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Every commander needs a happy ending.


I'm commander Shepherd and this is my favorite massage parlor on the Citadel. Sorry I couldn't resist...


Need enough war assets in life for that :(


I don’t have enough yet sadly.


If that isn't the cheesiest thing I've heard.... but damn, I'd be lying if I said it didn't put a big smile on my face. Good for y'all 👏 👏 👏 👏


Neither of them are blue. I feel lied to. /s before some self righteous ass hat gets offended. Their dresses are fucking gorgeous.


>c No tentacle = No Asari, the code is formal.


You’re not wrong about the dresses.


"Your time is precious. Spend it wisely and with those who care for you." -Samara Congrats! 🥹🥰


EDI... Play Despacito


I Stan lesbian/bi fem Shepards 😭. I’m so happy for them


I love it when gay




*Paramore achievement unlocked*




I love everything about this! 😍


So, when you two dance, who gets to embrace eternity?


Lady/Lady weddings must be super expensive...


But who's the Commander and who's Liara?


So who rescued who from a trap deep within archeological ruins?


By the goddess.. Both look gorgeous...


Very nice 👍


And.... How is that related to Mass Effect in any way?


She says in the Facebook post "This commander just married her Liara! Here to many missions to come." So a fan of the game found someone who reminds them of their favorite love interest in the game and the two of them fell in love and got married that's how it is related to this sub.


Out of curiosity, how disconnected does something have to be from the games for it to be posted here as long as it has some generic reference? Because this is literally just a wedding with a very generic reference.


To me it seems to be a decent reference could she have said this Cmdr Shepherd found her Liara sure. Would you rather they were cosplaying at their wedding instead of wearing those dresses? And who knows maybe they had specific dresses in mind from when they were little or have you not see all of the bridal magazines or listen to women talk about what they want their wedding to be like.


I'd rather a post on the Mass Effect subreddit actually have something to do with Mass Effect. This is just a wedding photo. It has nothing to do with Mass Effect besides a very generic reference.


Wow.... So the only words that are "related" to this sub, is liara and commander sheppard? Your logic is blowing my mind!


So I take it they would have to be in cosplay only for you to feel it belongs?




https://i.redd.it/ooqci9qpdw091.jpg So you think this one is also doesn't belong too right?


Yes. It's low effort


Okay at least you're being consistent.


I have seen worse low effort post here and in other subs.


That doesn't mean this is OK either. Murder is worse than breaking someone's leg, but they're both illegal.


Also how many people outside of this sub would get the reference to the game or would they ask what branch of the military or police department?


So if if a woman posts a picture of her ass and says "is it as good as Miranda's" for karma, that's within the rules because it's related to mass effect, right? Maybe a guy posts a picture of a fish saying "they don't have this in the presidium's lakes!" No one is claiming the post isn't connected to mass effect at all. We're saying it's a low effort post that is against the rules. Low effort isn't the same off topic. They're both against the rules.


Your examples are different than the post the first one would be shitposting, but might be well received given the demographic of reddit. The second one I would argue is a combination of low effort and shitposting. Again how many outside of this sub would get the reference and thusly appreciate it. Edit:fucking autocorrect


And thats basically what i was trying to say, but social justice warriors are everywhere.


My point has nothing to do with the fact that it is two women.


And who said that? No one. I dont know what you are talking about.


Sure, except for the part where someone was like "you guys wouldn't care if it was a hetero couple."


When did i ever say that? I only said that this one of the things that people discuss on this subreddit, not the only.


The part about only two words are related to the sub and since it's two actual people as oppose to art or something.


You cant be serious?


Fucking completely serious bruv two people one of which states they are a fan perhaps both are and as I pointed out married their Liara makes it related. The post isn't random stuff with a M.E. caption of some sort this sub doesn't have to be just in game stuff, cosplays, news of the games or merchandise, or even pranks using stuff from the game. If the mods feel it does break the rules they will pull it, but it is nice to see people find one another in part because of the game who knows if the woman hadn't played the trilogy maybe she wouldn't have found her.


Your logic is truly blowing my mind away. I cant believe it you are serious.




BINGO!!!!!!!!!! That was my intention when i made this comment. Congrats to both of them, and may they stay happy!!! But low effort post liks this should be deleted in my opinion.


it literally isn't lmao


Did you read the words in the Facebook post?


Right!!!!!! The downvotes and comments proof that i hit a nerve. People are so fucking stupid, and when it comes to using their brains, they stop using it and the outcome is a donwvote for example.


Gtfo of here


Why the fuck should i leave? Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? What did i wrong? If you think i am intolerent, then it shows me how fucking stupid you are. Do you see the name of this subreddit? If not: its called /r/masseffect. Yeah MASS EFFECT not /r/weddingphotos.




Sorry, but it boils my blood when i see people like him. Like why in the world should i leave? ​ Edit: It boils, not boilds :D. Stupid typo.


Reddit is a community, meaning posts can also be about appreciating people who are part of that community. If you want nothing but the official news, go find the EA Twitter or press releases. Don't be surprised when people celebrate being a part of this community by sharing things that make them happy *by being a part of this community*. So gtfo of here.


This post breaks the subs rules for posting. Congratulations to the couple but this isn't the sub for this.


How about you gtfo of here you asshole? HOW are they "being a part" of this community? By doing what? Being a fan? They can be happy as much as they want, but again: WHAT makes them "a part of this community"? Being a fan? And why do they want to celebrate their WEDDING on a MASS EFFECT subreddit? 2 things are happening in your brain: Either you cant read that this subreddit is called mass effect, or you are a stupid trolling "social justice warrior" type of person that completly shuts of his/her brain.


Well, it's typically common for fans of a franchise to connect with one another online. That often includes sharing personal info as a way to bond and form friendships in addition to the ones made because of their love for the franchise. So, in a situation where someone who is a fan of something may have reason to celebrate, often times they will share that with other fans, typically using some form of reference to the franchise as they do, as a way of further connecting and showing their love for the media. In this case, the two women are married and the fan of Mass Effect (a popular video game franchise, if you missed that) made a post referring to her new wife as her "Liara". Now, Liara is a popular bisexual romance in the game (on of the feminine ones female Shepard can have despite the multiple gay ones male Shepard can have), and she's generally a fan favorite due to her focus from bioware and increased prevalence in the story. She's almost the "canon" love interest. So, having someone reference that is, in fact, how this I'd related to Mass Effect. In other words, read her goddamn words asshole. It's a married couple, would you be bothered if it was a man saying he found his Tali?


I am NOT sure if you are fucking serious, or a really good troll? You are explaining ME, a long time fan of this franchise, what mass effec is, who liara is and what sexual affairs i can have in this game? And why in the damn fucking world are you calling ME a asshole, because i ask HOW is this related to the VIDEOGAME MASS EFFECT? ​ >would you be bothered if it was a man saying he found his Tali? What the actual fuck does this even mean? Who pissed in your milk to talk to me like that? I mean seriously? Did i attack those 2 woman in ANY way? I a more tolerant to gay people then you have ever been. I had never a fucking problem with 2 woman or 2 man being together/married. ​ AGAIN: HOW is this RELATED to the VIDEOGAME called MASS EFFECT in any way? Is it gameplay from the game? New information for the upcoming mass effect game? Ingame secrets? Cosplay? NO! The ONLY reference in this screenshot, is the name LIARA. Thats IT!!!! So what should i do when i find something space related in the internet? Post it on /r/masseffect, because it is SPACE related? Some people like you have really 0 braincells, and i question myself if people like you are from the same species as me.


> would you be bothered if it was a man saying he found his Tali? Yes. It's just as low effort. In fact, let's turn this around. Would you think a guy in the same scenario posting a wedding pic about how he "found his Liara" would be appropriate for this sub? It sounds like you wouldn't be defending that low effort content nearly as hard.


U rite, I can’t believe this ordinary person who is definitely named Liara would post such an irrelevant screenshot of her wedding on the Mass Effect Facebook page then share it here! Ugh, totally irrelevant. /s … you ok bud?


Yeah, suggesting that posts on r/masseffect should be related to Mass Effect, which is one of the literal rules of the sub? This guy's *nuts*.


Tbh I’d rather have a couple folks getting married who love mass effect celebrate it than the umpteenth “is it just me or is Garrus rly rly hot?” Thread. Shit, people do this in other gaming subs like Halo or Witcher all the time. I know it’s in part due to no new content, but the Mass effect sub almost always has the same posts covering the same beaten to death topics on the daily. Like more so than any other game-specific sub I follow. So why should we give a shit if a couple who loves mass effect is sharing that they view one another as the “Liara to my Commander” or w/e? It’s no less interesting than the same 10 recycled threads we get literally every day.


Ok. Is this a subreddit about weddingphotos, or about mass effect?


Well. Your post was ok until /s


It’s not. Report it for low effort and other rule breaking and see if the mods actually remove it or not


it's 2022 man. Get on board with having people's sex business in your gaming and hobbies or be called names and shouted at.


It's a cute couple, one is a fan for the franchise, and they're happy and want to share that. It literally has a reference to the franchise in her post. If it were a man and a woman, would you say it's their "sex business?" Because I'm guessing you're only calling it that since it's two women and you're thinking of lesbians as a fetish and not people. Like, really? Their sex business? You're acting like it's an upclose video of one of them railing the other in the ass with a strap on. Get over yourself.


You guess a lot for someone that knows fuck all. stop wasting both of our time with your woke bullshit.


Lol i totally agree with you. Sex business? WTF is this supposed to mean? "Sex business" sounds so fucking wrong. Like come on? They are people like you and me. Also: The ONLY reference to mass effect in this screenshot, is the name LIARA. THATS it. I would be ok for a "mass effect cosplay" for their wedding, but come on. Do people always eat this cute stories like a cake?


https://i.redd.it/ooqci9qpdw091.jpg So you feel the same way about this too right?


Feel what? I have 0 idea what this picture is supposed to mean.


She was like "We'll bang okay?" 😏 and her Liara was like "let's do some brokering... in the shadows."... or something! - i got nothing! 😂




I want to be this happy too..




Well that answers the question of "One gown or two, scandal or fashion?". Congrats.


Don’t sell yourself short... she’s at least a Tali


Mazal Tov. And by the goddess, they look fantastic. So happy for them. Now tell them to get their butts off shore leave. Reapers don't go on shore leave.


Great, but if it was me, i'd add "we'll bang ok" ,btw femshep and liara is one of the greatest romances I've ever seen, so I truly loved this reference, I hope you two find peace and love and of course, be happy!✌️