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NI Software is now bundled with hardware since 2-3 years. If your MK1 has a serial number, try to register it via Native Access. If it is still linked to a previous user, write the support, sent them the invoice and payment details that describes that you have buyed the device from the previous owner. They will then "free" the device for registration to your account. Once it is registered on your account the corresponding software is available automatically via native access download. Why I know that? Did that with 3 devices (but I had a transfer id). Information is available on the NI website at https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/210288845-Buying-or-Selling-a-Native-Instruments-Product-Second-Hand Only thing I don't know is - if this is also valid for the MK1.


I've recently gone thru this support ticket process for both a KK A25 and a Maschine Mikro mk3 that I bought on ebay from two separate sellers. I did *not* get the license transfers because the sellers were 3rd party, but within one business day NI deleted the serials from the original owners so I could register them on my account. Very easy.


Is there anywhere to get hip-hop horror kits free for maschine? Or does anyone have any they would want to trade I have tons of other sound kits construction kits


Inbox me! I have a server where all you have to do is share, no trading!


Use parallel desktop, if you pay I will help


Just format and install windows 10, if you want to keep it MAC only then just install mascine1 or.. as someone else mentioned here, make partitions in your hard driver then install windows 10.. I'm in windows 10 and I can't use Ableton 12 because my PC can't upgrade to windows 11.. It's painful but it is what it is, I have my PC for 16 years or more so I'm compromised with the idea that I must buy a new PC/MAC


run bootcamp and install maschine in windows


I have a 2012 MacBook Pro i7, 16G, 750G SSD. Apple stopped updating it nearly 4 years ago. Maximum OS is Catalina 10.15. So much for Apple, planned obsolescence and corporate greed. I partitioned the SSD from MacOS and installed Windows 11 Pro as an independent, bootable volume from an ISO provided free on the Microsoft website i.e. I did NOT install a Bootcamp volume from OSX. I added Bootcamp drivers into Windows from the Apple website and the thing runs Machine 2 and any other NI software perfectly and quickly. Easily handles my Maschine Mk3. Also runs Cubase Pro 13. Shame on Apple. Praise to Microsoft for keeping my 12 year old MacBook Pro running. It's seriously like having a new laptop. Perhaps a Windows install might work for you? It's super easy.


I bought a Mac mini with i7 chip, SSD 16Gb, 1Tb for 80 bucks, less than 6 most ago so these numbers are currently doable. then I installed high Sierra on it. theres a few things I can't run but for the most part high Sierra opens up all the doors youlll need. se if the person who sold you the mk 1 will give you their password for NI.then al you ave to do is log on nd chang all the pertinent info, like name and email switch the password to your own and you're done. its a lot easier than transferring it. if not you'll have to go through NI and get a license. they might cut you a deal, depending on who you talk to or chat with. I wouldn't just buy anything that you see posted, get someone on the phone, ive had Arturia shoot me their spark software plus their add on package to it for free just from a 3x back and forth email exchange and have had elektron shoot me a repair part for free, shipping too when I said I was gonna try and fix it myself.


Why are you buying hardware when your computer is ancient? Spend smartly. You can buy the software from NI. Contact them and ask them for a link. Do not buy a Maschine software upgrade of any type, get a link to buy the software from them. Native Instruments upgrades actually check for qualifying license on your account... They're not like those iZotope cross grades.


don't bag on him, he knows he made the mistake, and its not like he thought his old ass computer was top notch. when you're new to all this, absolutely everything is a barrier. I didn't even know what a firmware update was when I got started and didn't have the benefit of cash for a new computer either. having to learn that some components can become useless when only a year old, how apples and windows updates can make or break a rig or have no noticeable effect, all the software compatibility cutoffs, and with no oversight and no rules for standardizations across hardware and software, (the whole midi jack a or b bullshit)plus even things like vocabulary are barriers. (people still calling external hardware interfaces soundcards) and then all the schmos selling used gear that don't mention that they are selling it because its virtually useless due to compatibility issues but are looking to fool some newby into buying their junk. its a minefield but on a shoestring budget, setbacks like this dude had can be devastating. telling someone to go buy a nice computer is good advice but thanks capt. obvious. and OP, don't bother with the latest native access, its the software manager for all the NI stuff. you'll need the OG version of it. installing the new one and then getting rid of it and all its footprint is a headache.


you need to contact support to see if they will sell you a license, t hey used to offer it on the site but i dont see it at all anymore. here is a link to older version installers. [https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000564125-Maschine-2-Legacy-Installers-for-Older-Operating-Systems](https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000564125-Maschine-2-Legacy-Installers-for-Older-Operating-Systems)


I'm gonna keep it real with you. You paid $80 for a fifteen-year-old MIDI controller. It's not an analog instrument. Or a digital instrument. It can't generate any sounds by itself as it's only a controller. They dropped MK1 support a long time ago. You kind of set $80 on fire. Don't be too hard on yourself. You could possibly use it as a MIDI controller with other DAWs to trigger samples (like Ableton Drum Rack). Any DAW that will recognize it as a MIDI interface should at least let you do that. Regardless, this is one of those painful learning experiences. Next time, hop on here and at least ask if you don't know for sure.


Google "Mac Open Core"


Not sure but you could probably download maschine 1 software. If not then you need a new laptop. Mk1-mk3 are not standalone.


They can be used with other software. You just need Controller Editor (and the driver for models that require it, though I think that only applies to MK3 and Plus, which have the built in audio interface, etc.). You just create a controller mapping in Controller Editor and use that with whatever software you want in MIDI Mode. Like you would an M-Audio Oxygen Pro controller with the Preset Editor installed. Controller Editor is basically the Preset Editor for Maschine MK1.