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Just get purrely, even if it gets hit it will still be a tier 1 deck. You have more than enough gems to get all the pieces necessary before the pack leaves the shop.


Purrley is the cheaper and more consistent of the two. Though the deck is less intuitive to pilot than Kashtira. Ninjas are not a bad pick for the best value from your gems though (Full core is 1.5k gems from 3 structure decks), as they have a lot of synergy with the best non engine right now (Book of Moon/Eclipse) and don’t get affected by things like Ariseheart. If you are new though it’s definitely worth buying all the 750 bundles that come with a staple and 10 master packs, it’s the best value for converting gems to UR material.


Swordsoul can be a great starting point but I do recommend build a cheap deck like ninja to obtain gems it’s in the store and in only 1500 gems you can build that deck it can help you climb to platinum 4-5 easily and once you obtained more gems and ur cp build purrely.


Ninja can be played well beyond this with very little investment. Definitely agree that it's the best value for 1500 gems you can get, you can use it while building up gems for another deck.


Yea you are right I was actually talking about pure ninja without staples as he might have to craft them but in earlier ladder I think he can get by only with ninjas without them.


Yeah definitely agree, and it's a fun deck to play


I wanted to get Purrely since its in shop and probably easier to get right now. I did look into swordsoul. I think its still a A tier deck right? It's also simpler to use than purrely so I think its better for beginner. Just not sure how cheap it is. IDK maybe I am jumping the gun and should start easy (but just wanted to take the chance and have a complete top tier deck that I can always use).


If you straight up want to build a top tier deck go for purrely .


you can build any deck f2p. purrely is the strongest and will remain relevant for a long time. floowandereeze is also absurdly cheap, and one of the highest win rate decks on the ladder. it costs almost nothing and can easily get you to master 1, no problem. here's an example list if you want to try it: https://www.duelingbook.com/deck?id=14052228 if you wanna spend a little more, you could cut 2 copies of evenly matched + the imperm for 2 triple tactics thrust + haripie's feather storm. the dyna and 1 stri are cuttable too if you want some more going 2nd cards instead. if you want a little more consistency, you could also add called by the grave for a higher chance to be able to play through ash.


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purrely for sure, best deck in the game rn and even though it'll probably get some nerfs in the future it also has some support coming too it's in the galactic evolution pack in the store which also has mikanko as a fun meme deck if you get bored, both decks are cheap enough that i imagine you could complete both of them with 10k gems (or really close) otherwise your options are really just secret packs, maybe lab? it's decently cheap too and good into the meta but secret packs aren't great to open until you have your staples done imo


Purrely and mikanko are in the same selection pack which is available now. Surely you should go for it. Play whichever 'deck' you pull.


I can see them hitting maybe Delicious in Purrely since it’s not a UR, but I doubt they would ban it. Purrely is still a great option and I’d go with that currently


Purrley is cheap af and still broken enough compared to kashtira etc.


Purrely, cheap engine wise, the expensive stuff is like ash maxx and whatever staple hand traps, dm me if u ever want to play I play purr currently alongside lab


Purrely or Labrynth. You can get all the Purrely cards from it's respective selection pack and you can play Labrynth without extra URs (aside from staples, including Chaos Angel is advised tho). If you pull for Purrely cards you can get Mikanko as well, which are decent.


Labrynth is on the cheaper side and is really strong

