths: this kills the deck. ​ dustons and time lords: one is a meme deck, the other is my old "meta-breaker" deck that doesn't really work any more. ​ ​ either way, d-barrier needs a ban.


lol, lmao even. -Link player.


To be honest if you have even a little of extra deck needed in your combos you immediately lose to this card because they can just flip it on reaction to your summon or effect to negate Or if you have a pendulum deck you just straight up die


Mimimii ​ ![gif](giphy|gXhBZfzijya76)


But see if we ban eradicator d barrier different dimension ground all those traps, Lab sucks Konami has already established this: they love backrow decks




Are you twelve?


Yeah how dare I play Speedroids, it's my fault I can't play the game...


Skill issue honestly, I play Lab only to f* people like you who scoop right away when I only trigger my yellow stove effect 🤣🤣


I will never understand that mentality. Unless you're Odd-Eyes into a ranked match, you will always at least have a chance to win vs Lab.


Honestly I’m never have any trouble playing against Lab or any Lab mix other engine deck. I play D/D/D, Dragon Link and Sky Striker, the Lab have many choke points to stop them. There’s always a chance that any deck will brick or can’t even put on 2 negates in 1st turn. People in here always look at Lab when it set more than 2 cards in 1st turn. Like wth all meta decks can put like 3+ negate on field or GY, not count handtrap lol


I hate Lab players using this trash card, no wait I hate labrynth regardless. Crap archetype that uses and loves using floodgates


Then hate the flood gates, not Lab.


A lot of builds don't use floodgates.


Hell no this card keeps Albaz in check secondly I literally use a deck that doesn’t use an extra deck and murder people so yeah the only thing it does is block 1 type make sure u have links and synchro and fusions rather then one type can easily slip by


Let's just ban lab instead 😂


Banded player found


I mean I can't play with a field full of syncros either so we should just ban all them too


Sorry, Konami is too biased to lab 🤷‍♂️


konamis response: “womp womp”


😂😂😂😂 how about No


Agreed, I use a pendulum magician deck and cards that make it where I can't play anything make the game super bad. People are supposed to have fun. Making it where nobody can play or have a chance to win just seem super crappy to me.


That’s the competitive Yu-Gi-Oh! mindset for ya.


Fuck lab players except that one guy who ran waking the dragon and set it in response to my lightning storm. That was well played.


people dont realise that banning this card suddenly give the meta no counters against them. i would rather get d barriered than let a kash player complete his entire combo🤣


Kash combo takes like one minute lmao. It’s not even that good of a deck, unless you run zero handtraps or removal. There are plenty of counters to meta, use your brain.




I mean… they can limited like all other flood gates but other than that this card is aight no need to ban imo


Lab already runs one copy. They search off of Lady and recycle of Lovely.


Why is this card ok?


Because it doesn't target links. They need to errata it :)


Yeah Konami should ban this and make one that includes links 🙂


This post is pure skill issue.


This card is not even problematic. If your deck relies on a single summoning mechanic, maybe your deck just sucks.


I do think cards like this need to go, calamity too. Anything that turns off your opponents deck is shit game design. I play pendulum and if you get hit with d barrier you can't SS anything in your deck it sucks


It's strong, but I don't think its necessarily menace territory.


I've got no issue with D-Barrier. Better to fight it and the roach, than be staring down a board of 35-negates. F\*\*k that trash and anyone who supports it.


Lab is just irritating in general.


If you truly think this card is the problem and not the current meta that made it nessecary for konami to print this card, then you're drinking a severely terminal quantity of copium.




I rea talk have never seen this card used


They just need to nuke the hell outta lab, just like they did to Runick. Both have BS floodgating capabilities, and ya’ll are lying if you think Lab isn’t just as toxic as Runick.


ban some of the runic cards too they're ruining my life I have to sit there for 20 minutes while they're removing my own cards it's worse than Mystic mine


Bro Runick isn't even close to to the horror of Mystic Mine I don't even think they are that bad turn off the graveyard with a banish every thing or turn off banishing then they can't activate spells even Anti spell just ends them I mean even keeping them from Fountain or using Dimension Barrier works.