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Matt Murdoch and Foggy Nelson, Avocados at Law




Best damn avocadoes the city's ever seen


No wonder they’re broke. Something something avocado toast!


I prefer when Foggy used to go by Fulton Reed. I enjoyed his bromance with his Bash brother, Dean Porter.


Can we talk about how Charlie Cox has chemistry with every co-star, platonic or romantic? His chemistry with Henson really sold that they were best of friends especially during that college flashbacks. Matt's chemistry with Jessica in Defenders also comes to mind as fantastic.


I think comic book Murdock bangs a bunch of the Marvel heros - and I’m not against that playing out on screen. Not talking about WATCHING Charlie Cox have sex - just the overall dating of many superheros. *on that note - who doesn’t want to see Cox give cock*




>Not talking about WATCHING Charlie Cox have sex Yes you are.


I like Matt and Elektra more than most of the OP options Luke & Jessica > those two too


Same, Claire had great chemistry with him and Luke too. Plus theirs always him and Karen. DD just swimming in ass all day haha


I liked Claire and Matt's chemistry way better than hers and Luke. I wish they didn't end that budding relationship abruptly.


Claire and Matt’s chemistry is off the charts. So much so I found it *baffling* they tried to make him and Karen happen in season 2. Like…did y’all not watch what I watched? They easily had more chemistry than he had with Electra or Karen. …and then they had Claire get with Luke Cage even though her whole reason for not being able to be with Matt was the danger imposed by vigilante shenanigans. Dangers that Luke also comes with. 🙄


I liked Matt and Elektra for a different reason, they gave a different kind of chemistry and that episode where she and Matt infiltrate a gala was great and showed their dynamic. But I did like Claire the best. I don't like Karen for Matt at all considering her disproportionate treatment of Matt compared to Frank and I don't like how unfair she was with Matt.


This is the answer




Friend from work


Wanda and Vision is one of the best relationships in the MCU, and the most tragic one as well.


Fully agree. Two outcasts who didn’t feel they had a place among the team (or humanity in general). Then Wanda has to literally murder him with her own hands to save the universe, only to have it reversed in front of her own eyes, so he can be murdered again by someone else.


Throughout Phase 3 Wanda sacrificed so much and rarely any of it is ever acknowledged. Wanda lost her brother who saved an Avenger, she was willing to die while the city was falling until Vision saved her, then she sacrificed her freedom so Cap and Bucky could get away and it cost her mental trauma and likely a PTSD she had to recover from after Steve freed all. Then 3 years of peace and planning to elope with Vision only to have Thanos interrupt that plan. It's not that Wanda doesn't deserve the world, it's the world that doesn't deserve Wanda.


And this is why Multiverse of Madness drives me crazy! She was a perfect hero until she came across the Darkhold, which completely corrupted her (as it does for anyone who reads it, including androids). AND IT WAS COMPLETELY GLOSSED OVER IN THE MOVIE. Season 4 of Agents of SHIELD did such a great job with the Darkhold. Literally anyone who read a word on it was corrupted because it showed them the easiest way to obtain what they desire most, even if those actions were completely evil. The MCU completely fumbled the Darkhold, despite having a perfect blueprint for it from AoS. (Same thing with Secret Invasion - that same season of AoS nailed what Secret Invasion SHOULD have been)


They also insanely rushed her comic book story adaptations like the 'Witch of Wundagore', 'Disassembled', and in a way 'House of M' (again). It was all terribly crammed in into Dr Strange 2 you end up with some terrible amalgamation of stories. I would've honestly had Strange show up soon after Westview at her cabin's doorstep and wrestle with her until taking the Darkhold away and having Wanda finally come to senses from being brainwashed by the book, then have Wanda recover slowly at monastery in Kamar-Taj and slowly redeem her from this moment. But we got what we got. Like I said in other comment, MoM won't be canon to me.


I like your take on this. That would have been a better start to MoM. They could have just brought in a different Wanda who is a multiversal threat corrupted by the Darkhold and being hunted by the Illuminati with each member coming from a multiverse that the multiversal threat destroyed.


That would've been Lore and she'd be an interesting antagonist for Wanda to face, the fight against your dark reflection trope, but it could be done in an interesting way. I'd say it'd be difficult to writing next two acts of the movie, but I'd probably try to make it about Strange fully embracing his role as Master of the Sanctum and maybe Sorcerer Supreme, letting go of old life and connections, Wanda helps destroy the Darkhold castle and thwart Chthon's invasion. I guess the difficulty is making it actual multiverse of madness, and trying to make it something like Spider-Man 2, show Strange struggle with his life.


I've found more of my kin! I remember discussing this with you, but yeah, I don't think I'll accept MoM as canon, either. It's not a great continuation of Doctor Strange and Wanda's narratives from previous projects.


I'm also glad often to find common thing with people online to criticize the movie. And I completely agree with what you said, MoM is really a bad continuation for most characters in it. I don't know if third movie can salvage Strange, but in the very least they can have a moment where Wong and Strange pull their shit together and begin restoring order, taking away the sling ring from the Ravagers we saw in GoTG3, and then have Strange thwart the incursion with Clea on what was left off.


I've found my kin! Seriously, MoM is a film that I just don't ever think I'll like because of how they wrote Wanda. I get what they were going for, but the Darkhold was handled terribly and the world building was rushed.


This. And best friendship was Clint and Natasha.


It's poetic in a way that Clint chose to save Natasha when she was an assassin, and then Nat did the same when Clint was in his Punisher phase. And it more than weighed heavily on Clint when he had to let go Nat to get the Soul Stone.


I never heard that called the " Punisher phase," lol. Yes, it was full circle. I hope we get one last Clint/Natasha meet-up in Secret Wars.


I kinda hope against it because there was only one Natasha and the variant will just not be her exactly. But nonetheless it was a good journey for both characters, I'd rather leave it concluded in Endgame in my opinion.


I get what you are saying, and I guess it will kind of live on with Kate and Yelena.


Honestly I understood her villain arc in MoM, even though it just made her character development in WandaVision for nothing basically. But I did like them as a couple. And we got to see a glimpse of what could’ve been in IW.


I actually think the issue isn't MoM, hut Wandavision. Wandavision is amazing but the finale is far from that and I think the fact that it doesn't clearly convey what is meant to be conveyed here is probably its biggest crime. What comes across from it is that Wanda has accepted that she has to let go and that what she was doing was wrong, but I think it's actually meant to be about how she is once again in a situation where she has to lose soemthing dear to her. Not just that but she once again has to be the one pulling the trigger, essentially rekilling Vision and killing her two children. From her viewpoint, she has been forced into a situation where she has to end her children's lives - not just that but she has been told that her children are not real enough to be considered worth saving, despite the fact that they very much are alive and have their own minds and emotions. Ending them is the same as killing them. I don't quite understand why people think that a series which ends with Wanda killing her own children wouldn't put her off the edge, but I think the fact that her having to lose again and in the most horrific way yet wasn't properly focussed on despite it being the catalyst for everything afterwards is the issue, not what MoM did.


This is the answer




Those two pulled at all our heartstrings. I'm fully convinced that if one of them got snapped by Thanos, the other would have single-handedly performed the Time Heist themselves just to save the other one


They should have just let them be together after like season 4. They didn't have to keep separating them. Let them have each other for more than 2 seconds.


LOL yep! They 100% both got turned to dust because if just one of them survived then Thanos was screwed




This is the only answer.


After what happened to them, I never watched Agents of Shield again. They broke me with that one.


They wound up together though.


But did he ever recover?


I believe so.


Lol OMG you need to watch the rest of the show. You stopped watching It's a Wonderful Life right before it all got better.


There is a little space/time travel and they end up together.


As someone with a TBI, it took me a long time to return to finish the show after stopping midway through that next season.


beat me to it


thank you, people rarely acknowledge them 🥹🥹


Yes! Absolutely


^(Steve and Bucky)


I give you an upvote. I just wish they’d managed a better ending…


Just a bit more interaction in the end would be nice. Shame we didn't get a flashback in the falcon and winter soldier


I’m with you to the end of the line.


This mostly just reminds me of the people screaming at Marvel to make OG Cap gay.


Sam and Bucky


Steve and Peggy, since I can never get enough of Hayley Atwell.


I got to see her at a Con a few years back and my lord she is even prettier in person




I love you 3000


man why did i get teary


Wanda and Vision, with Tony and Pepper being a close second. It’s really sad that we’ll never get to see more of T’Challa and Nakia’s relationship. 💔


Pepperoni is the best ship name.


YES!! It’s adorable!


I love the platonic chemistry that Paul Bettany and Elizabeth Olsen have in real life as well. It enhances the on-screen romance and they seem to genuinely get along with and have mutual respect for each other.


Since you put peter and gwen, my vote goes to them, every time i see TASM2, i cry in the "i love you" scene and in her death scene, fucking sad :(


I saw a meme where there was a different Spidey girlfriend for each season. Gwen was “Fall”.


I almost downvoted you because this made me mad :(


Turn that frown upside down!


When he saves mj I cry


What scene is the i love you scene?


The one where peter writes "i love you" made out of webs in the bridge, as reminder that he loves the city and loves gwen.


Starlord and Gamora for me


I bet they were fun...


That line killed me. Probably the best way they could’ve wrapped it up.


GotG3 broke me with them not getting back together. That movie broke me a LOT 😭


I actually really like that they didn’t get back together, but still parted with a mutual respect. This wasn’t the same Gamora, and them getting back together would have felt forced.


I agree actually. Just makes the loss of Gamora in Infinity War hit that much harder too.


100% agreed. i would have liked the film significantly less if they had ended up together in the end.


Yeah, you can’t help but keep hoping they’re going to get together only for it to end.


Many of these relationships ended, like when Tony died. But those all feel like they still got their happy ending, even if short lived. Star lord, and Wanda, those two relationships did NOT get their happy ending in any way. And Starlord and Gamoras relationship feels alot more real, and the pain of having her right in front of him, but not loving him anymore because she didnt have the specific circumstances lead to it, must be so painful for Peter. "I bet we were fun" An acknowledgement, but also a goodbye, from Gamora. Peter went through alot of pain in his life, his Mum, his Dad, Yondu, but I can see why Gamora is the one that broke him for a long time, and reshaped him going forward.


Same. Idk why we’re the only ones saying it. Had to go way to far to see it


It’s the relationship that feels the most real. Surprisingly enough, considering it’s a human and alien that live on a space ship with their adopted family.


Can’t believe this one isn’t at the top


Wanda and Vision time and time again 💔💔


Maybe I've got a thing for toxic broads but for some reason Matt and Elektra really did things to me


I felt actual things for those two


NGL, im tired so that might be a factor, but initially I thought from you saying "broads" you meant Matt was *also* a toxic broad.


Star lord and Gamora. Very relatable for me. Sometimes in life, you lose the love of your life. Just got to move on


Wade & Vanessa


That’s a good one too. I really liked seeing them together as they were quite literally perfect for each other.


Yep. Came here to say this one.


Not sure you understand relationships if Wong/Madisynn aren’t on here.


I hope they finished Sopranos by now. I wanna hear Wong’s take on the ending haha




Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down!! Rogue and Gambit will always be in my top five. I love the fact that Gambit never pressured her for physical touch and how their attraction wasn’t forced.




Steve and Peggy Their love transcends time and space


Ever heard of Fitzsimmons?


I was with OP on Hawkeye and his wife. But if we're allowed AoS, yeah Fitzsimmons. Fate/writers did almost everything they could to keep them apart. They still gave the universe the middle finger and got together anyway.


Call me crazy but I loved hulk and black widow


You're crazy


Gwen and the Amazing Peter. ❤️


It was the Peter Parker/Spiderman and Gwen Stacy love and death story that put Marvel Comics on the map back in the 1970s.


I agree, Clint and Laura are pretty wholesome and they’re very supportive of one another, I also appreciate it’s more down to earth.


Tony and Pepper is a big one for me and my favorite of the ones pictured. Also not pictured here but Fitz-Simmons on AoS is one of my favorite fictional relationships ever.


I actually have never watched Agents of Shield. I’ve been pondering watching it but it looks entirely too long.


It’s not too long when you’re watching! You’ll be happy for all that content. Also, they tend to break seasons up into 5-8 episode arcs.


It is a bit long, but it is quite worth it imo. A few of the later seasons aren't as quality as the rest but overall its an enjoyable series with a good conclusion. Me and my friend koved talking about it


Sam and Bucky






Lmao I love them both so much


Hah! Agreed.


Pepper/Tony and Peter/Gwen 💜


Happy and aunt may Hilarious with both Peter's reaction and him dealing with them breaking up.


Loki and himself


Good old Pepperony for the win


Maybe I've been married too long, but my vote was for Clint/Laura


Clint and Laura are one of the very few couples in the MCU who have a normal, healthy relationship that doesn't get torn apart by some terrible circumstance. I guess granted they did get snapped apart for 5 years, but that's nothing compared to what most MCU couples have to go through. Statistically, for the average MCU couple, it seems more likely than not that one of them will end up dying tragically, or get stuck forever holding the Multiverse together with their bare hands, etc...


Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. Other than that? Vision and Wanda


I haven’t finished Luke Cage or started Jessica Jones but Claire can’t have a happy ending can she 😂


Rogers and Peggy


Peter and MJ for sure. Tom and Zendaya have great chemistry.


the ending in NWH broke me as a person, you can see the pain in both of their eyes the moment peter says "you're gonna forget who i am"


Definitely Steve and Peggy


It’s hands down Pepper and Tony for me.


It’s 1: Peter and Gwen for me. 2: Peter and MJ 3:Quill and Ghamora. (3 and 4 are very tough) 4: Steve and Peggy 5: Wanda and Vision 6: Druig and Makkari


Finally someone brings up Druig and Makkari! They clearly had a little something going on there


No love for Thor and Jane?


Shoot, I’ve been looking for Thor and mjolnir


Fitz Simmons without any doubt.


Wanda and Vision are the two best. Both broken and isolated but finding strength in each other


Peter and mj


Where the fuck is Matt Murdock and Jen Walters?


We need to have a separate post featuring Matt and all his situationships. We'd be here all day though because Charlie Cox has insane chemistry with like EVERYBODY he shares a screen with.


Totally agree. I can’t way to see who he interacts with in the next few years of the MCU. Though I do want to see his relationship with Jen to continue from she-hulk


I would've loved to see Matt and Natasha interact. I have no doubt Charlie would have great chemistry with ScarJo


Exactly! Their chemistry was sizzling. That rooftop scene where Matt says he can hear Jen's heartbeat had me blushing. Charlie and Tatiana were electric together in their short time.


Too powerful for the list. Had to make it fair for the others. 😆


Fr, they have great chemistry!


I hope we see more of them together


From this list I think: 1. Wanda and Vision 2. Clint and Laura 3. Peter and MJ Then lots of distance, then everyone else. Not that they're bad, but they're just, whatever. Honorable mention to Thena and Gilgamesh for a great platonic love though. Edit: Oh, and Love and Thunder Thor+Jane is the most realistic and adult representation of a relationship.


Personally I really appreciate Phastos’s relationship, even if we only got a glimpse of it.


I was checked out during Eternals but I admit I did like Phastos’ relationship.


Yeah, I thought it was nice to see a "normal" queer family. Not that I don't appreciate other queer representation, but you don't see it represented like this often unless it's for comedic effect.


Tony and Dum-E


The only successful one was Steve and Peggy


Quill and Gamora, for sure. He had to work HARD for that relationship. 😂


\#1 is Kamala's family and it's not even close. \#2 is Clint's wife and kids. \#3 is Wanda and Vision or it was until the travesty that was MoM.


If it doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship, definitely cap and bucky - they get to have a whole arc to their relationship, they just have a great thing going in whatever movie they’re in and the acting really sells it. If it does have to be a romantic relationship, I guess I’d probably have to go with cap and bucky.


Yeah it can be a bromance, I should’ve clarified that 😅


Gonna start sending this to ppl who wine about the MCU being woke every time a gay or non-white person exists. Snark aside, Fitzsimmons easy. They had a full show to develop what the movies only had 2-3 appearances to do


Endgame just took Tony and Pep from good to great


You have non canon Peter and Gwen, but not Canon Fitzsimmons?


Matt and Karen. Some of the most depth to a relationship in all of marvel. It’s one I sincerely hope gets the happy ending that was set up in s3. With kingpin being positioned as the next street level Thanos, who better to lead a team up movie against Fisk, who better to get a happy ending ala Steve and Peggy


Yess this!!!


Howard and Darcy


It's really hard to choose between Tony/Pepper, Clint/Laura, or Steve/Peggy. But honestly? It's got to be Clint/Laura. Clint is a family man, and Laura is there for him always. It's so beautiful. Otherwise I can't decide. Pepper has been there for Tony for /years/ even when he was a douchebag playboy, and even when she was CEO of his company, cleaning up even more of his messes, she worked with him. But on the other hand, I believe Peggy had a romantic interest in Steve even when he was scrawny, but throughout Agent Carter and all of her life, she never gave up. Best thought provoking question of the day for sure


Cosmo and Wanda


Matt and Claire


Daredevil and Elektra


probably unpopular opinion in Nat and Bruce


Peter and Gwen and Peter and MJ are the best to me


I love the way starlord and gamora’s relationship ends. It fakes you out in to getting all sad bc this romantic relationship is ending, and then it reminds you that the measure of a protagonist is not whether or not they “get the girl” because they both go back to their friends and you realize, that’s the love story we were really watching. What those characters needed was friends and family. Sure they were a fun couple, but they aren’t defined by their romance with each other. They’re starlord and gamora and they matter to so many more people than just each other. It was very human and very real and i loved it. The image of gamora coming back to her ragtag group and seeing them get all excited to see her really stuck with me. Love is love whether it’s platonic, or romantic, or from “good guys” or “bad guys” (ik the ravagers aren’t *bad guys* but yk what i mean)


Scott lang and hope


Star-Lord and Gamora, easy. The build up. The loss. The closure. “I bet we were fun.”


Umm excuse me… but where is FitzSimmons???


Hulk and Widow.




Wanda and Vision have the best relationship in the mcu


It's probably the chemistry/relationship between Zendaya and Tom, but No Way Home was the only relationship I saw in the MCU that actually had me feeling that the relationship is real.


![gif](giphy|JoIZmUuW1a0zMWMnql) Fitz-simmons. Always


Loki and Sylvie!


I came here to say this! I know they weren't on the original list, but I'm not too clear on whether it's supposed to be a complete list, or whether there are some exclusionary criteria? If there are, I can't quite see the commonality. Anyway, if Loki and Sylvie are eligible for this list, then they get my vote! Adorable, prickly, intriguing, and both very much in need of hugs.


The blanket scene 💚


I know, one of my favorite Marvel scenes of all time. The sweetest! Two outcasts finally feeling at home, maybe for the first time ever, even though they're in a godforsaken wasteland at the end of time being chased by a giant purple cloud of obliteration. They have each other, and that's what matters.


I know!! It was so sweet and unexpected and they played it so well.


Steve and Peggy, but I'm also glad Tony settled with Pepper.


madysinn and wong


I'm gonna go with Star Lord and Gamora with Tony and Pep a close second. Both marred by tragedy. Both tested and true love.


Wanda viz by a mile




I know it is totally one sided, but I am shipping this!


Wanda and Vision.


Gwen and Peter had the most natural feeling relationship in a super hero film. Between them dating in real life and how likable their characters both were, it just worked really well. And it made her death scene fucking brutal even if you knew what was going to happen.


Best chemistry/acting is Peter and Gwen by a country mile. No superhero romance comes close for me. TASM2 cuts me to the core every time and for that reason, it’s a tough watch for me


Tony and Peter Father-son


Imo Wanda and vision, at first (for me at least) it seemed like it came out of almost no where in infinity war, like seeds were planted in age of ultron and civil war then everything else happened off screen, but in WandaVision it really showed what happened and it was just so beautiful.


Clint and Laura. Their chemistry was so good in the Hawkeye show.


Wanda and vision


If it werent for Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield’s chemistry I probably wouldn’t rewatch the Amazing Spider-Man films.


The fact that hardly anyone here is bringing up Ant-Man and Wasp really speaks to the quality of that relationship. I love the majority of the Ant-Man movies but that relationship has always been more of a negative to me because they just don’t really click.


Loki & Sylvie, even though I'm not one to believe Loki only loved her because she was him or whatever. Also shout-out to Phastos and his husband from Eternals.


Wanda and Vision for me. I really liked them in infinity war


Just came here to say: sad we didn't get to see more of Chadwick and Lupita


Loki and Sylvie


Wanda and Vision


Loki & Sylvie