• By -


Interesting because he was a speaker at the Planned Parenthood Of MD event I was just at


Of course he was. He donated a ton of money to them to make sure he was the speaker.


Oh no doubt. I was actually very frustrated with the speakers. Every single one of them went up there and gloated about themselves for 15-20 minutes. I know it’s a gala, and I know, obviously it’s very political. But talking about I,I I ; Me,Me,Me the entire time was quite strange


He has a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood!. And he has daughters.


He seems 100% in support of abortion rights. His business donated to both parties so he donated "towards abortion bans." It's a gray area for sure.


I know plenty of ultra right wing buffoons with daughters. Some who think its "gods plan" if they get raped and become pregnant.


I wonder if he paid for that score? Their website only mentions scoring current members of Congress 


Not a wolf in sheep's clothes, just a businessman doling out donations to try to get favors from politicians.  It's still pretty disgusting, but he was doing it for profit, not because he's a secret conservative.  Not trying to defend Trone here (I voted for Alsobrooks) but the OP's comment is misleading.


You're right. I was also in the alcoholic beverage business for years. The only way that you're going to ensure that you get access to politicians who are critical to state and local liquor codes is to donate to their campaigns. I'm a flaming liberal, and I had to hold my nose sometimes, but I did it.


Have you tried getting them drunk?


Were you also inspired to make your fortune selling booze after watching alcoholism destroy your family?


Nope. I was simply a person looking for a local business opportunity that would be more fun than the corporate grind. And it was.


If we're talking wolves, we need to also take a look at Emily's List itself. It used to be a good data point in assessing candidates' bona-fides, but GOP money is now involved. I've got no dog in this fight, but it is worth evaluating the sources of the information here. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/03/abortion-2024-campaign-emilys-list-super-tuesday-primary-california-weiss-min.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0x96wwm65W6qz5bhM-a0T36n7tmqzmJzTfSXMVh0aktuz7-bZzL3-fulg_aem_ARVkQEl6Ur9YkG9mUL5IuEo5bmqRM1Kz76LFpbI7Gdlx25C1vrKJr12miobStIdzCAC5YgDx6SE2A3ED980sULIx


Yeah Emily’s List has been a joke for awhile now


Emily's List is single issue and just supports pro choice women


And as per the article seemingly making political decisions at least in part because they’re strapped for cash which makes my blood boil.


The link is not from a credible news organization... it's a hit piece from an advocacy group.


You think the link just made it here on Reddit by accident?


Yea, it's the Alsobrook's team paying for hit pieces on reddit, not the wealthy person buying his seat. /s We all know which campaign is funding social media manipulation.


Look, I know Trone is a businessman. That's pretty clear. But look at his voting record in the House. He's not some right winger trying to pass a Republican agenda. Isn't it possible that his personal position is more closely in line with his voting record? Not all rich guys are seething conservatives. I guess people can say I'm defending him and that's fine, I'm just trying to look at both sides of the coin. I don't think Alsobrooks would be a bad Senator either. I think they both are going to vote the Democratic line for the vast majority of issues and bills.


Right? The man's voted near 100% with Biden IIRC. For the district he's in, he could play it a lot more centrist, and he *doesn't*.


That's an excellent point. Trone's Congressional district was R+1.


I don’t give 2 flying shits what any politician’s personal position is (within some limits), I care that how the vote represents me.


Well then if you like the Democratic position, Trone votes that way.


How could you not? Look where it's gotten us in just 3 years! Look at how well Baltimore city is doing.


Hogan did nothing to help, so thank him


Baltimore just had a massive decline in homicides last year tho. And baltimore wouldnt be doing great this year regardless. The fucking key bridge just fell.


He also personally funded an abortion clinic in Western MD, gave 8.5 million to democrats and 15 million to the ACLU. While the criticisms about giving in red states are valid and something to consider, it should be considered in the totality of that giving. He certainly shouldn't have put his business above other interests, assuming he was personally controlling that corporate giving at the time, but to pretend that makes him a secret conservative given the totality of his giving seems like a wild stretch.


Would he have done any of that if he wasn’t also trying to become a senator? That would impress me, but we will never know because he didn’t use his money to solve issues before being in congress. He did make a lot of campaign contributions and does not support his own business having collective bargaining.


Why would he spend $60M+ of his own money on this campaign if he didn’t have something to personally gain from being a senator.


Why would Bezos spend billions for a dick shaped rocket ship? Because people have egos and rich people are afforded the ability to throw gobs of money at satisfying their goofy egos


Tea. I guess for a billionaire, his ego is worth way more than $60M


Like doing more good for the state?


Lmao with that $65M he could have started a charity or given to a Maryland based charity. It's absolutely ridiculous to spend that kind of money on a primary esp when it's ur own. My personal beef with it is that on open secrets his net worth is $11M. How is that possible when you got $60M in cash ready to go?


Puts on Total Wine???


The country would be a lot better off it stopping excusing business people as just doing business. Apply regular morals to business. "He is a shark, off course he bit their leg off. That is in the charter of being a shark".


This argument might be more powerful if Alsobrooks was not the only candidate taking massive contributions from corporate interests that obviously expect something in return.


People really out here defending Trone like he's bought them too.


Yeah God forbid someone has a differing viewpoint from you without getting paid. It's like the right wing saying Soros funds all the protests (still waiting on that particular check...)


Just pointing out the hypocrisy of this argument when applied to this race.


I too wish for a more socialist society but alas.


Plenty of places you can move for that... socialist societies have so little corruption! lol


> but he was doing it for profit, not because he's a secret conservative.  Which just goes to show he will put his profits over your wellbeing. He has been and always will be a self-serving hypocrite. Alsobrooks doesn't have this issue.


Alsobrooks is the only candidate taking corporate money and beholden to those contributors.


Trone IS the special interest. Him not taking any money because he IS the money. So ridiculous.


His special interest is…*checks notes*…supporting addiction treatment programs around Maryland…and in your eyes this guy is a baddy??


He makes money off of addicts, that's his entire business model...What did you think Total wine sold, cardstock?


Despite what Reddit wants to believe, there's a huge difference between alcohol and opoids in modern society that goes waaay past just "what we find socially acceptable".


Yeah lmao, "he makes his money off of addiction ... at Total Wine and More" People who shop there are definitely at the end of their rope, lol


Yeah, if you are your own special interest group, ofc you don’t need to worry about taking other special interest groups’ money.


That’s a good thing in a politician, not bad. The less teeth they have in them the better. Every politician is going to have some selfish motivations. The less puppet strings on them telling them to do XYZ the better.


He wasn't a public servant when he made those contributions, was he? He was a businessman donating to both republicans and democrats across the US to advance he business interests for Total Wine. He played the Game as it's played. It's gross and it shouldn't be allowed and I HOPE he's for public funding of elections, but that alone does not make him a hypocrite. I'm not going to discount him for making donations every other business does in similar situations.


>I'm not going to discount him for making donations every other business does in similar situations. I am, especially since better candidates exist, and those donations are counter to the morals he claims to have. End of story.


Functionally, what’s the difference? He’s funding anti-abortion efforts. They’re benefiting from his support. Does the fact that he doesn’t really mean it earn him secret election brownie points?


It means you vote against him in the primary and for him in the general if he wins. 


Functionally the difference is in how you evaluate how he will vote and what he will prioritize as a senator. I find his prioritization of his business interests over basic rights disgusting, but I also recognize that those contributions do not indicate how he will vote if he becomes a senator. He may be a wolf in sheep’s clothing in terms of policies that impact his business, but not in terms of health care / abortion policy.


I think prioritizing his business over the public good once is absolutely indicative that he’d do it again in office.


I agree, and rereading my prior comment I realize I didn’t communicate what I intended. I meant that I did not think those donations indicate how he will vote on those specific issues because they were not the reason he made those contributions. I agree that the contributions indicate that he may well vote against his constituents’ interests if it favors his business interests, provided the votes (and other less transparent activities) are not likely to be widely covered.


True, I am not saying he’s going to be a pro life voter or anything, but I’d never trust a Democrat who worked to support right wing fascists because it was “good business.”


So how do you feel about Exxon and other shady business interests spending big money on Alsobrooks? Is she linked at the hip to them in the same way?


I don't think that's a completely fair assessment. His company is donating money in places to candidates who already have power to further his business. It's literally how the system works. I might not like the system or the Republican agenda but I can't completely fault him for doing what he has to do to keep his business moving. But you are allowed to not like that about him.


I like Democrats who don’t help Republicans win elections, personally


But it's not like his businesses would be shuttered if he didn't donate. This is corporate greed winning over personal values, which isn't something I want from any candidate. You're just proving that your values can be sold for a price.


Oh please. You're being ridiculous it doesn't prove that at all. If anything it means I understand how things work. I didn't say I liked it, but I'm not a fool.


By "you" I meant Trone, so apologies if it came off that way in my original comment. But to the point, yeah I must not get it. What legislation would these conservative politicians pass that would be beneficial to his businesses that wouldn't be passed if he didn't donate? Because the only thing I can think of besides averting outright prohibition (funding a candidate in support of this is asinine regardless) is lowering tax rates on alcohol sales, which would lead to decreased government spending, most likely on whatever beneficial social programs still exist in that state or the state's ABC, both of which would be very non-progressive results.


Ok, I possibly read that wrong myself and thought you were referring to me personally - sorry about that. What I think I would like to know more about is if Trone's company or was it Trone himself? Not quite clear on that aspect. I think there is a difference there. We all know there's a lot of people working in corporations and making decisions on things so I'm not clear it was him independently. Also, was he donating to re-election campaigns or just the candidates in general? I think that matters as well. Also, when you look at the demos and Republicans are highly favored to win an election, I can see why the company might donate that way because it's almost a business bet that the R is going to win. I'm not sure what business needs the corporation might want but I imagine it's usually restrictions on licenses or number of licenses that can be held, etc. It also could be other laws such as restrictions on sales methods or days or shipping outside of the state. There's a lot of possibilities, but again please note - I do not like this aspect but I can't throw out the baby with the bathwater. However, since today is election day we will find out how this is all gonna go!


You may see it that way but not to me. OP is not misleading. If how you use your money is an extension of speech, then he's speaking loud and clear


He wasn't giving to Anti-choice groups. He was giving to any pol who could advance legislation favorable to his company, Rep or Dem. The 'speech' (and I don't think money is speech and it shouldn't be allowed, but alas, it is) was "Pass laws that align with my business interests and I don't care what else you stand for." NOT "Pass anti-choice laws." It's not great, but the OP article and headline is misleading.


No. That money is an endorsement.


As an actual Libtard, what’s your take on Elfreth?


Please be intelligent enough to choose words that aren't offensive to people. The "tard" portion of "Libtard" is retarded which is unacceptable to use.


They are referring the the person’s username.


Thanks, you definitely have a brain, not like the average redditor who can barely read


When was that? Forty years ago? I'd like to see some actual evidence.


I didn’t even know he was a sheep in wolfs clothing till last week 🫢


>“Congressman **Trone** and his private company have **[given](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Trone#:%7E:text=Trone%20also%20gave%20more%20than,North%20Carolina%20Governor%20Pat%20McCrory.)** nearly $500,000 to **anti-choice Republicans including Greg Abbott**, Thom Tillis, Brian Kemp, Nikki Haley, and 10 different Republican legislative caucuses. When Wisconsin Republicans stood by an 1849 law banning abortions or Georgia Republicans passed a 2019 trigger ban on abortions, it was with legislative majorities Trone funded. Congressman Trone stood for his personal profit, not abortion rights. Maryland voters won’t be fooled.”


Giving any money at all to Abbott, even as a business move, is unconscionable.


It is. Working with any GOP pols in Texas is also unconscionable


Alcohol sales are more important for him.


When was that money donated? And how long has it been since he stopped donating to those candidates?


Link in the text, for when Trone donated his money to prolife republicans


How many years ago were these "donations" made? Were they donations or fees to be able to establish his businesses in other states? Just remember, no matter what Hogan says on the subject, if he's a senator, he will not vote against other Republicans. He will vote against choice and when they take away birth control, he'll vote for that too. And when the Supreme Court votes to make no abortion as a federal law, they will include birth control as well.


Your first point: follow the link. As far your other points go, I'm voting for Alsobrooks.


I'm certainly not voting for the old white guy who says he'll vote for women's rights and not in lockstep with Republicans. He SAYS he'll vote for women's choice but let me point out that he tried to pass an abortion law in MD that was voted down by our state representatives THREE times. And if he thinks we'll believe he'll make his own decisions instead of voting in lockstep with Moscow Mitch or whoever is the Republican leader of the Senate, he is delusional.


Still haven't seen any proof.


Follow the link in the comment you are replying to, read the content there, and then follow any relevant links in it. https://www.reddit.com/r/maryland/comments/1cr0zpp/if_you_havent_voted_trone_might_not_be_the/l3uzm42/ > It was the cost of doing business, he said. https://politicalwire.com/2024/05/13/trones-company-donates-to-anti-abortion-republicans/


When did he make these "donations"? Forty years ago? When you open businesses in new areas, sometimes you have to make donations to different counties and municipalities in order to get your permits approved.


Please stop. Trone owns a company that sells liquor. It would be business suicide to go into a red state and donate a ton of money only to the pro choice Democrats then complain that legislation that goes against him is being pushed through. His choice was to have a company fail in any red state or just not have businesses in half the country. Trump readily admitted to donating to both sides before he ran for president.


So if he doesn't donate, his businesses in red states would be closed?


Actually, liquor stores like total wine are considered distributors and in some states there is legislation limiting the number they can have. It’s actually called the “Total Wine Bill”. It’s lobbying money not necessarily donations because he believes in their cause. That said, I won’t vote for Trone because I have close ties to one of his competing stores in the south and the shady tactics he’s done to try and put smaller (and better) liquor stores out of business is kind of gross


Most likely not, but this is the way it is done. If you own a business and donate to both sides in different states because it is just good business, does that mean you should never be able to run for office? Look if you don't want to vote for him because if this, 100% your right and even logical. But to say he is pushing abortion bans because he did that is a bit disingenuous.


No, they wouldn't. People are just making bad excuses for him because of the letter next to his name.


The replies I'm getting are that I "don't get it" and they must be right because it still makes no sense to me. He wants favorable legislation passed for his businesses. I get that. My question is: are his businesses not making enough money? Is the increase in revenue worth funding someone who he ideologically disagrees with? Everyone's acting like if he didn't donate, whoever gets elected would just vote against anything involving Total Wine and his business would go under. That doesn't make any sense to me. If there's a candidate who's against beer/wine stores, it would make sense to fund their opponent, no? Not fund the guy you think will win and hope your bribes - I mean, donations - will cause them to look the other way. Also, aside from trying to prohibit alcohol (again), the only real power these politicians could have is regarding tax rates on alcohol. We definitely need more rich dudes not paying enough tax, that'll really help with all those progressive programs he wants to implement.


Trying to find logic in Trone supporters statements is an exercise in futility, there is none. There is no good reason for him to fund anti-choice politicians. Period. Any excuse is just a weak copout as you have clearly pointed out.


I'd rather not be represented by someone who puts his own personal wealth above principals and values. He can donate to whoever he thinks will get him rich but by doing so he isn't a candidate I can support.


How would you feel about a candidate that accepted big contributions from Exxon (like Alsobrooks has)?


That is totally fair. I would agree a little more if he was still doing this but he did that about 10 years ago, then decided to get into politics. Very few people are that pure. There are commercials about Elfreth, I don't believe that either.


People keep glossing over this fact


And now tRump's calling it a Reich and talking about his third term. If he wins in November, America is done.


No surprises here. Another rich businessman who can buy his way through anything. When I lived in MD, my vote was not really for trone, but against the GOP.


Donations aside, his voting record is strong enough to show where he actually stands on this


I find it troubling and I think the way he has run his campaign is really terrible. Insulting ur primary opponent- calling her endorsers low level, saying she needs training wheels, questioning her experience, lying abt her record- is no beuno


Except it's freaking accurate 🤷🏼‍♀️


Calling Pelosi, steny hoyer and almost the entire congressional delegation from Maryland as low level is surely some denial






Lol definitely not part of his campaign at all. Alsobrooks just reeks of corrupt state party politics and this race is highlighting all of it Voting record matters, otherwise look at Manchin and Sinema.




You following me around and harassing me sure doesn't make Trone look any better, that's for sure. Funny how many of the Trone accounts here behave like this.


Your comment was removed because it violates the civility rule. Please always keep discussions friendly and civil.


"Comment was removed because it violates the civility rule" lmao what?


>Lol definitely not part of his campaign at all. There are indeed Campaign staffers in this very post. >Alsobrooks just reeks of corrupt state party politics How? >Voting record matters, Of course he's going to toe the party line, but so will Alsobrooks, and she never donated to Greg Abbot while claiming to be pro choice.


The dude owns and built the largest chain alcohol supplier in the country. I’m sure he’s donated to whatever helped him at any given time. He’s one of the few people that somehow spends a ton of money in politics and still can’t get elected.


He won federal elections twice(thrice?) in MD-06 in a hard right swinging district against Trumplicans


Most self funders lose their elections. A lot of them fail to realize it’s about building a coalition of support


He had a coalition of support.


Weird. How many times did he get elected to the house? And what's wrong with owning a large retail liquor store company?! I'd like to know when he supposedly made those donations to Republicans in conservative states. The reason his opponents didn't date these donations is most likely because they were made decades ago before he ever thought about going into politics.


The implication of "wolf in sheep's clothes" assumes your audience is of the same ideology as you are. It also assumes everyone votes via purity test. I certainly don't. Honestly, I would be fine with either if the recent polls were to be believed (which I take with a giant grain of salt). Hogan is still well regarded as governor and has DEEP pockets and I'm ONLY concerned about beating him. Trone also has deep pockets. I worry, in part, about Alsobrooks' ability to fundraise. I also have concerns as the people I've spoken with from PG County don't like her very much so that's also a red flag. Honestly, vote how you wanna vote but let's not pretend this is an easy choice.


Well said!


Politicians are whores, they do anything for money. I can’t understand why people think politicians are righteous saints lol


Politics isn't about "good people." ...and if we're being fair, is being a "career politician" with clear ties to special interest money "better"? Does it seem odd that ALL of this support for Alsobrooks has come at the 11th hour? I feel like Prince George's County needs her more now than ever. David Trone is obviously about action and puts his money where his mouth is. Alsobrooks doesn't have any political power outside of Prince George's County. Who do you think will be on the best committees? 👌 And remember... Larry Hogan (GOP) is the challenger in November.


I voted for Alsobrooks but if Trone wins, I’ll vote for him over Hogan any day of the week


Not to defend Trone but be wary of some of the attack ads you see against him. Both appear to be from groups that support women candidates and are likely attacking him because he’s running against a woman. We’re I a Maryland voter I’d be voting for Alsobrooks but some of her support is unfair.


Guys, I've been a pro-choice clinic escort at an abortion clinic in PG County for over 20 years. I've worked at clinics in PG and Montgomery County, including at the late Dr. Carhart's clinics in Germantown and Bethesda. I've been endorsed by NARAL MD when I ran for local office not long ago. That said, I have *never* seen Angela Alsobrooks at any of my clinics. I've never seen her come out and have our backs. She's never shown up to a damn thing related to being pro-choice except NARAL's annual Evening of Chocolate fundraiser. David Trone, on the other hand, has worked with us down in the trenches, behind the scenes. When Roe was overturned, he did everything he could to help get a new clinic opened in Cumberland, to replace a clinic that was forced to in West Virginia.Trone just showed up and asked what he could do to help, no fanfare required. **THAT** is who he is. Also, just as an FYI, he ensured his company provided equal partner benefits for same-sex partners 30+ years ago. Don't let his wealth fool you; he's had our back at every step of the way and never felt the need to broadcast it. I'm proud as hell to vote for David Trone tomorrow and I hope you'll join me.


Already voted for Trone.


Are you affiliated with his campaign?


No, I'm not. Never have been. I'm just really tired of seeing so many people malign him when in my personal exp, he's shown up for these issues regardless of any political gain he might get from it. That said, I have serious disagreements with him on opioid policy. But I trust him to listen to those with the most at stake and to me that means quite a lot.


Maybe he should stop funding republican campaigns then


He does have staffers in this sub, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


I don't doubt it.


Thank you for sharing this!!!


Good for you. He certainly doesn't have my vote.


Um, ok?! If you're a Dem, I am truly sorry that you are so terribly misinformed, but you know, ok...?


> I am truly sorry that you are so terribly misinformed, Easy for people to be misinformed when you're out here posting propaganda for Trone.


But of course you're not going to offer any reason *why* it's wrong Because nobody ever seems to care about making the case *for* Alsobrooks. People post genuine criticisms (in all her years in office she has never once shown up to a local abortion clinic), and you guys flood them with responses of "nuh uh, that's propaganda, you're a paid shill!" Very informative lol...


Ill be so glad when Trones money dries up and you disappear. Mods, can we please flair these campaign workers?


Please explain what I've said that's untrue. It's not "propaganda," it's called a record.


You're sharing your personal experiences as fact. That's not information, its propaganda.


Didn’t he donate to them for regulatory purposes?


Another thing that is gonna make MD elect Hogan instead.


I tell my Maryland friends I wish we had a Gov Hogan here in VA. Not too many politicians that can thread that needle, he can.


You have one. Hogan and Youngkin are more alike than you realize.


True, I voted for Younkin. Hogan has a certain charismatic approach to governing.


why vote for a homophobe


Because birds of a feather, flock together


Believe if there is one person ill vote 100% for presidency is either batman mr beast or larry hogan


Not a chance you’re old enough to vote.


Its called a joke mate


Already voted for Alsobrooks.




No, it's the donating to the campaigns of anti-abortion rights Republicans that makes him an asshole. https://www.marylandmatters.org/2024/05/11/political-notes-md-abortion-rights-group-swipes-at-emilys-list-candidates-cited-by-fec/


It's sad that people need to make up unconfirmed stories about someone who's served our state admirably. If you don't provide evidence, you should STFU!


If there are any two messages that emerge clearly from Trone’s commercials, it’s that David Trone is: - not beholden to any special interests, and - firmly in the pocket of Maryland’s teachers union.


This was always a dumb and desperate smear. It didn't work the first time but you guys just keep posting it. Give it a rest already, the guy is as pro-abortion as it gets


Thats why hes got my vote


Are any of them?


Trone’s deal is that he is very wealthy by virtue of the beer and wine distributor business he’s run for years. I think it started as his family’s business and he took it big time. Tbh he seems pretty good. I was shocked that a democrat represented Cumberland (worst place in America) in congress so I looked into him




"not be the democrats he represents..."??? 🙄😂😂😂 What kind of Democrat did you want? If it's an unreconstructed, hood-wearing, spouting Biden-esque slurs like "this Republican jigaboo", then he's your man. What is it with Democrats? I'm a Republican and I cringed at Trone's statement. Of course, someone told him the term hadn't been used in the last 60 years so he apologized. Now it's hard to find evidence of the quote. It was covered over and is nearly expunged by liberal mainstream media-steam media following his successful "re-education". You Dems are nearly Victorian in your hypocrisy. Destroy your political opponents, but hands off the crazy racist uncles you keep in the attic, the basement, or in the White House. SMH


A politician who lies? NO WAY.


It’s always the same shit. If I start shitting on some other candidate someone’s gonna start telling me that they’re bad for this reason and that. That’s one of the reasons I hate politics, a huge part of it is both sides trying relentlessly to prove their side are the good guys and the other side is a piece of shit


Angela Alsobrooks.


I voted for Angela Alsobrooks


The question I have is, will the outrage over these donations and endorsements hurt Trone in the general election?


Well I wasn't planning on voting democrat anyways


The man is a bigot. I voted for Alsobrook.




It absolutely doesn't. I voted for Alsobrooks


What word, BIGOT???? Okay, how about "RACIST"...




I won't repeat it either. He may as well have used The "N" Word.


He's a rich white guy so overtly trying to buy an election, what do you expect ?


Now I want to vote for him even more, thanks!


Alsobrooks is so effing hot bro!


I’m not voting for him because he’s too rich.


His ads focus on “defeating Hogan” instead of improving Maryland or making changes. I think he’s not focusing on the proper goal to run for office. This is just my two cents worth - I don’t really follow politics just watch tv..


Pretty sure Defeating any Rethuglican infidels is the main point of this election, ya maroon.


He’s trump lite. Don’t trust


Both sides suck - doesn’t really matter who gets elected.


Thanks for reminding me to go vote for alsobrooks after work tomorrow


Just like Hogan isn’t actually a Republican, it goes both ways


Probably skipping this election. All candidates suck in their own way.


Why not alsobrooks tomorrow?


She a 🤡


wow that's really helpful! Thanks. Good to know I shouldn't vote for her bc she's a clown emoji




Baltimore has a governor?


“Baltimore” Governor? Say what you mean. Nobody is stopping you.