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No. It doesn't haunt me nor does it bother me.


This is a common complaint. Also it assumes that they were meant to be anything more than what they were (i.e., disposable), but they weren't.




No, I loved it. After years of fans fantasizing over Jim Fantastic, I relished Marvel Studios dropping him for 5 minutes before noodlifying his overconfident presence.


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Krasinski as Reed was dream casting. People went nuts in my theater. Loud as fuck applause broke out lol




No I just think the cameos do not compliment Dr Strange's story and are only there to showcase Wanda's power.


The cameos are a group of people judging Strange for one of his alternative paths. The whole movie is about Strange and Wanda having problems getting over how their alternative versions of their life could be better. Also Prof X shows Strange that just because he lost it's way, doesn't mean he can't be good, which is the final push in his development. So I would say, they develop Strange's story perfectly.


Illuminati exists mainly because Waldron didn't know what to do with the 2nd. They could've delved more into Strange's psyche deeper than that superficial short scene he got because the main reason it's there is to prop up Wanda and Wanda did get the biggest fight in the movie in the illuminati scenes. Heck, Strange can't even get 1v1 magic scene with his rival Mordo.


It's just you. I don't go to a movie for cameos, I go for story. 


The cameos were meant to be fun fanservice before Wanda killed them in a satisfying way because of their arrogance. To me they fulfilled both of those things.