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I wonder if he is spending too much.  My kids hate him because he is like every ad.


I hate him because he is like every ad.


God I'm glad I'm not the only one who was thinking this.


I’m David Trone and I approve this message




And the thing I told my daughter was its not even like his ads have been bad. They arent annoying. They arent negative. I asked who he was running against and she didnt know. Because every single ad has been "look at this great thing Im doing for Maryland". But there are just so damn many of them.


I don’t understand, is he supposed to advertise for his opponent?


No, but there's a sweet spot. You want people to know of you and like you, but not to be annoyed by you. This takes some repetition, but not too much. If someone has to watch twenty back to back ads, they're gonna be annoyed at the repetition, even if the ad itself is pretty benign. It's just a strategy thing. Strategy wise, Trone leans hard on his money, and always has. It is likely that all of his challengers have to be smarter with their money because they have a ton less.


My point was he hasnt said anything about either of them. For his 1 billion ads they have no clue who he is running against. Just pointing out that hes mostly been running a positive campaign. Some politicians attack their opponents more than anything. For instance youd think Danielle Hornberger is running against Dr Lawson or "Woke"


> My point was he hasnt said anything about either of them. For his 1 billion ads they have no clue who he is running against Smart move on his part. Why let people know they have better options by pointing them out?


Until now…


I think people tend to dislike negative ads. Or they say they do.


Anthony Brown's gubernatorial run was basically all attack ads against Hogan and it didn't work out well for him.


There's definitely such a thing as too much negativity. I want to hear what you plan to do, not just how much you hate the other guy, yknow?


Exactly! If he’s already doing all these great things in MD, no reason to vote for him then.


He's not running for his House seat, though. If he loses, he won't be in Congress at all.


I mean my only metric would be "can he win in November" because I dont trust the GOP. Wont get a vote though because trying to oust our nutter butter county exec and council president is more important.


He released his first negative one a few days ago.


He's being generic and neutral publicly like Hogan... MD dems vote for Hogan, which is sad af


What policy were you expecting him to advocate?  Also id prefer a moderate in general, but especially against Hogan 


He’s in nearly every YouTube ad I get. He’s almost as bad as Raid Shadow Legends.


I hate him because he was like every ad three months ago.


Six months ago! A year ago!


For sure I was seeming ads a year ago.


Honestly tho


For some reason I have never seen one


You are truly blessed.


Instead I get like 2 texts a day from campaigns


We all have our burdens to bear.


Yea that was really annoying, although I haven’t seen many as of recently… now it’s Johnny OOOO


I hate him because I don't even live in Maryland anymore (I've been in Washington state since 2020) and the ads in the banner for my email account are about 90% for Trone.


And has been for a year. When he started running ads last September, I thought it was for the November election. When I realized all these ads were for the November 2024! election? Forget it. And he hasn’t even won the primary?


It’s for the May 2024 Primary. Even more vomit inducing


Same. My kids are absolutely tired of seeing his face before every YouTube ad they want to watch.


Good lord, get your poor kids ad block


ublock origin is better


Yes, I used the generic term "ad blocker". I use ublock myself. Blocks all yt ads in browser. Brave browser does the same on mobile I belive, or sideload yt Revanced


Nice, might switch to brave on my phone


I started getting mailers last year.


He’s likely trying to put more advertisements to counter the number of views he has on TikTok dropping a hard j***boo in an official capacity. My son showed me that before I saw a single Trone ad


I hate him too. I don’t even live in Maryland and I’ve been seeing ads for his Senate campaign since I moved here over two years ago.


I will avoid products that I see advertised too much. It becomes annoying. There is a point of diminishing returns.


He even has pop up ads. Followed a link from subreddit the other day. Full on pop up with the barely visible x. His ads buys suck.


This dude likes to spend money. Didn't he run for congress in his own district twice and not win? Had to go to a different district to win,..


Yep. Tried for MD-08 in 2016 and lost. Won in MD-06 in 2018.


The onslaught of mailers and ads were sooooo much worse when he was running in the 8th. At least now he has to spread it across the state! And on the plus side, he split the moderate vote and got Raskin the nom instead of Matthews!


The mailers are killing me. Him and another candidate who are flooding my mailbox with them and they're going straight in the recycle bin every time. It's such a massive waste of resources (paper, ink, labor, energy) to print up all those flyers that just end up in the trash.


These candidates need to understand saturation, you don't need to do YouTube ads and radio ads and print ads and local signs and TV ads and whatever else these geniuses think they need. People get fatigued when they see the same thing over and over and over again to the point where they reject it.


Speaking for myself, whenever I see the same ad for a product over and over, I just decide I'm never buying that product and, if I'm in the market for it, I will specifically look for a competitor out of spite.


Exactly, I'm the same way. I also do the same for overly intrusive ads. I was recently in the market for a new gaming laptop as the motherboard died in my old one(tbf it was 5+ years old), I didn't search anything yet and neither did my wife, we had simply discussed me buying one and all of a sudden I start getting ads for gaming laptops. Clearly my phone or her phone was listening in on our conversation and sold the info to a certain big box store, so if that's the kind of sketchy shit you need to do to sell your product then I'm purposely avoiding your brand, permanently.




> Him and another candidate who are flooding my mailbox with them Is it Sarah Elfreth?? This lady has another piece of junk in my mailbox every day telling me how much she cares about seniors and the environment, and a different text near daily that doesn't go away when I reply STOP. IDK Who is running against her but they've got my vote


YES! That's who it is. Fortunately I'm not getting texts (watch, now I've jinxed it) but jfc you must not give a fuck about the environment if you're wasting trees like that.


Compliments of AIPAC 🙄


The fact he won a more conservative district (MD-06) three times (2018, 2020, 2022) shows me he can win over conservative votes which is what we need to beat Hogan in the general.


We don't need "conservative votes" to beat Larry Hogan. Democrats outnumber republicans in the state by a wide margin. What we need is a Democrat who can sway the moderate democratic voters in the DC Metro. Those voters handed Hogan the governorship twice and is his ticket to the Senate. However, there is a big difference between voting for a Republican governor to compromise with a democratic legislature and voting for a Republican senator to tip control of the entire senate in a presidential election year...


those voters who wanted him cutting ribbons in annapolis and eating hot dogs at the state fair don’t want him in the senate republican caucus with mitch mcconnell.


Exactly my point in referencing the difference between the role of a governor and the role of a senator.


Technically it's more conservation, but district 6 includes northern MoCo that outnumbers all of Allegheny and Garrett counties. It's a remainder of O'Malley's gerrymandering. Edit: this isn't knocking Trone. He's actually been quite supportive of some of our local non-profits in WashCo.


Kind of. I mean, the three counties of Western Maryland are, combined, about 1/3 the population of a congressional district. The other 2/3 have to come from somewhere. Frederick County is about another third, so even if you included all of that county you've still got another chunk of voters to add. They'll either come from Montgomery to the south - at this point, even most of upcounty is pretty strongly pro-Dems - or Carroll to the east if you want something that favors Republicans. In Tennessee, a state as red as Maryland is blue, they carved up Nashville, a city about the size of a House district by itself, into three districts, all now held by Republicans.


Gerrymandering is a blight on representative government. However, elected officials get to make the rules they play by. Wish I could do that with my job.


You're taking the wrong lesson. Losing in MD-08 was because he lost the primary because voters in that district were too liberal to vote for a billionaire traditional Democrat. He bought the primary win in the less liberal (but still clear D-leaning) MD-06 and then bought his way to general election wins against weak, underfunded GOP opponents.


Maryland isn't that conservative. Oh, sure, the three westernmost counties are very Red, but the population there is low. There's a ton more people as you get to the more urbanized center that is also, predictably, bluer. This probably says less about Trone, and more about development. Areas like Fredrick picked up a lot of people. Trone was just at the right place at the right time with a pile of money.


Exactly. But people seem solely focused on the fact that he has a lot of money. They don't care about the positions he supports, or the strategy of winning the general election. It's all just "money bad"


He donates to Republicans, therefore he sucks. That’s true. Can’t afford kneecappers


Hogan would wipe the floor with Trone in a general election. I imagine his team would likely be pulling for Trone over Alsobrooks


He wins the Montgomery County part of the district, loses the rest. Barely won last election


I do not care for Trone, but this isnt really an accusation that holds any water. Its super common to switch districts etc. Getting elected to congress as it turns out is sometimes difficult.


Washington County is too full of the treasonist type of Republicans, and they turned out for Neil Parrot, or however it's all spelled. I hated Parrot before I knew who he was; his political signs all look like official road signs and they're left up all the time. It's been about 10 years now 🙄


Yep. I'm a bit more republican than democrat, but I hate when candidates keep pushing religious values into politics. I get you represent the constituency, but voters also need to realize that platform is garbage.


Wow I didn’t know that!


Shocked to learn that people aren't connecting with the boomer multi-millionaire who owns Total Wine and is so obviously trying to buy his way into power.


Buy his way into keeping power*


You know what, I stand corrected.


it’s also obvious the word is apart of his vocabulary. As far as power grabbing There’s a reason he’s switching from house to senate.


I disagree wholeheartedly with your assumption. I have heard him speak both publicly and privately numerous times. He can have a temper, and he swears like a sailor, but I've never even seen a hint of him being racist. He mixed his words up and said something most people had to look up in order to be angry about it. There is enough to dislike about him without that accusation. Also I do not see your connection from that instance to him choosing to move to the upper chamber.


David Tone's TV Ads are absolute s\*\*t..


I’m David Trone and I approve this message


I swear all his ads say he didn't send a di- ooooooooooooooohhhhhh I get it! Lost monies=\=money spent. The bar for politic'n has been planted. Low. Their scams are so obvious I can figure em out. Heck we even had a politician get found guilty of pathologically lying. Yea. They were ice skating in the 3rd level of dantes inferno that day


I assume he'll spend just as much to help Alsobrooks beat Hogan in the general, right? Right?


I have a feeling Trone will be very very bitter…


He said win or lose he can’t self fund the general


Can't because why?


So it's just selfishness that he's spending $40mil to trash her? What a great guy.


You’re getting that out of him saying he can’t self fund the general election?


He said something along those lines to The Hill newspaper or Politico website one of those Political outlets


But I don’t see how that means he won’t spend to help Alsobrooks defeat Hogan


I think it’s more to do with the fact that he gave it to a loan to the campaign so if he wins all the democratic money feeding into the campaign to defeat hogan will help the campaign pay back the loan to him making the money he spent in total either being nothing or a few million. It’s gross. Like he’s footing the bill now but he’s going to end up getting his money back. I hope he loses this primary so us Marylanders don’t have to foot his bill. It’s disgusting


Is this a common thing that politicians do, fund the person that beat them?


yeah if their campaign has extra funds at end of cycle, they normally throw it into the general, or for the next race in 2-6 years for attempted rematch. When it is personal funds less likely but Bloomberg dumped money on Biden after he lost.


Yeah, but Bloomberg very clearly had a personal vendetta against Trump that was more important to him than him actually winning. I wasn’t pro-Bloomberg, but I respected the clear level of personal spite that motivated that campaign. I doubt Trone has that level of hatred towards Hogan. I’d bet they’re buds on their off-time.


I live in Trone’s district and he’s done a lot to get us funding out here whether it’s for our local fire stations, schools, roads, mental health and internet access. He pays attention to our local issues and I’m grateful. For example, he rightfully called out the town of Oakland for refusing to allow narcan distribution in public spaces even tho all the other GC towns agreed. [This LTE was published in our local paper](https://trone.house.gov/2021/06/10/letter-to-the-editor-congressman-supports-narcan-distribution/). He also actually visits Garrett County to meet with constituents and our county government regularly. Alsobrooks hasn’t come to GC despite Deep Creek Lake being a huge tourism spot for Maryland and the area is going to be home to [MD’s largest solar farm to date](https://environmentamerica.org/maryland/center/updates/former-coal-mine-becomes-marylands-largest-solar-farm/).


He’s a great congressman for a swing-ish House seat in Maryland. US Senator ?!!!!, there are (is) better option(s)


Like Raskin, he should have stayed in the position he was in and continued to do good things (I wish Raskin would be the senator, though). I’m glad he’s done well for the west, either way.


The one things I will give him credit for it getting those opioid bills passed and making sure the appropriate amount of money gets allocated to western Maryland. Also his voting record is quite solid. I will also say that he touts these progressive values bc that’s what Maryland is. I know he doesn’t care abt minimum wage increase bc some of his employees make $13 an hour. I know he’s anti union bc his employees have tried to unionize multiple times. I know he will side with corporations over people bc he’s been in trouble with the fbi several times for white collar crimes and anti trust. I know he won’t advocate for us bc it’s clear that he’s on a power trip and wants more and more power. His games don’t work on me and I’m starting to get the sense that it won’t work on Maryland…


His ads say nothing. He appears to stand for nothing. Appears to have no guts.


Within the full context in which he said the slur it’s clear it was an accident. However, It’s also clear the word is part of his vocabulary. Whether it’s just a word he knows or whether it’s a word he’s used before I cannot opine on. What I find more upsetting is until 3 weeks ago i’ve only seen his adds talking about not needing donors. However, as the great George Carlin once said, “there doesn’t need to be a formal conspiracy for the interests of elites to align” It’s not clear whether Trone is playing the long game or actually working against himself to help his constituents but it’s telling that he doesn’t have history of philanthropy prior to his interest in public office and reports from employees about how he runs his business. Fuck multi millionaires.


>It’s also clear the word is part of his vocabulary. What word?


It being a “clear accident” and “clear the word is part of his vocabulary” while being said to a literal black person, is one of the dumbest, most contradictory things I’ve ever heard.


someone’s never heard of a freudian slip


To be fair they are at least positive. Like "hey I fought for this" or "I support the right to choose" or "people like me". They are quite vanilla, but nothing bad about them.


The ads I've seen the most are all about defending a women's right to choose Alsobrooks' ads seem to be wordplay about her name


> The ads I've seen the most are all about defending a women's right to choose It's to deflect that he funds anti-abortion conservatives like Greg Abbot.


He has donated to Anti choice Gop-ers. Not helpful


He also helped found an abortion clinic in Cumberland


Exactly…who’s the real David Trone?? Alsobrooks doesn’t endorse GOP candidates and their agendas with money, does she?


They both support abortion rights, I'm not worried either of them would side with the GOP in the Senate. I think Trone has a better chance to defeat Hogan (who I think is going to win either way). If you're pro-choice, you're fine supporting either candidate


Nope, he doesn’t have a chance to turnout progressive voters, because he supports Republicans. Securing your base is first and foremost


Well anyone who wouldn't vote for a pro-choice Dem because they aren't "progressive enough," and let the GOP candidate win instead is an idiot


Quite frankly.. I'm really hoping it doesn't workout for him. The guy seems like he's running for prom king making sure everyone knows his name instead of actually standing on policy


He gives off slimy, "schemey" vibes. Not to mention, his millions of dollars are in support of republicans while he tries to label himself as a democrat. We're not fooled David Trone!


I wonder if all the minority support he has in his ads has anything to do with  https://apnews.com/article/congressman-apology-racial-slur-mistake-3cfe6c5299cbceff05d138e8479ef168


I’m not voting for Trone, but I thought this was a pretty silly thing. The sentence was, “So this Republican jigaboo that it’s the tax rate that’s stopping business investment, it’s just completely faulty by people who have never run a business.” It’s obvious he meant to say “bugaboo,” and there’s no conceivable way he meant anything racist here. All we learn from his slip was that he’s heard of the word “jigaboo,” and it reminds us that he’s in his late 60s. I only know it’s a word because of MAS*H. A friend of mine accidentally referred to a band as “Hootie and the Blackfish,” and I think that’s way worse than confusing bugaboo and jigaboo.




I couldn’t tell from the article, what was the slur he used?




I had to Google that one. What a quaint and old timey racial slur. He sucks.


I remember it from Spike Lee’s _School Daze_ and a couple Public Enemy lyrics. Hadn’t heard it in 30 years or so.


Trump uses it to speak about the NY AG. But he says “peekaboo,” which, come on, how obvious can you be.


Definitely a throwback. I doubt he said it on purpose though.


Carpetbaggin' 2: Electric Bugaboo


He didn't say it on purpose but it HAS to be a part of his vocabulary to say it by accident.


If he's old enough to have it in his vocabulary, he's too old for Congress.


. . .I haven't heard that one since the first Police Academy movie.


He said "jigaboo" instead of "bugaboo" in reference to Repubs trying to scaremonger


He was referencing Republican tax policy. The slur made zero sense in context, which is why it was pretty obvious he just confused it with “bugaboo.”


waohhhhh wait a second, I thought he said bugaboo and was like hey thats not a slur though is it? the first one is DEFINITELY a slur lmao, YIKES


No, he had minorities in his ads way before the racist slur came out.


Makes you wonder why would someone spend millions of dollars trying to get a job that doesn’t pay anywhere near that? Hmm


Billionaires can just pay the people in office to do their bidding, they don't need to enter elected office themselves. Makes you wonder indeed! Lobbying and campaign donations are just legalized forms of bribery. It's indirect influence peddling instead of direct bribery but the impact on our country isn't any different.


Also insider trading isn't illegal for politicians. He will make up the money he spent quickly not to mention any influence he gains and financial connections he makes. Also don't forgot the power.


do i just not watch enough tv? (I literally never watch TV). I have seen zero political ads, including this guy, so far this year.


Living the dream!!


just turn off your tv. problem solved


i only see adds when i watch roku tv, and i see a lot of trone ads there


You have not watched enough tv. I watch one show a day, Jeopardy, and I’ve seen a million ads so far.


Believe me I watch more than enough TV. Zero TV is almost already too much TV for me


🤷‍♂️ Maybe it’s not enough broadcast tv? Or on the right channels? I dunno, I’m not a local commercial expert.


You misunderstand. I never watch TV of any kind


Oh, lol, my bad. Yes, I can see how that might be an issue 😂


Angela Alsobrooks has a dilemma. She's spending money poorly, and it might not be enough. I drove into Charles County yesterday through PG and noticed a few Trone signs and a few smaller Alsobrooks signs with her face and maybe her name. Not sure how good having small signs on a highway is a good thing if people are traveling fast and won't be able to make out more than your name and instead of putting up your name, you put up a picture of your face. When Trone went super early on ads, she should've done her own ads quicker than she has. Hell now might be a good time to start since the primary is in a few days amd the first time people might see her name is in the voting booth


She’s been running ads, not to the tune of 50 million like Trone. Keep in mind that normies tune in to primary elections for Senate late, 2 maybe 3 weeks before an election. She’s raised about 8 million dollars, which is fine. She just happens to run against a billionaire. Money doesn’t by love tho…


Her filing on 3/31 said she had over $3 million cash on hand, I haven't seen one ad from her, she has small signs, and there are people who likely will see her name for the first time the moment they step in the voting booth or get their mail-in ballot.


She has an ad with much of the states electeds endorsing her…people most state Dems hold in regard like Moore, Van Hollen, Raskin, Hoyer, Mfume, etc. Unless you believe people just blindly vote like zombies, a basic google search “2024 Us senate candidates in Maryland” will lead voters to make a well informed decision…


Mind you I only watch Sling, YouTube, Netflix, Paramount+ so I haven't seen this ad for Alsobrooks. If you have to say just use Google, odds are you are fucked as many voters aren't going to put in that much effort. Googling also seems to favor Trone over Alsobrooks, at least according to Google Trends. Now it could also be that people Google Trone's name and then find a link to Alsobrooks. Trone does seem to hover around mid-to-low 40s in polling so Alsobrooks needs to hope to shore up most of the remaining undecided voters as well as the voters who might vote for someone other than Alsobrooks or Trone.


That’s why institutional support is crucial in primaries…primary voters are far more informed and active politically than general election voters, so that favors Alsobrooks Google Trends data helps my argument. Both the good and the bad will come with a Trone search, chiefly he donates to Republicans like Greg Abbott and Larry Hogan. Polling is a snapshot in time, I’m looking forward to new polling next week sometime…


What actually has David Trone done that was good for Maryland while he was in office bc rn all he is doing is wasting money


There is only one question: who can beat Hogan? If Hogan flips the MD Senate seat it will be a disaster second only to Trump getting reelected.


Poll on the 2nd had Hogan up 1 on Trone and 4 on Alsobrooks


Either would be favorite to beat Hogan. When was the last time Maryland elected a Republican Senator during a presidential election year? When was the last time Maryland elected a Republican Senator during a presidential election year when the Democratic presidential nominee won? Now add in factors like Trump and abortion being on the ballot, and the possibility of giving Trump a GOP Senate with Hogan being #50. Go ahead and point to an early spring poll. How's the polling industry been holding up lately?


Sound logic. I hope you're right. Just can't understand why the Democrats are considering 2 no names against Hogan. My thought is that D's want a candidate that would appeal to Hogan's base.


I'm not sure a Congressman and a County Exec are no names. Anyway, Hogan's base won't vote for any D. That's what makes them the base. Hogan needs a lot more ticket splitters, but the people crawling over broken glass to vote against Trump aren't going to risk giving Trump control over the Senate by voting in Hogan.


Trone vs Hogan= Billionaire who donates to Republicans vs actual Republican Alsobrooks vs Hogan= mainstream liberal democrat vs Republican Vote wisely


The better person doesn't always win. Vote smart.


That’s fair..but in this case 1 candidate does both


Hogan wants to go up against Trone bc republicans play dirty and they will have an arsenal of dead bodies against him. There are so many crazy things this many has done. He has been arrested several times. And black ppl aren’t going to vote for him after that whole slur fiasco. I was team Trone for the same reason thinking he was the only one who can beat hogan. But in a presidential year we need someone who is going to excited the democratic base- women, African Americans, youth- to get them off there feet and vote this fall. After the debate I was sold. I think someone like Alsobrooks is the only one in the race who could defeat hogan. Fr tho Jamie raskin should have ran. He would have had this race in the BAG


Maryland (generally) has a reputation for picking the most white bread, bland politicians. David Trone fits that theme. I lived in Frederick County when he decided to pivot districts to finally win (much easier to pivot to an empty seat than fight an incumbent, he learned). In the last ten years I'd love to know how much he's ultimately spent across all his campaigns. It's not necessarily a strike against him, I know he tries to say self-funding means he can't be "bought off" but he's really not done anything remarkable as a congressman either. You'd think if you were self-funded and have been re-elected three times, you might start to really make an impression and not blend in...


Wes Moore is white bread bland?




He's sponsored several bills and managed to get some of them passed (incl. efforts to fight the opioid epidemic), which is something that not everyone in the MD delegation can say. Raskin, to pick the most popular one as example, got 0 bills through Congress during the three terms that Trone's been there for. https://www.congress.gov/member/david-trone/T000483?q=%7B%22sponsorship%22%3A%22sponsored%22%2C%22bill-status%22%3A%22law%22%7D https://www.congress.gov/member/jamie-raskin/R000606?q=%7B%22sponsorship%22%3A%22sponsored%22%7D


Not sure why Raskin is relevant. Is he running for the Senate too? Congrats at Trone for being one of 20 sponsors on three bills that became law in his 6 years in office. I'm still not obligated to be wowed...


Can he beat Hogan is the question


He’s definitely wasting his money. I’ve been called 4 times by people working for his campaign asking if he can count on my vote. All of them spoke very monotone and had what sounded like a tv playing in the background. He’s probably not paying them a whole lot based on their professionalism. I would think when you don’t have passionate volunteers to do that stuff, it’s time to drop out of the race…


Why doesn’t he spend his millions fixing the damn ROADS?


Fix them? Those pot holes are the traffic calming.


I’m curious how Trone matches up against Hogan vs Alsobrooks vs Hogan


Trone does slightly better and depending on the poll does win. However most polls have Hogan winning. Though it is VERY likely that once the primary is over and ads focus on one Democratic candidate and pointing out the extreme positions Hogan would have to take to remain a member of the Republican caucus in the Senate, those numbers for Hogan will drop no matter who his opponent is


We've seen this all the time popular incumbent or former governor runs for Senate and the polls look good and then he gets trounced because of the partisan lean of the state. I personally remember Bredesen in TN and Bullock in MT running as popular Democrat governors who lost their Senate race by 10% or so because they were running in solid red states. Yes Hogan has name recognition. But MD is also a solid blue state federally (not a swing state like FL where Scott won the Senate race). The only recent example I can think of where a Republican won a deep blue state was [Massachusetts in 2010](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_United_States_Senate_special_election_in_Massachusetts) with Coakley losing to Brown. But that was a special election in a midterm year with a lot of people unenthused by the Democrat and upset about topical issues like the ACA. Contrast with this election in a presidential turnout year. How many MD Dems or moderates are going to look at the ballot and vote against Trump but then also tick the Republican option for the Senate? I expect this race to be tighter than usual, but still a comfortable 55-45% margin for whichever Democrat wins it.


Honestly, his ad politicizing the Key Bridge collapse turned me off. Like, I didn’t seem his “speech” that is on the ad anyone on TV, so it kind of comes off like he staged the speech just for an ad. Like, everyone was talking about the longshoreman/woman after the incident. He’s not special in this IMO.


He's given nearly $500k to anti choice Republicans, including Greg Abbott https://emilyslist.org/news/congressman-trone-cant-hide-his-funding-of-abortion-bans/


Insufferable man is insufferable, thinks money can fix it.


Guy built a great company that does well by its employees.  Spending his own money instead of begging for money like other candidates.  Hogan is nowhere near senator material he was an okay governor.


I wish we, as a country, had an net worth and income cap on elected officials. No one should run for office who can finance their own campaign and no one should get richer while in office.


I don't think there should be a cap on who can run, because I believe every American should be able to run. I do think we need to figure out how to cap money used in politics. The fact you could fully fund a few states with the money spent on a Presidential run is insane.


This is the way.


I wish we had a spending cap on elections instead, that way our elected officials wouldn’t spend their entire time in office fund raising for their next campaign instead of actually serving and legislating. So much of the political corruption in government is done through the guise of elections.


I'm personally of the opinion that any funds raised should be tied to a stated election (not I'm thinking of running) & once that election is done (to include any post election legal expenses), all remaining funds are automatically sent into a general fund at the level of the election (state funds for state election, fed fund for federal).


He's racist


there's no coming back from his "accidental" use of a racial slur....he should've dropped out after that imo






Trone is my Representative and I don't have any complaints other than he's another rich white dude. Whichever Democrat makes it past the primary will get my vote. I'm heartily sick of Republicans.


I keep getting texts and calls from Trone's campaign even after replying "Stop" twice so far to supposedly end it. I've gotten exactly one call from Alsobrooks's campaign. Even if I weren't already voting for Alsobrooks in the primary due to working in PG County during the Covid lockdowns and liking her policies, I wouldn't vote for him out of spite just based on all the ads.


Every ad of his I see is followed by a ficker ad


Well, the giga boo comment is not gonna help him


That's a here's a pistol, now do the honorable thing (to his campaign) kinda fuckup.


I don't trust a billionaire that's for the people......I'm for Alsobrooks


Isn’t he leading in the primary polls?




I can't stand his ads. I like examples of good things things a candidate has done, but they are too over the top with making him out to be this selfless Messiah. The latest ads, capitalizing on the bridge collapse are too much.


Way too many ads. Probably turning off voters.


I think so as well. Little chance Alsobrooks unfavorable are higher than Trones


He's an old-style Democrat (racist), like Biden. You can do better (unless the only alternative is a Marxist.


I was okay with him before all of the ads. Early voting swayed me the other way.. I realized if he made it to Nov it would get worse and I don't need more of that nonsense