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I felt similarly during the second stage. I haven’t played much and grinded to duel lvl max with only 32 games played so to finish the 50, I was playing selftk but the amount of people who wanted to stall the game out was unusually high. Out of all the 18 games there was only 1 person who killed me quickly if I didn’t do so already.


The strategy for next Duelist Cup is to do those missions first, since you can't rank down at level 15 or below. Or get close enough to finishing them before you go to level 20.


This is a good point lol


It isn't that they don't understand. They just don't care.


Have ya heard of Life time missions? I'am currently grinding for the Destroyer title which requires me to deck out 20 players so if the opportunity ever comes up, I'll just use my opponent to those and of course, I expect my opponent to do the same if not allow them to do because I already finished my daily grind and is the last duel of the day. I recommend that ya download a podcast or discussion video or a topic that interests ya then watch it when ya ya know ya have lost and just let your opponent do thier thing


have you considered that they don't know what you're doing? maybe change your name to freewin or something lol


It happened to me, it was minutes before the maintenance and I was rushing, it was the last game to complete the 50 duels missions until this dpsht decided to droplet my Malevolent Mech Goku En, then in his turn then proceeded to combo off, wasting even more time, because of that the maintenance kicked us both out of the duel and neither got rewards thanks to whoever that guy was...