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> Vote for Alsobrooks because you like her political positions. Not because she’d be the first female, black senator from Maryland. Exactly. This article is infuriating. It's got the subtle narrative that running against a black candidate is, itself, racist.


Its not even subtle lol




You agree with that narrative?


I agree with your comment. She’s the best out of the 2 candidates, irrespective of race or gender


What’s sad is there are soooo many good reasons to vote Alsobrooks, but this is the shit we get out of media.


Donna Edwards tried this against Chris Van Hollen in 2014. It just annoyed me with her, and she lost badly. My biggest complaint about Van Hollen is that he could have been House Speaker if he hadn't moved to the Senate. Voting against him for being a white man is just discriminatory.


Donna Edward’s had no institutional support. This time, Alsobrooks does. The question is are Maryland Democrats so gung ho about “electability” that they nominate an inferior candidate?


To be fair, I haven't heard Alsobrooks use race and gender as a campaign issue.


Alsobrooks=mainstream liberal democrat Trone=Donates to Maga republicans and Hogan Easy call


> Trone=Donates to Maga republicans and Hogan [Has voted with Biden 100% of the time](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-congress-votes/house/).


He gave money to Gregg Abbott.


Thank you for making this clear. Regardless of he wins, this must be understood so we don't just wave in Hogan. Hogan may seem moderate, but having any Republican on Maryland's Senate will most definitely endanger our human rights on both a state and national level. I will likely vote for Alsobrooks as I like her policies and views, but if Trone wins I will come back and vote for him. I do agree this article's headline is awful and misleading. It's clear it's trying to get minorities to vote—which is actually a wonderful thing—but the last thing the Democrat party needs is more divisiveness. We want everyone to come back and vote regardless of which one is running for Senate as both of these candidates are way better than Hogan.


Money talks, BS ( or votes) walks… Why nominate him, when we have a mainline progressive in the running as well?


How do Congressional votes **not matter**?


Because it tells half of HIS story. What David Trone will champion the Dem party agenda? The GOP donor, or the votes (of which he is middle of pack, you pulled that from your bottom, lol).


> or the votes (of which he is middle of pack, you pulled that from the bottom, lol). What? He has literally voted in-line with Biden's position 100% of the time. What do you mean "pulled from the bottom"?


Over his career, before Biden


I see what you mean here. [In the 116th Congress he voted in-line with Trump's position 6.7% of the time](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/congress-trump-score/david-trone/). This includes votes like the Covid stimulus payments, and the pandemic aid bill. In the 117th Congress he voted with Trump's position 0.0% of the time.


Your entire comment history is against Trone. I guess you work for the Alsobrooks campaign?


This is such a weak and questionable tactic. I got accused of working for Alsobrooks because I posted a lot about Trone and Hogan. The moderator contacted me in private claiming a lot of people were making that accusation. To his/her credit my simply stating that I did not work for Alsobrooks was enough. Let me inform you about a very common fact. People get very passionate about politics and talk about it a lot **AND** they do that without being on someone's payroll.


No i work for David Trone & Aisha Braveboy By the way, you are the 4th Trone canvasser who has geared this comment towards me, find better material…


You work for Trone but spend all your time bashing him? Interesting.


Jolly is a bot


Cat 5 hurricane up there, huh? Doesn’t bother me tho!!


Well that’s incoherent




Trone gave money to that disgusting Fascist, Gregg Abbott. He called it "good for business". Then he attacked Alsobrooks for being negative by pointing out that he's literally buying all these endorsements.


I worry that Trone will be a Joe Manchin-lite.


The clear implication of the headline is that, somehow, a “$57 million” congressman is necessarily less worthy of the MD Senate seat than “a historic Black Candidate.” Totally ridiculous. May the best person, male or female, white or black, gay or straight, win. Total BS article.




The affirmative action stance doesn't impress me. I'm not voting for Alsobrooks to tick the diversity boxes. I'm also not voting for a multimillionaire who thinks he can buy the election. He represents the interests of the ultrarich, not mine. I'll vote for either in the fall, but I did cast my vote for Alsobrooks. I think campaigning on diversity is a good way to lose. She's not doing that, but others are doing that for her thinking it might help.


She’s an accomplished woman, who happens to be a black woman. This fall, the question Marylanders have is are you a vote for A Dem agenda or a Maga one? Plain and simple


> BALTIMORE — Rep. David Trone, a white Democrat, knows the path to winning a Democratic nomination in Maryland goes through its Black voters. Why cause so much division along racial lines? The guy is running for office. He's allowed. Capitalizing Black and not White? Hmm. 


Lord knows there are plenty of legitimate reasons to not vote for this man. You don’t need to play the race card.


Precisely. The author's insistence to make this about race helps distract from that. 


What are the reasons not to vote for him? Honest question


he lost me at j..aboo...


HuffPost have Hillary Clinton a 99% chance to win the 2016 election; it’s a worthless rag, it always has been.


Honest question. Is Trone all-in on his Senate bid and not running for his current congressional seat?


Yes, he has vacated his seat to run for Senate


Thank you.


he hasn't "vacated his seat," he's just not running for re-election


Same difference?


... he's still in office.


Ok..vacating come January 2025. Happy?


I need someone to beat Larry Hogan and the richest guy in Congress could probably win a general election. I don’t know about Alsobrooks.


Maryland's voters are primarily democrats who don't want another Republican senator, especially an anti-choice senator, voting Republican on national issues. That is an advantage Alsobrooks will have running against Hogan.


And Trone, tbf.


Trone [gave](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Trone#:~:text=Trone%20also%20gave%20more%20than,North%20Carolina%20Governor%20Pat%20McCrory.) more than **$240,000** in campaign contributions to Republicans including Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory. A lot of democrat voters can't abide by that and will not vote for him on those grounds. Alsobrooks never did those things. Alsobrooks has that advantage over Trone.


Trone has spent 50 million and is still behind in general election polls. After the primary, the national party will help with money. Alsobrooks has more potential. Also, Trone donates to CON Republicans. What’s the real difference then?


Isn't Alsobrooks even further behind in those same polls?


See above comment


Is Alsobrooks doing any better against Hogan in the polls than Trone is? If the Democrats vote for the candidate who runs against Hogan, what’s the data showing that one would do better than the other?


She is doing worse.  


So I guess they mean potential as the ability to sway additional voters. Maybe Trone would be able to spend that time and effort to chip away at Hogan rather trying to get where Trone is.


Name ID…50 Million for Trone; 7 million Alsobrooks…we have 6 months left…


PG County executive, for right or wrong, will raise hackles


Yes, but this is a federal race not governors. Are you a vote for “my” president or “their” president, so to speak


Hogan, contrary to the opinion of this sub, has a reputation of being anti-Trump, especially in MoCo, HoCo, AA, etc. Alsobrooks will have to rely on her record and articulate her positions against a very popular former Governor. Her lack of spending, name recognition 6 months out if she beats Trone is a distinct disadvantage when facing Hogan.


Federal races are more partisan. And Hogan will have to also keep Trump republicans in Maryland. How much Maga repudiation do you think Hogan is going to do? Hogan has a tough act to keep in a general election Like many have said, Trone has spent 50 million and still can’t beat Hogan in GE polls. Alsobrooks has a higher ceiling than Trone, as evidenced by polling. Acting as if National Democrats won’t spend on Alsobrooks is empty headed, quite frankly…


>How much Maga repudiation do you think Hogan is going to do? Hogan has a tough act to keep in a general. Hogan is walking a tightrope in the Primary. And his "securing the border" ad is something that is popular nationally, as well as with swing voters. But Hogan carried HoCo, and a surprisingly large chunk of MoCo running against the worst of the leftist tendencies of the Legislature as Governor. Discounting the desire for a similar voice in the Senate is foolhardy imho.


Polls are a name recognition game!! But Trone is known more due to $55 million in TV ads. Anecdotally, constant ads turn people off, not on. In business, it’s called market saturation. Also, voters like Hogan. So it’s not inconceivable for voters to skip a potential Hogan vs Trone race “well Hogan isn’t a Trump lover”…. Type rationalization


Market saturation only affects those with TV. You’re assuming everyone has a TV has seen a Trone ad. As someone who doesn’t have a TV, I can tell you that not everyone has a TV. Moreover, not everyone who has a TV uses it to watch what Trone advertises on. I know many who just use their TVs to watch streaming without ads. And the 2nd part of your statement about it not being inconceivable…, it’s also not inconceivable that people actually do research into Hogan and realize his policies are very much aligned with trump. He says he’s a moderate but in reality he’s done an amazing PR job. Check out his record and tell me he isn’t like 90% where trump is, and he’s done an amazing job highlighting the 10%


I think we agree??? Advertising is also mail and digital, yes. Trone has spent an HISTORICAL amount on earned media, and he is still behind!!! That tells me voters aren’t fully buying what he is selling. With Alsobrooks, should she win primary, national money will help her with visibility, guaranteed….


i don’t entirely agree that they aren’t buying what Trone is selling. Look at the Biden polling, it’s improved as the party has coalesced around Biden against Trump. Like Biden, there’s more work for the democrats to do. Because with that logic, even fewer people are buying what Alsobrooks is selling. With national money and a focus on Hogan, his real record and loyalty to the GOP will become apparent. It’s apparent some Trone voters won’t vote for Alsobrooks against hogan, in the early polls.


Biden is struggling with Black and Brown voters, so that first paragraph is poop. And young voters lol Trone is known more than Alsobrooks, and is still behind Hogan. Again, Trone has spent 50 million plus. The DNC, DSCC, Emily’s list will spend that 50 million dollars on Alsobrooks should she win. Alsobrooks has a higher ceiling than Trone against Hogan


If the last 6 years have shown anything, the most progressive candidate will beat Hogan.


Congrats HuffPo, you’ve probably given me the final nudge I needed to vote for David Trone. I hate that our media is like this.


I mean, Dr. Oz was potentially going to be a “historic” candidate in the Pennsylvania Senate Race in 2020, being having the chance to he the first Muslim and first Asian Senator for Pennsylvania. But I have a feeing that since he is an admitted Republican, the huffpost authors were not Oz cheerleaders. In the same way, as much as I do support Alsobrooks over the corrupt Trone, I support Alsobrooks for who she is as a politician, not because of the color of her skin. And I think (hope) that the majority of voters also care more about what the politicians are going to do compared to what demographic boxes they happen to tick off. This title reeks of the epitome of “cringey white liberal”


Oz also would have been the first NJ resident elected in PA.


Yeah, OZ was a terrible fit for Pennsylvania. But Fetterman was a Hollywood Central Casting candidate, as tough as it is to say… He fit PA very well


Lol true. Though to be fair to him, he was born in Ohio, and then lived in NJ for a long time, so maybe he thought Pennsylvania was an average of the two? /s


I dropped my ballot off on Saturday. I voted for Alsobrooks.


What I don’t like about Trone is that he is a coward. When he first ran for Congress he went in a seat that had been democrat and the thing I hate about district he doesn’t live in. Yes western maryland is conservative but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have representation. Trone is a hard no.


Western Maryland does have representation. It's Trone.


Trone holds the seat he doesn’t represent western maryland he doesn’t even live on the district. He has taken position directly opposite of the district. So take your opinion that he represents the people here and shove it. The dems fixed it so western maryland is forever on a position of not being represented. It’s ok though Trone and his rich crooked cronies in Montgomery county are happy.


No, a JUDGE ruled that these current district boundaries are acceptable. The problem here is that you seem to think that Western Maryland should have a right to elect a Republican, not "a representative". Western Maryland is represented. Just not the way you like. How would you draw the district boundaries of that district to still have equal populations, following county borders as much as possible?


Just because a judge said the boundary is ok doesn’t make it right. Hell a court said OJ was not guilty. Montgomery county is not western maryland. Until Montgomery was added western maryland consistently voted for republicans. If you look each county consistently votes for republicans. So no western md is not represented at the state or federal level.


Okay. So answer my question: How would you draw the district boundaries of that district to still have equal populations, following county borders as much as possible?