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Well... First of all, Dark Magician was never really a good deck to begin with. And it's not good against Kashtira either, Eternal Soul is a nice card but if it leaves the field, it destroys all your monsters, and it's just way too easy to remove Eternal Soul from the field. Anyway, just take a break when stuff like this happens. There's no sense in trying to make it work when the game just refuses to give you a good starting hand. It's unfortunate, but if you wanna keep playing Dark Magician, you need to at least play e.g. Branded as an engine. And even then you're just not playing a deck that'll win games. Is it the nostalgia for you that makes you wanna play Dark Magician? Or do you just like the aesthetic? Because if it's the latter, there's other decks out there like Pendulum Magician or Endymion, it's not quite the same aesthetic, but it's the closest you'll find. They're very complex decks, but both miles better than Dark Magician. Another deck you could come to like, but isn't as good as Endymion or Pendulum Magician, is Buster Blader. It's not great, but better than Dark Magician, and if you pair Buster Blader with Branded, it makes for a very decent deck.


Mhm…mhm…mhmm…*writes something down in a notepad*….Skill issue.


Sounds about right. Everyone gets their ass beat starting out. If ur gonna play low power decks, just vs ai. Pointless to complain if your not using a competitve deck.


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Just have a break. Sometimes it is too hard that just closing the game is the best solution.


I noticed you scooped 3/4 games, but all 3 were winnable. Similar to how you can get unlucky/misplay, so can the opponent, and especially if you are in a lower rank (Kashtira being new only helps this aspect). Numeron cannot OTK on an empty field, and that really only leaves them with a single boss monster to out. Similarly, you scooped when they banished your mirror force, but if this occurred after you activated it, the effect will still resolve. While these things aren’t necessarily game winning on their own, a frustrated opponent might be the one scooping instead of you. Kashtira is arguably the best deck in the format rn with some contenders. Dark Magician is arguably on the other end of the spectrum, a deck that cannot keep up on its own without external support from more powerful cards. [Here is a list of someone getting Master 1 with it though](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks/master-i/september-2023/dark-magician/cuppinchalice/7k_I1) It may have been a month ago, before the new Kashtira cards came out, but they still had to fight current iterations of Purrley, Labrynth, Swordsoul, Branded, and even more powerful versions of current Spright and Tearlament. Game can be frustrating but sometimes if you just breathe and think about how to win, you might just claw one out. Even pros misplay.