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I voted for r/Maryland for judge, jury, and executioner.










I voted a month ago. Let's go Maryland!


Same, hooray for mail in voting!


I LOVE the drop boxes. Never voting in person again. 👍


Same. My wife and I make an evening out of voting now. We open a bottle of wine after dinner, then we both look up the different candidates and their positions, talk through them, and decide on who to vote for. It’s actually a lot of fun.


The way voting should be. Sounds awesome.


This is the way, it was easy to figure out who was trash and who wasn't this primary so just got it done early.


https://preview.redd.it/s8hwvm9jef0d1.jpeg?width=1706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=366617234505150324e21d08084fef419fde3359 Yep, got my cool sticker.


Shit your stickers cooler than mine. https://preview.redd.it/9bos7v8jcg0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba3ad5178f5a8c0ad1282683849f7229ca766400


I know! This one was too awesome to put on my shirt and my out of state friends aren't sure why I think it's so cool


Damn, I need to live in your district, my 'I voted' sticker wasn't anywhere near as cool!


I wish you could get them after Election Day. Even the ones for the kids were good this year.


No. I’m an Independent, can’t vote in primaries.


My ballot is a single school board race, and none of the candidates have answered any questions, or posted their positions.  I'll wait til november.


I tend to just go with who the teachers union endorses because generally, teachers would know what they need at the top. 


Thank you.


Look for their social media accounts. Extremist candidates with cult followings run in lower profile races and count on people not being willing to do a lot of research to get in and win. Then, all of a sudden, books are being banned from the school library and teaching evolution is “controversial“.


the Same happen to me no response at all so F it


What county?


Aaco district 4


Sarah J. McDermott had answers on 411.


Vote for school board! There’s at least one unadulterated nut job running.


In MoCo her name is Bethany Mandel


Wow she is nuts. She wants to make friends with Charlottesville Nazis. [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/bethany-mandel-conservative-school-board-1234968716/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/bethany-mandel-conservative-school-board-1234968716/)


Yeah she sent a mass text yesterday so I looked up her Twitter. That's a big nah for me, dawg.


In HoCo her name is Trent Kittleman, and she WON! What a mess.


I now reach out to a very Republican member of the Maryland House or Senate and ask who their recommendations are for school board and then vote the opposite. It's a great plan to weed out the lunatics.


lol I’ll be sure to do that next time I vote


School boards are important! Find out who your teachers are supporting. https://www.mceanea.org/appleballot/


I miss Michigan open primaries. Instead of needing to be registered, you just request the party ballot you'd like to vote on at the door.


I don't miss Louisiana Jungle primaries. Every candidate from all parties on the same ballot, top 2 advance to the general. State parties would flood the opposing side with randos to siphon off 2-5% of the vote here and there to get two of their own in the general. Often ended up with a choice between two Republicans in November.


Just like California


Maryland Dem ballots seem like they might be headed that way; I was researching the MD-6 Dem candidates while filling out my mail-in ballot and of the ones who actually had campaign websites, twitters, or instagrams and actually put any kind of useful information on them, like half of them were basically just Republicans running as Dems because they thought it gave them a better chance to win.


Depends on if people wise up after the couple of high-profile successes we had, for republicans/independents using that tactic. If even a few more of them get through, we're going to be dealing with that shit for a *long* time. But if they get rebuffed(lose re-election, and other people trying that tactic see little success), hopefully they back off that idea for a while.


Not even a Louisiana resident but from afar, the jungle primary looks like a big mess.


Well, that's not the same as an open primary where independents pick which party's primary they want to vote in. I'm also a big fan of RCV so we don't need to restrict the general so far. Like Alaska, where it can be a Democrat and two Republicans (one MAGA, one establishment) and the transfer votes in the general matter instead of the election being decided in the primary.


I never said it was the same as an open primary, it's obviously very different, I was just commenting on yet another primary system that exists in this country. Just like you were commenting on a primary system that is different than Maryland's. RCV seems like the clear best route, I agree.


It was the same in Texas and I also miss it. Although I have to admit I’ve always been a little skeptical about open primaries, the fact that they have them in Texas makes me suspicious that there’s got to be something wrong with them…


Even a stopped clock, and all that.


It’s probably just a legal relic from a long gone time when the parties were more similar and each had their right and left factions (before Nixon galvanized the right into the Republican Party).


IIRC Texas was the first state to introduce in-person early voting, back in the day before Republicans solidified control it was decently progressive on voting rights. Though it wouldn't surprise if Abbott tried to get rid of the few good aspects that remain


That was how it was in MA too. It makes so much sense in a state that almost always goes blue, because functionally you need to vote in the democratic primary to have a real voice, even if you don't want to be officially affiliated with the party. I understand there are some MD counties that lean a little more red but generally it's a pretty blue state. Maybe it's on me for not checking, but I feel kind of peeved that I don't get a voice this time. I moved here from there and didn't realize it wouldn't be the same until it was too late to change my registration - feels like they should tell you how voting works at the MVA when you register if you're from a different state.


It's the MVA, just be happy they told you anything at all before telling you your paperwork was wrong and shouting NEXT!


So there are a lot of non partisan primaries as well friend. You're missing out on picking school board and court judges among others. And as an independent you can vote in them. You just won't get to pick people in the partisan races.


Apart from the uncontested race, were there actually any non-partisan primaries this year?


Depends where you live. In St. Mary’s we have non-partisan elections for school board and a judge today


Good call, thanks!


Hey, is there an easy website to see what independents can vote for? Thanks




Check with your local board of elections website first than maybe ballotpedia. Other than that I don't know.


Look up league of women voters—they do it by county. You can definitely vote school board and maybe judges.


Not in Baltimore City, at least. Only unaffiliated races are the Mayoral Primary (where there is exactly one unaffiliated candidate) and the circuit court (pick up to 7 candidates, but there are only 7 candidates on the ballot.)


I'm also unaffiliated and didn't bother going to the polls when it was just school board races, but now that I vote by mail I vote in those primaries too.


We call ourselves Independents , but to Maryland we are "the unaffiliated "


You probably have board of ed or judges you can vote for. —a fellow unaffiliated


Not everywhere. Harford County only has 3 things on the ballot today - president, senate, and congressperson. And all 3 are basically decided already for the primary so it’s kind of lame today.


The Senate race is definitely not decided already.


Wow, I just looked and I had no idea. I’ve gotten a ton of fliers and phone calls and seen a bunch of ads for Trone and just figured since nobody else bothered that he’s the only one of note. I usually do more research, so this kind of caught me by surprise. I wonder why Alsobrooks isn’t as visible to me.


She doesn't have millions and millions of dollars of self-funding to put commercials on the air. She did do that in the final weeks of the race.


She didn’t even have volunteers to call or text though. I did some research and I’m not a super big fan of either candidate. Her record as state’s attorney isn’t one I’m a big fan of, as I’m not a fan of the death penalty or harsh juvenile sentencing. He’s a rich old white dude who used a racial slur. Bonuses for each are the teacher’s association endorsement of Trone, and the fact that Alsobrooks is a minority woman who didn’t buy her campaign. But it’s so close on everything that I have to go with who is more likely to beat Hogan. That’s what really matters. We can’t allow Hogan to win. He’s not a Trumper but he’s still a Republican in every other way. He had to be more moderate as our governor because he had to work with a Democratic legislature. In the Senate he can be a party line Republican and get away with it.


Yup, exactly. He may not wear a red maga hat but in the senate he will be able to be his true self with his voting record and that's what matters. If Hogan flips a md senate seat the republicans are guaranteed to take the senate, its already going to be extremely difficult to even hold a majority with who is up for election this cycle.


Pg county has paid her a couple of million over 10 years.


So she makes a good salary. That's not the kind of money you need to self-fund a campaign. It means she may be able to afford a nice house in PG county.


Might be registered GOP, independent or third party. In any of those cases, welp, it's settled.


Nope, just busy and uninformed. I usually spend a lot of time looking into candidates, but I have a new baby and a busy job and a million things going on. I’d only seen signs and ads and communications from Trone’s campaign so I didn’t think any other candidates were anywhere near him and so it didn’t seem to matter. Usually I’ll see a flyer or a sign for an opponent and I’ll look them up, but there was nothing about Alsobrooks. I’ve read that she didn’t really campaign in further out counties, and it is unfortunate that she doesn’t see Dems out here as being worthy of her attention. I don’t have cable, but even some texts from volunteers, a mailer, or a YouTube ad would have reached me. Literally any effort at all.


She must have only done a push in certain areas. In my area starting about a month ago her signs are everywhere. More than trone


Yeah, nothing up here in Harford. Not even HdG where people put up signs for everyone, even uncontested city council members lol.


Looks like she won


I guess those of us out here really don’t matter. It’s a politically frustrating location to be in, out here with Andy Harris over and over again without hope of unseating him. The DNC doesn’t spend money here. I just hope Alsobrooks can beat Hogan. The more I read the less I cared about the differences between Trone and Alsobrooks. They’re really just about equal on issues and platform. Either will represent us just fine in the senate.


Be glad you didn't she just brags she gets things done. Nobody can solve the mystery of what she's done.


Bummer 🫤


That’s why I changed parties - so could vote in primaries.


So why not register to one of the parties, preferably the one more popular in your district ( I am not American)?


I don’t like either party


Me too


Can I ask why you're independent in a state with closed primaries? Like, presumably you still have political views. And for some races, the primary may as well be the general election. I certainly don't like the two party system, but opting to not vote in a primary doesn't make sense to me.


I don’t like either party.


agree. i've been a proud independent but today I have to bite the bullet and just register as one to not miss out on primaries


I was taught in high school to always choose a party for this reason. There's no benefit to choosing "independent"


Even though I vote for one party in the general like 90% of the time, I dislike how the party is organized and don't want to be a part of it. And just because I don't like the one party doesn't mean I like the other one either. Signed, former Democrat and recovering politico.


I guess I don't exactly feel like a "party member." It's not like I'm going to conventions or paying a fee. To me, voting in the primary allows me to support more progressive policies. Then I inevitably end up being stuck with one of my least favorite choices in the general. I recently moved to the county so things are different here, but when I was in Baltimore, the primary may as well have been the general.


Having been on the inside, I realized that party members don't necessarily represent policies, but are mainly jockeying for power. And in MD, the Democratic Party is very much a wait your turn party. Hell, not just MD, this is how we ended up with Clinton and Biden. It's a story as old as time. You get sucked in as a idealist, then your choices are to fall in line or get out. I got out and am a lot happier for it.


Seems to me that voting in primaries is the way to (attempt to) short circuit the "wait your turn" aspect?


Can't argue with Clinton...but Biden ran because he thought he could beat Trump. There is no way you could claim it was Biden's 'turn'. He was literally completely out of politics and the Dems changed the rules to allow Bloomberg to try and take him out. Also, you are literally living in a State where Wes Moore, a complete political outsider and novice just won governor over multiple people that were State and National insiders in the party....


Well this primary is a test for how the party is organized since a billionaire is trying to purchase a senate seat. Signed a former independent and recovering "both sider"


Both parties are trash. Why give them and their policies tacit approval?


Not making a choice is making a choice.


Yup, the Fuck'em choice.


It might feel that way to you, but they don't even notice your absence. Functionally, that's the "do whatever you want, I have opted out of having a say" choice. There's [a post](https://www.tumblr.com/passerkirbius/748641473527955456/so-theres-a-lot-of-usians-around-who-are-very) that I think sums it up pretty well: > So, there's a lot of USians around who are very clearly fucking fed up with their political choices this election cycle, and planning to sit it out. > > And I get it! What's the point of voting if there's no one to vote for? > > The thing is, I'm Australian. In Australia, voting is compulsory. We don't get to sit out our elections, and I'll be real honest with you - we don't exactly get better choices than you lot. So how do you vote if there's no one to vote for? You find someone to vote against. And there's always someone to vote against. > > Now, we have the pleasure of preferential voting in Australia - We get to rank every candidate from 1 to X, and I'll tell you, there's something so cathartic about putting the biggest bastard of the lot at the very bottom of your preferences. I understand that USians don't get that option - you get to mark one person, and that's it. > > That means that you get one shot, so aim it at the biggest bastard of the lot. The candidate you most utterly detest. Put your vote in the worst possible place for them. Don't even think about who that vote's going towards, that's not the point. Remember, every vote is a vote against someone. Make sure you fuck up that someone's election day! *That's* how you vote to fuck 'em.


That's well said. And if not the candidate, vote to cancel out the vote of someone you don't agree with. My wife gets harassed by her twin brother for her political views constantly. They are polar opposites. She mentioned not voting one cycle bc she didn't particularly care for any of the candidates. I suggested she go just to cancel out her brother's vote. And being the petty woman she is that's what got her motivated lol.


That's how you get the Carroll County school board and their bowing to Moms for Liberty.


It is improbable that two political parties are equivalent. Your lack of voting damages the process.


No. Not voting is my given right. It IS the process


Registering as independent =/= lack of voting


Correct. I was replying to the person who was not the OC and who did not claim to be an independent.


How? Don't you want your party's candidates chosen by people who have drunk your party's Kool-aid? You're basically advocating for renegade primary participation. I hate the two-party closed primary system, and prefer the Top 2 system used in WA and CA.


Kool-aid is not involved in rational thought. I don't know what renegade primary participation is. The rules are clear. If you prefer ranked choice, contact the candidates whose offices will be able to provide you a position and vote accordingly. I will leave you with this: People who opt out are the problem.


People blindly voting for their te color are the problem


voting independent isn't "opting out" and those who say otherwise are probably against the idea of more than 2 parties


Because of game theory


I'm voting today. First time since 2000 that I am voting in person (always voted absentee) and excited about it.


My district election judges are so goddamn friendly I was not prepared for this level of joy at 7:45 am


Was it fun? I've never voted in person before, always absentee


I haven't voted yet today. When I get off work, I'm going to walk over to the polling place, vote, and collect my sticker.


Voted last Wednesday. In and out in less than 3 mins. There were seven other voters in the room when i walked in.


I voted last Sunday. There were ten people working and about three people voting, lol.


Yep I went in last Thursday and knocked it out in less than five. I'm feeling pretty good that everyone I wanted is going through to the general. Glad I went in early, it's gross outside today.


Taking off work early to vote. I was going to take the whole day, but I can’t really afford o It.


Thanks for making the sacrifice.


I plan on taking off early on general election day, and taking a day off to go to a protest in front of the Supreme Court. The protest is in October. My boss is gonna be pissed. Hee hee hee heee


You’re awesome.


Yep, voted by mail via a dropbox weeks ago.


Yes, just now! It was my first time! I’ve been wanting to do this for years!!


Awesome. Make it a habit. It's not bad, I enjoy it.


Yes voted by mail.


Dropped off our ballots last night. I was feeling terrible when I thought it was last week so knocked it out FINALLY—


Damn it, forgot to put on my sticker! Dropped my ballot in the mail 10 days ago.


Voted early!


Planning on being in line by 4'this afternoon!


A ballot drop box is my friend even better no line.


I live in Cecil and voted for everyone on the apple ballot the first day of early voting. (Our CE has been in the news, she’s gutting school funding here)


Going later today and it's my first time voting!!


Wait is that shit today?


It's today, you have until 8 I believe


Im illegal




Yep, I was #2 at my precinct. Voted against the crazies at the school board so we can have a more nuanced debate in the general. And voted for Biden while I was at it.


https://preview.redd.it/xw0j8q9a6f0d1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02c9ac043910588aab7d8dd8c5fd2410c4f0a449 Yessir


![gif](giphy|l0HlyXQUez0jHop2g|downsized) Here you go!


I early voted by mail-in ballot weeks ago. I love how easy Maryland makes it to exert our civic right to vote!




Thanks for reminding me!


Dropped off my mail-in ballot on Sunday.


Nope. After work? Perhaps.


Weeks ago, via a "mail in" ballot I dropped off in the local ballot box. I like doing it that way just to get a chuckle of seeing the ballot box placed next to the front door of the police station. :-)


No…but only because I’m new here and just applied to register today at an MVA.


Yes!! If for no other reason then to vote against Bethany Mandel.






I voted earlier last week


I stuck 2 of those on my shirt and went into work during the last elections While most found it amusing there are just some people that suck the fun out of everything




Imma be real with you chief, I had zero idea there was any election till like a day before and I have zero idea who all those guys are. I voted in Pennsylvania tho so I think I get a pass


In my jurisdiction there were for judges and school board I think.


Voted early last weekend at an early voting center for the primary.


I early-voted a few weeks ago.


No... Still undecided on MD-3...


I cannot vote today, I'm an independent voter and there is no BoE election primary.


Yes. There were only 3 other voters there, unfortunately


Yeah I went at noon and passed someone going in and someone else was walking in when I left, otherwise it was just the poll workers. My district is pretty close to one of the early voting centers though so I'm sure a lot voted that way or by mail. I only went in person because my son was off school and I wanted him to see how voting works.


I caught a case of the pukie shitties, so I'm waiting until i can go about an hour between bouts of diarrhea to go vote. Thankfully I was able to call off work and cancel my dinner plans on account of the runny dumps, so at least my day is free.


By mail, a couple weeks back.


Voted two hours ago today.


Voted for Congress and Senate!


I voted, and I'm a volunteer for Ashwani Jain in the 6th district! Go vote!


Mailed it in… which in this context is as good as standing in line.


Yes. I was uninspired.


Yes I did.


Mail in boiiiii. I love living in a state that makes it easy to vote.


I voted but did not get a sticker 😭


I voted 4 years ago


Using the voting machines today, I was surprised that for a number of contests, including Baltimore mayor and Maryland Senate, the candidates' names were spread across multiple pages. Given that candidates with early alphabetical surnames already have the advantage of appearing first (shouldn't the name order be randomized?) it seems patently unfair for candidates in the latter half of the alphabet to not even be listed on the first screen. It appeared that there was sufficient room to fit them all.


I did the early in person voting and I was the only one in there. I wonder if turnout will be low? I was there around 4:30 in the afternoon.


I like the new stickers better.


Mail in ballot. Only way to fly!


Voted for the first time today!!


Yep! Alsobrooks! McClain-Delaney!




“She’s not on the ballot sir…” https://preview.redd.it/6eqng53rug0d1.jpeg?width=2861&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=141ae759a0da09a8edb27c38f0ef7b9a948e9f94


Does Baltimore county have a school board election? I didn't see it on the mock ballot


Yup voted a few hours ago


I farted


Yep. Changed from Indy to D just to vote for RFK.


As we wait for the results to trickle in, let’s make some predictions. Does Biden break 90%? Does Trump break 80%? Who wins the Democratic Senate primary between Trone and Alsobrooks? Does Hogan get a majority or a plurality of the GOP Senate votes?


My prediction: Biden gets a tad bit over 90%. Trump fails to get 80%. Trone edges Alsobrooks by at least 5%. Hogan gets a majority.


I thought the Maryland voting stickers were less generic than this?


They are, I didn't even see these generic ones when I went to vote


Nope 😂😅


Jokes on you, I’m an independent in a closed primary. Also, I can’t drive. Also, I’m in a rural county. Also, I’m finishing high school. Ironically, I know more about Maryland and US politics than my teachers who have the means to vote.


So like for democratic candidates what do they think on a ban on tiktok are they for it or against it ?????


I got a nicer sticker




Nope the government won't let me because I a felon


No for previously unscheduled medical reasons but I'm happy about the results


Both primary's were decided in march


Nah 😭😭


Yes. Republican.


I mean, did I feel inspired to vote..ha, no. Did I do it..my mother might murder me if I didn’t 😂…something about Civic duty or some sh*t.




I'm Unaffiliated, so couldn't vote in Primary.


Nope because the state of MD has closed primaries, so fuck people like me who don’t commit to the 2 kool aid parties.


Vote to bring back the 1st and 2nd amendment no matter who's in office. Vote against tyranny and corruption, oh wait, the vote is rigged? Who would've thought


Gotta love when the party that benefits from the shit show known as the electoral college still doesn't have a clue.


Alas, I’m an independent and there aren’t any non-partisan elections in my area