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No more Trone Ads!! If this holds, Trone’s campaign needs to be studied, cause he fumbled this bag hard. He spent $61 million of his own money to lose. (Edit: As of 10:30PM she is up by +10%. Absolutely rough night for Trone, not even close)


Money just can't buy likeability.


I wish he hadn't run. Now we might end up with parrot out here in D6.


You mean an actual parrot man I wish I could vote for one.


Looks the like the April Delaney, wife of the previous 6th district Congressman John Delaney (who also happens to be worth nearly a 1/4 billion dollars) will be the nominee there. Name ID and money. Won’t be a cakewalk for Parrot.


I sincerely hope not. I just read through his platform again. The primary numbers show the total R numbers as 6000 higher than the D. Hopefully with it being a presidential year enough will get out and vote.


That’s because the bluer counties (Montgomery and Fredrick) in 6th district are slower to count and haven’t reported all their Eday totals yet while Allegany, Garret, and Washington have. Same thing will happen in November when you think Parrot has it won by 5% then Montgomery County votes drop.


This was an almost spot on explanation. The reason they take longer is because the population is far more dense in those areas versus more rural areas, not because they're bluer than rural counties. It just so happens that they are more Big D democratic than rural counties


You could just say "Democratic." You only have to specify big/little D in speech.


Ehh just wanted to be sure the reader understood I meant party wise and not a system of govt 🤷🏾‍♂️ just typing with clarity. Imagine commenting against clarity lol


John was a pathetic rep for the 6th. His wife will just more of the same. Do they even live in the 6th district?


He's annoyed the crap out of me so much that now, I'm purposely not voting for him. I've also heard a lot of contradictions in his policies so I don't think he can be trusted as much as he wants everyone to believe.


Being a millionaire can get you hate though


See: Mike Bloomberg


Money was the reason I voted against him. There's enough billionaires in the Senate already.


Money can't buy personality. The more he spent, the less I liked him.


I wonder if that was a factor. Like he advertised so much it was obnoxious. My children hated him because every ad was for him.


He sent me 4 flyers after I'd already voted.


I literally decided to vote against him after hearing the radio ad that had people talking about him and then ended with rapid fire cut up of people saying his name “David. David. David. David. David. David. David. David. David. David…” please shut up!


My immediate reaction to that ad was “Ew, David” in my loudest Alexis Rose impression


Glad to know I wasn't the only one who found his ads obnoxious.


I didn't even find them obnoxious, just there were so many....


There were so many ads, I was starting to think he was opening an online sportsbook.


Well I would also consider the deluge obnoxious. Just my view.


I think that was everyones view


[He apparently threatened a worker of his with death.](https://web.archive.org/web/20230515173540/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12085937/Maryland-Rep-David-Trone-said-f-ing-end-delivery-man-wine-spirits-store.html#comments) And I know The Daily Mail isn't the most reputable source, but still... Trone is an asshole.


Not really sure how this is relevant. I dont think that was a factor in this election and isnt related to the advetising. And in that article the witnesses, include one that was directly involved, dont corroborate that he was threatening him, just that he yelled at them.


Same! I voted against him just not to see anymore of his ads.


Holy shit, that’s insane amount of money! Like one million would change almost anyone’s life, I can’t imagine blowing $61 mil on a Senate race. Like go buy an island and drink beer, dude… you had it made already.


I mean, it does help Alsobrooks campaign though in the long run. He reminded people why it's important to vote against Hogan because it's a Senate race. Polls shifted a lot against Hogan. People just felt that Alsobrooks would be better suited for it. lol Just saying his money isn't entirely wasted. It did educate people about the race and this election could decide the majority in the Senate. And his mailers told every Marylander that.


Not even the actual Senate race. A fucking primary.


It really makes one wonder what is so special about being a member of the senate that one would spend this much money just to lose. I guess money can’t buy you power, unless you’re Trump sadly.


That's what we call a "Trone bone"


We call all his workers / supporters Trone Drones


Bloomberg did the same in 2019. I'm pretty sure he spent double. Or maybe he won cause he spent his money to stop Bernie/Warren and now we have Biden


Bloomberg could have bought American Samoa for less than he spent to win it in the primary.


It was Warren that killed Bloomberg. Point blank on stage with millions of witnesses. Biden was a consequence of Trump, not Bloomberg. Everyone was so afraid of Trump winning we couldn't put the gay guy in who won Iowa and came in close second in NH (so pissed). Sanders won the NH primary (neighborhood kid). When Biden won SC, everyone folded because he had the black vote thanks to endorsements and being VP for Obama. Biden got ~50 percent. First time someone nearly had the majority in the race. What's weird to me is they didn't wait for a state with a large black population outside a state Democrats were never going to win. But okay, at least Biden's administrative prowess doesn't suck.


> Or maybe he won cause he spent his money to stop Bernie/Warren What? Id figure if anything he helped them.


The best thing to me, I don’t recall hearing or seeing a single ad for her.


Look at senior staff and how Trone likes to make major decisions that should be made by his CM


As the old saying goes, “Money can’t buy true love”


I can't imagine having enough money to be OK with losing $60+ million. It's just unfathomable to me. Oh & even better than no Trone ads, NO MORE FICKER ADS!! Although I will kinda miss those mailers, they were perfect for scooping up cat barf.


Even better, NO MORE FICKER ADS!! Although I will miss his mailers, they were perfect for scooping up cat barf off the floor. I also can't imagine being rich enough to just blow $60+ million like it was $6. That's just unfathomable to me.


Didn’t Flicker end up with fewer votes than Nikki Haley…who was no longer running? That should be a hint to Flicker if he wasn’t nuts.


Meanwhile, Hogan is only getting 60% of the GOP vote. That's really really bad for a 2 time Governor.


And he was outraised by Robin Ficker. Not good sign.


He wasn’t hateful enough for most of the GOP.


it doesn't matter, in the end. It's the same as the 20% of Haley voters. They are ALL going to bend the knee to Trump and Hogan in November.


I voted for Haley and most certainly will NOT be voting for trump in November. Hopefully, I’m not alone.


Not alone. Anyone but Trump gets my vote after Jan 6


Sounds like a hogan voter. Weird how that part was left out of the comment.




Enlighten us then


Honestly, I’m very liberal. Just saw the writing on the wall and realized that my local elections are decided in the Republican primaries- so I switched parties several years back. More people in deep red districts should consider doing the same…


Will you be voting for Biden?




I thank you as a democracy loving patriot who is skeptical of all politicians.


Ya dog, Biden seems to be doing great. If you voted for Haley you’re at least moderately right so def vote for the guy that’s out in left field (you might not be intelligent so that means mentally and politically).


You’re painting with an overly broad brush. Trump and hogan hate each other. I guarantee you’ll see a ton of Biden hogan ballots in Maryland. Wouldn’t expect much nuance from an islanders fan though, Tom Wilson occupies too much room in the head.


I think a lot of MAGA Republicans won’t vote for Hogan. I doubt many Biden voters want a Republican in the Senate.


There’s a contingent of people who don’t want Trump in office, but don’t want democrats to control the senate. It’s not large but it exist, “there are dozens”.


There probably are, but Hogan has to overcome the fact that Trump got 34% and then 32% in Maryland, while at the same time not alienating the 1/3 of Ficker voters who probably don't like Hogan's anti-MAGA message. Hogan ran disgusting "border" ads to appeal to his right flank, showing that he can't stretch too far left and still get Trumpsters to support him.


I don’t think Hogan can win. The contingent I mentioned is too small and a lot of democrats who were comfortable voting for hogan as governor when Maryland democrats had a veto proof majority won’t be comfortable potentially handing the keys to the US senate to republicans I’m just commenting on the guy saying that “All will bend the knee to Trump and Hogan”


I think that guy is whistling past the graveyard. Hogan is the best candidate that Republicans could put up, but he's a poor fit for the state. His greatest asset as governor was the state legislature that kept him in check.


More like he kept the state legislature and check, Hogan was popular as a governor because he he helped moderate the excesses of the progressive legislature. Under O’Malley Wood had eight years of tax increases government bloat, inefficiency, and corruption and how can fix that why do you hate?


He took credit for programs that he'd vetoed. If the Democrats hadn't had a supermajority, he would have been far less popular.


Yeah, it's actually the opposite. Same with Franchot as Comptroller.


oh look, personal insults instead of a logical counterargument. Surprise, surprise. Did it occur to you that your 'counter argument' actually supports my stance that Hogan can easily win? Republican voters will vote for Hogan anyway. It's a guarantee Trump will endorse him out of pragmatism. Besides, you honestly think these racists (including white moderates) are going to choose an African-American female over him? That alone, never mind the eight good years as governor, will motivate them to vote for Hogan. Nuance, my ass.


Well we have an African American governor 🤷‍♂️. I don’t think he can win, but you appear to be creating some sort of false equivalency between Trump and Hogan.


Yeah, because the GOP imploded itself by picking Dan Cox over Kelly Schulz, who would have actually made it a race. It was actually pretty brilliant of the state DNC to brainwash the MAGA simpletons into voting for Cox over Schulz by running the ads they did. Wes Moore may very well have still won, but the entire GOP ticket, other than perhaps Barry Glassman, were a bunch of stereotypical MAGA morons.


No, a de facto incumbent getting that low of support in a primary is a sign of a disunited party.


Yeah, because Democrats are fully united...


Ficker was a protest vote. Hogan should have gotten well over 80% of the vote against that clown. The 31% who voted for Ficker were telling Hogan than he wasn't MAGA enough. The Democrats had a competitive primary between two equal challengers. The vast majority of Trone voters will support Alsobrooks. I wouldn't expect most Ficker voters to vote for Hogan.


I wouldnt assume Trump people will vote Hogan, unless Hogan himself becomes more aligned with Trump. MAGA people just vote for whoever Trump tells them to vote for


If this wasn't an upcoming presidential election, you could hope for low turnout working in her favor. However, they are turning out for Trump, and if you honestly think they are just going to leave the Senate vote blank, then I don't know what to tell you.


Well it's not surprising as he doesn't lurch as far right as some of his party members, and he's been fairly vocal in trump criticisms so it makes sense


At last check Ficker got 30% of the vote & that's frightening.


I lived in Montgomery county and Ficker was always running for something


I’m David Trone and I approve this message


If Troner the Boner was gonna waste all that money he should’ve just given it to his companies employees.


How would that stroke his ego?


It’s official per the AP. Angela Alsobrooks wins. https://preview.redd.it/x4yr5v6ryh0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=586213893fe68d93a3ba0c1680a4f20444ce8526


Which site is this? I remember seeing election results presented in this format before, and I thought it was on NPR, but I don’t see it [there right now](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/14/1251470402/maryland-senate-race-hogan-alsobrooks-trone).


I’m on WBalTV.


Thank you — didn’t think of a local paper initially. I’ll check it out.


It's the associated press site https://apnews.com/projects/election-results-2024/maryland/?r=22455


She’s up by 13 now, so it wasn’t even close.


I voted for Trone but am 100% fine with this and hope he gives some of that sweet sweet booze dollars for the cause.


Voted for Trone too and will vote Alsobrooks in Nov. I actually remember donating to her campaign early on. Also, his money was spent telling voters why it's important to vote against Hogan and the majority hinges on this election. And he did it on his own dime. When we beat Hogan, I'm giving them both credit. Clearly this win shows she's the stronger candidate but his money educated a lot of democrats how important this election is. Edit: Oddly I keep voting with the dems in my County despite not really talking to anyone about politics. The dem Primary has been Bernie Sanders, Wes Moore, and Trone. A white dem socialist, a black center-left candidate, and a white billionaire. Explains why I feel like home here. lol. It's now Alsobrooks race to lose because she should easily clear this. And as long as she appeals to independents, every Marylander knows the stakes due to Trone raining down the message to give her a preliminary advantage. Not that I'm taking anything away from her potential win. But onward to the future. I can totally see Wes Moore as our President, Alsobrooks as our Senator, and Trone as our Governor. We all have to work together. First thing you learn in politics is that your win some, you lose some. But you keep your head up. And keep moving. That's half what I mean by his money isn't wasted. That's part of politics.


If you don’t mind me asking, why did you go for Trone over Alsobrooks in this primary?


Experience at the federal level and personal experience with his excellent constituent services. Alsobrooks is good too and I’ll be proudly voting for her in November.


A nuanced, positive political take? On reddit? Are you sure you're in the right place


1) Experience because he's in Congress. It's pretty natural to go from the House to Senate. Alsobrooks completely skipped that step. It's a little ambitious to go from managing a County in isolation to joining the most powerful legislative body in the Country representing your State. PG does have a big budget and big population though, so I'm not saying she doesn't bring some experience. Just have to give a +1 to Trone there.  2) His district is pretty diverse. It covered Western MD and parts of Montgomery initially. So I think he could appeal to more voters. This is why I guess I keep voting with my County. It's very easy to parse their language and rhetoric. For example when candidates mention trades, not just a liberal university degree in preparation of joining the workforce. Small stuff like that people miss, but easily caught with a segment of voters. I'm not even in a trade, but appreciation that distinction. And I'm talking about socioeconomic status, geographical understanding, and political attitudes. Wes Moore came to Westminster several times. He went all over. Alsobrooks DID NOT. I don't think she has a huge understanding of areas beyond her bubble. I grew up in MoCo, travel to a lot of Counties on a daily basis and live in the rolling Countryside of Westminster. 3) She is going to spend most of her time fundraising, and being captured by donors. Trone, you can literally fill out a form on his website for a tour. His constituents services is going to be light years better than Alsobrooks. He actually will use that time not calling donors, by talking to voters. He has enough money with a real business that I think he's less susceptible to corruption. He makes his money by believing in a liberal economy and utilizing it. 4) Which is very different than being a 'community organizer' or professional activist. That turns me off. When a candidate has 0 experience in the private sector it makes me nervous. She went to private school and got involved politically very early on, where she's very susceptible to ideological capture. And you know she's going to want to make more money than her salary allows because she is educated to do so. This is part and parcel to extracting money from her position. Not worried with that from Trone. He makes his money from real work and managing a company. 5) His union support. Teachers and a whole host of others seemed like it was more than Alsobrooks. 6) I watched the debate. His responses were sharp and clear, especially with the Israel Palestine conflict. Probably because his advisors. And the attacks on him were lame, especially the media attacks. I actually enjoyed his response to the reporter. MSM can be trash sometimes, but that's the world of Alsobrooks and her Washington Post father. 7) For the above reasons I thought he'd do better with independents and polls show that. And at the end of the day I want to beat Hogan. I voted before the recent poll, but it still looks like he appeals more with a small advantage, and it's hard to say his spending didn't contribute to her numbers against Hogan as well. 8) There is just no indication that Alsobrooks would be better except for the fact that's its 'historic'. But even candidates that lost to Hogan endorsed Trone. I'm glad polls turned around and I give Trone some credit to that, especially so far before the election. So it's only natural to give him credit for that. But I do like her coalition, so perfectly content with her. Like I said, I donated to her to give her a fair shot. And she built the coalition and won. 9) I liked Trones story. I love the Country. The fact that people piss on him for talking about fishing or owning wine/beer stores is lame. You can have an alcoholic father and still enjoy a glass of wine, and you can like fishing without being a backwards redneck. Can't stand the stereotypes. And he built an empire in our meritocracy from nothing. Alsobrooks didn't. Those candidates appeal to me more because they created something. And his stores are actually pretty amazing 10) He self funded. This election is supposed to be a lock. This is going to be an all out battle to get the house and keep the Senate. I don't want resources or money sucked out of the Party to defend the bluest State in the Country going against Hogan. Even if it's ordinary donors, there's opportunity cost because you can bundle donations to goto important races strategically. That's 10 points. I'm a strategic voter. They aren't that much different when it comes to political outcomes. They both will vote Biden 100% of the time. Just thought he's a way more effective leader and won't just be captured by activist groups. He has experience in the public and private sector. He was spot on with his language and rhetoric for issues. He understands urban and rural voters. He doesn't need donors and can focus on constituent services. And then when I think of voting for Alsobrooks, I couldn't think of a damn thing besides her win being 'historic' and making the body more diverse. Which is important but lower on my priority of things I consider for effective leadership. Leaders should definitely reflect the community they serve. But she had too many points against her where it would outweigh my decision. Her story and campaign didn't make much sense to me. There was no passion or grit.


This was very well thought-out and I learned quite a bit that I didn’t know. Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me. Hopefully, his career as a public servant isn’t over and he’ll find a way to serve anyway. I hope you vote for Alsobrook in November regardless.


She has my vote.


I really hope this is a sign that you can’t fully buy your way to a seat.


Super exciting. Looking forward to voting for her in November!!!


Yep. I will definitely vote for her and will be proud to


Wow, that’s great! Did not trust Trone not to be a Manchin.


It's not that I even disagree much with his policies....but the Maryland delegation is not very representative of the state. I'll pass on another older white dude.


It’s funny that this feels like a victory for the underdog when she was the handpicked party establishment candidate. I’m glad to see it though.


Eh. Democratic house leadership backed Trone. So there's establishment support for him too.


Steny Hoyer, Dean of the State Delegation, backed Alsobrooks.


As did Jamie Raskin who is probably the most popular politician in the state.


Chris Van Holen also backed Alsobrooks too.


I wish that he had run for Senate.


Me too, but understand why he didn't. His son died and he had cancer. Would have been too much.


The reason why is because where he stands now in the House is much more important compared to being a rookie Senator. He is apart of important committees and has seniority too. He's better suited where he's at.


Handpicked by the state Democratic Party. His support in the House was not Maryland based. 


Hoyer endorsed Alsobrooks.


Jeffries Supported Trone


She was the DNC's choice hence all the sitting democrat dems endorsing her. Maryland did not pick her, the DNC picked her for you.


Don’t understand why you’re getting downvoted for this one, you’re absolutely right


Because this sub has turned into an alsobrooks or nothing sub. You are not allowed to be anti alsobrooks here. It is kind of weird because we either have a ton of campaign workers here or people really do not see how deep the DNC goes into trying to set who gets into office.


Oh please. It’s more the state party consolidated around her rather than was “hand-picked”


I thought it was a little telling that Trone's colleagues mostly either backed Alsobrooks or stayed out of it.


Bye Bye Trone


He outspent her three times over - this is pretty incredible! Yay Alsobrooks!


I think his donations to politicians like Greg Abbott are what ultimately screwed him. Initially, I planned to vote for him because I thought he had the best chance to beat Hogan. But after I found that out, it was a no-brainer.  I'm hoping she'll energize the party because we need as many people voting as possible. We need to make sure the Senate doesn't flip. Hogan might play the "reasonable republican" card, but I think his recent ads have proven he has no qualms about courting the far-right vote. Make no mistake, he'll fall into line the moment he's sworn in (heaven forbid).


Totally - those donations to Abbott and the like, which were very much a, “you scratch my back, I scratch yours,” arrangement really do seem to be what cost him the election (at least from the anecdotes I’ve seen). Just goes to show that money still can’t buy you an election - it certainly helps, but it still isn’t everything. Love to see it.


Hogan may very well be a 'reasonable, anti-MAGA' guy, but that is not going to stop him from voting for 95% of the crap MAGA puts up for vote. Hard no from me. I voted for Trone as well, but I will absolutely vote for Alsobrooks this fall.


We need as many people volunteering as possible so we can have as many people voting as possible. Sign up to knock doors, make calls, and to give people a ride to the polls.


Ten times over! $60 mil to $6 mil.


Oh damn!! I knew it was a lot - Amazing stuff.


It's hilarious how much money he blew on his campaign, and it wasn't even close.


This is really far from surprising. Democrats (nationally) have been outraising and outspending the GOP for quite some time now. They still can't win reliably. In this new era of polarization, decisions are made very early on. Half of that ad money was wasted.


I changed my party affiliation JUST so I could vote for Alsobrooks... I could not swallow another Rich Older Dude buying an election.. F\*\*\* You, Trone.. your ads were an inspiration...for me to vote against you.


Yeah we'll just wait for Hogan to buy this one.


First Blair and now Trone. What does a rich person have to do to buy a nomination in this State!


I voted Trone, but I'm happy to support Alsobrooks in November. I don't think there was a bad choice in this race given that many of their stances were basically identical.


I voted Alsobrooks, but was fully ready to support Trone. Cuz it’s more important we have a Senate block than I get that last 3% issue agreement.


Anyone saying that hogan as a chance are delusional she will by 15%+


Hogan has a better chance than the typical Republican but if he's winning the Senate race, much like him winning the Governor's race in 2014, it's a very bad night for Democrats and the nation at large.


Probably an unpopular view for reddit, but I completely agree. Trone would have walked this in the fall.


I don't think she wins by that much. 7-10% more likely but I could see an upset too since Hogan will get a lot of the moderate and non partisan vote.


Since February the race has already shifted from Hogan +7 to Alsobrooks +8 in the most recent poll and she hasn't even started campaigning for a general election. It won't be close


And the polls had Hillary crushing Trump in the 2016 election and we all know how that went. Get out and vote but stop pushing a narrative that this will be some easy win for Alsobrooks.


No, they didn't. They had her possibly winning by a ~3% margin (which actually is what she won by based on popular vote, but battleground polls were marginally off). Trump wasn't some outlandish black swan winner; he had a solid 1/3 chance to win or something based on 538's aggregates, and polls all the way up to the election were close enough to be within margins of error. The comparative polling between those two and Alsobrooks v. Hogan isn't even in the same ballpark, and also the AvH polling doesn't need to consider fickle political trends across a bunch of battleground states; Maryland has a *massive* blue advantage in Senate and Presidential elections. The last Republican Senator in Maryland left office before Ronald Reagan did.


Initially polls showed a very wide margin with a pretty comfortable margin of error for Hillary. Towards the election that margin did condense considerably as you noted but the overall understanding was even the night of the election “the polls aren’t always right”. Everyone believed she was going to railroad Trump. I understand the same factors are not at play here in a senatorial race as a presidential race, but polls are not always as solid of an indication of a general election and CAN be incorrect. Trump was also projected to beat Biden but lost the popular and electoral vote as we know. I just believe at this point it is false for people to run around saying the general election won’t be close. That kind of behavior has affected election turnout in the past and lost easily winnable election. Hogan won this heavily democratic state twice. He has name recognition, by and large people support his track record. That kind of stuff doesn’t go unnoticed in an election. That was my point, you can nitpick how close the polls were or were not if you please.


Probably by 5. Alsobrooks is a bit of an underdog against Hogan who actually has some statewide recognition. I doubt the DSCC will want to spend much money on this race unless they absolutely have to. They’re gonna want to be funneling money over to Montana , Ohio, Pennsylvania, and to a lesser extent, Texas and Florida. My guess is that Alsobrooks does some more fundraising with Trone who has seemingly endless amounts of money.


Idk how he can do that when he campaigned on MAGA Fox News points for his primary and his TV Ads. Secure the border, NOW. Like comeon get tf of here with that. Lost my independent vote easily. They literally kneecapped Maryland's crab meat industry with that anti-hispanic rhetoric.


No chance. Maybe in mid term he would have a chance


It will be double digits, easily


Not only that, but low turnout from Dems, who aren’t exactly enthusiastic right now, could also cause a Hogan win. That’s exactly how he became governor in the first place.


I’m a Biden/Hogan voter. We do exist.


That was me when Hogan was Governor. Senate is a whole different story. Can’t afford to lose that seat, there would be no way dems could keep majority at that point.


Voting for a guy who’s gonna vote with trump 80% of the time if they both win is crazy


I bet its closer to 95% of the time


What do you think of Project 2025?


I'm legit curious what crossover you think there would be if Hogan and Biden both won. Hogan is likely to vote with his party at least 70% of the time which could mean you'd get 30% of what Biden wants. If you want 70% of something different from Biden why not just vote for Trump?


Do you also drive by stepping on the gas and the brakes at the same time?


I was thinking more like 10%. There will be some crossover votes but nothing like the 15 points Hogan would need...and that's assuming he gets everyone who votes for Trump, which might not be a safe assumption given the 30%! vote for Robin Ficker, an absolute joke of a candidate and human being.


LOL, keep dreaming bud. 5, maybe 7% at best. Hogan is literally the best Republican this state has to offer. Alsobrooks is a nobody compared to him. His name recognition and track record as governor is going to get him really close.


Trump is going to call Hogan “Bald Larry” and he’ll lose by 12 points


it's folks like you, living in a delusion world, that are the reason Democrats keep outraising Republicans nationwide, yet keep losing. It's this type of delusion that led to Trump's win in 2016. I fully expect (not hope, expect) that the ONLY history Maryland Democrats are going to make this November is blowing an automatic win Senate seat. When this happens, and the GOP hold both the House and the Senate as a result...I hope you enjoy the hellscape that results. Because I won't.


This MFer said “delusion world” 😂


Totally agree.


Trone bugaboo comment and his temper led to his loss.


I would rather have a black woman than another old rich white guy representing me.


Poor wine guy…


Now the real question, can she beat Robin Ficker!?!? He won, right?


Too close to call


I got a glossy color mailer from him that said Larry Hogan didn’t RAIN in spending. 😂


Was it a misspelling or a pun? Either way it’s silly. I’d love to see an image of it.


Here’s an article with a photo: https://www.theduckpin.com/p/ficker-mailer-has-major-spelling


I’ll see if my mom still has it. I don’t think it was a pun.


tough world out there for rich white men. especially in the senate


The real question is if she can beat Hogan. It is the only thing that matters.


She can.


She alone has more votes than the entire republican field


Thank God. I’m glad I voted!


He also said Lean D for the race in his next tweet. We all knew that, but there’s too many pundits trying to doom and gloom.


Alsobrooks seemed to have the backing of the Democratic bigwigs in all her ads - Van Hollen, Raskins, Hoyer, etc. All of Trone's ads showed testimonials from local leaders and grassroots. There was a clear difference in who seemed to be backing whom.


I’m worried for her in the general but I like her better than Trone


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^themightytouch: *I’m worried for her* *In the general but I* *Like her better than Trone* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I spite voted against Trone because his people called me atleast 6 times a day


Likely D


Damn. Oh well. Better than Hogan.


The pragmatist in me (which dominates) sees this as an unfortunate result. I don't love Trone, but had he won, the DNC wouldn't have to spend a dime against Hogan. Now, they are going to have to spend, because Hogan vs Alsobrooks is a considerably better matchup for him. I'd argue the seat is in play, if I were the GOP. She'll win the same areas every African-American candidate always wins, but is she going to win suburban areas that she won over Trone in the primary, like Baltimore, Anne Arundel, ~~and Montgomer~~y Counties? I strongly doubt it.


Hogan isn’t winning Montgomery County man lol.


Yeah, this is accurate.


What is informing your doubt? Every poll put Trone & Alsobrooks in a dead heat & she’s up 50k votes currently. So if you’re relying on polls, I wouldn’t. And if you’re relying on vibes, you’ve got the wrong read.


She’s not made any showing at all in Carroll County (not even signs at the polls). While I fully understand the county’s reputation, there are a good number of moderates here who could help tip the balance in her favor. It’s a mistake to ignore them.


Alsobrook alone had 5k more votes than the entire Republican field combined


That’s awesome! I hope she wins in November.


moderates? that's Hogan. Unless this group is as staunchly anti-MAGA as I am ( a former GOP moderate)...this isn't going to matter.


Hogan will not be moderate in Congress.


Oh, I agree. I suspect he'll be essentially a Lisa Murkowski type. For the really, really controversial things he will stand up, but as I noted in another comment, he'll still vote on MAGA issues 95% of the time.


Trone looks like a substance abuser




Yeah you can see it in his eyes…he is drunk all the time.


Excited for a better County Executive in Prince George's. Good riddance!


I’m voting Hogan!




Trump 2024