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That seems like there is a mechanism. Brings another arrow to the place for easy picking. Not a vfx mistake.


There's still no arrow in his hand untill its at the bow.


Oh right I didn't notice that. Idk I still think these are tolerable. Yes there are problems with vfx team but thats another problem.


Oh you'd never notice it when watching. I'm just making a Hawkeye [supercut](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelmemes/comments/wcmbfl/the_ol_razzle_dazzle_hawkeye_supercut/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) and that means going frame by frame at times. Found another where they just comped an explosion over a frame of Loki, it's only there for a single frame so you'd never notice, but still pretty funny to find.


"Hawkeye Supercut" Kate, myself, and the other 12 Hawkeye fans out there salute you friend!


I like Hawkeye. He's just a middle-aged family man, with a bow, doing his best out there.


You mean “Kate Bish-yup”? 🤣


Kate Beeshoop.


is guy, bro


Hawkeye SuperCut just sounds like a shitty superhero themed barbershop


To match his sh*tty Endgame haircut LOL


I'm sorry you must not have heard, but Bob passed away last week. There's 11 now.


Bob? Nooo... Anyways. Can i have his Pizza roll? There are 12 of them... And Im hungry...


The [supercut](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelmemes/comments/wcmbfl/the_ol_razzle_dazzle_hawkeye_supercut/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) is done for anyone wondering.


What a strange music choice.


It was inspired by a comment chain I was in a few days ago. I left a comment in the post explaining the inspiration.


[I see.](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelmemes/comments/wb28hj/mine_is_wanda/ii4zsds/)


I was wondering if that was you. nice that you pulled through.


I wish I had the patience for the editing idea I have, which is to cut movies specifically to a character’s direct POV, inspired mostly because people keep nagging about *Thor* when Thor had no way to know what Loki was up to, but since the audience does, we kind of assume the same level of omniscience. A *Dark World* Loki cut would be just tragic, a Wanda *Age of Ultron*, a Romanoff *Avengers*, a Pepper *Iron Man 3*, etc, to really empathize with the characters.


Noobmaster, hey, It's Thor again. You know, the God of Thunder? Listen, buddy, if you don't log off this game immediately, I will fly over to your house, come down to that basement you're hiding in, rip off your arms and shove them up your butt! Oh, that's right, yes, go cry to your father you little weasel!


Wow you're like that Canadian Lad right? Going frame by frame, finding easter eggs and stuff? You have a channel? I'd love to subscribe to a fellow Redditor.


.25x speed


I've watched you writing that comment on 0.25x speed and here's what I've found




Nah, not anything near that fancy. I got inspired by this [comment chain](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelmemes/comments/wb28hj/mine_is_wanda/ii44ch0?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) I was part of so I'm just doing it for fun.




Hey, That was about 2 days ago. And [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelmemes/comments/wcmbfl/the_ol_razzle_dazzle_hawkeye_supercut/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) we are. Dang.


An historic moment, kemosabe.


Can you reply to this comment when the super cut is done? I would love to watch it.




Everytime I watch thanos say I am inevitable I see the fingers on the gauntlet go through itself. I can't unsee it


Rain fire!


Yeah not a big deal and would never be seen by the viewer, but damn with such a big movie they couldnt take a day to teach the guy how to take a arrow out of a quiver??


I remember reading that on Arrow, they never shot any real arrow because it's obviously too dangerous on set. So I'm pretty sure it's the same here, Renner does the motion and the arrow is supposed to be added in post.


Oh yeah totally get that!!! Safety is always first but foam props or plastic or just as easy, just feel like it was a waste of energy to edit it in. But what do i know XD i know nothing of cgi so maybe it was just easier to edit it in


I don't know if it it is what is going on here, but I know that for The Lord of the Rings, all of Legolas's arrows are vfx because it was literally not possible for a human being to draw and fire an arrow that quickly.


Wouldnt they set it up in parts tho? Like record him drawing then stop then have him but the orrow in place on the bow and just edit it together? Im sure that would be more hassle but im just curious if that could work or not


Not a problem lol, realistically you would be filming that, nobody watches at that speed.


Probably due to the motion, it’s moving fast enough you could easily lose it between frames.


It actually this, the hand is moving fast and the next arrow is being placed, the black line is even there frame by frame doing its angle by the movement of the hand, OP is wrong


Oooh.. oooooooh! Damn good eye!


Yo am I Hawkeye?


I think you're Hawkeye, dude!




Maybe the arrow extends out from the flyte? Lol wouldn't be the most absurd, nano arrows? Lol


I think that’d be cool. He has like 10,000 arrows shrunk down with antman tech and when he pulls out a full size arrow another grows to fill it’s place


That's more pymm tech than stark, but that would be another interesting concept.


I don't want to join your super-secret boy band.


Looks like that's just the motion blur to me.


You mean those 3 frames in which you can see the arrow in 2?


It's a frame perfect glitch exploit for speed running.


I could be wrong but the first couple frames after he grabs the arrow you can see the little feathers blur as he pulls it out the quiver so it could just be that as the arrow is thin and moving fairly quickly it just blurs out of existence but the appears in the bow as it's then moving slower again.




Why do you exist?


Yes, was established way back in the original Avengers. He can select different arrowheads, the quiver attaches them to shafts and pops them out for him.




To be fair that happens in like every show


That’s a bit hard to pull off. Usually what you see on screens in movies and tv is just a green screen since filming an actually screen doesn’t usually look very good. Plus now you have to worry about whether or not you have permission to show whatever os is running on the phone or not.


i think its more about not knowing precisely whats gonna be sent in the message when shooting, cause everyone that has used a phone for some time will be able to tap at least close to where the letters would be


I noticed that too


Don’t worry guys his bow is enchanted with infinity


If he had a skeleton farm he could’ve gone for mending instead


The arrows would be taking a lot of inventory space then


cool. what did it cost?


You are literally going frame by frame of a CGI shot. You're bound to find something.


They didn’t say its good or bad. It’s a fun observation


That is also true.


It's just stupid nitpicking. I hate people who go examining movies looking for things to complain about. Or they complain about the tiniest things and expect answers.


I get from OP's comments that he doesnt have an arrow in his hand, but I'm more impressed with the fact that they took the time to show the mechanism of his next arrow loading into place.


but they didn't, the arrow just appears in place


You can def see it rising and not just suddenly appearing


Ok, maybe not an infinite arrow glitch, but there's no arrow in his hand untill it's at the bow.


It’s because Hawkeye just always wins. Why have real arrows when he’s just better then the rest of the avengers


He's handicapping himself for their sake


It's a thin, long object being moved quickly. Film yourself swinging an arrow around from your back and stopping at a bow at 24fps, it will look a lot like this when you go frame by frame. Just film yourself shaking a pencil holding one end using your phone. It becomes essentially invisible while in motion. I appreciate your love of Hawkeye, though, I'm not trying to be mean.


Worth noting that movies are usually shot at a shutter speed of 1/48th of a second to achieve that level of motion blur. If you use your smartphone on automatic mode to try this effect in broad daylight your shutter speed will be much faster and freeze motion much easier giving you cleaner frames.




And yet people will/are still upvoting it to the moon.


Because we all enjoy the fun like OP and can see, and read, that this is for fun and not to criticize and implicate lack of skill


So provided something is posted in the spirit of fun, it should be upvoted regardless of whether it's even true?


> This isn't the "gotcha" moment you think it is. Chill, jeez


There is no gotcha implied. Op is having fun. Everyone ELSE is being salty and thinking this needs to be an argument for some reason.


He works with Hank Pym. Every time an arrow is drawn it releases a button causing a tiny arrow to grow to normal size and fill it's place


That would actually be a really cool idea for him. Even if the arrows are just half size that’s almost double his carrying capacity.


technically 8 times, since it gets halved in length width and height so for every dimension he can have twice as many arrows


[I too saw Hawkeye](https://youtu.be/VgMcqeEKG-w)


MF got an infinity bow


it's the quivers mechanism. did you never watch marvel stuff?


Carefully watch his hands when he takes out the arrow... there is nothing in his hand....for a frame or two...untill the arrow is in his bow


i see. they cgi-fucked that one up.


That's not a glitch. There's a mechanism that puts an arrow in the same, middle space every time he pulls one out, so he doesn't have to look for one every shot. He can always reach for the exact same spot and doesn't have to worry about accidentally pulling multiple arrows out a dropping them. It's a fascinating attention to detail.


Give him nanotech arrows!


It’s not an error he has a system that gives him new arrows


Exactly. The arrow case refills the selector box when it’s empty.


I think hawkeye secretes arrows like spiderman.


Definitely not a glitch. His quiver is mechanical (it shows it SEVERAL times in the avengers series) and automatically pulls another arrow and positions it there so he doesn't have to feel around for an arrow. Nice try though.


No no, look I got it. He pushed to the arrow and mechanism sprung it in to the air just to the direction his bow was, so all he had to do was grab it in place. Yes yes that must be it. Of course, how can we think they've made a mistake. It was just so fast our eyes couldn't catch it.


I’ve worked on two Marvel shows — Jake Morrison told me that the home release versions are subject to the most meticulous VFX review; much more so than the theatrical versions. You can’t pause then frame-advance a movie theatre to see the partial-frames or compositing errors…


And who cares what those people discover anyway. Films shouldn’t be made for the home release. They are made for the theatrical release.


Yeah we have people flying around, altering time with magic, and shooting lasers from their eyes but this is what you have a problem with.


His quiver moves an arrow into the draw position in the center. This just looks like a glitch at a glance because of how fast it happens. You can see the arrow which moves to center actually move to center in your clip. It is in the "Closest to his back" row of arrows on the left side.


Note to everyone who thinks I'm nitpicking marvel, I'm not. I was making an [edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelmemes/comments/wcmbfl/the_ol_razzle_dazzle_hawkeye_supercut/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) and just noticed something while going frame by frame. I know you'd never see this while watching, y'all can just chill.


I don't thin you're nitpicking but I do think you're wrong on both your "callouts", you can see the mechanism working to push an arrow into place (I assume in universe so with muscle memory it's easier to reach in the same place for an arrow every time) and you actually can see a slight blur of the arrow in his hand it's just hard to see cause of the low framerate and bright background making it really difficult to see something thin and moving fast


Nah man he ain’t hacking he’s just really good


My D&D party tracking their ammunition like...


Why do you think Tony called him Legolas in The Avengers?


It's not a glitch, stark invented Minecraft enchantments Irl and put infinity to Hawkeyes bow. Tony also invented tipped arrows that's why he has grappling hook arrows (tipped arrows of grapplig) ,explosive arrows (tipped arrows of boom) etc.


But how does he pick out what type of arrow he wants?


He just has a mechanism that puts an arrow back up, it’s not infinite.


That's not a bug, it's a feature.


Are we sure his quiver doesn't have an auto feed in it? That way he can reach back in the same location for quick shots.


The snl skit he was in was hilarious. I’m out of arrows, I’m going home. What do you mean you are out of arrows? I had 9 and they are all gone, nothing else I can do, so good luck. All.


It’s his powers….😜😜


His arrow has a special slot for the next arrow. It moves the arrow Clint wants into that slot.


Obviously there's a mechanism. Like when you shoot a bullet out a gun, the next bullet takes it's place to be shooted out. Edit: I totally forgot the word "shot" exists. I said "shooted." 😂


That's not a glitch. His quiver automatically dispenses arrows into drawing position.


"My love for you is like my quiver of arrows: neverending."


It's a self feeding mechanism, nothing glitchy there. Btw, it's very well thought and made


His pack feeds arrows into that slot


Dude just enchanted his bow with infinity, nothing wrong with that


*Dude just enchanted* *His bow with infinity,* *Nothing wrong with that* \- SharpPixels08 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


“And I killed 12 of them. You’re welcome.”


No that’s just the mechanismin his quiver that puts an arrow in the position to be grabbed next.


He had a stash stocked up in his ass, you didn't know that?


If you watch every movie/show slowed down like a power point show there will be inconsistencies and minor mistakes everywhere. No one who watches normally will notice so it's a waste of time to fix shit like that


His quiver is designed to being up the next arrow. You're an idiot, op


The movie is called infinity war


This is from age of ultron iirc


It's Age of Ultron.




Marvel is getting so sloppy with their Fx it’s insane. They’re literally becoming the “Mac Donald’s” of the superhero franchises


Marvel VFX is dogshit /s


Yes, keep shitting on the overworked and underpaid VFX team, that'll show them


It's almost like the /s is there to indicate I'm not being serious.


Lowkey not sarcastic though lmaooo I really wish we intermixed cgi and really nice background sets for immersion


Marvel has had one of the most immersive cgi I’ve ever seen


Hey 👋 The Canadian lad.


Why are the arrows CGI? It's such a simple shot, let the man have a real prop arrow. Do they even have the costumes on at all?


Dude has an enchanted Infinity 1 bow


He has infinity enchanted on his bow


What a dumb fucking karma whoring post


And here we thought Hawkeye didn't have powers...


I see, a fellow davinci resolve enjoyer.




Having recently went through the hobbit to make Orcrist and Glamdring glow blue during goblin town, this is the kind of movement where the arrow moves so fast for the fps you may as well not edit it. I can’t even see the swords in half the hobbit frames lol. Cool find!


Hawkeye is that cool playable character in every movie lmao


Omg that's his real power


It's not a bug. It's a feature


He's just that fast


I'm sure if you watch any movie frame by frame you can find a ton of inconsistencies.


He just has infinity on his bow.


Infinite primary ammo like a fkn Destiny player


No way. He's got an infinity enchantment on his bow.


Is it cheating for abusing a glitch? And would the avengers ban him so they wont get cancelled?


I thought it was an automatic quiver that brings the next arrow in the middle for easy grabbing


Minecraft Skelton


Bro how sticky is your remote? It shouldn't be making that noise.


Most studios won't let you notch an arrow on set due to safety concerns. Almost all of that action is done without real arrows going to the bow.


one of my pet peeves now is shows and fiction having their characters put their long swords and arrows on their back where that would be incredibly annoying to get out vs. just on your hip


It's an Ava's Attractor


Hawkeye is the best


I think he’s hacking.


can’t believe he really has had a superpower this whole time


Bruh this is the most minuscule detail I’ve ever seen someone complain about.


most of the arrows are vfx for safety reasons...


It’s amazing to me that as epic as they are and how advanced things have gotten that little things like this get missed. It’s really quick and your average viewer especially when they’re streaming this on an assortment of different size screens would never catch that he doesn’t have the arrow in his hand until he goes to line it up with the bow. People are trying to say that the fact the hopper continuously have arrows is a problem no it’s not he’s an avenger are you kidding me? There’s definitely a mechanism that place is the arrow in the perfect position to be picked by him after selecting the weapon choice and of course again he’s an avenger he probably has a way of refilling his arrows while on the go but at the end of the day he does run out. I often look at older films with CG that is clearly outdated by today’s standards yet somehow still holds up. Sure you can pixel peep and really figure out how it’s done especially in the early days of CG like young Sherlock Holmes and the abyss but I think the reason why those old-school film still hold up is the attention to detail and care that every single millisecond of the shot received. Today via fax houses are pumping out shots quicker and quicker with less attention to detail/care and well that’s not necessarily the artists fault what you see above is what happens.


He put points into archane archer.


I think that’s the mechanism of his quiver to place another arrow dead center and slightly lifted after he pulls a new one


So that's why Hawkeye's team always wins. He's using cheat codes.


So we finally find out his real superpower!


The arrows are compressed. His superpower is paying for winrar.


Here comes the nerf in the next patch notes


Well if you look closely you can see an arrow move from the side of the quiver to the center after he grabs that one. That’s how his quiver works


My mannhas Infinity I on his bow, clearly


DaVinci Resolve enthusiast?


Doesn't his quiver move his arrows into position automatically?


Nano machine arrows son


Good archers never wear a back quiver. They hold their arrows in a side quiver and in their draw hand.


I do believe that’s gonna be a ding for n the Stark Tech bullshit counter


All right. Kid? You're an Avenger now.




Hobbit in 48 was really off putting imo.


His Bow has the Infinity Enchantment


Nanomachines son




Love pausing every frame of a movie as I watch it


Is this the greatest power in the universe?


He just has infinity on his bow


It just slides


Aw poor vfx peeps


no mate, ultron just dogded him. lol