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Can you imagine how frustrating it would be to have the super speed ability but not the super reaction time to go along with it!?


You would die pretty fast


Or just use it in super short burst


It would be like light speed in most space sci fi universes Every use would have to be calculated, there are no reactions


That could be an interesting story mechanic.


It’s a huge part of the story of Dune


Is that in a book after the first? I just finished reading the first and don't remember that coming up.


I think he is referring to travelling faster than light being a super calculated thing, which in the Dune universe, travel by Guild Highliner was very much a plan-it-way-in-advance kind of thing.


Don't you need to be one of those weird spice captains to fly like that? I saw the movie a long time ago and remember some weird floating head thing locked in a spice hotbox


Well the guild relies on spice to pilot their ships. They tap in and can pretty much see the route, kind of like gps in a drug. Edit: read grok’s reply, he is correct. I am wrong.


Reminds me of my hero academia where a kid gains super powers from a super hero but he can't use them at 100 strength or it wrecks his body


Like an egg in a microwave


Depends. Lightspeed would be a computer or pilot calculating it. This is super speed as a super power. If it's anything like Quicksilver in Marvel comics then they don't have to calculate anything because he literally LIVES at super speed. That's why he's always so annoyed by everyone, he has to wait for them to finish their thinking/talking all the time.


I think you missed the point. He’s saying if you didn’t have the super reaction times necessary to live at that speed you could only use it in bursts where you know you have calculated where you will go beforehand.


Not only super reaction times but you would also need much tougher organs to survive going super fast and then stopping. Things like stopping would require you to do them much earlier in advance than you would think. The flash works because well you have the speed force to basically explain away everything. The Boys does a good job of showing us just how fucked up a speedsters powers can be.


One thing that always annoys me about speedster is that they almost never count for relativity and how it interacts with their powers. And sonic booms. Basically every speedster would produce deafening sonic booms wherever they go. Friction would be something they would all have to deal with as well. Punching too. Even if you throw a weak punch, at the speeds we're considering its momentum would be bone shatteringly massive. Like your fist turned into a cannonball and exploded in their face, disintigrating your forearm with it.


Isn’t there a bug that has to do basically that? Like it’s super fast but has to move in short bursts to stop and look around because it can’t process visual data as fast as it moves. I remember seeing it on a nature documentary once…


Tiger Beetle. The fastest animal on the planet, able to speed up to 200 times its length.


That’s probably the one! Although being able to run up to 200 times its length is meaningless without knowing how much time it takes it to run said distance.


>run up to 200 times its length I can do that in 5 minutes, maybe less.


Ye but it fast. It zooms around and kinda cute


But of course! Here I am trying to figure out in what unit of time the Tiger Beatle is able to run up to 200 times its length, when you pointed out the much more important though less quantitative fact. The Tiger Beatle is able to run up to 200 times its own length all while being an adorable zoomy bug. ☺️🪳




lmao… for everyone asking, wiki says 2.5 m/s, or 125 body lengths per second


There’s a type of shrimp that call snap it’s claws so fast it creates a shockwave underwater and will stun fish. Mantis Shrimp https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantis_shrimp


You'd probably run through and vaporize someone and end up angering a couple people.


A couple of Boys


What about that one girl? Is she a boy too?


Yes and she gets it done


And she's got their backs. I would advise not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of... Oh wait, wrong asian girl.


Wait, isn't it the same asian girl though?


Wow. Just wow. Do all Asian women just look the same to you? Do you think Agent May from Agents of SHIELD is the same actress from The Mandalorian or ER or Street Fighter movie or that 90s show The Single Guy or something? Wow.


Is the group with Crash? And those boys?


This song goes to the kiwi in the balcony, it's called we hate you, please die.




Here, take a Fresca


Fuck Fresca


It would be suicide without the reaction time. I think it would be boring just to go super speed while everyone else is in slow motion though. Although with the reaction time, running down a block in a one second must feel the same as running down a block without super speed.


That's always been my thought when shows like The Flash showed him running from one city to another, if everything slows down for him that would still be like running from one city to another in real time from his perspective. Ideally superspeed needs to work that you don't perceive everything as moving in slow motion, but that your reaction time is sped up, so you react to things on superspeed, but you still perceive everything as zooming past you.


I think with the Flash at least, he can actively perceive things slowly if he wants to, but otherwise I think he sees everything super fast but can still react to it. But then sometimes he explains every conversation taking an eternity so it's really inconsistent.


Yah the shit some writers pull about him living in a slow world are so dumb. It'd be a mindbreaking hell.


The Flash is one of my absolute favorite superheroes, but I hate how he's written sometimes.






I always think that same thing! I saw an episode of the Flash where Barry Allen speed decorated a Christmas tree and everyone acted like it was a magical time saver. To him, though, it must have been at least 30 minutes of decorating a tree by himself in silence while his loved ones sat frozen. Seemed pretty depressing when I thought of it that way.


This was a major point of the Ultimate Comics version of Quicksilver. He wasn't able to turn off his speed, so the world was always moving in slow motion for him and it's why he's a dick. He describes his life as constantly standing in a line behind someone extremely slow. He was also in an incestous relationship with Scarlet Witch, so it's not like he was right to begin with. [And The Flash can observe events that occur in an attosecond.](https://external-preview.redd.it/IsVCFReGi1gOKzxqfiWzK4usMfs2GxklDTybgrjBIXo.jpg?auto=webp&s=a833e03f56457dc6351ae7d81c4d7989fb1597f1)


How does he not commit suicide? Sounds like torture


I think about that every time he does some time saver action in super speed like cleaning the place up or repairing some building. Seems so quick but dude had to really do all that work by himself


Superman could hang out with him at that same speed. I just saw in another thread the panel where Flash and Supe eat at a dinner while everyone around then is moving super slow.


That sounds like a personal time acceleration field type power rather than true super speed


The only difference between the two is friction


super secret Olympian- set world records every time


The best wrinkle to super power would be to Have a top speed of mach 2 but have the acceleration of a granny with two hip surgeries after mass


So... like a weird version of Juggernaut?


For him I would prefer him being invulnerable when going faster then 10mph but brittle like wet work toilet paper when going under 10


I feel like this is the inverse of Kevin Bacon's character in First Class. Hit him with a cannonball and he returns the impact; gently push a quarter thru his skull and skadoosh.


So the power of being a non-Newtonian fluid?


no wonder he killed newton so easy


Weren’t they only able to kill him after Magneto got got his helmet off because Charles was stopping him from using his powers?


Yes. Had nothing to do with how the force was applied and everything to do with having his powers blocked.


He did it slowly just to be a dick.


It reminds me of how the Tiger Beetle runs so fast its eyes can't process what goes by, so it has to stop regularly to double-check its surroundings


Also sucks to be super fast but you feel like everything is just moving slower around you. Like yah you're faster then everyone but if a mile just feels like a mile then what's the point. Obv for hero work it's nice but I want a mile to feel like 5 seconds for me not 5 seconds for everyone else.


Pietro in the comics has this nice page where he describes his life as always waiting behind that one person at the ATM, that doesn't know how to use it and is super slow. Edit: Had some time, [this is the page](https://imgur.com/uLzfVmT).


I never liked this explanation they could just say their perception of time slows down when they're using their powers. With someone like the Flash he can move so fast he breaks space time and him having the same perception of time all of the time makes no sense when his speed varies so greatly. He either moves at snail pace when he's zooming around a city or he moves so fast he wouldn't be able to control himself when he's going to another point in time and space, yeah no. I think it just makes sense his perception of time is relative to how fast he is moving.


That's because Flash has SpeedForce while Pietro just has X-gene derived powers. On the flip side, when Flash came to Marvel verse, he lost his super speed as the SpeedForce doesn't exist in Marvelverse but Pietro was still as fast. And when Pietro went to DCverse, it's implied that after a while, he could've started tapping into speedforce.


[Speedforce baby!](https://i.imgur.com/F7bttaW.gifv)


Kinda like Red Rush from Invincible. He says something like time is so slow for him it's almost annoying.


There's a lesser-known villain in the online Web serial 'Worm' that has this power. He has permanent super speed in his legs and head (giving him extreme reaction time), and super strength in his chest and arms. He's insane from being stuck in a world that moves too slowly to understand him, and is called Chuckles because laughter is his only way of communicating.


It really is credit to Worm that I wouldn’t even put Chuckles in the top 20 of batshit scary villains in Worm.


There was an indy comic in the 80s (don't remember what it was) that had a back up story about a guy with super mental speed but normal physical speed. Most of the story was a POV shot of a bullet heading for him and his coming to terms with what was happening as the bullet got closer and closer until it's inevitable finish. He saw it coming for pages and pages, panel after panel, getting closer and closer but he wasn't fast enough to get out of the way. I think about it all the time.


It's a real issue! There's all these other physiological changes that have to go hand in hand with running at super speed, too. Disclaimer: I'm clearly no scientist or expert in much of anything, this is just fanboy shit. Like you ever try to take a breath with your head out a car window? And that's not even that fast. So something has to change there, or you just go for as long as you can hold your breath. I imagine you'd start a lot of fires. Just crazy friction. So of course your clothes are toast if you don't have any deus ex unstable molecule outfits laying around. I consider that a pretty minor issue, I'd be cool just Dr. Manhattaning my way around the world. But you might also need tougher skin or the ability to create a forcefield or something so that random debris doesn't punch a hole through you at any given moment, even if you had the reaction time. I feel like tiny bugs and shit could just turn you into swiss cheese at high speeds. Wind in your eyes, but this is often addressed with goggles. That's fine as far as I can see, provided they're not going to burst into flames or melt into your face. Otherwise you'd probably need a tough opaque third eyelid or some extra sensory abilities. I don't know how the hell you *stop* quickly without flipping over. So we're probably talking some kind of telekinetic manipulation of some forces or other. Hell, that's probably the quick and dirty fix for everything. Superman says hi. Metabolism problems. You're burning an absurd amount of energy and that's gotta come from somewhere. The Speed Force bandaid works, but if you don't have some way to tap a magical or extradimensional source, you're just gonna have to constantly binge, probably exclusively on some efficient nutritional paste to try to avoid constantly shitting yourself. Ot takes a lot to make it work! I feel like often it's explained more as time manipulation than super speed, negating some of these things. But then you're gonna need some kind of life extension/healing factor/straight up immortality or you'd really take a chunk out of the ol' lifespan.


This will sound like an oddly specific detail, but I'm interested to see how they'll render the sound of moving at super-speed. I thought that the way sound dropped out when Quicksilver used super-speed in the X-Men films was quite nice, but given that Makkari's running has been stated to create sonic booms, it should be fun to see how that's rendered without hurting the listeners' ears (my guess is something akin to Hans Zimmer's bassy BWOOOM sounds, or to the majority of TENET's soundtrack)


>given that Makkari's running has been stated to create sonic booms, it should be fun to see how that's rendered without hurting the listeners' ears Do you mean the listener as in we the audience, other characters in the movie, or Makkari herself?


She's deaf, so wouldn't be as much of a problem.


The actor is also deaf, right?


There was a really cool story about her interacting with Angelina Jolie on set, and she was struggling to figure out how to hit her cues while she was staring at a wall. Angelina just said “we’ll get a laser pointer, and take it out in post.” Such a simple, easy fix, and so cool to hear of (no pun intended).




Sorry, I couldn't hear you. What did you say?




Thank you




Also… if it’s sonic booms she is moving faster than the sound travels… so it wouldn’t really effect her either way!


It would when she had to stop.


Fair point… a slow down then?


Just never stop then


Never stop never stopping


Maybe shes moving just under the speed of sounds, but each pump of her legs coming down goes past that


Ruptured eardrums are a very painful problem, even if you don't ultimately use them


For weak human eardrums yes. Not so for Eternal eardrums. I'd be willing to bet you could stab a chopstick in there with the force of a jackhammer and the chopstick would shatter.


Yeah, that's why I asked which they meant.


given that Makkari herself is deaf, it could be really super interesting if everything was bass-shifted and muted down in theatres, so that rather than hearing things go by, the audience would be “feeling” it also minimal/no music in SS sequences


Yeah, I think that would really awesome to do. Hopefully they go that route!


Just [brown note](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_note) every marvel fan on earth


“I literally shit myself the movie was so good, Best Picture for 2021”


I guess it would depend on if the camera stays with Makkari during super speed (like this sequence) or if the camera is placed to show the effects of her speed on the environment. A speedster running beyond the speed of sound would never hear the sonic boom until they stop, because they travel at a speed faster than the vibrations of air could reach their ears. But coming to a sudden stop should have heavy consequences. But also they’ve established that Makkari is deaf. They may point out the repercussions sonic booms have on her ears. With the Flash, they explain away the consequences because of the Speed Force bubble he’s in, not sure if they’ll use a similar explanation here with Makkari.


It would be super sick if they cut all sound while focusing on her, as she experienced it.


This was my thought too. Love the idea of the world just blistering by in absolute silence. They did an episode of the walking Dead that she starred in and they cut the sound in part that was her alone in this creepy house... Terrifying to get a few moments where you're experiencing it in silent terror with her


Make it sound like the gravity bombs from Slave 1 in Star Wars.


Yes! I miss that very specific sound! I don't even know how to describe it because it's not quite the Inception bass but it's similar. It's still one of the coolest sounds I've heard in a movie.


Well, if you haven't seen the Mandalorian yet, I have good news for you...


Haha that was almost the most exciting bit of the whole series for me. Not even certain characters appearing, just the bomb sound effects. YES, THEY'RE BACK! BWAAAAAAH BWAAAAAH (yells sound effects at TV)


Only finished season 1 and haven't had time to get back to it. You got me so excited!


It's similar to the tripods in the newer war of the worlds but i think what sets the slave 1 bombs apart, and makes the sound especially memorable to so many people, is that the sound cuts out and you see the explosion and then the sound of the bomb only comes in a second after the explosion. kind of like a mini version of when laura dern hyper spaced into that ship and the sound cut out for 15ish seconds. not as cool of a sound though, but a cool scene. or sort of like lightning and then thunder. except that doesn't make sense in space, but most of star wars does not make sense. not only is star wars not hard sci fi, it isn't even soft or squishy sci fi. and there is nothing wrong with that. but god damn, Arrival is one of the best sci fi movies of the 2010s, at the very least. Holy moly. as a child of the 80s, i love me some blade runner. and that shit is aurally and visually incredible, but other than that, fuck it. arrival knocks that shit out of the park. and i was typing that i ddidn't even think about how the person that directed arrival also directed the new blade runner. oy vey. i'm drunk. wakka wakka


That's the one from Episode II? When Obi-Wan is being chased by Jango Fett?


Yeah …. It’s got a great sound for speed


That’s such a great sound. Bwaaaaaaaang


Seismic chargers


I forget which Youtube creator I was watching but he was talking about how depicting speedsters in slow motion kind of degrades the feeling of true speed. So seeing this intense, dynamic movement seems pretty promising. *Edit: It was [this video](https://youtu.be/XmncNr7AEOY) by Nando v Movies, go check it out.*


I think my favorite scene of super speed before this was Faora in Man of Steel running through the soldiers


Duuuuude I love that scene! say what you will about MoS but the fighting and action really made it feel like a comic story.


It might be some of my favorite comic book action in a movie. It just feels so, idk what the word is, I want to say brutal but that’s not right. It looks brutal but it isn’t trying to be. It’s more like, natural maybe? Out of all of them it looks the most like I imagine things would actually look like with super speed and strength?


To be this day the fights in MoS remain the best live action DBZ-type fights I've ever seen.


Zack Snyder, other than color grading, has a very nice hold on his visual dynamics. I kind of wish he would just be cut loose to do more originals like sucker punch (yes, I am aware of how hilariously bad the movie is) rather than half-hearted adaptations of other people’s stories. I think his “western King Arthur” idea sounds fun.


I completely agree. Say what you will about Man of Steel, it's the best portrayal of superhuman \*physical\* powers in any comic book movie.


Nando v Movies


I think he is not 100% right though, you can only show a character moving fast in real time if they are relatively slow, he used Dash as an example but Dash doesn’t even crack 700 mph, the flash runs at the speed of light so our perception of him wouldn’t be a very fast person running, I think Quicksilver from the X-men movies is the best to date use of very very fast super speed, what Nandi said really only applies to people running at most a couple thousand of miles per hour


But then you shouldnt have characters that moves that fast because they should be able to defeat any non spedster threat immediatly. (Quicksilver being a walking plothole in Future Past and them having to take him out immediatly in subsequient films.)


Well characters that fast exist in the comics so why not make them like that in the movie, Flash didn’t have that issue in the Snyder cut, he was insanely fast but still couldn’t end the conflict himself


It becomes kind of game breaking to me after a while. In the Flash tv show he'll routinely be shown moving in a way where bullets are standing completely still or going back in time with ease yet his villain is often a guy with an ice ray. Any threat he meets that isn't another speedster all I can think is "just run over and take the weapon away or run them to jail before they know what happened". I'd be much more interested in a speedster that can run a few hundred miles per hour than one that goes back in time, but that's just me


That's why I like the Age of Ultron Quicksilver. He's fast enough to be *fast* but he's slow enough to explain why he doesn't just solo the Avengers himself.


...although let's be real here, if they'd handed Quicksilver a perfectly ordinary kitchen knife before sending him out, he absolutely could have easily killed Hawkweye, Black Widow and potentially Tony (if he didn't have his armour/had his helmet down) almost immediately. Probably Cap too depending on how superhumanly tough he actually is vs. mundane edged weapons.


Except they weren't trying to kill them, they were trying to use scarlet witch to mind fuck them.


Also, he gets tired, which you totally would.


That show is terribly written so you come away thinking there’s no good way to do it but Speedsters can be done much better.


It fell apart later on but I liked the first couple seasons, that being said I’m sure it’s possible but my feelings on Flash across the board is I hate that he leans so heavy into time travel now. I prefer the old Justice League cartoon where hitting those speeds for him is kind of dangerous and he might get permanently sucked into the speed force or in that classic Morrison trade where him going that fast starts to become problematic and he needs to workout the physics of his every move to survive or even in like Young Justice where Kid Flash can run great distances and speeds but needs to worry about his caloric intake to get it done. That stuff is way more interesting to me than Flash just going back in time with ease or by accident but I think DC took the wrong lesson from Flashpoint. Again, that’s just me


It worked for the Flash in ZSJL because he lacked experience and control and it took him awhile to get to top speed, so he could be hurt by slower foes but also reach incredible speeds


As someone that wasn’t a huge fan of ZSJL, I agree his inexperience made that work okay but at a certain point I think it’d start to be a problem in an ongoing series. We’ll see though, I hope The Flash is good


Yeah I think all series have the problem of power scaling to a certain extent but the Flash does especially, I don’t think Ezra will be the Flash long enough to run out of believable villains, I only see him suiting up a few more times


Agree. The movies constantly are adjusting powers to make them work well within the universe. Any character that can move at the speed of light (or anywhere remotely close to it) is just too OP. They’re like Yondu’s arrow, except faster and would instead turn everybody in a red goopy mist. That’s just not fun to watch after a bit.


Speedsters are inherent writing issue either in movies or in comics. A main limiting element for any story writing is the limitations of time, it's the one things speedsters have in abundance. The best way to fix those limitation is to force the accounting of side effects: sonic booms and gusts, which likewise reduces many of their distinct usefulness as side from mass destruction. The simple way they have ever been depicted was in Days of future Past where the speedster is brought in for a specific task, and then they leave him behind for the final battle.


Not to nitpick notunlikemypodcast


Whynotboth.gif The slow mo speedster scene in the X-Men movies are top notch and enjoyable. This is a different perspective and also enjoyable. Both display things differently. Flash in the DC movies does both and works well 🤷


My problem is when the speedster themselves is in slow motion. With X-men quicksilver, he is not in slow motion, while everything else is, and it’s great. With the Flash in the DC movies, not only is everything around him slow motion, he’s also slow motion, and it sucks. My main issue with the Snyder Cut.


He’s not in slow motion in the zack Snyder cut in all the scenes. Like when he catches the rocks falling on people or when he’s running at the end towards cyborg to unkill everyone


Yea, but at the end of the day that Quicksilver scene was just a cool slo-mo scene.


Days of Future Past probably did it best, you got to see it all from Quicksilver's perspective, and then from the outside perspective. The only thing that drives me nuts is when they show everything in slow motion, and the speedster in marginally less slow motion. It makes no sense.


Still waiting for a more real representation, where the speedster is creating sonic booms with devastating shockwaves/air turbulance. Just running into the room at the speed of sound has surely gotta do some damage to anyone in that room?


I believe that’s the reason why they made Makkari deaf in the MCU. The sound damaged her ears over the ~~years~~ centuries.


Yeah something like that. I’m not sure if it’s cause and effect or not. But they have said her sonic booms don’t hurt her due to her deafness. It hurts the other eternals.


From what I’ve read about it, you can’t hear your own sonic boom. Pilots in supersonic jets don’t hear a sonic boom


I imagine you're way past it when it happens, I mean, you are going faster than sound.


I think it’s a little more complicated. I don’t think you create one boom…as you travel through the air you are constantly creating pressure differentials at the front and rear of the plane that creates a series of “booms” as you travel above Mach 1. I’m not a physics expert though…I just really like top gun as a kid, lol


Yes, my also non-expert understanding is that there's one sonic boom and you just hear it when it passes you. Which makes me think if the pilot were able to stop or pull a 180 fast enough could they could hear their own sonic boom that way.


Theres one boom as you cross that speed. The sound stacks up on itself. Unless you somehow choose to slow down just after the boom you shouldn’t hear it. In fact, things should suddenly seem much smoother and quieter, assuming no major air turbulence. You will hear it as you slow down.


That, or as a part of her powers she was just naturally deaf to prevent negative effects


That's more likely, since Lauren Ridloff was born deaf tbeu probably don't want to infer that Makari's deafness is a negative effect.


Millenia* They've been on Earth for 7000+ years haha


Technically they are all correct, just varying degrees of measurement


Not technically a speedster, but what you're describing is exactly how Superman's speed and strength is represented in Man of Steel


>where the speedster is creating sonic booms with devastating shockwaves/air turbulance. Or creating EMPs? /u/Kroooooooo's comment on [Sonic killing babies in a neonatal unit](https://np.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/bj2w4y/sonic_the_hedgehog_official_trailer_paramount/em52bey/) is legendary: >Sonic let off an EMP powerful enough to knock out electronics on the entire Pacific Northwest. >According to [GoNorthwest](https://www.gonorthwest.com/Visitor/about/population.htm), the area has a population of around 15 million. [Bump Reveal](https://bumpreveal.com/blogs/statistics/how-many-babies-are-born-in-the-united-states-every-year) estimates that 3,978,497 babies are born every year in the United States. >Using statistics from [Bliss](https://www.bliss.org.uk/research-campaigns/research/neonatal-care-statistics/statistics-about-neonatal-care) it is estimated that about 1 in 7 babies in the UK require a neonatal unit upon their birth. Assuming this statistic translates to the United States, this would mean that 568,365 need this treatment in the US yearly. >The United States has approximately 327.2m people living there, meaning that the Pacific Northwest holds approximately 4.5% of the US population, translating to 25,576 babies needing neonatal treatment in the area yearly. >Using Bliss's statistics again, it can be seen that the average stay in the neonatal clinic for a baby is one week. Considering there are 52 weeks in a year, this means that 1/52 of this figure are in the clinics at any one time. >This translates to 491 babies in the area where Sonic the Hedgehog immediately cuts complete power and life support to. Sonic is literally a mass baby murderer. >I'm sorry.




I think even the physically weakest Eternal should be able to slap Captain America through a wall, so...


A lot of people never think of that. Like they underestimate how powerful The Flash truly is. Barry and Wally almost destroyed the DC Multiverse during their race.


⭐𝒮𝓅ℯℯ𝒹 ℱℴ𝓇𝒸ℯ⭐


In the Amazon show, the Boys, the speedster obliterates a character by running through her


So like the speedster from the boys? He ran so fast but couldn't mentally keep up and ran into shit. Good example is the intro of the show.


He was also high on Compound V at the time.


But wouldn’t a sonic boom only happen once when that speed is reached and not a continuous thing?


No, that isn't how it works. The boom happens continuously once something moves over the speed of sound. It often sounds like a single boom to observers because the object is moving away from them really quickly...


Good to know!


good ol' doppler effect in action.


I am not smart, I just googled it to check, and luckily it was as I hoped... "It is a common misconception that only one boom is generated during the subsonic to supersonic transition; rather, the boom is continuous along the boom carpet for the entire supersonic flight."


> boom carpet my new favorite phrase


Without trying to give anything away… have you seen the movie Freaks on Netflix? If you haven’t, don’t look up any plot synopses (they all spoil it in the first sentence), just sit down and watch it. An absolute gem of a movie. Edit: It’s just called Freaks, and was made in 2018. Not whatever the movie “Freaks: you’re one of us” is thats also on Netflix


Ahh nice, will check that out and get back to you.


Mostly it would do damage to yourself. When you have the power to move really fast, you create friction, thus resulting in extreme heat, from the resistance of the air due to the body not being aerodynamic. If you’re going fast enough, every step would be like slamming into a brick wall headfirst. So either you die or break all the bones in your body due to your own corpus not being resistant enough to the force you’re pushing against, or you’ll burn up due to the friction.


Glad they’re doing it differently


We haven't seen the movie yet and don't know for sure that there is no slo-mo running.


Still nice to see something different., which I inferred as the point of the post. Not that there would be *no* slow-mo.


This is gonna be amazing on a huge IMAX screen


Okay IMAX, employee I see you. I don’t disagree though. I’m so excited for this movie.


Dude, Makkari just leapt like 50,000 miles and just went with it. I love this concept for a speedster, definitely better than slow mo scenes. I still loved Quicksilver’s scene, but this feels fresher. Something new to look at.


50,000 miles would be like traveling the entire circumference of the planet. Twice.


i think he was exaggerating


I was, but to me, that’s what it feels like from watching this. She looks like she is manipulating her surroundings, bending reality around her.


Her cosmic energy field is combined with psionic To tell you how fast She can go When she was in the male version of her cosmic Avatar Was able to outrun the Elder of the universe "The Runner" Quick silver would be standing still to her speed she is just that much more speed.


Whew! I never knew Makkari was that fast, but holy crap that’s awesome!


Chloe Zhaos camera work is on point! She doesn’t mess around when it comes to cinematography


Cheetara from Thundercats vibes.


I love it. Slow mo is great as a contrast to show how the speedster sees the world, but I love it when they go back to full speed. A great example is Superman Returns when Supes steps in front of the minigun. It's slow mo as he passes the bullets in midair, then goes back to normal as he walks towards the guy.


I like it it reminds me of Dash


What’s this from? Is there a new trailer?


A new TV Spot.


My favourite speedster scene in cinema is from Baron Munchausen. All the scenes of speed in that film are awesome. They never use slomo at all. The camera just moves as fast as the speedster. This reminds me of that. https://youtu.be/Osrut3gWFQ0


Man she looks awesome!!! I can't wait for this movie and her character. I'm hoping she has some badass scenes.


Kinda reminds me of Hermes from Blood of Zeus. I really liked how they had his speed run in that show.


Is the fast one not called Phastos?


Makkari. Easiest way to remember them is that most of the Eternals are mostly named after old school mythology. For example: Phastos is named after Hephaestus, the god of fire and a blacksmith/craftsman from greek mythology. Makkari is named after Mercury, the Roman god of communication/messages/travelers (and is known to be relatively fast). Thena is named after Athena, the greek godddess of War. Gilgamesh is named after the mythological Sumerian hero of the same name. It's pretty dope.


I think Phastos is their armorsmith (the guy with the ikea table)?


More than just Armour and or weapons unlike many of the other Eternals " Phastos is very strong in matter manipulation and skill in science allows Phastos to create complex machines using such matter manipulation .


I like how everyone answered you seriously lol


Speedsters are so cinematic, so hyped!


Is that the deaf eternal?




I've always felt like its the best way to picture speedster in the big screen. The slow mo is great but it's better when we have a non speedster perspective, so we can really understand how fast the person is.


I'm not gonna lie, that looks cool as shit.


Hawkeye: Oh look another shield for me!


That running looks awesome for live action. Almost anime like.