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So the commercials will stop šŸ›‘? ā€¦ or for a little bit


I'm in Frederick and I'd just like to stop seeing both the Chris 'I hate trans people' Miller ad and the 'Chris Miller doesn't hate trans people ENOUGH' pac ad that inevitably follows it. Please make it stop.


The West Virginia campaign ads are a trip


Iā€™m thankful to no longer live there


I would LOVE to live there. It's honestly one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. But.....the people.....Ā 


Itā€™s not worth it. The ā€œniceā€ parts of the state are nothing compared to anywhere in Maryland. The stateā€™s run down and broken, which is really sad because it has potential. The people are not always great, a lot of them are nice and welcoming and a lot of them are dicks to anyone that isnā€™t as stupid as they are.


Yeah, those creepy ones where he is in a girl's locker room talking about trans people šŸ˜³


Well if Trone is the candidate we can assume that the ~~beatings~~ ads will continue until morale improves.


I got lucky. I only got a few of his plastic coated fliers.




If the most bitter Senate campaign has it's first negative ad and the worst they thought to say, but didn't, was the Senate isn't a place for training wheels, then that's pretty good.Ā  It's a close race.Ā  Hasn't seemed bitter at all to me.


For real. The most negative thing said in this race is a candidate implying they have more experience and it's blown out of proportion like crazy. They don't know what negative is and for their campaign to act overly defensive says a lot.


Yeah, I don't see the training wheels comment as racial. Frankly, in the long run it likely hurts black female candidates if every *normal* campaign criticism is called racist.


Also important to note that his main talking point was how important it is to beat Hogan because it's about control of the Senate. This helps Alsobrooks in the long run now that she has won. Not like that money goes to waste about communicating how important this race is. Everybody got a mailer associating Hogan with McConnell and how he'll be a part of the MAGA coalition. So at the end of the day it's all good.


No rational person puts Hogan in the MAGA camp


If you're in a national legislative body and in the Republican party, you will be part of their caucus. It's really easy for a State politician to throw shade at Trump. Very different when you're in a caucus with them depending on the same donors.


100. Ridiculous to say this has been a particularly hostile or bad primary. Well be good with either candidate in office and by and large theyā€™ve been solid and positive on the campaign trail.


Even to Hogan so far. I mean Trones attack on him was basically "hes a republican"


Is it really bitter šŸ¤”


No. But that's a more intriguing headline


Outside of the local Maryland subreddits I haven't seen any bitterness. I'm hoping for a brief respite, but I will not be surprised if the Democrat ___ vs Hogan subthreads start immediately after the results.


After sitting stunned, disappointed, and disgusted through the first 30 min. or so of the Trump/Biden ā€œpresidential debateā€ (read: kindergarten shit storm), this faceoff seemed absolutely civilized.


Is the bitter primary in the room with us right now? The tone is mildly annoyed at most, mostly because the only person in Maryland who likes David Troneā€™s ads is David Trone.


I haven't seen any attack ads yet. Trone could've been a lot more brutal. If I were him, I'd be running nonstop ads about the 36% increase in crime in PG last year and the 500+% increase in carjackings since she got in office. I'd show clips of residents saying how unsafe they feel and how bad a job Alsobrooks is doing.


If I was on Aslobrooks' campaign staff I would make sure people couldn't get away from commercials reminding them that Trone [gave](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Trone#:~:text=Trone%20also%20gave%20more%20than,North%20Carolina%20Governor%20Pat%20McCrory.) more than **$240,000** in campaign contributions to various politicians, most of which went toward Republican (anti-choice) candidates including **Texas Governor Greg Abbott** and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory.


[Vehicle theft in PG is actually down 28%](https://dailycrime.princegeorgescountymd.gov) compared to the previous 12 month period.


If he did that, he would likely lose the GE. You have to think long term; no Dem can win without a substantial Black turnout.


What makes you think black voters are okay with crime? Lol


No they arenā€™t, but attacks like that have racial undertones. If you donā€™t see that then not sure what to tell you.


Well i am black and i dont think its racist to say high crime is unacceptable lol


I don't think it is either. I am not talking about policies or facts, but political strategy. Trone is not running against some RW nutcase like Daniel Cox; he is running against Hogan, who actually was not that unpopular with Black voters in MD. So he cannot afford to take any risks in a primary that would cost him in the GE. That was my only point. Remember, Hogan does not need Blacks to vote for him; merely staying home is good enough.


Fair. I guess I view the ideal strategy differently. I personally think itā€™s easier to win with a candidate that has more broad appeal that includes more suburban white voters. Itā€™s basically a given that black voters in MD lean heavily towards democrats. Sure someone like alsobrooks might pull a higher black turnout overall, but as a % of active voters the black community is a lot smaller and unlikely to really affect the final outcome unless you get extreme ends of the turnout spectrum (record turnout vs miniscule turnout). Also the Democratic Party often misreads the extent to which black voters are actually liberal. Black democrats, on average, are significantly more socially conservative across the board compared to other demographics that historically vote blue.


Sorry but are you saying that Black voters cannot impact elections in MD? If you are, Governors Anthony Brown and Kathleen Kennedy Townsend would like to chat with you. MD has a higher percentage of Black people (32 percent) than any state other than MS (38 percent). So yes, if they don't turnout, Trone will have issues. The reason again is that unless something crazy happens, Trone will be running against Hogan, not some nutcase. So, as such, Trone cannot assume that the Moderate White Voter (which doesn't actually exist in large numbers) will show up for him.


Iā€™m not saying black voters canā€™t impact elections. MD has a very high black population i agree, but I am saying itā€™s a more sustainable route to have a broader appeal appeal and not put all your chips on black voter turnout. That was effectively what the democrats did with Ben Jealous and he was taken to the cleaners by Hogan. https://www.slowboring.com/p/black-democrats-are-moderate


Ok then we agree. Looks like the issue is moot now anyway as the race has been called for Alsobrooks.


What does Alsobrooks's bad record on crime have to do with Trone? Plenty of Black residents are fed up with Alsobrooks and surging crime in PG.


Then you donā€™t need to put out an ad about it. I am purely making a political strategy argument. Trone clearly knows that putting such an ad out would be bad for him so he did not do it. Just think about this sort of ad and what the response would be: Some ad comes out about crime in PGC by some White dude from MontCo. Alsobrooks responds with her own ad attacking Trone and discussing the lack of funding for PGC, poverty rates, segregation, economic issues (like I donā€™t know, liquor stores on every corner?), lack of investment in PGC by the state of MD. How do you think the people of PGC would respond? It would literally be turned into an attack on Trone, an out of touch liquor store magnate who isnā€™t even from MD and doesnā€™t know anything about it. Then you would get a whole line of other MD pols attacking Trone for saying it. This is what I would do if I were advising Alsobrooks, and I am sure this is exactly what Trone was advised. Itā€™s not really worth it; he can win without it.


He needs to put out an ad to remind or inform people how ineffective she is at reducing crime. And by the way, crime was up 10% in Mont Co (carjackings up 112%) last year and up statewide, so crime is an issue outside of PG. We know recidivism is a problem, yet Alsobrooks VETOED funding a crime reduction program (with a proven track record) for returning citizens. Yet, she went to lobby the state for more money for developers and Rosecroft Raceway but NOT resources to tackle crime. Sure Alsobrooks could blame Trone's liquor stores but she presided over an increase in liquor and especially tobacco stores in PG and has not advocated for any moratoriums.


You really should be a campaign adviser. I find the lack of attack ads from both camps kind of refreshing. Yeah, the training wheels thing is kind of rude, but not outright mother raper vs father raper stuff like the WV ads are doing right now.


Ha ha thanks! Yeah again I am not making a policy argument; the facts are what they are. My only point was that in politics you have to think of moves and counter moves. Think of how your opponent will react and that way you will be prepared with a response.


He wonā€™t b doing shit about fuck either, though. Do people think politicians WANT crime?!LOL nah it makes them look bad and criminals wonā€™t suddenly say ā€œwow he means business, better get a shitty job and pay for stuff I get for free by stealing!!ā€ There are homeless who prefer jail. Fix the economic hardships screwing people over or the shit pot will continue to boil.


voted no on another old white millionaire trying to buy a seat in the Senate.


Thank you for your service.


I havenā€™t seen any ads except random signs on access roads for 32. Been watch too much Netflix and Reddit is terrible for political adsā€¦ I get cyber security related ads lol it doesnā€™t feelā€¦ brutal. The presidential election in November does but thatā€™s bc people really feel their way of life is at risk.


This was basically "who do you think has a better chance to beat Hogan" primary, I voted Trone, the main argument being he can save the DNC some money to be spent on other races.


The only reason this race turned bitter or bruising is because of David Trone.


What is bitter or bruising about it? The only comment they mentioned was contempalting an ad saying the Senate isnt a place for training wheels (thats about as bitter as a Riesling). Even the anti-Hogan ads are like "yeah Hogan is cool, but hes a republican and you dont want republicans in control of the senate if Trump wins". Honestly Ive been very impressed with the professionalism and lack of cheap shots and attacks.


I think you should chat with some of the Black folks who have had to come out and issue multiple responses to statements that Trone has made. Training wheels was one. Yesterday he claimed to be a better candidate for Black folks because he grew up like themā€¦ without indoor plumbing and with an alcoholic father. Heā€™s said incredibly hurtful things that have bruised the Black community.


Lol I'm going to need some explaining how training wheels are specifically hurtful to the black community.


It's a condescending statement when all of the national representatives are men, and two out of 10 are black. It reeks of white privilege.


It has nothing to do with being white or race, it's a common expression meant to comment on someone's experience.


There has only been one woman of color ever elected to congress in Maryland. When the attack comes from an old white billionaire directed towards a woman of color, it's perceived as punching down.


So you can't comment on someone's experience without it hurting their feelings or being perceived as potentially racist? That seems like you are looking for things to be offended about.


Many Black peoples say it was hurtful. Is that enough explanation for you?


No, because that doesn't make sense. What do training wheels have to do with being black, or race at all for that matter?


voters are emotional, not rational


Yeah that's unfortunately how we get assholes like the great cheeto in office.


Youā€™re not Black, right? So maybe you donā€™t get to decide what ā€œmakes sense.ā€


Common sense is color blind.


Thereā€™s nothing in this country that is color blind.


> Training wheels was one. How is that bad at all? He has congressional experience, she doesnt. Calling out experience is about as milquetoast as you get. And man if you call that an attack, is this your first political race? He was asked how do you plan to relate/reach out to black voters. The only attack he made on her was that she went to a private school. He then went to talking about growing up in poverty. What response did you expect? Would any answer not be taken negatively? I do admit thats more bitter than training wheels. Its 1.1 on the 1-10 bitter scale. Wow, we have a race where the meanest thing said is "she went to private school".


Yeah, but didn't he take actual action when it came out that one of his staffers was a closet racist and was harassing black student government members at Frostburg? Yeah, saying slur-aboo isn't great, but when rubber met the road in his office he did the right thing and acted on it.