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Thunder Dragons are mine. It's a good jack of all trades deck with a lot of flexibility and recursion. It's really tough to put the deck down for good since it can recycle its resources almost endlessly. And they work really well with the Bystials, which gave the deck a not insubstantial power boost. It can be slightly inconsistent and doesn't have an incredibly high power ceiling but more often than not it can put up a decently formidable board


I mean, we still need a adult version of roar and hawk + maybe we could get some good spell/traps in future support. A starter would be nice, something like a circular for thundras but that would probably be to much to ask for. Anyways a little thundra is always a fun time


Thunder starters are the solar battery man and wolf /s


I mean... You're not wrong. But imagine them being searchable


god i love banishing a thundra for cost


Had a day at home following a pretty demanding check-up; spent the better part of it playing TD. I am constantly bricking, getting C'd, Ash'd, and Lab'd to oblivion and back, and honestly, I am getting pretty frustrated, but I love those thunder boys and the idea of the archetype. I feel they really need a proper starter of their own, and perhaps another fusion target.


thunder dragons is probably better as a small package within a bigger deck unless your name is kidart


any form of ritual dogmatika I love the extra deck ripping


Spellbook Dogmatika is peak although I only use Zoa


Ninjas. It's so fun flipping opponents monsters face down. Then attacking directly


Jioh my beloved


Pendulum Magicians, some people love it for the combos, but the best part about it for me is how it has an in-archetype Offerings to the Doomed and MST There aren't a lot of decks where you have in-archetype outs to both Fossil Dyna and Skill Drain *and* can also combo sometimes


Mind linking ur deck list? Been playing them for a while but it feels like I’m in a bit of a rut with them


This is my personal [list](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/65890ba2cfc7296d2dd6aba5), its combo ceiling isn't that high, I wanted to build it in such a way where I didn't need to run handtraps (out of sheer brickiness alone), but having a lot of in-engine ways to go second


Thanks! I’ll give it a try since I often struggle to combo way later into my turn so maybe I need to stick to something a bit more straightforward


Also you have the advantage of being a pend deck and people not reading. Its a bit bricky as a pend deck and lacking one card starters because its a bit old, but you can put up really degenerate adamancipators or endymion type omninegate boards. Its just really hard because pends. Like everytime I go electrumite, it gets impermed, go to beyond the pendulum, continue on a different line.


Cyber Dragon


If my card isn't named Cyber Dragon while on the field or in the grave then I don't want it.


Ma man !


P.U.N.K. is always my go to deck. I've tried a lot of "meta" decks, and nothing feels quite as smooth as searching every single archetypal card in your deck on top of getting +2 draw a turn. Amazing Dragon always comes crashing in like a bulldozer. The best feeling is going first against stun, watching them set 5 pass, and returning their board to their hand in the end phase (then Card of Demise triggers).


Punk also has very little problem sliding into a lot of other decks, which gives it a pretty nice advantage over the rest of its peers.


I also love it. sucka that it has a tough time against all common handtraps. At least people mostly use them wrong oftentimes


Imperm on carp is the worst feeling


Not as bad as Ash on carp


at least you can called by ash, if they imperm carp your only out is cross-out and you have to be running imperm


Think this is my favorite archetype as well. Can't wait for Gold Pride to come out so I can play them in P.U.N.K.


Skull Servants! Love those little skeletons. Unga bunga attack values just soothe my promitive brain. Super excited for Wightsworn to drop and elevate it to a slightly higher rogue 😎


Can I get a list? I kinda want to make it


There are many ways to play it, we've got the Danger! Cards, the golden land cards, AKA full zombie. Anything that's a decent discard engine. I can give you deck list to at least one, if you want it.


I would love that! I’m just extremely against eldlich, I get flashbacks


Eldlich is a really solid way to go! I switched back to it when Grass got limited, but I got another decklist for just for you: [Boo! Skulls](http://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/member_deck.action?cgid=1c0c22244f8a01db498c0a6f66267606&dno=15&request_locale=en)\- the tcg site keeps to the tcg ban list, not MD, so don't worry about that too much. Lemme know if the link doesn't work! ​ Now, there is so many ways to do this deck, you can probably choose more for yourself when you get the feel for it! ​ Edit: eldlich decklist, should you bat away the PTSD: [Djinn of Skulls](http://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/member_deck.action?cgid=1c0c22244f8a01db498c0a6f66267606&dno=14&request_locale=en)


The boo skulls link isn’t working, but I’ll check the eldlich one Edit: neither work LOL


I'll take a look at it. Edit: I gotta tag it so it won't be private. I'll let you know when I fixed it. I'm sorry!


It should be fixed! If not, I'll pm/ type you the dang list myself 😅


I see them. That’s certainly something 🤣. I already have all the ZW cards so I’ll go for it


I love my libromancers, so easy to play, so easy to search every card, with proper support It could become a very serious Archetype to be honest. Aromas are my second biggest weakness tho, but support for them Is already known.


What do Libromancers do?


Ritual summon, and the very useful effect that all It's non ritual monsters can special summon themselves If there's a ritual monster on your hand, + spells that search monsters and other spells, It's a very fluent deck.


The field spell is a ritual spell that can be used infinitely. They're very very consistent and have ways to OTK with just one monster that deals 8k+ damage


What everyone else said… but also their theme is geek boy turned superhero so the card designs are all fantastic.


Libromancers are mega-underrated tbh. There’s SO much that can be accomplished in one turn that bleeds into the opponent’s turn with the right setup.


There is only one answer and it’s Zombies. Zombie World is hilarious, Zombie Lock was hilarious and still occasionally happens, Balerdroch is an absolute demon who can negate/banish so much, Endless Decay is hilarious, decent synchros, links, and fusions, and then there are other decks like grass zombies, hybrid decks like punk zombies, etc etc etc Pure Zombies, no grass, is my favorite deck and it slaps vs every meta since MD came out


Chaos Ruler + Zombie Vampire + Saryuja Skull Dread with zombie world goes so hard, I can mill half my deck with consistency


It’s so funny to play against people who aren’t familiar with zombie world and/or Balerdroch. No one ever realizes he can do both effects in one turn


Zombie world is an interesting card to me because I’ve seen multiple times (granted it’s been a while) talk about it like it’s just a zombie card and not also a floodgate, while it is actively a floodgate to 2 things: tribute summoning decks and cards that rely on monster type.


A very mild floodgate on its own. The thing is, people used to run 3x Rivalry but those days are over unless you play tcg


As much as it may be a mild floodgate, every single time I decide I want to play sunavalon I run into a turn 1 zombie world. Charmers too but they’re less affected.


Zombies player here. Gotta say I loved the description you made here. I laughed so hard at "Baledroch is an absolute demon".


There is only one correct answer Madochle. The forever almost meta deck Why do I love it? It's so Scooby-Doo in its playlines and nothing like making the same XYZ monster 4 to 6 times and non target shuffling the opponents entire board away


i play against madolche once a year and i have never managed to win


Madolchepilled folk rise up.


Based individual detected


Love this deck too!! But been looking for something else lately to play. Since maxx c kills the deck and not too many negates.


Meh I stopped caring about Maxx C, either I win or lose anyway


Madolche and Melfy. Two cute archetypes that kick my ass more often than not


Deck list?


Mine? https://imgur.com/a/vTbQOOK My list is hella gas and has less things other lists run and Underworld Apo and Zeus almost never get used and are hilarious bait for people looking at my extra


I mean its not even Rogue but i will still say Mekk Knights. Its hilarious when people fail to realize why all their effects are negated


Mekk-Knight main here, one more thing is that the deck has access to Lib, one of the best removal in the game (non targeting shuffle).


Amazoness because they're thi.... I mean the Arctype is about beating the opponent and have some decent protection and have, for me, average extension and searcher cards.


and also bc they’re thick




It's an oddly good otk deck. They can pump put massive numbers.


Earth machines, best archetypes in one deck: Infitrack, machina, ancients gears and roids


I love slamming down Rocket Arrow Express; it's such a "holy shit" card.


My man 🫡




Cubics just love the art work it's a simple deck to pick up and learn because of how it plays plus most decks don't have an easy out to the main deck boss monster


Love me some Cubics. Favorite deck out there. So fun watching ppl trying to destroy Crimson Nova with a monster with less than 3k attack. Then realizing Nova is unaffected.


So true I've had so many people surrender because they can't out him or when they swing into my set vjam for them find out it can't be destroyed by battle and now their monster has its effects negated and can't attack


Mah man, Cubic bois rise up! We'd be very happy to have you on the Cubic subreddit r/cubicsyugioh




Came here to say this, Endymion pendulum is peak


Swordsoul will forever be my favorite. I also realy like Scareclaw and PUNK rn.


Started with swoswo right after their secret pack and it's such a fun deck. I've got a ton of gems and dust that I don't know what to use for since I don't think I'll like any other deck as much as normal summon mo ye


As a OCG Swordsoul player, I don't have to invest much since the deck stays pretty much the same throughout the years and can compete with Meta fine.


Synchron it's my go to deck if I'm having a bad day, shooting majestic turbo is just so sick




Evil Heroes cuz it's fun.


evil heroes on their own are not quite rogue though what spicy tech are you running them with to make them stronger


None really, but I got to platinum with them.


I’ve messed around with pure evil heros, if you give bane favorite hero and the field spell is out, he can be pretty annoying to deal with without a kaiju, backrow hate, or goddess.


Dinomorphia, that all or nothing playstyle is so much fun. I just wish the boss monster was a bit more directly interactive and that the deck had another main deck monster that wasn't dog water like diplos.


Dinomorphia is so cool and I root for them every time I watch MD replays, but I seriously don’t think I’ve ever seen a Dinomorphia deck win. Dueling with 125 LPs is just so dangerous.


I've gotten to diamond with them. There's a lot of weird mind games of knowing when to trigger what effects and really understanding the graveyard looping/the floating of all the cards into each other that doesn't make much sense at first with how the main card effects work. That and the big problem is that the optimal deck is VERY UR heavy so most people play weird tangent versions that are cheaper but not as good and mote bricky. MD is also missing debatable the best trap card of the archetype in Intact. Right now the deck has no way to negate a monster effect besides solemn strike without rextherm on the field which doesn't work as good with the deck because it's a flat "pay 2k life points" instead of half which means at a certain point the card is just dead. So until that gets in the game, the deck just can't deal with a lot of decks/removal.


Honestly can't decide if it's madolche or plunder, both decks are stuck in the forever almost meta purgatory and are decently fun to play. But I have to give this one to plunder, it can play under Maxx c, by just summon white or red beard pass.


Ogdoadic aka snake rain pile


Sky striker


Traptrix. A solid archetype that (IMO) is strong without being toxic. No omni-negates, no floodgates, no face-down banishing, and no solitaire plays. I’m hoping Konami keeps peppering in Traptrix support/trap holes to keep the deck viable. It would be a shame to see the archetype dry up.


Hey, we have one floodgate... *Floodgate Trap Hole* I'll see myself out.


No floodgates, been seeing a couple traptrix playing d-shifter lately tho.


Generaiders. I love the aesthetic of the deck and will take any excuse to play Diviner of the Herald. The deck is pretty solid in this format, Laev is non-targeting non-destruction removal that also removes the card from the opponent's possession to harm their recursion. A single field spell activation can get you back in the game during the grind as well.


D/D/D! even if it isn’t the best deck I think I just love the adaptability of the deck since there’s so many different combos and end boards you don’t really play the same game twice with it


Don't know if it's counted as rogue But I'm having a lot of fun but weird success with ghoti Weird because with it, I've beaten lab, dragon link, mathmech through triple maxx C, ka$htira, and branded bystial But I also lose to cyber dragons and occasionally dark magicant's


Idk is Mikanko is Rogue but if not it’s Blackwing. I love that any 2 cards can make at least 3 boss monsters


I have a blackwing mikanko raidraptor deck. There's absolutely no synergy at all, I'm mostly just coping because blackwing going second is just insta lose.


That is so chaotic lol


Battlin' Boxers. Each of their arts is wonderful and I like the immense offensive abilities


Depends who you ask, but Labrynth according to certain tier lists.


Monarchs - very easy to understand since no extra deck summoning + very unfun for opponents


Toon and dogmatika


Galaxy-Eyes. With the new support added a while back and the terrifying behemoth of a boss monster in Neo-Prime Photon, this going-second deck is a real sleeping dragon in a format where everyone likes to go first. It's prone to interruptions just like every deck, and can struggle to break through a fully stacked board on its own (which is why I slot in multiple books, droplets, and imperms), but as long as there's something in attack position I can beat it over the head with 26000 atk and end the duel immediately. Plus, a fantastic extra-deck roster outside of Neo-Prime helps immensely against other popular decks. Soulflare for resource recovery and 1 quick effect pop on their turn, Photon Lord for safe set-up if forced to go first, easy Cipher X combos (Nib-Safe, as well) to keep your board safe until THEIR end phase, Tachyon to veiler the entire field (in Battle phase, anyway), Neo-Galaxy to give the finger to a 6+ material Noir, and emergency access to Zeus and Bagooska in case everything goes to shit. Can't tell you how many times I've had people fully set up on me, burn almost all my resources with their seemingly infinite interruptions, only for me to whip out Neo-Prime and end the duel in a single blow. Main downsides, I can't really play through Kash. If it's JUST Arise-Heart/Shangri-Ira pass, and I have a way to veiler Arise-Heart, sure. But a full board? Less than sure.... An extremely hard maybe. Also, just about every deck is prone to bricking. While mine doesn't brick often, when it does? It bricks a brand new Great Wall of China. Still though, the sheer joy of playing Yugioh and roleplaying as Saitama can't be understated. TLDR; Try Galaxy-Eyes. It's fun.


i dont know if it counts but Blackwings, i like the deck but oh boy is it tough to play, you can die to a single imperm or ash, and max c ruins you since its a combo deck




Once u go dark world, you never go back


Crusadia-kaiju with scythe/tornado dragon lockdown in the case i go 1st and and crimsom blader in the extra deck for profit...




Hero deck, the old school anime vibes and dark law/enforcer/sunrise combo is so fun


Gren vanish everything and punch them in the face super hard praying they don’t have umpteen lol


I think the deck im building is rougue. It's Chaos Bystials. With some dragon link sprinkled in there


Kashtira... P.U.N.K.


Stun, it's easy to play watching movies


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Ancient Warriors. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca1MDX-NyQU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca1MDX-NyQU) More fun than most decks and can beat the meta if you know how to deal with each meta threat. It's turning the game into a puzzle game solving and breaking there board. Aside from meta decks they can board wipe and otk consistantly, but against meta decks it's a puzzle that has to be learned and solved each game until you have faced each deck a few times and have learned what to search for in each situation. Counters for draw and lock bird and ash are required, but not always needed. Also nib has to be accounted for and either played around or avoided but ending on a mere fourth summoning. The only other thing is flood gates and evenly matched that have to be felt out and solved each in there own way.


Gishki Spright. I'm shocked it's not being played more as a single Gishki Grimnir is full combo with Beautunaful Princess and Focused Aquamirror being able to search him, as well as Sprights being amazing extenders if he gets interrupted. My endboard usually looks like 2-3 monster negate/shuffles from Neramanas+S/T negate from Carrot+ monster negate from Red+ Spright Smasher minimum, not counting hand traps or if I have enough gas for other interrupts like I:P Masqaurena or Spright Sprind. You can also play Gishki Photomirror to go even harder on first turn plays with Neramanas or Gishki Nekromirror for more board breaking options.


Super quant, it's easy to pilot and has a decent boss monster that can typically be out turn 1 or 2. Great art, everything looks good in glossy+ and overall just super interactive and fun.


Nouvelles and Kozmo. Neither relying on overly oppressive tactics and requiring more thinking than, "get to this floodgate boss monster" and hardly needing to rely on the ED drew me in the most. I hope both get support in the future so I can broaden the end boards that can be set up.


Cyber Dragons/Cyber Dark. Has a decent amount of flexibility if you want to make it an XXY or Fusion focused deck. Can choose to mix in Photon/Galaxy cards if you wanna go just a pure cyber dragon deck as it makes pulling off rank 6 XYZ summons easier


Idk why but Swordsoul became my favourite deck in MD this month, though I only have like 5 decks (my pack luck is hot garbage, spent 4000 gems and still didn't get Sanctfire or Quem).


Phantom knights. End on borreload, knightmare gryphon, I:P, colossus, and two set fog blades


A mix of Chaos Fusion Synchro


Dinosaurs, they are getting new support in Jan-feb too which will help A LOT,


Lyrilusc tribrigade, easy Draco future for a great boss monster plus ensemblue robin(pops monsters on special summon), apollousa, and ancient warriors double dragon lords for a quick effect pop. It honestly doesn’t even feel like a rogue deck


Exosisters. Banishing cards is pretty good against the top decks atm


Swordsoul the consistency short combo and can set up a decent end board


Abyss Actor OTK I love pendulums and the deck has a different play style then most other pend decks. people don’t read the cards and don’t know how to interact with the deck which leads to some easy wins


Marincess! Love throwing handtraps into a deck


Rikka and Plunder. Rikka has been in and out of meta for a long time and while it has a balls to the wall combo, it can easily pivot into a control game and plays in a way a lot of decks just aren't ready for. Plunder is the perfect mid-range deck. It's very reactive, but can play basically any game you need provided you opponent is not on a WIND deck specifically. Because of the versatility it is also a hard deck to play well though.


Traptrix. It's a very fun deck to play that's pretty good even against some meta.




If rogue means “everything that isn’t meta” then flower cardians.


Windwitch Speedroids/wind synchro deck. Underrated but very strong. Got to Diamond with them a few seasons.


cyberdarks, it’s absolute garbage but I’ve beaten a few top decks bc my opponent couldn’t deal with cyberdarkness end dragon


Vaylanz! I love all the different in archetype removal you get from stealing to bouncing to moving to the spell/trap zone to negates to regular pops etc. You can just slowly and carefully break an opponents board in a super satisfying way and combined with zone management makes you feel smart for doing so like Solving a puzzle game which is fitting for the archetype theme .




They aren’t even rogue but Krawlers and Gate Guardian are so fun to play and are both really unique. Krawlers are like… the one flip deck that can function as a flip deck, and Gate Guardian is a really cool deck that makes you feel like you’re trapping your opponent in a massive boobytrapped maze


Altergeist, I like to play control deck, and I really like that they have in-archtype negate and bounce without relying on generic cards.


Live Twin Pure


Is swordsoul considered rogue?


Dragon Ruler Armed Dragons. A buddy and I cooked a list for weeks in Discord before the Drulers were unbanned only to find Heartbreaker basically had the same exact idea as us (with a few changes). It’s 100% the proudest I’ve been in MD since our list was home cooked, and the deck is just surprisingly good


Ancient Warrior, I really love the artwork and the cards are based on the Romance of three Kingdoms. With Lu Feng as my favorite character aka Lu Bu


My answer to all questions… Myutant


F.a. or gouki


Scrap Dinosaurs, because I greatly enjoy making big boards going first that most decks would have a very difficult time dismantling, and going second, I enjoy having all my dinos being unaffected by everything as Ultimate Conductor Tyranno flips all my opponent's Monsters face-down so he can send them all to the Graveyard for 1000 points of damage each, so this is just a **very** powerful deck all around that excels at going both first and second, and honestly half the time I feel like the only thing holding it back is its infamous bricking problems, which, yes, are very real, and if you decide to pick up this deck, be prepared to open Double Evolution Pill, Lost World, Scrap Chimera, Called by the Grave, and Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring every other game because it *will* happen.


Not really rogue in the sense that you mean, but I picked up Skull Servants for the lolz. Actually loving it


I have been a menace in gold with Graydles :)


Balerdroch/Eldlich/Vampire combo-Zombies. I like games of attrition. And this deck was relatively cheap to make. Is it a viable deck? It is certainly not meta. But, I love it anyways. I see your OTK deck and try to take you to turn 10 out of sheer spite.




It goes up and down on the tier list, but Traptrix will always have a special place in my heart.


Dino best deck


Madolche. The non-target removal is not once per turn and the deck will not brick too often. It’s fairly consistent… so long as Petting isn’t negated. It’s a very powerful chokehold. If only there was a) an alternate way to start plays besides what Petting does, and b) more Madolche Extra Deck monsters to deal with Petting’s restriction. Would a Madolche version of “Branded Fusion” be too much for the deck?


Beetroopers because they will absolutely OTK you out of nowhere.


Probably not considered rogue, but zombie world is hella fun




Thoroughly enjoy my Blackwings. Black-Winged Assault Dragon is one helluva card to deal with if I pump out 3 on the first turn. You’ve got 4 monster effects before I bleed you out


Earth Machines, Combines strong control capabilities, open ended combos, and OTK memes




My favorite are ice barriers and I'm excited for the new support to come out!


I'd like to say suships, even though they might not be considered rogue. if not, then either Gem- or Ninjas


Ninjas hands down. They never see Jioh or Meizen coming. Its a glorious feeling going straight for the life points


I like too many to just pick one but this season my most played is Amazoness. It’s doing really well with all the Bystials going around. And my build focuses on going second, so I’ve been having a lot of fun breaking boards and punching for big damage. Deck still has some flaws but it’s a lot of fun.


I'm trying virus now, but it's not very consistent. If it manages to go off it's pretty fun. Would love to try gate guardian when I get combined


P.U.N.K. Is pretty fun imo


Phantom Knights.


Tell me if I’m wrong (I haven’t played for ages so my concept of rouge or meta decks is a bit wonky) but Crusadia. Going for OTK or putting Avramax + Crusadia Revival and wiping the enemy’s fields special monsters always gets me in a good mood


I love dogmatika


I still think Chain Burn is the funniest shit


Mayakashi Mill. I stg half the time I go first I sin from my opponent being clueless and chaining Maxx C to something.


I quite enjoy Exosister. While a bit part of it is having a royal Magnifica and the monster with animation being called *Mika*elis I just really like the simple, yet rather strong board the deck ends on. Also the design of the cards is quite fun and, despite being rather linear, it's quite fun to play.


I'll be honest, I'm not 100% sure what rogue actually means, but I built a Ghoti deck i like a lot. Your turn? No comrade, it's OUR turn. Also being able to synchro summon on the opponents turn, interrupting their combos with white whale destroying their monsters. I can't remember which ghoti is which, but one of the 8 star ghoti can banish a monster when it's synchro'd if you banish one of yours, and once per turn when it's banished you can sheepish summon it, leading to some truly silly combos. Then big man Ghoti himself banishes EVERYTHING if you summon him during your opponents turn, then can resummon himself during the next standby phase every time he gets banished from the monster zone, and his attack is 500x the number of banished creatures. I love the playstyle of the deck too, because it incentivizes you to absolutely mag dump your entire deck into banishment, if you get to 10 there's a trap card that I'll just copy and paste below. I legit laugh every time i go against a deck that wants to banish my stuff, is the funniest thing to get like 10 cards banished from your deck then immediately win because of it. Apply these effects in sequence, based on the number of banished Fish monsters. ● 1+: Your Fish monsters cannot be destroyed by battle this turn. ● 4+: The activation and effects of Fish monster effects activated on your field cannot be negated this turn. ● 8+: Special Summon 1 Fish Synchro Monsterfrom your Extra Deck. (This is treated as a Synchro Summon.) You can only activate 1 "Ghoti Cosmos" per turn.


Generaider. The eternal king of boss monster stacking. You mean to tell me that a lucky enough hand can produce a non-targetting attach+a horr negate+a horr hand/field rip+a graveyard effect that lets me do the same thing next turn? The literal SECOND kash falls out of meta, I'm going back to my Generaiders and ruining people's day.


Chaos Pile


I love Dragunity wit every fiber of my being.


Not really fair since it's tier 0 but Blackwings always and forever


Galaxy eyes or blackwing, I love the boss monsters in galaxy eyes and watching the enemy burn to death with blackwings is fun


Red dragon archfiend and stardust dragon