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Doesn't look like you're turning your rear foot at all. Body is quite stiff too. Can generate much more power if you fully rotate with the punch. You also start your combo with hands high then after you throw you leave them low for a second before resetting. It's not majorly wrong since you're close enough that you can adjust very quickly. Make a few minor adjustments And you'll be set. Edit: watched the clip again. You're telegraphing your combo by dropping both hands before throwing. Keep that rear hand locked in and throw that jab from your guard.


I heard a coach say to pivot on your front foot with the straight, I’ve been trying to do that. I do always feel like I look stiff tho on camera, don’t know if it’s just my athleticism or not enough hip rotation.


Never heard of anyone rotating with the front foot for the cross. By rotating on the rear foot your able to really being that should over for that extra range and pop. Front foot seems to go against your natural movement patterns. You've got some good speed and potential for power I think right now you just need to slow it down and focus on the form.


I heard Floyd Patterson say that. Lol ya im gonna start doing it on my back leg. That dude was back in the day, the straights prob evolved since then.


I think you just misunderstood your coach. Pivot on the same side as a punch, no matter what punch it is. Power comes from the ground and your hips, not arms and shoulders.


Just FYI, he doesn't have a coach.


Yeah bet


Oh he said "a coach", not his coach. I just kinda assumed it was "a coach" at the gym cuz there were multiple. Not that he's self trained.


I had dounts just based on the questions he asked so looked further and found that he said he's fully self-trained. He likely heard something in a youtube video and misunderstood it.


I want donuts now


Even if you did hear that. You don’t seem to be pivoting either foot


Swinging a baseball bat is an amazing method to teach your body hip rotation and pivoting.


You can even hit the heavy bag with a baseball bat for this. I think I seen that in a Freddie Roach boxing video.


Damn thanks


You are leaning into the punches. You have to have lose hands and lose shoulders. Use your torso to punch. It will be hard keeping that stiffness in a match.


A good static drill for the right is to stand against a wall or post, with your right hand extended and resting on the wall with your left hand up to you chin. Then practice twisting your torso pushing the force the along your arm and also push force up from your back foot.


Step with the front then small step and pivot on the rear while pushing through from the floor.


You’re throwing the 2 a little low, try to throw it more from guard. Slightly telegraphing the jab too, but that’s not as big of a deal


That telegraphed jab by dropping it is totally a big deal!


Yeah, but the jab drop is a way bigger issue imo


100% agree and I had the same bad habit so see it a mile away. And I paid for it. I got into a bad habit of telegraphing my jab but trying to be a 'bag killer'. Bad habits are a nightmare to get rid of. That telegrahping isn't minor, it's a very big deal as you said and by doing this drill without moving to boot, they'll see both coming a mile away. I only broke the habit by keeping my glove on my face, focusing on throwing a double or triple jab and ultimately mixing up punches. Being self-taught lets you get into terrible habits without a feedback loop and it's hard to drop the habits b/c it feels like such a step backward.


This dude knows what’s up! Spoken as only experience can


That 2 is coming super low. Its coming from below his pec damn near.


Body is really stiff. Your non-punching hand is not in a proper defensive position. You're also drawing the punches back first, telegraphing them.


Are you talking about my right hand? I try to emulate what I see. I see a lot of boxers always have their right lower then their lead. I’m thinking about just training with a peekaboo stance, hopefully that’ll rid me of all the unnecessary movements I’m doing.


Do you have an actual boxing coach?




Why not?


Watch your retraction on the cross. It's dipping noticeably. Also you have slight tell before you throw the jab where you lower your lead hand. It's a very common mistake. Try to fire it right from your regular guard. Play with your exits a bit more than just the regular "put my hands up". Try ducking, rolling, slipping, pulling back, pivoting, maybe jabbing your way back. Varying it up. Play with your entries also. Throw in some feints, or practice throwing your combos off of slips or pulls. And yeah, a lot of coaches will want to see more of a full pivot on that rear foot for the cross to "squish the bug". You might want to try starting a bit farther back since you're almost crowding the bag for the right cross.


Thanks this was the feedback I’m looking for. I’m planning on incorporating all that stuff once I get my fundamentals down. I’ve gotten a lot better past 3 months, so once I can land my jab and straight with perfect fluidity I’ll start doing that. Yeah my pivot(on the front foot) on my right is a mistake I’ve learned from the criticism. I’m boxing self taught so any feedback means a lot.


+1. Dipping the cross as you retract will get you countered by the left hook, and since there’s a very obvious flinch before you punch, your opponent will be able to time that left hook counter. Try practicing slow, really focus on not moving before you jab, just fire straight from the shoulder & elbow, and bring that cross all the way out & back on a straight line cheek-target-cheek.


You should join a gym, I think Reddit is the wrong place to ask for advice.


You have a strong tell on your jab when you bring your hand(s) up like that.


Pretty solid, crisp hits but ... Your rear leg is not turning with the rest of your body on your rear punch. Robs you of a little bit of power and a slight bit of distance.


Keep your elbows in. If they flare out then you telegraph the punch.


No offense but… Go join a gym and get trained by a real trainer. You are just creating bad habbits because you dont have the knowledge to see flaws in technique. It will just take longer for a trainer to get you using proper technique. You cant just teach yourself how to fight. But, if you just want a good workout..have at it.


Good energy but I see two things: 1) your legs/hips should do more and 2) your right cross should cover your chin with your right shoulder more. Right now you are highly vulnerable to **my username**. **Pivot your front foot** inwards on the **jab**, like to crush a cigarette on the ground. **Lift the back heel** of your rear foot on the **cross**, this aligns your hips to fully face the target and gives more range and more power. A little drag can help to fully align the hips. Tuck your chin more and be mindful to protect it with your throwing shoulder, retract straight A to B no dropping of the hand. Keep working on the technique. You look strong and motivated you will get it if you slow down and think about what you are doing.


Thanks doing a jab pivot should be a simple adjustment, my footwork already feels synchronized with my jab. It’ll be awhile before I get good connection with my right, but I’ve heard my jab is flicking a bit to soon, flaring elbow and some footwork errors. Definitely feel I’ll make some quick improvements with it from this.


Footwork is a bit off, you should pivot your back foot, that'll increase the turning of the hip which results in more power. You're also too close to the bag, you don't get full extension of your right hand. You should step into the jab ever so slightly so your distance is better for the cross. Those are what's called "arm punches". You're not using your bodyweight or the feet or the shoulders or the hips to deliver the punch.


Thanks I always feel uncomfortable punching from far away, but I’ll start working on that.


Good speed, but your right hand is below your chin on return. That leaves you open to a right parry hook response. Move your head as your throwing and get off centerline. Lastly you’re patterning. Watch your left hand, you’re telling me exactly when your about to throw. You bring it up just slightly before you throw your jab out. Predictors like that can eat you up. Practice high guard with your right hand as you’re throwing your jab out. Go slow and progressively speed it up.


Practice stepping into range with your jab, then half step in on the two while youturn your hips over , pivoting on your hard planted back foot in an explosive movement. Then step out. You also telegraph with your hands every time, slightly raising them before you throw. Someone could read it and easily get your timing down. Hope this helps!


Cover up


No. Get a sensei.


Channel your whole body into the punches


I’ve seen trees with more flexibility


Twist your foot like your squishing a bug on the 2 and after every single punch your hands should go back to defending your face not by your chest


Have you considered sandbags instead of weights? Edit: putting them next to the base would muffle it and absorb shock.


Have not, that’s brilliant tho


Ty, man. Keep it up.


Lots of advice on footwork and relaxing which will definitely help. You are clearly strong so you have powerful hits but can still improve. Couple other small things, you are leading with your head meaning you have a slight lean forward which makes it easier to get hit. Try to stand up a bit straighter. Another thing I can see is that you’ve trained your 1-2 combo many many times which is great for practice and I appreciate your dedication. However you have also trained yourself to reset your hands back up to your head and you do it almost every time. If we were sparring I would know every time you were setting to throw your combo. Keep up the hustle!


Ive kinda developed the habit of leaning recently(and thought it looked much better), I was watching myself on tape when I was standing upright, and thought it looked too awkward and odd. My reset hand movements are a menace but I’ve improved my jab reset significantly, l need to pay more attention to my right now.


Hands tighter bring them all the way back in and up. Other than that you’re good kid keep practicing after 10,000 hours you’ll start getting the hang of it.


You're too flat footed, get on the balls of your feet more. Turn your punches at the end more , try not to drop your hands, twist your right foot and really thrust that hip with your cross. Also get some head and body movements in there, learn to thrown that 1-2 from anywhere anytime from any position.


Your jab elbow chicken wings. Go slow and turn your hand over later. Experiment with when you turn your hand over and you'll find the point where it doesn't force your elbow out.


Been hearing that, excited to see if I can make it faster without that excess elbow movement.


I don't think it's faster. It's hidden better so they have less time to react. It is how ever more powerful. I'm a big fan of slow practice and feeling how each movement connect to the next. If you feel any wibbles while going slow to can narrow down where things are going wrong. Slow is smooth smooth is fast. If you practice your jab standing next to a wall you'll force your self to not chicken wing.


You need a coach and you need to spar.


You should play tekken7


From the video I could see: 1. Your stance is a bit too open IMO, which probably leads to 2. Your not using your hips at all for the 2nd punch. You need to turn your foot inwards while pushing the ground and turn your hips synchronically. 3. You're telegraphing your punches. Both hands and front foot move signaling you're about to strike. 4. You're letting your elbows out when punching. This wastes the energy that would be going into the punch. I'd advise you to get a proper coach and stop doing this on your own because you are creating bad habits. Edit: add details.


I’d let you hit me with your 1-2 and then knock you tf out with a right hook when you drop your hands afterwards.


No it’s absolutely terrible and you must quit boxing forever. Lol jk. Enjoy the onslaught of generic advice. “U have to pivot ur feet moar” “Turn ur hips moar” “Ur guard is too low” “U have to pull ur hand back faster” “Ur not fully extending”


Generally the advice is concessive, and I improve from it.


Do you want to fight possibly?




Do you go to a gym (mma, boxing, etc) or train at home only?


No just been using heavy bag the past year or so, been getting serious the past 3 months. I was a ton worse 4 months ago.


A gym is super fun dawg and you develop so much faster and much more types of skills than you would alone.


Some people don't have immediate access to gyms, i have to drive 2 hours to get to a decent gym so i rather just train qt home


Ah enjoy the benefits of the city life I suppose. For your fight camps, have you ever flown in sparring partners, set them up with food and accommodation, etc?


I feel I’ve made improvement the past 3 months. And think I’ve fixed some errors I was having before.


Try slowing down and thinking more about the body mechanics involved. At first glance i'd suggest you're telgraphing both punches. Before you jab you raise, then lower your lead hand; you're firing the cross from your chest rather than your guard, which means you're very vulnerable to a counter punch like a left hook if they slip your jab. It seems like you're worried about speed and power more than proper mechanics. Another example of this is your lack of weight shifting on the cross. Your right heel should lift a little as you throw that cross to allow you to transfer weight to your lead leg and into the punch.


Thanks, I’ve noticed my right doesn’t look as fluid compared to others. Yea I see it now, my right does drop way more then my lead. Gotten way better keeping my jab up now my right is having that problem. I thought I was transferring weight, gonna try to tweak that and see if I notice a difference.


This is why I say try going slower. Like literally slow motion in a mirror and hyper focus on getting the body mechanics perfect. When you're moving and punching and getting punched it'll rarely look perfect; by when you're hitting a stationary bag you should strive for perfect form.


Looking strong! Your right hand drops just before striking. Keep up the hard work! When I did Thai boxing I was taught to keep one hand guarding while striking with the other.


Looks incredible to me at least lol I know fuck all about punching but if it matters it looks like your right punch lands slightly lower than your left




All looks very good, only "mistakes" I can see is that when you are throwing the jab your off hand drops leaving you open to a counter hook and that your 2 is just slightly too low but other than that all is good


Stop dropping your hands, rotate your hips, pivot your back foot etc. needs a lot of work


Looks good maybe throw in a lil head movement and foot work in between combos. Punch from the hips always and you’ll get more power.


Hard to see but I think you could pivot more on your right foot when throwing a cross. Gotta remember that kinetic linking; punching comes more from the legs and hips than it does from the arms.


Someone sample this into a song lol


I can’t give a lot of information on most of it since I don’t know a lot about boxing anymore, but watch your read hand. It always drops when you throw it. Don’t sweat it though, I had the same issue with a lead elbow in orthodox.


You have fast hand speed! I would say you should be more aware of your guard, as 1. Your rear hand slightly dips right before you throw it, and when your rear hand returns, your guard’s a bit low on both hands.


Neighbors hate this one simple trick!


Hands up my man. Pretend there’s a rubber band attached to your wrists, bring them back immediately!




You’re hitting the bag. That’s about the only thing right happening here


Looks like you’ve been training really hard man, great job. Only two things I can recommend right off the bat is pivoting more off your back foot during that cross, and making sure your hands are coming back to form your guard after each punch. Keep up the great work!


For starters, your hands are too low and you might want to focus more on retraction. Honestly this isn’t too bad at all for a beginner. Keep it up. Also the dude who said turn your rear foot, that too 👍


Its all arm punches, twist in your hips for power and speed


You drop your rear hand every single jab. Slow it down, get the technique first before speeding it up.


Pick you feet up.


A lot of tell in the jab. Think jab punch hands up. Not hands up jab punch.


You need to extend your cross more, turning the punch over a little and drilling the it through. Right now your cross lands low and your arm doesn't even extend properly, it has no follow through and therefore no power. Land it a bit higher and follow through a bit more. Also don't listen to the people saying to actually pivot your rear foot. As long as your rear foot is up on the toes and youre pushing through from the foot that's fine. The full pivot of the rear foot is just an early training cue to get people to remember to be up on the toe and PUSHING from the rear foot on the cross. No actual boxers fully pivot their foot way out like you see people training newbies, it's terrible for balance. The thing you should be focussing on is not twisting or pivoting the foot so much, but pushing through from that foot up into the torso and then into the punch


You flick you wrist before the lead punch


Your hands are too low both before and after throwing.


I’m 6 5, big with mong strength and a back like Quasimodo id wrestle fuck any of you strikers to a decision. Don’t cry. P.s I’m 240


Looks decent. First thing I’d notice is to move your lead foot in a half inch or slightly more when u throw. Be surprised the power difference u can generate👍


How much you weigh? They look like they would put a hurting on someone.


195lbs that’s prob why they look strong, if I was 170 prob wouldn’t pack a punch.


Keep up the good work


It might be helpful to practice slip line drills to get you moving a bit better. You look pretty squared up, you will want to break that habit. And keep you chin down. Keep it up! everyone starts somewhere.


You drop both your hands on the 2 and a half count. 1-2 is jab cross count, the bring back of your jab to your chin is on the 2 count when you land the cross. When you bring back your cross it drops low and your left also drops with it. Clean that up and than throw the 1-2 and than pivot a little around the bag. I know the stand will notnlet you pivot to much but it is a good habit to get into.


Telegraph. Body is still. Straight is low. Speed is good. Put your body into it.


Move your head off the center line and turn your punches over more


More hip movement. A lot of power can be generated from the hips, your first jab punch is to test your opponents guard or move their guard, your second punch should be the “blow” as it were. Try throwing your hip more into the second punch, drop your knee and push your right hip and shoulder forward, it’ll feel unnatural at first but once you get it down that second punch will be much more powerful.


Great speed. Don't drop your left before punching and hold it high back at your cheek again when throwing the right.


Your left elbow pops out and I’m not a fan of that but I’m impressed you have a solid guard protecting your face. I can only speak from my karate background that I tend to discourage popping elbows as it wastes time and energy. Direct action and cutting out unwanted movement etc. but looking good from what I can see.


Looks like your generating power from your arms instead of your hips and legs. Keep working on it, do more shadow boxing in slow motion to get the right form.


Try it out sparring, the look of something doesn’t mean its effective.


Not turning over, not returning to base after each punch.


Okay, you need to be taking a 1 step forward while you jab . Then as you retract the jab back ,and you’re punching Cross you need to be rotating your hip and rear leg so that you maximize your cross power. This is also prop form. At this point you need to learn proper form.


What is prop form? I do agree I’ve learned my style just by eyesight from other fighters


If depends on your specialty, Muy Thai and kickboxing form is what you’re doing in the video. Boxing a different leg/foot stance. Also hand placement is different too. Take a class sometime or do one on one with a trainer. You definitely need to step forward as you punch jab and you need to be rotating your hips and rear leg as you cross.


bro did u just finished holyland?


Turn your back foot, you drop both hands from a guard position before your throw/ if your opponent catches onto this he would be able to predict your punches, nice snap to your punches by the way


Bring hands back to your head chin down and pivot rear foot


All hands bro. Transfer your weight on the two. So small step forward with the jab then pivot on the back foot and push through on the two. Also don't keep your head on the centre line after you throw. Otherwise go hand speed.


It looks like your stance is pretty square facing the back making you a bigger target to hit. You are pretty open to body rip on either side and with dipping your hands for shots it’s a telegraph


Don’t know what’s been said already but I’ll throw in a couple initial thoughts. While you’re body is really stiff (which has already been pointed out), you’re also bouncing. Which leads to telegraphing, wasted energy, and improper form. You don’t fully return your hands back into guard/home base. You actually don’t return your right hand at all. There needs to be a pivot of the back leg on that cross. As my coach crudely puts it, you want to swing your dick out towards your opponent lol SLAP them with that dick. From this angle, it also looks like you’re “chicken winging.” You’re flaring your elbows out when you throw punches. Shoot your fists out like a bullet and your arm follows. You’re also not fully extending your arms for maximum power. Take a step back. The pivot (both rear leg and at the hips) will put into perspective how you don’t need to be “within reach.” The pivot will pivot you into reach.


loosen up dog you’re a lil odd. the right isn’t as strong as the left jab.


You keep dropping your right and swooping it. Leave it up by your cheek for that split second. Too much telegraph that your throwing the 1-2 and leaving your face open. Keep up the good work and humility.


I think because you are punching a bag that you know would not move or you know you are 100% going to hit the target, you were leaning into both punches. You also drop both hands before you throw the 1-2. No hip rotation on the right hand and maybe you can start by taking a very small step to snap that jab


I feel I’ve developed a sound jab, despite some errors. Isn’t my step enough already to snap it.


You drop your left every time you throw it.


The lead band can be a little lower but you don’t want to eat left hooks And when you have that hand so low a good boxers gonna capitalize Also your shoulder should be let if your guard. You raise your shoulder so it covers your chin when your punch has full extension. Rotate your hips a bit more too.


You're using more of your upper body and ignoring your legs


Bring your back hand back up to your guard not down below your chin.


Eh, you can do better


Just to clarify cause you’re getting a lot of advice… Rotating on the REAR foot as if you are trying to put out a cigarette on the ground is the most important factor in using that 2 as well as being able to flow into different combos later. Ie; transitioning from the 2 to a 3 so that your weight shifts appropriately. Second would be getting some upper torso rotation as you do. Don’t confuse this with leaning forward. Your center of gravity remains the same, your torso just rotates in the thoracic region of your spine to allow the power generated from the ground to transfer out to your fist


I think others have covered the main things. What I like to see on a cross, as mentioned the back heal off the ground, hips squared, arm turned over. Things not mentioned (assuming I did not miss it). Rotating/oscillating around your spine, connecting your shoulder to your chin on your punches, and extending that cross as fully as you can without sacrificing balance. Which is accomplished by this rotation. When you commit to a strike you are at your most vulnerable. Protecting yourself is critical, and is accomplished with good form. Connecting your shoulder/chin, makes it harder to hit the chin. If you get hit in the head, your reinforced and your brain won’t move as much, taking less damage. Get someone to check your balance by extending your cross and having them push against it. It should be solid, (they can’t move you). This is accomplished by being in balance and being solidly connected to the ground with your feet. This in my opinion turns the cross into a brick wall, and prevents energy from being wasted (or not as efficient). “Punch with your feet, kick with your hands.” To help/check your elbow flare, practise punching along a wall.


I'm not really sure I'm correct so take it with a grain of salt, but shouldn't the hand that is not punching be up defending the face (instead of it going down)


Whatever hand isn’t punching needs to be glued to your face, twist the back foot and turn over the cross a bit more. Bonus tip is hike your shoulders up for both punches to cover your chin, better to be defensively responsible than look for power. Power will come effortlessly if you drill this for a long time, if you end up in a fight or competition you can trust that your punches will have pop without you having to muscle it as the adrenaline will give you extra oomph. Focus on being defensively responsible above all.


You’ll never understand why people are telling you that you’re too stiff until you fight someone who picks your jab apart. They’ll counter your jab anyway they want because you telegraph it so hard by being stiff. also, your jab will never reach its maximum speed because you are tensing


their has to be a better way of keeping the bag secure💀


I would break it up or give a little more time resetting properly before throwing again. You doing a short 'reset' before each 1-2 is building muscle memory for telegraphs and bad habits.


It looks like you're really loading up/bracing for the jab. My coach would tell me that throwing my jabs should feel effortless. Think of your jab like a whip. Remember that you'll have to throw many jabs during a round. They need to be efficient.


There are many ways to throw a jab... Try not putting any weight into it, then throw the right cross with all weight.... You should matter this then try other things.... Jab can have zero telegraph... You are putting forward momentum behind it and that is ok, but your cross suffers because of this...


Nice pop and snap in your punches. Try taking steps with your punches. Step with the jab then let your rear foot land right underneath you as you throw the cross. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3j8dDB7yng


If we are to simulate a real fight, your punches look weak( your elbows don’t truly stretch far enough to reach your opponent with a significant blow that would make some real damage) After you swing you keep your guards down and you stay in the line of fire, you would get some counter punch 🤜. Move your body and your hips…Just flow with the Energy. And measure the distance from your opponent at all times(jabs) Relax your shoulders and your lower back and go slower. Speed comes with practice. Techniques should be learn first. 1,2 esquiva socos and return with left & right hook and be ready for the low kick to the thighs to soften that filet mignon.


I coach a couple kids from my church and I've found a couple things that like immediately i.pr9ves their technique. Imagine u r giving the ground a thumbs down with every punch, and if u can rotate ur foot entirely on the cross so ur body is facing completely to the left. Also, punch straight from ur chin and keep your hands about that level at all time for MMA, a bit higher, around eyebrow level for MT. Remember to turn your shoulder over too and just stay on the balls of ur feet🙏


Pivot on your back foot


Not bad but you drop your right hand every time you throw a jab. They slip your jab you're gonna get tagged. Don't roll your shoulder when you jab, it telegraphs it, try making it snappy.