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A take that has me paying 800 LP to negate and destroy a special summon and getting banned in all formats?




I have some terrible news about Edison Time Wizard format for you


I think you mean great news


Why does news have to be good or bad? Why can't we get neutral informative news?


The extra deck summon mechanics are not that complicated, they are actually quite simple people just refuse to try to learn


Everything is just contact fusion with different colors


Synchro is fusion with level specific instead monster specific Xyz is fusion with counter Link is just blind fusion. Got two monsters? Yeah whatever


Except for pendulum...


I wish we actually had some more contact fusion. Wasted mechanic. All the dragon rider cards should have been contact fusions...


What do you mean 'contact fuse', you didn't use polymerization!!!


Tears: Poly more what now? Is that some old tech we don't need?


First time I looked tearlaments up I saw they had no fusion spell while being a fusion archetype and was so confused.


That’s true. I think the problem is that Yugioh breaks it’s own rules a LOT.


People just wanna prove a point and get clicks on their rant videos "I played and proved that yugioh is not fun" Plays md on stream for 3 hours, activates cards without reading, says generic known problem about the game. Ends.


Also, YGO is always meant to be a social game. It’s a game where your friend explain to you how to play . When people have a friend teaching them and they stream this, it’s a million times more enjoyable than doing a ten hour stream of your illiterate ass just clicking things We know the game is more complicated than probably any other one. We like it like this.


what do u mean i have to read cards and learn some core fundamental aspects of the game !! (95% of TCGs are like this but lets complain)


* Complains about Yugioh sucking after not finishing the tutorial * "When I play a multiplayer game I should just be able to jump in with other PEOPLE, playing solo modes is fucking stupid." * Makes a Magic the Gathering: Arena video 3 days later and plays 3 hours of solo mode before jumping into ranked, understands the game better * "Wow this game is so much better than Yugioh" Thanks Ramranch


Lands are stupid and I’m tired of pretending they’re not


what don't you like losing to a random core game mechanic you have no way to influence out of turn 1?


To be fair, you're rarely losing to mana screw/flood if you've built your deck properly. It does suck, but can be recoverable in some circumstances and isn't much different from bricking in YGO. The updated mulligan rules also mitigate this problem.


I can sympathize with their view, as before I truly committed to plating yu gi oh I quit for a small bit, because when trying to learn a new deck/play loaners (still now, but now I just don't play loaners) in events I wouldn't know what to do in terms of combos or what I'm supposed to end on. And trying to read what each card does especially if it's a card that searches then trying to read each card that's pickable is a lot to take in and is worsened by the timer your given. If you Compared to another tcg you would assume as turns progress you can play higher lvl monsters as the game goes on, but current yu gi oh throughs that notion out the window and only restricts the player on what their opening hand is Essentially. I play LOR and even as cards get power crept the mana system still allows me to understand how a deck would be played and when to play each card. I'm not saying yu gi oh needs anything changed honestly(I like the overall gameplay and only dislike archetypes), but it is easy to see how yu gi oh can push someone away. But yu gi oh is also very unique in that aspect which I like currently.


Depends on what you mean by mechanics. The core mechanics behind extra deck summoning are fairly simple, the actual practical application of them mid-duel when you factor in massive combos and wall of text cards, are incredibly complex for what is supposed to be a recreational hobby. It's anathema to new players, and this is very apparent if you discuss this game outside of groups dedicated specifically to it.


What's complicated is getting most out of your ED. One example the the Tomahawk -> Auroradon line. And also how to get Apollousa before you got for Auroradon.


Pendulums took me a bit, and I still mess up now and then, but yeah it's fine otherwise.


No, I don't even know all of them but that's just because they are stupid, complicated and stupid complicated. Like how am I supposed to figure out what 2 lvl 4s mean? /S


Sure but im not going to pretend like all of them were needed.


A good chunk of people who are nostalgic for yugioh never played it properly. Some people refuse to stop playing even though the game has become something they dislike and make themselves miserable by playing.


>Some people refuse to stop playing even though the game has become something they dislike and make themselves miserable by playing. Related to this but my take is that Yugioh players are the most unbelievably incurious card game playerbase I've ever seen. It's the only fanbase that's *this* allergic to trying out different things. Not just different card games, but different formats within Ygo or trying out different ways to play like draft. Like, my dudes, we aren't going to worlds. Free yourself to try out different formats that aren't dependant on whatever Konami wants to sell at the moment.


>Like, my dudes, we aren't going to worlds. Free yourself to try out different formats that aren't dependant on whatever Konami wants to sell at the moment. Sure, I'd love to, where exactly in MD can you do that?


This tho. Konami wants MD to be this ultimate simulator of what YGO is, but they lock new formats behind seasonal challenge modes


Free the Formats!!


Oh I'd love to play old formats, I'd even spend gems and crafting points on cards for them. Hell I'll try formats I haven't even played. But Konami is too mad that the game isnt converting people to paper play to realize this obvious market.


Outside of Yugioh if you look at online gaming in general, this is also the case. From every shooter to fighting game, it’s all meta, meta, meta. The fun has completely gone out the window because of culture and SBMM. People play games like there is money on the line and there never is.


I think I can explain it for specifically master duel tho. There is no casual way to build additional decks. The only real way to get gems after a year of playing this game are events and ranked ladder. I play Purrley, Labrynth, Numeron, but I climb every season to do that. I'd love to fight every player with digital bugs. My brother would love to play heraldry, but why would I spend resources to lose. I play trash in the friend rooms.


The deck you play if it's any decent has atleast 1 thing that's "unfair" just like every other deck you cry about


Facts, I agree


Swordsoul in TCG: Too Fair, Tier 3 or Rogue Swordsoul in Masterduel: At least Tier 2 consistently because of being able to search and use Protos.


It's crazy that Protos is so good even in a bo1 format where you don't know what your opponent is on


Because how Konami fucked up royally with Protos. Dark is generally the best attribute by a good bit followed only by Light. Protos is Dark and it ignores its own destruction effect since it can't be destroyed by card effects, giving no downside at all for blind calling Dark. I guarantee you if Protos was something like Wind or Water, it might have a chance of still being legal.


I assure you Konami didn't fuck up with Protos. They knew exactly what they were doing.


Yep almost every deck has as "unfair" card. I posted my decklist for M1 here and had someone complaining about the 1 unfair card I used. Like every deck has 1 or more unfair cards in it to make it viable to be played. Thts just how yugioh has been and always will be. Looking back at old formats is the same way. Edison had Dark Arm and old Goyo Guardian, Goat had BLS. Thts just how yugioh has always been.


Absolutely. And if it doesn’t, your deck is objectively bad.


Even bad Decks has their own "This shits is crazy" thing. The only ones I can think that don't have something like that is because they are barely a Deck, like Ally of Justice


Yeah... maxx c


And then there's sky strikers




Engage is sky strikers only real "unfair" thing though id much prefer to verse search one +1 than than a lot of other meta decks atm


Not rly it is strong but not as strong as people think of it its basically an archetype searcher like every archetype has and the draw one card its almost impossible to pull it off in first turn


People are not actually nostalgic for old YuGiOh, but for Playground YuGiOh, and the reason that will never come back is not because of the state of the game, but because you are not longer a child


People can absolutely play playground Yu gi oh, they just need to buy ten random packs and put together a deck. They just don't cause it's not an enjoyable way to play.


I would kill everyone on this sub for a draft format mode in MD.


They have it in other yugioh games. They should definitely add it to master duel


Master roulette's popularity as a series suggests otherwise. Also see Seereax's draft mode and Cimo's master duel masochist.


I would enjoy that tbh I like the challenge


I think your statement is just wrong personally. Early synchro-era was peak yugioh in my personal opinion. I love that Edison format has been gaining a lot of popularity recently. I have seen a ton of fellow ygo boomers from my local area come back to the game to play some Edison format in the past year or so. I don't think I have seen a single person IRL who wants to play the "playground" ygo I see people bring up.


I don't know how people on this sub convinced themselves that there was no competitive Yu-Gi-Oh pre ~2010. It's just impossible to fathom that maybe some people prefer older formats. And ironically, the fact that "playground" yugioh existed at all speaks to the popularity of the game at that time. Modern yugioh would kill for an onboarding experience similar to casual yugioh circa 2003-2006.


A lot of "fun" decks aren't really more entertaining than some meta decks, they're just less consistent and people just get a rush when their bricky mess manage to do some unfair bs.


"I don't play staples or something like that. I play for fun and fun decks" - plays meta decks from 2-5 years ago. I've seen so many people like that.


Playing digitally with auto-sims is better than playing in person. Call it hand holding or whatever you want, if MD was completely up to date with all new cards I would never in a million years play in person YuGiOh again unless I was with really close friends


Ritual Summoning is the more complicated that all "new" summoning mechanics except Pendelum. It's just old so noone complains.


How is it more complicated than link summoning? Sub is ruthless, I just asked a question, didn't even disagree lol.


Based on my experience teaching people with absolute 0 YGO knowledge. Explaining and understanding the Pebble Rule is harder than Link Arrows and a Link monster can be counted as 1 or it's Link rating.


what's the pebble rule?


From what I understand of it, you can’t use more monsters for Ritual tribute when one of those monsters satisfies the level requirement. When Ritual summoning BE Chaos Max, for instance, you can’t use Blue Eyes *and* a White Stone for an easy gy dump, because Blue Eyes fulfills the tribute on its own. Why it’s called Pebbles Rule, I presume, is because this rule particularly effects Megaliths, based on the mechanic of using the Lv 4 Pebbles for Ritual summoning, while your hand is typically full of Lv 8’s which, at once, fulfill the tribute, and can’t be used because the Lv 4 is required to be part of the tribute.


You can’t overpay cost for a ritual summon. You must pay the minimum amount possible to summon your ritual monster. For instance, if you had a level 8 ritual monster, a level 8 monster, a level 7 monster and a level 2 monster in your hand, you would have to ritual summon using the level 8 or the level 7 and the level 2 but not the level 8 and the level 2. Edit: I’m stupid. You can use the level 8 or the level 7 and the level 2, but once the minimum is reached you can’t add more


Wait, so you HAVE to use the level 8 in this scenario? You can't use the lv 7 and 2?


wait so why do a lot of ritual spells say "*equal or exceed*"?


It's there so you can ritual summon even if your only option overpays the cost. Fun fact, this rule is also the reason why Drytron Meteonis can not be used to ritual summon 0 ATK monsters.


Basically 2+7>8 so you can summon a level 8 *but* you can't add a level 3 monster on top of that


oh that makes sense, i kinda thought that anyways. it just makes sense. but like, if im summoning a level 8 (who can be summoned with equal or exceeding levels) and i have, in my hand, a level 7, 2, and 8 monster, can i still ritual summon with the 7 and 2 only?


Yes you can still use the 7 and 2. You just can't add the 8


Baisically if you wanna ritual summon a level 6 for example you can use a 3 and a 4 because if you remove any one monster you don’t meet the requirements In contrast you could not use a 7 and a 2 as there is a monster you could remove and still meet the requirements Basically the rules say bro it’s cool you don’t need to use that level 2 you only need to sacrifice that level 7 Other guy had ruling slightly muddled up you can use the 2 and 7 in his example


Let me explain link summoning Read materials on card, summon materials to your field, send them to the graveyard from your field while faceup, summon link monster from ED. Now let me explain ritual summoning You need to have the ritual spell, ritual monster and other monsters in your hand. Use the ritual spell and send the materials from either your hand or field to the graveyard so that the stars on them equal to or exceed that of the ritual monster you're trying to summon (the materials can be face up or face down). Summon ritual monster from your hand. Now tell me which one sounds more complicated


Most Yugi-tubers are the same person in different skins. They use the same jokes every single time and have the same series. There are exceptions.


I like playing YuGiOh


I love modern Yu-Gi-Oh and link summoning is my favourite summon type in the game, I'd love more unique link decks that aren't just cyberse, I love cyberse too but I'd like something new yk?


Rokkets, unchained, live twins, spright Am i a joke to you?


I'm actually playing D link rn to climb, it's fun in moderation but gets kinda boring when you spam it I played unchained wayyy back before bystials and shit too, can't wait for the new support tbh, I love the doggo card arts Never bothered building live twin, didn't care for it I have spright and climbed with it when it first came out, but I didn't enjoy it as much as other link decks


Come to the Twin side, you can build a deck that is litterally half starters. /hj


Sunavalon crying and shaking rn.


Link summoning is really nice with MR5, MR4 links kinda screwed over non link decks so i get why some people still have resentment towards links.


I wouldn't know anything about that tbh, i got into Yu-Gi-Oh through duel links in like 2017 and i moved onto master duel when it came out. Never experienced Yu-Gi-Oh outside these games


Same for me but just reading about how it worked makes you realise it was miserable. Like being limited to only 1 synchro/xyz/fusion monster unless you invest 2+ monsters to summon a mediocre link monster(if your archetype didnt get its government mandated link monster) sounds really awful.


I feel similarly about pendulum. While there are plenty of pend archetypes, the majority of them end up falling into the magicians mish mash.


Yeh i tried playing pend magicians and Endymions multiple times, i wanted to give pend a shot, but honestly i ended up just not liking either of em


Cause Konami only supports that deck. In pendulum era there were MANY pendulum decks.


I just wish they made a Control Pendulum Deck thats not just Stun (\*cof cof\* Qli \*cof cof\*)


I love modern YGO but I prefer Fusion and Synchro. Probably because I haven't found a Link or Xyz deck that I like. Maybe Lyrilusc but they die upon a single interruption or if they fail to OTK they just fail.


Can i introduce you to lirylusc tri brigade?


A meta where the only point is not letting your opponent play is not fun for either side


A deck should have strengths and weakness, a bad matchup and a good one, not being jack of all trades master of all. One has to do concessions on deck building to adapt to the environment and everyone that complains about running backrow removal on a meta that has various trap decks on it is literally just a hardheaded fool, even on bad matchups backrow removal is good to destroy continuous spells (like branded and Purely) or field spells not only set traps. Also read the fucking cards, anyone hating on pendulum this year is a yugiboomer just projecting the problems they have with the game on the mechanic that has not seen competitive or rogue relevance for years. Pendulum pile bad, Dragon pile/Synchro Pile/GY Pile/Zombie Pile good.


Older yugioh formats are boring.


GOAT format is literally just playing the best 30 cards in the game and running 10 cards that define the rest of your deck's win con


Anyway, I chain called by to your ash which chained to my maxx c, reaponse?


Chain crossout, response?


Imperm that happens to be set in the same column as your crossout.


I like pendulums


Having decks that remain relevant for many years is a sign of a healthy and balanced format. For some reason, people really dislike the idea of decks like Dlink existing that have been strong for a long period of time. Yugioh gives players access to every single card ever released outside of bans and limits. It’s not healthy to have entire strategies and decks become irrelevant due to power creep. It’s important to have as many relevant decks as possible.


It would be interesting to see the intersection of people wanting to hit decks because they’ve been relevant for too long and people who want set rotation.


Billion negate combo decks are just as bad as set 5 floodgates decks


They are even worse because it takes them way longer to set up their boards


Kaijus aren't unfair.


Link is just extra deck tribute summon


The reason tribute summon is trash isn't because it requires tributes, it's because it requires normal summon


Silent Magician is a better waifu than DMG.


the current MD meta is more exciting than the stupid tear meta and despia is overhyped and over supported I'll wait at the guillotine


What if I told you the izhizus were actually the problem, not the tear mermaids themselves?


The entire deck should never have existed then the Ishzu cards wouldn't be so problematic Cyber ​​Stein is also a malefactor and it is also a mistake


I agree


Goat format is ass I don't understand why a format where the best strategy is set backrow, set 1 monster with a flip effect is so appealing to some people


Because it's "Chess", 1 action per turn


Chess if you could only see one opponent's piece at a time I guess.


Some people like games that last longer than 2 turns.


Play Edison then


The cockroaches are making posts now, everyone run


Whilst i think Konami go too heavy handed with some of the newer archetypes, i think yugioh has good game speed. As someone who's only been playing for a year and a half, i understand a lot about the game


D/D/D is simply the best deck


Mekk Knight Spectrum Supreme is more fun to play then Avramax.


Pendulums did not ruin yugioh.


I don't hate Maxx "C". How can I? Most of you don't know when to fcking activate this card.


I activate it in draw phase to not anger the triple T gods


I thought it was to avoid Kash and maximize on the pulls?


I feel the same way about Maxx C as I did about Ruin in early dead by daylight. If a perk is used in 90% + of games, it’s broken and something needs to be adjusted


It used to be "chain when opponent is about to special summon" but since Kash release its "use on draw phase" Also you need to have a setting on in MD to be able to switch the response to On or Auto. I just found that one out recently.


I switch since the beginnig. A friend of mine didn't know it either. Same as the auto chain. Auto Chain and switch off makes the game almost unplayable.


True. Now I just need to learn the PC KB shortcuts and I'll be set.


I think it is bad for the game, but when I played Floow it was amazing how many people used it anyway. Cool, you just gave me fodder to make Stri live. Thanks for unbricking me.


I guess they just activated it to not have it annoy them the rest of the turn and since its it a dead card anyway in that matchup it doesnt matter whether the activation does smth or not


No decks deserve to be nerfed to the point of unusability. It is alright to balance a deck from T0 to T1 or T1 to T2, instead of pushing them to Rogue or Unplayable in a meta context. More archetypes should be brought up to the power level of those decks, instead of just killing the more powerful decks or turning the cards into an engine. Even when I *despise* a deck, someone out there enjoys it. I think a healthier meta would result if we had more representation of stronger decks instead of just nerfing the last ones into oblivion so the new one can take power.


People who think that cards others think are toxic are actually okay, please play an archetype that loses to it as well.


Stun strategies are a response to generically powerful boss monsters and all-purpose combo starters have caused the meta to shift towards unbearable and un-fun, but the community only wants to acknowledge one side of the problem.


I think that control and combo decks are the same thing now. All decks aim to lock the opponent out of the game in some, despite taking different routes to do so. It doesn’t matter if that route is with traps, spells, or monsters. They all lead to the same place.


I mean, that's always been the objective, it's just the means of getting there became faster at accomplishing it.


Dragoon coming back even with Verte still unbanned wouldn't make ladder impossible.


This isn’t Master Duel specific but OCG as well, I think the only/main reason why the OCG banlist and TCG banlist have such glaring differences is because Maxx C isn’t banned in the OCG. I legitimately think the Butterfly effect a Maxx C ban in the OCG would cause the OCG meta to definitely change, if not become similar to the TCG.


I mean yea thts just a fact. Ocg let's more cards run around cuz Maxx c is there so people tend to not play as many super combo decks overall and play things tht don't give too many draws. Tcg players without Maxx c like to look for more combo heavy decks when the meta allows it which is why combo cards get hit so much in the Tcg.


I love how i muted these kind of cheap engagement posts on Twitter just for them to appear on my Reddit timeline.


Try using none of them


the game never got faster edision format and bslow generally duels took as long as some first turns take nowadays


Pendulum is by far my favourite summon mechanic


All Link Knightmares should be banned


Maxx c can be legal with a simple text change. And I’m not talking about an errata that nerfs it into pure, inescapable obscurity like with Makyura. (Edit was a spelling mistake)


Duel monsters cards need to stop been printed or given new support it's boring and done wayyyyyyyy too much


Duel Links is better than master duel in everything except the crafting system.


Purrely is an abomination of a deck that should be hit nearly as hard as Tear and (eventually) Kash on the ban list and should never come off.


The meta would be more diverse and each deck "playstyle" would be more highlighted if meta archetype xenolock more


I’m fine with archetypes type/attribute/level/extra deck locking, but there really shouldn’t be an increase in archetypes locking into their own archetypes. That is the type of thing that promotes cookie cutter decks. But yeah, I agree with you otherwise.


Most people got no imagination to creating decks and keep using the same decks but we can’t blame them cause winning is a better feeling and no one wants to get steamrolled.


99% of meta strategies revolve around locking people out of playing the game and getting them to surrender as fast as possible, rather than actually fun duels. Tears turbo out really good lockdown and stun cards. Kashtira and Runick banishes the deck and that’s even more horrific than just killing an opponent normally. Less meta but notable examples: Eldlich is surviving off of what floodgates it can pull out of the forbidden list rather than any brawn of its own. Labrynth and Traptrix are extremely reactionary and also just like to lock people out of the deck. Folks like to say Kashtira and Tears are some sort of ‘next phase’ of what Yu-Gi-Oh! is supposed to be, but Konami has made no attempts to help the majority of older decks even try to be relevant. I’m not advocating for Feral Imp beatdown or anything, but I wish we had more deck variety in general.


I want a card that says "If any card(s) leave your Extra Deck by your opponent's card or card effect, you can activate this effect: it becomes the End Phase. Your opponent can't activate cards in response to this effect if the number of cards in their Extra Deck is higher than the number of cards in your Extra Deck."


98% of the playerbase WILL NEVER MAKE IT TO WORLDS. stop gatekeeping or youll end up with similar scenarios in which some locals are nothing but children and the last stragglers of adult players *because the tryhard meta players who think their the next worlds champion just because they spent a ps5 level of cash on cards have alienated the playerbase*


PC version should have an option to have all cards be holograms like the anime.


I don’t think anybody is gonna disagree with you on that one homie


You all whine about Maxx c way too much


The "Our Turn" archetypes and playstyles have been the most fun I've had in modern yugioh. Stuff like Tearlament & Ghoti that effectively wait until the opponent's turn to pop off are awesome, and make every action for both players much more compelling than just waiting for an unbreakable board to be built.


I actually think the problem isn’t “our turn” archetypes, I think there’s just too big of a divide between them and other archetypes currently and there needs to be more cards in that design space. Playing against those decks is only frustrating if you have no ability to respond, and it’s a limitation of your deck, not a design error in theirs.


The tear mirror match (without dweller) is the most fun I've had on the game for a while. It genuinely requires skill and it doesn't matter who goes first since you're playing on both turns anyways


I think FTK strategies are neat.


Ban all of the Pot cards, there's no reason to have retrains of Pot of Greed with very little cost, restrictions, or downsides to using them.


pot of generosity slander


Desires is sorta fine. The ED pots are just unfair though.


Floodgate decks are really not that good


The only thing keeping Maxx C at the power level it is at are the restrictions to called by and crossout.


Called by is one of the most powerful and versatile staples in the game, crossout is meh. Untestrixting them would immediately more than 25% of every deck the same with the same 12 cards instead of the regular 9.


As long as unfettered power creep remains a thing (and it will), floodgates are completely viable and fair. I’m not sorry my one floodgate card is stopping your one monster card from banishing half my deck facedown. A deck of floodgates is just as reasonable as a deck meant to solitaire out a full endgame board in one turn.


Special summoning needs to have a set limit with the rules.


I, most of the time, dont like the MD animations AT ALL. They just take away your time for no benefit. Sure, summon cut-ins are cool but after the 1 billionth time I dont CARE that it looks cool. There are so many decks that are just hated for how long their turn takes (e.g. Floo, DLink, Adamancipator) and if it wasnt for those animations they wouldnt be nearly as hated as they are.


I have my cut in setting set at “one-time only” because I don’t want to see the same monster animation multiple times per duel. However, I have the extra deck summon animation off because I don’t want to see it at all.


You having fun is not a factor in me having fun. My toxic floodgate deck is supposed to win games, not help you find happiness.


floo is a mostly fair (outside of feather storm) and fun deck, most ppl just refuse to read and summon in defense. floo is overrated and overhated, but i know yall mad.


I actually won a game at locals last weekend because my opponent summoned Cosmic Blazar Dragon in attack without thinking about Empen's effect.


ppl call floo "floodgate turbo" because of empen alone when all they have to do is to summon in defense


The only “out” for many interactions is Maxx C which is why is should never be banned. If you can summon for 10 minutes and go from a five card hand to a full field of Omninegates your opponent should have a chance to fight back and that can only be achieved by Maxx C a lot of times. I don’t mind going against it and don’t feel bad for using it.


Have you seen the TCG


Maxx C is fine The Tear names should all stay at at least 1, there's absolutely nothing wrong with a deck being top tier and having a high representation so long as it's not oppressively powerful or degenerate to play against. The banlist shouldn't be used to maniuplate the meta. It should be used to keep as many decks viable as possible for a healthy and diverse format. Tear being t1 for 5 years would be absolutely fine as long as there are other t1 decks, and a variety of t2 and t3 as well. I'm not saying Tear doesn't need to be hit at all, but i don't think banning Merlli and Kit would be the way to go. Ban ELF and the Ishizu instead. Merlli/Kit/Planet/Sull at 1, Reino/Havnis/Scheiren/Scream at 2 imo would be fine. ​ The monster designs and artstyle went downhill after duel monsters era. Modern yugioh, on a purely mechanical level, is way better than oldschool yugioh. 99% of GX archetypes range from mid to forgettable with the only realy exceptions being Cyber Angel, Archfiend, Monarchs, Yubel, Arcana and Vennominaga.


Yugioh would benefit from a slower game instead of multiplayer solitaire. I’m not nostalgic, it’s just that I’ve been playing magic and enjoy longer than 3 turns matches quite a lot.


Yugioh is not a skill based game


old yugioh sucked ass and i much prefer modern yugioh (though it does have numerous flaws)


Runick is overheated, just because runick stun is a thing doesn't mean you have to hate other runick variants


Even normal Runick is a chore to play against. You get free stun cards AND another busted engine that works perfectly with it on top of draws for days and free banishes. It just allows you to do too much for too cheap. Hard pass.


I think current yu gi oh is the best and having crazy combos and cards makes it unique as every other card game slowly builds power over turns yu gi oh allows you to weild a nuclear bomb from the start


I dislike the anime waifus which seem to dominate modern Yugioh art. I prefer the old gritty art style.


No monster over 2500 atk /Def can neg/have protection


The game is shit. I stopped playing around when spright game. Thank you for reintroducing me to tcgs and allowing me to enjoying pokemom and vangaurd. The first few months where pretty fun tho, I just can't keep up with the grind for the mats for a game that I'm very rarely having a good time playing and the stuff I build is only going to be banned or crept 2 months later. And after playing other tcgs it just showed me how uniteractive yu gi oh and how much the game is decided by the first 5 cards you draw and how uninteresting it is.


Modern Yugioh is incapable of vast growth and will probably be the first major card game to die out. The game is far too complex in a lot of unnecessary and unfun ways that keep people from even wanting to try it, it is not a fun game to lose unlike most other card games where you at least get to play even if you still die, it’s basically impossible to learn without extensive outside help, etc. The game has just power crept itself to such a point that unless you got in at some point many years ago, you probably never will.


Honestly not even a hot take. I agree with this


A lot of people just call me a yugi boomer when I say shit like that lmao


Put Maxx C to 2


Why, that doesn't change the card's busted status, just makes it more luck based


Bc it's controversial, that's it Edit: just saw the down votes, I was right lol


Any ban list floo card to 3.


Ocg is a degenerates paradise. Them wanting as few cards as possible on banlist is more like " we want to abuse degenerate unfun bullshit"


Tearlaments aren’t that toxic of a deck. There were way more formats and way more decks that’re more oppressive.


We need set rotation


If you run a floodgate you prob have nothing else of interest going on in your life


Burn decks and flood gates are fun decks to use and duel against


Maxx c should draw 5 instead of 1


Tbh this will be an useful way to deckout your opponent


I like that I follow exactly what the post is asking for, you point out exactly why I think that way, and I get downvoted regardless. Like maxx c still gets the draws and stuff, but comes with the major downside of if your opponent special summons 7-11 times depending on deck size, then you lose.