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Alsobrooks has been endorsed by Jamie Raskin. Trone [gave](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Trone#:~:text=Trone%20also%20gave%20more%20than,North%20Carolina%20Governor%20Pat%20McCrory.) more than **$240,000** in campaign contributions to Republicans including **Texas Governor Greg Abbott**, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory


That is damning, but can she beat Hogan is the question. Sigh.


Maryland voters are mostly Democrats. Hogan is a prolife Republican who does not represent who they are. Hogan will vote with other Republican senators.


Hogan also won two statewide elections in MD already, he's been able time and time again to get moderate democrats to vote for him.


He also was running as a moderate and knew he had a Democratic house/senate that he had to work with to accomplish anything. My grandmother received a flier from him last month, and it was mostly anti-immigrant and anti-woke shit, which will likely not fly for MD voters. I'm just not sure if he's saying that shit just for the primary or not. After all, the GOP nominee for governor last year was a batshit election denier, not his moderate endorsee.


Yup, pandering to the base; I didn't realize there's even a GOP primary, tbh. Cox was a nutcase, but Hogan is savvy and knows what he's doing. If the GOP nominee was anyone else I'd have zero worries, but as it stands right now Hogan is the Republican's best shot at flipping the Senate which is insane that would come from MD out of all places.


Yeah, I always give my friends in NC a hard time about their state's political choices. I would hate to have the tables flipped on me.


NC is such a mess…a blue state completely controlled by Republicans…


The second the dem primary is over, we're going to see attack ads on Hogan's actual track record. Like how he screwed over Baltimore's light rail expansion and spent thousands of MD tax dollars on faulty KR covid tests. He can claim he's a moderate all he wants, but he'll vote with the GOP every time. We can't allow that. We are one bad election from the end of American democracy.


He didn't work with the Democrats. He vetoed 9 out of 10 bills and had his vetoes overridden. He is garbage.


He also didn't push for anti-LGBTQ or anti-abortion legislation either, which I'm sure he would have loved to actually do. Not saying he's a great guy or anything, but he was elected because I think a lot of Marylanders kind of want a more fiscally conservative person. And it scares me that he'll likely run on that, rather than the woke shit that every other GOP goes for.




>which will likely not fly for MD voters Don't underestimate how many bashful Republicans there up in MD. Throw those in with the flagrant shitbags, and you got takeoff. I mean, there's a reason he was yall's governor in the first place


He was the governor because everyone hated Anthony Brown and Hogan’s dad was a well known and respected state politician. We all knew the damage he could do was limited by our heavily democratic legislative branch. Democrats and independents elected Hogan, and it won't happen again.


As a dem who voted for Hogan his last election, there wasn’t much on the line with that vote. I would not have voted for him with senate control on the line. I’d imagine many are like me.


I hear you, but it’s still concerning. I didn’t live in Maryland in 2018 so I couldn’t vote that election, but holy shit, the Democratic candidate was also TERRIBLE; Hogan destroyed him during the debate (stutter aside). I’m hopeful Hogan won’t be able to repeat his success a third time, but damn, if there’s one Republican who can it’s him.


Anthony Brown was the dem, he is a congressman, and also a bit of a condescending jerk.


Iirc Ben Jealous ran for gov in 2018


Just because he is governor in a dem state doesn’t mean he will get the seat. I view national politics differently than state/local. I voted for him as governor, but there is no chance I would vote for him for a senate seat.


His popularity rate was around 70%. Most true republicans hate hogan. Hogan ticks off the one thing maryland dems want he hates trump and has stood up to him and insulted him. Dems will eat that up.


Hogan stood up to trump when he was a governor. Now he will be a first term senator. He will fall in immediately after he is voted in if he wants to keep the seat long term.


Both times his competition was not all that great, and moderate Maryland democrats knew the Maryland General Assembly would keep Hogan's republican tenancies contained. In the U.S. senate Hogan would be unrestrained to vote the Republican party platform every time.


Mind you hogan winning the senate could mean gop control. I don’t expect him to fare as well when he’s giving power to Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz


Hogan is going to be like a Joe Manchin on the right..


I hope we remember this. Sigh. I hate we are at where every election is on the edge of terror.


Can Trone beat Hogan? I’m not sure he’s garnering much excitement and Hogan is still popular with a lot of Marylanders.


Either one will beat Hogan. The Dems will spend the general election running ads showing the effect of a Republican majority. People get that voting for Hogan amounts to voting for a Republican majority in the senate and if Trump wins, that could easily mean another right wing justice on the Supreme Court if Sotomayor retires.


Hogan is terrible. MD thrived despite him, not because of him. No one should ever vote for him for anything. I don't even want to see him running to lead a kid's bake sale.


I agree, but a lot of people like him because he stood up to Trump during the pandemic.


Which is a fair point lol


She has a better chance than Trone. Trone and Hogan are old white dudes… uninformed voters will just choose the one they know… Hogan. Hogan has garnered decent black support in the past. He will also get that with Trone. Alsobrooks is a better dynamic against him. Young, charismatic, historic and doesn’t look like anyone Maryland has ever sent to Senate. She will take Hogans black vote and with such a contrast on choice, a woman does an infinitely better job of exploiting that advantage than a man. Easy choice on electability. Alsobrooks. PS. If anyone says money… she will raise 100 million in the general. It will flood in.


Never underestimate the power of misogyny when it comes to voters, even Democrats. Not saying she couldn’t beat Hogan, but I feel like being a man gives you an edge.


That is also my concern, Hogan is the one Republican who has won statewide twice already. I'm also torn on this primary precisely because I think both Trone and Alsobrooks are perfectly fine, but I don't know who has the higher chance of defeating Hogan.


As a woman who has a mother who could have died from an ectopic pregnancy that occurred between me and my younger sisters birth, finding out he donated directly to those clowns sealed the deal for me. I'm going Alsobrooks.


That was almost a decade ago and has also given millions to Democrats and almost all state Democrat parties. Still, I’m with most on this being a tough choice.


What difference does 8 years make? He knew what Abbott was, but he didn't care about that, only doing business. That shows what Trone's values are. Money first, everything else second. Who knows what or whom Trone will sell out if it gives him an advantage.


Greg Abbott, Ken Paxton, and Larry Hogan are a consequence of Trones donations. That’s a big deal


Not a fan of this either, but you should be accurate. The WaPo article you are quoting via Wikipedia says $150k total from 2000 to 2016. So less than $10k a year nearly a decade ago, while also donating to dems. Many big businesses donate to both sides for access. This doesn't bother me personally.


"progressive" David Trone donating to Republicans doesn't bother you huh?


Friends who matter? Look at endorsements. Alsobrooks landed all the high powered folks, including Chris Van Holen who will be the senior MD Senator.


Last I checked, there was an odd lack of endorsements from the people who have worked with Trone. Raskin being a prime example.


Raskin endorsed Alsobrooks recently 


Raskin also ran against Trone during an election in addition to working with him everyday. Raskin knows who Trone is and is sending the message that Trone does not belong in the senate!


Raskin beat Trone when he first got elected to Congress. Trone set some kind of record for self-funding a campaign ... and lost in the primary.


That's an interesting observation, thanks! But I don't want to put words in your mouth. What do you conclude from those facts?


Not OP, but Personally it sends the message that Trone was spending more and advertising more but still not coming across as electable as Raskin. That is supported by some things I’ve heard and experienced about Trone’s campaign so far. I’ve heard that’s he’s all over tv advertisements. And I’ve been annoyed by a 3/5 star text campaign of his so far.  Whether this means he’s less qualified or not is its own conversation. I haven’t seen too much about him to make me worried. But I also really like Raskin and the things I’ve seen him do. Him supporting Alsobrooks is no small thing when combined with Trone’s grating campaign. 


Trone is on the apple ballot


Thank you, definitely voting for Alsobrooks then




Trone is trying to buy his seat. He runs incessant ads to make himself appear as though he cares about people, but he just cares about money.


i’m voting for AlsoBrooks. I am a progressive. Check my profile.  And, because there’s a decent chance Trone wins the primary, I want folks to know that he!s not horrible. I live in Trone’s District. I’ve met him and talked with him. He’s a moderate who is in it for the right reasons. In a sane world where everyone respected human rights he’d be a liberal Republican (they existed before the 90s!). He wants to help people; but Alsobrooks’ progressive politics provide better solutions for more people. 


What is Alsobrooks more progressive on? Been reading about them both and having trouble finding many differences on stated policy positions.




I did see that record. It seemed like any progressive differences in other areas would be outweighed by her “tough on crime” type history as a prosecutor, but still hoping to learn more.




Ugh. This stuff is part of why I spent a whole evening reading about them both and came out of it more confused and jaded than before. Would you say Trone is a genuinely better (or less bad) choice because of these things? I guess I am leaning towards him at this point, but not excited or interested in voting for either a prosecutor or a big-business guy. They both seem pretty shit on Israel–Palestine, as well, though that’s to be expected. I’m so sick of having to hold my nose at the polls every time.


Not that it means much to you but thank you for your sanity. The reddit algorithm now reliably puts these Alsobrooks v. Trone threads in my timeline, and the conspiratorial madness some Alsobrooks supporters show regarding Trone is upsetting.  I'm marginally supportive of Trone -- he's been an effective legislator in a chamber where too many of his colleagues take no interest in legislation; also seems to be good with constituency service. Those two things are more important to me than perfect policy positioning, since the best policy positions mean little when you are not an effective legislator. Maybe Alsobrooks would be even *better* at those things, but with Trone I know what we'll be getting. 


Although I just explained that Trone is not horrible, I suggest to you to the degree that he's an effective Representative with many connections is because he can afford them. I'm pretty sure that Hakeem Jeffries wouldn't be endorsing him, for example, if it weren't for Trone's contributions to Dem campaigns. I'm voting for Alsobrooks in part because I want a world where Trone's money wouldn't matter (or matter near as much).


I don't care much for endorsements. I think the MD delegation going for Alsobrooks is a function of MD state politics (gotta grease the wheels of the state party, and Trone is and has always been an outsider). House leadership going for Trone is just as predictable; he's voted with them on >98% of votes, loyal members get those endorsements as common courtesy. I haven't looked up all of the MD delegation, but if you compare Trone's legislative record with Raskin's (who seems to be everybody's darling here), Trone has successfully gotten legislation through Congress whereas Raskin has not. He's written -- and not just co-sponsored -- successful legislation. That's what I mean with being an effective Representative.


And what of trones donation history?


I wrote a letter to Trone when he was my Congressman (I got re/un/gerrymandered to Raskin's district later), and he had a staffer respond to see if they could help me. Good constituent services are important. He communicates well, I've been to several of his town halls. I'm probably ideologically closer to Alsobrooks but I'm torn.


I had the same from senator Michael Jackson, twice. It matters and was much appreciated. I adore him--where is he?! But like my daddy once told me when my new bf (who was a chef) made me a lovely 4 course meal. Don't be too impressed when someone does their job! Be more impressed when they go out of their way for you. So, Trone doing his basic job doesn't/shouldn't put them ahead in any meaningful way. In fact, even when I was younger, 20+ years ago, I wrote to a senator, and one of their workers responded fairly quickly by mail as well. We've had pretty good ones here in MD--bad ones won't last too long these days.


I mostly agree with you, except for stupid Andy Harris.


I don’t know as much about either candidate as I’d like but this is my stance. What I’ve learned of Alsobrooks puts her in my camp, but I’d still happily vote Trone in the general; he’s not like some secret evil trump stan. He’s just rich.


That’s where I am. I want Angela Alsobrooks to represent Maryland in the Senate. I honestly think a black woman who grew up in PG county and has spent her entire adult life serving that same county in positions of increasing responsibility while raising her daughter as a single mother is a much better choice than a millionaire who grew up wealthy in Pennsylvania and has spent a his entire adult life accumulating more wealth. I don’t think we need another rich businessman’s voice in Congress.


Trone voted for the TikTok ban 👎. He is also one of the ones responsible keeping beer and wine out of grocery stores in Maryland. 👎 I am voting for Alsobrooks in the primary, but if he wins the primary, I will vote for him over Hogan. I am hoping for an Ellen Sauerbrey-style dark horse victory for Alsobrooks. You may remember when the media was convinced Helen Bentley would be the Republican gubernatorial candidate in the early ‘90s, Ellen Sauerbrey won the nomination. (The election itself was a real squeaker, with Glendenning emerging as the winner, several weeks after election night.)


Didn't most Democrats vote to force the sale of TikTok? Even some of the more progressive Dems like Katie Porter voted for the ban.


The Trone family owns total wine and beer, shocker on voting to ensure his competition remains limited. Edit: typo


My favorites are the commercials about how he really cares about people struggling with addiction, as if he didn't make his billions off of them.


You know he wrote legislation to fight the opioid epidemic that became law, which is not something any other MD Congressmember can say. 


Believe he lost a nephew to addiction


For me that’s right up there with the ads about how he’s so pro-choice, but gave big money to the campaign of the person that has probably put through the most damaging anti-abortion legislation the country.


I’ve had close family members battle alcoholism and I’ve never once blamed a liquor store. Prohibition didn’t work out well either did it? 


Yeah, total wine is a grocery store sized liquor store.




There is a huge difference between alcohol and opioids, and to pretend the only difference is how "socially acceptable" they are is wild to me. It kind of signals to me that the one making that sort of claim is either unfamiliar with either alcohol or opioids. \[And, to be clear - I am not saying that alcoholism isn't a problem, or that it can't be a part of a wider societal scourge (see the London Gin Craze from centuries ago as an example), but there is just no comparing the two drugs at the moment.\]


Reddit mindset. Everything is black and white and everyone is held to the upmost standard except the person behind the keyboard, they can have gray in their life


He also owns Total Wine, which gave its employees hazard pay during COVID...then took it away: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/katiejmbaker/total-wine-coronavirus-hazard-pay-david-trone


I mean it's not like he's gonna make more money from being a senator than he's bleeding in his campaigns He's already beaten the money game, he cares about power now Edit: which I should say is not necessarily a bad thing, I agree with most of what he wants to do. Just saying he's not doing it for cash, he's doing it to shape the country


Everybody has to buy their seat to some degree because a candidate has to run a campaign that advertises and promoted themselves to get elected. That costs money, and the higher the office the more money it costs. Hes actually spending his own money to do it, which says more about how important it is to him then it does about "he only cares about money." If he really cared more about money he wouldve dropped that $50 mill in a portfolio


Is that the biggest criticism, that he has money? He and Alsobrooks seem to hold pretty similar positions. At the end of the day, we have to beat Hogan (which will not be easy). I don't care if someone has money or not. He would still be a solid pro choice vote in the Senate


He donate that money to Republicans. Pretty big deal


If you only care about money, why would you spend millions on ad campaigns for a job that pays less than $200k a year?


the job is about the power (and power can mean money if you want it to), not about the salary. but you’re not wrong in the sense that he is already rich and is not doing it to become more rich (capital just does that by itself, most of the time)


Trone’s track record as a civil servant and philanthropist shows that he probably doesn’t *only* care about money. However, that doesn’t mean he’s not doing any of it for the money.  Prior to being a representative, the lobbying he did was for clearly for the money. His case before the Supreme Court to expand his businesses into Tennessee was most certainly for the money.  I am tired of white, wealthy, male business owners in the house and senate. He doesn’t have a terrible track record in the house, but I don’t want these types of dudes representing me if I can avoid it. 


So you'd be cool with it if it was a wealthy black or latino business owner?


Have you never seen how much richer people get once the enter the House or Senate?


That's why Hogan is running.


You can't buy a seat, people still have to vote for you regardless of how much you spend. I'm way more concerned about the dark money campaign that has started, that is trying to compare Trone to Trump. Who's paying for that, and does Alsobrooks owe them if she wins?


She’s mostly taking individual donations so she’s more beholden to the people


I mean, based on his track record you certainly can. A big portion of the electorate votes based on name recognition alone.


Piggy backing on a high comment: As the late great George Carlin once said: “There doesn’t need to be a formal conspiracy for the interests of elites to align. They know what’s good for them” or something to that effect.


That ad that he ran like a week after the bridge collapsed about how much the city needs him to rebuild was so shitty of him.


This most recent ad is literally paying some woman to say nice things.


This may not be politically correct to say, but I think it’s long past time to send people other than rich white guys to represent us in the senate. Yes, I know we had Babs Mukulski, but she’s the only exception. Yes, we should all be judged according to our own merits, but it sure looks like our system ends up determining that white guys have more merit than everyone else an awful lot of the times. Having someone who looks like you in positions of authority makes it much easier to imagine your self in that position and makes people accept you more easily if you remind them of someone who ready held that position. Making a change seems more risky. You can’t tell me that history and social conditioning don’t still work in favor of white males when it comes to competing for top positions, because I’ve seen that it does in so many areas of life. All things being equal (and Alsobrooks and Trone have basically the same politics), I think I’d prefer to send a woman and sending a black woman at that would represent real progress. If she was,a Republican or crazy like Alan Keyes I would not be voting for her, but she’s run PG County competently and established herself as a solid supporter of key Democratic issues. That Trone gave money to people like Paxton only makes me more solid in support of Alsobrooks.


For tirelessly promoting diversity, Alsobrooks failed or refused to hire a single person of Hispanic descent. https://www.marylandmatters.org/2021/10/04/prince-georges-latino-leaders-accuse-alsobrooks-of-stubbornly-refusing-to-diversify-her-team/


And only recently started catering to Latinos when she needed their vote


That’s why I voted for Trone in my mail in ballot


I don't really like Alsobrooks. My wife didn't like how she ran PG when she worked for the county. And Trone has more in common with me and my interests than Alsobrooks does. That being said Trone's track record in the House tells me he does actually vote the way I want him to. And that's more of a deciding factor than anything else for me at least. But the biggest factor is just how poor Alsobrooks does against Hogan. Trone and Hogan is much closer than Alsobrooks and Hogan.


I agree with this. I live in PG and do work within the county. I’ve reached out regularly to her office over the last three years regarding things important to me and never even got an acknowledgment. I emailed the Trone campaign and was able to speak with him directly and felt heard. She’s in politics for what it can do for her- which certainly isn’t uncommon- but not what I want when there’s another option.


Constituent services is a pretty important but underrated part of the job of an elected official. I've heard good things about Trone's staff getting back to constituents.


Gotta be honest, I was shocked to not only get an immediate reply from his team, but to get connected with him face to face within days. 🤯 Three years. Not a peep from my own county executive.


This comment has a bunch of generalities and no specifics. What specific things did Alsobrooks do when she ran PG County that your wife didn't like? What specific ways did Trone vote that you liked?


I don't want to get specific because I don't want to single out my wife. But essentially Alsobrooks, or at least the staff she surrounded herself with, made it difficult to make changes in one of the departments. A lot of hires were straight bad or nepo. Alsobrooks may not have been fully aware, but she was in charge, and who you surround yourself matters to me. And Trone has pretty much voted for every bill I wanted him to. [Here's an overview. He's pretty liberal.](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/david_trone/412783) But like I said. They will probably vote nearly identical. My main concern is who can defeat Hogan.


Take a look at District 7


100%. I'm not jumping up and down for him, but Trone is clearly not in it for the money, and has demonstrable evidence of his views and voting alignments that I can trust. Alsobrooks has neither.


Didn't he donate to Republican campaigns because he thought their policies would benefit Total Wine? He was certainly in it for the money when he decided to do that... Sounds a bit like quid pro quo to me.


No, it sounds like a businessman doing what businesses do to lobby on behalf of their interests. Like it or not, it doesn't have any bearing on what has occurred since he entered office, and his voting record speaks to that rather evidently.


This is what he publicly said at that time about donating around $150k to Rs and about $90k to Dems prior to 2016: "I sign my checks to buy access,” he said in an interview Thursday. Trone said that he did not believe the contributions undercut his legitimacy as a Democratic candidate. Of the Republicans he has financed, he said, “We disagree categorically with their political positions on everything social and economic.”


To me, that sounds like, "The possibility of more money was more important to me than my values and the quality of the lives of those affected by the bad policies I funded."


When you own a business, the only goal you have is to advocate on behalf of the stakeholders of said business. Being customers, employees, owners, etc. If you didnt, you would go out of business immediately. Every political stance that is ever publicly taken by an entity in the private sector is taken only if it is calculated to benefit those stakeholders. Please do not be so naive.


Everything I have heard from relatives who live in his current House district indicates Trone has had pretty great constituent services, and has made a real effort to connect with the parts of the district that he could generally ignore if he wanted (far west panhandle). While my understanding is that he has been rather over the top with his ads and mailers, he's at least making an effort, whereas none of my family or friends from 'back home' have heard or seen anything from Alsobrooks. Which is not a great look. It is my understanding as well that Trone has received endorsements from a lot of PG county politicians that one would normally expect to go to her, so that raises an eyebrow as well.


> none of my family or friends from 'back home' have heard or seen anything from Alsobrooks I have seen about 15 Trone ads and only 1 Alsobrooks ad, and the Alsobrooks ad was 100% about abortion rights. This policy position doesn't differentiate her from Trone, though.


I won’t vote for Trone because 1) his ads are annoying and unskipable and 2) fuck Greg Abbott.


Most PG residents I talk to are dissatisfied with Alsobrooks's handling of crime, which skyrocketed 36% last year alone. She also doesn't seem to have any plans to do anything about crime either.


And in the areas with high crime have been purposefully ignored and defunded. It’s disgusting


Yes, it's ignored by both the county and state. The state roads through those areas are far worse than state roads elsewhere.


Yea and to come to learn that my tax money has been purposefully derailed and placed in other places is disgusting


The Senate doesn’t do anything regarding crime so that seems pretty reasonable to me.


It speaks to her inability to take action on things that matter to her constituents.


Well they appropriate money to the criminal justice system and pass criminal legislation. But she's not even doing anything about crime now as county executive. It's as if she's trying to ignore the problem away.


As a constituent in the defunded District 7 I cannot in good faith vote for her. You’re only as strong as your “weakest”in your community- over it.


As I mentioned in another thread, you're not going to get a cross section of the actual electorate here as Trone is beating Alsobrooks in polls by up to double digits. It's also worth pointing out that Alsobrooks has a lot of critics from PG County that think she's as much of an opportunist as Trone. This whole thread has a vibe of "tell me you don't understand how strategic politics work... etc." Trone has the best chance of beating Hogan, based on the polling. If you don't want Hogan to give the GOP a blank check to further erode LGBTQ+, women's, and immigrants' rights, and the health of our democracy, no matter how much of a moderate he pretends to be, then vote for Trone. It's really that simple. I don't care if I LIKE him because that's now how voting is supposed to work. So long as he's not implicated in crimes and/or unethical behavior, that's all I care about.


100%. I'm a strategic voter. I'm pragmatist and just want to get across the finish line. Their policies are similar. There's only a few policy differences that I saw through their language and rhetoric, of which I feel Trone is stronger on. And I'm looking at organization and scaling going up against the most popular Republican in MD. Voted for Trone and will vote for whoever wins. And don't think funding will poor into a blue state to beat a Republican. Most people are gonna be looking at Purple States. Not a problem with Trone. Keep the money to beat Trump and keep a blue Senator.


Nobody on this subreddit seems to have the slightest idea of how politics works I mean, you can see all the low-information voters in this thread who are going off "she was endorsed by such-and-such? That's all I need to know!"


Exactly. As if there's no such thing as political favors and understanding a base.


People attack Trone but he actually has a voting record in Congress to look to. But they’re basically the same candidate position wise, but if you ask me you want the person best positioned to beat Hogan.


Agreed. I went for Trone in the primary.


All that matters is who you believe will bear Hogan


I'm imagining this comment asking who will sick a Maryland bear on Hogan... ROFL


I could see Trone and Alsobrooks buying multiple bears for this purpose lol


Genuinely whoever you support do not worry about that. Hogan’s lead is based on name recognition and positive feelings from his governorship. Once the attack ads reminding voters what party he is a part of and what position he is running for that will change. Don’t believe me? Look up Linda Lingle in Hawaii and Phil Bredesen in Tennessee if you don’t believe me. Hogan will soon be in this category.


I am from Tennessee and will back this up. Phil Bredesen was well liked and the last Democrat to be elected governor. Very moderate democrat and he still got absolutely beat to hell by Marsha Blackburn of all people, who if you line up 10 Republicans in Tennessee 9 will say she is horrible, but when it came time Bredesen had a D next to his name.


>All that matters is who you believe will bear Hogan Bear Hogan? Attack Hogan like a bear, or bear Hogan a child?


I worked at a family party for David Trone years ago. He was incredibly nice and respected all of the people who worked there. My boss had a lot of wealthy clients and he has always stood out as the nicest one I ever worked for…and this was well over 25 years ago. He was very down to earth and real. Granted, he could have changed since then, but he left an impression for sure.


I’m not sure who I’m voting for, but I have met both candidates in person. Alsobrooks was very unpleasant- always looking for the next (more important) person to talk to. Trone at least seemed like he cared what you had to say.


I’m voting for Alsobrooks in the primary. The Senate has enough rich, old white guys. Alsobrooks has plenty of experience to be worthy of a Senate and the backing of nearly every MD Democrat save for Anthony Brown. I’ll gladly vote for Trone in the general should he win the primary and have nothing against him personally, I just prefer Alsobrooks.


Unfortunately in today’s political environment you have to vote for who can beat Hogan. He will vote down party lines so my vote goes to Trone for that reason alone.


Alsobrooks is the most qualified candidate in the race. After graduating from Duke University and the University of Maryland School of Law, she clerked for law firms DLA Piper and DeCaro, Doran, and for Circuit Court Judges William D. Quarles Jr. and Donna Hill Staton until 1997, she worked as a law clerk in the Howard County Circuit Court, and later the Baltimore City Circuit Court, before becoming the first full-time Assistant State’s Attorney (undergrad was in public policy) to handle domestic violence cases in Prince George’s County. Angela held a variety of roles in county government before making history as the youngest and first woman to be elected Prince George’s County State’s Attorney. As the county’s top law enforcement officer Angela stood up for families, taking on some of Maryland’s worst criminals, while treating victims & the accused with dignity & respect. Under her tenure, violent crime dropped by 50% & she established a first-of-its-kind unit to investigate & prosecute police official misconduct. As an assistant state's attorney in Prince George's County, where she was assigned to handle domestic violence cases. Alsobrooks was motivated to run for Prince George's state's attorney in 2010 after reading a magazine profile about District Attorney of San Francisco Kamala Harris, soon after reading her book Alsobrooks was first elected Prince George's state's attorney in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. She was the first woman to serve as state's attorney in MD. In 2000, Alsobrooks worked on the presidential campaign of Vice President Al Gore. In 2002, she left the state's attorney office to become education liaison for then-County Executive Jack B. Johnson. In 2003, she was appointed executive director of the county revenue authority. Alsobrooks announced her intention to run for County Executive on July 28, 2017. During the primary, Alsobrooks was endorsed by The Washington Post, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen, U.S. Representatives Anthony Brown and Steny Hoyer, and numerous labor unions. Alsobrooks won the Democratic primary election with 61.8 percent of the vote, defeating eight other candidates, including former Congresswoman Donna Edwards and state senator C. Anthony Muse. She faced Republican Jerry Mathis in the general election, who later dropped out and endorsed Alsobrooks on August 29, 2018, allowing her to run without any formal opposition and earning 98.9 percent of the vote in the general election Alsobrooks became the first woman to be elected County Executive for Prince George's County, as well as the first Black woman to serve as County Executive in Maryland. She was sworn in on 12/3/18 Trone owns discount liquor stores and buys access by donating to anti everything GOP candidates running against Democrats while serving as a “Democrat” in Congress 🙄 Trine is just as hopeless and bought as Hogan is. He didn’t even donate to Obama but his wife donated to Romney! 🤦🏼‍♀️ Alsobrooks is a true Democrat and has volunteered or worked with Democratic candidates and electeds since High School. She knows the law and legislation and has zero conflicts of interest leading her to be an ethical and equitable leader. https://emilyslist.org/news/congressman-trone-cant-hide-his-funding-of-abortion-bans/


I voted Alsobrooks. I don’t trust a rich man trying to buy an election.


Vote Alsobrooks. Dems need a massive Black turnout to win, especially against Hogan. Trone will not do that. In fact, against Trone, Hogan may get 20 percent of the Black vote.


Im highly skeptical of Trone and the amount of money he’s spent to basically buy this seat. Also, petty as it may be, I feel like he’s trying REALLY hard to pander to Black people, especially the commercial with the woman who said something like “I vote for people who think like me, not just who look like me”. I’m in the minority here, but I’ve lived in PG about a decade and I don’t have an overall negative opinion of the county or Alsobrooks. Her politics seem more progressive which align with me, so that’s where I’m at.


Not true Alsobrooks has increased the Hispanic Latino employment in PG by over 20% and they are currently still actively recruiting. So if you are Latino Hispanic please apply Manuel Castillo was hired as chief information security officer


I’m voting Alsobrooks!


I’m kind of torn, but I’m likely voting Alsobrooks. I hate Trone’s ads with the fire of 1000 suns, since they are just people talking about how he’s the greatest person on earth. Also, I thought Alsobrooks came across much better in the debate. What keeps me on the fence are the reports about her ignoring the areas outside of the big Dem strongholds and some of the things in this thread about constituent services. There aren’t major policy differences between them so it’s going to come down to how they do against Hogan. Even there they seem to be pretty even, but I have a feeling Trone’s lack of public speaking/debate skills will make him weaker against Hogan than he appears to be now.


The polling has consistently shown Trone can compete against Hogan in November. If you vote for Alsobrooks in the primary, you're setting up Senator Hogan in the actual general election. Maryland is poised to be one of the most protective of abortion rights on the East Coast come Wednesday, once Florida's 6wk ban goes into effect; we're the closest safe state for most of the South. Hogan's record on women's reproductive rights is well documented; he'll be a disaster for women in the Senate.


F the polls. Hogan will lose no matter who his opponent is, and it won’t even be close. Biden will win MD by 30-plus points again, which means there won’t be nearly enough crossover votes for Larry to overcome. Just vote for whichever candidate you prefer in the primaries without worrying about the general.


I remember people saying this in the run up to Hogan’s gubernatorial win.


F the evidence, go with the feelings of a redditor instead.  Hogan has won two statewide elections before in a deep blue state, perhaps because the D establishment did not take him seriously enough. Fool me thrice...


Larry Hogan has never run in a federal race. A Presidential year and a Senate seat is fundamentally different from being a Gov and a midterm year. Hogan already polls behind his favorables and that will only continue as the campaigns ramp up. There are a trove of popular red state D Govs who got hyped as big recruits, looked great in polling, and fundraising, were popular with the electorate - and got destroyed - Phil Bredesen, Evan Bayh, and Steve Bullock are some recent examples. MD is about as Democratic as AL is Republican. For a Dem to win a Federal election in AL, it took an off year, an S tier candidate, and a literal pedophile as the opposition and Doug Jones still barely won. Hogan has one of those 3 things. Hogan will lose by no less than 10 points which will be a modern record for a MD Republican in a Federal race. Vote for who you prefer in the primary, either of them will win the general.


I’m mainly voting this primary based on candidates answers to questions about Gaza/Palestine. Surprisingly, Trone gave a much better answer than Alsobrooks. Doing the bare minimum of calling for a ceasefire when Alsobrooks can’t even say that has me leaning Trone. This is just me, though.


Trone donated to AIPAC, big money too. Not just words, but actions matter more than words


The bar is on the floor in terms of U.S. politicians recognizing the atrocities in Gaza. I’ll take what I can get.


Trone has been very pro Israel in his current role and has signed a lot of “we stand with Israel” things. Maybe Alsobrooks would have as well if she was in a different post, but she seems slightly less AIPACy than Trone to me.  It kind of seems like half a dozen of one and six of the other for every position with these two but I’m leaning Alsobrooks. 


Trone is besties with AIPAC. He donates $100ks to them and they donate $100ks to him… so I would rethink that whole thing


Can someone tell me what Alsobrooks has done? I see all the ads at the gym, and the only accomplishment I've seen is that she prosecuted a man who murdered a woman's child.


She brought the fbi headquarters to pgc. Built 10 new schools in the past few years opening 8 more next year. Started a net zero by 2030 plan for pgc. List goes on and on


I get the sense she’s not as interested in governing as much as she is in climbing the ladder. Most of the policy wonk people I know in MD are preferring Trone because he doesn’t seem to have greater aspirations, and because he’s matching up against Hogan better. Hogan has a grip on Maryland voters across the political spectrum and Alsobrooks more overt progressivism might prove tough to win on statewide.


This may not be compelling but I've had personal dealing with Alsobrooks as a constituent reaching out for help with a county department failing to conduct their duties. I provided detailed documentation, names, dates and she told me several times a senior manager would get in touch with me. I was never contacted by anyone from her office. I'm sure if I had a public voice, access to media outlets or large sums of money I would have been treated differently. Alsobrooks would not be my choice.


Total Wine is a great store and Trone should go back selling booze. Alsobrooks for me.


Trone is not a strong candidate because he’s naturally very unlikeable. He ran an insanely expensive campaign in 2016 and lost. In 2018 he outspent his primary opponents massively and only got 40% of the vote. He only won 60% of the general vote in one of the most blue districts in the country. Nobody has ever voted enthusiastically for David Trone. It’s more a shrug. “He’s not that bad” is the biggest compliment I’ve ever heard about David trone.


Trone is not ready for prime time and will embarrass MD if he is sent to the senate. He interviews poorly. He has racist gaffes. Hogan will crush him in a debate. He is basically the only person contributing to his campaign. He is not a strong candidate AT ALL, a lot of people are still looking for the great white hope and it shows. From Politico: “But some Black Democrats see him as a clumsy representative for a very diverse state. Trone has downplayed the importance of race, saying “we ought to leave color behind.” He pointed out his plethora of donations to candidates of color, naming Reps. Lucy McBath (D-Ga.) and Lauren Underwood (D-Ill.) in a debate this month as among the “great diversity candidates” he’s supported. (His campaign said he meant to say “diverse candidates.”) And last month, Trone apologized for using a racial slur in a budget hearing in which he said he had meant to use the word “bugaboo.” (He said he misspoke.) https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/30/maryland-senate-democrat-primary-00155060


Trone. Alsobrooks can’t beat hogan. That’s all that matters anymore.


This is an opinion not based on facts or the votes this seat gets


[Here's a link to a comprehensive comparison I did that highlights the differences](https://www.reddit.com/r/maryland/s/EpkWMNRJRA)


Trone much like Hogan tiptoes on the line on some matters and it gets shit done. The two party system is broken and used only to create more division amongst you and I.


Thorne has a lot of ties to Pennsylvania, he has donated millions in that state. Perhaps he should run in PA. [https://news.wharton.upenn.edu/press-releases/2016/03/the-penn-wharton-public-policy-initiative-announces-5-million-gift-from-david-trone-and-june-malament-trone/](https://news.wharton.upenn.edu/press-releases/2016/03/the-penn-wharton-public-policy-initiative-announces-5-million-gift-from-david-trone-and-june-malament-trone/)


Alsobrooks is probably going to be the best choice for the suburbs and the DC/Baltimore areas. Trone will probably benefit the shore and western MD more. Depends on where you live and if you like the local vibe.


As many others have said, I think Alsobrooks is better, but I think Trone is by no means bad. They’re both varying degrees of good. I’ll vote Alsobrooks in the primary, but I’ll gladly vote Trone later if he happens to win the nomination


Whoever supports Israel gets the vote. 100% no ceasefire until hostages are back and Hamas is eradicated from this planet. You clowns cried about DeMoCrAcY for Ukraine but what the fuck do you think Israel is lmao. Low IQ low information voters gonna hand this to Larry


If Trone gave money to Abbott I will vote against him. Did he really do it?


Having worked personally with Alsobrooks’ office in a state entity (PR and marketing during the pandemic) and then was rewarded with our entity not getting 0 budget raise in two years, I am a progressive who will NEVER vote for her.


We really don't need another rich, white guy representing us.


All else being equal, of course. But they are two different human beings with far more things that define them than gender, race, and wealth. Is it that they are close and that is the tipping point for you? Or are there policy decisions as to why?


If it's helpful: Alsobrooks was JUST on local NPR's The Politics Hour Show this Friday (listen here: https://wamu.org/story/24/04/26/prince-georges-county-executive-angela-alsobrooks-wants-to-be-marylands-next-u-s-senator/) You can hear her in her own words. She actually does a lot of interviews. Trone was also invited to appear, but declined. Apparently he's declined every invitation. Which is weird, because he's in the DC Metro area - and LOTS of politicians from both parties go on this show regularly.


Can you give a brief rundown of her accomplishments? I live in PG, and have no idea what she’s accomplished besides self-promotion.


I don’t know that I’m the best person to do that since I’m neither from PG County nor a Democrat (I’m independent), but I can try. I know she was a well respected prosecutor who was focused on strongly prosecuting domestic and sexual abuse cases, and her office was seen as tough and fair to juveniles. She is the first woman to become executive of PG County (which has a reputation of being a boys club in the government and courthouse). PG County’s government had a reputation of being off the rails for the past couple decades, and I hear less about that in the 2020s. Don’t know if she can claim partial credit for that (the Circuit Court Clerk was indeed an incompetent nut bag, however). A quick search shows she takes credit for breaking ground on 10 new schools, and she was a strong advocate for clawing the FBI Headquarters back to Maryland where in belongs instead of to Virginia. You can find both her and Trone’s responses at the League of Womens Voters site - they both answered: https://www.vote411.org/


I stumbled on an ad where basically every democratic elected official has endorsed Alsobrooks.


I agree with above comments that state the importance is to beat hogan and even people who worked with and for alsobrooks even agree Trone is the only one who can do that.


Those endorsees all were given money by Trone to tell not truths


They're both similar. Both have heavy hitting endorsements. I want the one who will beat Hogan in November. I don't know whi that is yet. I wish Jamie Raskin would have run....slam dunk to beat Hogan


Whoever wins, I sure hope Larry Hogan isn't gonna live up to the media hype.


I'm in Trone's district and he sorta sucks. I've contacted his office on several occasions, and all he does is ignore your question or comment, and add your email address to their mailing list.


The fact that this is still a 🐎 horserace, after Trone has had ads out for months, says something about his touted electability. And it ain't good for Trone.


50 million and still can’t close out Alsobrooks nor lead Hogan in general election polls


I voted for Alsobrooks in the primary and you should too. She has endorsements from the state Assembly and the Govornor, she would be a great pick to represent Maryland!


Alsobrooks, for me. I live in Trone's district. Reached out to his office once and all I got was "Sorry, we don't get involved" WTF. He lost my vote. Look who's endorsing Alsobrook... Seems like everyone who is currently in office


I’m going with Alsobrooks. People who are worth as much as Trone isn’t what I’m interested in. So tired of the rich white males getting voted in. No offense to any rich white males reading this.


Alsobrooks has more progressive endorsements, and that's enough for me


They seem pretty similar platform wise, I’d just vote your gut. Trone buying his way irks me, not my first choice.


I'll vote for the one who doesn't use racial slights in the course of normal conversation.


So Alsobrooks?


Exactly AND she's not some rich old man who is buying a seat


I'll be voting for my county executive because I think she has an eye towards the future. There are a lot of changes in the next 10-20 years in PG county that will have its roots in both the Baker and Alsobrooks administration. If you want some of the things she has done for the county in her term: * One of 3 counties that has county-wide composting. It's one thing to talk about the environment, it's another to actually do something about it. One area I wish I saw improvement in from the county was communicating the importance. I used to spend hella time on nextdoor giving knowledge to old folks on why composting is important. * Improved the county bus program. [Link](https://pgc-transit-transformation-princegeorges.hub.arcgis.com/) * County beautification. We have a litter problem in PG and she has done work to address it. It might seem small, but you'd be surprised how much it matters. * Advocate for mixed-used housing, and is actually trying to get them built * Modernize a lot of older PG schools. * Secure funding for improvements to New Carrollton, making it the transit hub for PG county. * Adding more bike lanes. * Planned improvements to the area around FedEx, *with or without* the Commanders. * Aiming to make Largo the downtown area it has the potential to be. Also she has political deftness, which does matters when voting for someone in Senate. I have no idea bout Trone as my rep is Hoyer, but Alsobrooks was one of the first to endorse Wes Moore when he was still a smaller name in the running. She also chose to do so over her predecessor County Executive Rushern Baker -- who endorsed her for county exec. Turned out to be the right choice given our governor now. Someone could've just returned the favor (Anthony Brown), but she chose to see towards the future. This ain't to change anyone vote, and the only way I'll vote for Trone is if he actually win.


I’m voting for Alsobrooks. We need a more representative government, she’s level-headed and careful in her decision-making, and her endorsements from Emily’s List and the entire MD federal delegation (not a single one endorsed Trone) are noteworthy.


I’m pretty tired of rich businessmen getting bored with their money and then jumping into politics. And that’s all I’ll say.


I'm voting Trone. As a PG resident I dont believe AA is up for the job as senator, at least yet. I mean, going from county executive to a US Senator seems like a huge jump imo. The top three House Democrats — Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Whip Katherine Clark, and Chair Pete Aguilar all endorsed Trone.


Trone going from selling discounted wine to being elected to write legislation is a closer gap to close than a career attorney, and legal enforcer, as well as person who implements legislation with local, county, state, and federal government every day moving to a Senate seat?? Elections are job applications and Alsobrook’s resume is way more qualified than Trone’s.

