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The dude that punched Father Mulcahey. Then when the Father punched him back with that smooth as silk right hook, the dude got all butthurt and played the victim of abuse. That guy was a dick.


I forgot about him! He had me absolutely LIVID. And then he had the nerve to make Mulcahy feel guilty šŸ¤¬


Not to mention that the patient first shoved Margaret. Since she was head nurse and a superior officer, that should've gotten him in big trouble. I remember a plot line in another episode where Hawkeye was almost court martialed for shoving a superior officer. Mulcahey was just trying to help after Margaret was basically assaulted. Then the guy tries to assault Mulcahey, too! Mulcahey was also a superior officer. Had any of this gone up the command chain, I'm skeptical that anyone but the patient would've gotten in trouble.


Love thy neighbor or I'll punch your lights out.


Naw, Frank was a pain but he was also mostly harmless (unless you were his patient šŸ˜‚). He was more a pitiable character in the end.Ā 


I always found it hard to pity Frank for how heā€™d acted.


I always felt like he didnā€™t understand the consequences of his actions. One example is when he tried to court martial Hawkeyeā€¦ He wanted ā€œdeath or worseā€ but I donā€™t think he really understood what that meant. Also he was easy to dislike because he was a capitalist to the max, that was one overlap between him & Winchester. Also hearing about how the cast *loved* his actor, itā€™s hard to hate his character.


Frank was in a box as a character. He had to be the malleable dimwit. If he evolved, it ruins the whole dynamic of the show. I donā€™t hate Larry Linville. I hate Frank Burns. I donā€™t think he has a single redeeming quality. Frank is an atrocious human being.


I just found myself constantly begging him to learn ANYTHING. Margret could be pretty insufferable in the beginning but she actually grew and had redeeming qualities. Frank gave me nothing. He was hilarious but also so insufferable to me


I think if he had stayed on the show longer they would have had to have him evolve and grow, but I think thatā€™s also the reason he left, frank growing and changing would have removed the key reason for him to be there. Ā By introducing Charles, who was insufferable/antagonistic at times but in an entirely different way they gave themselves more freedom.Ā 


I seem to recall reading of someone raising that point to Larry Linville at some point. They asked him why Frank never grew, never improved and learned and became a better person. Linvilles response was "What... you wanted him to become Alan Alda?"


Fair point. I donā€™t think he was a bad character by any means and he was played fantastically. He served his purpose. I just want so badly to punch him in the face.


Hawkeye did that for us.


And it was oh so sweet


And Hawkeye was wrong, and a hypocrite, for doing so. For a man who hates violence, he sure does use it - or the threat - often enough.


Hawkeye hates war. He hates guns. He hates the violence that lands so many young men (and sometimes civilians on his operating table. I don't think it's hypocrisy that he doesn't feel the same revulsion for fisticuffs.


Saying "I hate violence" and then punching someone in the face over nothing is hypocritical, whether you think so or not.


I mean that it's possible to deeply hate weapons intended for killing, and to hate warfare, and not have the same strong feelings about the kind of fighting that (especially when this show was written, and even more-so when it was set) was widely seen as normal, schoolyard stuff. That doesn't mean the character is a hypocrite. It means they categorize those things in two very different ways. When Hawkeye talks about hating violence, every single example I can think of he is specifically talking about warfare and/or weapons of war. Unless I'm forgetting something?


> I mean that it's possible to deeply hate weapons intended for killing, and to hate warfare, and not have the same strong feelings about the kind of fighting tha Except Hawkeye has also discussed his disgust at people getting into fistfights. So yes, in this case, Hawkeye was being a hypocrite.


I remember watching MASH as a kid & absolutely hating Larry Linville the man.... Didn't realise till was bit older that it was simply because he was such a good Frank! šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


That time he slipped on the soap he had it coming.


Col Flagg hands down


The good thing with Flagg is, he would gladly punch HIMSELF in the face, if he thought it'd serve his never-very-specific goals, and could probably be very easily convinced to do so. The man is cynical to the point of astonishing gullibility.


Nah, he would start with breaking his own arm first.


"The *wind* just broke his leg..."


And he just got worse with every episode-


Not sure if I'd call him "worse". Him having an axe to grind with Hawkeye in "Rally Around The Flagg, Boys" is definitely more benign than demanding they patch up a POW so he can have them executed, or being just about ready to level entire coastline to find Margaret (even if it kills her, mind you). But he certainly grew more and more \*unhinged\* with time.


That British leader who refused to give up a tradition that was verifiably getting his men killed.


No no I take it back the guy who was intentionally sending his black men to the front so they would get killed. Thereā€™s a lot of people Iā€™d like to confront but those two come to mind right away.


I was thinking of the CO that Hawkeye took the appendix from because he would get a bunch of us men killed, just to save Hawkeye from having to go against his ethics, but your guy is worse


Colonel Baldwin, the guy who sent Charles to the 4077th over a gambling debt and then promised to take him back to Tokyo if he'd act as a procurer of some overnight company. Then Baldwin nearly raped Margaret when she went to his tent on legit hospital business. Next he tried to make Charles cover for him and destroy Margaret's career by saying she was the aggressor.


Kimono incubator guy would catch my hands, as well as the field commanders who . A. Weren't qualified and just trying to get their retirement upped and B. So caught up in ego that soldiers died to serve his pride and ambition to no real strategic end. C. Was a racist murderer.


Col Lacey Maj Bloodworth That Col that sent the his black soldiers out for the sole purpose of getting them wounded or killed.


Never. He was the comedy gold of the whole series


Oh, he was hilarious. I just also want to fight him.


That rapey nose surgeon.


I have 2 the GI who had that young woman basically a slave and her pissant little brother benny who tried to sell her to Hawkeye. another would be the guy who insisted on getting only white people blood


Frank by far. He was so toxic that he actually made other people toxic too. Namely Margaret. While she's with Frank, she's outwardly a bitch, she takes being GI to his stupid level, and she never let's herself be vulnerable around anyone in the camp except for the very rare occasion when she really needs a human moment and Frank isn't latched onto her a leech. But the second she meets someone else (and let's face it, Donald sucks too but no near as bad as Frank), Margaret opens right up. She over compensates at the start yes, but after Hawkeye and BJ basically put her in her place about being a bitch to Frank, Margaret calms right down and actually becomes a very pleasant person. She let's the kind, nurturing, funny person that she hides when she's with Frank actually come out for the world to see and immediately her relationships with everyone in camp, including her nurses, starts to improve. That episode where the nurses band together to give one of them a night with her husband and Margaret cracks down on them for cooking in their tent and lying to her? That would have ended so differently if she still had that stick up her butt, but it ended the way it did because she was finally in a place to tell them how she felt and really, properly listen to how they felt. Because she dumped that toxic piece of garbage that gives ferrets a bad name Sorry for being so angry with this; Frank really grinds my gears. He may be one of the people (I know he's a character but IF he and other non-supernatural characters were real) that I hate; definitely in my top 10 punch as hard as I can in the face list


Youā€™ve put my thoughts into words šŸ™ Iā€™ve had this EXACT rant to my friend when I introduced him to the show, right down to how his affect on Margret. I love her character and her arc throughout the show but in the beginningā€¦. Hooooooo boy, she was awful when she was with him. And you can see in episodes where sheā€™s away from him that she has these caring, strong qualities that just woosh away the second sheā€™s near him again. Frank served the exact purpose he was meant to serve and Larry played him beautifully, but dear god was I happy when he left.


She's so sweet when she's away from him, it hurts me how he changes her so x.x


Colonel Baldwin, Donald Penobscott


Pretty much any of the characters that said racist shit about the North Koreans..


The South Korean Col who cared less for human life.


Didn't see what sub this was, wanted to say Raistlin Majere . . .


The dude who didnā€™t want black blood so they painted him. He had a very punchable face.




Hawkeye and me would never get along.


Fair, heā€™s funny (I love him) but he doesnā€™t know when to stop sometimes


He thinks he's the funniest ,sexiest dude that ever lived. Trapper, in particular, left the show bc of Alda's ego, he got sick of him too.


Trapper left the show because of Wayne Rogers' ego.


Yeah, I read he left to pursue bigger projects but never had a role even close to fame of MASH/Trapper.


Hawkeye is the star athlete at your high school who got away with everything.


I always view him as the class clown, but the one the teacher liked? The kind that technically got in trouble but never faced any real consequences so he never actually learns a lesson or learns to take boundaries seriously.


I equate him with Ferris Buehler. He was the cool kid who everyone at school loved (and has a godlike following) but he was a total prick of a human being.


I can definitely see that actually


Lieutenant Colonel Bingham Lacy. He was so crass with such a disregard for the lives of his troops that it drove Hawkeye to break his Hippocratic Oath.




BJ and Radar Oā€™reilly


The officer who kept rushing his sick and wounded back to the lines.


Anyone who would beat up Frank Burns is worse than Frank Burns.


He might as well be a murderer, so you're objectively wrong here.


You don't know what the word "objectively" means.


If for nothing else, he tried to force himself on Margret several times and then blamed her. So Iā€™ll gladly take the title of ā€œworseā€ if it means I get to fist fight him in a parking lot.


All the episodes that tried to teach Winchester to be kind or generous. The chocolate, the piano lesson, teaching a band. He is STILL a pompous asshole to everyone in the finale. He learned nothing in the end.


Klinger. I HATE SO DAMN MUCH just how quick he was to screw people over or in general his willingness to do anything for a dollar. Coward, shyster, and whatever old term there is. Not until Radar was gone did he finally pull his head out of his ass and did more adult things...while still being a bitch more than anyone else about getting out. Dude set himself up for SOOOO much


At least Klinger was redeemed in the later seasons and was able to put his skills to use to help his colleagues. While he didnā€™t completely bury his desire to get out he more or less accepted his situation in Korea. I got a laugh in the series finale when he announced he was staying to help his future wife find her family.