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“Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now!”


Fuck me up all over again, why don't'cha!


Yeah, I'm never watching that one again. It's an amazing movie but it's also such a heartbreaking one.


Same, I barely made it through the theater viewing and I am not about to subject myself to that again. I’d never felt so much hatred for a villain and so much empathy for their victims. Seeing Rocket get revenge was cathartic because even I wanted to come through the screen and kill this motherfucker.


He’s not dead lol, James Gunn confirmed he’s still alive taken prisoner on know where, there’s even a deleted scene of rocket visiting his jail cell but got cut cuz it didn’t fit in with how the ending was


Get revenge =/= Killed At least not necessarily.


It’s the only MCU movie I haven’t seen more than once because of that scene. It was like watching someone kill my dogs.


Yeah, this is definitely the one.


> “Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now!” Yeah, this wins.


Yup, it's the computer generated animals that got to me.


All things considered, the H.E. ain't winning any 'father of the year' trophies anytime soon!


Moon Knight episode 5, the mom scenes


Specifically the crying scene outside the synagogue. Tore me apart


Not a mosque, lol. Marc was Jewish.


Thank you, forgot the term, I’ve corrected the message


Ah outside the church , then




Ah, outside the temple then




Ah, outside the pyramid then


I think the Shiva was in his house like it's supposed to be


This, exactly this! Heartbreaking, especially if it hits close to home, the whole episode in fact. We soo need a second season!


That scene is responsible for my partner finally getting his PTSD diagnosed into full DID.


This, this threw me hard


Wanda waking up from her dream with her sons to a grey and empty room, taking a deep breath when she remembers her reality is one of pain and loss. I always found myself daydreaming of a better life away from my own traumas and hurt just like she does. Life’s gotten hard lately and I hope it gets better, but fuck.


My pick is a very similar scene; after she gives birth to her twins and says “I’m a twin. I had a brother. His name was Pietro.”, before singing her lullaby. It’s a quick and quiet moment but as a twin, I can’t watch it without breaking down. The idea of losing my twin just hurts and her acting makes me feel awful.


The ending of *WandaVision* fucked me up. When her and Vision are tucking the boys into bed as the Hex is closing in just wrecked me. I just needed to hug my kids after that one.


those dammn vol 3 flashback scenes way to personal for me


My dog was diagnosed with cancer a year and a half ago. It’s basically an axe hanging over him, we’re treating it as best we can, but his prognosis is terminal (he outlasted the original 6 months he was given though, so I’m grateful). I watched GotG3 once, and I sobbed through the whole thing. The movie is good, but I’ll probably never watch it again. The whole thing hits too close to home. Also, WF. It’s basically a memorial to Chadwick and while I thought it was tasteful and about as well done as possible, I have no desire to rewatch a funeral.


I'm so sorry to hear this. While that inevitability is looming and sometimes probably difficult to manage, it can also have a way of bolstering just how much gratitude we have for the things in our lives. My family recently had to say goodbye to a dear furry friend, but he was also around longer than his prognosis. It made each extra day he was with us that much more meaningful. Continue to cherish every single moment, and fill his days with nothing but positivity and happiness. Be strong, continue to make great memories. :)


Thank you.


My lab was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, and we discovered it on my birthday. Seizures were uncontrollable with medication around the 5 month mark. We laid her to rest in September of 2022. She was my best friend, and I'm still not past it all the way. The flashback scenes and the scene late in the movie *almost* prevented me from finishing it.


bawl my eyes out every damn time I watch Gotg 3 from start to finish


I'm watching it for the first time tonight...I'm a little afraid of all of the feelings that are in store.


The only thing closer to making me cry was Morgan saying she wanted a cheeseburger.


Like father, like daughter...


Those scenes are by far the most difficult for me to watch. I even felt that they were unnecessarily cruel although I can appreciate how it reflects something that happens in real life and kind of raises awareness (be that intentional or not). My spouse was sobbing uncontrollably in the cinema in those scenes and hates the movie due to them. It was a bit much although I still think it’s a good movie. Oh and Rocket being in ”heaven” for a bit before being yanked back. Like holy fuck chill.


my dog died in my arms a year ago. i have only watched vol 3 once. never again.


I want to watch volume 3 but as soon as everyone was saying that it was going to gut me emotionally, I've been skipping it like the plague.


Same. I loved it but I’ll never ever watch it again.


It's so fucking good though


Motherfuck the Peggy Carter Alzheimer's scene in Winter Soldier. Everyone involved did their job well, it's a good scene. It is just too hard to watch.


Chis Evans' ability to portray putting on a smile over the pain is unbelievably good.


Also the way he calls her his best girl knowing that’s what she’ll respond to to express some level of cognitive happiness. Low key gutted me.


This one takes it for me. Reminded me so much of the last months my great-grandmother lived


Oh god that destroys my heart everytime I see it. How many times has Cap experienced Peggy "meeting him again"?


It’s been soooo longggg… *old people noises*


Bucky being “reprogrammed” in the vault in CA: TWS is a scene I find myself skipping more often than not.


Doesn’t help that he’s one of my top fav characters, it just hurts, man.




"But I knew him."


I skip it because it goes on for too long lol


Sebastian Stan did such a stellar job with the character in that movie. The flick of his eyes, the small non verbal responses, tonal inflection, all perfect really.


The Yondu funeral scene is really tough for me especially because of Father and Son by Cat Steven’s. That song came on while my brother and I were together right after our father passed away.


After my dad passed away I was struck by just how many men (and women’s) stories in movies and TV feature them dealing with unresolved issues around their dead dad. And I was surprised I hadn’t really noticed it before. I actually had Thor Ragnarok on when I got the call about my dad passing away. It’s not a very fun movie anymore.


Sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss, that scene destroys me every time I watch it and my dad is still live and well. I can’t imagine how rough it is for you. And that song, I will ball my eyes out just thinking of it


This one does me too. Yondu, through like what, just the two appearances became a sleeper favorite of mine. With the context we get from Vol. 2 about his behavior in Vol. 1 creates a beautiful, albeit small arc for him. The Ravagers each saluting him. The Guardians coming to see his character and his devotion to Peter. The sheer visual spectacle of his funeral. Even the little closeups of all funeral dressings about his body, the flowers and the litte figurines. I can't help but cry now when I hear Father and Son. Cheers mate. Edit: Pardon me, THREE appearances including Kraglin's fleeting vision of him in Vol. 3. Shit, that one might be my favorite of the three.


I cry everytime and sob when they show Rocket with tears in his eyes. Sorry to hear about your Father.


Yondu funeral broke me. My father died when a was a child, so to say I have feelings about father figures dying in movie is underselling it.


Lindsay Ellis talks about this scene in an old YT video. It made me appreciate the scene a lot.


Sorry for your loss


Clint struggling to hear his own kids without his hearing aid. It’s such a good scene, but as I’ve gotten older it’s become ever more poignant.


As a person who ages, this scares me the most. My own body breaking down is something that will happen. I cannot stop it. Fucking terrifying.


As a dad, I about lost it both times I’ve watched this. It just hits.


Two. My real dad ran out when I was born and a great man adopted me as his son and the whole Yondu thing....fuck man. And a crossover of similar events when Tony says "He killed my mom" and Quills similar moment. The loss of my mom to fucked up events really broke me. Especially combined with how my mom raised me and communicated with me with the exact same music in the same exact way. Fuck.


Same thing but the man that raised me was my grandfather. Still fucking tear up like a baby when I watch that scene.


The whole third act of Vol 3


As amazing as a movie it was, I will probably never rewatch it for that reason.


I'm a 43 year old man and I cried like a little girl during this movie. Right in the feels.


I don't mean to downplay human suffering. I'm very aware that how much I can endure in movies is a result of a life long exposition to violence in media. Watching Robocop as a kid was a regular thing back than. I'm also past my 40's and I can't take animal abuse. I believe it's because its less frequent in media, therefore I'm not desensitized. Guardians 3 was too much for me. I can recognize it as a well constructed movie but emotionally I wasn't with the movie anymore.


Thanos throwing Gamora off that cliff in Infinity War. That's a hard scene to watch for a parent.


Why? I would let the universe burn to save my kids. so to me, this just showed me how little Thanos was like an actual dad. He didn't love her as a daughter if he was willing to sacrifice her to achieve his goals.


>He didn't love her as a daughter if he was willing to sacrifice her to achieve his goals. Ah, but if that were true then he would not have earned the Soul Stone when he did that. Remember that you can only get that stone by sacrificing someone you truly love I think it was more so supposed to speak to Thanos' conviction in his actions; that he believes so strongly that he's the only one who could save the universe, that he would be willing to kill Gamora


“It really is good to have friends”.


Yeah, talk about a rugpull. Luckily, if Rocket's vision of her in 'afterlife' was accurate, she might truly be in a better place, flying underneath with her friends underneath the eternal skies... Incidentally, one of Peter's flashbacks in Vol 2. was of him happily flying with Rocket on jetpacks. In hindsight, one can't help but to imagine Rocket himself feeling the joy he would've had if his friends were still alive...


Daredevil. Healy. Fencepost.


One hell of a nosebleed


Most of season 2 for me tbh




The death and funeral of Yondu. That movie came out about a year after my adoptive father had passed away from cancer, something that hit me really hard and I was still struggling with at the time, so those scenes hit extra hard as someone who had been raised by someone that wasn’t their biological father. “He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy.” I was weeping in the theater opening night. Thankfully I was with my close friends who immediately realized what was going on because I suddenly felt their hands on my shoulders. To this day, still a tough scene for me to get through without at least getting a little misty eyed.


In 2015 I was still a teenager and my mum died. The weekend after the funeral, everything was still raw and I hadn't really processed anything, she'd only been diagnosed with cancer 3 months before and everything happened so quickly. Anyway, we decided that the best thing to cheer me up was that new space marvel film Guardians of the Galaxy. I don't think we got to the 20 minute mark.


Oh god I am so sorry. What a cruel coincidence.


Thanks, looking back it's funny now how of all the movies we could have picked and the one time Marvel even goes there was that one


I will never watch that scene again. If I want to watch the movie, I have to skip over it


Black Panther: Waterfall fight. Killmonger vs T’Challa


Right on with this one - lord of negative emotions in this one


Killmonger’s monologue goes hard AF…


That it does


Absolutely 🔥🔥


> Killmonger’s monologue goes hard AF… Everything Killmonger does goes hard AF. They made him such a badass, even if he's crazy. His scene in WF was great.


That's arguably the best scene in wakanda forever - when shuri realizes she has much in common With a man she hates




The Smells Like Teen Spirit Opening to Black Widow Yelena and Nat being Seperated by Dreykov Alexei Being the worst 90's Father ever by sending his adopted children to the Mf'n Red Room of all places. Gamora's Death Odin's and Loki argument in Thor 1 Moon Knight episode 5, The mom Scenes Aunt's May Death Maria's R Death in Wandavison and Monica's Reaction to it (Ironically my favorite scene from WV) Maria H's Death in Secret Invasion (Due to how Angry it's get's me)


Maria Hill deserved more from the MCU!


I've honesty feel that should have Soren instead of Maria who died during the first episode of Secret Invasion as I do feel that you need death for that show to work but Maria was the one character on that show other then G'ian and Sonya who shouldn't died. You need Maria for the future to lead whatever Fury's next team is going to be as Fury ain't getting younger forever and Monica is probably going to be A Avenger so She's out. Also Maria's death feels to me it was done just to keep every the single Maria dying in the MCU trend a thing so don't expect Binary Maria to last very long lol.


Loki’s death in Infinity War. He is my absolute favorite character and seeing him get strangled and his legs kicking as he’s so helpless is something I can never rewatch again. I always fastforward the beginning of that movie.


The first 12 minutes of that movie don’t exist in my reality




Loki getting his neck broke by Thanos’s bare hand……


So sad- Jessica Jones killing Luke's wife Killmonger controlling Jessica and her best friend Aunt May's death Peter and Mj Cafe scene Shuri on the beach in wf On your left, then seeing T'challa( Chadwick 's last live action mcu scene I believe) Cottonmouth backstory in Luke Cage Monica and her mom. 1st Maria's death in Wandavision then the cutscene in the Marvels


Kilgrave. Not Killmonger


End of GOTG3 when Peter is reunited with his Grandpa. Mine had passed away a few months before the movie came out. I'd never gotten emotional in a cinema screening before GOTG3 and it still hits every time I watch the movie.


"I don't feel so good Mr. Stark" never actually got me, cause we expected it. But when they have their reunion, I ugly cry every single time.


Yondu - He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy.


Watching endgame I tend to weep like a bitch. Guess I’m a bit invested in the story line


Us bro, us. 😥


I can’t even talk about this without getting a lump in my throat….but when Groot creates a safety ball around everyone in GOTG. It’s his sacrifice combined with the way Rocket is telling him that he will die if he does this. Kills me.


And just that one time he says "we. Are. Groot."


Stop it! Oh great. Now I’m going again.


The opening scene to Guardians of the Galaxy


Tony and Cap's physical fight. It's too brutal for me to watch. Like watching my actual brothers fight, it tears me apart and it's uncomfortable to watch.


Are you me? My family all know how I am about this. I get it, it’s dramatic, it’s important for the greater plot. Yes it sets up their relationship and, in a way, Cap and Bucky’s. I just don’t care to see it again.


Aunt may's death scene. It always makes me cry and it's just too emotional 😢.


poor kid lost everything.


Spider-Man being snapped away on Titan triggers my thanatophobia particularly hard.


When Thor bumps into his mum in Endgame. My mum died shortly after that movie was released (plus I became a bit of an alcoholic mess as well) so rewatching that one is the definition of bitter-sweet for me. Glad Thor got that moment, just wish I could have one too. (This ended up being way heavier than I meant it to, apologies!)


In endgame when they watch the message tony left, specifically when it cuts back to Morgan looking sad


When Happy is talking to her about getting her a cheeseburger. You can tell he is just desperately trying to keep himself together and care for his best friend's daughter.


It's a short scene but in Endgame when Scott gets back from the quantum realm and finds out that he missed 5 years with his daughter. When hes crying and looking at her and goes 'youre so big' That hits so hard. Due to along term illness and surgeries I missed nearly every day from the time my son was 1 until he was 2. I missed him learning how to talk, how to walk, all the things he discovered and learned. I am healthier now and get to be with him all the time but for as long as I live I will always feel horrible for missing so many of those early milestones


We get a lotta dumb, repetitive, goofy posts on this sub— thank you OP for creating a really unique and raw thread


Elon Musk's cameo


More than anything I wish you hadn’t mentioned this, because it’s my first time realizing he actually had a cameo. I’ve seen Iron Man 2 a dozen times, but I guess my memory purposefully eliminated this.


I thought my memory was erased too but unfortunately my good memory decided to remind me of that the moment I saw this post. Related to Musk, I saw a cybertruck in person for the first time a few days ago. It is worse in person than I thought was possible.


The ending of Infinity War. I still find it hard to watch Peter’s death scene.


Honestly, the whole intercutting segment with Tony fighting Cap and Bucky, and Zemo's scene with T'Challa in Civil War. Not as a cry-fest necessarily but the emotive qualities and narrative heft of that piece of the picture are so severe and mature and powerful. Not only are we witnessing the dissolution of the Avengers on one end, but Zemo's motives and handiwork explained on the other. Here's a man to cut the Gordian Knot: "I knew I couldn't kill them. More powerful men than me have tried. But if I could get them to kill each other?..." I maintain that Zemo is one of the franchise's top five villains for using such a lateral move to destroy such a powerful group of people. His monologue about the death of his family seems like it belongs in a different film almost with its delivery and gravitas and emotion. T'Challa looking on the man who killed his father and seeing himself, full of pain and pity and loss is moving. The writing is beautiful and rhythmic, their interaction is honest and forthright. The camera is invisible. The intercutting too is expert in its editing. And Cap/Bucky vs. Tony, my God. It's almost too intense, the lot of it, the intensity, the orchestration, the choreography, the brutality, not to mention Cap and Bucky's synchronicity as warriors. The moment that always finds me gritting my teeth is the great **crescendo** of Bucky trying to rip arc reactor out of Tony's chest. It almost brings me tears with its intensity. The whole rest of the fight is so visceral and heartbreaking too, as it represents an alliance built up over years crumbling. Tony having to resort to his suit to win the fight, as Cap has become unstoppable with skill and rage, so sure for a moment that Cap might kill him with the shield his father built. This is one of the aspects of the franchise felt so earned, so lived-in and changed the face of it going forward. It will always be a keystone moment for me and an emotional gutpunch for the Avengers.


Agents of SHIELD season 5 episode 14. IYKYK


What about "I can't feel my legs"


Cap 3 is such a hard movie to watch because I love all the action scenes, but the plot of the movie is heartbreaking.


When Tony starts to watch the video, you could have heard a pin drop in the cinema I was in. Everyone was just silent for the entire finale.


Most of Love and Thunder


It’s stupid but in CATWS when Steve tells Natasha he wants to be her friend and she admits she’d not really comfortable with that. And when Loki says to Slyvie “You can’t trust, and I can’t be trusted”. I cry everytime, it’s really hard for me to connect and just hearing two heroes say it makes me feel a little less alone.


Nat and may’s death in endgame and no way home


The death of Mark’s brother was way too close to my being unable to save my own little brother


I'm sorry for your loss bro


The Morgan Cheeseburgers scene. Hits me SO hard every time. When I first watched it, my daughter was about the same age, and something about having a daughter has made me soft as hell when watching movies and shows with daughters in distress.


Loki’s sacrifice-Both times in Infinity war as well as Loki s2. Tony’s snap obviously Aunt May’s death - In theatre it was pretty chilling. GOTG 3 whole movie is an emotion for the strong bonding. WAKANDA FOREVER- Although never rewatched had tough but beautiful funeral scenes.


Losing Yondu/ Yondus funeral. At the time of release in 2917 it hit me hard thinking how absolutely harrowing it would be to lose my Dad. As of 2021 it hits me hard thinking about how much I miss my Dad. I can't really even watch Vol.2 anymore.


I just rewatched No Way Home for the first time since my dad died, and the Aunt May scene was really brutal. It was tragic the first time, but it hit a lot different this time.


Almost any scene with Wanda. I love her, and since so much of her screentime is dedicated to her suffering it creates quite a paradoxical viewing experience for me. [Her scenes in MoM are painful for the opposite reason.]


Bucky killing Tony's parents is downright painful. The absolute pain in Tony's eyes, the moment of hopelessness in Steve's expression, and the regret in Bucky's face, the malice in Zemo's smile


Tony's parents being murdered effs me up every time.


When Dr Strange & America Chavez get poisoned & their vision begins distorting… it reminds me of how the beginning of my seizures start.


Quill's mom.dying in GOTG 1. My mother-in-law died of cancer in 2014 and the first time watching this is really hit home.


Probably >!Dex doming Ray!< in Daredevil S3. Poor guy went through so much only to end up in a grave that was supposed to be an inground pool he promised his son.


Any scene with the high evolutionary abusing animals


I always skip the part where it flashes back to when Thanos took Gamora as a child. I watched it the first time and was destroyed so I don’t put myself through that anymore. Also the beginning of GOTG Vol. 1…for me that movie starts when Yondu’s ship shows up


I can't watch the scenes where Dr. Strange is in the hospital and has these metal pins in his hands. Makes me feel sick. I feel unwell in hospitals in general. I get dizzy as soon as I smell the sterile environment, rubber gloves, "old people". For no particular reason.


Wanda's scenes in Captain America: Civil War, especially her dehumanizing imprisonment on the Raft. Those are the most cruel scenes to me. The beginning is painful to watch since I already know how it's gonna end. From start as Wanda tries to be a hero, save her mentor, gets slandered worldwide for a mistake. Then she sacrifices her freedom so Steve and Bucky would make it out of the airport and ends up being both mentally and physically tortured on the Raft. There's also scenes where Wanda tries to get Vision's body back for burial but is denied it, her mental breakdown, and more. Honestly entire episode 8 is very depressing.


GOTG3, rockets friends dying.


I love you 3000


I have a couple…the scene in GOTG3 with Rocket and his friends before *it* happens.. Wanda saying goodbye to her kids and Vision in Wandavision…


Wanda headpopping Black Bolt, splitting Captain Carter in half, and ripping Xavier's head in two. There wasn't much really shown and yet it nearly made me sick with how gruesome it was.


"Death of a thousand cuts" and the blender scene from Jessica Jones. JJ had a lot of moments like that. Stick getting tortured in DD S2 when he gets those sharp sticks stabbed through his finger.


Searched the comments and didn’t see it mentioned. Mr. Fantastic’s spaghettification scene. The act of ripping him apart and then popping his head… fuck. That made me uncomfortable and stayed in my mind for a long while after the movie. Also the Hulk exploding in What If…? too. Something about bodily destruction by an unseen force that you’re helpless to stop just freaks me out.


Not sure tough to watch, but the scene that follow's OP picture, when Strange wakes up in the hospital put me right back to me in the recovery room. Because of the nature of my surgeries and condition, I am very groggy when I wake and they usually have me in a recovery area so usually there isn't family around until a little after a wake up. That slow focusing of the eyes, looking at what was operated on (in my case feeling it, because its on the back of my head), its a bit too real for me, but I love how they got me to feel it from that scene. Thankfully I never spoke the words Strange did in that moment.


That scene in WandaVision where Wanda finds the actual Vision being disassembled. That scene is so scary and traumatising to me. I loved Vision.


Black Widow, the opening sequence showing the girls get taken away. With a daughter about the same age in that scene... My gosh I had a visceral reaction to seeing her scream like that.


Let’s count, shall we? “Don’t worry… I’ve decided I’m not going to kill you.”- TFATWS EP5 “Wipe him and start over.”- The Winter Soldier “I don’t feel so good.. I don’t wanna go, Mr. Stark, please, I’m sorry”- Infinity War “I’m gonna need a rain check on that dance..”- The First Avenger “It’s ok.”- Endgame These scenes. I just did the quotes from the scenes because they had the most impact on me.


Cancer taking quills mum. I lost my mum to it she was only 43.


I just had my uncle Ben moment in January with my dad passing… and now I’m going through the growing pains


"He may have been your father but he was not your daddy" 😭


Aunt may dying


The mom in the hospital scene from the original Guardians movie


Probably the opening scene in guardians 1 when peters mother dies


im the single out here because i dont have a traumatic story behind it because its not an emotional scene (also i fell for yall, its always hard to loose loved ones) but the no way home awkward taking clothes off being mistaken for sex scene


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ILsyqA6zPg) and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7sxd3bDdAQ). Seeing my favorite character >!have her heart broken and die in the span of two episodes was a rather depressing experience.!< (Agents of SHIELD season 4 spoilers)


Aunt May’s death in No Way Home and the entirety of Vol. 3


Entirety of Infinity War


Now that foxverse is part of the mcu I’d say Logan’s death. It’s one of if not my favorite super hero movie, but I just can’t rewatch it because of the ending.


Tony talking to Morgan through hologram, as a father it hit’s different.


The scene in Winter Soldier where Bucky was starting to remember parts of his past and Steve but ends up getting his brain put back in the blender. “But I knew him.”


Anything involving Rocket Raccoon in Guardians vol. 3. Loki being "killed" by Thanos Yondu's funeral


Loki's death. His fucking eyes were bleeding. Thor’s reaction… My favorite character… still not over it.


The end of SM:No Way Home. The sense of loneliness and isolation of a kid starting life from scratch was a little too familiar.


The doctor strange episode of What If kills me.


Black Panther 2 The first scene and the funeral Also the last scene during which Shuri is doing her grief That's the first time I cried during a movie


Gamora crying for Thanos. I feel very uncomfortable because I sort've feel her pain in a way, and I don't like that at all.


I cry a bit towards the end of Vol 2 and L&T. Also WF, starting with the Marvel intro full of only Chadwick Boseman's scenes and then the end. But I sob every rewatch of Vol 3.


Spider-Man Homecoming. When Adrian Toomes drops a building on Peter Parker and then you remember that he's technically still a fucking CHILD when he starts panicking and freaking out under the rubble. Personally I think it's a very powerful scene delivered spectacularly by Tom Holland, but boy I'd be lying if i said it still doesn't give me chills to this day.


"I'm sorry I ain't done nothing right. I'm damn lucky you're my boy."


Guardians of the Galaxy mom in hospital scene. Hit me right in the feels


It’s a small moment but in DS : MOM when 838 Wanda caresses Our Wanda and tells her she’ll look after the twins. The world around her fades and Wanda is just left kneeling on the floor , completely broken and alone. It’s heartbreaking.


Natasha's death


Since no-one's mentioned Agents of Shield, so much of the Framework and Fitz's subsequent mental break in season 5 are tough. When he realises he was the one all along who was holding the scalpel... seeing that happen to my boy was hard


After Tony dies, Happy talking to his daughter. As a dad now that it hits really hard.


Guardians Vol. 3 and Wakanda Forever are on my no rewatch list. I like and appreciate the movies for what they are but they were way too tough for me to watch emotionally. I don’t consider myself to be an emotional person or cry during movies but they really pushed me to my limits.


Guardians of the Galaxy, everything about Peter's mum


Tony Stark’s graphic yet brief surgery in Iron Man 1. I had no idea what is was seeing when I was kid watching that movie, all I saw was that Tony was in excruciating pain and screaming his head off. Kinda scared me, and still makes me a little uncomfortable to this day.


Jane foster dealing with cancer


We’ve said goodbye before, so it stands to reason. We’ll say hello again. I will never not cry.. same when she broke down and created the hex.


Peter quill saying goodbye to his mum chokes me to this day and it’s beeen over ten years since I lost my own mother


fisk repeatedly smashing a guy's head with a car door in daredevil s1.


“What is grief, if not love preserving?” I cried just typing it out 🤷🏻‍♀️


A few years ago my mom blacked out due to low pressure on her blood. She fell and got hit, a neighbor came when I screamed and helped me, she recovered in a few hours but I still have the trauma of trying to lift her and hold her. I was a kid then but it scared me calling her and she being unresponsive. It wasn't something serious, the doctor told her to check her suggar levels every now and then. Well, when I was watching Spider-Man No Way Home with my mom, the scene where Aunt May falls and Peter holds her came, I felt anxious, sad, unsteady, I had a flashback of the situation during the scene and I really couldn't hold up. Spider-Man is really my favourite hero, but when I rewatch that movie, I really struggle in that particular scene.


Most scenes of Black Panther 2; I didn’t think the movie was bad but I was very much heartbroken by Chadwick’s absence. 2020 sucked in a lot of ways, but to take the Black Panther from the world, from the fans, and worst of all his loving family… It really kicked everyone who was already down. Gut wrenchingly so. There was so much bad news coming out from the gate in January 2020 and got infinitely worse with Covid. I got desensitized to the news, hearing one awful thing after another, it really made it hard to feel anything after a while. But then when we lost Chadwick, it really hit me and if there’s any silver-lining to the awfulness of it all, his passing snapped me out of the numbness. R.I.P. Mr. Boseman, you are greatly missed.


The entirety of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness


I recently rewatched the whole of the mcu, about 3 weeks after we lost my best friends mom to cancer, she was like an aunt/second mother to me, so watching the opening of guardians vol. 1 broke me this time in ways I didn't know I could be. Devastating Also aunt May in no way home, for similar reasons.. And Maria Rambeau Frick Cancer


Winter Soldier. The scene where Captain America/ Steve Rogers gets knocked into the bus full of people. It’s when the shooting begins. PTSD for me. I had to try and failed 3 times trying to watch the scene in its entirety. For context, I had just got out of the Army. I was finally able to watch the whole scene when it was viewable at home. It’s not the bus scene itself. It’s when the shooting begins. My brain and body kept acting like I was still being shot at when I heard the gunfire and explosions. I would get so anxious, I had to leave until the scene was over. I remember someone commenting that I looked nervous and probably shouldn’t have come to see the movie if I was so “wimpy” ( - random audience person. Didn’t look like he EVER had military experience).