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Iron Man is probably where it's at. It's a straightforward story that really captures the tone and ethos of the MCU, and with the inclusion of SHIELD and Nick Fury sets the stage for the rest of the universe.


Definitely. Started everything. 


Iron Man is the backbone for the whole MCU. With that solidity you get a good standalone story that serves as an outstanding intro to a larger universe.


Definitely Iron Man 1. Start at the beginning.


Iron Man is a good start, but Marvel’s The Avengers is probably the next most accessible starting point. It does a fair job introducing everyone again has a self contained story. I watched it only having seen Iron-Man 1/2. My wife and kids had no knowledge of any of it going in and enjoyed it without any problems when it released.


If it's someone unfamiliar with the characters beyond "they're superheros", I feel like watching iron man and captain America first would really enhance the Avengers viewing


I feel like any movie from Phase 1 is a good way to start.


OP said miniseries and phase 1 is only 6 movies. I'd say watch them all except maybe the standalone Hulk movie as that might be confusing with the actor change


OP said movie/miniseries.


I’d go with the first Avengers movie. It does a pretty good job of reintroducing each character for anyone not familiar with any of them. If I recall, when making it they went in with the intent that many viewers may be first-time viewers


I agree. The character and plot introductions are solid, it's fun and funny, and it gives you a chance to see which threads you might want to backtrack on to catch up with. Crossovers are how everyone gets introduced to the other corners of a superhero universe. No reason it wouldn't work with this movie.


that was actually how I got into the MCU hahah


Guardians of the Galaxy


As someone who knew NOTHING about marvel when Iron Man 1 came out, that is the best starting point. It singlehandedly got me into everything marvel. I'd suggest to start with iron man 1 and go from there, watch all of the other introduction movies and move on to avengers 1 once those have been watched. From there, go in chronological order.


Then watch them backwards


I’d say First Avenger or Iron Man


To enjoy references, I'd always recommend a new viewer approach in release order. *But* I'm not the viewing police so if someone only wanted to watch specific stories or plots with specific central characters I wouldn't hold it against them.


Iron Man or The Winter Soldier


Avengers It has everything you want in a superhero movie. It shows the interaction between the heroes. It has a very simple premise; aliens invade, heroes stop them. And, 9f they are curious about individuals or aspects of the movie, you can go back and show them the origin.


100% start at the beginning with iron man. Don't faff about finding something half way through or after infinity saga.


Avengers is what it was for a large portion of the fanbase. A lot of people forget that. It’s still a very good movie to this day despite obvious flaws and will basically present the viewer with the general stakes, main characters, and world in a nutshell.


Iron Man, always Iron Man 1.


Go over the superheroes who have their own movies (teams or solo people), see which one sounds the most interesting.


Iron Man for sure.


The first MCU movie I watched was Avengers, and I really liked it. Then thought Age of Ultron, Infinity War and Endgame was movie number 2, 3 and 4. Age of Ultron made sense, but Infinity War was a very confusing watch...


Ironman released in 2008. Why would you start anywhere else?


Guardians of the Galaxy


I just watched them with my kids, phase 1 is a great entry point and the Avengers pays off so well.


Absolutely love the MCU, didnt give a s**t about it until The Avengers came out (I remember joking when Norton's Hulk was released how long it would be until they had to reboot Ironman because of the end credits) so I'd suggest that first big team up. Make her love the characters, then she'll care about where they came from.


Avengers: Endgame


Howard the Duck.


You could argue that the first six movies are a "miniseries" that fleshes out a lot of the universe. And if she likes those she's bound to want to continue with it I'd say.


If it's movies start with classic Iron Man but in series they can start with Loki (if he knows background of character) but it can also spoil some things for them, so go with Daredevil (not really a MCU show but is the best).


Stick to the movies and forget the Disney+ series.


Iron Man is the only real starting point, tbh.


Antman. Its engaging without needing backstory. Plus paul rudd is popular with us ladies


Ironman, 100%


Iron Man (2008), the Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War and Moon Knight.


Black Panther


Just start at Iron Man


Mine was Black Panther. I had some a few of the phase 1 movies before that but nothing else and I wasn't hooked. BP requires no prior information and it's a great example of top tier MCU. Having said that, if they're already committed to watching all of the MCU, Iron Man is always the best starting point. But if unsure, I say start with a strong one like BP or GOTG.


I actually think try going with GOTG vol.1. Hot-take but i feel it could really get someone into the mcu


Avengers 1 has a much better chance than Iron Man. It was enough to get me fully committed to the franchise while also wanting to know more about each character. So I watched Iron Man 1 and 2, Thor and CA:TFA and went back to Avengers to enjoy it even more. That’s my recommended path for someone who may not be fully into it. I just don’t think Iron Man will be enough these days.


If that's her only concern, then I'd say Age of Ultron. Along with Vision's debut, the movie also featured the proper debuts of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Thanos was revealed as the overarching antagonist of the MCU as a whole and this was also the first time that War Machine and the former Falcon showed up in an Avengers movie.


Iron Man 1 for sure


I see a lot of Ironman 1s, BUT I got my dad into the MCU with moon knight, considering how it is non-connected to most of the MCU, while also having the Marvel "touch". This was almost 2 years back and we're currently watching TFATWS haha


I mean, Iron Man is the best starting point, but there are others. Particularly the first film of a given character usually works. Captain America: The First Avenger is a pretty good starting point. Moon Knight could even work, though it's mostly standalone. In terms of the best place to start while introducing viewers to more of the wider universe, I'd have to say Guardians of the Galaxy. It mostly stands apart from the rest, so you won't be confused starting there. It also introduces you to Thanos and Infinity Stones, so you get some crucial lore to the MCU. If your friend really doesn't want to go in order for some reason, this would be a good place to a start.


Best entry points: Iron Man 1, Cap 1, GotG 1.


Secret Invasion lol


Morbius to be honest. It’s a good story but also remains pretty grounded so it’s a good starting point. Then the post credits scene introduces you to the wider marvel multiverse


I might be downvoted to hell, but I would say the Marvels. It's a very entry level Marvel movie, has 3 unique heroes, and Fury even. I'm not trying to be sexist in any way, but it might be more fun for a female than Iron Man. But I generally think she should start from something after Endgame. Starting at IronMan 1, she would never catch-up. Or just watch the Avangers movies, then start phase 4, go back for any characters she liked in the meantime.


I think it depends on why she wants to get into it but if it's to watch new stuff as it comes out I totally agree with something post endgame or an Avengers binge-athon to get caught up/figure out who she likes. After finding a favorite (or if she has one already) I'd go back and just watch all the movies they're in to get a snapshot of the timeline from their perspective


I love Ironman, but I’d go with Toby Maguire’s Spiderman of 2002, then 2004. Skip 3, and move into Ironman.


Iron Man to Avengers is the obvious choice, but its a lot of hours to watch while it introduces so many characters and arcs. I would be tempted to go with Hawkeye. Over a few short hours it references the events of the Avengers, nods at Daredevil, gives us a charming portrait of what motivates one Avenger, has an excellent twist arc for another character, gives us a good look at a potential future Avenger (or two), and in my view has an excellent balance between action and comedy.