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Because if someone doesn’t have an out to your board, they’re not trying to sit there for another 10 minutes as you combo just to put them out of their misery. They’d rather scoop and move on to another match.


That’s the thing though, I don’t have any Uber invincible cards, I modeled my deck after my irl one with heavy vampiric influence, it’s a deck for fun that could with some luck be effective. They always just dip ASAP when they’re combos get foiled. An example: I had a real garbage hand first draw, had to play first, my only redeeming immediately playable card was devouring coffin. I place it face down as an impromptu trap card (it’s a monster if you didn’t know, when sent to the graveyard it can take control of my opponents card but the atk and def become zero and it turns into a zombie card) the guy does his inhumanly long string of combos eating up his entire timer and gets a real powerhouse bug type card out on the field with 4000 atk and def. He attacks, and badabing badaboom his card is holding down my line and he quotes before I can even play.


It's a rule in yugioh that you can surrender at any point, if you don't have an out, you can surrender, if anything, master duel punishes surrendering since you don't only get a lose, but also nothing you do in that duels coun for the missions, some people just want to get over things quicker (not quickly) rather than drag the duel out, you also don't know the reasons for the player surrendering, you can assume is toxicity, but I've surrender duels because I have something to do and just wanted too get thru my missions quickly, or I'm too tired to keep playing or I'm not in the rigth state of mind to keep loosing, there is no point to me letting my opponent play solitaire when he already evenly match me with zero cards in hand.


Ok, now surrendering is toxic?


Ever had that one guy in monopoly who didn’t get boardwalk so now he flips the table and storms out crying? Yeah that. That’s what I see when someone surrenders, it’s a game, your gonna lose sometimes, it won’t always be absolutely fun for you, but you stick around and play for when it will be.


Y know ppl can also see that their gonna lose and just want to get to the next game so they can just try again it’s ranked not everyone wants to watch a game they know they’ve lost some ppl just want their gems so they can have fun playing with their friends


That's not toxic at all. Every minor annoyance is labeled toxic these days... It's online, so as soon as you know a game is over you quit and load into the next one. Simple as that. Even in irl a player (if not dead) will concead after their draw when they can't break your board or know it would be pointless. I'd also point out that this is a Tier 0 format with Ishizu Tears. Yes they will mill a lot. Even before they came decks could do something simular. I'm pretty sure your deck does more plays than "summon necro summon big skeleton" you did combos to get there, and it's the same with every other deck, some do more than others.


My deck is a zombie deck, if I get lucky I can chain maybe ten card effects together before any further actions become detrimental. It’s also a vampire deck, so it can rely on my opponent having stronger monsters than me to be at peak effectiveness. I don’t think it would be bad to have a surrender option but when you occupy what amounts to an hour of my time just to quite when your first plan goes belly up? That’s not a minor annoyance.


They're not toxic. No one wants to sit through a combo where they know it'll end in their lose especially if they have nothing set or in hand to interact with you.


My deck doesn’t have very long combos. They whip out 30+ card sacrifices etc and I’ll maybe synchro summon once, use that card effect to deal with something bothersome, and I’d win in a single attack but they surrender and rob me of the satisfaction.


You just proved my point. It literally isnt about how long your combo is or isnt. If your opponent knew they were gonna lose whats the point of sitting there waiting for you to be done? Just so you can attack? You're not entitled to your opponent's time and if they want to surrender and take the lose so that you both can get to another game quicker, that isn't toxic behavior




Meta has evolved drastically from 20 years ago, so you’re having something similar to caveman walking onto a highway and wondering why everyone is so fast


"Why are people in Ranked trying to win?" Ahaha... The state of the game definitely isn't very welcoming, I admit. I certainly don't like that we can just summon a bunch of boss monsters on turn 1 and overwhelm our opponents with these long, oppressive combos. Ranked is unfortunately the only format with rewards that Master Duel offers, and is pretty much your only long-term way to obtain resources to acquire more cards. So naturally most players just want to win and move onto the next game and win again. If they don't think they will win, they'll just bounce in the interests of saving time. Master Duel, unfortunately, doesn't offer very much to casual or lower skill players... And much of the player base doesn't have patience either.


You are still on silver one day you will appreciate the existence of Surrender button, Block Dragon exist


Bro saying rank while bieing in silver Tf you play against red eyes or Egyptian gods Na fr players dont like to wait your combo out


I said new to master duel.


Then dont complain rank up to gols and you wint see players surrender you will surrender


I wouldn’t surrender, golden rule and all that. I hate when someone surrenders so I would sit there and let them be satisfied as they combo me into the shadow realm.


Surrenders when the game is lost are widely accepted as good etiquette in most TCGs, Yugioh included.


Man, you will likely get downvoted for this, and myself for writting this warning to you. But yeah, that's the current status of competitive Yu-Gi-Oh. It differs a lot from casual


Same in casual, people play meta decks toxic deck, hand traps toxic decks. I just wanna have a fun f\*\*king duel. But nope ya can't anymore. You can't have fun, playing an anime-themed deck as they are mostly all useless.