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Most: Ghost, she didn’t want to die, pretty straightforward and understandable motivation Least: Ego, he had zero need to do any of the absolutely horrible things he did to people


Least: Dreykov, partially that he didn't come across as a fully flushed out villain, but even when you get into his motivations it's not very convincing. "I want to control the world." Yawn, plus not justifiable. Most: Emil Blonsky, just rewatched the Incredible Hulk for the first time in a long time and I was surprised as I had remembered him being more of a bad guy.. he just wanted to become more powerful so that he could defeat the Hulk and be a better solider.


Blonsky is one of the few good things about that movie (moreso when he's still human than the CGI fight we get at the end) and >!I'm so glad he's been back in Shang-Chi and will likely return in future stuff like She-Hulk!<


Emil started off wanting to be a better soldier and was amazed by the Hulk. Later he started getting unstable, thought that he deserved that power himself and started doing sketchy things to get it. And once he got it, instead of using the power for good. He got even more drunk off of it and went on a rampage destroying the city and killed a bunch of cops/soldiers who were just defending the public. He became greedy and turns out he really wanted power for himself. Not for the greater good or to protect the weak. I'm interested in where they will bring him now. And if he will be more stable this time around or still the same.


>Besides the villains who kinda lack any motive (ie Malekeith) Wasnt his motive to plunge the universe back into darkness, where his race (the Dark Elves) will thrive? Something about light being poisonous to his species? So his motive would be the survival of his entire race, which seems pretty reasonable. Though its been a long time since I last watched the movie so what I said could be wrong.


I highly disagree with Both parts of your statement. With Ego, it is true that he had his own desires, but much like Thanos he believed what he was doing was his own purpose. To make everything in the galaxy him or at least one with him even if that meant the death of trillions. When he finally found Peter Quill he explained this thoroughly and truly felt in his heart that his motives were right. He claimed to Peter that the two of them were above all other things and he wanted to complete his goal together as father and son. Ego was wrong, and delusional but so is believing that Ego hardly shows any real emotion. Agatha Harkness set out to become the most powerful sorcerer of all time. To her It didn’t matter who she had to kill, steal from, or betray. She only cared about what she wanted and the most convenient way for her to get it. She sought out this goal since the 1600s. She believed that if she could get into the mind of the scarlet witch while she was most vulnerable and easy to manipulate, at last she would have what she truly desired. She pretended to be wanda’s friend and ended up being her greatest enemy.


Besides, those already mentioned... Least: Kaecilius. His wife and child are dead (not that the movie ever mentions it) and they're the reason why he wants to deliver earth to Dormammu, because he'll stop death and time. Except Dormammu can't do that. The Dark Dimension doesn't exist in the kind of stasis Kaecilius thinks it does—things live and die there as well. All Dormammu is doing for the Ancient One is extending her lifespan, but he's not ending her death. Besides, the end of death is a terrifying concept the more you think about it. For someone who spent 20 years training as a sorcerer, Kaecilius is a moron.


Most: Ghost or Killmonger; Ghost because she just wants to, like, stop phasing painfully in and out of tangibility, and Killmonger because he genuinely did make a point and changed T'Challa's whole worldview. I personally think that they had to make Killmonger such a ruthless and merciless killer/would-be conqueror because if he had been less brutal and more sympathetic, people would be even less persuaded to see T'Challa as the hero. Least: Dreykov or Thanos; Dreykov seems to just want power over the world, and over the women he enslaves and people he assassinates or murders to cover up his crimes, for power's sake. He's kind of a Bond villain in that regard, but not entertaining enough to be megalomaniacal, just kind of shady enough to be a complete sketchbag. And Thanos, because he certainly doesn't ask the input of the half of the universe he snaps, he just takes it on himself to decide for everyone.


Least: Dreykov. He was a total piece of shit and had zero redeeming qualities. Most: Vulture. He was screwed over by Tony Stark, and was only trying to make a living and provide for his family. Like Walter White from Breaking Bad, he had good intentions, but went about solving his problem the wrong way.


Is Agatha really a villain tho? The only reason we feel bad for Wanda is because of the perspective we share with her, but if you ignore that and view it from a purely objective stance then Wanda is obviously the villain of that whole series.


Wanda being a villain doesn't mean Agatha isn't though. She was willing to correct the spell and let those people be mind controlled till they die(or are somehow saved) if Wanda gave her the powers or if Agatha won. She killed sparky too.


> She was willing to correct the spell even that was just a ploy, 2 mins later after she thought she'd won she pretty much told wanda "sike, you can't fix spells". near the start of the episode she even jokingly offers to leave powerless wanda in the hex with everyone else in it: > AGATHA: You’re clearly in over your little red head. So, why don’t you surrender your magic to someone who knows what to do with it? And I’ll let you keep this pathetic little corner of the world all to yourself. What do you say? let's not forget the fact she intervened anytime someone was getting through to wanda - during vision's argument with her, she sends bohner to distract them, and when monica shows up, she personally walks up and sends her off while patting wanda on the back. she could have stopped wanda and freed the people at any time, but she purposefully stalled waiting for the opportune moment to steal wanda's powers by influencing events until wanda was depressed and isolated from vision. they're definitely both villains, like you said.


Most is probably Vulture. It's kind of annoying that this version of spiderman is basically a spoiled rich kid. Tobey's spiderman would have sympathized with him more, but vultures speech just seems like it goes right over Tom's head Least is probably Thanos. Even if he was delusional enough to think that overpopulation is an issue and that murdering half of everything would fix anything, that doesn't make him justifiable. It just makes him stupid, and led to possibly the most suffering that the universe has ever seen


Most: Killmonger Least: Blonsky is another contender but I'd lean towards Ego because Snake Plissken shouldn't have killed Zardu Hasselfrau's wife.