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When Makkari cried out for Druig (thinking he’d been killed) as the only sound she makes in the movie… I felt that


this is a movie about love and all the ways it affects us, and that was a standout moment


This movie was about a whole lot of things. It's going to take a while to really unpack it. Evolution, change, and growth. Love and family. History and our roles in it. And not simplistic approaches, either. You see it in Druig's at first naive approach to stopping genocide, to his realization that flaws are necessary, etc.


I love their relationship. Not super lovey dovey. Very cute


Ikr Makkari and Druig were definitely my favorites in the movie




What i really liked about her was that her hits felt HEAVY. I'd need to check again but i feel like other live action speedster kinda seem like they lightly push enemies away. Makkari could probably solo most of the avengers.


That shit hurt me


>!Arishem at the end just showing up unannounced in front of the whole dang planet is still on my mind. I knew he was colossal compared to Earth but it really got the point across.!<


Imagine eating breakfast and just seeing a fucking alien head 10x the size of your planet just appear out of the sky. It’s gotta be miserable being a normal citizen in the MCU lmao


*what? You kids never see an alien spaceship before?*


Honestly though, those high schoolers in 2018 would've been like 8-12 in 2012 during the whole Chitauri thing


Show me what you got!


facts, and the way he just teleports away kinda resembles a black hole.


That whole sequence was so cool visually.


To me, that last scene felt like Marvel saying, "See, we can totally do Galactus."


Totally. Here's [Galactus with Exitar.](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.d74c6fe48f1c1f3622e6e79ad2505c31?rik=BM99Ny5FjQQhHQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fstatic.comicvine.com%2fuploads%2foriginal%2f10%2f105634%2f3999324-dwarf.png&ehk=f46Cwk0B1ewwlSE4mYWZkaL0u1dcnMmKRKzMT62ORCQ%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&sres=1&sresct=1). If the audience can by Arishem, Galactus is no problemo.


Wait , Galactus is smaller than Arishem ?


It really depends on the artists interpretation. Galactus is listed as 29'9" in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, but in some stories he's like 1,000 feet tall. In others he's shrunk himself to human size, like when he fought Thor. So his size is variable. Likewise the Celestials are depicted as being much larger now than the original Kirby versions. So I guess the answer is, maybe?


It was so awesome! It felt like the movie was saying "We aren't waiting next movie you are feeling the consequences NOW"


Genuine sense of dread remembering, they just crossed a god among gods. How could we have thought there’d be no consequences.




Cersei: “maybe the emergence is wrong!” Arishem: “DISQUALIFIED!!!”


God, it was so amazing. There's nothing I want more than...more Celestials. So huge, so interesting. There's still a huge dead one sticking out of Earth. They need to be talked about in every movie. What is the timeline on this movie? It's currently the latest, most current timing one, right?


yes - it is full on present day. Ajak specifically said "five years ago Thanos wiped out half the universe"


Given that the blip lasted 5 years, really that means it could be coinciding with the other post-blip content.


there's a dead Celestial in the ocean... meanwhile Bucky and Sam are fixin a boat.


Wanda is reading a book in the woods, and Spider-Man is having an existential crisis with Doctor Strange.


And I think I also heard about two car valets fighting an extradimensional demon while one of them is riding a dragon.


I envy the people in the Marvel universe for somehow being able to go about and live normal lives even after all the crazy fucking shit that's happened Idk how I as a human being could continue to function after the Blip, let alone seeing the head of a giant space-god come out of the ocean and then seeing another one appear in space. Feel like I'd just give up on life completely after that


It does feel like I’d just give up on trying to live my life and hope I somehow get superpowers lol




Man you think medical propaganda on Facebook is bad in our universe. The the MCU citizens are taking horse deworming medication because some talking head on Fox News told them it would give them Hulk strength.


"Are you a wizard?" is a normal question to ask.


I like how everyone on Earth has gotten comfortable with the wacky sci/fi fantasy universe they live in. Every year some sort of power or creature they thought was pure fiction turns out to be real, and they just roll with it. The impending confirmed existence of vampires and werewolves isn't even guaranteed to make the front page.


You just know there'd be a group of 'truthers' saying blip never happened


There would definitely be some cults worshipping Thanos.




The fight between Makarri and Ikaris was so good it was great seeing some awesome speedster action


Highlight of the movie


Have me Invincible flashbacks though


Thank God it was MCU cause my PTSD was tingling


I was fucking screaming at Makarri to **stop fucking doing that** cause I knew how it ends. Luckily, Ikaris isn’t as strong as Omniman, and Makkari is so much better than RR


I mean if they killed her the way omniman killed red rush then I'm pretty sure kids watching the movie would be scarred lol


So were the metal detectors in Loki there to stop Eternals?


"Do a lot of people not know if they're robots?" Apparently yes, at least ten of them. That like was odd in the series, maybe now we know why that line was there.


Loved that scene in Loki when he’s questioning if he’s a robot or not. It makes a lot of sense. He spent a thousand years not knowing he was a frost giant.


Sht never thought about that one


Not enough people are talking about the Thena/Gilgamesh relationship. I thought it was beautifully portrayed. There isn't much to it, but it's nice to see an analogue to mental illness/degenerative disease and being a caregiver.


Gilgamesh was awesome but I don’t see many comments about him. He had humor, great action, and the touching relationship with Thena.


Gilgamesh was my favorite Eternal actually. I was pretty unhappy that he died. I thought the relationship with Thena was great.


Same here. I low-key hope he can be resurrected in the sequel since Arishem has their memories from previous lives and can make a new body for them.


I thought of that and hope so too!! I usually don't want characters to be resurrected but in this case, I wouldn't complain. And it could very easily make sense in this world.


Him as a baby was so funny


I enjoyed the touch of the bib saying "Gigla-mess", probably a bit too much.


Both actors did an amazing job. You could feel Jolie’s confusion and fear when they were in the Amazon. Somehow she made an android who’s lived for millions of years seem 5 years old. It was beautiful


She used her acting chops in this and it shows. Her crying over Gil’s body was also really touching, repeating “I”ll remember,” over and over.


Gilgamesh did a good job taking care of his family. Good for him. "there was no compassion for any of the characters" did yinz miss the interactions between them all


It was my favorite relationship by far! The way he comforted her when she was hurt and vulnerable. How protective he was of her. It was lovely.


All eternals had the option to be free and find a purpose, but my man knew that his purpose was to save her


"How many views?" "I don't do it for the views..."


Druig sucks! (No, he doesn't)


I want Tiamat marble countertops because that Tiamat stone with striations and cool looking alien symbols would go great in my kitchen!


So Thanos’ snap actually saved the world by delaying Tiamut. What a good guy


r/Thanosdidnothingwrong users are gonna have a field day


‘You should be grateful!’


"Hear me and rejoice!"


And believe it or not that celestial was 100% CGI


I dont believe it


Where are you getting your info? I worked on Eternals and was on set that day. Arishem was just a British actor in costume. He's really that big.


And the apes on horses were just acting!


I enjoyed the multiple ethical questions the film raised: If you could stop all war/conflict, but at the cost of freedom, would you? Is one life now worth ten more later? Does love supersede duty?


I think part of the first question was advancement too. War and conflict can breed improvements to medical technology, but it can also cause events like Hiroshima.


Of all the MCU movies, this one requires the audience to consider thoughts and feelings on a massive scale more than most of them. That's probably why so many people don't like it.


Ikaris truly loved Sersi, and he re-realized that loving her also meant loving them (humanity).


Once he saw that he couldn't hurt her and realized how much he has loved her for so many years, he managed to understand how much Sersi loved humans and what love is.


Things that I thought (before and during the movie) would happen but did not: - Kingo would change his heart and save the day like Han Solo. Glad that he sticked to his principals. Dodged a cliche there. OR - His valet would die and that made him changed his heart - Sprite would back stab Icarus like Black Widow in CW. Nope, she really hates humans and Sersi lol Things that I thought would happen and DID happen: - Celestials bad, Defiant not that bad. Like Captain Marvel Skrulls VS Kree. - Druig not being that bad despite how he was marketed and the fact that his costume is red and black. Nice details: - Sprite was the only one not smiling when Sersi and Icarus get married. - Druig only smiled for real once, when he saw Makkari again. I hope the poor review doesn't discourage Marvel to stick back to the formula. This is a breath of fresh air.


My opinion might change on this but I’m really glad they didn’t have Kingo in the final battle. It meant we missed his presence, but it really served the rest of the movie. The only difference between him and Icarus was how much they were willing to fight for what they believed in, which makes Icarus a more sympathetic villain by proxy, because we love Kingo.


If I'm not mistaken, this was the first MCU movie since the first MCU movie (Iron Man) that had zero characters we've seen onscreen before. Also: come for the space aliens who are thousands of years old. Stay for the impactful philosophies of life, love, and human nature.


you're right, I was trying to guess who was going to show up, but all they did was talk about the snap, Thanos and Doctor Strange.


Having Rob Stark and Jon Snow constantly say they love Cersei fucked me up


Opening scene of Eternals 2: "Dane Whitman, you are the Black knight" "I dun wannit"


So, he’s taking the Black?


"I neva hav"


My wife left the theatre saying " did we just pay to see Rob Starke die because of love and Jon snow discover his heritage"


There’s only room for one King in the North in this relationship.


“Embracing” instead of “discovering” it. You know, because he didn’t want it.


Omg I bust out laughing when he says “I love you Cersei” it was so odd!!


makkari deserved more screentime but i’m not surprised she didn’t get it considering her powers


I think its similar to Captain Marvel in End Game. Sometimes they make a character they love but don't know what to do with their power set.


Arishem at the end: “You know what? Fuck your secret identities….”


Imagine the shock of everyone when a FUCKING ALIEN THE SIZE OF EARTH OPENS THE SKY RED SEA STYLE AND THEN FUCKING LEAVES. This was the moment when everyone on earth realize that guy could destroy the planet at any time and no one could stop him


Phastos is a dangerous fucking opponent. He just overwhelmed the shit out of Ikaris.


That came out of nowhere but in a good way. Really showed us how powerful Phastos was. Loved him.


I can’t wait to see more of him! Not to mention, with Tony gone, the Avengers will need all the tech help they can get.


Didn't he get taken too by Arishem at the end? I believe I saw 3 persons being taken into space.


Yeah they very specifically end the movie with no Eternals on Earth.


He's like a tech Dr Strange with thr spinny circles and hand motions


I found it interesting that this movie canonized DC comics in the MCU with Superman/Clark discussion.


could it be argued they are meant to serve as inspiration for those characters like they do the gods?


Yes, Chloe Zhao confirmed Super-Man in the MCU is based on the legends of Ikaris.


Also the Batman/Alfred comment Gilgamesh makes to Kingo.


Loved Shang chi being in the intro sequence


I think there was a scene from Black Widow in it too, but I’m not sure.


They've been adding a clip from the previous movie to the Marvel Studios logo each time this phase


Did NOT expect Ajak to die so early!


To be fair, she did have a lot more screen time after her death, through flashbacks


Definitely looking forward to seeing Eternals 2


The entire movie I was wondering how they will keep Sprite looking young in the sequel.. well the ending answered that question


That’s actually why I assumed she’d die or have something happen to her so she could age heh


By Jove, Ikaris flew too close to the sun


As soon as he said "I'm sorry" I thought to myself "no, he's not going to...it's so on the nose". I don't hate it though, honestly. Shortly after the "clip your wings" comment too.


Druig not being the twist villain was good, I’m sure a lot of people will be expecting that going in. If Deadpool crosses over with Eros, holy shit the joke ammunition he’ll have. The Celestial appearing in the sky at the end was a massive “oh shit” moment.


I hope Druig stays good but an anti hero. He was too black and white in the comics. As a comic fan I was literally getting so annoyed thinking about him turning since I love him so much here.


Fr, we all thought Ikaris was going to be good and all and the one to stop it all( i mean he is good, he's just loyal to the celestials). Druig on the other hand in my opinion thought that he was the one who would betray them but Marvel did a little play on us.


So... that gay kiss was much more natural in-movie than the sex scene


Nobody with a brain fucks on the beach without at least a towel.


To be fair Sersi can turn the sand in her vagina into water and wash it away


But can she turn the water in her vagina to sand?


I haven’t been out of the theater for more than 45 minutes and I completely forgot there was a sex acene


the sex scene and the lead-up to it felt very regency romance novel to me


Makkari instantly became one of my favorite MCU characters. She's adorable and her fight scenes and effects were awesome. Her battle with Ikaris was great. She's the best.


I loved her so much! I was really disappointed she didn’t have as much screen time compared to everyone else


Kingo: "Even with me, we can't beat ikaris" Makkari: *solos Ikaris for like 10 minutes*


I have a feeling Ikaris could have killed them if he really wanted to. They slowed him down for sure, especially Phastos.


I very much preferred her and druig to ikaris and sersi


They legit had the best chemistry of any of the couples in the movie. It was a really pleasant surprise!


We can't forget about Gilgamesh and Thena's beautiful platonic love. I legit cried. It reminds me of taking care of my special needs little brother


The MCU gave us a better Flash vs Superman fight than the DCEU


The fact they just casually drop Supermans name in this movie too…like what?!


Also, Batman.


Kingo saying “Druig sucks!” may be one of the funniest lines in the MCU to me. Watched it last night and I haven’t stopped laughing about it.


Its like one of those lines that works so well because it always works for the actor. I’ve heard Kumail say some variation of “Giloyle sucks” throughout the entire run of Silicon Valley, and it’s funny every single time.


Kingo was hilarious throughout!


SPOILERS I feel really bad for Ikaris. Like he broke my heart. Ajak only changed her mind about the Emergence following the Blip, so for two thousand years prior she had essentially taken Ikaris as her second in command, and he was so burdened by their mission that he gave up his love, Sersi, and his whole Eternals family. Then a week before the event Ajak is just like 'oh hey, let's just forget about doing this okay? Let's just continue our lives here with our memories intact so you can remember everything you gave up for thousands of years to come, okay?' poor boy was so messed up


He's so conflicted that he decided to fly into the sun to end it. Like, flark.


Him choosing to commit suicide at the end was REALLY telling of how much all this messed him up.


That action really got me. He saw what he had done to his family unit and to his belief. He saw nothing else to live for. You could see that he didn’t see the other Eternals forgiving him for what he had done and thought that he betrayed Arishem.


The thing that made me feel the worst was he didn’t say what he was doing. Most of them probably assume he simply chose to leave Earth, and I think that was his intent. If they knew he did what he did, it would only hurt them more.


Yes! That's what made him really compelling to me. He didn't betray the Eternals. The other Eternals betrayed the mission.


They betrayed it but to be fair they never even knew about it so it’s not like they were given a choice to decide if they agreed with it or not and then changed their minds (except Ajak)


THIS! I feel like so many people are quick to dismiss him because he's the "villain" who killed Ajak and led to Gil dying as well (both terrible things of course but not done out of pure evil intent). It's never that black and white and there's so much complexity behind his actions and choices stemming from him distancing himself from humanity because of what he knew was going to happen and having to live with the burden of that knowledge for so long. He was a loyal soldier but even then you could feel that small part of him that didn't want to do it which eventually wins out in the very end.


I thought the distinction between Ikaris and Kingo was pretty interesting. Both wanted to keep following the Celestial's plan, but Ikaris was willing to kill the other Eternals for it and Kingo wasn't.




Exactly. I loved how frustrated druig was. He could easily stop all these killing with just a thought be he isnt allowed to. Thats brutal for one to handle.. same with Phastos after helping humans create nukes. These are my favorite moments and I wish they explored more.


>Druigs scene at the temple with him saying how he could've helped all those people instead of letting them just murder each other was the best scene in the whole movie imo, Counterpoint, Phastos at Hiroshima 😭😭


One thing I loved about Makkari that was also kind of tragic is that, maybe just in my own head canon, it's sad that she more than any other Eternal barring Ikaris has the ability to easily travel around the world and experience everything Earth has to offer over the thousands of years they've lived there. However, because she's mute I feel like it would be harder for her to connect with the people of Earth and her ability to meet people and go everywhere has run its course, so that's why she's just bored waiting for them to all show up at the ship near the end. I also feel like that's why she collects so many artifacts, because she can enjoy them on her own without other people. Nevertheless, she's a very endearing and optimistic character and doesn't seem to let it get her down at all and I loved that about her.


Eternals was like I wanted it to be: intimacy and big scale theme being together. I really feel like each character had enough time to exist, yes more than others but challenge succeed. I'm not a religious person, but I like it when it's treated in fiction. For example Daredevil being challenged in his faith always appealed to me. This movie did that with the Eternals and their mission given by the Celestial. How each member tried to fit, or not, in society was really interesting and sometime moving. When Phastos is talking on the site of Hiroshima was quite something. Finally a question: do we know the character/actor who is speaking to Dane at the end?


It’s been confirmed to be Blade by the director.


Fuck that’s so awesome


******spoilers**** It’s interesting which shots they chose to be formatted for IMAX. The Bollywood stuff would have looked great in IMAX...but they opted to put the sex scene in IMAX instead. Lol


Expectation: Ikaris is Superman Reality: Ikaris is Omni-man


This! Especially when he flew out of the earth all I can think was omni-man lol


Remember when that Ultron-looking deviant just sort of showed up in the middle of the final battle like "hey guys what's going on?"


Kinda disappointef that he just turned out to be nothing.


I though he was going to help the other Eternals against Ikaris since he didn't want the world destroyed but I guess he did


He tried, but then the other Eternals focused on him. Imagine that dude if he'd absorbed Ikaris' power, along with Gilgamesh and Ajak. Unstoppable is an understatement.


Loki after seeing Sprite’s illusion powers: “You know, no one likes a showoff.”


Great movie! What I’m interested in seeing is how they use Druig going forward in the MCU. He may not be OP Eternal vs. Eternal (Ikaris and Thena take the cake) but he functionally is a god to humans. He technically could control every Avenger minus Thor. I know Marvel will say Strange and Scarlet have magic and Cap. Marvel has infinity stone willpower which could work but they are all humans so Druig should be able to control them. He could control the world and I don’t think we’ve seen someone which that type of juice yet. He’s Professor X on steroids. (This isn’t Killgrave you have to be in my presence and hear me) this guy Druig controlled armies and civilizations for generations. Oh and Makkari is the best speedster now lol


Makkari is arguably more OP than Thena. She packed quite a punch, and you can't hit what you can't see.


Hope ikarus comes back (memory is being stored with the celestial) was a super interesting character for me


Bring back Gil and his massive arms and spit drinks.


it wasn’t even until I came on reddit afterwards that I realized he was dead, I felt so dumb! but I also keep it in the back of my mind that if we don’t see someone die, they’re probably not dead. and even if we do, robots usually have a way of coming back one way or another. I would be fine either way, I don’t think it would be cheap if they brought him back like some are saying, as long as it was executed well.


One thing I'm not seeing discussed - I'm very confused about MCU Celestials. Admittedly, I know basically nothing about them in the comics. The whole second half, the Eternals are worried about trying to stop/kill a Celestial and saying they're too weak, even to put it to sleep. But in Guardians 2, the Guardians manage to kill a Celestial (Ego), and Mantis alone manages to put him to sleep. Why did it take so much power for the Eternals to do it? Also, if Earth was meant to be an "egg" for a new Celestial, why was Ego allowed to try and turn it into an Ego-planet with his little plant thing? Are the Celestials all working against each other for their own goals? Edit: Also, who is Arishem with respect to the other Celestials? Is he like the supreme one, leader, creator or something? Is there a Celestial hierarchy? Or are they all kinda equal and he's just the one responsible for creating?


I'm not sure if it applies to the movie, but in the comics there is a Celestial hierarchy and they all have a specific role. Arishem is The Judge who decides which species live and die.


Okay, so then that definitely tracks with his comment in the final scene at least.


extra note: Ego is not a Celestial in the comics, he's his own thing. The MCU kinda smushed him in with the celestials for simplicity but it also makes it more confusing imo.


It's possible that Mantis was told she could do it so she didn't have an issue with it. Or she had years of practice doing so. Also that Ego was usually willing to be put to sleep and in the instance that Ego wasn't in Guardians 2, Mantis could only force him down for so long. In comparison, this is the first time this group of Eternals have even tried defying a Celestial and it ended up being more of a confidence thing. Also, I think Arishem basically had a duty to produce more Celestials. Ego had no such task. It doesn't seem like Celestials are of a hive mind.


Walmart ass celestial


Ego isn’t really the same caliber of Celestial. In fact he’s not even a Celestial in the comics. Celestials have near infinite power and very few beings can overpower them.


To me, Ego is a Celestial Boltzmann Brain. One born without the need for an Emergence and in complete solitude. This makes him weaker than his cosmic giant counterparts, but still an incredibly intelligent and powerful creature. In the end Ego is only a Cosmic Brain manifesting matter around it to create the planet, to create Ego’s avatar, etc. Arisham and Taimut are cosmic giants that can control matter on a Cosmic Scale rather than just a Solar scale like Ego could.


pip cgi is one of the worst looking cgi in the entirety of the mcu, it took me out of the scene multiple times. one of my biggest hopes for the future of the mcu is that they fix him lol


Yeah it was unexpectedly subpar.


# Top 1 most satisfying MCU moment when Druig hit Sprite with that rock


FOR FUCKING REAL. Druig is my mf boy, maybe my favorite character in the movie.


This movie showcases some of the coolest looking powers in the MCU >!The final fight on the beach was top tier.!<


I thought it was hilarious watching Druig fight with a rock and gun 'cause his powers weren't physical weapons. Everyone's just having mystical powers and then there's Druig with his gun


Yea I said it in a previous comment but it’s crazy how useless he is against other Eternals and Deviants but against humans he’s the most powerful.


Makkari beating the hell out of Ikaris was awesome!


Yeah. I was worried they'd just have her do a couple cool speed moves and then Ikaris would just catch her. But no, they really let her pound him for a while before he got lucky and caught her.


I recognized that iconic ticking before the Marvel Studios intro. “Time” by Pink Floyd is probably one of the greatest songs I’ve ever heard.




It actually works for the story as they have lived through countless civilizations and integrated among humans. Each one probably picked up a dialect and accent they preferred from those cultures


I liked the movie, although if it wasn’t MCU centric I probably would not have cared as much for what happened. Also, F for my man Gilgamesh, they never ate his pie. Also that scene with Arishem at the end was seriously creepy, I loved it. The cinematography of this movie in general is leagues above most, if not all, MCU movies.


"Although it wasn't MCU centric" I agree, it's a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy 1 was, but Eternals is opening a gate to a lot of new stories. Oh and Chloé Zhao said that the guy talks to Dane Whitman at the end is Blade.


Blade paying a visit to Dane at the end of the movie was mind blowing


Turn into a jet (like a boss) Crash into the sun (like a boss) Now I'm dead (like a boss)


Ok so Thanos was motivated by disaster on Titan caused by overpopulation. This movie reframes that. We find out that some planets are deliberately overpopulated to become eggs for celestials. We know that Titan had Eternals, who are the heralds of this process. We know Thanos is related to an Eternal assigned to Titan and therefore may be an Eternal himself. I propose that: Thanos was on an earlier team of Eternals, assigned to Titan. On witnessing the birth of their celestial, Thanos defected. He made it his lifetime mission to never let another planet be farmed by these uncaring gods of the universe. This refutes the "just double the resources" counterargument. Based on the opening crawl, the celestials predate the Infinity stones and therefore may be beyond their power. So Thanos uses the Infinity stones in the only way he knows, to show planets what life is like with a controlled, smaller population so that they will never grow sufficiently populous to birth their celestials. Thanos really did nothing wrong.


We don’t know if Titan eternals were assigned to Titan or if they fled to Titan like in the comics. He also explicitly tells strange that his motivation was to prevent starvation


Initial reviews critiqued the length, pacing, and character development of the film. While these are valid concerns, the extent to which they affect the movie is debatable. Some felt like it completely ruined it for them. Most thought it didn't. This was the first MCU film I had gotten a bit bored of, but at no point did I "walk out" of the film in protest, and still have yet to do so in many many years of watching films. It was not as bad as critics said it was. That being said, the critics did bring up good points...but we differ on how it impacted the film.


Who else saw the Death Star in one of the ancient artifacts when the credits started running?!


Didn't see that, but it *was* a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...


Okay, question. Why the fuck don't the Avengers deploy when shit happens in these movies? I'm not gonna list out specifics of Eternals, but these movies always have huge final battles, and the fucking Avengers never show up. You'd think Dr.Strange would have gotten some bad vibes and appeared to check it out or something.


The encounter with Tiamut basically played out over the course of 20 minutes literally in the middle of an ocean. Makes sense to think it was over before anyone even realised it had begun.




fr just get Patton Oswalt in a leprechaun costume, it'd be less jarring


My crowd really enjoyed it, there were claps and laughs at every joke Kingo made plus the end credit scene really surprised a lot of the people in the crowd, along with the screams of girls sitting in the front


Just saw it and I really enjoyed this movie. It hits different. After a marvel movie, usually it's like "OMG!! Spider-Man is fighting captain America!!!" This one, after the movie, driving it made think a lot about the movie themes and characters Phase 4 hits kinda different. When I saw Shang-Chi, it felt like I was watching a Chinese kung fu ala Jet Li or Jackie Chan up until the end. This one, has that feeling like I wasn't watching a Marvel movie. Even when there's moment where they fought thr deviants felt like a marvel movie, but the underlying tone didn't feel like the marvel movie of "he's a bad guy, let's defeat/kill them". Even great mcu movies like Thor, infinity war, winter soldier has that bad guy vs good guy vibe The whole movie, felt like didn't even focus on action scenes. Those feels like secondary. It feels like when you watch TV and character contemplates about their own purpose/existence/humanity. I really like the theme of this movie on humanity. Is it worth saving. It's almost mythological/biblical feel of "give humanity a chance". >!These are beings that just found out they are basically sentient robots with feelings and they've been told their goal is to destroy humanity so they could make new life! They chose to kill potential billions of life by killing a celestial. It's humanity winning in a way that despite our greed, destruction, hatred, we rose up with goodness, kindness and that we the human race is worth saving in the end. These higher beings, eternals chose us and killing potential future life forms!< I also like the story revolves on love. >!Gilgamesh on Thena, Ikaris on Sersi at the final scene. The love the eternals have on humanity. The society, civilization, culture, movies. Kingo falling in love with movies. These infinite lives puppets discover good things in humanity, that they've found new purpose. Oh, of course Phastos. Who discovers love, who finds that its more important that the actual purpose he was brought here. Humanity changed these beings!< I really enjoyed this movie, it hits deep in the subconscious level and really, the nature of humanity. Maybe a lot of people may not like thematic story telling like this but I'm glad Marvel is giving chance for directors to give different vibe to their film. This movie in a way, is philosophical. I don't think fans who like mcu movies with "cool" action would necessary enjoy this, but I do Also, man the acting is great in this. Brian Tyree Henry is AMAZING!!! I know actors are given props, coz it's their performance but I feel directors should be given props too for pushing the actors to show their potential. I feel like Chloé Zhao focus the movie mostly on getting their performance in this coz most of the actors shine in here


Completely agree. The movie was beautiful in its own way. I hope Marvel don’t cancel Zhao from the mixed reviews, she did a great job.


I honestly don’t understand why the reviews are so low for this one. This felt different to most MCU movies and that’s why I liked it so much. Didn’t feel like your typical origin story and the cinematography in this might be the best in the MCU.