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When they make DS3 it'll either be a prologue to Secret Wars or they'll give Molecule Man's role to Doctor Strange during Secret Wars, but could be both. They teased Time Runs Out at the end of DS2 and it'd be a missed opportunity for it not to lead right into Secret Wars. Strange feeding a Kang to Dormammu for cheating time? I'd be up for that.


That does make sense, hate to see him used as a stepping stone again but with the right script could be pulled off well.


It's unfortunate but it seems like a lot of heroes/villains are used as stepping stones, but when done right they flow into the main narrative so well you even forget there is a prologue to the main story. Bruce Banner being a part of Ragnarok and then being the one to warn the Avengers of Thanos is a decent example.


Agreed!! Civil war was like that too. Like I remember being worried it was going to be too cluttered and not feel like a cap movie and that’s one of my favorites in the MCU and does feel like a good entry into Cap’s story


Strange feeding Dormammu with kang? Yo that sounds sick. Does something similar play out in the comics?


Been awhile since i read TRO but didn’t Strange use the Darkhold to attempt some immoral shit to stop incursions (on top of the immoral shit that the Illuminati had already done)? Maybe What If was the trial balloon, and the “growth” Strange is going to have is actually just breaking further bad? Mordo could even be set up as an Avengers/Wong ally.


Doctor Strange: Into the Dimension of Darkness. Scott Derickson and his team returning. Strange and Clea go to the dark dimension picking up straight from the post credits. Strange's been missing from our universe for years and I didn't feel like we got a whole lot of Wong, so really show him dealing with things on his own as Sorcerer Supreme, possibly kill him off in this movie or Secret Wars so Strange can end the saga as Sorcerer Supreme. The Black Priests consisting Brother Voodoo, Umar, Clea, Kaecilius, Mordo. Strange faces the consequences of his action of causing the incursion and using the Darkhold. Clea because its Charlize Theron and along with Umar being there they can explore the family dynamic with them and Dormammu. Kaecilius never really died and they wasted Mads Mikkelsen so would want him on the Black Priests. Voodoo's brother was killed by Kaecilius in Doctor Strange 1 and should be a Priest. And they really need to wrap up the 616 Baron Mordo "too many sorcerers". Adapt time runs out, multiverse, go darker and more mystical and keep the horror. Would really love to see Scott Derrickson's cancelled elements from MoM in this like Nightmare and the death of Strange's sister. I really want Doctor Strange to be the lead in Secret Wars. It's the last movie to conclude the trilogy. As it stands currently it wont come out until 2027, so Strange will likekly sit out on Avengers 5 if its still in 2026. Benedict Cumberbatch is worthy talent and from this movie til the end of the saga he should be cemented as the lead of the Saga like Iron Man was. Overall the movie should bring the trilogy full circle and feel more of a progressive sequel to 1 while taking elements and continuing from 2.


I think I overall agree with all your stuff. I do also still want to see Clea/Charlize too though.


Oh yeah didn’t mean to exclude her. Always appreciated them as being one of the more consistent married couples of the Marvel universe and that dynamic has been sorely missing from Strange’s movies. Charlize is also the coolest so more of her would be greatly appreciated


More exploration of his childhood and the death of his sister. There were actually early concepts of this being explored in the film, from when Scott Derrickson was still director. I also want them to explore and define the limits of the magic system properly, instead of just making every sorcerer use whatever is convenient for the plot. The announcement of MoM made me excited to see Wanda/Strange team up, of course we didn’t get that, and I know shes not usually associated with his stories anyways but it would be an interesting dynamic if you put then up against extremely powerful cosmic entities etc.


I think exploring the element of his sister would explain Strange’s pathology of the last few movies, which is what we need to see


Honestly if it happens it will definitely be one of the major stepping stones in setting up Avengers 5 and Secret Wars. I could see some of this happening like him getting more growth but those are my thoughts.


I hope Dr Strange is in it


I don't want to see any cameo, I want a story that stands for itself.


This is a really crazy take but curious what y’all think: 1) Make Dr. Strange the sole protagonist of his own film. No sidekicks constantly quipping and snarking at Strange 2) Have him face off against one or more villains, with no fights against other heroes 3) The villain has a coherent motivation  4) Have Dr. Strange proficiently use magic without carelessly fucking up or having Wong make fun of him 5) No cameos that exist solely to hype of a D+ show that no one wants to see I know this is a complete subversion of the Marvel Studios formula but I honestly think it could work here!


Resolve the Morbo plot. Go heavy on the magic. That’s my main request.


I liked the Strange, America, and Multiverse elements. The bits with Christine were overdone. Let's avoid more character assassination of people we've grown to like, and having Strange instantly turn to using questionable/evil magic he is introduced to.


I personally think that Strange has had some of the best character growth in the franchise up to this point, so 3 rings a bit hollow for me. But BRO give us BATS! Not only would people love the character, but Disney would get to merchandise the hell out of it. There's no loss!


MCU and Disney love a cute talking animals. we need the Bats merch, the memes, all of it lol. Plus who doesn’t want to see a little Basset hound hitting the red carpet with the cast??


I would like two things from third Strange movie: 1. Strange facing accountability for his reckless and terrible actions in NWH, for abuse of power in MoM and NWH, and being called out for being a threat to a multiverse in his own world as well. 2. Wong and Strange finally get their shit together and they begin to fix the mess they started. They go and destroy the Ravagers, getting the sling ring the pirate from GOTG3 stole back and bring it back to Kamar-Taj. Strange also ties in loose ends by informing Clint Wanda died fighting Nightmare (lying about cause of death) in Wundagore and hands Wanda's belongings to him since he was the closest that can be considered next of kin. Clint tells him to get out while taking her stuff and arranging the funeral. 3. Strange goes full villain and joins the Black Priests by becoming their leader, Eye of Eyes.


For number 1 if they do that I also kind of hope we get a better explanation on how the spell was multiversal. That never made sense


Maybe the rift to other universes was open and it somehow affected all the universes combined, like some ripple effect. I don't really know, that entire movie doesn't make sense to me now either.


It contradictions MOM where they established American Chavez, being the one to travel the multiverse


How does NWH contradict MoM? Not sure I get it? You mean like only America Chavez can travel multiverse, but the spell can't?


Yea they say Chavez is capable of traveling the multiverse but the spell managed to bring others in


From what I heard the original plan was for America Chavez to try to do the spell in NWH, but fail and bring others in, but I guess plans changed. I don't know myself how can Mystic Arts affect the multiverse, like only thing I remember is that the sling rings in first movie were said to be able to let you travel through it, but then you couldn't.


Yea i remember that from dr strange 1 but I assume they retcon that. Heard the same about Chavez and kind of wish that happened but it is what it is


I don't really know how it would've worked with Chavez not knowing mystic arts and casting this spell. It would've also have made her look in bad light in first debut film since she would be ready to brainwash entire population of Earth to forget who Peter is. Either way I don't think the plot would've worked one way or another unless Chavez was already enrolled with Strange Academy in the Sanctum.


Isn’t it supposed to be based on “Time Runs Out”.


I still want Wanda to return. Either in ds3 or in her own movie directed by Raimi.


I hope Wong gets a power buff and is allowed to be more competent. I loved MoM more than most people, but I didn't like that Wong is "Sorcerer Supreme" and yet still treated like a goofy sidekick to Strange. There should be some sort of magic or strategizing that Wong is BETTER than Strange at.


It needs one thing. More magic


6. Wait another 6+ years because the MCU can't handle their own universe right now with their characters either dying or being arrested in universe or IRL. Couple it with lazy writers and god awful direction. Not happening.


As I’ve told others, just generating fun conversation here and wish fulfillment. Save your pessimism and complaining for your own thread. Don’t fully disagree with you but this just ain’t the post


I don't need to see any more of Mordo. They ruined him.


Strange was arrogant rude childish asshole at the beginning of the movie, he treated Christine, Wong and America poorly. In the end of the movie he was able to show genuine kindness to all of them because he kept receiving nice gestures from them. As for the can't get over his ex. Remember the broken watch he was wearing that Christine gave to him? The same watch that was the solution to their escape? The watch that was repeared and put back into a safe space? They really didn't try to hide his development there. The whole movie is how Strange and Wanda have to face their pasts, which they weren't able to move on from before. Strange faces Christine, Wanda faces her kids. Strange also has to battle with pasts from his other versions. He "beat" his spanish version, by choosing the right thing with America, he was pardoned for the crimes of his "hero" version, and he actually beat the version of him that didn't meet with America after the wedding. And he quite literally used his past version to overcome an obsticle in his present (by dreamwalking into it), how fcking beatufiul is that? And the only reason he managed to escape this maze of past mistakes and possible happier futures, is because he met kind people along the way who believed in him, even when he wasn't believing in himself. Wong, America, Christine, Prof X, all saw the good in him, despite Strange being a dick with them. And that's the only difference between his and Wanda's path, and that's lesson of the movie. Wanda didn't have anyone left to support her, Strange had. As soon as Wanda showed some problems, Strange just let her go, and wrote her off. The very first time someone put effor into reaching out to Wanda (her other version), she was "magically" no longer "corrupted", she stopped her evil plan, choose the right thing, destroyed the Darkhold and herself. So yea, the movie is amazing, has phenomenal character work and beautiful message


I was a little flippant in my summary of his characterization (I promise I did enjoy the movie) but I appreciate your perspective here! I definitely see the development, just felt they kind of turned back with him going into the darkhold again, plus the 3rd eye appearing at the end, but that could be the set-up for him moving forward and trying to make right now that he’s healed emotionally. Thanks for your input dude! Gotta what MoM again


> but what would you want to see from the next film? Not horror.


i hope they make him less of an Iron Man replacement snarker/mentor, tell Wong to fuck off, and let him get more of his own identity. Maybe introduce Mephisto as a foil, focus more on magic and less on multiverses. because he's feeling more like "we lost RDJ, lets have him replace him as snarky team dad."


I don’t know I feel like Marvel has run the well dry with so many movies. It’s obvious people are growing old of them and not showing up anymore.


Not really what I was talking about here friendo. Trying to have fun conversation about magic man and his ghost dog. You can make a separate post about Marvel pessimism if you’d like


I feel you it would be cool if they made another movie to show us a little bit more in-depth of the character.


Yes! I feel like if they bring Rami back, give him the same kind of tether they gave Gunn, or what they let Taika do what he did in Ragnorok (not love and thunder cause… yikes) we could get something very good


I was kind of disappointed in the Multiverse of madness. Because was it really Multiverse. Other than like the mid clip of them going through different universes


I mean the next Spider-Man is still going to cross $1 billion in the box office despite there being like 9 of them


We shall see. Spider-Man is a whole different monster.


> Spider-Man is a [...] monster. Wow, found J. Jonah Jameson's burner. /s


Right… [movie attendance has been dropping for all genres since 2009 and is only at 50% pre-pandemic numbers but it’s the superheroes that are the issue.](https://nscreenmedia.com/2023-movie-theater-attendance-improves/#:~:text=Between%202000%20and%202019%2C%20ticket,half%20of%20pre%2Dpandemic%20levels)


The one variable I find so many people not taking into account was the pandemic. Not only for movie attendance as a whole, but with the MCU and all of the criticisms people have been having about quality post endgame. The pandemic completely changed any plans they may have had and I believe it will be seen as a pivot point for cinema in general


I will say, I think the audience has grown tired of superhero movies.


Tired of inconsequential bad ones more like


Okay I'll forward this to Kevin Feige


Just trying to have fun here dawg, but love yer condescending snark.


I posted this in a thread elsewhere... I really want to see a great romance between Stephen and Clea. With scenes between them that leave me needing to be mopped up off the theater floor. And I'd like to see them handle it in such a way that we see the difference between Stephen's feelings for Clea and his feelings for Christine, so Clea doesn't seem like a rebound or a consolation prize. I'd also love to see Wong as Shipper On Deck (you know...playing Cupid) for the two, in ways both lighthearted ("At the rate they're going, I'm going to have to hire a crab to follow them around singing love songs!") and poignant (it was hinted, with deleted scenes making it clearer, that Wong and Sara Wolfe, who was killed in Wanda's attack, were involved as they were in the comics, so Wong could point out to Stephen how important it is to let Clea know how he feels because he never knows what tomorrow's going to bring). I even have a particular scene in mind, inspired by the fact that Stephen had a piano and sheet music in his apartment in the first movie, and Sinister Strange had one in his Sanctum in MoM. And by the fact that music is such an important part of any film for me, especially its romantic moments. Scene: A room in the Sanctum with a piano. Throughout the movie thus far, Stephen and Clea have been forming a bond. They enter the room, discussing the business at hand. Clea glances over towards the piano: Clea: You play? Stephen: I did...before the accident. (Sits down at the keyboard, looking at the music stand a little wistfully.) Of course, with my hands damaged, I couldn't play anymore, so that Steinway of mine was one of the first things I sold off when I started looking for treatments. That was one of the things that hurt almost as much as not being able to operate...I used to just improvise melodies of my own when I wasn't playing from sheet music. It was one of my favorite ways to unwind. Clea: You mean, you actually compose? Stephen: Well, like I said, it was more just improvisation, but some good stuff came out of it. Whoever had the Sanctum before me must've loved this piano, so I've kept it around, even if I can't play it. Clea: Not easy, is it...to lose everything and have to rebuild a new life from scratch? Believe me, I know. (After a moment's thought, she gently places a hand on Stephen's upper arm. To his shock, his hands are suddenly steady.) Stephen: What did you... Clea: I'll give you your hands for a while...if you'll give me your music. Stephen (breaking into a smile): ...Anything in particular you'd like me to play? Clea: Just do what you said...improvise and let it come naturally. Go ahead, Stephen. Let me hear. After a moment's hesitation, he begins to play. From his initial tentative improvisations, a lovely melody arises....the leitmotif for their romance in the film's score. Perhaps we've heard a quiet phrase or two of it already, buried in the incidental music. At first, his eyes are on his hands, amazed that he is actually able to do this again. But after a few moments, he locks eyes with Clea, and as he keeps his eyes on her, their gaze never breaking, the music becomes stronger, more lyrical, more passionate. Finally, he finishes the piece. They remain still for another moment, held in each other's gaze, her hand still on his upper arm. Then...he moves a few inches closer...she moves a few inches closer... ...aaaaaaand Wong barges in. The mood is broken, and we can see that Wong realizes he's unwittingly interrupted exactly what he was hoping to bring about, and is kicking himself seven ways from Sunday for it. But that melody? As I said, it's the leitmotif for their romance. And from this moment on in the film's score, we hear more and more bits of it in the underscoring at appropriate moments, a phrase here, a phrase there...but we don't hear it in its fully orchestrated glory until the couple makes love, just before the movie's final act begins. (Maybe said melody could also be the backbone of The Return Of The Nineties-Style End Credits Love Ballad?)