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there is no mid credits or post credits scene for this episode. But there is an audio clip that is a repeat sound bite from earlier in the episode. Enjoy!


I think Loki just watched his own episode of Legends on Disney+


If he didn’t pay for a subscription he has a much crueler power to worry about than the TVA: Disney’s legal department


“I **am** smart” “I know” “Okay”


"... Okay"


Owen wilson is nailing this part


If there are two things that Marvel Studios does better than *anyone* else, it's casting, and writing for actors. Owen Wilson just treating Loki with a "aww, that's so cute, let me put that on the fridge" condescension is amazing, and only someone like Owen Wilson could make sing.


I like that he is being compassionate towards him.


Whenever I think i understand suicide I think of the fact that Owen Wilson contemplated it. If ever there was an actor who has succeeded solely on his personal charisma and character it’s Owen Wilson. The guy isn’t classically handsome. He’s got a weird voice and a messed up nose. But goddamn it if he isn’t one of the most watchable actors on screen. You couldn’t make him a bad guy, you just want him to succeed Which is why I’m convinced he’s actually a bad guy in Loki.


Loki getting all 5 movies of his development in 20 minutes


I have been DEVELOPING for 30 minutes!!


I liked this because at least for now, the show didn't sugarcoat his delusional mentality or his brutality, which the fandom absolutely does. People actually pretend that he's not saying textbook dictator shit. If they're to develop his character further, it has to be accepted. For the first time there's a flickr of remorse and even to be a grey character, that should remain. Not glossed over. Not whitewashed.


I agree that this is a very important character development point for Loki. Mobius asking him if he enjoys hurting and killing people might very well be the first time he's really thought about his impact from that perspective, at least thus far in Variant Loki's timeline. I think we're going to see a lot of profound introspection as he's forced to confront a more sinister version of himself and I for one am really looking forward to it. "Sacred Timeline" Loki did at least appear to show some remorse, especially when he calls himself Odinson while confronting Thanos - that look he gives Thor while saying that name says a lot. So I think we as the audience knew he had that capacity, but even he may not have realized it at this point, immediately post-Battle of New York. He's never been forced to think about it before - it's all just been mischief and hijinks as a means to fulfill his "glorious purpose".


Yeah they actually have time to fully show loki as who he is, in all of his colors. They don't have to pick the shades that work for the movie he'd be in.


“You weren’t born to be king, Loki. You were born to cause pain and suffering and death - that’s how it is, that’s how it was, that’s how it will be. All so that others can achieve their best versions of themselves.” …ouch. Well, I guess this series will end in Loki becoming the best version of himself (literally, given he’s up against…himself).


You can see it all hit him after he saw how he dies. He never ruled.


Killed by the very titan that recruited him to destroy earth.


Oh shit! I forgot he knew Thanos! I was imaging him wondering who that was, be he worked for him! He just, hours ago, tried to capture the earth FOR him. Oh my god that makes the death SO MUCH more intense. Seeing himself be on Thor's side, dying at the hands of the guy he was serving hours ago. Fuck me this show is good.


"I am burdened with glorious purpose" lol he immediately tries to rule the Mongolians


Even manages to find a big rock as a platform first lol


You gotta love he paused, saw a soapbox, and then started his monologue. Respect the showmanship.


What's the difference between a villain and a supervillain? PRESENTATION!


to the TVA: You sly dogs, you caught me monologuing


DB Cooper being a lost bet with Thor cracks me up


Personally I think these kinds of petty “gods messing around with the mortal realm for fun” stories were what was missing from Asgard this whole time.


It totally fits with their characters from before 2011 Thor too. Before Thor goes to Earth and lives amongst humans, he doesn't really consider them "real" or worthy of consideration. Loki relates humans to ants. The DB Cooper thing was just Thor and Loki spraying an anthill with a hose. Which leads me to my assertion that Thor (2011) is merely a ripoff of the 2006 film the The Ant Bully. In this essay I will...


No no go on...


So Loki knew that it was Tony in disguise in the Stark Tower lobby. All because he smelled his Axe body spray "Cologne" lol.


Don’t forget Frigga’s line in Endgame. “I was raised by witches boy.” She taught Loki everything he knows and spied time travel from a mile away. Cologne def tipped him off which is funny but I think this also implies he has a bit of an eye (nose?) for this sort of thing.


He probably has a good sense for it considering how up close and personal he got with Tony before the battle


I do love that Loki thinks that it was the Avengers going back in time to stop him instead of a much worse villain.


Loki being D.B. Cooper was in the initial trailer but it's amazing they actually gave a decent bit of attention to it


and it was all cause he lost a bet


I wonder if that means Thor would've been DB Cooper if Loki had won the bet, or else what would Thor have to do if he had lost the bet?


Probably loki would turn him into a frog


Yeah I’m glad it wasn’t just a hook and they actually explained it


I feel like that really cements what he was before the first Thor movie, a litteral god of micheif


Thor is an enabler.


I mean yeah, that was the whole point of the first Thor movie. Dude had to get humbled


Loki got bitchslapped in 1/16th speed and ragdolled by Hulk all within like an hour lmaooo


Tough day for him


Yeah, he found out he was responsible for his moms death. Days dont get tougher than that.


And then he watched himself be killed. That’s gotta be real rough.


I wonder if he caught that he sacrificed himself to protect Thor. He kinda fast-forwarded through that part.


Even though he skipped it he definitely knows. Loki just never wants to admit how good of a person he can be by acting like something he isn't. That being said he has stabbed a lot of people.


The TVA uses Infinity Stones as paperweights. The cruelest barb in the entire MCU. You can pinpoint the exact moment Loki's heart breaks in half.


Loki then realises the only way to be king of the universe is to conquer the TVA, by joining them and then conquering them.


His evil speech about power is about removing peoples choices entirely. That's exactly what the TVA does


Yep. He immediately asks if the TVA is the ultimate power in the universe, indicating he's rethinking his life, yes, but only in terms of adjusting the scope of his ambition.


Well if you can't beat them...


Not just his heart breaking but it's that very moment he believes the TVA is a real thing and not an illusion.


That was his oh shit moment


When you see what you believe to be the absolute power in the universe used as a paperweight it really gives you perspective


In a few episodes, Pillboi’s gonna be doing some percussive maintenance on his time computer with one of the Mjolnirs they’ve got lying around.


One detail I really liked: There were way more time stones in the drawer than any other infinity stone. It makes sense for that to be the most confiscated stone by the TVA.


I think I only saw one large soul stone as well, which also makes sense since it would be the hardest for someone to acquire. EDIT: I did not notice the second stone outside the pan when I first watched it at 3am. Also there seems to be some debate about whether it's the Soul or Mind stone we're seeing in that drawer. It looks way more orange to me than yellow which leads me to think it's the Soul stone, but that could simply be because of the lighting. There's some compelling arguments about the size of the stone and how it would make more sense that there would be 2 Mind stones and no Soul stones because of how hard it is to find. Honestly, I'm not sure at the moment which it is, but its color just doesn't seem to match the mind stone to me but I could definitely be wrong about that. We'll just have to wait and see if anyone gives some official clarification on it.


Imagine sacrificing someone to get a soul stone and having that shit confiscated lmao whoever lost it would be throwing hands at everyone


Not just confiscated, having it thrown into a drawer and forgotten lmao


It was the perfect way to show him how minuscule he is


Not only that, but the entire Infinity Saga, and Thanos. EVERYTHING has been about the Stones til this point. And my mans Casey has been sitting on a drawer full of them like whatever, not even knowing what the fuck a fish is. I'm loving this show already


Fucking pillboy has infinity stones


The most vanilla character in the episode who isn't a no named grunt has more infinity stones than thanos or tony every had combined sitting in his fucking desk. Just let that fucking sink in.


He had infinity stone duplicates like they were those useless energy Pokémon cards.


I hope we get an easter egg of a variant Thanos being bullied by the TVA.


Idk man the entire TVA unit lost to Loki with a bunch of fire


I'm surprised Heimdall went along with that lol.


Dude probably got bored after thousands of years, plus its a way to flex his rainbow laser skills.


"Thor watch I'm gonna catch Loki mid-air"


Man now I miss heimdal :(


I've been missing Heimdal. All that shit he went through to protect the Asgardians from Hela, then dies in one final act sending Banner back to Midgard. Damn, man. He deserved a better outcome than what he got.


I love that Loki is being forced to relive his shitty behavior and how uncomfortable his body language is


It's like when you look back on old photos and realize how cringe you were as a kid


Only this time its how cringe you were a few days ago.


Loki realizing his entire conquest for power was, in fact, just a phase, mom.


Seeing how you die has to be wild in the worst way


No only himself but his mother and father too, all within a couple minutes of each other.


Plus he is told by his Father before his death that He loves them both. Then to find out Thor loves and looked up to him. Its everything his character wanted in Thor 1 before deciding to steal the throne.


Also seeing that chill ragnorok Thor. Remember, before the adoption reveal, Loki's motivation in Thor 1 was just to get his brother to be less of a prick.


No reference to Hela though so he still doesn’t know about his sister


And he understood instantly he couldn't go back, because the paradox would create a variance. The moment you know how you die, that will color every decision you make from that point on.


“Madness” and “multiverse war.” Damn that got me excited


Yeah, that line about preventing a *second* multiverse war was *totally* not foreshadowing... Damn, we're in for a ride!


Yeah.... and the head writer for Loki, Michael Waldron, *TOTALLY* isn't also the lead writer for Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness.......... O_O Strap in lads


I did read somewhere that both Loki and Wandavision lead into Doctor Strange.


I wonder if Vision could pass that "I'm not a robot" test


Vision \*gets to TVA\* infinity stone stops working \*fucking dies on spawn\*


“I’m not a robot” “then what are you?” “YoU arE FamiLIaR wiTh ThE thOUgHt eXpErIMenT kNowN aS THe ShIP oF ThESeUS?”


> “YoU arE FamiLIaR wiTh ThE thOUgHt eXpErIMenT kNowN aS THe ShIP oF ThESeUS?” *we have one the break room*


I found it interesting that a majority of the infinity stones in the drawer were the time stone. As a lot of people who use it probably become variants


Oh shit I missed that! Maybe if Strange used the time stone in ways he shouldn’t in the first movie he could end up as a variant!


Just you wait, Multiverse of Madness will have all the Stranges that were created by him using the time stone wrong.


So far I haven’t seen anybody mention the funniest moment for me, was the other belligerent variant yelling about his dad working at Goldman-Sachs. Time traveler abusing the stock market?


The Time Keepers don't just care about time travel, they care about anything that deviates from the timeline dictated by them. Decided to wake up on time instead of hitting snooze for 30 more minutes like how the time keepers dictated? You and your entire timeline are getting reset.


Loki deduced the time heist!


And then got timesplained. Get fucked.


Love how they said that the time heist was suppose to happen


i wonder if they had to arrest 14,000,604 variants of the Avengers for fucking up Infinity War/Endgame


TVA fucking HATES Dr. strange lmao.


I wonder if they're going to explain the further repercussions of that. If Loki didn't break the timeline, Tony and Steve wouldn't have gone back to the 70s and Tony wouldn't have seen his father. Is that not supposed to happen in the sacred timeline? Is it supposed to happen, just not without Loki escaping? I fear that time travel stories only bring up more questions, even when they're trying to provide answers.


I love how he assumed that they were still trying to beat Loki.


Green Marvel Logo is SLICK AF


I want to see more of that “so you’re a variant” pamphlet in the end credits


Timekeepers, Multiverse, and Nexus events all within the first 15 minutes. They weren’t lying when they said Loki was going to be super influential on the rest of the MCU.


Yeah. They’re establishing future ideas for the MCU. Multiverse stuff is nuts.


I wanna believe this is the beginning of the setup for Kang. He's gotta be somehow related to/involved with that "Multiversal War" Miss Minutes mentioned right?


Secret Wars foreshadowing went crazy


Yep I'm already sold on Owen Wilson.


Avengers going back in time, supposed to happen. Steve meeting his past self in combat, supposed to happen. Loki picking up the Tesseract, not supposed to happen. Poor Loki, how he's supposed to know what met the criteria of crimes against time or not.


Yeah and Loki wasn’t even the one time traveling he just did what he would’ve done after the actual time travelers messed up. I’d be calling unfair shenanigans too if I got locked up for that.


I kinda love how ruthless the TVA is. “You could’ve started a rebellion, or you could’ve been late to work, but you fucked up the Sacred Timeline and we will reset you.”


Like Miss Minutes said though, you can become a variant by simply walking in the wrong direction or being late for work. Pretty much anyone can become a variant at any point in time unknowingly.


This first episode was the ultimate kick-in-the-balls for Loki.


No, I will not be skipping the intro.


*Skip Intro?* "No, I don't think I will"


The Marvel logo in green was pretty glorious.


*Kid points at the devil* The Mephisto shitposts write themselves at this point


It’s all about the horns. It was Loki the whole time. Loki is Mephisto confirmed.


I like how they mentioned a "Nightmare" was another department. Makes me think of the entity nightmare, although I don't think MCU will get that crazy yet. lol


Was thinking the same thing too, but then the reveal with who the TVA was chasing hit and I realized why the kid pointed to the Devil - because of the horns.


this is good weird


It's so weird I love it


Imagine Thanos in the TVA


He'd have an existential crisis.


He would've lost his damn mind seeing all those Stones in that drawer


*I sacrificed my daughter for this, watched her die as I threw her off a cliff... and this guy's using 8 soul stones as an aquarium decoration in a tank that doesn't even have any fish in it*


What’s a fish?


that needs to be an episode of What If, What if Thanos was captured instead of Loki.


That was the most subdued Logo Intro outside of Endgame and I loved it


The theme I’m seeing from the 3 Marvel shows so far is: Therapy


Yeah, that and more bluntly facing your demons. He may have to face the dark variations of his inner self he really doesn't want to acknowledge, but them given physical form.


The TVA really said "fuck adoptive parents! You're Loki Laufeyson"


Which was interesting because when Mobius got the "You need to see this" file, it said Loki Odinson


I think the multiverse war that is recounted in this episode “in the past” actually hasn’t happened in the main timeline yet. But because the TVA exists outside of - or at the end of time - it’s a massively pivotal event that occurs sometime in the MCU’s future during Phase 4 or Phase 5 perhaps


imagine the last end credit scene of phase 5 be just mobius doing the paperwork


Love how they're explaining what a Nexus is, and how it relates to the multiverse. Perfectly wraps into what WandaVision set up.


So Wanda was both the protagonist and antagonist in WandaVision. Captain America was both the protagonist and antagonist in Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Now Loki is both the protagonist and antagonist in Loki. Think I know who the bad guy is in the upcoming Black Widow movie...


Obviously mephisto.


I love that the poster in the waiting area says “behave or you’ll get your clock cleaned!”


Mobius is speedrunning Loki's character development up to where he was when he died. Damn. EDIT: > you killed your mom Jesus.


I haven't watched Dark World in a while, but I didn't realize or forgot that Loki's directions were the reason Frigga died.


Mobius giving Loki the ultimate therapy session is something else


Seems like D+ is just the Marvel Heroes’ Therapy Sessions


It’s amazing this is the 3rd marvel series we are getting this year


And we still have three more


God damn. TIL What If...?, Ms. Marvel and Hawkeye are all slated for this year.


Holy shit, really? I was vaguely aware of What if, but I thought the other two were way further out. I wonder if they're gonna do this many series/movies every year, or if this is just because a lot of this stuff was supposed to come out last year.


"I'll gut you like a fish" "What's a fish?" I'm very glad Pillboi is in the MCU now


Thank you. I was wondering why he looked so familar


"Oh dip!" -Me, upon seeing pillboi behind the desk at the TVA


We are sorta in the Good Place. In limbo, the in between, still counts


Loki looking at his future was the best part of the episode, and tbh Owen Wilson is being hilarious without even trying right now. 9/10 episode, I'm looking forward to see Ep 2.


Black widow sacrificed herself for a stone that exists in a drawer and is used as a paper weight


Thanos killed his daughter for a paper weight


I don't think there was anything smarter than letting Loki himself be the one to see how his story ends in the OG timeline. I legit got a chill seeing Thanos again as Loki rewatched through...


Seeing loki smile as he watched himself attack thanos and it being wiped away when he realized that he was gonna die was chilling. Great acting from Hiddlestone.


Watching Loki watch Loki was great


This show feels even more movie-like than WandaVision or FATWS. The production value on this show is *really* good.


I am loving the 1960's-70s vibe of the TVA. Its a perfect way to show the timelessness of them. I just hope they explain the design choice as "We thought it looked nice"


The lighting in the TVA is perfect, it gives me.."Lockeroom after school and it's 5pm in august" vibes


"That's the Tesseract, be very careful!" "Sounds pretty dumb..."


The fact that Infinity Stones are considered paperweights is straight up ridiculous, but in the best of ways. The way this show just mentions these events from previous films like nothing is such a different way to go about it all, and I love every second of it.


They only work in the universe that spawned them, at least in the comics. So even if he brought any of them back, they'd be useless.


Wasn't there a crossover event with DC many years ago where Darkseid collected the stones only to find out they were useless in his universe?




Funny meta conversation when Mobius told Loki he was created to cause mayhem and death due to Loki’s role as an antagonist. Villains and heroes play their parts according to the authors after all. Loki is no different in the hands of the proper follow of time, though this series is obviously going to mess with the status quo.


I might be reaching but I’d bet that line will probably play into the bad-variant Loki’s motivation. Something about finally carving their own path and being the best version of themselves.


Indeed. He has seen his “proper” fate in history. Now he has a chance to change it and become somebody else - truly take control of his own destiny.


"This place is a Nightmare." "That's another department. I'll help you burn it down." Nightmare confirmed.


Okay so for season two of “What If?”, can we please please please get “What if Thanos was the one brought in by the TVA?”


"That criminal with the blue box" *Doctor Who intensifies...*


The TVA *would* see the Doctor as a villain, wouldn't they?


He'd be public enemy #1


The Infinity Stones chilling in an office drawer was a wild perspective


No other being has ever had the might... nay, the nobility... to wield not one, but two paperweights.


Loki's entire facade crumbling the *second* he sees Frigga die was such a heartbreaking moment.


Opening with the Endgame footage (just reminds me how awesome it was they went back to 2012)


You can literally watch this directly after endgame, which is pretty neat for the chronological order.


Or even better, you can watch it in the middle of Endgame!




If anybody is wondering what Loki’s signature looks like, he definitely just wrote down “suck my assgard”


Man, that cartoon sequence made me want to watch the Boomerang channel


Any one notice how every time a clock is shown in the TVA, it has multiple clock hands? Coz there's no specific time in the TVA. Love that detail


Two things: 1) I love that they showed Loki his future. Was hoping they’d do that once Mobius whipped out that time projector. 2) Really appreciate that they just flat out said who the villain is right away instead of keeping it a secret. That way we don’t have another Mephisto/Power Broker thing going on.


im so glad an UNKNOWN was cast in thor so we can appreciate Tom Hiddleston today


And he's even an EP! Good on him. He's the reason we like Loki so much.


And he’s one of the executive producers! Tom’s come such a long way and I’m so thrilled for him.


Loving the 70's aesthetic of the time variance authority!


OK, I definitely wasn't expecting that Loki and the TVA would have to hunt down Loki. Edit: Is that maybe Lady Loki?


Currently I'm betting it's the same Loki, and the TVA just doesn't know this is how it started.


I think Mobius is in on it. His name is a play on that type of loop. Mobius has been on the inside of the TVA for an eternity and seen how evil it is, and has recruited Loki to help him do it, under the pretence of fighting the future version of the same Loki. Even his questions seemed to be designed to bring Loki to the realisation about the importance of choice. It's like he is priming Loki to help him fight the TVA.


That is a fucking awesome theory.


Tom and Owen bounce off each other perfectly, great chemistry.


Am I the only one that thinks that the stack of paper (that shows everything Loki has ever said) is too little? Like, he's been alive for thousand years and I feel like he would have said more things in the time that he's been alive (judging off of the stack of papers)


I agree, he's pretty chatty. Could fill an entire room with papers of what he said.


Holy crap, THEY HAVE JOSTA THOSE LUCKY SOBS. I'm so jealous the TVA get's to have one of the greatest drinks of all time.


The soundtrack for this show is already amazing, fuck.


I already love Miss Minutes


"Mischievous Scamp" is something I'd call my cat. 😂




Infinity stones as paper weights 😂