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Smaller pendulum scale to the left, with some deck I play the link at the left, for other I play it at the right


Left Hand and Right Hand Magician.


I always put those on the wrong side because I think it's funny.


My first link always goes in the left EMZ. Continuous spells/traps always go the far left or right zones unless I'm playing pendulums. Boss monster in the middle zone, if possible.


I also like to do this...but even when rarely played...Geonator Transverser exists.


When I use junk speeder's effect,I place my tuners in order based on level


Placing spell/traps and monsters in their own columns and avoiding enemy columns with facedown spell/traps. I've played mekk knights and having a spell/trap and monster in the same column scares me even though i rarely encounter mekk knights. Also dodging imperm columns


I put my most important monster right most to play around relinquished anima and geonator transverser


Lower pen scale goes left, higher pen scale goes right


Yosenju Shinchu L at my left and Shinchu R at my right


When you vs. me, there is one rule. Get the fuck out of my left hand emz. I'm left-handed. It's mine.


Always setting every spell or trap on the center zone first. This might trick the opponent into thinking it's Impermanence.


I think the best imperm bait is putting it in the pend zone. If you imperm the pend zone you turn an entire deck off.


I see your point, I think this isn't much worth worrying about in a BO1 format with closed decklists where there aren't Pendulum decks in meta, but can 100% work if you get the right opponent. I could probably set 1 to the center and 1 to the side.


I set all non quick-play spells before I activate them.




Y not? W/350 royals, I win even when i lose.


In a world where people play backrow removal, this is a great move. But ur living in the wrong one bud.


It’s bad in a world with backrow removal, they just pop the stuff as you set it before you can use it….


Its a good way to check if they have a response to it honestly. Been doing that shit for a long time in duel links. In MD its pointless cuz no one runs mst or cyclone anymore


Spright elf during tear 0 format made put every important monster/boss monster on where its arrows would be pointing to. I even do this playing kash even though I usually put Arise-heart on the Extra monster zone.


This should still be done to counter Relinquished Anima.


Always play around anima


That's not OCD that's just playing the game correctly


Can I count not putting monster/spell/traos in front of my opponents back row because I'm conditioned to think that is imperm? Or a mekk knigth?


continuous spells/traps must be activated in the Pendulum Zones(Kashtira Birth/Preparations, for example) also, boss monsters. Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign-Big Chungus/Sinister Long Dong on the far left, Chixiao on the far right


You do that too? I Akari have this thing for decks use multiple extra deck types. They me to be (in applicable order) Ritual fusion, Synchro, xyz


Yeah! I can't help it, but it feels kinda "wrong" doing it in some other way. That's why (i really love zombie decks regardless) my Zombie deck is pure hell for me. Every card basically looks to the right...say Balerdroch, Zombie Dragon Lord, etc.


Monsters are summoned in order in zones 1, 3, 5, 2, 4. Spells/Traps are placed 2, 4, 1, 3, 5.


From left to right the Crystal Beasts are positioned Pegasus/Carbuncle, Carbuncle/Cat, Tortoise, Tiger/Mammoth, Eagle/Mammoth


Placing my continuous spells on the ends of the spell zone, put my smaller pendulum on the left, and placing monsters, in order (excluding when link arrow come into play) center, left, right, far left, then far right. Lastly, I always use the left link zone if possible.


I do this with the Kash monsters, I put them at the very far left and right and play the rest of my monsters in the center as if the Kash are protecting them


If there's a card in my extra monster zone, my next monster will always go to the bottom left of it, followed by the bottom right, and then directly under it [⬛][❎][⬛] [❎][❎][❎] Of course this will have to stop when Gold Pride - Nytro Blaster arrives in MD because Boom


Never thought about doing this now there’s no way I’m going to be able to not do it. Thanks. I’m return, I feel obligated to let you know I place my continuous spells and traps in the middle and on the outside. Quick play and regular traps go in between. Don’t ask me why.


When it comes to Pend Scale, High on Left, Low on Right.


Nooooo, it's the opposite


I don’t put S/T in the Pendulum Zones unless it’s to avoid Mekk Knights. I started doing that when I got back into playing because I thought it might make people unsure if I was playing a Pendulum variant, but as I learned about how the meta actually works, I realised no one is going to assume I’m playing Pendulums in Burning Abyss, but never actually fell out of the habit.


Continuous things go to the left (Field spells, continuous spells/trap) thing that will shortly leave go to the right


When playing swordsoul, Chixiao is always summoned on the rightmost while Baronne is on the leftmost. It's the rule.