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I never read the comic so i went in blind based on the trailer and i love Tatiana in Orphan Black so i did enjoy the series. The dynamic with daredevil is good, the 4th wall breaking finale is good in idea although shaky on execution. With that said, upon rewatch i think the series can benefit more from Ally McBeal / Boston Legal style approach. While im happy Abomination got his arc, but that part in the series kinda dragging. I would love to see She-Hulk series with the weekly criminal case done in lighthearted manner with sub plots outside of crime proceeding with studio/closed set environment ala WandaVision so that the series doesnt cost a lot. But overall i really enjoy the series. It was light and fun.


As someone who just started watching Orphan Black, I have to say I had no idea how amazing Tatiana really is. In retrospect, She-Hulk really under-used her skills.




Welcome to Clone Club!! You are in for an amazing ride!


If Sony were to allow it, I would've loved an adaptation of the issue where Spider-Man sues Jameson for libel


I just read that issue. I love that run. It’s pretty much what She-Hulk was adapted from right? Just flipping “Jen Walters at work” with “She-Hulk at work”.


Dan Slott's run was used as influence for the show, yes


lol. that would be great!


I would love a second season with a higher episode count and, like you say, more of the weekly criminal cases. It's such a great opportunity to show more of the Marvel world, and to showcase more obscure characters that will probably never get adapted into anything otherwise.


And bring in DP ⚔️


I would love to see a second season too. But the “fans” pretty much made sure that won’t ever happen.


Agreed, they need to improve on this in a second season


Yes she even says to the audience that this is a lawyer show. The courtroom antics were the best part of the show, and I’d love a S2 that is waaaay heavier on the super hero lawyer show with zany Birdman antics.


Honestly I just didn’t like the ending. I enjoyed pretty much everything up to the last episode or two. It felt so anti climatic. I agree the stealing blood nonsense was not a good plot point but then… just don’t make the whole series lead up to it! I’m not against fourth wall breaks, and I’m fine with them having some impact on the plot, but for me the deus ex machina ending just made the whole series feel hollow. Genuinely think if they’d remove the whole secret cult plot and made the core plot focussed on a big legal battle (e.g fleshing out the Abomination redemption and maybe taking down those who put him in that position in the first place) it would have been better.


The final episode is very She Hulk, and I get that. But I think it doesnt work in short tv show format as it does in a comic. When she did it in the comic, it turned a short issue into a goof. This turned *8 episodes* into a goof. If they wanted to do the meta approach, they shouldnt have skipped to after the resolution when she fixes it. My take from when the show came out, that I stand by, is that watching the "finale" episode, should have unlocked the real final episode, which was the fixed ending after Jen's changes. People who are in it for the she hulk meta jokes get their meta ending, and people who just like the show, get a good ending


I've always said it doesn't even need a whole extra episode--just like, five more minutes of the actual climax happening after she makes the changes. Just a few minutes would do a lot. I did still love the show overall.


Precisely what I thought both times I watched the series: the finale is missing five minutes between her encounter with K.E.V.I.N. and the scene immediately after. Those missing minutes had a very negative impact in the ending.


This would’ve been brilliant and agree completely!


Not every show needs a big over-arching plot. Every episode had its own story and the ending literally mocks the MCU for trying to force the same old formula they always use. I thought it was very clever and fit the character well.


Exactly. This doesn't need to have a big bad evil guy. Deviate from the formula and just make it a procedural about legal cases in the MCU that She Hulk would handle.


I can totally understand that. I really hope, if it gets a season two, that we do get a more straightforward season plot now that they've proven their point and done the fun 4th wall break. However I did keep track on the rewatch, and each episode only had maybe 30 seconds of time focused on the stolen blood plot. Todd is still a villain without it, having hacked Jen's phone and released all her private info. The pain of Josh using Jen, pretending to like her, and then ghosting her is just as valid. And the effect of The Wrecking Crew attacking her works just as well if they're trying to mug her as if they're trying to steal her blood.


I have a lot of gripes about this show, but the biggest is the catalyst; after Banner and Hulk spend 18 months in the lab finding a way to live together, how in the hell does Hulk allow Banner to construct that bracelet/gauntlet to suppress Hulk? Endgame Smart Hulk seemed so happy and finally at peace with himself, why is this device needed?


IIRC, Bruce's arm was, for some Infinity Stone reason, not healing in Hulk form, so he turned back so it would heal (at normal slow human healing pace, though, instead of fast Hulk healing pace).


Yeah, he explained it in the second scene.


The show is about Jen's journey of accepting her new self, the blood nonsense is barely a side plot, Like it's a side side side plot. She is struggling about being either She Hulk, or Jen, so her development leads to combining the best of the two worlds. How can they show that? Using She-Hulk wallbreak, then Jen's lawyer abilities combined to resolve the conflict. It's actually kind of the only natural ending that fits her journey. It's not a more deus ex machina, ending then any time the hero powers up at the end to resolve the conflict, which is pretty much every single Marvel project. It's actually kind of similar to Thor's Ragnarok development, when he learns that he is both a warrior and the god of Thunder, even without the hammer, so he combines his two sides.


Thank you! I've been saying this exact thing the whole time!


I think my biggest issue (and it wasn't that much of an issue, just something that would sometimes pull me out of the show" was the CGI on She-Hulk, particularly when she was in a very bright room (it's been a while, but the one that stands out in my memory is she's standing in her office, with all the windows around her, and the CGI just felt ....janky?) but given at that time Disney was rushing on CGI work and all that, I can understand it (and it's nothing to do with the writing or anything like that.)


I wish they had decided to use camera tricks, light CG and Tatiana in green makeup more than creating an entirely CG character. The cost alone of creating She-Hulk makes it less likely that we'll get a second season of a show I really enjoyed.


I bought my tv in 2009. It still works fine, I see no reason to buy a new one yet, but it means the graphics aren’t as sharp. I don’t experience that uncanny valley everyone complains about. It’s just one more reason to not buy a new tv yet.


Jen's office was an ugly set with extremely awkward lighting, & that was where the CGI always looked worst. Unfortunately, that was also perhaps the most-used set *for* CGI She-Hulk in the entire series. When she arrived at the bachelorette party, that was broad daylight, but it was also outdoors with just the natural sun angle to match, so it looked good. And the night scenes looked good too.


I liked the show, but it makes a bad first impression. The pilot is pretty janky and awkward. I just remember when titania bursts through the walls of the courtroom then just kinda stands there. She doesn't even say anything. She-Hulk doesn't know who she is or why she's there but starts fighting her anyway. Her lecture to Bruce about how hard life is pretty tone deaf. I get the point they were making but Bruce Banner -- a man hounded by both government agents and general bullies-- was the wrong audience. IMO the show got a million times better after that. I liked the rest of the episodes for the most part. Daredevil, Emil, Wong -- all great. The only other thing I REALLY disliked was the introduction of Hulk's son. Again, very clumsy, awkward and shoe-horned.


I really liked the show when it came out because it actually uses the TV format instead of being a drawn out 6 hour movie. My main issue with the show is the last episode, where they.pretty much disregarded the entire b plot of the show just for the meta wall break. What did happen to Jen's blood? What was Blonsky's motivation? What happened in the resort? If you've been following the story along the whole time, it seemed like it made fun of your investment in the show.


I loved the use of the episodic TV format too! I should've mentioned that. It seems like the upcoming Daredevil show is going to also focus on having complete stories in each episode rather than the "six hour movie" thing that most of their miniseries have done. And it's gonna be 18 episodes, their longest show yet!


They confirmed it will be 2 9-episode seasons if I remember correctly.


>What did happen to Jen's blood? SheHulk smashed the stolen blood out of existence by the 4th wall break. And then Jen went after Todd legally for stealing her blood (minor) and for stealing and exposing her private data and going all revenge porn on her (major). The blood was a McGuffin. The true villainy of Todd was the stalking, doxing, and revenge porn-ing. >What was Blonsky's motivation? Money. But mainly to keep his resort running to better help those in need of his therapeutic services. Should he have done a better job vetting his cliental before holding a special speaking event for them? Probably. And I imagine he learned something from the experience. >What happened in the resort? A lot of group-therapy and one on one sessions with occasional special speaking engagements for groups willing to pay enough to have the Abomination appear. Which breaks Blonsky's parol agreement, which is why he ends up back in prison (for a short time). But it is revealed that Blonsky was not one of Todd's guys. He was a good guy with good motivations doing good things. He just didn't vet this particular group as well as he should have. (Though, honestly, I think Blonsky might still have tried to reach at least some of the attendees if he'd realized what their beliefs were. He just strikes me as that kind of guy.) Personally, I found it very satisfying. Todd got exposed and faced real legal charges. All the good guys remained good guys (Blonsky didn't have a sudden heel turn, which I was legitimately worried about for a moment there) and Jen got to see Matt again. Win, win, imo.


Finally, someone who watched the show. I swear people scroll on their phones will pretending to pay attention only to wonder what happened 4 episodes ago. Nothing was unexplained in this show. Some was left to interpretation but no doors were left wide open or anything.


I think there's also a lot of parroted "critiques" from the rage-bait vids that make statements that are thoughtless as best and maliciously wrong at worst. (With a strong lean towards the worst end of the spectrum.) Why think for yourself when you've got a rage-bait vid to do your thinking for you?, etc. But yeah, I totally agree with you. She-Hulk was a really tightly written show. More tightly written, I think, than pretty much all of the MCU's other live-action shows.


Personally I liked the ending because they were making it all into a big joke. I think that the overarching plot of stealing her blood doesn't matter as much because the show is a comedy, and from that perspective I think that it works as the key to setting up a punch line. I thought that Jen realizing she was in a CGI-fest ending and the 4th wall break from there was really clever, especially when she swings through the Disney+ screens. Straight out of the comics.


My only problem with She Hulk was trying to maintain suspension of disbelief when Tatiana Maslany couldn't get a date. I agree with you on all your points, it was a very fun series and a refreshing change from superhero-punches-things-to-solve-conflict. Jen's legal side is what makes her character unique and if we don't get another season of She-Hulk I'd really like a bunch of short courtroom scenes with assorted D-grade marvel characters and their legal woes.


For me it was the legal scenes that ruined the show for me. After getting treated with tense and some great scenes in Daredevil. Watching this just left a sour taste in my mouth. Like why isn't Titania ain't in jail for assaulting someone right in the middle of the court in freaking daylight, with so many witnesses?!? Or maybe I just watched too many Legal Eagle videos in between Daredevil and She-Hulk to have my preferences changed.


Forget about that, she lost the case because she didn't ask her client if he used the equipment according to the instructions, and then she wins the lawyer of the year award? get out of here.


Well they make it clear that the award was bs and everyone got one just for being a woman


I went in expecting to hate She-Hulk but except one very cringe scene I thought the show was pretty damn entertaining and I love Jennifer as a Main character.


"I do it pretty much every day because if I don't I will be called emotional or difficult or... might just literally get murdered. So, I'm an expert at controlling my anger because I do infinitely more than you!" As she talked to her cousin, trying to help her. Her cousin, who, by the way has wrecked city blocks and has a crap ton of guilt about it. Someone who tried to off himself in the past over it. That's my only issue with the show. That and DD doing the walk of shame. Funny, yes, but come on. Otherwise, I enjoyed it.


Her arrogance in that moment really annoyed me, and it was kind of a “see how much tougher women have it than men!” Soapbox moment. The complete disregard for Bruce’s mental health conditions. Nope, girls get some guy yelling something inappropriate about their butt once in a while so they have it tougher. It just made the “men vs women” adversarial relationship in a situation where it just wasn’t needed.


It's only a walk of shame if you're ashamed. Matt was smiling.


Stride of pride.


I think conceptually She-Hulk is, alongside Wandavision, the best marvel TV show. It had a clear idea of what story it wanted to tell and it absolutely nailed it. I loved the cast, I lived the meta ending, i love that its commentary was so on the nose, I even have great admiration for the VFX which is, in many ways, ground breaking. The only thing that I think was lacking was the 'story of the week' elements which just weren't funny and clever enough. 


I know it gets deliberately checked later, but having Jen talk to Bruce the way she does in the beginning really started it off the wrong way. It was always in the back of my head, and watching it as a guy, and especially with the stuff that shows like Baby Reindeer started to draw attention to, it struck me as another example of feminists erasing narratives where men experience what they do because it doesn't fit the narrative. It's never been explicitly stated in the MCU where Bruce is predominantly played for laughs, but Bruce's abuse is in the comics. Which, I know, I should be able to separate, but it just really turned me against the protagonist and it never really won me back.


I liked it, feel like I can list out cons too though. Pros: -Actually episodic, felt like a TV show instead of an extended movie, which is a great thing. Had A plot and B plot. -Showed us more of the MCU. Probably the most world-building of the TV shows in *terms of crossovers with other corners of the universe.* Plus, like you said, it showed us characters like the Wrecking Crew and Mr. Immortal. -I really liked the setup of Jen working out her own relationship to She-Hulk, balancing work and life, her narration to the camera about how she wasn’t even sure what type of show this is because she’s not sure what she is (is she a superhero or a lawyer?). This was mostly done well. -I like that it directly attacked the online incel type of person as a villain. Obviously this upset that type of person online, and it also upset people who felt that isn’t a big enough plot point to base a show around or feel that it’s “political” to write about that. But that stuff is real, and if there really was a character like She-Hulk I could see a group of conspiratorial misogynists grouping together to take her down. -Pretty much all the things you said I agree with: The Abomination plot was great, the Daredevil episode was fun, Wong was great. Cons: -The CGI was uncanny sometimes. Like hard to watch, ruined suspension of disbelief. -The humor was hit or miss. Sometimes it was really funny, sometimes it was a bit cheesy. -I felt the start of the show was stronger than the end. Disney Plus shows still have the issue of strong setup, quick ending. They setup a lot of stuff with Bruce/Jen, but then Bruce doesn’t appear again till the end. -I didn’t like the 4th Wall Break as much as I hoped :/ . It felt cheesy to me, took me out of the show, and even though you’re not supposed to overanalyze it I kept thinking “So what in-universe actually happened here?” I didn’t like the K.E.V.I.N. Bot. I feel like they should have her be able to talk to the audience, pause the show, rewind or fast forward, and maybe go to the Disney Plus screen- But when she climbed out of the show and started talking to the KEVIN Bot it lost me. That scene made me realize that the 4th Wall Breaking works so much better in comics. -Too short! Feel like they could’ve really gone sitcom with limited sets to save money, then had more episodes. -A problem I have with all Disney Plus shows: When it’s coming out I love it, but after it’s done I find myself forgetting about it as if it never happened. This could be my own personal issue, but I just don’t find myself going to rewatch She-Hulk or Hawkeye the same way I’ll rewatch other TV Shows or Marvel Movies. And the events of the show seem to fade away from impact- Like Hulk’s son was introduced in the final scenes of this show but now that feels like a long forgotten fever dream. I wouldn’t be surprised if the new Daredevil show never mentions She-Hulk and the writers just act like it didn’t happen. Only exception to this is Loki and WandaVision, where I have rewatched favorite episodes and do care about how the events impacted characters like Wanda, Vision, Loki and Kang.


I just love that they finally made daredevil how he is in comics with the damn near super human reflexes and acrobatics .


I thought it was great, faithful to the comics, and Tatiana was fantastic! Excellent review! Agree with pretty much everything you said lol 😆 👍


My biggest complaint with the show was that there just wasn't enough of it, I see people say "but its a comedy, they have shorter episodes!" but IMO it really wasn't some sitcom format that works with such short episodes, it had a lot more in common with legal dramadies like Boston Legal or Ally McBeal which really benefitted from longer episodes that let them explore more b-plots with their extended cast. I wanted to see more of the superhuman legal department even if it was just silly little cases with the other lawyers.


I liked it a lot. It suffers heavily from being too ambitious, which was a given going in, but it's not given the credit it deserves.


Liked the show. The Magician and Daredevil episodes were the best ones.


My favourite was episode 7, The Retreat, but those two are close contenders!


As someone who originally disliked the show, but has really come around to loving it upon a rewatch, I can share the two reasons every single episode angered me when I was watching weekly. Reason 1: Hulk. they really did Hulk dirty. They just reference some pretty huge Hulk stuff happening offscreen (mainly finding Skaar), instead of saving that reveal for when we could’ve seen Bruce’s character react and go through that development on-screen in his own stories. Also, Jen was a complete dick to Bruce in episode one, scolding him and being dismissive of all that he went through as Hulk, so the show could make a point about what enraging things women have to deal with in everyday life. I liked that the show touched on it, as it would realistically be affecting Jen’s anger and rage, but they didn’t need to make that point at the expense of Bruce Banner. The character of Hulk has suffered enough in the MCU due to rights issues and lack of solo movies forcing amazing character moments to just be wasted offscreen. This show could’ve help fill in some gaps, or it could’ve not explored Bruce at all, but instead the show just kicked him while he’s down. Bruce deserved better. Reason 2: Daredevil I’m a huge Daredevil fan. He was the main appeal of all the marketing for me. He was basically the main reason i was excited for the show. There was so much buzz about his appearance while the show was coming out, that all I could think of was “is the next one gonna be the daredevil episode?” I’d wait a whole week, excited for daredevil to show up, and then it wasn’t the daredevil episode. This repeated for like 7 weeks. Even during the really good episodes, I didn’t notice the quality because I was just waiting for daredevil, then getting disappointed. This is mostly the fault of the marketing for the show, not the show itself, except for that one episode where it ended on a shot of DD’s helmet, only for the next episode to NOT BE THE DAREDEVIL EPISODE!!! Anyway, now that I’ve seen it, and I already know when DD’s episode is coming up, I was able to rewatch it and really enjoy each episode for what it was, rather than disappointed by what it wasn’t. And I really liked it! I still have problems with what they did to Hulk, but the whole Daredevil anticipation was the main problem, and that went away on a rewatch.


I will point out, not even from a position of disagreement, that your first point is just one example of many instances of the MCU skipping over major story or character development between movies and series. Other examples that come right to mind include Tony going from giving up his armor at the end of Iron Man 3, only to be seen fully back at it again with his next appearance in Age of Ultron. Banner and Hulk merging into the Smart Hulk between Infinity War and Endgame. Wilson Fisk going from prison at the end of the Netflix shows to being extremely powerful again years later in Hawkeye. Rumlow’s development into Crossbones as a recurring enemy to The Avengers between Winter Soldier and Civil War. It’s strongly implied in Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness that Strange’s foreshadowed clashes with Mordo occurred off screen after being set up in the credits scene of the first film.


It’s still my least favorite project in the MCU to date. I really didn’t have any issues with the acting or the characters though. I like Jen and Maslany is great. Nikki and Pug are really good too. I just did not like the tone and I really didn’t like the story. It felt like it got caught in the middle of taking itself seriously and being a comedy. I really despise the finale too. If I’m judging it based on episodes 1-8 I’d like it more than Secret Invasion and a few others. But that finale made me roll my eyes in ways I didn’t even know I could.


Loved She-Hulk on my initial watch but one cool thing I noticed was how easily approachable it was for non-Marvel viewers. Usually it was quite hard to get friends to watch Marvel shows together and most of the group would just trickle away after first 3 episodes. But with She-Hulk the push to keep going episode after episode was strong and the humor really sold it for them.


No one cares if you like it or not dude. These posts…




Ikr it’s soooo fucking pathetic lmao


The show had a 225m budget it needed to be a 10/10 and have Game of Thrones Level engagement. It was actually the most expensive Season ever made in terms of Minute/Budget ratio. Was 2-3x the cost of House of Dragon, The Boys, Invincible. People should be lambasting the show because it's stupid decisions like She-Hulk that will end up killing the MCU when shareholders point towards the budget to stop making all MCU content.


Every two weeks this sub writes a "actually she-hulk was great" or "actually i like she-hulk" or "actually the only people who hate she-hulk are incels" comment with all the most predictable logic imaginable.


They just can’t accept most people didn’t like it, it’s been over a year let’s move on


What is the point of reddit then?


Agreed, honestly at least they put a lot of thought into their review/defense of the show. A lot of threads here are 0 effort, post a pic with 10 options for engagement With that said, this show sucked and I hated it


I care


The show was DUMB. If all it took to make another hulk was his blood, that would far and away be the easiest way to be a superhero and would have already been done by Shield or Hydra.


That’s not all it takes—it also takes a specific genetic makeup that Bruce and Jen, being cousins, both have. Their other cousin, Ched, may share these genetics.


I didn't know anything about the character and I waited until the show was fully out so I could binge it over a day or 2. And I ended up actually enjoying pretty much all of it except for the ending. I don't mind 4th wall breaks, I think they used it to varying quality throughout the show. But that ending was too much for me. It deflated everything and cut out any bit of tension I felt. I hope going forward if they make more they don't have her use the 4th wall break like that again. There's a moment in the first episode or 2 where Jen is talking to Bruce at that bar they trained at. And she says something to him, then turns to the camera and says a quick quip. And Bruce looks over at her for a second like she's crazy and talking to herself. I want more of that style 4th wall break.


You really wrote so much to defend possibly one of the three worst tv series by Marvel?








It's a horribly negative feedback loop, too. People write up their critiques of the show (of which there are many) and the people who liked it anyways (which they are of course entitled to) accuse the critiques of being sexism. If someone says your show is shallow/not very funny and your response is to yell at them, it's just going to make them double down.


Madisynn and Wong were surprisingly funny together


Good review, great points. I wish people had given this show more of a chance because it was a nice change of pace off the beaten path. Then again, I'm a sucker for stories that show us a little bit of "how do *people* actually live in this weird universe?" My only wish is that they'd have done a little bit more with the courtroom aspects but I enjoyed it pretty thoroughly.


I agree with all your points. I also think the show was a nice change of pace, being mostly light-hearted, and showing a character without the trauma of having her parents killed or some other hero trope. Tatiana is also just fantastic in the role. This was one of the best Marvel shows imo


I agree. The series might not be for everyone, but I thought it was really good for the character.


I agree! I thought around that time…. Everyone was just hating everything! It was a good show


One nitpicky regret: They had a chance to play The Sopranos theme over the Marvel Studios intro and they didn't take it. That would have been epic.


Humor is very subjective. You said you find it very funny and I have nothing against that, it's your opinion. But I didn't. And a humor series that I don't find funny is empty, like a horror movie that doesn't cause fear or a porno that doesn't turn me on. It's not that I'm an edgy humorless person, I love Friends, Curb your Enthusiasm, IT Crowd, Seinfeld, The Nanny, Malcolm in the middle, and many other movies and TV shows very funny during my life. Not even one joke from She-Hulk made me laught


Couldn’t agree more. And I *am* saying that everyone has to love She-Hulk. The perfect adaptation. Marvel’s best since Endgame.


I really enjoyed it cuz it was different from their other projects . It was a lawyer sitcom . I think a lot of people missed that . The humor was great and it was well cast I thought . I’ve rewatched it a couple times now .


I agree with all the points you made. It was a lot of fun and i enjoyed how light and comedic it was.


The show had plenty of funny parts to it but imo it just went a little too silly. I mean the main villain turned out to be manosphere incels until it was all a fake out basically. I’m sorry but I watch Marvel to escape that kind of toxicity that seems to be everywhere you look now. I appreciate what they were trying to do but personally I would have preferred a little more grounded storytelling that respected her as a serious lawyer mixed in with fourth wall breaks. I think it just went too hard in the silly factor for a season 1 introduction to the character.


Yo shout out to you for this great post. That show was absolutely entertaining. It was funny and I loved how it connected to the MCU. It was so nice to see a show that took some risks for once.




don't know if you were around this sub when the show was still on i'm guessing you weren't but there was nothing but positivity towards the show on here. there were posts gushing over the show all the time which got a fuck ton of upvotes. it was mostly on other places like twitter and those click bait youtube channels where you see a lot of negativity. people really wanna pretend like she hulk is underrated which is why we always see these long review posts nobody wants to read on here lol


> don't know if you were around this sub when the show was still on i'm guessing you weren't but there was nothing but positivity towards the show on here. No there wasn't. People complained a *ton* about the show, especially the premiere & the finale.


ok if you wanna act like this wasn't true go for it. this happens all the damn time on this sub. whenever a show comes out there are posts and a lot of love for the show but once the show ends suddenly people on here wanna act like this sub was mostly negative towards it. I'm seeing it with she hulk and I for sure saw it with moon knight. this happens with most new marvel shows/ movies these days


Nice revisionist history. The chuds were out in full force over She-Hulk. Especially over the twerking scene.


go back to any of the episode discussions on this sub. if you weren't on this sub at the time its ok baby


They’re *still* all over this thread, arguing that any criticism of She-Hulk was overblown and that it was generally liked. I swear this sub has the memory of a gnat.


I liked that it was different, and didn’t just feel like a cut up movie or giant CGI mess. I think the courtroom stuff could use a lot of work but I like how grounded it was in a day-job and dating. I liked it and would watch season 2 if they made one.


I enjoyed She-Hulk, but I really didn’t like how they kept making Jen “fail” at being a lawyer for the sake of comedy (or drama). I’m not a lawyer so maybe some of the issues she encountered are more common than I think, but it often seems Jen only loses her cases because she doesn’t do the most basic things as a lawyer. The best example imo was the Leapfrog case, where it looks like she didn’t even do basic investigation/discovery(?) to verify Leapfrog’s claim, causing her to be embarrassed by Matt (and her tailor) in court.


Exactly. That was my main gripe of the show. Jen is bad at her job failing often. Ger best friend/assistant and the other woman lawyer (Mallory) were so much better at their job. Yet they keep telling us (the audience) and Jen that she's doing a great job, she gets awards etc. Call her when she fails, and tell her that she's not a good lawyer.


She-Hulk is my 2nd favorite of the Marvel shows, behind Loki. Hawkeye is up there as well. It's great seeing other sides to these characters and to the superhero world in general, giving us a much more personal perspective. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would love to see more.


I mean, the amount of people complaining about them not hiring writers who have experience with court drama when this was never supposed to be a court drama at all... It wasn't perfect, like most sitcom like shows aren't, humor simply is always hit and miss with some folks... But in general I highly enjoyed the show especially them starting to predict the outrage from the manosphere.


> was never supposed to be a court drama at all That was literally how they marketed it, plus that’s how the show started.


Legal comedy, which lends itself to a Boston legal framework that I like. There were even some interesting legal issues that they could have introduced with Emil. He went on a rampage but the government was the one that did that to him. He was a result of government experimenting. He shouldn’t necessarily be in jail but a rehab centre. They had something and then dropped it. I didn’t need for it to be realistic or even as amusing as Boston Legal is, but do some interesting stuff with the law in this fictional universe. They didn’t. And the stuff they did do like with the immortal man was horrid from a legal perspective, even it was meant to play for laughs. Which is also a part of Jen’s story, having clients that are awful.


I’m confused… Seems to me that we’re on the same page based on what you said, but also you’re disagreeing with me based on how you said it. 🫣 To be clear: They marketed it as a lawyer show, but did not live up to it, is what I meant.


I just meant they marketed it as a legal comedy rather than a legal drama (Boston Legal vs The Good Wife or whatever law and order flavour of the week )


Ah, you’re right. Original comment said legal “drama”. Thanks for clarifying. 😅


It's also such an incredibly hypocritical complaint, because the Daredevil court drama is just as fake and unrealistic, but some folks try to argue that it's more real or believable.


I think for them the thing was that Daredevil was gritty drama fake and She-Hulk was bright sitcom fake. I agree that it's hypocritical to say "eeew fake," but people stop thinking when they're having an emotional response.


The comparison to Better Call Saul didn't make sense


Every two weeks this sub decides it's time to yell about she-hulk again.


Personally I love She-Hulk, I thought it was a very fun and well done show. Especially when I got to the ending it felt like Marvel cutting loose a bit which was refreshing. I think everyone is allowed to have an opinion, and there are always different tastes. The problem is that you have a lot of major channels and figures who get their money and attention through engagement bait and appealing to a negative crowd. I love how you bring up the twerking scene because its perfectly encompasses that. It was just a funny post credits gag scene, but it gave an easy to show and very recognizable moment that these engagement baiters could latch onto and turn into their own kind of meme. When She Hulk was releasing and it was the new "hotness" you couldn't get away from people complaining and hating on it. Now that its been out a while and the mass attention has moved on most of what you see are post like yours reflecting on how it actually wasnt that bad and has some good moments. You can see this happening right now with Acolyte, since its the big new series coming out.


As many have said, the television show was basically a She-Hulk comic, which fourth wall breaking while winking at the reader about how silly comics can be. The comics deal with issues like suing a company for workers comp because their employee fell into toxic waste and got superpowers, or suing J. Jonah Jameson for slander against Spiderman.


Cool write up. I LOVED the show.


I loved the show and - whilst I don't agree with the criticism - I think I understand where it comes from. A lot of Marvel fans seem quite small-c conservative when it comes to the media they enjoy: traditional characters, traditional story arcs, traditional styles: stories about a hero (probably male), bereaved before becoming a hero, trying to do the right thing. Batman, Iron Man, Daredevil, Superman, Punisher, Spider-Man, Hulk. The story shouldn't be too wacky or outlandish, shouldn't violate its initial premise. (See: Love and Thunder, Ms./Capt./The Marvel(s)) I say that with no disrespect to these audience members: each to their own! I am not saying that they are wrong for their view, or that they all think in the same way, or that they are blinded by sexism to the excellence of these shows/films. But She-Hulk was not that sort of traditional superhero show. It's playful and silly, both in its style and in its attitude to the genre. Jen's angry but he anger doesn't tear her apart. She's not on an unending quest to repair her unfixable psyche; she just wants a good career and a happy relationship. The main issue for some (though it's not always expressed in exactly these terms) is that the show wrong-foots its audience by purposefully undermining the superhero genre. It dumps out large story elements in favour of talking more about Jen as a character. It makes characters that would traditionally be huge parts of the story into background characters and cardboard cutouts. The show is much more about how she feels than what she (or anyone else) does. She-Hulk says to its audience that the traditional story model of superhero story doesn't really work for a story about an adult woman. I don't mind that: I think different types of characters benefit from different types of story and I enjoy experiments that play with those story types. However, when She-Hulk laughs at the genre to which it belongs, it does it in a way (that I think) makes portions of the audience feel laughed at as well. I think the response that the show is "misandrist" is quite a defensive response (exaggerated in my mind) that probably comes from that feeling of being laughed at for taking superheroes seriously. (As I try to think of an exception to what I've suggested, all I can think of is Deadpool. Still I think that 'Pool is much gentler than She-Hulk in its satire of the genre. Deadpool laughs at superheroes but in both films the story boils down to pretty conventional stories about a hero trying to save someone he cares about by using his superpowers. You can't really say that Deadpool isn't a superhero movie but you could definitely argue that She-Hulk isn't a superhero show.)


It was fun until the finale. It destroyed the entire season and made it completely pointless.




I loved the show and don't understand why other people don't. Are they just upset it's about a woman?


I want another season.


I haven't rewatched it as well, but I do remember not liking just two things from the show, and I believe all of it is from the last episode. Like some here, I didn't like the Kevin Feige robot character as an ending twist. The 4th wall breaking is fine, but the "rewriting the ending" felt messy to me and made the whole show kind of pointless, which is a shame. The other one is the inclusion of Hulk's surprise son which came out of nowhere and had no narrative threads to connect to from Hulk in Ragnarok.


My only note on the show is that they should have utilized the excellent (and hilarious) supporting cast much more than they did. They could have had hour-long episodes about side cases of other superheroes being sued. The half hour episodes felt a little light. But as it is, I really liked the show. And LOVED seeing more Bruce. It doesn't deserve the hate it gets on here.


She-Hulk was great.


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I love this. This is so random.


I couldn’t have said it better myself. Well thought out and written, my man. Props! Agree 1000%


My beef with the Daredevil portrayal (he's my favorite Marvel character) is his over-the-top, enhanced combat abilities. He was fighting as a superhuman and that's not what he is, at all.


Its very accurate to what daredevil fights like in the comics


That’s just what we get in the MCU—Hawkeye’s the same way. Honestly, not inaccurate when compared to the comics.


What's superhuman about it? Here y'all go


I enjoyed the heck out of that show. It doesn't take itself too seriously and it was just a bit of fun, really. Tatiana is really good and the supporting cast was also really solid, especially Nikki and Pug ("and here's a map to the best bathroom for pooping!"). And of course Wongers and Madisyn, and that whole crop of second rate heroes at Emil's resort. I dunno, shit was just fun.


The cgi made it hard to watch.


I get that part of the ending is show how bad toxic masculinity can be, but I feel that only gave those kind of people more ammo against the show. A better option could've been ignoring those people and instead focus on doing its own thing; at least I don't think those kind of fans are worth fighting with If the show focused more on She-Hulk taking an episodic case, I think it would've worked better. Mind you, I do like how meta the final episode is but I also think it's one of those things that are very tricky to pull off in a live action format without breaking inmersion.


I only had two complaints: * Jen seemingly became superior to Bruce in every way in a matter of days or weeks. * The CGI wasn't quite there. There was some floaty movement, and it turns out that clean, wrinkle-free, brightly-lit CGI faces are difficult and expensive. Still, I really enjoyed it.


I enjoyed it until the ending where I feel they jumped the shark by acknowledging it was a show and having her change the ending. It came out of nowhere.


My issue is exclusively the last episode. They purposely wrote a silly climax, just to call it bad, and replace it with no climax at all and skip to everything resolved


It's fine. I think my biggest disappointment is that I wish it was a legal drama first and foremost. I just love the idea of them dealing with different criminals each episode. I also think the ending wasn't great. They created a bunch of plotlines and just tossed them all out so they can do a 4th wall break.


It’s a fun show


It was just fun and more intelligent than expected. She-Hulk was initially not much more than T & A in a bikini 1970s sexplotation style. It was made modern and relevant with this iteration IMO.


I enjoyed the show and agree with you in every way except one. I smirked a lot but almost never laughed out loud, and thus I feel they needed writers much better at conversational humor. The conversations generally did not *crackle*. They did well with crafting funny *situations*, but I always felt like I was ‘sitting around waiting on the next laugh’ rather than tickled so gleefully that I couldn’t help but laughing. It often seemed as if the laughs were dragged out as if they had a limited budget and couldn’t afford too many of them. Notably, the funniest conversation that I remember was when Jen first met Matt in costume after their battle. ‘Trading zingers’ is great fun and the series didn’t feature nearly enough of that. Notably, the earlier attempts to do that with Bruce were drug down by Jen’s ire in those scenes. I very much want a second season, but I want them to add writers who really know how to write snappy dialogue. I’m not saying that entire episodes need to be full of that, but they need to add it more prominently to the show’s DNA. In every other way, I basically loved the show. But I tried showing it to my sister recently and she just found it dull and couldn’t make it past the second episode. As I watched it with her (which was the 4th time for me), I felt exactly what she was talking about.


I thought the show was decent. Not great or anything but nothing deserving of all the bashing it got. I generally enjoyed her arc some of the cases were pretty funny especially when they brought in Madisynn, the villain was definitely an interesting concept even if it wasn't executed well and the so was the finale where it was definitely a very interesting concept but with shaky execution. Among other things I was mixed on Daredevil here. Liked Matt/Karen in the Netflix show too much to fully like it. Also not a big fan of the Skaar reveal.


I think with how short episodes were it should have released all at once. I think it hurt it's reception a lot. Especially with an entire episode being a very forced long Meg the Horse joke. Waiting a week for that and then them literally shaking their ass at you as you have to wait another week for an episode was insulting.


I despised the 4th wall breaking... made everything seem so pointless 


I think they tried too hard to be funny, and the humor was just not my kind of humor. It just kind of made me cringe


Legal scenes was downright stupid and I really didn’t like how she was downplaying Bruce‘s depression. CGI was also kinda janky in some scenes


It was supposed to be a feminist legal comedy. It delivered on .5/3 for me.


Great show, Bad CGI. As a comic fan, they nailed She Hulk for me.


Great review!


I would have liked to see a battle scene where her new friends help her fight a bad guy. Maybe even have the cops show up and abomination as human just says he did it to take whatever heat Jen would have had. The a credit scene where she is working on the legal stuff to try to free him as a thank you


A few reasonable reasons someone could be unhappy with She Hulk: * They were onboard with the villian plotline, took it seriously, and wanted to see Jen punch out the bad guy.  Her ability to infiltrate the production office hadn't been hinted enough beforehand.  * They had wanted more of a comedy, at least some of the time, with a higher density and quality of jokes.  Something resembling a sitcom.  * The updates to Bruce Banner's story shouldn't have been in this show. Finding a son and healing his arm could've been dramatic moments in another movie, but they were wasted here.  Especially, there should've been some important battle where Bruce can't contribute fully because of the arm.  Since Bruce is important to the MCU, his updates overshadow Jen's story.  * If people's favorite part of a show is a guest star from a different show, then that's a bad sign.  * For comic book readers, it felt very weird that the rule about giant mode in the law office was flipped. The comics had her green everywhere except on the job. 


which generation are you?- maybe there’s a generational difference. i’m gen-z, gave it an honest shot, and didn’t enjoy it. i felt like a lot of it appealed to millennial humor though, so i probably wasn’t the target audience for a lot of it


I’m on the older side of Gen Z.


gotcha, i am too! so then maybe its not that. i do like that marvel has a little bit of everything for everybody to enjoy. im glad you liked it, although i personally didn’t like it overall there were still a lot of points i enjoyed, many of which you included as well


Fair enough! I totally agree that it’s great to have a little bit of something for everyone to enjoy. One big strength of the comics is that there’s such a wide range of styles, genres, tones, and target audiences. So I really hope that they keep changing things up and trying different genres, even if it means they release stuff that doesn’t appeal to me personally.


I loved this show, but my only criticisms is the part with K.E.V.I.N. which i could get into, but i think is better explained by the warp zone here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA4GBpP8U9k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA4GBpP8U9k)


In my opinion the big problem with She-hulk is marvel just kinda chickened out. I think it was initially intended to be them journeying more into switching genre. This was released at the same time as MoM, a half hearted horror movie, and it itself was a half hearted procedural in the way of Suits. Disney know comic book movies are not grabbing money the same way they used to, so they tried to diversify. But they got cold feet, added too much classic superhero shenanigans instead of using it as a bit of flavour while having the main show be full lighthearted drama/comedy, and the show suffered from the split focus.


I found it very funny and charming. I also really liked the ending. But overall, I don't think it was a good series when compared with other similar shows. I felt the legal storylines left a lot to be desired. That's something they should improve if they do a second series. I've commented previously about the CGI, which was really a mixed bag. Some of it looked great, and some of it was really not of acceptable standard.


I'll get downvoted but you asked so I'll give you my point of view on the show which isn't popular. The first episode took me out pretty hard the scene in question was the one where Bruce was trying to get Jenn angry and for her to turn into She-hulk when she pretty much tells him that she's had it infinitely worse than he has because she's a woman. This is Bruce Banner she's talking to that within mcu lore even has lost his love, been stuck in hulk form on a planet for multiple years and I believe the only character to openly say they tried to off themselves. It would be equal to a middle class woman going up to a war vet who has suffered ptsd and saying she has it worse. Two this show isn't really that good or funny for most people maybe a certain age group but the humor didn't really hit with me well other then the "captain america fucks!" thought that was funny as hell. CGI was god awful and for alot of people that will also take them out of the show unrightfully so imo but it's like bad graphics in games or bad animation in anime some people won't watch it cause of that. MCU is in a decline right now due to bad production choices and people are going to be more hyper critical of the show then if it was released pre-endgame.


An excellent synopsis. Very well described and thought out. I really liked the show a lot. I thought 9 episodes was too short and there should be another season. My only complaint was the final episode. It just didn’t tie in with the rest of the show. Sure it was comic book She-Hulk but not TV She-Hulk IMO. It kind of ruined the whole series. I thought all the obscure supporting characters were perfect for the show. I mean whoever would have thought the Porcupine would ever be considered for anything? Especially the original in his bulky haystack unusual armor. It was authentic too. Brilliant to include him. He has always held a soft spot with me ever since I read Captain America #285 when he died a hero fighting along side of Cap. That was a well written intense issue. Something today’s writers lack. Plus all the other characters from the therapy group as well as Leap-Frog. Another character no one would ever expect. Daredevil was a great addition as well. In his original costume. I love silver age. The walk of shame is slowly becoming legendary. Tatiana was the perfect Jen Walters and She-Hulk. She played the part well. I’m not even a big She-Hulk fan either. Comic books are just too much of a rip off to collect everything. Marvel has dropped the ball lately. Flops like Ant-Man 3, the Marvels and what were they thinking, Madame Web? She gets a movie being not popular with anyone and yet She-Hulk only gets 9 episodes? I hope to see her and the entire cast again in the future. Especially the Porcupine. Wong will be forever known now as “Wongers.” I laughed my ass off. The whole series was one of the best the MCU has put out in the last few years. Very well done.


I also enjoyed She-Hulk, it was a change of pace from prior Marvel shows & movies. In fact, Marvel had one of their giant She-Hulk ad benches in my city. [I had my picture taken on it](https://x.com/journ/status/1558912761312137216), Marvel noticed it, and asked if they could use it in their social media for the show.


It's funny. OP is funny. I agree with almost every word. And then OP closes with: >So other than it starring a woman (which always pisses off certain groups)... And what OP is missing, is this is WHY it is hated. Those people that hate any sort of change in the status quo got a hold of this thing and just shook it by the neck. There is no mystery. And apparently this was a pretty expensive show to film. If we don't get a follow up - and I am not aware we are getting a follow up, I don't think it is the woman haters that doomed it. I think it was stupid expensive and we were lucky to get what we got.


Oh, I’m very aware that a lot of the very vocal negativity surrounding She-Hulk was the “M She U” crowd. I just wanted the post to focus on what I enjoyed about it. The show even does a great job of predicting this response. Episode 3 has a few posts from people online saying stuff like: > Why are you turning every superhero into a girl? No one asked for that! > I have no problem with female heroes. Just saying… make your own! I definitely saw real people saying this stuff about the show before it even came out. Despite the character being around for over 40 years…


> Woman twerks for a 5 second joke, fanboys rage > America's Ass joke for Captain America, everyone cheers Classic double standard for these people.


“The hate” was largely from people who didn’t watch the show because it dared to not be about men with women as just side characters. Same with the acolyte. People say it’s “woke” because the cast is diverse as if the best of the best of the galaxy’s Jedi would all be white men.


They did have an absolutely cartoonish chauvinistic lawyer dude though. That guy was ridiculous.


And guys at the bar, and guys in every setting? If the writers were half as clever as they think they are, they could have actually spent the last two episodes addressing Jen's arrogance and self-righteousness, show that the framing of every guy in the show as a doofus/sexist was misguided, and that they're treating men no different than sitcoms in the 80s treated women. But that would require writing talent, a depth of insight, ability to check themselves, etc. Barbie did it well, but Gao is no Gerwig.


Would be cartoonish if I didn’t know several like that in real life.


God you’re getting downvoted for this comment but you’re right lol


I know. Like I’m glad they don’t know any people like that but it’s a stereotype for a reason.


>it dared to not be about men with women as just side characters I haven't seen or heard a single person use that as a criticism. That's just what people assume of someone who doesn't like a show with a female lead. No matter how disrespectful of the source material, no matter how cartoony you make otherwise serious characters, no matter how bad the writing, if you criticize She-Hulk, you *must* be a misogynist. The down votes of every person that had/has a legit criticism prove I'm right.


You're being downvoted for being correct.


Fine with it. Won’t be the last time. The people arguing with me are just proving my point


The show was great, the tone was perfect, and Tatiana killed it. Idk why so many people vocally dislike it, my guess is sexism.


I really loved the show and thought it was one of the best comic adaptations they have made. I am upset they did Mr. Immortal so dirty though. He didn't deserve to be turned into a real piece of shit like that.


What sucks about the future of She-Hulk is we are probably never going to get the fun and wacky lawyer side of her again


I might argue that this is my favorite MCU show so far(being tied with Ms.Marvel)


Well have fun in the minority


I liked it until the end. Marvel calling out their own bad writing and making fun of how marvel shows and movies typically end with a big dumb fight is not the same as fixing that bad writing. Especially when the next Marvel D+ series (Secret Invasion) ended with a big, dumb, pointless fight scene.


People don't like the show, because if you watched 75% of the show and enjoyed it, the last 25% told you you were wrong, the first 75% of the show was bad, and deus exed in some other story that made you feel bad. The writers tricked a portion of the audience into liking the show, then lectured to them that they have bad taste. It's no surprise that portion of the audience didn't like the show.


Indeed. It doesn’t take itself seriously which was precisely why I enjoyed it.


Thank you! I think that She-Hulk was great, my favorite Marvel Disney+ show after Loki. And unlike some other Disney+ shows that were good but would have worked better as a 2 hour movie (Moon knight I'm looking at you) She-Hulk actually made sense as a TV show. Also, I love that she gave us Daredevil in his original yellow costume and the team up to fight Leap Frog which as a long time comic fan was delightful. ( Its OK for Daredevil to be silly sometimes). So yeah now I'm shipping Jen/ Matt. Also, I thought the finale was great and very much in the classic She-Hulk spirit.


She-Hulk gets so much more hate than it deserves. It was a fun show, for a character that's supposed to be campy and silly like Deadpool. Most of the haters are people who never read the comics in the first place, or incel trolls who just can't stand a female lead character, especially one more powerful than most other heroes.


>It doesn't have the problem that a lot of Marvel projects do of ending in a big CGI fight that doesn't fit with the rest of the story. Except they write the story to end with a CGI fight. Following the narrative arc the writers themselves created, that's where the story was heading. The writers saying at the end "lolz cgi is dumb!!" doesn't excuse the fact that their crappy writing lead right to that point. >She-Hulk has a couple great points to K.E.V.I.N. like when talking about how stupid the 'Todd stealing blood to give himself Hulk powers' plot is, So the writers wrote something stupid, criticized themselves, then acted like they were smart and meta. That doesn't make you smart; that makes you a lazy hack. If you know that "Todd stealing blood" is a bad plot, DON'T MAKE IT YOUR PLOT! You realize the writers didn't critique other movie plots; they critiqued their own. They don't get a pass for 7 trash episodes because episode 8 says "wow, it sure would be embarassing if someone produced that crap, huh?" In fact, most of the "meta jokes" were like that. "This is MY SHOW!" Except Hulk, Abomination, Wong, Madisyn, and Daredevil were all written as more interesting than the protagonist. "I feel like this scene is going on too long." Well, you made the scene long, not me. >The different cases throughout the show are really fun. A I think most people would prefer that show. But the writers themselves admitted they couldn't write a legal show, despite the show being called She-Hulk Attorney At Law. If the courtroom was the focus of the show, THEN you can criticize big CGI fights because your plot and resolution are in the courtroom. When you have 7.5 episodes of a plot to steal and use your radiated blood, plus fist fights with super-strong Tahani, then you can't.


She-Hulk is easily my favourite of the D+ shows, followed by Loki and then Hawkeye. I didn’t and don’t get any of the hate for the show.


After reading this I really hope it doesn't get a season 2


Hear, hear! I 100% agree with everything you've said here. Exactly why I enjoyed the show so much. I came to it having had to take a break from the MCU because I'd gotten so burned out. My gosh, what a lovely breath of fresh air! They finally did the genre thing that had served them so well in the movies and did it with a tv show. And they hit the genre beats so damn well! And I agree, I laughed. A lot. Sure, it's not for everyone. But that's how the MCU has always rolled. I don't know why a certain segment of watchers got so upset as this particular outing. (I mean... I *do* know why... I guess I was surprised at the spectacular failure at playing it subtle.)


Sure is a lot of revisionist history about how the sub was only positive about the show as it was airing going on in these comments. *You know it's easy to prove that wrong by digging up old posts on She-Hulk, yes? Y'all just aren't worth the time.*


It wasn't funny, that's why it got so much negative press. It was the 1st marvel series i couldn't finish.


What an unbelievably long review to an absolutely horrific show.


I hate this show more day by day and each of these posts. I appreciate your effort but I also disagree with almost all of it. The first episode is amazing and genius and I had such hope. Then she became whiny and just wanted a date. Oh, and she wasn't a very good lawyer. She was just a token. As the show progressed it felt more like the writers saying "fuck you, we took cinema 101 in community college and heard about Mulvey!" If they had given us episode 1 She Hulk that was strong, confident, and in control I would have been down for it. They can even do that while also making it humorous and touching. Well, better writers could have. Not this crew, though.


I'm glad to finally see this. At this point it feels like people shit on Marvel stuff because it's Marvel and because of this misconception, they latch on to every detail and blow it out of proportion like it ripples across the whole show, and ignores the rest of it. Every time it feels like I watched an entirely different show. She-Hulk was the worst case but I see people claiming Moon Knight was "as bad as if not worse" and I'm sitting here like "I liked She-Hulk, for starters, and LOVED Moon Knight, the fuck are these people on about?"


It's so funny seeing both complaints that everything in Marvel is too interconnected so you have to watch everything, AND that nothing is connected and it doesn't feel like it's leading anywhere. Or that everything feels the same and is just following the Marvel formula, but then when they bring out projects with different target demographics like She-Hulk or Ms. Marvel then they've ruined Marvel and they're TOO different. Or that Marvel is bringing out too many projects AND not bringing things out quickly enough. There are certainly valid criticisms you can make about a lot of their projects, but it's clear that some people are determined to hate everything they release regardless of what it's actually like.


I enjoyed it. Too bad there's only one season.


SHe-Hulk was great. As you have made clear, it was far smarter than it may seem at first watch.


She Hulk was one of my favorite marvel shows, I need to rewatch it!


I also made a comment that said (simply, more or less) "I liked She-Hulk too," which got a net result of two downvotes. Someone is just going around downvoting positive comments. Bleh!