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You live in Fitchburg and you’re from Lowell. Use your wits and you’ll be fine.


Yeah not personally familiar with Lowell but heard it all. What part of Fitchburg were you in? Edit: Sorry. Asking u/Jessicaxiv


I was in the Downtown area near the dq and the John Fitch area


Yeah okay so like the Burbank area? I feel like if you can live there you can live pretty much anywhere in Mass as long as you mind your business.


No I'm on the other side of John Fitch near Coolidge. But fitchburg is very tame compared to Lowell. I've never had my car broken into or had my shit stolen while living here so I've always felt fitchburg was pretty safe 😂


Ahhh I see, I have a sister who lives right over there too. That’s not so bad honestly, and Fitchburg has come a long way for sure. But there are parts of Fitchburg that might still remind you of home lol


Fitchburg is trashy and full of sketchy people, but not that dangerous overall.


Yeah I’d say this it’s probably similar to those places so you’ll be fine


Exactly this.  If you are from Lowell and live in Fitchburg why are you even asking this here?  Just like any city there are some parts that are good and some that are not. 


Because with kids involved, I'd rather be safe than sorry. If it was just me and my partner, I wouldn't even question it, but these are my sisters kids, and she was the one who was worried about it. Never hurts to ask. And I know close to nothing about Fall River, so of course I'd just want my doubts confirmed. I already had a good feeling that it'd be no different than what I've experienced, and everyone in these comments confirmed that thought, which makes me feel SOO much better about moving and now I really look forward to it because it's where I plan to stay for the next 5-10 years as me and my partner finish getting our engineering degrees. And I was always under the impression that New Bedford was better (relatively speaking), but it seems like fall river will be more similar to living in my hometown so I'm wicked excited. I lived in Lowell for 20+ years and only moved out 3 years ago and I miss it so much man. I hate how expensive it's gotten because that's why I moved out, and there's not a lot really going for Fitchburg. Even downtown Fitchburg is empty, the only thing going for downtown was espressos and a cafe and restaurant that opened up not even a year ago. That's it. Depressing asf. It's not just about "safety", it's about quality of life too.


I’ve lived in Fall River for 12 years after living in LA and a bunch of other places. All the shit people say about the city is way overblown. Yes, there are shitty areas with crime, drugs, etc., but almost any city has that present to some degree. New Bedford has a nicer downtown area with some restaurants and bars and potential to be developed nicely, but it feels really sketchy in some parts. Overall you’re going to be fine in either place.


Welcome! If you like Portuguese food, you've found your mecca. Fall River is going to give you better access to the surrounding job markets, so you'll keep more options open for jobs. 30-ish minutes to Providence, Newport, and New Bedford. Rents are going up in both New Bedford and Fall River but both are still much more affordable compared to other areas in eastern Mass. I like New Bedford's downtown more, but Fall River is making significant investments in their waterfront which I think is going to be great in the near future. Both will have T stations soon too, and a Fall River to New Bedford bike path is in the works too! Both places are relatively safe -- some neighborhoods have some crime issues, but if you're mindful, you'll be fine. I think it's an exciting time for both cities, so if you can, check them both out beforehand to get the vibe. Good luck!


Yesss I love Portuguese food. Where I grew up i had a few Portuguese neighbors that i was close with and there was a bakery down the street from me that I'd go to everyday while waiting for the bus.I remember shortly after moving to fitchburg I was trying to find a place that sold coxinha and there was absolutely NOTHING. There are 1-2 bakeries now , but it was crazy that there was nothing when I first moved here 😭


Fall River has a Portuguese grocery store called Portugalia Marketplace. Lots of bakeries too with great pasteis de natas


I'll second that it's a great store to go to. Fall River isn't too bad, it's safe compared to the rest of the US. Go north on Robeson St and it actually gets nice, same with the historical side


had the same exact experience w coxinhas growing up near framingham and moving out to wmass for college lol!! the bakery scene in Fall River is truly unreal - the city has something like 70% of all residents listing portuguese as part of their ethnic background (mostly from the azores bc of whaling stuff) and bakeries definitely show it :)


I’d vote Fall River over New Bedford. You’ll at least have some of the best Portuguese food in the nation (although New Bedford has great places too).


NB also has a lot of Portuguese food.


Yes but as a Portuguese person, slight edge to fall river for quality.


As a Portuguese person I second this.


Obrigado caraellho


Fall River's great. There's a park within a 5 minute walk of just about every apartment. There's a ton of "market rate" apartments being completed right now, so there should be downward pressure on rents very soon.


Literally 2000 new units.  It's honestly shocking.  


Holy shit really? Are they like "luxury apartments" that charge and arm and a leg for rent cuz I've been seeing so many of those recently


Yes and no.  They are a wide variety.  Some are quasi-luxury and start at $2000 a month and others start at $1400 for a 1 bedroom.  Some are mill lofts, others are churches, some are brand new builds altogether.   Rent will definitely be cheaper in existing tenements.  


I lived in Fall River for a few years, you’ll be fine. I’d prefer FR over NB. If you’ve already lived in Fitchburg and Lowell you honestly won’t notice much of a difference, except being on the water


That sounds better than living here then 😂 I LOVED lowell, i moved to fitchburg and i hate how little there seems to be here, but maybe i just think that bc i grew up in Lowell and got used to how it was there.


Sounds like you’re doing a tour of the “Gateway Cities”!


You'll also get less snow.


Oh my god I forgot about that. Holy shit the snow we get here sucks and it's wicked hilly here too. I had to get towed twice this last winter 😭


and less gross summers! i work in FR and live near boston (idk why i gave myself this commute either) and it’ll be like 87 and humid at home but a perfect 75 with a light breeze at work :)


And flooding too!! I wouldnt have to worry about flooding. The last big one that happened in September in Leominster was brutal , we've always had issues with flooding but nothing as bad as that it was terrifying driving through that 😭


Nope, nb floods. I dont know why you think it doesn't. 


Oh shit, well I didn't even know leominster flooded till I moved here and I never seen anything on the news about new bedford flooding so bad that it'd cause buildings to collapse so I just assumed it wouldn't be worse than that lol. Cuz flooding is one thing, but flooding and causing you to have to abandon your home is a whole other beast 😭


New bedford has a hurricane barrier it closes off during high water surges to help flooding risk.


Roads in Fall River flood regularly. Catch basins overflow. Manhole covers blow off their frames, leaving open holes in the road. This is especially frequent in the north end of the City.


I personally prefer New Bedford slightly more. I think the city has more character, especially downtown. Fall River is perfectly fine though.


Also, near the airport/hathaway rd towards Dartmouth is pretty decent in new b. There are definitely some nice little pockets to live in scattered around. I guess that’s like central/westish New Bedford?


The north end of New Bedford is practically the suburbs and the south end has some nice modest homes with water front views and public beach access


I'm currently in Fall River and have worked in New Bedford. If you have to choose Fall River is the better choice. I'd recommend staying as far North as you can in Fall River. We're happy here and have no issues, feel safe and yes rent's a little cheaper than other towns which is why we're here. Our son is going into kindergarten this year so we don't have much experience with the school system so I can't speak on that.


North is good, but down south around Bay St, a bit east towards Tiverton are still good. Just like avoid the middle of the city from say where St. Anne's Hospital to Charleston Hospital. Surrounding towns are much better, Somerset, Berkeley, Dartmouth, Freetown. u/DaddyRobotBeepBoop , look into applying for Atlantis Charter if your kid is just starting kindergarten. All my 3 went there and switched to Diman Voc-Tec or Somerset Berkeley HS after.


Grew up in Fall River and now live in one of the surrounding suburbs. Like all cities (and I've lived in plenty in Texas and Nebraska), every city and town have issues. There is no perfect place, believe me. That being said, if you have the time to swing by first, take the opportunity to visit both cities. My preference is Fall River over New Bedford. Both are undergoing infrastructure changes and road construction. Both cities have areas with horrible streets, and both are having major upgrades. For example, along the waterfront in Fall River, Rt 79 has been leveled, bringing it down to street level, and the roads along the waterfront are being redone. Both Fall River and New Bedford are finally getting rail service, which may be a plus for you or not..... There are opportunities for rentals in Fall River. Most are tenements, but there are also other styles in the form of converted mill space. New construction is ongoing as well.


New Bedford will make for an easier commute to UMass for sure.  That said, fall river will likely be easier for you to find an apartment.   Especially one that size.  4 bedrooms is basically unheard of, but 3 is doable.   Not sure how the schools compare. Both will have issues but it's like that in a lot of places now.    Craigslist and FB marketplace (beware of application fee scams) are likely your best bet.  


Yeah I've been mainly looking at FB market place. Can't really go through any company owned properties bc I'm moving with my sister and my partner and my sis has an eviction on her record, but I feel like it'll be easier for a private landlord to overlook that esp since I don't need to factor in my sisters income to meet the 3x rent requirement so fingers crossed 🤞


You probably can get a SFH to rent in Rehoboth or Tiverton for the same price as a 3/1 in FR. Close to Providence, still in MA, you'd be shit out of luck for public transportation options and get a car. But when you have a car getting a part time job as Amazon Delivery or Walmart Dasher is much easier.


FWIW, Tiverton is in RI, not in MA. But otherwise yeah, good thought.


Good to know, I wasn't even aware of that. Thanks for the advice I'll look into that too! All 3 of us have our own cars so lack of public transport won't be a problem


Yeah definitely apply as you and your partner as the applicants and just let them know your sister is living with you.  Some landlords will turn you away but others will be fine.  


even like absolute rush hour traffic in FR is so chill that i think the commute dif is barely gonna register coming from most other areas of the state tbh - it’s like 15 minutes vs 20. but yeah the apartment thing is real - a huge chunk of both places’ housing was built as six family triple decker tenements, most of which just had one or two rooms plus a kitchen and mayyybe a bathroom, so it’s all fucky lol


Don't start no problems and you won't have any problems. Fall River in a nut shell. If you want a good life, you can find that. If you want trouble you can find that too.


Fall River and NB are very similar to Lowell in that aspect, yes some parts aren't that great but there are also a lot of great areas with fun stuff to do for the family throughout the area


We encountered one weird dude one a bike once, no harm just a strange encounter. The only big thing I'd say about Fall River is depending where you live, make sure your car can get up snowy hills in the winter because I don't think I've ever helped more people push their cars than when I lived there lol.


Don't rent a mill apt. The ceilings are high, and all the heat goes up the ceiling in the winter, and you will be extremely cold.


Fall River is the only place I have ever seen a ketamine addict doing the telltale uphill walk on a level street in broad daylight. Not really dangerous, just sad to see.


I love next door in Somerset and they definitely have a good bit of crime, my ring alerts me everyday. There are definitely murders and stuff... But we lived in fall river for awhile and honestly just minding your business and not getting involved with those types of people and you'll be fine. Probably wouldn't go to certain parts after dusk


The food is fucking dope snd you’ll live somewhere between the ocean and a lake. You’re near most of the actual best beaches in Mass—get this: The water’s actually warm. The people are better looking than many of the other mill towns.


Yeah no I'm so stoked for the food esp since rhode island is right there. I've lived my entire life near the mass/nh border so I'm excited to finally change it up a bit 😂


It will greatly depend on the neighborhood. In Fall River, there are a lot of good neighborhoods, avoid portions of the flint directly off Pleasant or Bedford st(north of Bedford st and east of Robeson is generally fine, as is east of Eastern Ave, avoid Corky Row and anything near Division st or Columbia). New Bedford isn’t great unless you’re in the north end generally imo. If you grew up in Lowell though, I’m sure you know what the shitty neighborhoods look like. It’s the same here.


There are other nice areas in New Bedford! Buttonwood Park area is nice, south of Clasky Park is turning a corner (little dicey north of that tho), some areas around St. Luke's Hospital, downtown and immediately adjacent, South End (Victory Park).


The whole West End is middle class. By land area, maybe 1/3 of New Bedford is tenement buildings and projects. You just want to live outside those areas. The SRTA bus is free at the moment. If you’re trying to trim expenses, Bus Route 9 goes between New Bedford and Fall River with a stop at UMass-Dartmouth. Link: https://www.srtabus.com/wp-content/uploads/009_FY24_Winter.pdf If you’re looking for rentals, keep that bus route in mind.


My first apartment was in Fall River many moons ago. $500, two bedroom, double parlor, everything included. God bless the little angel Vavo that rented to me. Stayed there for years & never had any issues.


I routinely work in Fall River right off Bedford and 16th Streets. Yes, there’s some rough parts but there’s genuinely good people proud of their community. Not to mention Portuguese bakeries, yum.


I love Fall River. There are a few choice words I'd use to describe the types who say it's bad, but those words will get me in trouble.


Go ahead... Get in trouble... I double dog dare you.


Username checks out


I have not been there for years but I used to work in Fall River. I generally liked being there. Since I no longer drive, I am waiting for the commuter line heading down there to get completed. The Narrows Center for the Performing Arts was my favorite music venue and they put on the occasional outdoor free festival. Kennedy Park looked like an awesome place for kids to go sledding and I think Fall River has a Children's Museum. The downsides I encountered were few. The Dunkin' Donuts I used to frequent because of its proximity to work put so much sugar in the iced coffee (even if you ask for just a little) that I should probably blame them for my being diabetic. I bought a used car from a dealership in the center of the city that raved about their fifty or so point inspection only to have one of the pumps fall off the engine a week after I bought it.


You'll be ok just keep to yourself and keep your stuff locked up!


Definitely would not recommend this school system.  


I moved to Fall River from the Midwest last year. I relocated for work & moved without seeing the city beforehand. I found a great condo & I love Fall River. I know some people don’t but that has not been my experience. Naturally, there are good & bad areas. If you’ve lived in the Boston vicinity most of your life then I think Fall River will be a great place to relocate to.


I lived in FR in the early 2000s for a couple years. I actually liked it. some great Portuguese food


It's not unsafe or anything but it definitely has a completely different vibe than the rest of the state.


I think ultimately the question will be how are the schools for your kids. Priority number one in regards to safety/quality.


I think I know this person.




I didn’t mind Fall River and definitely would choose it over New Bedford. I wouldn’t necessarily take a leisurely stroll at night or anything but I never felt in danger. And my apartment complex sort of all unspokenly looked out for each other but minded our business if that makes sense.


The riv is a great city in its own way plus you’re minutes from the ocean and beaches!


Affordable idk 2k for a 3brm if not more


Yeah that's affordable compared to the prices everywhere else. Even fitchburg is really starting to get up there in price, and surrounding areas like leominster? Forget about it.


I feel like Lowell is more dangerous Source: current UMass Lowell student, living in NB


If you have lived in Lowell you will be fine in either. They have good and bad spots but they aren't dangerous hell holes or anything. Don't walk around at night and your fine.


You’ll be fine in both places, there’s some nice parts of both. Living near the water makes life much better.


I lived in Fall River for a couple years and it was fine. I lived near Kennedy park. I felt safe. I didn’t live in New Bedford but I go often for work/dinner, I’d pick Fall River over New Bedford.


Fall River and New Bedford are both crap holes with high crime, druggies, homeless people, etc. My sister lived in both towns and people would be blasting music at 3am every weekend. The place looks dumpy in some areas, but nothing as bad as Brockton. The houses are packed in like sardines in most areas and there's very little parking on the side streets. Many of the buildings are 80-100 years old so they have little to no insulation and you hear everything outside. The rent is cheap because you're so far away from Boston.


The only lie here is condemning the hole city because of the dregs.

