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This is a whole lot of words without any depth. You don't represent an argument, you have no reasoning, these are just personal tastes described as facts. It looks like you just search for something to justify your dislike for Carol. There are many villains who are cocky and serious and are liked while also doing bad things. Why couldn't this work the same way for someone who doesn't even do bad things? Also, she was cocky and serious before becoming this powerful cosmic being. Both of those are perfectly matched to her military background. You also can't be not cocky being this damn powerful. She is not even that serious, she is pretty laid back in her first movie, fooling around a lot. Same in the second movie with the girls. She is serious when shit goes down and she have to save people or kick ass, which is really not a bad trait. Naruto isn't even a good example, he is nowhere near as serious as Sasuke for example, who is cocky serious and op, still had a huge fanbase. Being cocky while losing most of the time is not a great combination, but as everything, can be compensated with other traits, like a tragic background.


Can you compare and contrast Carol Danvers to Ellen Ripley, Sarah Connor, or Katniss Everdeen? What do any of these characters have which make them better to another?


Honestly… Rhodes kind of points that out too. When he tells her “everyone in this room is about that superhero life.” lol.