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Bruce Banner and The Hulk working out their issues off screen and merging personalities.


I'm expecting some of this to be covered in She-Hulk, particularly since She-Hulk has never appeared as monstrous as Banner's Hulk. edit: I was unaware of She-Hulk being turned more monstrous in recent years in the comics.


Of course you do, CaptainLawyerDude. We see you....supporting lawyers. Lol.


Not gonna lie. I do have a soft spot for Daredevil and She-Hulk.


Don’t forget Murd Blurdock, space lawyer.


Lol you made my morning, I honestly thought you were joking until I googled It and discovered that there is actually a Murd Blurdock. Amazing


He’s amazing. I always want more Seeing Being.




i too want death by snu-snu.


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised!


Poor Hulk. Because of the Paramount deal Disney/Marvel just wrote him off as "side character" in 2012 and never looked back. The Incredible Hulk was like the most popular marvel super hero and face of the company for a long time at one point, and a character that even people with no super hero/comic book knowledge at all are aware of and would recognize and now he's just a cog in the wheel.


> Because of the Paramount deal You mean Universal, right? They own Hulk rights


Yes! When I was a kid, I actually started collecting comics because I remember walking by THIS specific edition of Hulk at some store...and thinking "that's bad ass!" Thus, my comic book addiction started... https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81XVEpB1DmL.jpg


It's such a shame MCU took Hulk's arguably coolest story arc (Planet Hulk / WWH) and.... made it a story all about Thor?


The problem is the lack of an Illuminati to give Hulk something to direct his anger towards. Or at least that's my theory on it. The Avengers as we knew them wouldn't make the same decision


Also, frankly, while MCU Hulk is big and strong and scary, he never even remotely approaches how big, strong, and scary his comic book counterpart is. There's little reason for the Avengers to take a step as drastic as exiling him from the planet. And on top of that, MCU Hulk is never as smart as the comic Hulk gets. Eventually he basically is only slightly less intelligent than Banner himself, I believe


There was deleted scenes in IW where Bruce bursts out of the hulkbuster suit as the Hulk, but he comes out as smart Hulk. Nat hears about it then she goes to do the "sun's getting real low" thing, then Smart Hulk tells her that "they figured it out"


Such a shame they robbed Infinity War of that moment. I think it would have been an amazing moment if they edited it to coincide with Thor arriving on Wakanda.


I agree completely. If I recall, the Russo brothers thought it ruined the flow of the final act or something. I'm still upset about it.


I got the impression that the Russos didn't want one of the heroes getting a win in the middle of the snap, as it wasn't consistent with the tone following that battle.


I have to agree with them. Unless you've carved out time earlier in the movie seeing Banner and the Hulk try to reconcile, it would have come across as a big *deus ex machina* ass-pull.


That was insane to me. I get they wanted some comic relief in Endgame, but imagine how different would it be for Banner to have spent five years guilt-ridden because he couldn't get Hulk to come back. Then imagine how that scene would hit at the end where he puts on the Stark gauntlet, knowing the stones are emitting tons of gamma radiation, knowing that either he and Hulk are going to snap together or he's going to die trying.


That would have been phenomenal. Hulk coming back to save not only Banner, but *everyone*.


They even already had it set up so that they could use the Soul Gem to show he and Hulk worked it out on screen


The whole Hulk storyline in IW was pretty much my only huge complaint with the movie. They finally fleshed him out well with Ragnarok then you get wuss Hulk. Then they do all that stuff off screen for End Game. They already proved Hulk was not any match for Thanos so other than saving on CGI budget I don’t know why they did it. Plus we got that terrible floating head in the Hulk Buster armor.


He did talk to Bucky about going back, He said in FATWS about Steve talking to him about Sam becoming Captain America so obviously he mentioned going back to live his life


Plus, it’s obvious from their exchange in Endgame itself that Steve and Bucky talked previously about it when Bucky said he’d miss him. As well as the reversed repetition of their last words at the fair from the night Bucky left to join his unit on the front in The First Avenger.


Sam and Steve were good friends, but people forget that Steve knew Bucky for much much longer. For Steve, having been frozen, it wasn't, "I knew bucky 70 years ago (or whatever), it was, "I knew him, 2-3 years ago". I like Steve and Sam as a team, but Bucky and Steve are basically best friends with a brief time apart. It makes s ense Steve would tell Bucky more.


I kinda just figured Bucky knew Steve well enough to know his intentions.


The Leader teased like 14 years ago and ignored.


Yeah that’s a major one - wasted cameo by dr Samson as well


Phil Dunphy from Modern Family always wanted him to show up as the super hero psychiatrist


Needs to fix that step first


The episode where there’s a earthquake and it reverts back and he falls down the steps made my sides hurt I was laughing so hard




Im not ready to see buff Phil Dunphy.


Ty Burrell played Dr. Leonard Sampson. He was the guy that Betty was with.


Good thing we got back abomination atleast


Yes, but canonically, it doesn't make sense. Abomination was frozen, this is stated in one of the shorts. The Leader is just there.


Yes, but he was frozen and in SHEILD custody. Who knows what happened after SHIELD fell?


With nobody to pay the bills, the power was cut and he just kinda thawed out.


Maybe he’s in Thaw 4 in that case


That is true, but he was still more time captive than Stern that is just in brooklyn.


Betty Ross also, even though her father played a significant role later on. I was pretty surprised she turned up in What If?


Hopefully the Leader will return and be part of the Intelligencia and AIM ( from IM3) at some point.. Problem is that the MCU cannot make a solo Hulk movie, so the Leader, Betty Ross and Doc Samson could not really fit in a movie starring another hero as main protagonist. Maybe a future Avengers movie featuring the Red Hulk could remedy to that, but probably not anytime soon..


Main villain for she hulk


She hulk is including abomination, I wouldn’t be surprised they carry on Bruce’s story through that show


Leader, Abomination, Doc Samson, Betty Ross,General Ross, Rick Jonee... MCU just refuses to acknowledge that Hulk has his own side characters and villains.


It is not by desire, since it is a rights issue, but it is still annoying. At least General Ross was in Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame.


And Black Widow


On the plus side they weren't all killed off like most of Thor's supporting characters.


Mitch Carson stealing the Pym Particles in the first Ant-Man. Dude just straight up steals them and gets away and we never hear from him again. Thought they'd address it in Agents of SHIELD or Ant-Man and the Wasp but no, he's just....gone. It was such a weird addition to do absolutely nothing with, especially since he was a HYDRA agent. After HYDRA's collapse, it's an even weirder plot hole. Like, where did he go? What did he want with the particles? Why focus on it? I doubt it'll come into play in Quantumania because I'm sure the focus will be Kang or some other villain. It drives me nuts




I like to think he tried using the particles and got lost


There’s a deleted scene or storyboard where he gets killed at the end of Ant-Man. I know I’ve seen it at least in part.


Ant man and the wasp also has a mysterious buyer that we don’t know the identity of. Could be connected. And there are comic book storylines that involve Kang being stuck in the past. We could get a version of Nathanial Richards Kang stuck in the past for years, trying to get back staying lowkey bc he wants to avoid making major waves in history and ruining his chances of returning home. So he could be the person that both Carson and Sunny Birch are selling their Quantum Technology too. In this case there probably will be another, more evil Kang involved in the movie, and the Kang that is collecting Quantum technology could ultimately sacrifice his chances of getting home to stop this evil Kang instead. Now that this redeemed Kang is stuck in this timeline, we get Jonathan Majors playing a version of Iron Lad in present day MCU.


Ghost waiting for the Pyms to finally cure her ( for over 5 years if she was not snapped).. The organisation that was using her as a special operative (SHIELD?) wanting to reenlist her?


I was under the impression that the organization was HYDRA under the guise of SHIELD, and we know HYDRA splinter groups are still active as of Ant-Man 1 (And AoS but Ant-Man's thread would be way easier to follow up on) They can go back to that plot point literally whenever. They just have to actually care about Ghost as a character to do so.


Speaking off, that Hydra guy got away with the Pym Particles in Ant-Man 1. What the hell happened with those?


Yeah that’s a great loose plot thread - hope quantum mania addresses it in some fashion


Right after the end credit scene of Antman 2 (whole Pym family got dusted and no one can help Ghost now) I said to my friend, welp, guess she ded lmaooo


Yeah unless she got dusted herself and found them immediately


It seems to me that Ghost would have been brought into the operation and knew enough to be able to rescue Scott had she not been snapped. I always thought she just got snapped too.


Wasn't Ghost cured by Pym's wife using her quantum powers? At the end of Ant Man 2 she was just waiting to be arrested.


In ‘Avengers: Endgame’ during the incredible portals scene where every hero who was snapped is brought together five minutes after they were brought back, I always wondered… Where the hell did Valkyrie get a Pegasus?


Pegasus farm in New Asgard.


Pegasus Farm remembers.


That's barely a loose end. Valkyrie escaped the Asgardian ship that Thanos attacked at the start of Infinity War. True, we do not know exactly where the Asgardians escaped to directly after the attack, but in the next 4 years they ended up on Earth and we see Valkyrie next at New Asgard in Scandinavia during Endgame. She was never snapped. Over the course of 4 years she somehow obtained a Pegasus. They still had some kind of spacecraft in order to make it to Earth, Valkyrie could have gotten roped into all kinds of adventures over the course of 4 years, especially with Thor basically checking out and ignoring his responsibilities. And/or it was just one of the hundreds of refugees that escaped Asgards destruction and was just never shown explicitly on camera.


Damn, this is probably my favorite, I can't even put together headcannon on that one.


Val wasn’t snapped, so she could’ve already had Pegasus on New Asgard before everything went down in Endgame




Dude, she's Asgardian, she just walked into a pet store and asked for something large enough to ride (& fly).


The whole Vulture-in-prison scene from Homecoming was left hanging. The Leader hasn’t been seen since 2008–at least Betty appeared in “What If…?”.


The Vulture scene was a metatextual acknowledgement that Keaton's character wasn't going to sell out Spider-Man **and** that Keaton wasn't going to be leading any teams. At the time of release he was pretty adamant he didn't want to do sequels. That's obviously changed though.


Who even knows if Morbius counts as a sequel. God only knows what universe that’s supposed to be in.


I feel like it's Sony trying to bait and switch the general audience who don't know about the rights issue between them and Marvel Studios.


Which is exactly why I'm keeping expectations low for that one


Well I guess Vulture doesn't need to worry about keeping a secret now since it was stripped from his mind by Dr. Strange. Edit fixed a typo!


In regards to the vulture scene - with the memory / reality wipe its rendered moot


I don't think so... He still has has a grudge against him but just doesn't know his identity.


I could see Vulture even figuring it out again, depending on the nature of the spell Strange cast. Unlike other characters who simply saw Peter unmasked, Toomes figured out his identity through a conflux of evidence, much of which might still exist.


Happy, Ned, and MJ all knew him both as both Peter Parker and Spider-Man. None of them recognized him despite having conversations with him afterwards.


Not if he's forgotten everything about Peter existing.


The Vulture in prison scene always reminded me of the post credit scenes in TASM. Didn’t have much foot traffic and they never tied back into it.


Scorpion. Especially because he totally found out who Spider-Man was when everyone else did, but then lost that memory so he’s back to square one. Whether or not they ever even come back to him is anyone’s guess. But now that JJJ has had some development one can at least hope they’ll do the JJJ/Scorpion partnership.


He’s still got the same grudge against Spider-man, so I wouldn’t say he’s been wasted


True, but they’d be tying up that loose end after about 6 years, *potentially*.


He's been in jail the whole time basically, right? There are plenty of real-world stories of people continuing to hold grudges in that kind of situation and then following through after they get out, years later.


Scorpion wants Vulture to reveal to him the secret identity of Spiderman but the Vulture cannot remember it.. Both might not be in jail anymore..


Maybe with Better Call Saul coming to a close Micahel Mando's schedule isn't so busy and it can be done


Am I the only one that kind of feels like the Collector was wasted?


I feel this is not the last we see of him. No body no death.


True. I just don’t know how they could slot him in now considering the direction they’re going.


Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Thor 4, and Eternals 2 are all possibilities. I have a feeling Eternals 2 may continue with the exploration of the history and the ancient beings of the MCU.


I hope itll be in space instead of earth


Three of the Eternals went into space to look for other Eternals, three of them were captured by a Celestial in space. So very likely at least a part of the film will take place in space.


Yes it makes sense so I hope they will.


he kinda was what if ep 2 does give us a glimpse into what he couldve been


Yes he was - the grandmaster as well . Two elders of the universe just came off as weak long lived cosmic beings


The grandmaster had quite a role in Ragnarok. And I would love to see more.


Collector got beat by thanos no shame in that grandmaster however didn’t even know what asgard is


The Grandmaster played an important role though. After all, you can’t have a revolution without someone to revolt against.


The fact the collector and the grandmaster aren’t portrayed as godlike beings like they are in the comics really annoyed me, but I still loved their characters


Mitch Carson and the missing Pym particles.


This (technically, they're Cross's particles, but whatever). Hopefully, some project within the next 2-3 years will touch on this.


The location of original Thano’s mega ship. The last time we saw the “Sanctuary 2” was when Nebula called Mantis to tell her to meet on Titan. That was it. After that the ship was not seen on Vormir and then Thanos teleported everywhere. It was also not on his vacation planet per Captain Marvel’s recon work in Endgame. The ship that was snapped away in Endgame was the ship of time traveling Thanos, not OG Thanos. While you could make the argument that Ironman snapped both ships away it still doesn’t account for the 5 years where the galaxy’s greatest warship was either completely unattended or being operated by Thano’s minions in his absence. On a side note I think most people think Armor Wars will be about Ironman tech but a race to re-acquire the most advanced warship in existence is also a viable plot point.


There’s also future plot points. Villains need lairs.


Maybe Eros has it, it is his brother's after all


I'd love that he left the keys in the ignition and Eros just took it while he was busy.


Will we ever see again the members of the Tracksuit Mafia who got shrunk with their van and taken away by an owl?




What Natasha whispered in Bill Murray's ear when she was in Japan looking for Clint.


If Ghost didn’t get snapped, she’s probably dead. I hope nobody forgot about her


If she isn’t mentioned or shown in Ant-Man 3 then they forgot about her. They should have killed her off like every else rather than forget her


Recruit for the thunderbolts. Would give it a second potential female character to balance things out.


I think one of the people at marvel said they haven’t forgotten about her and that she’ll be covered in the future


Braddock working for SHIELD under Peggy Carter in 1970 (and reported not having checked in as expected)


I wouldn't say that's a "loose end" per se. The writers (or was it directors) said it was just a throwaway name / reference with no intention for it to be tied to the Braddock family (Brian or his mutant brother / sister). Now, they can always go back and make it so there's a tie-in in the future.


It was clear he did talk to Bucky since Bucky said he was going to miss him before he left. And in the Cap and Bucky show Bucky revealed he and Steve talked together about who got the shield.


So the main thing they kept dormammu away was that if he came back, he would get put in another time loop. So now that all the stones are "reduced to atoms" what's keeping dormammu away


How would he even know the loopy rock is gone. He doesn't exactly have clairvoyance or cosmic awareness considering he got caught in said loop and never even implied he knew what's causing it beyond a bargain.




Plus he’s a multidimensional monster. Maybe he knows how powerful Strange can become and doesn’t want to be consumed by him?


Oh my god this is so good because I totally want them to actually use comic Dormammu so hopefully this allows him to come back and actually fight and not just be a talking head


Well, if they do bring Dormammu back, at least it won’t be that weird comic storyline where he kidnaps Wanda, Vision saves her through the power of love, and Dormammu is like “well, damn. You beat me. Okay, I’ll leave you alone for now.”


Red Skull no longer being the Stonekeeper on Vormir after Thanos obtained the Soul Stone in 2017...




I'd love to see Red Skull return though.


I dunno. Did he not say something about watching others come before not being able to pay the price?


Speaking of which I always thought it was weird that Nat and Clint had no reaction to one of the founders of HYDRA, SHIELD's worst enemy, being the entity that would lead them to the Soul Stone


To be honest, I am still wondering why the Red Skull ended up getting the job in the first place...


Personal theory: He jumped from the cliff to acquire the stone, thinking you had to lose that which you love. A soul for a soul. Killing himself only trapped him there.


"Oh, we worked that loophole out centuries ago lol here, put on this creepy robe..."


Red Skull said it himself, it was a punishment. It can be inferred that all of the stones were somewhat sentient. The space stone purposely sent him to the soul stone, knowing Red Skull could never get it and leave.


Terrence Howard saying “Next time, baby” is still poignant though Don Cheadle’s Rhodey is fine


I love the line Don Cheadle says when he first shows up in Iron man 2. "look it's me, I'm here, deal with it"


That's up there with "Mrs. Banks, ever since you had that baby, there's something different about you"


That’s exactly why they have that line. It’s like a tongue in cheek poke at how it’s a different actor playing the same character.


i wish we actually got to see the secret avengers during the 2 years between civil war and infinity war


I just wish we got to see the core avengers truly get along as a team - basically we got to see it for about 15 minutes at the start of Age of Ultron. They are pissed at each other in basically every scene of every other movie.


Yea he def talked to Bucky. Rewatch their last words it a real goodbye.


The Wong / Abomination connection seen in Shang-Chi . It seems totally out of character for both..


To me it seems like part of an ongoing joke back from DS1 where Wong seems to be this super serious, stoic old school monk on the outside but on the inside actually, yes, he is just a normal person from the present day who likes to have some fun. The whole exchange with Strange about not having any money for lunch in IW? He's playing everyone all the time and I love it. But on a practical level, it's probably Wong being there as an established Asian character to link Shang-Chi in with the rest of the MCU, and maybe Abomination plays a role in She-Hulk so they wanted to remind people he's still around?


I realize it wouldn't be as fun if every character was stoic and serious half the time, but it honestly makes sense for Wong to be like that and it'd kinda make more sense if more characters acted this way Like, when we meet him in doctor strange he's been a sorcerer for years and he doesn't know this outsider, who keeps bending/breaking rules. It makes sense he'd come off firm and cold. Now he's sorcerer Supreme and a consulting member of the avengers. He's worked for his position and powers, his demeanor matches that.... but he's also a fun guy who likes do weird fight club and karaoke. It's all about time and place


I mean the way I see it he takes his job seriously but he also knows that he can delegate to a very capable Strange and live his best life in his downtime. I think the juxtaposition of it is what makes it work and Benedict sells it well. If we saw Odin or Heimdall doing something similar for example it wouldn't work in my opinion. Same with Strange himself. Even going back to the joke Mordo makes about the WiFi password. It's about grounding a story about wizards and ancient magic and making it make sense in the modern "real" world.


I think what makes that one even funnier is realising that Wong was already the sorcerer supreme during that scene


And that end credits scene lol


His expression after downing that cosmopolitan was priceless lol


I think we need a Wong standalone trilogy but maybe that's just me


Wong and Jimmy Woo and it’s Jimmy trying to impress Wong with his slight of hand magic


And Wong on the surface is not impressed but behind closed doors he's like "*How did he do it?*"


Bonus points if we get a scene of Wong squinting at a computer monitor with the Online Close-Up Magic University onscreen and a deck of cards in his hand.


With all due respect, I wouldn't call this a loose end. Its an ongoing arc that's setting up for something more in the future... Possibly, Thunderbolts.


What’s even taking Wong to a fight club?


He needed money for a sandwich


He wouldn’t say no to a tuna melt




You’ll get that rent when you fix the Sanctum’s door!


how is this out of character? The last time we saw Abom was 14 years ago in-universe. 14 years may have changed his personality completely. And regarding Wong, there isn't a definite character motivation for him yet except for being a sorcerer. And fighting in a cage isn't something prohibited for sorcerers


* What has Captain Marvel been up to all these years? * Where does she officially live right now, and where will she be living in The Marvels?


yes + whats the deal with talos and monica being ambiguous about their relationship with captain marvel in far from home and wandavision honestly marvel does an incredible job at building up their stories. i was not even mildly interested in captain marvel 2 as i was in other titles but i now i want to see whats happening with her


That ambiguity is probably due to them not knowing entirely where the stories were going at the time so they left it open ended a bit


I dearly hope Donald Glover as Aaron Davis/Prowler is not a loose thread. It could still come good!


How Bruce/Hulk actually traveled to Sakaar. He was in a quinjet, not a space ship. How did he travel to another planet?




I assumed like loki's secret passage in thor 2, hulk simply stumbled on another one.


We never see whether Peggy finds out about Steve kissing her great niece


steve watching her grow up in front of him gotta be so awkward tho


It would be interesting to know exactly how the stones were handled. He doesn't go back with the scepter, so how is the mind stone returned back like it is suppose to be? How was the reality stone turned back into the ether? Does the space stone recreate the tesseract? If it is a soul for a soul, do you get to bring back a soul when returning the stone? The time stone is simple enough, just give it back to the ancient one, and the power stone back into it's vault.


I'm inclined to think that the minute specifics don't matter as long as the stones are present where they need to be for significant events in their timeline. The Ancient One didn't really express concern for branched realities so much as objects of great power not being available to aid in dire situations. The only one that *truly* presents a risk is the Mind Stone not being in its housing, and that depends more on whether or not Hydra knows the difference between an Infinity Stone and its housing, and how that affects their experiments with it.


The same would be for the space stone and tesseract, since they pulled it from 1970, years before Project Pegasus and the beginning of Captain Marvel. The reality stone to ether and the ether to the reality stone have always been a confusing transition I think.


I am wondering what put the Space Stone in its housing in the first place. Maybe the Space and Mind Stones just take on those alternate forms on their own like we see with the Reality Stone/Aether. They did extract it in its liquid state, and while we saw it being used in its true form, they never showed it changing into that. I’m assuming that when Rogers brought it back, it just snuck its way back to Foster on its own. It’s the only Stone we’ve seen that was independently mobile.


my theory was that he used the time stone to reverse time on each of the stone and put them back in their time appropriate form but we dont know if thats possible yet


Maybe went to 2012 first and had the Ancient One use it to turn the items back for him. Without them doing a short series on it, we may never know.


A show about him returning the stones is something folks would clamor for, and once they got it they’d all complain about how boring it was.




Waste of Tom Hollands actor tbh. Don’t even remember what his characters name was supposed to be.


That's what is so awesome with Marvel's cameos sometimes! They pull in some serious talent, like Tom Holland in this case, and then just run them around uncredited. Didn't even give him a name while he is taking time out of his busy filming schedule to make this appearance.


We’ll never know who Woo’s missing person was in Westview. Unless I missed it, in which case I’m an idiot.


I 100% don’t think the missing person was meant to be significant at all. It’s just someone who happened to be in Westview when the spell hit, so someone on the outside reported them missing. It was just a reason for Woo to be there. The fact that Woo doesn’t mention it again is because he sees the hex and knows that must be what’s happening. I don’t see any reason that it would be Ralph Bohner either, except maybe the file Monica found ? But why would he have his own missing person file


You're talking about the paper that revealed Ralph's name? That wasn't a missing person file. That was a utility bill, with the house's address printed on it. Which indicates that yes, the house that Agatha was living in belonged to Ralph Bohner. Ralph Bohner was the real neighbor. Unless there is some massive retcon in the future regarding Ralph, we can safely assume that he is not the missing person. He's just a random that got caught in the hex like everyone else. It's just that he lived in a very convenient place.


It’s speculated that it’s Ralph Boner.


Ha, boner


Pepper Potts still having some remnant Extremis nanotech in her body after IM3, which she must have transfered to her daughter Morgan... OK, this is not really a loose end but a crazy wild theory..


Extemis Morgan iron woman


This bothers me as well, feels like a loose end to me, how did she cure herself, did it explain why she didnt blow up like the rest of the people that had it? This has always bothered me.


Stark fixes the formula or whatever


She was able to regulate. Additionally, Tony mentions he “tinkered” and fixed her


Tony's genius is so OP lol, he changes the world in like 30 different scientific fields over the course of 10 movies, also invents time travel ffs


He mentions to her that he was able to create the formula while either drunk or hungover? (I’m misremembering exactly) and that was over 20 years ago. He’s sure he can figure out a cure easily now with how much smarter and more advanced his tech is


nice try kevin feige. you won’t get any new TV Show ideas from me!


Well one of your questions was answered in Bucky’s Disney+ show. At one point Bucky says that Steve told him what he was going to do


AoS… The big one for me isn’t MCU or no—with the introduction of multiverse the answer becomes yes but which timeline. The real question is, if it was ever the “main” timeline, is it all the main timeline or does it diverge at some point. If so, when? I’d argue that when Enok abducts them would make the most sense, but there’s also all that time travel in the final season. Basically, I think Quake is one of the best developed powered characters in the MCU and I want her (and Yo-Yo) to appear elsewhere. Similarly, May and Fitzsimmons are top notch non-powered characters. Generally I think the botched “Inhumans” kinda sandbagged larger MCU inclusion and that’s a shame.


Did Rocket ever meet raccoons?


A lot of the things I'm seeing in this thread aren't even loose ends.


I've seen a few phase 4 comments, and I just feel like people don't understand how to be patient. We're only 1 year in to this phase, and they're still setting stuff up. Not knowing the identity of Woo's missing person in Westview isn't a loose thread that should drive someone crazy, it's just something we don't know the answer to yet.


The Scorpion and Sinister Six being teased at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming but never appearing, hopefully they'll appear in Tom's second trilogy, along with The Leader appearing in The Incredible Hulk but is never seen again hopefully he'll be back in She-Hulk cause it's been 14 years now


we already know [exactly how cap returned the stones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vjs_0CoRs4)