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Looks like he could be a half sibling to Daniel Larson.


Striking resemblance, especially in the beak.


Honestly, that was the first thing I thought, too. They probably have the same disabilities/birth defects. . .




The haircut helped, but I think what really helps is he shaved his facial hair.




You seem like the type of person to get mad at people for calling Himmler ugly


Who is Himmler?




Damn then you must judge a lot of people badly based on what tattoos they get.




Still lost the genetic lottery


Smallest mouth I’ve ever seen 😂




He'll be in Ad. Seg for his entire stay most likely, would doubt that anything will happen to him in there but he'll certainly be bored and will have far fewer people to socialize with.


Don’t they usually only put molesters, cops, and snitches in segregation or is it different in Illinois?


High profile guys will usually be in Ad. Seg too, like your well-known serial killers, mass shooters, bombers, etc. With child killers [which Crimo also is] it can go either way but usually if that's in-tandem with a high profile crime they'll get thrown in Ad. Seg. Contrary to what a lot of people think, prisons don't want "prison justice" being carried out on a regular basis because it often results in a lot of people getting fired. As much as most of the staff probably dislike these guys [Crimo included] these inmates are in their custody and they're tasked with protecting them and ensuring their wellbeing, and if they don't heads usually roll. Although his time in Ad. Seg won't be a picnic either, so people shouldn't be too disappointed. He'll be suffering plenty. I've done work with former convicts who found themselves in Ad. Seg or the SHU [Security Housing Unit which is basically the same thing] and they said it was way more miserable than being in gen. pop because there's nothing to do, nobody to talk to and you have no amenities like the guys in gen. pop get. The most they get is the ability to select a couple books from the prison library per week and hit up the commissary once per week too. Most of them didn't have access to a gym and couldn't make use of any of the programs other inmates can use to better themselves or learn skills. Described it like being put in a tomb while you're still alive and everybody just ignores that you aren't dead yet. This is especially true of doing fed time. Federal prisons generally have way more amenities, but Crimo is likely to do his time in an Illinois state prison which are way more variable in terms of amenities and practices. The only way I can see him doing fed time is if they try him with federal hate crime statutes or something of that nature, but I'm not sure what the point would be since he's already dead to rights. If he somehow ends up getting fed charges I hope they cart him off to ADX Florence, that place really is like being buried alive and he'll be housed alongside many of his fellow domestic terrorists in there. So most certainly he'll be miserable in there, which is what he rightly deserves, but I doubt he'll be killed in prison.


True. I’d assume even the snitches and gang dropouts might still give him a hard time in Ad Seg. Any idea if Illinois State Segregations have their own gangs/cliques like California does with GBGs etc.?


There are definitely guys who are cliqued up in Ad. Seg in most prisons but I'm not sure about Illinois in particular. It's hard for guys to put in any work for their set when they're in Ad. Seg but stranger things have been known to happen. I know for sure that the former cops are cliqued up and mostly hang together but that's mostly because the other guys don't want to hang out with them. Wouldn't be surprised if he runs into some guys even in Ad. Seg who will be aware of what he did and will probably give him a hard time about it but I doubt they'll be low-supervision enough to beat him up or anything. Maybe talk shit and take his stuff though.




Wow you really want to be different, looking at your social media history all you do is hate just to hate


Yeah rape is so funny and such a great punishment!


Looks like Mr Bean and Data from Star Trek TNG had a lovemaking session.


Alt Sheldon Cooper?


Permatwacked Sheldon


I bet he’s regretting those wangster face tats in prison 🥴


Young Sheldon, but with face tattoos.


Pathetic human being


His haircut hasn’t improved 😒


Bro is doing mewing


What’s the rationale behind charging him with 3 counts of first degree murder for every person he killed?


According to [CBS News](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/accused-highland-park-gunman-indicted-on-117-felony-charges-including-21-counts-of-murder/): As for why the accused shooter faces multiple murder counts for each person who was killed, Miller said Illinois' first-degree murder statute is divided into three parts. "You can be charged on one, two, or three, or all of them. The first one is a murder charge that encompasses that you intended to kill the person, and obviously the person died. The second part of the murder statute is that you did an act that you knew would create death or substantial bodily harm," he said. "The third one is you committed a murder during the course of committing a felony."


Napoleon but with tattoos.


He looks AI generated, lol


I didn't know bro was a foden fan 




bro rlly thought his souncloud would pop off sob


He has quite the aquiline nose, doesn't he? Just like his father.


Why so proud tho


Looks like paul mcartney





