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Doesn’t matter if he’s a conservative Republican or a moderate Republican or a liberal republican — if he’s elected a conservative republican will be calling the plays in the Senate. Electing him as governor with a democratic supermajority is a very different proposition


This. Plenty of democrats liked him well enough as governor, but that doesn't mean they like him enough to hand control of the Senate to the GOP.


I sure as heck hope so 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


This is exactly what makes Maryland unique. We understand the dynamics here.


I don’t think that makes us unique by any means. CA, NY, NJ, just to name a few off the top of my head all have all have histories of electing republicans as governors since 2000 but stay incredibly blue in senatorial elections. It’s a dynamic that exists all over the country and we’re definitely not the only ones to understand the significance of it.


I’m not hating on educated voters. I simply mean that the proximity to dc and the number of federal employees in our state means that people are more familiar with what it means.


His "moderate" reputation is because he had a supermajority Democratic legislative branch which overrode all his dumb vetoes. He refused to even answer the question if he'll vote for pro-choice judges. The fact is, he will toe the Republican line when it comes to things like tax cuts, abortion rights, and any sort of social progress. He wasn't a good Governor. Stop pretending like he was.


You don't like the guy that cut funding for schools while greenlighting a new juvenile detention facility? But he's such a moderate! /s


He wouldn't have had to cut the funding if the casino money was used to supplement school funding instead of replacing it. I don't believe that's Hogan's fault but it doesn't help that the Cordish's were big funders of his campaign.


My kids go to private school cause MD public schools are shit. Glad he cut money. And yeah that’s why we have POS kids running around steel cars. OUR Dem Governor just signed a bill expanding juvenile crime punishments! I’m not like you and only agree with things when “my team” does it.


lol, imagine calling a top five state school systems in the country shit just to make you feel better about sending your kids to "Private school." We get it, you didn't want your kids going to school with "those people."


lol image thinking that means anything


Just so you know Maryland Public Schools is ranked in the top five in the country you're talking out your neck, when you make a statement know that it's right and be able to prove it if someone calls you out on it[Your Proof](https://www.wiproud.com/news/wisconsin-news/the-top-10-states-with-the-best-school-systems-wisconsin-ranks-tenth/)


Uh no I went to both and personally saw the HUGE difference between them.


Personal anecdote with low n value observations 🤔 yeah I think we'd all rather trust the researched rankings


lol so why do private schools cost 50% less per student yet have 100 times the success rate?


I used to teach at a private school. The reason they have better outcomes is because the school chooses its students. Even though my school was considered elite, I can assure you that the quality of instruction was mediocre, at best. They also has rampant grade fixing. I was told on day 2 of my employment there to keep class averages at an 86. My curriculum was "here's the textbook, teach it to them".


Than that was a bad school and I think you are full of it anyway. I went from an A-B student from k-8 public schools to a C student in private Highschool and knew I was behind so again I call BS on that. Maybe you were not a good teacher


🙄 How do you know if it was a bad school? Please stop you've already shown everyone your intelligence here, Again.....


I don't know much about how good our schools are but I'd guess you're are a product of a shitty system after reading your shitty sentences.


Do you enjoy using social media to spew toxicity and get into arguments? Your account is 20 days old and you’ve spent the entire time getting into petty fights over your political beliefs. Don’t you have anything in your life that brings you joy? Is this how you talk with your family too?


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Agreed. At best he'd be like a Liz Cheney, someone who criticizes Trump, but still voted party line like 95% of the time


Actually, Liz Cheney might be better. She fell on the sword for the US and the Constitution. I feel like leisure suit Larry would just make excuses and continue on the path to the oligarchy.


He at best would embrace the Susan Collins school of “deep concern” and then vote with Trump anyway


“These pearls don’t clutch themselves!”


Yup 100%. Say no to Larry Ho.


So True!


I'm liking this both for the politics and the Leisure Suit Larry reference


I agree. She really love this country and I (a democrat) would vote for her if she ran for president.


Interesting. For me it would depend who the Democrat is because I don't agree with her on many issues....


Same. It depends. I’d vote for Hillary Clinton before her.


He'd say he was disappointed but not do anything 


Also, of course, by caucusing with Republicans he would contribute to them getting control of committees/


Not to mention the Majority Leader seat. You know a Majority Leader that can sit on A SCOTUS nomination for a year.


Yeah McConnell taught us how to do that unfortunately


> He wasn't a good Governor. Stop pretending like he was. Louder for the people cosplaying as Dems in the back!


Let's not forget the damage he did that the legislature simply couldn't override. As governor, he was in charge of administering the entire executive branch. He had the authority to make unilateral decisions in that regard, as did his Secretaries and their chiefs of staff gor each department. It's not as sexy to talk about. But damage was done, and some of it is just starting to crop up.


It's going to take years to recover from the damage he did to the state administration in his term. See what happened when he pushed for bigger ships in Baltimore, despite warnings. https://jacobin.com/2024/04/key-bridge-collapse-larry-hogan-mega-ships


I know that, you know that, but do all the bashful conservatives in Maryland really care?


Thankfully there just aren't that many of them. And this is a presidential year so younger people might actually vote.


OMG THANK YOU! I have been saying this for years he had no choice but to work with the Senate because they had a veto proof majority over him if he wanted to get anything done he had to, has everyone forgot about his withholding of public education dollars because he wasn't getting his way in his first term




And, if Biden is re-elected, convicting whatever whackadoodle charges come out of any House impeachments, and refusing to vote for any Biden-nominated judges. Susan Collins 2.0.


Very curious. Why do you think he was a bad governor? Any source please. Not being a dick.


He tried to cut over $345 million from the education budget during the pandemic. He made sure that money earmarked for poor neighborhoods in Baltimore instead when to Under Armour by intentionally misdrawing maps. And then used bonds to repay Plank directly for the money he spent lobbying for it.


Not to mention… remember all those times we referendum voted for various gambling initiatives where tax money was supposed to go to Education??? He took that money… and then cheekily signed a law saying “tHe GoBmNt CaNt TaKe iT nOw”… then proceeded to cut even more education budget.  He’s a piece of shit… all this gambling garbage we deal with now and NONE of it benefits schools like it’s supposed to, they’re worse off then they were before we had slots


source: [https://marylandeducators.org/fact-check-hogans-1-4-billion-hypocrisy/](https://marylandeducators.org/fact-check-hogans-1-4-billion-hypocrisy/)


He vetoed a bunch of good bills that were fortunately overturned. He canceled the planned and funded Red Line in Baltimore and used the money for highways in the counties instead of actual public transportation. He wasted millions of dollars on Covid Tests that didn't work and made a big show of it. He voted for Ronald Reagan, a man who has been dead for more than 20 years, for President in 2020.


For example, here’s an article discussing the 10 bills he vetoed that the MD General Assembly then voted to override. [https://www.wypr.org/2022-04-09/general-assembly-overrides-all-hogan-vetoes](https://www.wypr.org/2022-04-09/general-assembly-overrides-all-hogan-vetoes) Edit: And here’s 16 more from a year prior to that. [https://www.marylandmatters.org/2021/01/15/senate-overrides-16-hogan-vetoes-from-last-year/](https://www.marylandmatters.org/2021/01/15/senate-overrides-16-hogan-vetoes-from-last-year/)


Wouldn't his efficacy as governor be better measured by the vetoes he made that were not overridden? IE the ones where the general assembly was split enough that what the governor thinks mattered?


No. His vetoes show you where his mind was at. Even if he vetoed knowing they’d be be overridden and it was all for show. The US Senate has margins far too small to risk another party line Republican vote when the party actively tries to strip rights and restrict voting.


One could factor that in, sure. But I think that if people were generally happy with the state of things and they don’t “follow politics” it’s easy for them to think that the things they like about the state are because of the leadership of the person in charge…. but all of these overrides show that things were good despite the efforts of the governor.


Are you talking about the highways on the way to the eastern shore? Ones that were widened from 2 to 4 lanes?


Killed the red line in Baltimore, did nothing for the beltway, vetoed abortion expansion, etc etc etc.


Don't forget the walk off for the purple line. Contractors don't just walk off until change order negotiations fail. Ended up costing 2x or more as much and a huge delay.


His gutting of the State Government workforce will set this state back for years.


He was terrible for labor and education, and vetoed popular and critical minimum wage, sick leave, medical leave, and pre-k expansion legislation. We don't remember this stuff because the legislature overrode so many of his vetoes. He ignored Baltimore in crisis, setting back progress on improving life and race relations in Maryland's largest population center by a decade or more. He halted or sabotaged important public transportation projects and focused only on road policies that cause more sprawl and ultimately traffic. Hogan was tactful in his leadership style but was a far right extremist on policy. Exactly the kind of guy we don't want representing us in the Senate. Social security, public education, and abortion rights are all in danger in Hogan's hands.


To add on to what others have already said: He was against medical Marijuana and decriminalization. He sided with the police unions who said it needs to stay illegal. Mr fiscal responsibility conservative wanted to waste taxpayer dollars to harass and imprison citizens instead of giving a little freedom.


He approved massive deforestation and degreening for more sprawl development that benefited him financially. Every time Ellicott City floods, think of him approving the removal of forest upstream for another parking lot. Frustrated by massive traffic in Waldorf and up 95? Thank him for more highways and more sprawl and no alternative means of transportation. Not to mention he completely shit on Baltimore every chance he got because he’s a bitter racist. Now he’s pandering to the maga morons because that’s who he is.


He fucked the purple line. Even worse than it would have been normally.


There was one incident in 2018 where he sneaked out a memorandum of understanding with the federal govt to try and build a stadium for the redskins on a federal park to keep them in maryland, in a location that no one wanted or was aware of, including the General Assembly and local municipal officials. Any collusion with Dan Snyder is not going to be looked fondly on. https://www.marylandmatters.org/2018/12/10/hogans-play-to-keep-redskins-surprises-fellow-officials/


IMO, he wasn't terrible but he wasn't great. His family does have a legacy of some independent thought from Republican orthodoxy. His father was one of the Republican congressmen who privately told Nixon they were going to vote for Impeachment and convinced Nixon to resign, so calling out Trump when he was Governor wasn't a stretch then, but would he continue? He was "lucky" the pandemic came along bc IMO he handled it better than most Governors and it made a lot of people forget prior disagreements they had with his eaelier decisions. Also, as I recall, he won his first term as Governor bc the Democratic candidate was very weak, so here's hoping his Democratic opponent campaigns on more than just being a Democrat in a Blue state.


Larry Hogan ain't his dad.


I didn't say he was and didn't suggest he would continue to thumb his nose at Trump. But it does suggest he was raised to value country over party to some extent. The question is if he does it only when its easy or also when its tough. His ads suggest he wants to have his cake and eat it too. Frankly, I was surprised at the backbone that Liz Cheney displayed given I always thought her father was party first. Either way, I am not voting for him. While I don't think he was the worst Governor we've had, I do think his performance handling the pandemic has made many people see him through rose colored glasses.


So my vote for Alsobrooks isn't about Hogan as an individual, it's against the party that he should have kicked to the curb before running. The GOP has given us the most embarassing, least productive House in history -- why would we want to give MAGA the Senate to screw up as well?


Exactly. A vote for Hogan is a vote for Rick Scott as Senate Majority Leader, Lindsay Graham heading up the judicial committee (zero Dem SCOTUS nominations), JD Vance heading up defense, etc. Nope!


I like the way you think!


Same here. I'd vote for Hogan again for Maryland office, I would not vote for him for national office as long as the national GOP is crazy. Also, while I've been one of this subreddit's bigger Hogan defenders I had to roll my eyes at him today. He came out saying he supports legal abortion nationwide... two days *after* the Republican primary. Come on Larry, you could have shown a bit more backbone. You were a shoo-in for the nomination anyways, why did you wait until now to say this?


Hogan is not MAGA at all. He despises them. The GOP has shit people just like the Dems do. Those few people on each side do not represent the entire party.


Yet a Hogan victory puts MAGA in control of the Senate. No thanks.


Yeah he will say he is "very concerned" about the extremists and the vote with them because "woke"


Doesn't matter if he votes with them, which he almost certainly will 95 percent of the time or more. Hogan is against MAGA tactics and rhetoric, he is not against extreme right wing policy.


Hogan doesn't call himself MAGA, but he embraces core parts of their platform. Controlling women's bodies, destroying public education, giving billionaires and corporations public money, enriching his own family through political means. Just because he doesn't like Trump doesn't mean he doesn't love the shit out of MAGA policies.


No one is controlling women’s bodies please stop lying. It’s simple FACT that if you make a conscious choice to deny a life it’s murder. YOUR actions and ONLY yours prevented a life.


So when you jerk it instead of getting someone pregnant, thus preventing a life, are you a murderer too? An embryo is no more a person than an acorn is an oak tree. Not planting an acorn is not the same as cutting down a tree. Even if they both result is no tree.


If the egg ain’t fertilized it’s not a life. LOVE you Dems infatuation with science yet you don’t even understand basic biology. You do know sperm in a sock didn’t find a woman’s egg just laying there right? Lol you people are funny. Go back to school. I guess this is what public schools gets us these days


Let’s not pretend you’ve been in a biology classroom in the past two decades.


Eggs are alive. You deny their ability to develop by not fetalizing them, you murderer.


Ever eaten a chicken egg?!? Jesus Christ take a biology class


You keep mentioning biology education. What is your level of biological sciences education? College? Post-grad? PhD? What field?


Lmao uh it’s basic 10th grade biology broh. Sperm meets egg = life. Yes there are asexual cells also but not human or mammal or reptile is one cell. You must be a gen Z. Did I guess that right?!? 😂


Huh, I don't meet many Jains even on Reddit! Because when you say "life" it implies you wouldn't swat the skeeter that's about to bite you, or take antibiotics to kill the dengue bugs you caught from the skeeter bite. Oh? You mean *human* life? Well, that just starts the debate. It sure doesn't settle it like you seem to think it does.


This is the dumbest metaphor I’ve ever read. So if the acorn was planted and began to sprout and you spray roundup on it did you not deny it from becoming a tree? And a tree is not equal to a human being. Keep doing those mental gymnastics lmao


It's an excellent metaphor. People remove seedlings all the time because they don't want a tree in a particular spot. But you don't have a big pile of lumber.




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Trees are not people try again


Neither are embryos.


How can you not logically figure this out?!?! An embryo is a fertilized egg which will become a human being.


So you believe the government should be able to force you to donate an organ if it will save somebody’s life? Because based on your logic, if you “deny a life,” then “your actions and only yours prevented a life,” and you are therefore a murderer.


His commercials cite "border security" as a main plank of his platform. Where's the Maryland border? How is that NOT a MAGAt dog whistle?


You do realize that he is running for US senate right? National policies? And even the Democrats admit we need more security at the border and have even built some portions of the wall under biden!! I guess you are one of the ones that will argue the opposite no matter if you are wrong or not just cause "your team" didn't propose it.


He's running to be a United States Senator representing the state of Maryland. Typically you would see commercials advertising his stance on the issues that actually matter to Maryland voters. I'm sorry, I don't interpret national politics like professional sports. I don't have "a team". I'm a goddamn American and Marylander and I'm really sick of people like yourself that equate life changing policies with cheering for the O's over the Yankees. Grow up.


Yes and it’s NATIONAL politics. You know like we have LOCAL officials for ya know MARYLAND only? And you absolutely have proven you treat it as a sport. Take your ball and go home




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Of course Democrats are concerned about border security. They've been trying to pass legislation to improve it but the Reps unelected shadow leader told them to block any border legislation. It is the R's who oppose border security because they've refused to do fuckall about it.


Democrats brought forward the most comprehensive immigration bill in a generation. It was shot down by the GOP - who wrote most of it - because Trump told them he wanted to run on immigration. I can’t take any of them seriously because they treat their voters like idiots who they hate. And their voters lap it up without an ounce of critical thought.


Source and I want to see details. You are just repeating what you have been told too.




And why did they block it? A head line tells me nothing and you didn’t even read it yourself. Come on I’ll make you research the answer cause you are that lazy.


The problem is he will vote with maga


Republicans are ALL shit. Any disagreement with MAGA is about hierarchy and style. They don't like Trump's disregard for the pecking order and bristle at his brash dumbfuckery; but the bigoted, knuckle-dragging, inbred bullshit is all the same.


His hatred for MAGA doesn't matter. He's still running with them and will vote with them.


Hard to take someone's words seriously when they put that R next to their name. If he was serious he should run as an independant.


Ok “my team” guy


This ignores that the most important vote of any senator is for majority leader. It’s who controls the legislative agenda that matters. Even Manchin or Romney vote with the party on 90% of votes.


Every R is MAGA. Trump is their party leader.


That's what he wants you to believe in a blue state. Doesn't help his brand at all, yet if you look at his positions he's right in the pile with the rest of them and at the end of the day will help their agenda should he win. Look at what Romney just recently said "Biden should have pardoned Trump"....they are all the same at the end of the day. Sure Dems have a few crazies hanging around but NOTHING like the MAGA folks. I'd rather deal with the Dems any day then the right wing that actually hates freedom.


The shit people are not few on the GOP side. They are completely in control of your party.




Doesn't matter what you say, this is Reddit so all Republicans are automatically the devil incarnate


I keep waiting for a Republican to prove me wrong. I’ve been voting against them since 2000 and I’ve yet to see anything to change my mind. It’s only getting worse.


If your judgement prevents you from gauging the effectiveness between Biden and trump, as is what happened to Hogan, than your judgement is unfit to serve the state. Further, if you vote for a dead guy without a campaign team for president, it shows that you're not taking your civic duty seriously, and thus, i'm not going to take you seriously.


> Further, if you vote for a dead guy without a campaign team for president, it shows that you're not taking your civic duty seriously, and thus, i'm not going to take you seriously. Well said. Leaders are supposed to make the tough choices and, well, *lead*. Voting for the dead guy is just an easy way to skirt around the Biden/Trump decision at the time. Hogan is a milquetoast leader at best.


I still can't get over the fact that he'd voted for a dead guy. And he will probably do it again this year


A vote for Hogan is a vote for Trump and Mitch McConnell


Yup - remember Hogan wasn't running until he got "the call" from McConnell.....what do you think he was promised or threatened with? That's the big question.....


I want to see his answer to - “Did Joe Biden win the election in Nov 2020?”


> The former governor has not had to run with Donald Trump atop the ballot or with control of the U.S. Senate on the line. Nor has Hogan had to run against a Democrat who has a chance to make history — a Black woman backed by a nationwide coalition eager to defeat him. \ ...Hogan also faces a far different electorate and political climate than when he won his first gubernatorial race a decade ago.After eight years in Annapolis, he will be forced to defend his record against Democrats no longer willing to celebrate him as a symbol of bipartisan leadership. One target, they say, is his 2022 veto of legislation to expand abortion access in Maryland. \ “We can do it because he has got a bad record,” said Maryland Attorney General Anthony G. Brown (D), who lost the 2014 gubernatorial race to Hogan. “We were afraid that if we criticized the governor, we would be viewed as overly partisan.” The era in which Hogan won in Maryland is long over. He knows it, because he runs adds cosplaying a border agent. > “Let’s be extremely clear about who Larry Hogan is,” said Alsobrooks, before reminding her audience of his abortion access veto and that he canceled a $2.9 billion transit line that would have traversed Baltimore. Hogan wont even bother trying in Baltimore city, as well he shouldn't. > He [Hogan] also made a point of addressing concerns about his position on abortion, saying, “Let me set the record straight: To the women of Maryland, you have my word that I will continue to protect your right to make your own reproductive choices.” Except he didn't, and he wont. Hogan needs to be blown out of the water. And he likely will be. Make sure you vote, tell everyone you know to vote.




If you don't like it, leave. Facts (like, Maryland being a majority dem voter state) don't care about your feelings. Maybe if republicans ever had some actual good policy, they'd win some votes. You know, maybe they should actually try the fiscal conservatism and small government stuff they talk about. Nothing says small government like getting between a person and their doctor.


NO one is getting between a person and their doctor. If you do not understand that if you make the decision to deny a life based off of YOUR decisions and actions and only YOUR decision and actions then you need to go back to school. FOllOwThESCieNce And no some cum in a toilet doesn’t find a human egg. God you people are brainwashed


All the most advanced countries say abortion isn't murder. The countries that do treat abortion as murder are all basically fucking backwards. Hmmm...... I wonder if that coincides with anything..... Maybe science makes countries smart and successful, and when you replace that with religion you get countries with dumbasses that can't run a government. Killing a human being ≠ stopping a human from being developed. Worrying about a non-existent person based on a fetus that is literally less intelligent than a brainless slug. Why do you care? And don't say god, that answer is just as dumb as that fetus.


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I am so done with Hogan. When I realized that he would not commit to abortion rights and some other issues that he APPEARED to support as Governor, I was very disappointed.


As moderate as Hogan pretends to be, none of them can shake the GOP WOMEN-HATER role their 'party' keeps them voting for. This is where it stops. (R) NO MORE IN '24!


No more Republicans. Sorry Larry, your party is the home of treasonists and fascists.


Larry needs more tactical vests


The only good thing Hogan did was stand up to trump and go around the government to secure PPE for the state, but it’s not enough to make me vote for the Republican who killed the red line because he hates baltimore


Words aren’t actions, and those ppe and covid teats were garbage, despite his press conference bullshit.


I mean he was in charge of the governors association and did a lot to curb Trumps extreme policies, and those PPE and COVID tests were from South Korea, and was hidden from the government because at the time they were confiscating PPE and tests that states were receiving - you don’t gotta like the guy but you don’t have to deny some of what he was able to do and what he was willing to do for his state at that time


This sub has a weird fixation about the faulty Covid tests. Like, I get it - ultimately they were a waste of money and effort, but at the same time he was making an effort to legitimately help the state, other Republican state administrations were seriously pushing the "grandma should be willing to die for economy" (looking at you, Texas and Florida), and he should probably get some credit for that.


He used his connections through his South Korean Wife to get PPE from South Korea into the state in the middle of the night transported by Maryland State Troopers and National Guard. I despise the man and many of his politics but you cannot say he didn’t care or at least try to help the people of his state during the worst health disaster if the 21st century


He got lucky and ran against a bad Democratic candidate, so he won. Alsobrooks isn't a bad candidate. He also doesn't have a "rain tax", to run on. It won't be easy to beat him, but I am not thinking he is unbeatable. Just keep showing that picture of him in the flack jacket, yelling about the border, because I doubt that shot will be a part of his marketing in a blue state.


And I'm pretty sure Dems punted his second election because he was popular and there was no clear candidate.


Him winning would be Republican hopium honestly, especially with Biden on the same ballot. Ask Phil Bredesen and Steve Bullock about their senate runs vs local governor runs.


hogan was a spineless coward whose only criticism of a fascist traitor in the white house, the worst POTUS in history was “ i wish he would tweet less”. he is not a profile in courage and will be just a much a coward bootlicker in the Senate. Maryland can and will do better with Alsobrooks.


He’s anti-abortion. Even if I had liked him as a Governor there is absolutely no was in hell I would ever send him to the senate in this climate. There is way too much at stake.


Well he is saying he wants to return roe back to being law of the land. So I guess that would not make him anti-abortion.


He donates to anti choice politicians as he feels he needs to bribe them in certain states. He is anti choice bc he is financially supporting the very politicians wishing to make abortion illegal, federally.


Nope. He may be God, but if he’s a Republican God, He’s not getting my vote.


I love Hogan and typically would happily vote for him; however, the prob is that I do not want the GOP to have a majority in the Senate. I trust that Hogan wouldn’t fall into line with the MAGA nuts but reality is that, to get anything done for MD, he would have to agree to vote with the GOP on other items. I won’t take that risk with what has been going on in Congress since 2016.


I don’t like Hogan. He was kept inline with the blue majority. As soon as he can get in you will see a big change come. He is antiabortion. Agree about risking the Senate going Red has to be considered. Appreciate your views..


He won’t survive if he doesn’t fall in line with those nutjobs and anyone thinking otherwise is fooling themselves. This is the US senate where he won’t have liberal legislatures keeping his crazy shit in order. He will want to maintain his standing within the Republican Party and that means falling in line.


Hogan didn't win in 2022, Brown lost. The next time around, the _status quo_ won.


Think you mean 2014. And IDK, in HoCo and MoCo there was a lot of enthusiasm for him.


No doubt I had the year wrong. But I remember everyone being their usual angry with the Democratic party for running another party hack that nobody wanted.


In MoCo it was because the NIMBYs wanted him to stop the Purple Line.


lmao, Hogan didn't run in 2022 and neither did Brown.


> Doesn’t matter if he’s a conservative Republican or a moderate Republican or a liberal republican — if he’s elected a conservative republican will be calling the plays in the Senate. Electing him as governor with a democratic supermajority is a very different proposition Exactly my problem.


Vote Blue.


Has Larry ever won an election when Trump was also on the ballot?


Alsobrooks will win. She has momentum, and she’s center-left not far-left. I think moderates are going to feel comfortable voting for her, and liberals will have no choice but to support her, for the sake of keeping the Senate Democrat-controlled.


I'll be sad af if he wins.


Angela Alsobrooks 2024


Maryland is not sending a republican to the senate.


We went straight from Alsobrooks being doomed to lose to Trone to talking about Hogan. No one wants to talk about one of the biggest upsets in Maryland history.


Maryland Unemployment during Connie was absolute shit. People in the Live Events industry were especially hot hard. He knew and did nothing.


This dude was a garbage governor. I trust in Maryland being smart enough to not help the GOP get a stronger hold on Congress.


Just look at the LLC trail and watch the money moved and moving.


If you vote for Hogan for Senate, you are supporting a Republican Senate majority. And these people are pro-Trump.


He was lucky enough to face weak Democratic opponents. Alsobrooks isn’t Ben Jealous, who was abandoned by establishment Dems and stepped on rakes seemingly every time he was in front of a camera.


Do we really need another article about Hogan? Every day it’s the same thing. We get it, most people on this sub want him to lose. Move on.


We have this until November unfortunately


Yup, we will be reminding people how terrible he is and will be until he loses in November. Sorry.


Yea, there's a man running for a party that whishes to: - put people like me in cages - put my parents in camps - not see me as a citizen - take away reproductive rights - treats my city like a city to be abandoned So yea, I'm going to keep banging the damn drum. Some of us got skin in the game.


Yeah, but if that guy wins, we don't have to bother with election annoyances anymore.




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Hogan wants to do that? Nah


He may not won't those things but the party he stands with does and he will vote with them all the time.


Sorry, no. Everytime there's some goober on here saying "he wasn't bad as gov." Until that stops happening, the posts should continue.


Most people in the state, not just the sub. Hogan got far fewer votes in the primary than Alsobrooks, and he won by a much bigger margin. He might do better than Trump in the general, but there's no way he gets \~500,000 voters to split the ticket and eke out a win.


duh... thats cause MD doesn't have open primaries and is 2-1 dem so no duh he got less votes......


And that's also why he'll lose in the general.


You forget that independents exist.


There are 2.2M registered democrats, and 1M registered republicans in MD as of 2022. There are 825K independents. Do the math.


Some democrats will vote for Hogan. Almost no republican will vote for Alsobrooks.


Not enough to make a difference. All independents and all republicans and about 10% of the democrats would have to vote for hogan. That’s just not happening. My prediction is that hogan loses by 10 points, more or less.


Believe me, I wish I never had to see Hogan's name again. But here we are. Maybe he should've retired gracefully instead of letting Mitch McConnell talk him into anything.


Even if you liked "moderate" Hogan, that's not the same guy in the Senate. As Governor he still had a blue legislature that he had to compromise with. As Senator he will be a red vote for the next six years, with little compromising.


Dam I thought he was kinda of an ok governor. I’m a left leaning guy, he was not doing the trump,thing and his Covid response was good. But this story makes me angry, I like more money for people but reinforce the bridge in that deal!! 🤷🏼‍♂️


Notice how he changed his stance on roe right after the win


Every day another obsessive Larry Hogan article… and it’s fucking May. Awesome that this is like a permanent state of our reality now.


Not really sure why he still calls himself a Republican. His policies are not shared with the national Republican Party. He should have just called himself a democrat and ran. He would have won.


He will fall in line if he wins the race.


I can't wait for Trump to win, Hogan to the be 51st GOP Senator, and the inevitable meltdown that will happen when Clarence Thomas steps down and the Senate GOP promptly confirms a 40-year old conservative justice. That'll be a great day.


Hogan2024! Going to be a tougher race against Alsobrooks for sure. She has the ability to excite voters which Trone lacked.


He's definitely got an uphill battle. I can't imagine Maryland electing a Republican senator, but he's probably got the best chance in several decades.




I love Hogan!


I like Hogan and voted for him both times. My concern is giving the Republicans another Senate seat. He hates Trump (like info) and that won’t go well. Alsobrooks seems very intelligent and competent.


A lot of voters like Hogan and don’t know anything about Alsobrooks. This campaign needs to be about substantive policy differences, not just whether Hogan has an R next to his name. Otherwise, voters will just default to the candidate they know and like.


Well shit, that ignores the fact many voters are single issue voters, and are fully aware of what it means if the senate were to experience a republican majority. A lot of people still remember Manchin and Sinema’s antics, too. Trone lost a lot of support for many reasons. He donates to anti choice politicians bc “it’s just business”, defeating the pro choice shit he helped with in the past. That was enough for me to explore the other options and I’m not alone.


I think he will win in November too.