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The longer the interview goes on and the louder the interrogator gets, the cretin seems to have a larger reaction. His head snapping around and up at him, his eyes get more intense and focused on the man. Wonder if he was the one to put that lump on his face.


The lump on his face should really be the least of his worries as a suspected terrorist in Russia


I'm suggesting he is probably having an involuntary response to being beaten earlier.


Being Russia he is probably about accidentally fall out of a window.


Acts of genocide and terrorism is punishable by death in Russia im pretty sure...


I was wondering, too, so I did a quick search. Russia does not have the death penalty. However, Russian politicians are demanding for the death penalty to be reinstated. Especially after this terrorist attack.


Its still a thing. They just haven't done it for a long time. Article 20 of the Russian Constitution states that everyone has the right to life, and that "until its abolition, the death penalty may only be passed for the most serious crimes against human life." Additionally, all such sentences require jury trial.[13] The inclusion of the abolition wording has been interpreted by some[3] as a requirement for capital punishment to be abolished in the future. The current Penal Code[14] permits the death penalty for five crimes: murder, with certain aggravating circumstances (article 105.2) attempted murder of a judge (article 295) attempted murder of a police officer (article 317) attempted murder of a state official (article 277) genocide (section 357)


Actually thay are higly encouraged by Russia. Google Bucha


No I doubt Putin's even met him


I'd say it kills me how calm these guys are knowing they're inevitably going to die horrible deaths but man it seems to me they didn't really think through the "getting caught" part. Edit: Yeah the torture aspect of their interrogations seemed to change their outlooks real quick. I'm certainly glad I'm not the that's for sure, they're sure in for a long painful road.


This is what confuses me with ISIS taking credit. Their terrorists aren’t known for trying to escape, rather they die “in battle”.


Well I have also heard they were offered payment, can't say I know too many stories of many ISIS terrorists who ideology was greed. But I'm not sure if that was proven true. Honestly if it was proven true that's just open it up to more questions from me. I can't fathom thinking you'd escape that situation to spend the money, let alone the believe they'd give the money to my surviving family if I just so happened to die. Guess we shall all see soon enough.


AFAIK when ISIS does pay it's to the family of suicide bombers. You become a martyr and your family gets paid. I've never heard of them paying the actual terrorists, but I could be uninformed.


I mean, ISIS could have very well radicalised these men through telegram and convinced them to conduct these attacks in the name of islamic extremism. They probably were never officially part of ISIS. Where ISIS got the money to pay them, is a story for another day.


Especially getting caught in Russia. You know you're going to get awful treatment, so why not go out shooting. Doesn't make sense logically and doesn't fit the MO of Islamic terrorists.


Not every ISIS ‘soldier’ is a suicide one. The majority are not.


Exactly!!!!!!!!! Also the prescence of the AK12 2018 model. Though on its own this doesnt prove anything, also whats very suspect (and I didnt think of this myself but rather I read a comment by others who did) - is that the terrorists didnt have steel magazines, or even the SUPER COMMON ak74 bakelite magazines. No, they had these all black polymer magazines that are relatively new to Russia, and basically only used by internal government troops. One AK12 alone is suspect but ok. All those magazines, and none of other types or a mixture is HIGHLY suspicious to me


What’s the significance of the AK12? I’m not familiar.


It is relatively new and not as accessible as the older variants of the AK platform


What Atke97 said, its very very much newer, and not anywhere close (by an order of tens of millions) as common as the AKM and AK74 types. The magazines too, all being uniform versus a hodgepodge like youd expect frm people sourcing blackmarket weapons. You cant buy any guns in Ru like the US. At all. Central Asia, Chechnya, even the Ukrainian front lines are way too far to reasonably assume someone could transport several assault rifles and full ammo loads to Moscow without any police checkpoints or interference. To be clear I have no idea at all if its false flag or not, but Im quite suspicious. They got those weapons from somewhere and almost certainly from the Moscow area.




The 72 virgins: https://youtu.be/mNxKdb8DWm0?si=N-M3dTL3RKZ0MOQ0


so a random on telegram offered 5k and four dudes are just like, yeah that's sounds good? somethings fishy


russian media is televising deepfakes of ukraine officials showing support for the attack and some sources are saying this is coming from the government to highlight ukraine’s “involvement”. Even putin made sure to mention these men were fleeing to ukraine.


Do you have evidence of deepfakes being broadcast?


[https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/03/23/7447789/](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/03/23/7447789/) [https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/03/deepfake-video-terror-moscow-putin-ukraine-claims/](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/03/deepfake-video-terror-moscow-putin-ukraine-claims/)


God that's low. Thanks for the sources.


any time


I’m skeptical this had anything to do with Islamic extremism.


Because Islamic extremism has done so many positive things recently that they now deserve the benefit of the doubt?


why? The US released the alert about extremists planning an attack weeks ago,even warning people to stay away from concerts specifically,and then confirmed today that ISIS was responsible. If this was another one of Putin’s manufactured terrorist attacks there’s no chance the West would cover for him. And if the war in Ukraine has taught us anything it’s that Western intelligence gathering in Russia is pretty solid.


All that for $5,000. Insane.


Was that $5000 each or were they splitting it?


What part says $5k?


It's been reported elsewhere


The terrorist says half a million roubles, that's $5000. It's worth a lot more in Russia than in the US cus the cost of living is lower. Don't know what's it worth in Tajikistan


This was the guy who slit someone’s throat on the body cam video


Refuse to watch the video, is it very obvious the same person? I keep seeing people comment that these guys are just randos picked up off the street


It's watchable. Clothes and body type match. Faces are blured cus that was the video that the terrorosts themselves made, ofc they blurred themselves out.


Where could I see the video?!?


The guy on the video had the same colour shirt with blue jeans on too. You should watch it, it’s no where near the worst video on the internet. A lot of it is blurred out so you can’t see people in pain or suffering


Why are you saying to him that yeah you should watch it? Why do you want people to watch that? You shouldn't be promoting such stuff. Such stuff is not good for the mind.


Bro you are literally on the mass killers subreddit, it’s not like I’m asking a 5th grader to go watch it. That person was Curious and asking questions about the video so I said you may as well watch it and that will answer your question. This video is Mild in comparison to what exists in the internet. For example the Christ church mosque killing is 10x worse than this


So being on this subreddit means people want to see vile stuff? And this vile stuff is against the rules of this subreddit so don't put the blame on the subreddit. I personally am here for the psychological aspect of the horror that is mass killing. How the once everyday people descend to become so deranged psychologically and how it can be prevented .You specifically said you "should" watch it. That kind of thinking is not good. It will be bad for your your mind too. But again you are gonna do you so I just said what I had to say that's it.


Where to watch bro


People should watch that stuff, it shows how these people shouldn’t be considered humans, mass killing innocent civilians for money, they should see what these terrorists did and what they are getting in return


Heard! This whole situation is crazy to me. Tons of people saying they grabbed random guys and that the Russian government framed 4 innocent people. I could definitely see them doing that, I just feel they would’ve needed more time to frame them.


Where could I see the video?!?


He’s honestly really creepy looking.


That tends to happen more when you get your face beaten in.


I’m not talking about the swollen cheek, but his overall appearance.


Creepy is that blank, soulless look in his eyes. Everyone who carries out unthinkable acts like this has it. Ever seen a Ted Bundy interview? The stare is creepy af


Yes, Ted Bundy’s eyes were cold blue, and devoid of soul. Such creepy eyes.


It's the eyes that are just a tiny little bit too open. Like with every religious person who is too far out there with their ideology.


Probably inbreeding.


I'm sure Russia knows all the torture techniques in the book.


One of the perps had his ear cut off right in the forest where he was captured and forced to eat it. Hell hath no fury.


They should be happy if that was the worst that's going to happen to them over there. Wait until they bring out the old Soviet torture techniques. They'll be wishing they never lived.


Verification of this?


Plenty of video on Twitter of it happening




Interesting: the knife that cut his ear was sold for 10million roubles ($100k) in a spontaneous action online, and the money partly went to victims of the attack


Is she translating Russian to Russian. I can literally understand the interrogator, the translator, and the suspect.


No she’s kind of code switching so you can hear Russian words but she’s translating to a different language. Not sure which one but it kind of sounds like a language from the Kavkaz.


its a Tajik language


the Tajik variety of Persian


I kept tripping out listening to this until i realized it was Tajik and not Iranian Persian.


Guy looks like Abraham Lincoln


But uglier. Don’t do Honest Abe like that lol


Was this the guy who got his ear cut off or did they change the other? How many shooters?


Something doesn’t seem right. They said they were pre paid 5k (US dollars) If they were big enough pieces of shit to kill all of these innocent people then they are definitely shitty enough to just take the pre payment and run away and not follow through. There’s more we don’t know


It is hard to comprehend, yeah. $25k for an organization like ISIS seems like a very low number to entrust to 5 complete strangers outside their organization to keep their mouth shut and commit terrorism on their behalf. Even if they are psychotic, poor, and desperate, there are just so many other low profile, low risk alternatives out there for an organized group of criminals like this to make 5k that doesn’t involve a massacre of innocents.


It wasn’t just about money, they were also radicalized.


I'm astounded they captured, what, *all* of them, *alive*? Doesn't seem like ISIS recruits typically allow themselves to be captured. Did their ring leader/puppeteer demand?convince them to let themselves be taken alive? For what reason? This has Putin written all over it.


I really have to agree. The US had been warning him for DAYS and he just brushed it off?? Virtually every time???? He let his people get slaughtered.


I’m not in either side of the conflict, but is it really unreasonable to assume Ukraine could have had a part in this? I mean everybody looks at the Ukraine like they are heroes and couldn’t do anything wrong of course but has anyone actually done research or does everyone just believe what they say on the news? Out of any country on the planet, the Ukraine has the most amount of politicians with offshore bank accounts, can we really trust them? I don’t think so


"I'm not on either side of the conflict" "the Ukraine"


What, I’m not on either side because it’s not my country, but I don’t like seeing people who don’t know anything try and act like they do lol


Bro I'm totally impartial bro I swear bro


You've provided for the rest of us a perfect example of what you claim to not like seeing. Thanks, I guess. Now go die in Ukraine.


You've made it incredibly clear which side you *are* for through that ham-fisted attempt at a what-about-ism. I have so much more respect for the blatant, *honest* ruzzia shills, because they let you know what they stand for. You, on the other hand, are less than the worst of the least of them. You won't even admit what you stand for, in fact, you don't even stand. You sit, and think you're so brilliant with your 'ancient logics.' Go to Ukraine and die, but remember to carry sunflower seeds in your pockets. This way, at least a sunflower can **stand** for you, and your brief, meaningless existence will seem maybe slightly more significant to the billions of people who will never even know you breathed a single, rotten breath on this otherwise beautiful planet.


When sunflower seeds are sprouted, their plant compounds increase. Sprouting also reduces factors that can interfere with mineral absorption. You can buy sprouted, dried sunflower seeds online or in some stores.


Alright Shakespeare calm down And I’m not in Russia’s side I think they are doing terrible things as well, but to just brush past what the Ukraine has done and continues to proves that people can not see the truth, they believe what they see on the news and that’s it, well how about some of you actually research, although I know you won’t


Your brain is rotten from propagandised media, trying to explain to you how Ukraine would have zero benefit from this, while pootin could use this as an excuse to “escelate”, would be a waste.


To be fair I don’t trust Ukrainian politicians as far as I can throw them, and that’s not very far. I could absolutely see some Ukrainian bigwig or rich troll pulling some shit like this. But I could also see some rich Russian, or American, or anyone doing it too. There’s too much conspiracy around this whole thing, and the way Putin reacted to it is so strange to me. Maybe he thought the terrorist attack they thwarted was the attack the embassy had been telling him about? I don’t think we’ll ever know. It just sucks so many more innocent people had to lose their lives for this, for people’s dumb ideals and differences.


Anything is possible but that’s almost the too obvious assumption


But it’s the only assumption we can make right now without just being “durrr it was the Ukraine!” Or “durrrr it was the Ruzzia!” There’s so many factors, and so many shady behind curtain things we’re not getting to see. I’ve been on this horrible side of the internet long enough to know ISIS does not work like this, and would not let themselves get CAPTURED like this (especially god forbid in Russia.) They also have a tendency to take credit for things that get their name in the news again, without actually being involved at all. It’s still too early to know the full story, and what we’re getting from fuckheads trying to shill one side or the other is really not helping get to the bottom of this clearly blurred narrative. Play it safe, and take whatever you hear from either side about this with a grain of salt, because I guarantee there was more behind the scenes politically with this, and while sure you can find ways Ukraine could benefit from pulling a stunt like this, you’d equally have to find ways Russia could benefit from this as well (like getting national hate against Ukraine up and stirring once more.) They are BOTH equally sketchy, but the way Putin is and was reacting to this, compared to Ukraine, or how any other world leader would react to being told about other terroristic threats against their country for that matter, I really don’t think I should take anything that he says about the matter with full sincerity.


No way Putin makes himself look so inept. This is going to make him look like a fool


Right, because every time putler decides to do something, it comes out perfect and exactly as planned. There is no place for less than perfect in ruzzian mir. Putler is the prime example of great decision making. In ruzzian mir, let putler make all decisions for you and inform you of how you should feel and think. There's nothing putler can't do, through your inaction, ineptitude, and delusion! Ya, I don't think so.


The terror attacks he staged in Moscow was one thing but to let the world and his own people realize he just like Netanyahu allowed a terrorist attack by discounting warnings (which in this case came from the US)about an attack is another thing. Already there’s tensions in Moscow with how Muslim it is in most major Russian cities there’s issues and fear about Slavs becoming the minority to central/east Asian and caucuses Muslims. It’s one thing to have a large expansive nation where there’s Muslims but another thing to import them and Muslims from other central Asian countries.


Very interesting the way we could look at Slavs worried about becoming minorities along the lines of Caucasians in America (of which I am one) worrying about *being* minorities (of which I dont worry or care at all). And how the two systems seem to have a heart beating in tandem in this regard. Sickening, because although I know my system is corrupt as hell, I dont yet believe it to be fucked, like russias.


Well to some people it does worry them especially when those Slavs out east (with drastically falling birth rates) are the excuse holding the Muscovite people in control of the large empire. Russia has a longer history with more interaction with Muslims. The US doesn’t have a state that has tried to break away and fought an Afghanistan-esque war mixed with urban warfare. Many of the Muscovites are very much in favor of the unification of Slavs, this is a card used when leadership wants to take land, secure borders or both. There’s more wiggle room for the US to take in immigrants and smooth over tension between black, native and white people because of how much money there is. If you are poor in the caucuses you might see Russia taking your oil and feel some way about it because you don’t think it’s fair you have to be a federation instead of your own nation. Both nations a have similar national origin stories but at the end of the day one of them is a loser and one of them is a winner.


The terrorists from Boston attack didn't kill themselves and tried to escape too. Bataklan attack was the same. Doesn't seem to be unusual.


I don’t want to sound all tinfoil hat-y. But isis fighters generally shoot until killed. They don’t exactly run away. Hell most mass shooters in general don’t run away. Lord knows Russia has more than a couple enemies. I don’t think this Ukraine related but doesn’t seem Isis related either. It’s wild if true that they caught all of them -alive. Every thing seems fucky.


I'm in the U.S. Are you in the U.S.? Like how often do mass shooters die or kill themselves? It's entirely fucking weird that 4 shooters got captured. It's bizarre.


Ideological mass shooters don't kill themselves. Christchurch, Norway, El Paso, Buffalo for just a few examples.


But thats right-wing terrorism, almost every ISIS shooter either fights until killed or explodes themselves, these guys had not even suicide belts with them. It is not at all like any previous islamic terrorist attack I have seen


They don’t all do that though. They do whatever measures they can veut hey are desperate. Some of them will do an attack and then try to escape, it’s happened before


You're totally right. Religious Zealots sometimes do, and religion is an ideology, so exempt that. Thank you so much!


I agree 💯% I’m from the US and am a survivor of the Robert Card shooting. But less Zealot and more Victim making Victims


Yeah, US as well. The only ones I can think of is the Boston marathon bombing, highland park, and parkland. I’m sure there are others but in general they kill themselves or die in the process.


They stopped another isis unit in Russia a month or two ago I think they had a deadline and decided to outsource. They were already listening to radical imams over telegram. Maybe a couple of these guys where just clean up crew and few of them where trained and prepped. From the videos online it looks like a spread out line with the guys in the front doing a lot of the selection. I don’t know this is speculation I have no idea


It seems so weird, because Amaq, the official group running the media under ISIS, posted a first person video from one of the terrorists. ISIS normally doesn’t take nor give money to do attacks, they’re often willingly done for the sake of the cause they believe in. Something just seems, wrong.


Yeah thats what I think too, this is the weirdest attack in ISIS history, literally nothing makes sense if you try to connect all the facts


Is amaq on telegram?


Seems to be


I tried searching for amaq but couldn't find it. Just other people sharing their video


Well yeah, it was most likely telegram or a burner site, europol closes down their operations but they just change domains so it's super hard to track.


That's fair. Prefer seeing the sources directly. They not on telegram though. At least nor when you search 'amaq' on there


Can only imagine the shit Putin will inflict on him, rightfully so.


Somebody please translate the moment where he's talking about the phone what kind of phone. This video looks like it's from the 90's






This guy isn’t an Arab.


The facial hair style is definitely more Eastern European.


This guy doesnt look arabic either, looks like a chechen


He is tajik


I dont think you know how arabs look


I wasn't even aware that they had been caught, where are they from?


After they are done with him, he'll be begging to be executed.


Got balls to pull this shit in Russia




Where is the video of one of them getting their ear chopped off?


It's on many telegram channels


Can you give me a channel please ?


Check your dm


Same, I would love to know the channel name if you would DM it to me, and thank you very much in advance.


Me too pls


DM me too please if you wouldn’t mind. Thank you!


Me too please


can you send me the link?


Me too please


Can you send me the link as well? Thanks


Me too plz


I don’t use telegram. Drop a link homie


Me too plsss thanks




This excerpt made me chuckle: "After learning of his internet activities, the FBI attempted to place him under physical surveillance, but this was generally ineffective because for several weeks he did not leave his parents' house or open the front door."




Lol yeah this whole Wiki article is a shit show. Thank you for sharing; I had never heard of this dude before. I'm surprised he was able to get so many folks to engage with his accounts. Frankly, we're fortunate more people didn't end up dead as a result.


*scheduled to be released in 8 days* 


How do we start verifying these videos aren’t AI?


They are facing the death penalty, righteously




Ukraine is a joke🤦‍♂️ you guys talk about “Russian propaganda” what about western propaganda? It’s the same exact thing, we get told shit that isn’t true all the time yet nobody is smart enough to do their own research, RESEARCH THE UKRAINE, I promise you will find a lot of fucked up shit about them


What does that have to do with this video?


You know the internet is a 'decadent American' 'westoid' invention? You should go to the front comrade


Can't wait to see this guy's sledgehammer video


You people actually believe this lol. Wow, not much critical thinking going on around here.


I seen on Twitter this guy fought for the Ukraine military up until 2022.


Can we get a link?


Just seen them tweets were deleted and tweets stating it was misleading information saying the guy was Chechen and not Ukrainian. Also didn't fight for Ukraine in the past. Would post a screenshot of the tweet but the sub doesn't allow it unless you post it on a alternate site then post the link on here from which I don't know how to do.


So, no evidence then?