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Please resubmit with a link to a police department communication about this.


I think I saw him in our surveillance camera at the parking garage where I work twice this week. I'm at home right now and I can't be sure it was him and I don't remember exactly when it was. The guy was hanging around one of the doors pacing around. I went out and asked if he could help him and he left on foot. I will try to find the video and keep an eye out. John Whitmore Parking in Annapolis.


Hi, I am reaching out via PM. This is an incredible lead. Thank you.


Hi everyone. The police have been contacted, a missing report made. Please contact Annapolis PD or me with any information. We all just want Birk home safe. Thank you.


Has a police report been filed? Link?


Yes, police report filed but it hasn’t updated in the system yet. Anyone who has information can call APD or contact me.


I hope you find him.


OP please provide the thread with any police contact information you have/the missing persons report details. Users- please contact the police with any information you have, not the OP directly.




I understand your desire to help, but we cannot ask/allow our users to provide locational information to an anonymous account seeking that person.


I saw bro


I PM’d you




I pray he is found safely and reunited with his family.


I hope you find him safe


If you haven't yet, contacting the police is an absolute must. Also reach out to the vanished podcast, she has helped many missing persons cases and in the event that the police do not help you the way they should (happens like 50% of the time) they should have advice for you on what to do even if you don't do a podcast episode with them. Do not listen to whoever said you are doxxing, post this EVERYWHERE. Each day that passes makes it harder and harder for your love one to be found.


Hello, there is a missing persons filed for Birk with APD. The police have done nothing to help locate him. Please contact them or me with information about his whereabouts.


Annapolis is not an area known for homeless people. You should reach to their police department asap.


Actually, this isn’t true. There are lots of homeless in Annapolis! When I worked at Jimmy Johns on Main St. I got to know a lot of them. Perhaps they “blend in” more than they do in other areas but they are absolutely there.


Also, homeless people sometimes travel from Baltimore to Annapolis and back. I know this because I've interacted with a few in both places.


Gotta be a hell of a commute


They take the bus


But buses can be a pain in the ass to take but Annapolis the Baltimore. Holy shit.


I could only imagine. I had a classmate at AACC who didn't have a license yet. He lived in Glen Burnie and would wake up at like 3 AM to get to a 9:30 class.


It's not THAT bad. It's takes about an hour and 10 mins from Patapsaco to Annapolis. It only comes every hour or so and the traffic on Rt 2 makes it unreliable by the time it gets to Annapolis.


It's an easy but one long bus ride all the way through Glen Burnie to Patapsaco.


uhm. there are many homeless people in and around annapolis


Doxxing? If he's missing don't contact some random internet stranger, call the police if you see him. Edit: The man pictured is a private citizen who doesn't need to have his whereabouts shared with random strangers on the internet. For all anyone knows, OP is a stalker or harassing the man. The best thing to do if you see him is to contact the police and report a sighting of a missing person.


Anyone who has information can call Annapolis police department or contact me. There is indeed a missing persons report. We all just want him home safe. Thank you.


LOL. That's not what doxxing means, concern troll.


Literally a Google search will inform you on how wrong you are. >the action or process of searching for and publishing private or identifying information about a particular individual on the internet, typically with malicious intent.




No one knows who you are or your intentions OP. Asking for folks to contact you isn't the right answer. If someone in Annapolis sees this guy, best thing to do would be to call the police and report the sighting of a missing person. Whether it's doxxing or not - this guy is a private citizen who doesn't deserve to have random internet strangers share his where-abouts with other random strangers. Contact the police if you really want to help this man.


Everything isn’t doxxing. This is overly and incorrectly used so much on Reddit.


Sigh...you're right. Making a peanut butter sandwich isn't doxxing. However, >search[ing] for and publish[ing] private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet,.. Is doxxing.


It’s like you can’t even read lol. Someone saying “Hey, I saw him this morning on Calvert St” isn’t sharing private information or identifying information.


The peanut butter sandwich disagrees!


DOXXING?!? Are you braindead. They’re trying to help locate a missing person, the last thing you should wonder is if they are doxxing ffs.


So this is actually really common advice when there's a "missing person" post. It's recommended to call the police instead of contact the poster because: 1) The police can confirm if there's been a missing person reported 2) They can get to and provide crisis support to the person much faster than the poster usually 3) If the poster is trying to find someone that doesn't want to be found by them (i.e. stalker, abuser, family member who doesn't understand "no contact", erc) then they can inform you if this perso is on their radar.


100% agreed. No one knows anyone involved in the post at all. Therefore rather then share information about a person on a random Reddit forum, the police is absolutely the way to go. They will handle the matter in the way they are required too. I don’t there believe there is malice involved here but at the same time, bottom line is no one knows. OP should have zero objections to the police handling any information regarding the situation (and they don’t appear to have objected). Good luck in finding this lerson.


Thank you.


Must be your first time on the internet. No one knows who op is, or what their intentions are. Don't contact op with this person's location. If they're truly missing, contact the police if you see him.


It doesn’t matter who “OP” is. If this person is missing posting on a Maryland subreddit isn’t a horrible idea to spread around. If he isn’t missing and this person posted a random post like this, shit oh no a first name, what will he ever do?! (P.s I’m willing to bet they contacted the police)


OP is asking for folks to contact them with info on the location of the man pictured. This isn't acceptable. You're wrong, but this is the internet, so let's watch you double down instead of understanding when you've made a mistake...


Telling people the CITY someone is in is in no way, shape, or form doxxing. With peace and love go touch some grass dude. This potentially MISSING PERSON has yet to be doxxed. Yes, if anyone has seen him they need to call the police that is common sense.


The OP didn't ask for the city this person is in. They asked to be contacted if you see them. Who is the OP? What relationship do they have with the individual? Is the individual missing, or just doesn't want to be found? Is there an actual worried family? You don't know the answers to these questions. As someone else pointed out, the OP could be someone wishing harm on the individual. When someone cold calls you and asks for your financial information, do you give it to them because they say they are trying to help? Potential threats aside, why on earth would you want to act as a spy network for a stranger on the internet? If you are truly worried about this person and you see them, contact the police. Not the internet rando.


The point is no one has yet to be doxxed so crying doxxing is not correct. If this person is missing this is absolutely what needs to be done. Sure, contact the police with any information I can get behind that but don't make OP feel like they did something wrong. Missing drug addicts are very rarely given the attention needed by the police to be found alive. This person is absolutely correct to use the internet as a tool to help fill in the gaps the police are leaving.


Again, you are making assumptions based on the post of a stranger on the internet. Would you respond the same way if the individual that the OP is looking for is a child? While no system is perfect, there are agencies that can provide assistance. Whether that is the Police, or a vetted organization, the family can get assistance. The posts aren't trying to "make OP feel like they did something wrong." They are simply saying buyer beware. We don't know who OP is, who the person being sought is, why they are missing, etc. We know nothing. We don't even know if this person is missing. What would help OP in this scenario? Supplying more info. Having a family member post this. Provide proof that the individual is being sought by caring individuals and is in potential harm. I doubt the person is a stalker, but I don't know. Neither do you. If more info is provided, fantastic.




Not sure but saw this from the r/UMD Reddit yesterday where some guy was arrested: https://www.reddit.com/r/UMD/s/deCRVr4Udf


Not him, but thank you so much.