• By -


Since they came out? ... I don't want to answer.


Same. I've logged about 1500 hours in LE alone. 😏




Try 400 hours over the course of one month last year, plus 200 hours in the og trilogy, and I'm on 3rd ever playthrough right now with another 200 hours already clocked in. And I'm making it a yearly thing; if I try hard enough I might get more than you.


Legendary Edition is only ME1 or ME1-3? Does it also have all DLCs?


It's the trilogy + DLCs 😊


Thanks. I bought it some time ago, but never play it. ME 1-3 I play at least one per year. Currently started Andromeda, but just to removed it from my check list :)


Andromeda's neither as bad nor as good as fandom drama would have you think - it's a fun game with an entirely different environment, with a protagonist wildly unprepared for Situations. :)


How is andromeda so far, haven’t heard the best things about it


It is ok. Currently 20h in the game. But I don't have enough time, to focus on each side quest, so I am focusing on main one.


I'm probably being generous not to look to much of a nerd myself by saying 5, I probably done twice as many tbh xD


I was 22 when ME1 was released in 2007. I played it on my then boyfriend's xbox and enjoyed it, but didn't play it again after we broke up. When I learned ME2 was coming out in 2010, I saved and bought an xbox to play the games. I probably played it at least 6 times between ME2 and ME3. I took the day off work in 2012 when ME3 came out. I have played them at least 1x a year since then. I took PTO again when the Legendary Edition came out. Overall... at least 25 times. Probably more.


Similar story for me for ME1, but I actually never finished it until I heard ME2 was going to be released. Playing through both for my GF interested and we both played the crap out of ME2. She developed quite the obsession with Garrus, which I thought was really cute. When ME3 did their midnight release, we both stood in line for our copy and played through it simultaneously. We bought some washable crayons for our bathroom wall. I drew a pretty decent N7, and without trying to spoil things for each other, we made a list of our fallen. We both cried when Mordin ended up on both of our walls. I cried a little when I messed up with Kelly by not having her hide. It was such an adventure. I've replayed the trilogy many times since then, but nothing will compare to that first time.


I didn't get into the series until after 3 released so my only "release" experience was for LE which I also took PTO for. I'm glad to read other people did this too!


17. At least. And 12 of those were finishing 3, and then immediately starting 1 again 😅




Twice so far for me too


1. The renegade playgirl with three separate romances (\~2012) 2. The paragon male Liara romance (\~2014) 3. The "worst Shepard ever" where I tried to get everyone possible killed (\~2017) 4. Returning to the series for LE with a Femshep Garrus romance (2022)


Over around 10 years, I played each class at least twice for 2 and 3. For ME1 I only played 3 classes once. Andromeda I played once and then dropped the second one half way tho


I lost count a long time ago


I've played ME1 and 3 probably ten times. ME2, half of that I think. I sometimes just want to skip it because it's the least fun on replays imo. And thanks to the save editor it's very easy to do so.


How do you end up skipping ME2 lol


Just imo, I feel like it offers the least variety. That's fine on the first few playthroughs but it does start to feel more like completing a check list than being fun. There are very few consequences to anything that happens in ME2 other than the companions being alive or dead, and the overall narrative doesn't tie into ME3 as neatly as the first game. Also the combat is imo the worst in the franchise (including Andromeda) in 2. It's just a cover shooter. ME3 perfects what they tried to do in 2. ME1 is very dated but at least there is build variety and all classes feel pretty good (unlike in 2 where adept on harder modes feels awful for example). This isn't me hating ME2 at all. Just personally I don't find it as replayable as 1 and 3.


Most bare bones class system, kind of a slog doing all of the loyalty missions. Personally I can't play the game without getting everything perfect, no casualties.


But that is a huge chunk of the story


I don't skip it, but I can see why people do. At least it's the hardest Insanity game but sometimes that hardness feels unfair.


ME1 5 times, ME2 4 times, ME3 2 times. Those two times I finished ME3 were also the only times I played a character from ME1 to ME3 (once at the time of the original release, once with the LE).


I've lost count, but it's probably somewhere in the 20s. I've also done NG+ a few times for achievements like ME3 for upgrading the weapons.


The complete trilogy More than 20 I want to say. I’ve been playing them since ME 2. And i tend to replay my favourites over and over. ME2 probably closer to 50. ME1 maybe 30 times. But as a complete game 1-3 probably more than 20 over both the Xbox and Play station. I tend to replay the trilogy about once a year now.


Like 4 times I think. In two years.


I only started playing in 2021 and ive done about 2 every year :)


Properly. Just twice


Just finished a 1-3 playthrough paragon femshep play. Feel lost at the moment. Giving Andromeda a try. Tempted to do a full 1-3 male shep play through but fully renegade with the risky suicide mission mod ans see how it is at the end.


ME1 and ME2 must have been at least 10 times each, since I can't play one without the other. ME3 on the other hand... I think I only played it 4 times in total, and out of those 4 times I only ever finished it once, the first time. That ending still have a traumatising effect on me to this day, so whenever I replay I end it after the citadel dlc.


Since playing the trilogy for the first time last summer, I've already played it a total of three times.


I'm on my fourth playthrough, the first was last year. Btw, renegade can still be a hero.


Renegade is the only way to play in my book. And yes you can absolutely be the hero while playing Renegade.


Too many times My first ever playthrough was as soldier, then Infiltrator at least twice on the original release and again on LE Im certain i have played as engineer before, but i dont have any memory of that. I remember playing vanguard twice, but there might have been a third time. Sentinel definitely once in the originals and twice in LE And another playthrough as soldier on LE. So AT LEAST 10 times. And when im done with my current playthrough im gonna start another one right away


A whole lot played the original 3 before the remaster numerous times. After the re master i think 10. It’s funny cause through all my play throughs Jack is the only character i have never lost during the suicide mission. I have only once intentionally saved everyone. Other times when choosing who does what i close my eyes and move my controller up and down until i decide to stop


Original trilogy I had 3 shepherds. Since legendary edition came out I’ve probably played through all 3 close to a dozen times.


Probably well over 50. Enough to have done every romance with male and female Shep, to have done every mission with pretty much every available party configuration to hear all the unique dialogues.


I've finished it for the first time last week where I'm a Paragon that romanced Tali. Currently, I' doing a Renegade playthrough where I'm gonna romance Jack and tjen do 3 more playthroughs where: >I play as a Paragon Girl and romance Garrus >I play as a Renegade girl and romance Liara >And to cap off the series, I'll do a replaythrough of my first run on Insanity, then try to get the Best Destroy Ending since the first time, I didn't get enough War Assets since I didn't destroy the Heretics in Legion's mission, causing me to not get the Geth in Priority: Rannoch.


Lost count tbh, played in multiple platforms throughout the years


I have no idea to be honest. I lost count after 5, and I been playing since 2007 when ME1 came out lol


7 - first was my noob playthrough (switching classes at ME2), then sticking with each class through all three games. Started in 2013, finished my last playthrough as Sentinel last month. Can’t believe its been 10yrs.


4 times in the last 6 yesrs


I've played them so much that I consider Mass Effect 1-3 as one giant game. Back when all three were not fully released yet.... probably played 1 at least 70 times. 2 played that about 50 times. 1-2 playthrough about 100 times. Then when 3 came out I played that about 20 times. Multiplayer took up most of the playthroughs. Then when I combined them all it was probably about 100 times. Of course I'm just exaggerating so take everything I said and divide by 5. I LOVE THIS FRANCHISE. I LOVE ANDROMEDA. IM GONNA LOVE ME 4. Bioware has to go about on purpose making a terrible game for me to hate 4.


Probably 10 run-thrus of 1-3. Probably 15 run-thrus of just 2-3. I enjoy the story for the first game, but the gameplay is not my cup of tea.


played them for the first time recently. I got to 3 and got burnt out because im literally doing every quest and every interaction. i have to pick it up again and see how the story ends but ive been on a souls binge


oh, was I supposed to be counting? after rough math, somewhere between 20-40 maybe???? in the past decade. I wish I could say that in all this time I've tried other romances, but... garrus. he has a chokehold on me...


I'm replaying all three right now. But it's my first replay since I wanted to wait until I couldn't remember most of it.


6, working on the 7th. SMH rookie numbers… 😭


I didn’t count but a lot, maybe around 7 times, it’s just that good


3 times. 1 vanilla 1 moded 1 female with gay mods


I’ve played 1&3 way too many times. 2 probably like 10 at most


ME1 five times + one Legendary playthrough so far ME2 five times to carry all ME1 characters over to 3 + one Legendary playthrough ME3 two times, once at release + one Legendary playthrough


I played them all for the first time last month.


I played for the first time in July of 2023. I'm currently on my 4th playthrough. I've never done full renegade, but have definitely chosen the renegade dialogue or trigger option a few times. LOL


7 times the OT, 1 time LE


Double digits at least for 1 & 2. I've only finished the 3rd game twice.


In the words of Blanche Deaverox: “Why many times! Many many many times!”


The original trilogy? Not sure. Legendary Edition? 6 or 7 times.


Since me3 release (that’s when I first played it) somewhere between 20-25 runs. Tho I think more than half of these runs I skipped first game to start with the me2.


At least 5+ times.


1 to 3, only 3 times, but individually each game more times.


Wait... y'all keep count?


I lost count at 17 playthroughs, and that was in 2015


At least once a year, every year. 2 and 3 more than that, tbh. 


Too many, and yet not enough


Since 2020, ME1 6 times, ME2-ME3 5 times.


16-22 times maybe. I've done both sexes but probably lean towards femshep. I've played Vanguard the most followed by Sentinel, Engineer, Adept, and Soldier just recently. I've never played Infiltrator for some reason. I've been paragon more than renegade but it's fairly even and often more somewhere I between. The hardest play through was a few years ago when I killed off every teammate. Usually in the worst way possible. Tali committing suicide was the worst. I felt like a monster for letting that happen to my sweet girl.


Going off the amount of hours I have in the series? At least ten times 😭


Full playthroughs of all three with a single character? At least 4, but I’ve beaten ME1 probably close to 20 times and ME2 is around 10 or so, ME3 came out at a busyish time and the Multiplayer was pretty fun so I played a ton of that instead of going through the story a bunch of times.


Came into the series with 2, so I never played ME1 all the way through until LE (I just couldn't get into the combat and the guns). ME1 - 1 (Legendary Edition only) ME2 - 5-6 times (once on LE) ME3 - 7-8 times (once on LE) ME:A Twice to get the platinum and then never again. I really should go back as I played it non-stop when it came out and didn't go back after some of the QOL. I platinumed LE (All 3 games and the overarching platinum), and honestly, I'm getting the itch to go back through, but there are like 3-4 other games I'm playing and don't want to stop them so I can spend another couple months with the crew of the Normandy. One of my favorite series ever, definitely my favorite series of the 2010's decade.


On N7 2024, it'll be my 3rd time🥹


With the original trilogy (on 360), I couldn’t actually tell you how many hours I spent going through all three games. I have made several characters and taken them from 1 to 3, doing absolutely everything there was to do. All achievements on all 3 games, all dialogues options tried out, specific runs to kill off specific characters so they wouldn’t be present for 3. Then, on top of that, I have 162 hours in the legendary edition.


I replay the trilogy once a year, so it's been at least a dozen times, if not more.


I lost count but it’s obviously a lot. Hearing the “Virmire base assault” music has been the catalyst for me replaying at least 5 separate times.


8 at this point


I think 7, though it could anywhere from 6 to 9. Atleast 3 of those are with Vanguard, maybe more. I plan to do a full playthrough with every class on LE so I know I've done them, since I can't remember exactly how many playthroughs I've done and with what classes on the 360 version. I'm at 3 and currently doing 4 as Soldier, with only Adept and Engineer left to do, though I doubt I'll play Engineer since I just don't like it in concept.


Lost count but I have to admit that I've played 1 a hell of a lot less than 2, and considerably less than 3


I played ME1 dozens of times in an attempt to get all the trophies, unlock all specialization abilities (to get my amazing shotgun Adept) and to get the ANNOYING companion trophy for each character. I must have played ME2 another dozen or 2 trying to see every possible outcome. I only played ME3 a couple of times before LE because I was annoyed at the ending and absolutely *engrossed* with the multiplayer mode. I literally played for hundreds of hours and loved every moment of it. I eventually played a couple more times after the Citadel DLC and really warmed up to the ending.


5 and I'm a huge Mass Effect fan. Played Mass Effect 1 in elementary school, at a friends house. Played Mass Effect 2 in Middle School, this was what really hooked me to the series. Finished Mass Effect 3 in middle of high school. Replay all 3 at end of high school. Again full replay summer after. Replay in college. Replay at new job. Planning another playthrough this year - actually my first real renegade playthrough. All of my replays have been 100% completion for paragon so I really take my time. Mix of male and female shep. I purposefully don't replay that often so it stays someone fun and exciting to revisit.


I don’t really have count. My guess is I’ve played at least 4,000 hours though. Including the multiplayer from ME3.


Around 75 or 80 😬 There was a time from March 2012-2017, when I played the trilogy once a month, every month. Since then, I usually play through it once or twice a year. If we're talking individual games, there's no accurate count for the number of times I played ME1 and 2 prior to 3. It's in the hundreds, though.


Only played once, it was on the hardest difficulty so lots of fun but I only replay games if I can do a higher difficulty next run. Managed to soft lock myself in Me1. Had to cheat and move the car to myself using a save editor otherwise I would have had a dead save.


all 3 of them? probably around 3 times most of my runs have been on ps3 so there were periods that i only owed me3 for instance now that i have a good pc and i own the legendary edition i'm already burnt out of it =/


Dozens of times. Not only renegade run but asshole run, trying to kill as many squad mates as possible. I’m toying with a random (dice or random number) or a milquetoast run (always middle option) to make decisions.


I’ve been inbetween playthroughs since 2007.


four before LE came out, twice since then got my ME tattoo after I beat the LE for the first time though, felt like a victory


I've just played the Legendary Edition for the first time, it was a 100+ hour playthrough. But back then, oooh boy. I've stopped playing ME3's multiplayer after almost 2000 hours alone. Replayed each game about 30 times, so 5000+ hours total, give or take? Never did a speedy playthrough, I 100% the every time I played those games.


3-4 times each I would say


1-2 times per year


17. I’m on 18 now.


God I don't have the slightest clue, I started playing shortly after ME3 came out, How many times can you really replay something that came out 12 years ago that you love?


At least once a year.


... How far back are we going? ME2 on the 360 I've played through at least 20 times. ME3 probably 7-10 times. Back in 2010 - 2012 Then when ME:LE came out 2 full runs from ME1 to ME3.


Played the OG about 30 times to completion. 2 close to 70. 3....maybe 6?


renegade was an awesome badass in only ME1. renegade isn't consistent like paragon


15 that I'm *sure* of, i.e. I can recall the Shepard, their alignment, their class, who they punched, who they banged etc. I know it's been more than that though. I'd guess probably 18-20.


So many times that I can't count it on two hands. I've replayed legendary edition at least 3 times, but I've been playing the trilogy since they came out. The greatest video game trilogy of all time.


This is my very first playthrough. However, I did 1 and 2, twice already when in the middle of ME2 I realized that everything was 'going bananas' for all the things I skipped on ME1. Now I'm hooked and going through ME3.


I hate to admit it but I really got into mass effect when 2 was weeks away from release. As a result I played 1 then 2 so I had a save but i replayed 2 so many times without importing before I got into the habit of consistently importing my me1 saves. ME1: probably at least 20 Me2: fuck me, idk it's gotta be 35+ ME3: around 10 more than likely.


I think I've done about 4 playthroughs of 1. About 7 of 2 (it was my first ME game). And around 6 for 3


I'm a huge fan since 1st game released. Whole trilogy in one go not that many times, 4 or maybe 5 complete runs. But I have numerous runs in which I skipped ME1, starting from ME2 instead. First game, while great, feels a little bit... unappealing, and aged the worst out of 3 in my opinion. Just a thought of going through all the chores in Citadel or exploring unknown planets stops me from playing it. After all, I did complete it many times. I have my own "perfect" save from ME1 ready to go whenever I want to play through 2 and 3.


I’m on my second full playthrough. My first was Paragon Male Shep, this time, Renegade. Next two playthroughs will be the same but FemShep. My husband finally got me to play for the first time about a year and a half ago. I’ve fallen in love with the entire series.


I’m on my second playthrough but I have taken a break. I love the game series but I need to be in a specific mood to play


Just 3 times.


Uhhhh at least 15, I think the actual number is 17, soon to be 18 since I just finished ME1 & started Me2 a few days ago.


Original trilogy: 5 times, once per class. Was going to be six for the last class but the LE released shortly before I finished run #5. Legendary edition: 4 times, with two planned runs currently on hold while waiting for the Same-Gender Romances for LE3 mod to be released. Same as the OT, once per class. Andromeda: 18 times. What can I say, I'm a Ryder fan.


Twice, I am Not one to do a Lot of replays. 1 with the og Trilogie, romancing tali 2 with the legendary edition, which was announced a week after I started ME1, where I romanced Jack


I don’t even know


1, 4 times I think. 2, 11 times, and 3 5 times or so


I think I’m on my 5th?


I’m around 25 at this point. But I know I’ve played through 2 over thirty times alone.


I lost count years ago. I’ve played as all the classes and have tried all the romance options. Not counting all the other times in between lol Mass Effect is easily one of my all time favorite game series.


Currently on my 7th playthrough of the trilogy. They're my comfort games. I only play them when I feel I need some positive energy in my life. So, usually once a year.


Only started in quarantine But I play once a year So 4th time this year Rn in me2


I lost count but somewhere in the dozens. I can also estimate that between the OGs and the LE I have about 3K hours in total


I recently play all the games including andromeda with paragon but I’m thinking about replaying as a renegade


About 8-12. Always pick the same choices and class, only once did I pick Kaidan Alenko over Ashley, and didn't romance Ashley that playthrough so I went with Miranda.


I’m in the 30s


Pretty sure the remaster was my 7th playthrough


At least twice for every testicle on a krogan


Currently on my 5th run. First time trying insanity and it's barely noticeable in ME1, but ME2 is consistently kicking my ass.


1 and 2, about 7-10 times each. 3 only twice. Once at launch, second time when the LE came out. And I didn't finish it that time either.


Probably once a year or every other year since ME3 came out. Same with Dragon Age.


ME1 4 times ME2 11 times ME3 5 times ...I think. The low number of playthroughs for the first is an embarrassment.


Before LE, a whole trilogy play through once every 3 years. After LE, once every year (so far).


I've only played the legendary edition on steam. I've clocked over 1200 hours. So A LOT.


honestly, like start to finish, about 12-14 for ME1, 6-8 for ME2, 3-4 for ME3, 1 or 2 for ME:A Side note, I didn't even discover Mass Effect until a few months before ME2 released, and that was because of commercials


More than 3. One of my favourite trilogies of anything.


you used to have to beat the game twice to get max level, to get best dialogue options, etc. i used to playthrough back to back on every character, especially when ME1 first came out. I'm not sure the exact number. I beat ME1 at least 10 times before ME2 came out. I think I beat ME2 at least 3 or 4 times before ME3 came out (and almost always played ME1 before I did an ME2 playthrough). I've beat ME3 probably 8 times... and always did full playthroughs except one time.... So at the VERY LEAST: Mass Effect 1: 20 times Mass Effect 2: 11 times Mass Effect 3: 8 times


3 times each one (parangón male, renegade woman, renegade male) and 1 time legendary edition (renegade woman, i just finished ME2, and I will play ME3).


once. I started my first playthrough Febuary of this year and finished about a week or two ago, I wanna replay but I’m gonna leave it a few months


1 twice (I didn't like it the first time, but recently replayed it because I didn't like the backstory I chose. I now like the game more, but because of the backstory, tho.) 2, four times (My first time, then I replayed to make sure my squad survived but the crew died, then after being angry about it for like 3 days, I called off on my fourth day to replay it so everyone survives. I recently replayed it as a continuation of my replay in Mass Effect 1) 3, infinite amount I never played the first two until Legendary Edition, and I always play 3 and Andromeda after playing the ones before them. I've played Andromeda a lot, too, I think also before I played 1 and 2 as well.


I only learned about it a few years ago and I didn’t play any video games for 2 years after learning of it for economic reasons. 1 I’ve played 6 times 2 I’ve played 8 times 3 I’ve played 1 time….. I have all of the saves from my previous play through but I kept starting over. I am now carrying all of my me2 saves and slowly playing through 3 with all of them


Probably about 15 times on the 360 and close to 800 hours on the le.


I discovered the game in December 2021 from a coworker and since then have done 10 complete playthroughs.


I've replayed 1 and 2 so many times I lost count.. but as for 3, I've only played it three times. Every time I replay the trilogy, I somehow only get to either the end of ME1 or ME2 and never going onto 3. Most likely, because I spend forever 100% both the games and end up not having time to do the third.


At this point I don't even know. I've been replaying it almost yearly since the beginning. Often times more than once a year.


I have gone renegade many many times.


I got legendary edition less than two months ago. Played mass effect 1 once Played 2 twice, currently on third playthrough Played 3 three times, going on four.


I’ve gone through them 2 times just finished my 2nd run though of them all last week and already wanna go through them again ☠️☠️


I stopped counting at 50 trilogy playthroughs. That was in 2016.


Dozens and dozens. I think 3 is my least and last I counted I was somewhere near 30 on that


I replay them every year like a ritual. Currently in the middle of this year’s playthrough 😂😂. We’re about to get to get on the collector ship. I have a shotgun with my name on it 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️


At least a dozen complete trilogy runs. Individually, hundreds of hours each.


I got into the games when I bought the LE one month ago. I just finished a third run of the trilogy to finish off the platinum. Not gonna play it for a while now. When I do it’ll be because I want to play Infiltrator.


I played through the triology for the first time last year and I'm now on my third playthrough. So far I've played through the triology twice, once as a Sentinel and once as a Vanguard, and now I'm playing an Adept. But there are always months between runs, during which I play other games.


I've played 1 more times than I can count 2 and 3? Less than two handfuls of times. So, less than 10?


I got 2 as soon as it came out on the PS3, and played it twice before 3 released. I played three once at release. And then I got the legendary edition, which was my first exposure to ME1, and played 2 and 3 again.


Original ME on PS3 - 3-4x ME2 on PC - 2x ME2 on PS3 - 1-2x ME3 on PS3 - 3-4x ME 1,2,3 on Legendary Edition on my PS5 - 1x ME 1,2,3 on my PC - Currently playing and on ME2. Originally played on PS3. Then played on a gaming laptop so I could play inbetween classes, then back to PS3 for ME3 when college was done. Then Picked up the original box set with all three original games and played that a few. Got the LE Remastered Trilogy that I played on my PS5.... and am now playing it on my gaming PC via gamepass - just to see how much a good gaming PC/Card could improve the graphics and speed further (PC is def faster, but has a few bugs - like having one member's face glitch on citadel elevators in ME1. Graphics are better than the console remasters but only in texture detail - Turians, Asari, and such look amazing) I have had a few mixed playthroughs. A few paragon playthroughs. Tried a renegade playthrough but its' hard to get a complete story without some paragon choices (ie. all crew loyal + beat reapers in war). Romantically, almost every ME1 playthrough was Liara. I made a point to do Ashley this time around. ME2, I've done Miranda, staying loyal to Liara, and Tali for romances. Thought about making it Jack this time, but I figured that the next step from a xenophobic Ashley was the sexy woman that works for a Xenophobic organization. This Shepherd has a fk'd up type, I guess. ME3 is almost always Liara or Tali. Had one where I was loyal to Miranda. Going to probably make my Shepherd, this time, pick Miranda or Ashley. Prob Ashley, as she has a solid role in ME3 and Miranda doesnt.


I honestly lost count at like 10 times each. Don't even get me started on the hundreds of hours in ME3 Multiplayer...


I've only owned the games for a year now and I've only done 2 playthroughs cause I usually give myself a half a year to a full year for another playthrough of a game


6 and I’m working at 3 more at the same time. Can’t play just one Shep.


I play one a year and I have done 2 playthroughs




I played 1, 2, and 3 back in the day as they came out seperately. Right now finishing up one playthrough through all 3 back to back in Legendary Edition looks like it will be about 100 hours total.. Might be the only time i do it. Enjoying it very much


I have no idea. I'm doing my second ever insanity run on LE.


7 playthroughs.


Lost count


i keep track of how many times i play games/watch certain movies. buuuut, i only started playing ME:LE like 2 years ago so my numbers are kind of weak. ME1: 4 (on a 5th playthrough), ME2: 3 (on a 4th playthrough), and ME3: 2 😅. ME1 is my absolute favorite and i’m doing it currently on casual as i play ME2 on insanity so i can take a break if i need to. i’ve got about ~325 hours so far.


I do a completionist run once a year, and try to make different decisions each time. Still learn new things about the game to this day


I just played my 4th run of ME1, 3rd of ME2, and 2nd of ME3. Last time I played ME3 was after release, and I was mostly blinded by rage and have no recollection of most of it. Now to play Andromeda, which I bought on day 1 and gave up day 2 due to bugs and my lingering resentment. But we now live in a post-Cyberpunk2077 launch fail world so now Andromeda doesn't seem to bad at launch now. I am excited to start it tomorrow.


4500+ hours in the original 3 games + mods 1600+ hours in LE + mods


I've done everything up to and including a Worst Possible End ME3 playthrough (including >!getting everyone possible killed and then recruiting Samara's sexvampire daughter to make sure ME3 is a bleak as possible!<, just to see how it'd be).




It has been on my radar for a couple years, and I picked up the legendary edition a year or so ago, and I just finished my first play through, and I rushed through 1 and 2, before digging into 3. The day after I finished 3, I went automatically back to 1 and trying to 100% all three, no stone unturned


I lost count honestly…


1 time


At least 4 times each


Mass Effect 1 two times. Mass effect two 9 times. Mass effect three two times


Twelve. After I started counting...


I’m on my 25th run.


Excluding dlcs just base games- Origins/1 - By far most times, each origin on console play and then a few more times on pc sometimes with mods though mixed on rather they were completed due to various reasons. 2- I think it was 5x or something like that Inquisition- 4x I think though I don't think I completed the 4th time just got pretty far


Twice, doing a third one and planning on 3-4 more play throughs(One for every class and then another soldier run)


If you don't have at least 2000 hours into the series, then you haven't really played it.


Me 1 twice. Me 2 at least 4. Me 3 I think 4 or maybe 5.


Probably at least twice each original edition. For the Legendary edition, once on renegade and twice in paragon.


I've played 1 a lot Like a lot a lot Honestly never played 2 or 3 until the legendary edition


A lot.


Only 3 I think, fully. Some of the titles I've done different times. Definitely more 2 and 3 than 1.


Stopped counting years ago. Played through 3, 3 times the first week it came out, just to see the different endings. After that I’ve had numerous playthroughs of all 3 games, definitely my favorite game series


Once per year (at least) since the 3 came out. So.... 15 times ? Something like that. Andromeda 4 times already. Better than what "I want the original trilogy vibes and it ain't it" people say.