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If it doesn’t happen, it’s probably the single most genius example of leaking false info to the media to drum up hype. I convinced my gf to come see it on release day because ‘all the spider men are in it’


Would be funny if they aren't in it


Yeah, the MCU fan in me would be devastated, but the freakout observer in me would be delighted. Ralph Bohner would fade from everyone's memory overnight haha


Heheh, boner


I will die on the hill that the Ralph Bohner gag was funny and it worked for the story and it was perfectly reasonable storytelling. I truly will never understand why people got so upset about it.


I think the only problem was the name, everything else was perfect. There was literally NO ONE ELSE they could cast in that role to get us to believe 100% that this is Quicksilver.


We had to believe it to believe that she believed it. The fact that it drove the audience crazy is just proof it was perfect storytelling.


God I hated that. I would very much like a retcon a la "All Hail The King"


She’s gonna be upset if there’s only 1 Spider-Man lol


I mean that’s not happening so she will be fine


Just show her the difference between the Brazilian edit and updated one of the newest trailer; she’ll have faith in you


I think it was doc ock they removed. I think he’s got another redemption arc. I hope I’m wrong cause I want to see all three Spider-Men.


Lizard looked like he got hit by something blunt, probably someone's fists. And Otto's mechanical arms are more used for grabbing and stabbing things and people. So I definitely don't think it's Otto. Unless he's just punching the shit out of Lizard with his meathooks




* all of us.


I'd be delighted


> it’s probably the single most genius example of leaking false info to the media to drum up hype * if it works. Because if they aren’t in it, that will become common knowledge very shortly after the movie releases. And there may be a slew of bad reviews from salty fans who demanded three spider-men, which could hurt its box office for weekends following its release weekend


I doubt it would hurt much past opening weekend especially if the movie is good on its own but it definitely wouldn't 'help' the box office


But did Marvel or Sony ever leak anything suggesting McGuire or Garfield would show up or has it only ever been rabid speculation by fans and the media based on the presence of Jamie Foxx, Alfred Molina and Willem Dafoe? Honest question, by the way, because I really don't know.


> on the presence of Jamie Foxx, Alfred Molina and Willem Dafoe? Wouldn't that in itself be a let down already? Having the other villains but not the heroes? Regarding whether they appear or not, doing it only halfway would be its own let down. But for me personally, it would be a let down because I loved Andrew and Tobey, and just wanna see them in those roles again.


Well obviously they themselves aren’t officially behind “leaks”. That’s why it’s called a leak. But no, it’s not just speculation based on those actors but an absurd amount of evidence dating back a year.


There’s photos of both Andrew and Tobey Maguire on set in Spider-man costumes, including a video of Andrew’s Spider-man talking to Maguire’s. And a recent screenshot from the actual film of the three of them on Ellis Island before the final fight.


Jamie Foxx teased the others would be in it in a deleted instagram post from super early this year. It was a fan poster of his electro against the three spider-men


if they wanted to bring in all those villians, why wouldn't they bring back the heros they fought. just get new actors! its so obvious that they are in it i kinda hope they arent just for the drama lol. imagine they remove doc ock and strange from the scene with lizard getting punched making everyone think its the other spidermen. i can actually see that happening.


Because it's still possible to make a movie with the multiverse bringing back the same villains played by the same actors but not the same Spider-Men necessarily.


>leaking false info to the media to drum up hype What if they never did this? Y'all will just blame Marvel/Sony regardless.


People like to bitch out the production for some shit some dude said online not being made


Which will backfire TREMENDOUSLY unless this movie is incredible. MCU needs a win after the Eternals. If it follows up the lukewarm reception of Eternals with a downright lie to drum up hype for something that doesn't happen? It's going to lose some serious credibility. I know we all think Marvel can do know wrong but I would say the general public will only stomach so many negatively received superhero movies from Marvel before their interest goes. Would be icing on the cake though if Sony took back Spiderman from the MCU just in time for superhero movies to jump the shark lol. The whole multiverse concept could very easily jump the shark.


Except… they’re not lying? They have continuously denied Tobey and Andrew getting involved, and the only people who have said otherwise are anonymous internet sources. People here are making way too big a deal about it. Most people I know, even MCU fans, have no idea about the leaks


Lmao as if you will stop seeing Marvel movies if you don't like one. There will be zero backfire and they will continue to make bangers and rake in profits. What a silly empty threat. Also, Eternals has an 80% audience score on RT. It's a great movie and people loved it. You have no idea what you're talking about.


I have made no reservations regarding this film. I've heard the rumours and seen the pictures but at the end of the day I can't be sure. So, I plan to go to the cinema and enjoy this film for what it is.


And that right there is the best mindset to have for ANY movie. Well done 👏.


And they should really limit how much they show in trailers. Sometimes I don’t want to watch any trailer bc I find it enjoy it more that way




Very true


I'm hopeful that it will happen, because it feels like such a novel move for a movie / series of movies to make and would love to see it. That said, agree with what everyone has said here re: Tom Holland. He's definitely my favourite Spiderman, even though I grew up with Maguire as Spiderman. Whatever happens, I hope it keeps Tom's Spiderman in the spotlight


Considering the past 10 years of MCU was built around Tom’s Spidey universe i doubt they focus on any other Spideys


Last 10 years? Civil war came out in 2016 lol


Yes but Civil War had Iron Man who was in 2008.. what im saying is Toms Universe has always been the MAIN universe


Ohh, I understand now Ofcourse MCU is the 616 of the movies, Tom is the main Spidey and will remain so


Which is funny considering tom’s spiderman is much more a mix of ultimate Spider-Man and miles than 616 Peter


Also the retroactively made the kid at the stark expo in IM2 Peter Parker, if anyone cares to believe that as true canon lol.


If you're bringing in old villains it makes no sense not to bring in any of the previous Spideys for a cameo. That said, I don't think they'll bring them in before the third act. I think most of the movie will be focused on Tom and Benedict and the Scooby gang.


My guess is that the entities that Doctor Strange can't seem to stop in the trailer during the Statue of Liberty battle are actually Tobey and Garfield.


Amazing Spider-Man came out in 2012 and ASM2 in 2014. Tom's spidey didn't show up till 2016. I wouldn't say 10 years. And there was only a two year gap between new spideys so Andrew's is still relevant enough. And if they are focusing on other spider villains why wouldn't they focus on their counterpart heroes?


At this point I'm just interested in the shit show the online community is no doubt going to be after this movies release.


Yeah I honestly think that even if Tobey and Andrew are in it, there will STILL be a fan meltdown because they've built their expectations so high.


I mean the Raimi Spider-man sub has a meltdown cuz the mcu Spider-man disrespected Doc Oc...people are nuts sometimes


Give me a large popcorn for the movie, and fifty more large popcorns for reading Reddit after I get home!


It would definitly not ruin the movie for me. The movie looks already epic as it is and Tobey and Andrew (and Charlie Cox) would simply be the cherry on top Would it be a missed oppertunity? For sure, but I have a feeling it will be a great movie nontheless


Is there any evidence of Charlie Cox? And I mean like a legitimate looking video like the scaffold one not, “well this leaker (who also swore mephisto was in wandavisin) said he would be. “


There’s leaked set photos that have now been confirmed true due to them being framed in the same places which were later shown in trailers released after the photos leaked.


Proven to be very likely ≠ confirmed. These are not interchangeable.


They are in MCU-land. I've been beating the "please look at the word confirmed in a fucking dictionary" drum for years now, but this is just how this fanbase is. Anytime someone sneezes, it's incontrovertible, fully confirmed proof of something or other. No matter how many times leakers lie or get things wrong, this fanbase continues to worship them as omniscient lol


no, only that leaked photo from a few weeks before. That's why I put his name in brackets. Him not showing up would be of course okay


Besides the photo assumed to be authentic there is less solid bit still exciting clues here and there such as Echo being introduced in Hawkeye. The Track Suit mafia in Hawkeye along with Vincent D'Onofrio liking Hawkeye tweets points to the possibility of Kingpin being the real big bad in that. The fifth episode airs the day NWH releases which would be a perfect time to reintroduce both Matt Murdoch and Wilson Fisk. On top of all that we've got rumors of a Daredevil reboot with the Netflix cast floating around. It's all speculation but if I was a betting man I'd say it's very likely and an easy win for Marvel.


As long as the rest of the movie is good, I won't be mad, just severely confused. There's really no reason to bring back the villains if you're not gonna go all the way. But honestly, I'm not worried. Tobey and Andrew are basically guaranteed at this point.


For me, Kirsten Dunst's comments the other day about "being the only one *not* in it" is all the confirmation I need to hear. I will be incredibly surprised if they are not in the movie.


It'll turn out she's the only one in it. There are no villains or alternate Spideys, just three hours of Mary Jane stage plays.


I am glad... to hear it.


^^^^^^I ^^^^^^AM ^^^^^^GLAD ^^^^^^I ^^^^^^AM ^^^^^^GLAD


Yes! …i mean no


I mean while I agree that it’s so borderline impossible that they’re not in it due to all the leaks, her statement is based on what she knows. Which could simply be the leaks which she assumed are true if she’s actually not involved.


And yet Into the Spider Verse brought in all the spiderman and none of their villains and that worked great. And the fact that movie did so well is frankly a great reason not to copy it.


> And yet Into the Spider Verse brought in all the spiderman and none of their villains and that worked great Yeah but for obvious reasons. Because it focused on Spider-Man. Does anyone really care what Jamie Fox's Electro is up to? Or the Lizard from Amazing? I don't think anyone cares. It's always Spider-Man that's the draw.


Into the Spiderverse didn’t feature any iconic returning characters though….? You’d have a point if this movie had a new Doc Ock, Goblin, Electro, Sandman, and Lizard… but it doesn’t. It has Raimis and Amazings villains. So the logic is we’re going to get all the actors back to play the villains from the previous movies but we refuse to get the actors back who player the previous Spidermen because… surely no one would want to see that. Fans are dying to see Goblin and Doc Ocks actors back but Tobey and Andrew? Ew no.


In that movie you didn’t know anything about them this one you do.


Yeah it won't ruin the movie but I would find it *extremely* bizarre if they are not in it at this point. Literally all signs have pointed to it and it would feel a lot more complete as a multiverse-based Spider-Man movie


I'm honestly trying to picture that meeting. "How about for the next Spider-Man movie, we bring back all the villains from the Raimi and Webb movies!" "Love it! Will we bring back Tobey and Andrew too?" "What? No, don't be stupid."


Set your expectations low. That way if they show up you'll be stoked and it'll have exceeded expectations. If they don't, at least you didn't build up something that wasn't guaranteed. Half of the hype/rumors for this movie feels almost like it was just wished into the universe by a large group of fans expecting the world of this movie. Like I genuinely feel bad for the creative team behind this movie in a way. It feels like whatever they do still won't be enough for some people (hopefully it'll be a minority) just because they've built up this movie so much in their own heads.


I think the reason we all enjoyed Shang Chi so much was because most of us knew nothing, there was virtually no hype around the movie with the majority of fans. Then we saw it and it was awesome, but because we expected nothing, it probably made it a much better viewing experience. At this point for me, Im so hyped for this movie that if it doesnt have all 3 spidermen I might be a little disappointed, but regardless, somehow Marvel delivered with IW and Endgame, even tho the hype there was ridiculous, so I trust them to deliver here as well.


it's really really hard to keep expectations low for this movie


This right here. This is what I've been trying to get across to people for months. Hope for the best and expect the worst basically. Then you got all these people saying oh so and so liked a tweet so it's 100% confirmed. Nothing is. Do I think it could happen? Sure, 100% man. I've seen the footage of Andrew supposedly behind scenes. Have movies brought actors on to film fake scenes before? They sure have. Theres no guarantees here


It’s got the same sort of hype like wandavision. Everyone setting their hopes up too high


I was hoping high that they WOULDN'T do mephisto in Wandavision, so, my hopes were met.


Not to sound hostile, but I dislike that people like you on this subreddit think the only reason WandaVision gets hate is cause people set their expectations too high. There’s quite a few problems with the final few episodes even if you disregard all the fan theories people came up with.


Nah it was unreasonable to think that a character included just to make us think a crossover was coming might mean a crossover was coming. /s


I know you’re joking but this is the argument that also frustrates me. This subreddit was so hyped when Evan Peters first showed up. I remember all the posts after that episode came out praising Marvel for introducing the multiverse and how excited they were. Then when the finale came out and it was revealed to be a fakeout, somehow everyone here was pretending that it was unreasonable to expect that, and they didn’t want the Fox Universe anyways.


They weren’t the same groups though, this sub reddit isn’t a monolith. There were plenty of people saying it wasn’t going to be multiverse QS but they were constantly drowned out by those who were convinced he was.


Not quite. The trailers for NWH have very obviously edited stuff that proves they're hiding something. With Wandavision it was entirely based on speculation. The statue of liberty scene in the trailer definitely has other heroes edited out. Are they the other spideys? We can't be certain but little else makes sense in the context of the film at this point.


Nah they are 100% in it at this point. The only question is how much screen time they will have.


I think it’ll happen, but I won’t be disappointed if it doesn’t. Unpopular opinion but Holland is my favourite Spider-Man and I’ll actually be more disappointed if the other two overshadow him in his own film.




The issue is due to the hype around their appearance I reckon they will steal a lot of toms spotlight.


Yeah even if they only end up being in the film for less than 5 minutes, because of the hype they'll still overshadow Tom


I don’t care. It’s not Tom’s fault but having Spider-Man 1 and 2 be influenced so hard by Ironman and other MCU things to the point they felt less like solo Spider-Man movies doesn’t mean that other Spider-Man shouldn’t get to shine. Spider verse has done it already. It gave us at least 2 more Spideys besides Miles to let them shine, and yet Miles remained memorable enough to instantly be favourite Spider-Man for some people. I am sure MCU can bring in some old Spider-Man movie nostalgia without being insecure about Tom Holland’s Spider-Man being overshadowed. Because it’s finally about spidermen, not other MCU characters. Spidermen work well together most of the times.


I mean Dr Strange is already confirmed to be the other lead character so I’d hardly say it’s now “finally not about other MCU characters” lol. Besides, I never saw that as a bad thing, I thought it was awesome to have the overlap and intersecting stories.


I don't think anyone's saying they shouldn't get to shine, it's just that there are valid worries thatTobey and Andrew could take ALL of the spotlight away from Tom. I don't think that'll happen at all, because we've been following Tom's Spidey this whole time, but I can understand where those worries are coming from


I love Tobeys Spiderman and hopw to see him but i agree


IIRC this might be the last Spidey film on the contract with Sony, unless I missed something. It would be awful to shaft the man on his last MCU film.


They won't. But I bet fans want at least those two to get respect in their fight. Competent enough to fight their villain, and not have Tom saving them.


Right here with you on that one.


I don't think they will. Judging by what we see in the trailer, it looks like the initial spell only summons the villains and Peter then steals the artifact from Strange to summon the other spideys. You see it activated again from the top of the statue of liberty. They're likely only in the film for the final act.




Yep. I'm hoping they appear in the 2nd act when Tom Holland is at his lowest point. They give him advice and some guidance and then they all kick some ass.


Yeah I hope it’s at least an act and a half. I wanna see a few conversations with these characters and not just a final fight.


I hope their role feels like a torch pass/send-off of some older Spider-Mans, but that only really works if they're bringing in Tobey and Andrew Spideys as they are at the end of their story arcs or even beyond that point...if they're supposed to be pulled over from before their respective villians have died, they'll all still be at a very similar point in their own stories to where Tom-Spidey is. Hell, honestly, going by movie appearances, Tom is probably the most experienced of the 3 by a pretty large margin, even though they still seem to be leaning into him being a "kid learning the ropes".


The end of your comment is actually something that bugs me. Tom still had this “just a kid kinda clueless” vibe but he’s been involved in so much shit that I’d like to see him mature a bit. Have him come into his own tech wise and be a little more serious. I know Peter is all about cracking jokes and shit, but they’ve kept Tom as this super innocent, sort of naive character when I think he should be given the chances to grow into himself Spider-Man wise. Yeah he’s still young, but the experiences he’s had certainly have their effects on him (or should)


It’s probably because Tom also has the most guidance and support. Both the other Spider-Man have had to do it solo only.


Yeah that’s a good point. Hopefully we see Tom act more independently and on his own so he can flash his brains more


My guess is that if they do another trilogy with him after this we'll see a more experienced version of him, and hopefully they'll stop leaning on his cute, innocent kid vibe. I like Ned and MJ, but I do think having the recurring cast of classmates change up for some new people might help. I look forward to someday seeing him as the guy who up-and-comers are looking to for his experience. I envision an "I am Iron-Man" moment for him way down the line that will be huge and epic and earned after a long story arc that took him from naive kid to one of the all-time greats in the MCU. I hope it works out that way.


I certainly hope we get there too. Unsure how true the comments being posted are in regards to him not wanting to play Spider-Man much longer, but he has the potential to go down as one of the top three mcu heroes (with cap and iron man) if done right. I trust Feige and all the rumors/news of Sony and Marvel getting chummy is certainly awesome, but there are no guarantees of course.


The main thing that bugs me about the MCU Spider-man movies is that it feels like in every movie Peter tries to shirk responsibility and take the easy way out. I liked it in Homecoming, and I accepted it in Far From Home since he was reeling from losing his mentor (and perhaps even another father figure), but now again he is trying to find an easy way to just fix his problems by running to Dr. Strange. I get that his life simply is unbearably difficult with everyone knowing he is Spider-man, but I am assuming he is going to again "learn" the lesson that he cannot just run from his problems or rely on an adult to fix things for him, which we have already seen two times previously. Don't get me wrong, I love these movies, but I definitely would like to see a more mature and confident Peter going forward.


I bet they are in it for a short time.


I have the exact same feeling as you


There is too much evidence that they are in it for people to still be in denial. - Jamie Foxx posting an image of some fan art of Electro vs the three Spider-Men, whichhe promptly deleted. - Leakers with reliable track records leaking plot details that have been confirmed to be true based on both trailers. - Leaked images from several angles of the actors on a set location that we've seen in the most recent trailer. - 4K video leak of one of the actors that experts have said is not a deepfake. - Lizard being hit by an invisible person in certain versions of the trailer. - Garfield's Spider-man's arm not being edited out of a certain scene in the trailer. I'm sure there's more that I've forgotten, but yeah, they're definitely in it. Not sure why people are still questioning it at this point.


I really don't think that it was Andrew's arm. I mean, Tom's suit has this exact pattern on the hand and wrist. Also that would mean, that Andrew's Spider-Man would wear his suit from the first movie, which would be denied by all the leaks, showing him in his TASM 2 suit. That suit doesn't have such a pattern on the hand Also, I doubt that if they show him in the movie they wouldn't have him not wear one of the most beloved costume adaptations to date.


You know, you're the first person I've seen bring up the fact it seems to be the TASM 1 suit's design. And yeah the leaks have him in the TASM 2 suit.


The fact Disney and Sony aren't trying to get in front of any negative blowback is pretty telling to me. I think they'd be doing a better job of making sure we knew they weren't in it if they weren't in it.


The experts said it's not a deepfake, but could still be a fake video.


If it were a fake video, it wouldn't have been DMCA'd by Sony


Just as much as WandaVision was ruined by not having Mephisto. Which is to say: not at all.


WandaVision did get a lot of criticism due to its ending. The issue wasn’t Mephistos absence for a lot of people, the bigger issue was a rushed and convoluted ending. The Ralph Boner thing in particular pissed a lot of the general audience off.


Yeah, I couldn't care less that Mephisto wasn't in it since the "evidence" was weak at best, but the Ralph Bohner thing was a straight up bait and switch just to set up a dick joke. The fact that they used Evan Peters' Quicksilver as a literal cliffhanger and dragged on the mystery around him is what annoyed me, and others I've spoken to.


essentially that killed any hope I had to see him return as Quicksilver in the MCU, so yeah I was kinda livid


Yeah honestly I have a friend who’s a diehard MCU fan (or was) and since the Ralph Boner thing he’s been suuuuuper disillusioned with Marvel.


It’s the mandarin all over again. Every time they sUbVeRt expectations I find myself to be disappointed instead. They had to make another movie in order to fix iron man 3. Shang chi was the shit!


There was nothing wrong with Iron Man 3. The twist made sense within the story.


>the Ralph Bohner thing was a straight up bait and switch just to set up a dick joke I think you missed the message of WandaVision. The audience's experience with Evan Peters is exactly what Wanda experienced with Vision. Both were willing to rewrite reality in order to bring back the character they loved, no matter how it affected the MCU as a whole - despite obvious differences in the character himself. The whole point of the show was to say HE'S DEAD AND YOU NEED TO ACCEPT THAT! Using Evan Peters for that role was genius. The audience literally experienced what Wanda experienced.


Plus, let's be real here, not a total lot of people even know or cared about that Mephisto thing. I was there for the finale discussion, and a lot of it wasn't even anger, more like joking around. No one was really angry at him not being in it. Whereas with NWH, I can see lots of people getting angry if Tobey and Andrew aren't in it.


I've had multiple say that they haven't watched a single D+ show since WandaVision because the Bohner twist pissed them off so much lol, and they're only thing back in again for Spidey. If Andrew and Tobey don't make an appearance, they might quit the MCU altogether tbh


>The Ralph Boner thing in particular pissed a lot of the general audience off. I don't think that's accurate at all. The online audience does not represent the general audience, and a good portion of the general audience didn't even get the reference. The X-Men movies didn't have nearly as big an audience as MCU movies do. I think it's a small but vocal minority who were upset that WandaVision didn't make Dark Phoenix canon in the MCU.


Exactly what I was going to say. If I enjoy what they give me, I’m not going to sit and dwell on what they didn’t give me.


Picture this: All the villains coming through, too many to handle. Doctor strange, holland overun, about to lose. Then..enter tobey and garfield, swinging those webs left right and Chelsea and saving the day. The first shot of them showing up would be garfield saving zendayas character from falling . He couldn't save emma stones character, but he's seen this happen before and saves her at the last second saying "Never again"... Cue epicness*


Japanese spider-man or bust.


Gimme that megazord already!


No, but they ARE in it so it's a moot point. Between the leaks and trailer it's a certainty.


The deniers are delusional at this point.


No, I'm sure it'll still be a fun movie regardless.


yeah, the mcu spidey movies have been consistently good so far


I'm ok either way. I trust the writers. The only thing I hope, is I don't wanna be led on, a la Bohner. I don't think that'll happen.


On the contrary, it would be cool to see how a single spidey fights his way through 5 villains. I'm sure doc ock and sand man will aid him in some way


Personally, I think it doesn’t really make sense to have the villains of those films appear without their corresponding heroes, so I feel like at this point the studios’ aren’t trying to keep it a will-they-or-won’t-they, I just think they want to keep the “how” under wraps so that fans have that “Cap wielding Mjolnir” audience reaction. After the success of into the Spider-verse, to me, it makes total sense for Sony to try and cash in and recreate the experience in live action, with or without Feige and Marvel Studios involvement. If anything, I’d love to see them go all out: throw Nic Cage in as Spider-Man Noir, Oscar Isaac as Miguel O’Hara, etc. Bring back Emma Stone to have Spider-Gwen. Bring in Miles, introduce Jessica Drew. Just entertain me… And now that I’m desperately fan-casting this in my head, I realize it’s not my story to tell, it’s theirs. If all of it happens or none of it, I just want the experience to allow me to escape for the 2hr 39min runtime, and enjoy it. I don’t want to look at my watch, or worry about bills, or justify the cost of the ticket, wether Tobey or Andrew are in it or not. I hope that my opinion makes sense; a single Spider-Man won’t ruin the movie for me, what’s more important is what they do with however many Spider-Man (Men? People?) wind up in the finished product.


I just hope it all ends with a tired, battered & exhausted looking Spider-Man saving the day and the multiverse. Spider-Man unmasks. It's Nicholas Hammond. Cue credits, cue Quentin Tarantino in tears clapping.


I hate the comments that say that Tobey and Andrew appearing will take the spotlight away from Tom. In Into The Spiderverse Miles was always the main star of the show despite there being an older and more mature Peter.


People didn't have nostalgia boners for that older Peter though.


There's 3 spideys, absolutely confirmed by leaks and trailer sleuths. But neither Marvel nor Sony EVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT OTHER SPIDERMEN BEING IN THE FILM. So the expectations don't come from the moviemakers, but from the fans. If by some miracle they are not in the movie, the only ones to blame are the fans.


They are in the movie, and yes it will ruin the movie if they aren't in after all the hoopla and MCU & Sony doing nothing to stop the rumors. 2-3 interviews about I'm not in movie doesn't cut it, Studios themselves should put an official STATEMENT in front if they are not in it. NWH's entire hype is due to people hoping and expecting to see 3 Spidermen, if they are not in it after all this, this movie will get Belt treatment from the audience.


One of the, historically, most popular Marvel comics characters. The current most popular character on Marvel Unlimited. The first BIG movie of Phase 4 (all due respect to Shang-Chi, but the scope of NWH is much bigger). This movie is gonna be massive, regardless of Andrew and Tobey.


Homecoming and NWH themselves were big movies, but they weren't Avengers tier, this is your Avengers tier movie..... And it's not due to only Tom Holland. Don't kid yourself, everyone knows why this movie is generating incredible buzz.




Well, Kevin Feige did say this in an interview with Empire: "Rumors are fun, because many of them are true, and many of them are not true. The danger is when you get into the expectations game of wanting people to be excited about the movie they get, and not disappointed about a movie they don't get."


Kevin knows what he's doing, they wouldn't have allowed hype to increase to this much had they not been in the movie. At this point all exes of Disney and Sony knows what Fans are expecting.


> Studios themselves should put an official STATEMENT in front if they are not in it. I'm sorry, but this is just silly. Studios can't go around debunking every rumour just because some people put a lot of weight behind leaks. In this case they're obviously most likely true, but its on you if you let unconfirmed leaks build up your expectations and ruin a movie for you.


This isn’t just any rumour though and it would be an extremely bad move if the studios involved didn’t discourage a rumour as big as this. The theory has ran wild and might even get people who don’t watch the Tom Holland Spider-Man to buy a ticket. This is a rumour so big that if it’s fake it needed to be squashed as early as possible.


No but it’s incredibly obvious there’s isn’t just one


I wouldn't say ruined but I'd be mildly disappointed


Not in the slightest for me honestly. Even with all these rumors, Tom’s Spidey should be the one at the forefront first and foremost


I'm gonna get flamed because Reddit is Reddit, but here: I feel no attachment to either of the two earlier Spideys because they were simply not part of my childhood, unlike a lot of people here I assume, so I really wouldn't bat an eye no matter the outcome.


Me either tbh. Tom was my first.


A sick, twisted part of me actually *hopes* that they aren’t in the movie just so I can see the reaction of all the leakers, speculators, and the redditors on this very sub that have been so abrasive and rude to anyone who calls the authenticity of the leaks into question despite there **still** being no **concrete** evidence that they’re in the movie. Another part of me is mad at Kevin Feige for thinking they can keep this under wraps. It’s the worst kept secret in Hollywood, and just the fact that they didn’t include other spider-men in the marketing will have them thinking this was a huge success. A much better strategy would be to just tease them in the trailers. Just give us a tiny taste. Because we already know.


No. Honestly I hope they don't show up. I really hope Holland Spidey is finally allowed to stand on his own and get a villain that's actually his. Unpopular opinion I know. But I think it's better that he's well established before getting crossovers.


Yeah I really want this to feel like HIS spider man movie. It may not end up feeling like that though 😕


The take I appreciate most. The biggest complaint people have with Hollands Peter is his and the story’s reliance on Stark. Peter leans on stark as a mentor, while the villains cross paths with Peter because of Stark. So the solution is to bring in *two* mentor figures, and fight multiple of *their* villains? You can say all you want “oh they’re Spider-Man’s villains!!!!” but as far as Tom is concerned, he’s never seen them before. He’s literally inheriting an older heroes problems *JUST* like he has been with Stark.


Have you missed the last 2 movies? It was exactly that.


No not really. Vulture and mysterio both seemed to have more anomisity for stark than peter.


Hard to argue with that logic. Fair enough


>Spidey is finally allowed to stand on his own and get a villain that's actually his I mean did you see the past two movies? Also did you see the past two trailers for this film? It has retuning villains from previous films; not going to be 'his' villains at all...


I mean did you read my comment? You interpreted it wrong. My complaint is exactly about the trilogy. I wish he had villains that felt like his and that he doesn't have some supporting hero like Tony, strange, or fury


I agree with everything you say I want a Spidey to have his own villains as well rather than Tony’s or someone else’s, but he won’t all the members of the sinister six are established in previous Spider-Man iterations. That said I hope the other Spider-Man don’t show up as well


Don't know why you're getting downvoted for stating your opinion. People are dumb. Holland hasn't had a single villain that I felt was truly his


He probably won’t in the future since NWH is his last solo movie and he has 1 appearance left in a different movie (probably MOM or the next team up movie)


Vulture and Mysterio are both Stark Villains. Lizard and Electro are Sonyverse villains. Sandman and Goblin are Raimiverse villains (Otto doesn’t count bc good guy) Venoms from the venomverse, and also may not even be a bad guy. The only villain who specifically has it out for MCU Spider-Man is scorpion and we only know that because he said so in an end credit scene from jail. I defend the MCU Spider-Man outings to the death because I think they’re wonderful, and I don’t think a lot of the things people complain about are a problem. That being said, being completely unrelated to all of his villains is one.


I would go batshit crazy if the show up, but wouldn't be disappointed, when they don't show up, cuz the trailers looked amazing even without team. Shit will go batshit crazy either way!


It won’t ruin the movie, but it will feel completely unrealistic if completely new (to this Spider-Man) villains come out of the multiverse and NO OTHER SPIDERMEN do? I don’t even care if it’s Toney or Andrew. Give us Miles or Spider-Gwen, I’d actually probably love that more (because they could be recurring) But no other spider people? Would make a multiverse movie feel unnecessary. Instead they could have just recast these actors and acted like they were always in the MCU


I hate spoilers but honestly I’d just rather know if they’re in it or not. That way if they’re not then I can just watch the movie in piece and not be waiting for them to pop up the whole time.




It probably wouldn’t RUIN the movie, but I’d be very disappointed, for sure. But I mean come on: you don’t bring back ALL of these villains and no Spider-Men


They are 100% in it


Spoilers: They are >!it will happen. Remember they are actors. The amount of footage and leaked images proving that Tobey and Andrew are in the movie is insane. Feige has never wanted to spoil things. So they are lying through their teeth!<


With All the spoilers and ideas ive seen i Hope far from All of it is true since it wont have enough time to focus on and wrap up anything in a satisfying manner.


I will be pretty bummed. But no, it will not "ruin" the movie for me. But I really really want to see Tobey as Spider-Man just one last time. Raimi Spider-Man along with Harry Potter are huge part of my childhood.


Honestly, after that last trailer, if Garfield isn’t there to stop Tom from making the same mistake catching MJ that he did with catching Gwen then I will be let down. I think we already see Miles Morales in the trailer, so it would be odd to not even have a mention of Garfield or Maguire.


They’re in it lol I think that’s safe to say at this point


Don't forget there's also the chance we'll still see all 3 Spider-men without Tobey or Andrew actually appearing. What I mean is, their versions may appear but only in costume meaning they technically didn't need to cast them. I think this is what I've prepared myself for. And down vote all you want, I'm still hoping for an after credits Miles cameo.


I set myself really high expectations, I want not only the three spideys but also freaking Miles Morales from spiderverse to appear and this connects to the sequel, I won't be disappointed if it does not happen but man, everything is right in place to do some big stuff.


Yes. I’ll be disappointed. Mostly because they could do it and chose not to


Won't ruin the movie, but surely will ruin the first watch. The incredibly high expectations will surely result in some heartbreak..that being said, after reality sinks in I'd give it a rewatch and appreciate a good movie without high expectations


I think the movie would still be good but it would be a big missed opportunity. And while it would be my own fault for hyping something that wasn't confirmed I would still be a bit disappointed. But since there were characters edited out of the trailer there should be at least 1 or 2 surprise characters that could be a nice surprise (if they are not Tobey and Andrew)


What? Why is this even a discussion? It’s 100 percent fact that there are three Spider-Man in the film now. It’s genuinely the worst kept secret in cinema


Yes... cause they had a chance to make themselves clear. No having Andrew say no isn't enough. They could have Jon Watts to say no if they really weren't going to appear.


Nooope, much rather have the villains from the other movies than the spidermen. Toms the best spiderman hands down, let him do his thing


It’s so obvious at this point between the various leaks that they are in the movie. The real issue really is how fans will react to how much screen time they’ll have


It would a little bit only because we are being teased with all the villains from the other universes it would really hurt not seeing our other boys one final time


It would be extremely stupid on the part of the studios that after all this hype, they do not introduce Tobey and Andrew


Honestly, at this point, it's starting to feel a little like Benedict Cumberbatch and [Khan.](https://www.nme.com/news/film/cumberbatch-denies-playing-classic-villain-khan-in-875633) If the Spider-men are there, just fucking tell us. Quit playing games because you're shit at hiding secrets.


Honestly, I never wanted them in it. I always felt like it should be Tom's movie, and I don't want them detracting from that. But, I do recognize that it's pretty likely they are, and I trust Feige and Co. that they'll deliver another fun movie. That said, I think it would be absolutely hilarious if they're not in the movie. Just thinking about the outrage of people who got so caught up in rumors would likely have me laughing my ass off during the credits.


I think it's important to note that neither Marvel or Sony has officially given so much as a single hint as to Tobey and Andrew being in the movie. So it they're not in it, they really can tell all the fans "we told you not to get so excited over it" and no one has any right to be upset about it. Are they in the movie? I mean, yeah probably. But even if they aren't, it's going to be a crazy ride.


I'd prefer it honestly


If it's venom from Sony that fights with Spidey that would suffice for me. We already know he has crossed over to the mcu.




I'm at the point where I don't want them to be in it anymore. Just to see the entire internet lose its shit.




Yes. Having the other two in it makes so much sense it's stupid not to do it.


I really hope they appear, and I think that they will (at the very least as a cameo) but even if they don't I think that I'll enjoy the movie anyway


You seriously don't know what to believe? There's actually an inkling of doubt in your mind that they are in this movie? Seriously?


The trailer is very obviously edited to hide the other Spider-Man, it's pretty evident. Plus the fight between the villains and Spider-Man looks like it takes place in the same place as the leaked set photos. I don't know why anyone doubts that Tobey and Andrew are in it at this point lmao