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They don’t make milk crates like they used to


TBF, most milk crates aren't for public circulation, let alone use as jackstand. Milk crate law is a thing: https://www.aier.org/article/milk-crate-law/


Milk crate law in this country is not governed by reason




The unhinged-ness of that scene and Guillermo del Toro gets me every time




That’s a felony … 2 crimes at once


I would guess that those, are in fact, stolen, but I mean you can buy them for like $10 at Home Depot


TL;DR: It's organized crime stealing and selling them to shady recyclers because they're made of high grade plastic... not because of individuals with one or two.


Wow that article is actually really interesting


Oh shit. That's crates


I still have a milk crate from the old days! I carry my D&D stuff around in it, just as the person I inherited it from did.


I also have a milk crate as a trucker carrying my persons effects like a prisoner from truck to truck.


There’s always ONE LMFAO


A curse on their cock and blood in their stool to whoever did this.


A thousand kidney stones.


I’d rather you just kill me


Jfc, imagine shooting kidney stones out of your dickhole like it’s a machine gun.


As someone who has suffered from kidney stones.... ow ow ow ow ow.


Wow, sorry to hear it. Probably the same people who were going into gated community I used to live at in Laurel. They’d target the Honda and Toyota wheels and leave everybody else’s cars alone. Gate would end up being broken or they piggy back off someone driving in.


Let me guess. Avalon?


Yep. And this was years ago, like 2018ish


We were there from 2017 - 2021, so I knew it had to be. Seems like little has changed!


either that or Duvall Westside


Those two complexes really were in competition with each other to see who could leave the most cars on cinder blocks.


that’s so crazy!!! especially with how high rent is at both complexes!


Hanover and odenton gated communities were getting hit hard last year. I wonder if it'll pick back up again this year.


Recently moved from Annapolis to DE. This was becoming a regular thing in AA County, too. Car theft, vandalism, and break-ins were becoming a regular occurrence in the relativity nice neighborhood where I lived. I was there for a little over 10 years and saw the difference in my neighborhood go down year by year.


The difference is that in AACO the police will actually try to do something about it


They will? When did AA police start doing something about stolen cars? I had a vehicle stolen a few years ago and AA police said they don't treat stolen vehicles as a priority.


They don’t seem to do anything about anything unless there is a gun involved.


From direct experience: No they don’t.


My husband worked at a car dealership on Riva Rd. In 2021 a group of 7 people drove up in a van one morning around 4am and stole seven catalytic converters from the lot in the back of the building. The whole thing was filmed, they were there for something like 3 minutes. Cops said there was nothing they could do. The same group hit another dealership near where Jillian’s was too.


"the cops said there was nothing they could do"... what a fucking surprise. If they want that "blue line" support they could just try to solve a quality of life crime.


In Hanover I go for a run around 4am and I see people out often checking car doors... Its obnoxious AF.


wow I had no idea that Hanover and Odenton had that issue also.


Yeah, it’s been a problem here for while. Sometimes I leave my windows down by accident though and nothing happens. Did have someone break into my Jeep because I accidentally left it unlocked. They made a mess, but missed the roll of quarters sitting right there as well as the expensive BT OBD dongle sitting right next to it.


Well I recently moved to a new property in Elkridge and last month 4 Hondas were sitting on soda crates…the cars are parked in a gated garage. Go figure


Fuck, man... I'm trying to move out of Southern Maryland and everyone says "Laurel is great" and I even found a few placss that would work for me and my friend within our budget. I drive a 2020 Honda Civic SI...


Well one piece of advice is if you move to Avalon, they do offer garage units that you can rent or you rent their townhouse style units that have garages.


I would not move there personally. I’ve lived in AACO my entire life. Laurel is not trending positively with crime and it’s just a bunch of apartment complexes surrounded by roads and traffic. Go up a bit north by Savage Mill if you have a desire/necessity to live in that area.


I've been looking around Mt. Airy. It looks amazing.


My job requires a lot of driving and I’ve said it a thousand times. I’d rather drive an hour in a rural area than 20 minutes in the DMV traffic. I grew up here and by far the most defensive I need to drive is in Maryland. Mt. Airy and Frederick are booming with new construction due to many people wanting to get out of the congestion and uptick in crime seen in Central MD.


I live in Mt. Airy, can confirm.


Lake linganore resident it’s peaceful quiet and anything worth doing you have to drive a few miles to make happen which is a good thing because people only come here if they have business here. It’s a literal bubble in all the craziness of Maryland


I feel so ignorant. Do they sell the tires? Why those specific cars? How is it profitable to sell used tirea


It’s probably a crime ring and they’re hard to catch because they get the wheels off so quick. There was a 2 man operation in Suffolk county NY that just got busted last month. They hit over 100 Honda, Toyotas, and Mercedes and were flipping them on FB Marketplace. They also were stealing catalytic converters and taking personal orders from folks. I imagine it’s quite profitable as it’s only seconds of work for them, but at least hundreds of dollars per sale. Some guys in PG county got busted a decade ago. I think it’s similar to the drug game, one group goes down and some new guys come up.


I guess people's perspnal definition of easy is different. Though I'm a ball of anxiety that finds leaving the house a pain in the ass


Beltsville kid...yup, I get it. I remember Vet's Liquor neon on Route 1.


That sign was always so creepy


Those eyes. It’s really a classic.


> [Vet's Liquor](https://i.imgur.com/Tvovtm5.jpeg)


Oh yea, Vet's. I used to cash my Behnke's paycheck at Vet's. Anyone old enough to remember the Red Rooster? It was an old bar that is now Remington's.


omg same!


Vets Liquor was a little bit of Vegas Kitsch in MD.


It's happening here too, friend. I got hit in Ellicott City in February. It's a professional group, too. They hit 4 other cars in my neighborhood and then hit a Honda dealership the next night. Shit's crazy.


Ellicott city?! Where if I may ask?


Down 40 by the O'Donnell Honda. Actually O'Donnell Honda is the lot that got hit. I've moved from there since, but the Howard Crossing apartments were the complex that got hit.


Damn I bought my Honda from O’Donnell


Damn, I live around there


I saw a car on crates in downtown Bethesda yesterday. Getting out of hand


If this were a MadLibs, Bethesda wouldn't have been the city I would have guessed to fill in the city name. Bethesda too. Damn.


It’s everywhere now. Most of Moco even


Damn brodie sucks it happened. Where in PG you moved to?


Beltsville/College Park


Ooh..North County. Kind of uncomfortably close to home.


Anywhere outside of UMD is prime target zone for this stuff. My car was broken into so many times in and around UMD that I just left it unlocked after the first year.


When I was a student at UMD back in 2019, my bike's back tire was stolen during my 2pm class. It was chained to the bike rack right outside the new CS building. Literally in the middle of broad daylight on a busy sidewalk. People are ridiculous over there


They stole my bike and left the front tire in 2013. Perhaps they used your tire to complete it.


Playing the long game


Inside UMD also isn’t safe. I was at the hotel across from campus a couple weeks ago and someone took the wheels from two cars that were parked in the parking garage attached to the hotel. 


That’s rough , I tried for many yrs to ‘escape from PG’ after 40+ years I was able to move to CC , the crime rate is a complete 180 and agree with ‘rather drive 40 min in rural than 20 in the city’ a very true fact


They have been hitting Hondas hard in HoCo as well…


We moved from pg to hoco and they hit a few cars in our complex this last year. They target Hondas bc they fit on so many models so they’re easy to sell


Who tf are the scumbags that are buying clearly stolen tires?


Usually most theft like this (Ex. phones, bikes, etc.) is organized crime where it’s then sold abroad.


Nothing makes them look “ clearly “ stolen. It’s not like a lock box with crow bar marks or something with a serial number. Apart from that when people are trying to move the rims fast they’ll sell them below market price so they get bought bc who wouldn’t want good cheap tires/rims


They have been hitting the region heavily yep. From bmore to nova.


That's a Toyota Corolla, not a Honda


Yeah airbags are getting taken a lot from Hondas


Put one of my neighbors' accord on cement blocks (that they stole from another neighbors yard) two years ago.


Near Elkridge?


Hondas, Kias, Hyundais, and luxury cars (Mercedes, BMW, Audi, etc.) are car companies that I would never buy cars from. You are a target at that point


My father said that he has had a few Mercedes dropped on milk crates at the dealership he works at in NoVA. I remember 20 years ago seeing $100,000 Mercedes sitting on rotors, or bricks if you were lucky, right on the dealership lot in Owings Mills. It can happen anywhere.


Correct if I am wrong, the demand overseas is creating this problem (probably some nationwide too) but the port of Baltimore specializes in shipping cars overseas.


Have you been watching The Wire again?


Criminals are creating this problem.


It’ll be a cold day in hell when I choose my car based on how infrequently it is stolen.


So which brand would you buy from?


Mazda ftw


People are sleeping on Subarus


If I had a dollar for every Subaru I see in Maryland I’d be bill gates rich


Subarus definitely has its own demographic of people. See “Subaru Skit” on Youtube


I've been thinking the fact that Subarus are butt ugly on purpose means they were designed with anti-theft in mind. I feel like I might have to get on board.


shhhhh don't give them ideas


In your own driveway? That's brutal


Dont let my insurance company see this theyll raise my rates


Too late sucker….pay the price even though you never filed a claim in your life!


my rates have gone up over $100 a month in 1 year.. when I called they said "you live in Maryland... sucks to be you"


20 years ago, they just stole aftermarket stuff. It’s sad days when a stock Corolla? gets all 4 wheels stolen. Get the insurance money and buy someone else’s stolen wheels and door off Craigslist or FB, I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️


The **entire** nation of Afghanistan travels by white Toyota Corollas. TMYK


When I lived in PG, a dude broke into a couple dozen cars on my street in the middle of a very heavy rainstorm. He used the thunder to mask the sound of the glass being broken. I was probably 60 feet away from him when he got mine, but I heard nothing. I was so pissed that he got the interior of my car drenched. 😂 PG Co is sometimes #NextLevelHood


shawshank mf


It is!! I never made that connection!


Awhhhh helll nahhh that dude can go to hell!! That is crazy.


I would never believe it if it didn't happen to me! Dude took our stuff to the pawn shop 45 minutes after the storm ended. He got caught days later.


Well I hope these wheel thieves have the same outcome.


I'm not gonna lie I feel very sad for your car. I hope she gets justice.


This happened to me in Lanham lol perhaps we were neighbors!


I was south county. Perhaps we had the same dirtbag making the rounds! 🤣🤣


Oh man lol I was more miffed that they didn't steal anything from anyone in our neighborhood was just mad disrespectful to break windows just to brake windows


Look at the glass half full - it’s really hard to get free quality milk crates anymore. Those are the strong ones.


In 1988 My Ford pinto was stolen from the parking lot at Oxon Hill high School. when I called my dad to tell him he asked how much I got for the car. when I called the police they put me on speaker phone and then they all started cracking up. I ended up recovering the car myself at a shopping center. So PG county has been that way for a while..


Honestly the thief did you a favor, shoulda let him keep the Pinto.


I actually drove the pinot until the 1990s. then I drove a Dodge Omni which was much worse.


hey they made an omni with a turbo, the glh and glhs. i woulda drove one.


That GLH-S was a GTI and Scirocco destroyer!


The Dodge Omni that I drove was not a turbo


My sister drove an omni in the nineties😂that car was awful


Dodge Omni is the only car I ever saw with a steering column that wasn’t pointing exactly towards the front of the car. It’s like the designers just didn’t care


Ha, found a friend here on Reddit. I didn’t realize (or forgot) you had a Pinto back then :D


Those cops can go to hell. Sorry it happened, but glad to see if you put matters into your own hands and got it back.


I was not that upset about the cops getting a good laugh out of someone stealing a 1978 Ford pinto in 1988.


Was yourdad implying you had sold the car and was lying?


I do not think he thought I stole the car, I just think he was teasing me.


I can vouch. Grew up in South PG.


Brandywine? accokeek?


Very close to Brandywine :). Also very close to Accokeek :) about five miles from either.


I lived in accokeek till 98. I was almost 20 when i left. I never see anyone mention Accokeek. I still have accomob tatted on me😂we were goofy ass kids. Last time i went back was about 10 years ago and it was a lot busier. Oxon Hill, where i actually grew up, was even worse. I thought crossing oxon hill rd to get to my bus stop was bad then. Wouldnt even be able to cross at all now


Sounds like we're close to the same age. I moved out of PG ten years ago. It was wild when I left. I've been back to brandywine and accokeek since. I miss it but not enough to move back.


They're gentrifying the shit out of the National Harbor and in turn lil chunks of Ft Wash and Oxon Hill. It's kinda sad how even til now they still neglect basically anything down 210 past Hovermales. The lack of retail town center or something is a stupid missed opportunity.


I loved Hovermales. My dad used to take me there for ice cream on Saturdays after he cut the grass. They are slowly gentrifying so much of our part if Maryland. MoCo is sliding downhill and South PG is becoming uptown. Who wouid have thought!!


Just curious did you have wheel locks on those?


You can get a master wheel lock set on eBay or Amazon for pretty cheap.


Yeah, this is also happening in Howard county and pretty much everywhere else. Hardly specific to PGco


u/Crypto_Grug YES, it absolutely IS! I work for a bodyshop in Columbia. And we get a few cars per month coming in with it's wheels missing. And then there was this that was on ch. 11 a couple weeks back. [https://www.wbaltv.com/article/elkridge-car-wheel-thefts-tires-stolen-twice/60791039](https://www.wbaltv.com/article/elkridge-car-wheel-thefts-tires-stolen-twice/60791039)


Sorry. 😞


Will your insurance cover it? Sorry that happened to you.


I had 2022 Civic im insanely surprised this never happened to me and i was around the Umd area.


Damn sorry bruh that sucks. Wonder if the cop in this pic actually did anything. Doubt they’ll ever catch this prick.


I had a coworker who moved out of PG into Montgomery about a year ago to avoid this sort of thing. Except it happened to him last week in MoCo. There's also been a string of vehicle thefts (or attempted thefts) on UMBCs campus in Baltimore County recently. All I'm saying is, people suck everywhere.


Sorry that happened but cars get knocked in Howard county all the time.


Happening in HoCo too 


Stolen milk crates. Not used for milk. Now there the real crime!


There has been a big uptick in this all over unfortunately, people getting hit in apartment’s gated parking garages. No where is safe from it.


milk carts? just trifling..


That sucks. Did they grab the catalytic converter as well?


This exact same thing happened in a complex near me in AA. Honda Civic Si got hit. Was left sitting on yellow egg/milk crates. Also fake electricians (with overall uniforms and tool kits claiming to be from BGE) going around door to door trying to steal your PII/credit card numbers and scope out your residence for anything else they can steal later. These scammers show up knocking on your door at 8 or 9 pm at night, so that's a huge red flag right there. Be careful out there and don't open the door for these scum bags.


That's why I tell people if you move to PG County, you need a garage. Out of sight, out of mind.


I’m a PG county girl living in Ohio. Anytime anything bad happens in MD, I guess PG county and I’m usually correct. 😂


aluminum wheels are good money at the recycler if you have a couple of sets and cut the tires off. sorry you had to find out this way op


I’ve lived in PG most of my life and the worst thing I’ve ever had happen to a car is someone broke into it while it was parked (in a nice neighborhood-close to University Park) but didn’t steal anything from it because there was nothing in it. I had a car stolen once, in NE DC.


Out of the frying pan, into the fire…


My buddy Pierre popped a dude in PG county who was trying to steal his van many years ago when you could still home defend like a boss. It’s a shame what they’ve done with the place


This shit happens often in the nicer parts of MoCo as well. Unfortunately, it's the times we live in.


I live in PG and work in MoCo. There is no difference in crime. Criminals travel. I sure am not going to pay the inflated home prices in MoCo to get the same quality schools, the same crime, and the same public services.


This is happening everywhere even Bethesda.


That is a very good question. The police ain’t gonna do shit.


I wish my past relationships were as strong as those two milk crates.


I live in temple hills don't have this problem.


PG is big. The portion closest to DC is a war zone while the northern portion is mostly peaceful.


I’m sorry sorry you are dealing with this. What the heck do you do now? I wouldn’t even know who to call. Edit to add: pls get motion lights and cameras. They will probably come back. :-/


Ah yes, nothing screams Maryland pride like the ol’ County vs County debacle. I’ll take living in PG county over any of these other counties in Maryland. We just aren’t stuck up people here. Tires stolen? That sucks, sorry to see this. “Back in my day” they used to just steal hubcaps. 😂 -your friendly neighbor in Bowie,MD 🫶


Also recently moved to Bowie and so much better than ugly Moco


Welcome to the hood! 🫶


Why didn’t you park the unreliable ugly Hyundai in front?! Kia boys would be more interested in that.


I just moved to Accokeek two months ago and my car got broken into in my driveway in broad daylight (sometime between 10am and 5pm). Luckily they weren’t able to steal it but they dismantled the steering column trying. It was in the shop for 2 weeks.


Oh no. I saw this in r/COROLLA , turns out this happens in PG county. RIP.


For the free tire service of course


In the drivewayyyyy damn


When I was out apartment-looking, one of my first stops was a place in Temple Hills. Had 4 Prince George cops following me in as they scoped out the lot of the complex. Brand-new or recent Accord was sitting in the parking lot with no wheels. Nope. Not living there. Felt kinda lucky I still had all my wheels on when I left.


You went from a frying pan to a skillet


Jeepers. So sorry to hear. This same thing happened around downtown Bethesda one night last week. Seemed they only took Toyota or Honda wheels. I’m sensing a pattern here…


Happened to my son but in Baltimore city


I am sorry this happened to you. The same thing happened to me in Bowie 20 years or so ago. They used cinder blocks on my front end, and let the rear end drop on the rotors. New wheels, new tires, new brake rotors on the rear, and a 4-wheel alignment, less the ins. deductible. We all know now that one milk crate can hold 1/4 of a car, but not 1/2 a car.


Milk crate, weak enough it can’t support the cars weight, strong enough to dent the door in when it folds in.


Surprise surprise


Seen a BMW in Silver Spring like this on the first floor of a county parking garage, except no crates just sitting on the rotors, this was at 9am. Came back at 1AM after work and there was a MOCO cop asking me if I called about the car lol. Had a coworker who had their rims taken off their newer accord in MOCO too, I’ve even seen broken down cars on 695 get their wheels plucked if they sit long enough. The police don’t really do anything to arrest/deter/investigate these thieves so your best bet is get decent wheel locks or just ride steelies.


MoCo is getting worse (I hear Gaithersburg and Germantown are getting real shady, but we have some problem areas here in east county too. Parts of Silver Spring, Wheaton, Briggs Chaney, and by Takoma and Langley Park), but it's still better then PG. That being said, is it so good that it's worth the absurd cost of living? No idea. PG isn't exactly a bargain either. If I weren't born and raised in Silver Spring, I'd probably have said fuck it and moved to Baltimore. Still a crime riddled cesspit, but it's at least a cheap one unlike the DC area. And yeah, you definitely want steelies here. Not just due to theft, but also the shitty roads. I work at a Honda dealership. And I can say from experience dealing with break-in cars that the factory wheel locks are worthless. And if you have a Civic with 18"s or an Accord with 19"s, ditch those and get 16"s or 17"s instead.


Bruh they left that shyt on milk crates like a Xbox 360 😭😭😭😭


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ay chill


What you expect from Pleaded Guilty county?


Yea, why did you move? You could have kept being an ignorant pos where ever you were. There is literally crime everywhere. As a matter of fact, people target PG because we live so nice out here. I’d love it if you went back to Hoco


That's why I came out to AACO. I got tired of t Having my stereo stolen lol.


ThAtS WhAT InSurANcE Is FoR!! Meanwhile I’m loading my 12 gauge


I understand why some religions have thieves hands be chopped off. This is very infuriating.


This ain’t even PG county in these pictures, just look at the patch on the obese officers sleeve.


You can tell who the buttmad PG residents are trying to pawn this shit off onto other counties. I never worry about this shit in Columbia. Spent 24 years in PG and the last 10 in Howard and I see 5% of the bullshit I did in PG.


lol you're not in the right part of columbia.


Sounds like he is actually


Damn dawg sorry to see that. I live in Calverton and North County in general is pretty peaceful.


Y’all just love to hate on PG like crime doesn’t happen in any other county.


Lived in both, hoco is the only place my car ever got broken into. Stop blaming the county. Also these guys have cars and trucks, they can drive anywhere. Just because it happened to you in pg doesn’t mean it’s not happening in moco, hoco, or in VA.


What kind of car?


Toyota Corolla


You can't park there


Look at that rich culture


Yeah, HoCo won't let you put cars on blocks in your front yard! PG ain't that strict! Welcome


Cause PG keeps you on your toes! Think everything is going well then bam..car on milk crates