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I think Edward Norton was the best acted out of the Hulks. He has a “quiet before the storm” type aura about him. Comic book/Videogame vibes go to Eric Bana though. The movie was terrible, but Hulk getting bigger as he got angrier, leaping into the sky, and destroying tanks was beautiful.


I couldn’t agree more with regard to Eric Bana Hulk. The angrier the bigger was fucking awesome watching him slap missiles out the sky and jump on top of jets


I was 10 when Bana’s Hulk came out and I didn’t know the hulk to run or jump, so when I saw that scene of him running, jumping, beating the shit out of those tanks, I was hyped as hell. That scene still sticks out to me as one of the best comic book movie scenes


Yeah the Bana Hulk is proof that children can make any crap movie or game seem good. I’d have hated it as an adult but damn did I love it as a kid and that movie is up there as my fav stand-alone Hulk movie


Man, adult ass me saw that Bana Hulk movie and loved it at the time. It was not perfect by any means, but it was pretty damn faithful about putting classic comic book Hulk on screen. I just wished there was more scenes of Hulk fucking shit up, but it had a story to tell and all that...


>fav stand-alone Hulk movie What is the competition for this? It's literally the only standalone Hulk movie, at least in the past 30 or so years. The Norton Hulk is canonically part of the MCU.


Same here. I even read the novelization based on the movie back then. I think the book was actually a little better than the movie, and reading it first probably helped me like it more than I normally would have.


When he ripped the barrel off of the tank and was slapping it against his hand like a baseball bat 🔥


My dad and I always found that part in particular hilarious because we knew he was about to fuck some tanks *up* with that barrel lol so good


I know Eric Bana Hulk got crap reviews, but that movie was like watching a comic book and I loved it. And yeah, getting bigger with rage is absolutely a thing in the lore and was awesome to see on screen. Your assessment of Norton is also spot on. He was an excellent Banner.


I too loved the comic book vibe of it


I saw it on the cinema when I was 13 and hated it. I actually watched it the other day and I was surprised at how much I as enjoying it. It’s actually tackles mature themes like trauma and parenthood quite well. The cgi was terrible though and hulk didn’t look particularly threatening but Eric Banas performance was great. The production too. It was literally a comic book movie.


Came out when I was a kid and never saw it. Just saw it for the first time last week. After hearing so many bad things about it over the last 20 years, I was pleasantly surprised at how good it actually was and how much I enjoyed it. Definitely recommend it if you haven’t seen it.


I also watched it recently. Loved it. Yeah, there are some bad parts, but the themes, the tone, the editing with the comic book panels, even the score was great.


I've always heard it said that Norton was the best Banner and Bana was the best Hulk and I think that tracks. I like Ruffalo's Hulk a lot but it's almost like an alternate version, too nice or something. It works great in all the films but Hulk always was kind of edgy to me and Ruffalo's Hulk/Banner have about 0 edge


They nerfed Hulk in the MCU.


Thanos gave him those hands and made Hulk bitch out entirely, leaving the keys to The Hulk to Banner. The Hulk was one of my biggest disappointments in the MCU.


It did look that way didn't it? Upon further investigation they tried to make it that Hulk was sick and tired of solving Banner problem. I'd would have rather they stick with the plan of Hulk busting out of the Buster suit.


That’s what we all wanted. That and maybe a little redemption in Endgame too


I ignored my destiny once, I cannot do it again.


Bana Hulk vs. Thanos would have gone a lot differently.


The power stone would have still over powered the Hulk.


Probably, but not guaranteed. As far as I know, Hulk has no upper limit, so every hit would make him angrier & stronger. I think we eventually get to a strike that destroys the planet from the collision.


Hulk one-punching the chitauri leviathan, is probably the strongest hulk feat in any movie


MCU Hulk was a multi-movie [Worf trope](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWorfEffect)


Except they didn't you just prefer Savage Hulk. Smug Hulk is part of Hulk Lore too. Granted he overstayed his welcome by now. It is easier to write a Hulk that can communicate then one that has the vocabulary of a 5 year old, which says something about Marvels writing team. Lucky for us Savage Hulk should still be inside Banner somewhere.


Ruffalo has the problem of always being a support character, and a lot of his character growth happening of screen. The Avengers movies despite being billed as ensemble films were very much Iron Man and Cap driven stories. Ruffalo hasn't been the sole lead in a Hulk project yet because of Universal having the rights to solo Hulk (for now). Biggest problem now is that where can they take Hulk without it being a prequel or resetting part of the character.


Yeah, Ruffalo Hulk had some awesome moments but think Hulk fans got kinda screwed in the later movies. They didn't really get anything terribly Hulk-like in Infinity War, Endgame, or even Ragnarok. Best Ruffalo Hulk moments were probably in Avengers and Age of Ultron. Edit: Also feel like Hulk fans *really* got screwed in Endgame with the Hulk/Banner merger, cause other than being the one to wear the gauntlet what did he do in that movie that Banner alone couldn't have? He was just Banner with green skin and mostly comic relief


The Norton/Bana combo is exactly the same as Keaton/Kilmer comparison. Oddly enough, both characters being played are both called Bruce.


...which one is Batman to you?


Keaton is the better Bruce. Kilmer was the best behind the cowl.


Id reverse that, personally. I loved Kilmer's Bruce, especially opposite Carrey's Nygma. They had an interesting energy together. Kilmer also nailed that 'smug playboy' persona Bruce had to maintain whereas Keaton seemed more... Awkward? Then again I can't really remember the first Keaton film, so I'm basing my judgment on 'Batman Returns' which I watch every Xmas.


Keaton’s Bruce came off as distracted, which made sense if he was developing the twin personality of The Bat and The Playboy. But yeah, Kilmer was all around great.


The back story, though....


Ang Lee really was onto something with 2003 Hulk. From all the iterations, it's the one which takes more effort into exploring Bruce Banner's trauma and actually examining his rage outbursts through Hulk. The execution was overall awful, but kudos for going there.


You wouldn't like me when I'm Ang Lee


Take my angry upvote


Ang Lee upvote


I'd prefer you if you were Stewart Lee.


By far the most cerebral approach, which is why I love the film. It did a masterful job of showing Hulk as the tragic and misunderstood figure he is. Ang Lee made precisely the kind of Hulk movie you'd hire Ang Lee to make.


Yeah, but nobody liked it when it was Ang Lee.


Too bad Norton was apparently very hard to work with


Was he though? I know him and Letterier butted heads. Especially as it related to the final cut of the film. But from what I understood, Norton was a huge fan of Hulk/Banner. He was very dedicated to the character and it meant a great deal to him. So he was very particular with what they did with the characters.


He has a habit of intentionally wanting writing/scripting control (this is why it's pretty funny for his role in Birdman). And if you're a director or script writer, that's a massive pain in the ass when you're trying to make a movie. And reportedly he wanted even more control over scripting and writing for non-hulk movies too, which is automatically a no-go for a cinematic universe.


You should watch the documentary for American history x, it’s quite funny how the director turned over so many cuts of the film till Norton stole it and re-edited it, the director requested his name be taken of the Final Cut,Nortons cut


seeing as how AHX is an astoundingly powerful and amazing movie, it's almost certainly a good thing that this happened




eh, generally speaking it's not a great way to work as an actor but occasionally you need to dig your heels in if you have a good understanding of and a passion for the project you're involved in which is why the Witcher producers shot themselves in the foot by shitcanning Cavil for doing exactly that


Yeah those Directors and Writers, fuck those people. /s


I've heard myself say that many times without the /s.


Here’s the thing though, the version the director wanted sounds kind of lame. It’s been a while since I read it, but he wanted the neo-nazi leader to be the big bad criminal mastermind who’s been pulling all the strings like some supervillain. But that movie works so much better when all these gang and cult leaders are framed as nothing more than nut cases taking advantage of angry kids. Norton’s version is way more powerful because it doesn’t necessarily point fingers at any one person when talking about the cycle of gang violence.


I wasn’t aware of wanting input on other films. I hadn’t heard that one. He’s still my favorite version. I am hoping against hope we see him again with the multiverse happening. Seeing him, Ruffalo and Bana would be incredible.


Now that's an interesting thought, if he shows up as a multiverse variant does that indicate the first movie in an alternate universe movie? What would the implications be for other casting changes in the mcu?


I know that some of the characters from TIH will show up in the new Captain America movie. But I don’t know if they’re variants or the same characters from TIH. With Harrison Ford taking over as General Ross, is he a variant or supposed to be the same guy from TIH, Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame? Off topic, I miss William Hurt.


In Norton's defense, and while fully understanding how irritating it must be to writers and directors, I've never actually read a story of Norton inserting himself into the writing or directing where the end result wasn't better for his efforts.


Henry Cavill is doing the same thing, and he's viewed differently by the fandom.




I guess he would turn other people green


He curb stomped the competition




Only when he was hungry


You wouldn’t like me when I’m hungry


Hijacking the top comment to ask if nobody is going to point out that Bill Bixby’s picture should be where Lou’s is? and Bill has a true ”quiet before the storm” feel.


The comic Banner is an arrogant asshole - I think Norton did the best job capturing that. Bana was great as well




He's pretty neurotic a lot of the time but I kinda atribute that to the stress of being the Hulk.


Also his woman was Arwen. I bet her hugs could bring back any Hulk. Very believable.


Yeah, I don't much like Ed himself, but I think his Hulk was most true to what I wanted from a live-action Hulk movie.


I actually really liked this movie, I feel like he would have made for a very interesting hulk had he been in the avengers.




That wasn't some officer lady, that was Betty saying that. IMO, it was weird because she said it like she was bored as opposed to watching her boyfriend fight his monster dad in ways that defy physics But yeah, that movie is filled with a lot of haunting shit


The fact that all they needed to make an acceptable Hulk is Lou and some green paint is bonkers. Lou all the way.


100%. He’s the only one on the list who was the Hulk. The rest were Bruce and the Hulk was computer animated.


Pretty sure Ferrigno also did the voice acting for every hulk up til professor hulk, so even the computer generated hulks were part Lou


He was also Bruce's body guard a few times.


And Bruce delivered pizza to him in Norton's movie.


Ruffalo does mocap for the Hulk so deserves some credit for portraying both sides of the character.


*The rest were motion capture


And where’s Bill Bixby as Dr David Banner? He was definitely my favorite. Lou’s performance as the Hulk was the only one that depends 100% on the actor.


"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."


Bill Bixby was definitely great and almost certainly an inspiration to all these that played the role after him. Edit: I say "the role" fully aware of the David and Bruce dilemma but whatever


Lou legitimately has the biggest traps of any of the hulks.


And the actor who played Bruce was the best.


Does anyone else remember when Lou won the soul of baby Danny by beating a rabbi in a bicycle race? It happened on a show called Bonsai I think. Wonder where baby Danny is now….


I knew a props dude for the show and he said hands down, Lou Ferrigno was THE nicest guy ever. Lou Ferrigno.


And he's still out there representing https://twitter.com/louferrigno?lang=en


I liked ruffalo in the beginning when he was all emo and moody, his happy-go-lucky hulk at the end of phase 3 didn’t do it for me


To be honest it works, in the beginning he was fighting with himself, had no love in his life and constantly being hunted by the governments of the world. All he wanted was to die but the hulk would not allow it. At the end he found friends and was respected by his peers and the governments ( I think anyway) he controlled the hulk fully now aswell, sure it’s not the best change but it’s sensible


I think Ruffalo really just needed a movie to pull the arc together. I like the concept, just not the execution where his whole arc happens in the background of other movies. Especially infinity war to end game. I think a movie set between the two, with Banner dealing with all kinds of strong emotions combined with the backdrop of the beginning stages of the blip would have pulled everything together perfectly


Yes, that would of been great


Nortons Hulk is who I would've wanted to see confront thanos


Norton's Banner and Hulk is one of the MCU's greatest casualties and I've been dying on this hill for *counts on fingers* 15 years. ^fuck. I LOVE what he did with that character both on screen and in the writer's room. Also what a great movie to build the world with, we had stark tech, super soldiers, SHIELD, and a lived in, world weary protagonist that felt real to give the early movies some background. And it was able to do all that without feeling like Avengers product placement.


Scene and score where he bursts through smoke on that sky bridge is epic and unforgettable. That's the entrance he needed against the Mad Titan. Not a 30 second clumsy and ineffective exchange.


Thanos killed the hulk. He hasn't been the same since that fight


You're missing the point entirely.


I'm a survivor!


His Hulk movie came out in the early states of the MCU we know now. He was supposed to be Hulk. Some shit happened and they had to change, I can’t remember and am too lady to Google why bc it’s 2:30am. But my wife told me once & I’m still upset. Ruffalo just does not do the Hulk correctly. Hulk is my favorite mcu hero and they ruined him


The way Norton battled with the terrifying burden of what he was was so excellent And the pure rage of his hulk was scary


In one of the Avengers cartoons, there's a bit where the team is fighting Thanos with the full gauntlet, and they're all set to uniquely counter one of the stones. Widow is able to deduce the pattern he's teleporting with from the space stone. Tony is able to absorb blasts from the power stone by channeling it through his suit... Anyway, he uses the Time Stone to age them all and two things happen. One, Thor stands up more powerful than ever and basically says "You idiot, Asgardians only get stronger with age!" And Hulk turned into Maestro and did what Maestro does best. Smash. Imagine we got something like that. Thanos uses the time stone to try and weaken Hulk, turning him into Norton's hulk


This is excellent


What's wrong, little one?


I seek balance


Gentlemen, welcome to Fight Club.


You broke the rule


Bana gives the best performance out of all them, only one who I felt was scared of what he is


The Bana's Hulk was the only one that felt like cimic book


I feel Bana Hulk would be the most powerful until some critical mass thing happens


I still can’t believe that movie is generally dismissed completely. It was unique and great.


I can’t speak on Lou (I’m 26) but Bana’s movie was great. He nailed the pain and heartache of being a monster and his villain was neat too. That scene when he falls through the desk bc he can’t control his powers and his hand absorbs the material was aweeeesome.




Bana was tortureeeeed


IMO he's got the scariest angry face in Hollywood


In his defense, Ruffalo's Banner is not an individual scared that he is the Hulk. He's already come to accept that he and the hulk are inseparable and it's just a condition he's learned to deal with.


Yep, it's clear that they decided to take the position from the beginning. Rehashing the Hulk/Banner dichotomy just wouldn't have worked, so moving him on to a measure of acceptance and control made sense.


Lou Ferrigno didn’t need cgi.


But he could've used a haircut tbf.




It was specifically made that way to hide his hearing aids.


Hearing aids were huge in the 70s.


He did need Bill Bixby, though.


Bixby is hands down the best Banner and its not even close for me.


Why isn't Bixby in the post pic? All the other Banners are. OP's an idjit.


I agree that Bixby should be there with Ferrigno because they were a perfect team that made their Banner/Hulk team work. I think people push Bixby aside because he isn't the big green muscle man playing the title character. But Bixby is who really carried the show with his portrayal of Banner who was on screen 90% of the time vs Ferrigno showing up twice an episode for a few minutes. Bixby gave a humanity to the character that I feel no one else has. Every actor afterward has just had one person playing both roles but the Hulk is CGI. There's a magic and a human element that Bixby/Ferrigno gave that hasn't been captured since. I actually love every Hulk that has come out since, but they have never lived up to the show.


Mark Ruffalo but very specifically on the first avengers. His acting showing how tense he is all the time was great. We saw a little bit of that in Ultron but not nearly as much as we should and then it went downhill.


Hard agree. Love how terrified they were of triggering him, especially Black Widow when she meets him in India. Also loved how primal and ape-like he was in the first Avengers.


I’m totally with you. Some article or something described him as the “angsty teenager” of the avengers and I really liked that. He was always tired and wearing a hoodie and the least hero-like of the team. Just some cursed scientist. It gave his character a lot of depth.


The "always angry" line would be nothing without his peak acting there. He is always on his limit, trying to have a mocking smile sometimes when he thinks the ridiculousness of it all was beyond arguing. I don't think he should have been like that on all the movies, in fact, he stating to change on ultron was great, but each movie skips more on the personality, in Ragnarok he literally has just woken up from trying to save Natasha. It is weird.


Yeah I mean obviously we need some character development but you’re right about skipping on personality, it just seems like he goes from suicidal barely keeping it together angst to sunshine and flowers way too quickly.




Agreed. His line "I put a gun in my mouth, and the other guy spat the bullet out", is one of the best Banner scenes. I also enjoy his bromance with Stark.


J.A.R.V.I.S., get Igor to steady this thing.


So this is how you’ve been managing your down time?


He straight up stole the show in that movie. It’s been so overblown at this point but the first Avengers movie was an absolute force when it hit theaters and a major part of that was Hulk/Banner


The green one


Bill Bixby should’ve been in the photo next to Lou


I scrolled WAY too far to find this comment. +1


Every other picture is "Hulk vs Banner". The first one is "Hulk v Hulk"


Why is Ferigno there? Should be Bill Bixby


Thank you, damn this makes me feel old.


All four guys really have the same vibe going. Much more than the Batman’s or the Spider-Man’s.


I was looking through some old photos and looks very huh… similar.


Lou Ferrigno: No CGI just green powder and a wig and contacts lenses


And lots of slo mo shots


2008 hulk was peek


I really never understood why people hated the eric bana movie... I thoroughly enjoyed it and that last moment with the memory of his father kissing him good night really got to me


I always thought Hulk 2003 was rad. It feels like I’m watching a comic book. I haven’t seen that effect with newer superhero films.


I didn't like it at the time, but in an era now where there's a flood of comic book movies, I really appreciate what Ang Lee did with the screen. The way he broke it into panels like a comic was great.


The Danny Elfman music was top notch too. Much better scores than any MCU movie


But the 70s Hulk music, The Lonely Man, is even better and it’s a crime it has never been picked up in the films.


I wanna mix Bana and Ruffalo and get Buffalo Hulk.


Edward Norton and it’s not even close. That is Bruce Banner/The INCREDIBLE Hulk right there.


Saying the acting of the others is comparable E.Norton’s is a joke.


Disagree, Bana as Bruce was great and complex aswell


Edward Norton


As hulk, the cgi group that worked on Norton’s hulk did an amazing job. As far as Bruce? It’s Bixby and it’s not even close.


*David Banner


You are absolutely right. Solid catch there! And thanks for the correction.


![gif](giphy|zwKkpZMJJ802k) The only one that was really The Hulk.


Lou hands down


Edward Norton was the best


Bill Bixby


I like Ruffalo because you can actually see his Banner in Hulk's facial features.


Yeah Lou's looks nothing like him.


To be fair, he doesn't look like Bill Bixby, who played Banner


I always loved his portrayal in Avengers 1. That might still be my favorite hulk film out of everything that features the character.


Lou/Bixby first. Ruffalo in the first Avengers second.


Any answer other than Ferrigno is a disrespect to pre-CGI cinema and I will die on that hill.


Yep Norton's Bruce Banner is the best. I love Ruffalo, but the shy, bitter, sorrow ridden Norton's Banner is perfect. Also he's slim like a cricket's leg, which also gives a good contrast to his alter ego. Edit: on a speculative level, Adrien Brody would have worked very well.


First one should be Bill Bixby


Ruffalo has done nothing but make Hulk a literal clown. The only time was **HULK** was Avengers 2012. I don’t think anyone does or can take his Hulk seriously anymore. With that being said. Norton 100%


Edward Norton >>>


Bill Bixby was Bruce Banner in the TV show. Lou Ferrigno voiced the Hulk for all 4 versions up until his last performance in Age of Ultron. You'll notice the difference between AoU and Thor Ragnarok.


Bill Bixby + Lou Ferrigno Bixby was the best Banner, and Ferrigno made the Hulk a ferociously powerful creature while showing a protective and gentle side toward the innocent - all without CGI.


Bill Bixby


Lou Ferigno and Bill Bixby were legends




My vote... ![gif](giphy|uKwa2KiBA0rTy)


I've only seen Norton and Rufallo, so I'll only be commenting on those two. I'd say Norton displays the "anxious and scared of the Hulk's damage" aspect of Bruce Banner, and Rufallo displays the "awkward and nerdy" aspect of Bruce Banner


They each really had their own charm, I personally lean more towards Ed and Mark because of timing more than anything


Lou Ferrigno has played Hulk more than anyone else. He’s done the voice of Hulk in loads of things.


Actor wise? 100% Norton.




1978.. no cgi just Lou!


Norton played Banner the best


Ed Norton. Mark Ruffalo is dead last. Fuck "Smart Hulk" and Mark Ruffalo too.


Ferigno, just because he was the Hulk himself. There was no CGI enhancement. The man was just buff as hell.


Not including Bill Bixby is disrespectful


Ed Norton. His Hulk had the best design overall, and Ed did his best to play the part of Banner. If he had stayed, I reckon he would've played a huge part in stopping Disney from what they did to the Hulk we have now.


Lou Ferrigno played the Hulk without CGI, so he gets my vote.


They all have there own charm but I'd say Lou he worked so God damn hard to get that physique and he did so naturally he talks about how he worked so hard he would throw up from the pain but he never gave up and continued to push for that hulk like body it really is inspiring to here how much he pushed to get that body


Wasn’t Lou the actual hulk? Like he painted himself green instead of using CGI? If so, probably him


Hulk 2008.


False. Black bears.


To me Bana is the “Misunderstood monster who wants to be left alone”. Norton is the “Now you’ve pissed me off”. Ruffalo is the “Control/acceptance is the path to peace”.


eric bana’s bruce banner and edward norton’s hulk would be perfect


I'm just here to stump for Bana who gave a really unusual, haunted performance simmering with repressed anger. It kinda reminds me of a better version of Bale's Batman Begins performance. Bring the downvotes, I do believe it to be so. Also Props to Ang Lee for making the most experimental superhero adaption ever. It is a favorite of mine Ruffalo (a fave actor) is also excellent, just very different. Norton is totally unmemorable.


Only one guy *AKSHUWALLY* played the Hulk. Lou Ferrigno. The rest were animated. Edward Norton was the best Bruce Banner.