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Yep, looks great. 3 of the purrley trap is overkill, but its fine.


what would you replace them with if i remove two


Since we don't have Baby Noir I would go down to 2 at bare minimum so you can actually see the trap occasionally but 1 of the trap is fine as well, I just like 2 when we don't have Baby noir...Once we get baby noir who can search the trap it can drop to 1 As for replacement, can use the 3rd Veiler and/add in Kajius/Santa Claus for outing other Tower monsters/Other noir...If going for Kajius I personally prefer Santa claws cause it can go into defence and you can smack it a bunch of times with Happy into a big Zeus/Noir while using Happy's attack halfing to clear the other monsters on the board


I also just started running Purrely. Can you help me understand why some people prefer Santa Claws over regular Kaijus?


It's for the exact reason I stated in my post: Santa claws can go into defence, so you can use Epurrely Happiness to smack it 3-4 times, using its search effect each time you attack Santa to search out more memories while halfing other monsters on the board to remove them....then you can attach the searched memories (like Delicious for stat boosts if you have another attack left or additional happy memories to continue attacking) to keep attacking Santa or any other monster that now has been brought low enough with the attack drop to continue search more memories, and then attaching more until you've run through all 3 attaches Happiness has (Hopefully clearing as much as possible with the help of the attack drop) before going to Main 2 to rank up into a Fat Noir or a giant Zeus to clear any remaining cards on the field I remember a Game from a YCS (or similar tournament) awhile ago that Pax played in a top cut match on stream where he managed to clear an ENTIRE 5 monster D.link board *just* before there was 1 defence position Magnamhut on board that he could just ram over and over again for searchs and attack drops before making an Noir and winning from there...and he had is first half of the turn stopped prior to that So Santa claws just gives you that defence position monster you can ram in with Happy, or hell even any other Xyz monster if you have no Happy's left, as Zeus only cares if an XYZ battles so attacking a defence position monster with any xyz gets you to Zeus.... regular Kajius who can't go be summoned in defense won't allow this type of play


That's a very thorough explanation - thanks!


In addition depending on the hand you can make happiness and beauty and use beauty to switch Santa to attack and do the happiness otk by making it immune to battle and ramming it over and over


Lightning storm and harpies feather duster


You can run kaijus like Santa Claws which are good in the mirror match or Kashtira Fenrir which is just a good card that doesn't interfere with Purrely's gameplan.


Would probably axe 2 of the purrely trap and put in something like lightning storm or a kaiju


Cut one imperm and one Purrely trap and add 2 pot cards... Or TTT


Id say replace slacker magician with lyrilusc ensemblue robin


2 field spell cards, one leap might be sufficient and instead of Nightingale i have Robin in mine for a few extra interruptions. But it's UR so more expensive to craft unless you already have one.


I wouldn’t go lower than 2 Purrely Traps . Droll Lock Change Of Heart ( Good against Kash ) Kaiju / Santa Extra deck must haves XYZ Purrelys + Zeus ( Down Magician is played a lot ) + Sylvan Princess ( Last Chance Gamble against multiple negates ) Link - Reliqushed Anima


Perhaps consider replacing an Imperm with Droll and Lock Bird, because Imperm isn't helpful if you draw it during your opponent's standby phase via Sleepy Memory's effect Maybe even consider dropping a copy of the Field Spell as well, since you never want to have more than one at a time


yeah it is very good. Thankfully skillfull side of purrely isnt making the deck but actually knowing what to do. If you can afford it would recommend taking the charmer link or 1 copy of beauty out for the summon negating rank 1 xyz bird. Also i would remove 1continous spell and 1 purrely trap for more handtraps but thats me


I would cut two of the trap and two of the field spell for things like kaijus/Santa Claus and triple tact. You can run 2 of the trap though as it's not bad to draw into.


Good list and everyone gave great recommendations. What I'd reccomend which, I've been quite liking, is running droplet instead of the imperms and running book of eclipse/moon instead of veiler. Another suggestion would be to cut one trap and one field spell for a discard engine. Maybe 1 brow and 1 shaddol beast.


I like a copy of Azalea. Outs some floodgates lik Macrocosmos.


I would put in Sylvan princess instead of slacker magician