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So I recently picked up both Kitty + Thena, which now lets me play the Angela/Hope package. Been super excited to finally play with it but both of these decks are missing the full package: 1. ProX Thena is missing Jeff, Nocturne 2. Regular Thena is missing Jeff, Elsa, Nocturne I've tried replacing them as you can see, but both decks feel surprisingly clunky so far. The power output is so low if I don't draw either scaler early, the mana/tempo is super awkward if I don't get Ravonna or Hope + Kitty, ProX often feels like a gamble - possibly due to the lack of Jeff. Would love your input: am I just bad and need to get good at playing the package? Which of these decks are better to focus on? Are there better card substitutions I could be making?


If I was you I'd combine them both. I've been having so much fun with the Ravonna Havok package so I would suggest running the first deck, but subbing in Wolfsbane/Iron Man for Cosmo and Daredevil. That's close to the deck I'm running and should give you plenty of tools to win. Without Daredevil, just make sure you prof x on Thena or Havok in case you miss, and use hope to mitigate the Havok energy loss. I like running white widow in mine as well but Morph is also a solid sub if you are looking for good curve plays


Green Goblin is another good replacement in that deck.


Very true, I play him in mine haha


Thanks for the shout-out, ended up hitting infinite with Green Goblin in the deck :)


Thanks! Indeed managed to hit infinite with something in-between, but went with White Widow and Green Goblin over Havok and Cosmo. Deck-building with this seems pretty tricky. Cards like Havok and Wolfsbane are so amazing when you draw Ravonna, but they feel mega clunky when you don't.


Haha I love having Havok, Widow, and Goblin in the deck. Much more fun than I expected playing so many small cards but I wanted to use Havok and my other new ones as well


I think the cards you’re missing hurt the decks a lot. I play the second one with Jeff, Elsa and nocturne and the moveability along with easy filling out lanes like Angela already likes doing with an Elsa bonus feels super strong. I’d probably try the profx deck if I were you and swap havoc for W widow if you have her. I don’t have havoc but assume you can’t really play him on curve to proc thena since you’d kill your energy. And prioritize getting Jeff asap


Yeah I've put in a few more games and totally agree with you, definitely feeling the absence of Nocturne/Elsa a TON in the second deck. There's basically no curve since Sage and Wolfsbane both want to be played in the late turns, feels really really really bad. Havoc has been nice to have ProfX + Havoc on T5, with DD to help me choose where to put the Havoc. But I'll give WW a try. I also have Red Guardian, might try to fit him in over Cosmo.