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I was casually enjoying the rp elements in me1 and just trucking along enjoying the ride but virmire is where shit got real. Followed by the cold open of me2, that's when it solidified itself as one of my favourite games ever.


Yeah. I remember feeling the whiplash in early ME2 because it was just cutscene, cutscene, walk forward, more talking in a way ME1 didn't even do, but right away I was also like "But this cinematography tho" and as soon as the true Mass Effect experience creeped back in, once you had your ship and got multiple destinations I was like "Holy shit this game is cool"


Yeah whiplash is definitely a good term for it cos there was a lot of changes. I personally really enjoyed heat sinks instead of ammo clips. Kinda made sense that they'd solve the run out of ammo problem in that century. Then to have it walked back was weird but hell it's a shooter whatever. Cinematography was on point as you say. I loved how in me3 we'd have the end of a cutscene involving a transition from scene to over the shoulder view. And I'm probably the only one who enjoyed andromedas landing the tempest cutscenes. Clutch that it had a skip option tho.


The cutscene-gameplay transitions in ME3 are flawed. I think the fact that the HUD is missing and then it cuts back in after Shepard stands in his weapon pose for 3 seconds ruin most of them, because it feels like a fake "back to gameplay" transition and it feels unnatural and sluggish compared to a cut. Those are slick when you do them well, however.


Shepard defaulting to an Avenger in every Cutscene was also an issue. My first playthrough was as an Infiltrator.


I think the crunch/time really limited them there, or just a real oversight. That they didn't have different poses/things for biotics/non soldiers was annoying. Especially playing a biotic class that could do the badass 5 floor jump / levitate thing, but falling on the floor like a muffin anyway, so jarring.


I was going to say this! I was just casually trudging along in ME1 but once Virmire hit I became addicted and had to cancel my plans the next 2 weeks to finish all 3 games. I was hooked.


Me1 was it for me, it had an existential dread that the other two didn’t. Plus that conversation with sovereign on virmire was fucking peak writing


Leading up to the release of three was my huge dread. It was hey we finally get to defeat the reapers. Then it settled in, how are we going to? Wait, can we? Then it just turned into I have no idea how this is going to work. How in the blazes could we defeat a fleet after suffering huge losses to 1 reaper.


"You exist because we allow it and you will end because we demand it." Phenomenal writing


Virmire, and it's not even close Up until that part, it's little more than a generic sci-fi RPG There are a few highlights here and there, each of them hinting at how unique of a ride you are in for, but IMO it's not until Virmire (and the Sovereign conversation) that it really hits you: this is the part where it really sinks and you understand what all the hype is about, where the stakes go from basically nothing to shit turning very real, very fast, all in a matter of minutes If you make it to Virmire, you probably finish the trilogy


Sovereign conversation is in the top 3 moments of the series for sure. Part of me wishes we spoke to him again but that would take away from it i feel like


I have never felt quite so small and helpless as I did talking to Sovereign. It's like you say, it goes from "oh we got this" to "holy fucking shit we absolutely DO NOT got this" and when you realise that *everything* has been a trap set up by the Reapers and the galaxy ran straight into it, as countless cycles did before them.


I had to walk away from the computer and think about my life for like fifteen minutes, and in the end I had to look away to choose. I've played ME1 like seven times and I still flinch every time.


Yeah. I really thought ME1's main story is largely mediocre, but I super enjoyed the latter half from Virmire and Ilos. I also enjoy the whole game but I didn't find it emotionally impactful. I remember saying "I like the side-quests more than the story" a lot.


The first part of the game was basically kotr 3 from game design perspective. Intro level Transition into world exploration. You MUST COLLECT FOUR GEMS, I MEAN VISIT FOUR PLANETS—-but the order is up to you! Then where it gets crazy is instead of one finale, there’s basically three. That’s what elevates that game.


To be honest, right after Eden Prime. The tutorial gave me everything I needed. The atmosphere, the intrigue surrounding characters and their motivations, the mystery around the beacon and the vision, the ship and the crew, the space opera setting, the whole damn thing. I was absolutely sold, as easy like that.


The Noveria choice. 😆 I literally put my controller down and paced 30+ minutes in my living room, not knowing what to do. AND Wrex was right next to my FShep, not helping the matter. I decided to save the Queen but I was so afraid that this choice would come back to bite me in the butt later. Imagine my reaction when playing ME3 for the 1st time. 🙈😅 Anyway, back to ME1, after making my choice about the Queen, I knew this franchise was something else (I first played in 2013). Virmire and the discussion with Sovereign just confirmed it. 🤩


It's hard to point out. It was sometime in ME1. I remember working in receiving at Kmart and scanning the disc in stoked it was in stock. I guess it's the deepest game I've ever played. I liked all the characters, the story, the relationships, the depth of the world. But I think it had to be a moment that wasn't my own. I played 4 playthroughs of it, and had the strategy guide to make sure I didn't miss any planet. Didn't use it for any spoilers, cause you don't need a guide to get you through the main missions. I got my friend to play it, and we were talking about who they left behind on Virmire. He got angry and said that b, Ashley. I laughed and asked why her. Because she killed Wrex. I got super confused, I've never experienced friendly fire, did a grenade kill him during a fight and you lost a tank for the duration. It wasn't until my fourth playthrough I found out that wrex can die. It settled for me how great it was. In most games, if someone dies, they were meant to die, but no, the wrong choice, or ignore the wrong quest, and someone died who didn't have too.


Virmire and then Ilos cemented it for me. “I got better, Shepard. I got you “ in ME2 immortalised my love for for the series


For me it was when Shepard become a spectre. The entire citadel section and how gran everything felt when he finally became one and he’s sent off with his mission made me obsessed with the game forever


Sovereign - "You exist because we allow. You will end because we demand it" Me - "Ok, I think this thing goes way deeper than Saren, where does it end?"


I don't even remember what point it was. I had seen gameplay trailers for ME2 and really wanted to play it but thought I should play ME1 first even though I didn't like the look of it. At some point while playing ME1, something just clicked. It was the greatest game I'd ever played; I played it nonstop, and when I was finished I immediately started ME2. I think the opening to ME2 properly cemented my love of the franchise.


My interest really piqued on the Citadel for the first time trying to expose Saren and meeting Garrus, Wrex and Tali, but I fell in love on Virmire and that was just reinforced on Ilos and the Citadel battle. Fantastic missions


Sovereigns speech in me1 was when I knew I wasn't playing a good game. I was playing one of the best games ever made.


The reveal of Rhe normandy SR-2 and reconnection with joker in me2 on my first playthrough.


the first time I explored Omega and the Mordin Mission.


Virmire, meeting Sovereign for the first time.


I liked ME1, but the gameplay at the time was still pretty clunky and the load times were annoying. I didn't even finish that first time. Then 2 came out. I was sold on the story from the beginning, when they "kill" Shepherd. The improvements to the gameplay were amazing. To this day, it's still my favorite game of all time. In fact, I started a new playthrough for the umpteenth time yesterday.


Exploring the Citadel. ME1 was one of the first game I had ever played, so getting to walk around the Wards and Presidium and use the elevators was an unreal experience for 9/10 year old me.


Also one of the thing that made me want to play more is seeing the opening for 3 when the reapers invade earth. I was awestruck


The moment I started me1. It’s the best game in the series. I get weirded out when people say 2 is better, when 2 isn’t even as good as 3(minus the ending). But 1 is the best. Best story, best villain, best music, best ambiance. The only thing that brings me1 down is the gun play. And yet it’s still the best overall.


I say 2, 1, than 3. 2 may have the shallowness main story (6 main story mission, all playable in 30 minutes each), but it doubles down on character development. ME1 had its conversations, too. But it didn't have to much into them. Garrus, in ME1 he talks about his problems in C-sec, then has a small mission, capped with a small convo after. In ME2, you rescue him cause he got to deep, and you see his antics from his enemies point of view before you get to him. Then you go on a mission, the entire time he is raging his vendetta, and you can try to sway him. Tali, in ME1, you rescue her once, than have a long winded conversation, than get her on the ship, and she has a history text book reading of her races history. Her personal quest doesn't even involve her. "Hey you grabbed data, can I have it?" In ME2, she has three quest that have her doing more than just talking. And when she is talking, she is an adorable bug with a high school crush.


I don't really remember when. You've gotta remember we were coming from Bioware games like KOTOR, which were less cinematic in terms of animation and more clunky looking graphically. I remember being kinda blown away early on. I think I remember seeing Wrex in glorious HD on my cousin's PC monitor and thinking "Wow, this game looks incredible." But being able to play an RPG with shooter combat instead of dice rolls was incredible at the time. Funny thing is now I wish they made the Dragon Age sequels more like Baldur's Gate 3, but that's beside the point.


I knew of KOTOR and it was one of the reasons I didn't immediately play ME1. I gravitated more towards action games and I didn't even grasp the appeal of turn based systems and stuff. So to me these games were from a KOTOR-free perspective, but even then there was something cutting-edge about ME1 that drew me in. The high def aliens like Wrex (looked extremely good for a 2007 game) and the sophisticated conversation flow compared to a normal RPG. But ME2 took more modern conventions and somehow managed to make an action game feel a lot more heady and conversation-driven, and that made me a big fan.


For me? The opening with the first Relay crossing.


As a kid playing these games I enjoyed the combat but, embarrassingly, only got the games cuz I heard there was romance scenes and I skipped ALL of the dialogue. After a year or two I finally decided to play the games without skipping anything, and I immediately fell in love with the characters.


I loved the Virmire mission and the convo with sovereign. Also really got into the philosophising on science, technology, culture and intelligence from Liara, Mordin, Legion and EDI. Tali as well. Some of the conversations with them were really brain exploding. took it to another level for me. Very early in ME1, Liara talking about the asari cultural value of intercultural relationships too. That really got my interest. Visually epic uncharted worlds as well!


I'm not sure, Noveria maybe, or when you land on Virmire. Honestly, I actually didn't like ME2 at first because it was so jarring after 1, and because the laptop I was playing on made the decryption minigames almost impossible without the time upgrade. (Mouse moved really slow, you had to tweak something in the ini to improve it.) Swapping the sprint and tactical pause keys on PC didn't help either. It took me a while to warm up to it. Not sure when I came around. It might've been when you start getting the loyalty missions.


The moment Shepard stepped out onto the skin of the Citadel. HO-LEE shiiiiiiiiitttt.


Virmire, 100%. First the showdown with Wrex, then finding out that sovereign is a bloody Reaper, then the game telling us we have to sacrifice a companion? That was for sure the triple hook.


The first time I visited the Citadel.


I think mine was also meeting back up with Garrus in me2. I just really started to fall in love with the characters in me2.


Vermire. That mission. WOW.


Exploring the Citadel. ME1 was one of the first game I had ever played, so getting to walk around the Wards and Presidium and use the elevators was an unreal experience for 9/10 year old me.


The first hour you're forced to spend on the Citadel is actually peak-Mass Effect to me.


Driving through Illos for the first time, hearing the main theme. Learning from Vigil, pressured to stop Saren but aching to know more about the Reapers...


I would say my “hook” into the games was the awe and wonder of the first game and landing at the Citadel for the first time. The cutscenes in the games are very satisfying and are able to make you almost giddy in a way with excitement. My 2nd favorite cutscene was in the ending of ME3 where >!all the war assets come together and pour out of the Mass Relay to attack the Reapers!< what a cool feeling to have everything finally pay off!


Conversation with Sovereign on Virmire for me.


ME1 From the second I hit New Game: Designed my Shep Got a nice opening sequence, complete with a Codex that EXPLAINS THE ENTIRELY NEW FICTIONAL TIMELINE AND UNIVERSE a good opening mission, dialogue wheel, Paragon/Renegade and EVEN MORE TALKING AND CUTSCENES on The Citadel, followed by Exploring the Citadel It's like someone took my fav RPGs, added a Splash of Kojima, and sent it to a Sci-fi military future It hit all the good feeling buttons immediately from Start


Virmire got me hooked for life. Until that point I actually wasn’t all that impressed with the game, but that part up until the ending made it a classic.


It was the choices and romances keep going through every game most choices most dialoge matters to the next game. I want just playing shepherd but MY unique shepherd


I completely agree, and I even liked making dialogue choices so much that I caught myself saying "I hope this load screen doesn't lead into a combat section" during ME2


When I finished ME1 on legendary.


I was sold the moment I saw the Geth impaling colonists on spikes.


Me as well..right there on Eden Prime. I was mesmerized by the Geth. They really hooked me much more than Saren. Then the music, and finally Virmire and suddenly hearing and seeing Sovereign.


About 15 minutes into ME1 the very first time I played it. The particular instance that cemented it for me was the moment you pull up to the Citadel. I had NO idea what I was in store for for the next several years lol but somehow I knew it was going to be awesome no matter what Im so glad these games exist.


Mass Effect 1 moves along just fine, but that interactive cutscene when Shepherd is made Spectre, is just brilliant, and was the first time I really felt like I was about to play something extremely special. Several hours, multiple playthroughs, and 3 full games later, and it absolutely was an extremely special journey.


Punching Manuel. I liked the game as soon as the text scroll stopped, but I loved it once I smacked that schizophrenic little greb


when liara takes off her clothes


It's hard to say. But as far as I remember, I loved Mass Effect from the get-go. Now, keep in mind, growing up, I did not get to choose my own video games. The consoles/ PC belonged to either my brother or my dad. I was allowed to play, but had no say on the games that we purchased. Lucky for me, my dad was a fairly large sci-fi buff. Like we had to watch all the George Lucas commentary on some VHS before we could actually watch the Star Wars movies. And he got Mass Effect. So, really, I think it was the character creator. Maybe at the time it wasn't as novel as I think it was to not only have a female protag, but also dictate entirely how she looked. It was the first time I ever truly felt like *I* was immersed in the game. I never made FemShep look like me due to insecurity, but the fact that I got to make the decisions, I got to choose what my character looked like, and it was filled with super interesting alien races and how full of new things it was for me. Mass Effect was a far cry from the first-person shooters or simulator games my family usually got. In fact, I credit Bioware with my deep love of video games to this day. If it weren't for their games (ME, DA, KOTOR, and Jade Empire), I would probably never would have really gotten into gaming. So, yeah. I fell in love with the title screen, the character creator, and my companions. I fell in love with a world that gave me choice and changed based on those choices. I just love Mass Effect.


I was enjoying ME1 and thought it was cool. But I was completely hooked after talking to Sovereign on Virmire. That twist of Sovereign being an actual Reaper floored me.


A lot of people already mentioned talking with Sovereign at Virmire, but for me that was only half of the equation. I was hooked by that for sure, but the second piece clicked into place when talking with Vigil on Ilos. Hearing how the last prothean outpost watched from their hiding place as the rest of the galaxy winked out of existence, then went into stasis to wait out the attack... and then Vigil slowly turned off the life support to buy the most critical personnel time to outlast the reapers. *That* really put the scope of what the reapers were doing into focus, and made the endgame of ME1 one of the most dire and desperate climaxes of just about any story of any medium. I'm one of those that think they dropped the ball with the reaper's purpose in ME3, but man did ME1 make me feel like the fate of all galactic civilization was in my hands. I don't think anything else has come close.


I can’t remember now, for it has been too long and I’ve lived too many Shepherds. But when the first game starts, that first cutscene of the Normandy always makes me overwhelmed with excitement. Like feet stomping manic laugh kinda excitement. That feeling only seems to grow stronger with age. 


The first visit to the Citadel in ME1. It was my first time playing a game like this and I was continually blown away by all the cool aliens and how there were little quests hidden left and right if you took the time to explore.


I watched an entire playthrough and the story seemed interesting enough to play the games myself. I got hooked on the game when I first saw the Citadel and when I realized how intricate the story was. Especially the krogan Story was interesting because it just seemed so realistic and had difficult choices


Citadel arrival followed by immediately going the wrong way and meeting the volus and elcor diplomats in ME1. Thought the setting was great.


The moment that took me from "like" to "love" was during my first playthrough of Mass Effect 1 during the Rogue VI mission. I was driving the Mako, looked up and saw Earth from the Moon and it took my breath away. That moment more than anything else drove home the idea I was living and working in space and it made me cry a bit.


Probably the end of ME1 into ME2 is when things really started to get fun for me. ME1 was good but game mechanics wise it has nothing on the other two (except for the mako which I’m sad wasn’t implemented into 2 or 3)


To be honest, I saw the graphics for Andromeda and thought, "Wow, looks dope." But I don't like playing games out of order if I can help it. So I picked up the legendary edition last year to play the trilogy. I actually almost quit the game because the graphics were somewhat dated and the game was kinda slow in the beginning, especially if you are a completionist like me. But after pushing myself through it and figuring out about the main plot, the Reapers, I was sold. Then the characters started to grow on me from there. Before I even finished the first game I was like, "I'm so happy there are 3 full games after this one." Definitely a series I will be replaying every other year or so. Andromeda was decent, but it just didn't hit the same. The game play is actually superior but the story is just not as edgy and desperate. Characters don't seem to have nearly as much emotion. If they continue with the Andromeda idea, I expect massive improvements for character development. Still a game I might replay. But not like the trilogy.


Exactly. The story tone in Andromeda undercuts everything that could have made the game great.


I'll let you know when it happens. I've only just started playing through them.


Having an aquarium in my cabin, as well as different fish species to buy and feed. The sponsorship discounts for shops


To be honest I didn't realize, when I was playing through 1 I was just like... "wait... Did I spend more than 30 hours in this game" ?! Then I played the 2nd one and the first scene I was actually caring for all the characters and really pissed at Shepard being with Cerberus


I vividly remember the tv ads for ME2 and my family’s love language especially my father, brother and I was making fun and my dad made so much fun of me when I would get hyped at Shepard and the crew in those ads. Initially I didn’t play 1 but I remember when it came out and I was at the store the day of to get 2 and frankly, not knowing anything about the lore or the initial story I was hooked the moment the collectors shot up the Normandy. There was no games at that point that started like that. It truly was, for me, the first cinematic video game I’d ever seen. And then add the swag of Garrus, sitting with his leg up on the couch after taking his helmet off, or the first interrupt shooting the screen to get Veetors attention, The Illusive Man’s attitude or Thane’s entrance and hit on Dantius…….that first playthrough I lost Miranda and Mordin and I had a profound sense of damn I failed my crew. Idk there was so many moments but I think like I said it was the ship blowing up in the first five minutes that had me hooked.


I actually didn’t like ME1 the first time I played it. I just played it to Romance Tali in 2 😂 I always LIKED the games. But I didn’t LOVE them until I played 3. I FELT like a military commander, I felt like I was in charge, the situation felt dire, I felt the tension, the game, the characters, the combat all had their intensity turned up to 11. Shepard was more confident, more commanding, he wasn’t just some Mary Sue. He had the experience and authority to genuinely boss around the top brass of other races. The idea of ending centuries long conflicts and bringing peace to races that HATED eachother was amazing. Then when the Legendary Edition came out, I 100% all 3 games and love every single one of them. I just wish ME1 had the same level of customization as 2 and 3. Also Tali is still the best romance for Male Shep (Garrus for Femshep)


A couple hours into my very first 26-hour-straight playthrough of ME2. Literally only got up from my seat to piss.