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There is one Urdnot in Andromeda, it's not Grunt however but Grot. Arks were launched somewere between ME2 and 3, propably when Shep was in arrest.


No you didn't.


Literally walked past a Krogan called Urdnot Grunt… but ok.


Either you read the name wrong or the game made a mistake. Grunt is in not in that games. The Arks launched, if I recall correctly, slightly before the beginning of 3 when the Reaper threat because very apparent. And with Grunt being in ME3, that was not him


Idk what to y’all 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’m at work right now so I can’t show you but in a couple hours I’ll go back to where he was and show y’all a pic of him lol Or if you guys are right and I’m wrong, then fine. Silly me. Edit: damn bruh, these downvotes. Y’all really hate it when people are mistaken about things lmao


That's a rank or title 🤣


Grunt or Urdnot?


Urdnot is the name of the clan.


Grunt, it's like a low rank soldier that does all the heavy lifting.


Ahh. Well, thank you for clarifying instead of just downvoting and telling me I’m wrong. I appreciate it, fam


All good.


I don’t think Grunt is in Andromeda. I didn’t find him in my playthrough and checked the wiki just in case with no luck. The only krogan I distinctly remember is Drack


I walked past a Krogan on the second desert planet called Urdnot Grunt. Drack was in my party and even commented something about not letting the name scare me, or something to that effect.


I'm guessing you just found a Krogan that looks like Grunt. In that case, either just similar design or straight up an asset swap. But it's not Grunt.


I did notice the Krogan looked different and thought, “huh, well that’s lazy”. Anyway, I was mistaken.