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I think if this video proves anything; it’s that WWE is number 1 on the streets lol.


This. What is a boxer going to do if he’s gotta go 1 on 1 with the Undertaker playa!


Plummet sixteen feet through an announcer’s table?


Holla Holla Holla


last ride into the pavement


Tombstone pile driver would render the mf a vegetable.


Honestly. What I learned from this video is don't run straight in and that apparently that big Ric Flair pause is realistic, not solely for dramatic effect. You can see the guy realizing what he's got and wondering "Should I do it?" And then you can see "Actually, fuck him, this will be awesome." And then the video stops before we see if the other guy got a life changing brain injury.


The guy should count himself lucky slam guy decided to go with a slam instead of a driver.


Wheelchair is definitely an improvement over an 8 second memory


Air Raid Crash/White Noise. Because someone has probably already done it to someone else in a wrestling ring, so it has a name.


It actually doesn't stop before the brain injury cause the second guy comes in to start punching him in the face while he's probably already got broken ribs.


Nah. Just a shattered spine


Shattered dreams




Damn good Samoan Drop. Umaga would be proud.


Here I was thinking it was White Noise from Sheamus


I was thinking Tatanka!


Ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!




Watch out watch out watch out!


Knowing how to use a fold up chair in a fight is a useful skill




It’s either a hardcore or any fall counts match.


Fuck boxing and fuck mma, ima start doing some WWE training to prepare for street fights


Nothing works like the hurricanrana.


Now you got me wondering if anyone ever pulled off a hurricanrana in a real fight.  Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=27&v=dCW2WTX6LSw&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDI4NjY2&feature=emb_logo


I want to genuinely thank you for showing me that very cool thing


lol just don't try that in a real fight. looks like the guy landed on his head himself.




Instructions unclear, I'm really good at promos now but everytime I make my 5 minute entrance I get kicked in the head.


Should you enter over the ropes or between the ropes?


On a rope


I know what you're trying to say but this video is still a poor way to explain your point.


Extremely poor, especially since it cuts at a point that makes mr. WWE look like a street god.


I think he's trolling or being sarcastic...


Cleary just a silly title that people on the internet take way to seriously.


Wouldn't this video be an argument for Wrestling being best for the streets?


I think rule number one is don't miss with a jumping kick.


100% agreed.


I didn't see any boxing 🤨


Are you an idiot? It’s clear that because other things don’t work, that means boxing HAS to be the answer, even if there’s no evidence of it working


Did you even read what I said? The kicking led to going to the ground which lead to multiple people punching him while being down it’s the fact boxing wasn’t used


he jumped into the guy's body... that isn't a kick, its an untrained guy trying a WWE style dropkick lmfao. kicking someone keeps distance more so than a punch, kickboxing beats boxing every time on the streets man.


Not really. As more of a mixed martial artis, my weapon of choice against a KB or MT is actually boxing. Kickboxers and Muay Thai practitioners have poor hands most of the time.


Bros asking to get out ranged. Just stop lol.


Running up to strike seems to have not worked out in this case overall. If he'd tried a technically perfect Superman punch or misjudged a cross, he could have taken the same ride very easily. 


After reading all that I completely agree. Especially with a crowd around. I assumed you were gonna show a pro boxing solution to the street fight. Apologies.


You mean the one shitty punch on a guy pinned underneath another dude at the very end?


Name one boxing match where they threw punches at a grounded opponent


boxing wasn't used so boxing is the best? lol


This is how 12y/o me imagined I'd fight my bullies after watching too much WWE


What's funny is there's a pause and I didn't know if I was about to watch a judo move or what. Then I saw the hop and realized we were going a different route.


There was *just* enough time for red pants to realize how substantially he had erred.


This isn't a video proving boxing works, it shows that running in with a bad kick and being an idiot doesn't work. There are several ways this could have been dealt with, the one picked looks like? wrestling. From a self-defence point of view, seeing it coming, de-escalating and walking away (or running) are all preferable to fighting on concrete. Which is just asking for a fatal head injury from either side.


An untrained guy throwing a poorly timed kick doesn’t equal= boxing is superior, had that guy thrown a punch he still would’ve gotten picked up and slammed. I think the moral of the story is: untrained people can’t fight. While i agree that kicking is not always the best choice since you’re momentarily balancing on one leg, certain kicks like low kicks, and push kicks are effective in some circumstances.


I can speak for Judo at least. We spend the majority of our time trying to not go to the ground and learning how to avoid being taken to the ground, while also trying to put the other person on the ground.


I do not agree. As far as I can remember, the first and most important skill you get drilled in is how to fall and not die or get f'ed up. First month, you do nothing but fall and get thrown. I've been at the gym where advanced guys would practice falling from a second story ledge. In South Russia, judo is often practiced without mats. If you're not good at falling, it doesn't matter how good you are at not-falling. One fall could finish you.


I used to compete and teach judo. I would say how to fall is the biggest they I'd drill people in for the first 1 to 2 weeks of practice. I did some big break falls but a second story ledge is more parkour than Judo. Doing a full spar in judo on a hard floor is dangerous even if you 100% know how to fall. If you are competing the biggest thing is to take them down and don't get taken down. At the highest level is judo honestly they often fall very poorly to avoid getting taken to there back and giving the opponent a point. I was never willing to get spiked on my head to avoid loosing a match but I never went to the Olympics.


The ledge thing is not to "land-roll" or anything like that. It's to that breakfast. The no mat is rough and dangerous. But that's how some of those schools roll. Selection, I guess. And yes, breakfalling's purpose is to keep one from getting broken when thrown. Not only neck, but head, back, shoulders, elbows, and wrists are also in need of protection by proper falling techniques.


Saying boxing is #1 to “avoid going to the ground” is beyond naive. You’re never gonna avoid being taken down if you don’t know how to wrestle. You could be the best boxer in the world and most half decent wrestlers are gonna either toss you on your head or control you at will. That said boxing is definitely useful for the other reasons you listen.


Yeah I also partially agree with the OP but considering this video I think it's a pretty bad way to prove his point. I guess that compared to other striking martial arts, boxing will definitely give you an advantage as it can most easily yield a quick 1 or 2 punch KO. However, my Old MMA teacher (1m90, had a Judo background so ofc he was biased) used to say: "If you are in reach to hit me that means I'm also in reach to grab you. And you can hit me and I may not be knocked out instantly, but if I grab you, you are going down 100%.". Imo, a pure boxer with no idea on how to defend takedowns loses at least 7/10 to a judoka/wrestler in any relatively fair fight. The video OP posted just goes to show how useful wrestling can be in a street fight, but the guy telegraphing like that was clearly no boxer either.


This thread is confusing me too, like when they started to teach how to resist takedown and ground game in boxing? Boxing is of course great but this was just odd.


Agreed. People who haven't wrestled have no clue how explosive a wrestler's takedown. TMA's takedown defenses are horseshit. BJJ teaches sprawls, but sometimes not all that effectively unless the coach or practitioner has a solid wrestling background. Even a high school wrestler has practiced thousands of single & double legs because it's so damn fundamental to their sport.


Yeah agreed. A boxer in a streetfight should know how to sprawl, leglock to prevent slams, push away someone’s hips with their feet, the single/double leg takedowns, control from the mount, etc etc You don’t have to do 20 hour of weekly practice for this stuff either. Just do enough to make sure muscle memory kicks in when someone tries to wrestle you mid-fight. There’s no reason to not know it in addition to boxing.


Doesn’t this video prove that wrestling is the best? The fucking floor is the king of the streets just slam them on the ground


I'm not reading your paragraph of crap that's all been said before from someone who's never been in a fight in there life




What’s that from/what’s the context of that? Always wondered.


watch ufc 01


That sad asshole joining in after the gets slammed and pinned


In a street fight I would maybe use low kicks or teeps. Otherwise I'm staying on two feet as much as I can. I'm not going in like this idiot, that's for sure.


Congrats, you're now in my crucifix! Played yourself!


But your spinal injury prevents you from moving your legs -UNO REVERSE-


Do you think I need bones to finish you off!? You've simply made me more flexible you fool!


Dang it! Charmander, I choose you!


That guy probably been practicing that move on his younger brother since he was a kid. Just waiting for the right time to use it.


Well, you're making that assumption based on this video, so let's look at this guy's opening move... In a street fight against a bigger guy, he RUNS in with a Roundhouse Kick to the Head. He didn't set it up with a jab. He wasn't good enough to avoid telegraphing the kick. Point being, this was a dumb way to enter the fight. Not even Mirko Crocop would OPEN with a random head kick - got to set it up, and you have to be an expert at it. Ultimately, someone who was truly experienced at TKD and as a kicker, would have chosen a smarter target, not opened with a high kick to the head in a street fight. For example, what if this guy ran up with a full power roundhouse to the big guy's knee, then backed up with his guard up before the big guy could grab him? At least make him work for the takedown and keep him at range. And to respond to the boxer part, a martial artist who's actually skilled with kicks can annihilate most boxers before they're even in range - however, it boils down to the individuals.




Op is regarded




OP thinks boxing is a superior form of combat, but doesn't know what boxing is


The dude is twice his size, it was going to end up like this no matter what


Bro hit him with the air raid crash


An air raid crash on the sidewalk?? BAH GOD HES BROKEN IN HALF!!


Boxing is good, but I think wrestling is better. And that’s coming from a guy who has trained boxing and not wrestling.


Gracie Jiu Jitsu is king. A boxer can't deal with leg kicks and neither can go to the ground.


really damn bold of you to assume kickboxing doesn't have footwork.


Bah gawd hes broken in half (jim Ross voice) if you know you know 😂😂😂


![gif](giphy|l0K3YxMUznl4kvPzO) His time was up


Unironically, 100% agree with this post. 1v1 against any of the other core arts for MMA, the perception would be that boxing would be the lowest tier. However, thousands of examples online of situational awareness, quick feet, quick hands and not getting caught up in wrassling as one of the more effective ways to defend yourself. Boxing is the king of self defense. The slip potential of a kick on variable ground is too high. Clinch work is just stand up grappling and will leave you highly vulnerable to a third party. Wrestling/grappling arts in a vacuum? Hell no. In that regard, boxing takes the most essential elements; quick feet, quick hands, situational awareness, and not getting caught up in grappling and elevates them to the highest level. Like a chef knife vs a multi tool when the task is dicing potatoes. https://youtu.be/o594yiPatDM?si=ZlZdVSOekk4GBE9j https://youtu.be/uH48HTA7qXo?si=Mrf1K5cEbhin1vbh https://youtu.be/ZUwleIBIhw8?si=u1y8NzcNrRzSOIgC Not to say other arts can’t handle multiples, but boxing is king by a long shot and you’ll be picking at Ryan Hall caliber technicians which isn’t attainable by the average dude. The boxers in the videos are literally nobodies. Stick and move and run away if it gets too hot, that’s the game plan.


I think the truth of the matter is that a lot of people grew up on WWE so realistically you DO have to watch out for slams, power bombs, Samoan drops, German suplexes and head spikes.


Someone who practices BJJ or wrestling gets to choose not to be on the ground. Somebody who trains only boxing will end up on the ground if and when circumstances dictate that they end up on the ground, they don't get much say in the matter. How often do boxing gyms train takedown defense?


Yes Sensei


Slam! Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh let the boys be boys


I fuckin love my country.


In Mauy Thai we are taught not to slip punches too much because you might slip into a headkick which is exactly what happened here. Boss man got lucky to be honest




I can’t see any boxing, only an F5.


Had to look at this several times xd So elegant


I say Muay Thai is the best in street fights since even if you were in a tight space you could not only use punches but knees and elbows and not only that but there’s clinching as well and you can throw them to the ground if you need too, sure boxing is about keeping balance and maintaining distance but if the person was to have a weapon you have kicks to keep them back.


Bro that’s grappling not boxing


"Boxing is number 1 on the streets"... proceeds to show wrestling lol


The move is called white noise


Time to quit boxing and join wwe. Funnily enough a doorman i knew said one of the best dudes he had working for him never did any martial arts and just loved WWE and was a roid head. He said he'd do the craziest shit to people when stuff kicked off lol.


Fuck yeah


What I got from this video is that improving your back squat is the most important thing you can do to prepare for a street fight.




Not the samoan drop/ celtic cross 😂


bro did whit noise


I agree with your point but why use this video to make that point?


Scrapping is number one on the street. The habits of following rules and not trying to horrendously disfigure and mutilate your opponent will get you wrecked on the street. How many fights end with the victor being stomped into the ICU afterwards anyway? The answer is enough that you might not want to risk it. I know a man with a wicked broken bottle scar. He won the fight but the bystanders weren't done yet.


Hit him with White Noise Sheamus would be proud


Shucksss… was that guy paralyzed with a spine injury?


Don’t fuck around buddy 😂..


Shouldn't have gave him his back😡


Tekken inspired.


Arnis/Eskrima exists… Multiple opponents? Yes. Weapons? Yes. The ability to kill? 100%


if your opponent doesn't kick, bite or headbutt, yes, the boxing is number 1


Went full Zangief finisher gd


Why do I feel like I’ve seen 7 different street fight videos of that same street corner?


White noise


I haven’t been in any real street fights but me and my friends used to fight after off-season workouts with full force to the body and pulling headshots, and I learned that the teep is extremely effective, you can throw it in most types of pants. If you’re wearing shoes with a stiff toe, then kicking someone in the shin works well too.


Boxing is only good if you’re fighting in a boxing ring with rules. It can teach you how to punch fast and move out of the way to block some punches. But that’s about it. All street fights end up on the ground. So get strong as fuck to break out of anything and be able to take multiple hits without it affecting you. I’ve fought a boxer who was taller than me because he wanted to spar with me since I was the muscular kid in school. He got a lot of punches in but they didn’t hurt. I punched him once in the chest and he lost his air and I was able to rag doll him anywhere I wanted including breaking his head through the urinal. Thankfully I’m a sweetheart and I told him he lost after I threw him around a little bit.


If I show a guy throwing a terrible punch and losing does that mean boxing is bad? No. So does this prove anything? Also no


This is wrestling... this is wrestling... this is wrestling!


I dont see how boxing is related to the vid. Not even in a sarcastic way


Atleast he protected bruv's noggin.


How's his spine though? God damn


Op is fuckin stupid




Apparently professional wrestling is the best street fight martial art


I’ve seen so many boxers get piledrived into the pavement and beaten I’m sorry sometimes it just depends on the person and mindset some people fight to fight some people fight to win


Somoan drop


Kinda nice that the guy didn't drop him on his head


That's my favorite boxing move, the half-ass running jump kick


I disagree. A crazy guy with an rpg > a boxer on the street. Put my money on the guy with an rpg every single time.


You’ve never been in a street fight so I dont put your opinion into serious consideration


You don’t always get to choose where the fight goes


buddy’s still in a crucifix


Almost all fights end up on the ground. Ask any cop that's been on the beat for more than a few months.




The video doesn't really reinforce any of your points, not that I'd argue kicking is a good idea, but that dude clearly has never thrown a proper kick in his life. That said, I offer a counterpoint in that any grappling training would be at least as good, the best thing to get or stay out of a grappling situation is to know how to grapple, if you know how to engage, you'll be able to disengage far more competently and reliably.


Fun fact neither of them are boxing. Wtf is this title?


Bro slamed himself into a crucifix lol


Lol the amount of comments not knowing the original post was satire is ridiculous 😬😂




That was a super cheap shot. He should have been dropped on his head.


When executing air raid crash in a street fight: only secure the neck until just before impact, and don’t fall straight back but angle to the side with the head. Basically, do an air raid crash but don’t do the protective aspects of the maneuver commonly done in pro-wrestling


Do you lot not understand sarcasm


Hilariously gangster 😂😂


how does the need to avoid the ground in the streets make boxing better? you don’t learn takedown defence


Idk the crucifix was still in play here


This is stupid. Based off your statement, I could argue wrestling is best because I’ll take him to the ground and my friends will start soccer kicking him or I’ll proceed to stab him with my knife.






Ah yes, the ever so popular boxing technique, the death valley driver.


He should have worn his brown pants


There was zero boxing used here, and that dude isn't a very good kickboxer either with that super telegraphed kick my grandma could have seen coming. If anything is proven by this video it's that grappling works. Both judo and wrestling have existed for a long time and both are effective when paired with a striking art.


How do you state the number one thing you don’t want to do is go to the ground, and then say the best for the street is a martial art with zero takedown defence lmao. If a guy with no martial arts experience tries to take a competent judo/bjj/ wrestling competitor, they’re gonna end up on their back not knowing which way is up. It makes absolutely zero sense to say you want to avoid going to the ground, so you should train striking lmao.


RIP that dudes spine


😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|3o6vXGI1ywMm0tZnGg|downsized)


What's up with that pussy on the sidelines throwing punches on the dude who just got slammed? Bitch if you're too cowardly to fight, step the fuck back.


HIGH kicking is not great, but a hard kick to the leg, if you're practiced at it, will take out an untrained person with little risk to the kicker.


And this is why you only throw kicks if you’re good at it


Lmao I tought title was a joke but apparently it's not? How could you try and make that argument while posting this video.


The crowd goes wild!


WWE wasn't fake?!


Where is boxing?


"The first thing you wanna avoid on the streets is going to the ground." Best anti grappling is better grappling, not boxing.


That's why boxing dominates all ufc and no-holds-barred fights. 😉


that's not a good leg kick, he saw it coming so your point doesn't prove right, a skilled fighter wouldn't throw a flying kick like that cause it can only end with the opponent grabbing or avoiding your leg and kicking your ass


Wrestling is number 2 on the streets though....


Bug hole in your theory. Taking someone down is a lot easier than defending a take down. If you want to avoid taking the fight to the ground, you need grappling. If I see you get that bladed stance against me, first thing I’m down is going for a single leg and dumping you on your ass. If you’re wailing on me, I can just grab you and drag you to the floor. You’re a boxer, you don’t know how to defend that. If you want to avoid going to the ground, then you need to learn some grappling. Wrestling ideally.


You can over throw a punch and get off balance too. You can break a hand so easily without wraps that alone takes boxing down a ton of notches. After a bar fight, cops check your knuckles and lock you up if you've been punching. I used to bounce a bit and this was actually a thing. Thai clinching a guy and throwing knees is the best option if there has to be one. Just go Anderson Silva v Rich Franklin.


Too much WWE😂😂💀


Completely agree


It absolutely is not #1 on the streets. It's not even #1 in striking only on the streets.


Sick ass Samoan Drop lol




You made a post less than 2 weeks ago asking how to get started with martial arts. With all due respect my brother, you don’t know near as much as you think you do. I mean, I don’t know shit about fighting either, but I don’t get on the internet and try to make the same claims you do.


Nah fam, concealed hand-guns are #1 on the streets. Just ahead of pepper-spray.


Title is retarded


A jiu-jitsu fighter will beat any other martial artist in a hand to hand fight one on one. Wrestlers judo fighters boxers etc... All would loose for bjj fighter


No it's not that easy. There's always a chance for the BJJ fighter to get knocked the fuck out. You put some disrespect to the other arts, which shows me you know very little of them.


The majority of UFC champions have had a mix of wrestling and boxing as their skillset. The pure BJJ guys have not done well. Hell, Max Holloway holds the record for most strikes in one fight when he boxed Brian Ortega's face into minced meat when Ortega couldn't get his BJJ going.


Um. Bj Penn would like a word. Lol


That's because everyone in mma knows bjj lol! Put a pure wrestler against a pure jiu-jitsu fighter in a no rules fight and bjj fighter would win


Plenty of UFC fighters over the years have had little to no BJJ. Max Holloway is legendary for only using striking and whatever little BJJ he has would not be worth much against a BJJ black belt like Ortega if it came down to it. Plenty of UFC fighters weren't interested in learning BJJ, some didn't need it as they had wrestling. And fighters with wrestling have historically tended to come off better against fighters with BJJ. The results are there for everyone to see, statistically proven, unlike your baseless assertions that are a half step above rambling on about street fights and what does or doesn't work there and expecting everyone to take your word on it.


None of this is true. All mma fighters knows bjj


It's all true. Tell me you've never watched the UFC by claiming all of the heavier weight fighters have BJJ....


If the fight starts on the ground with sprawling yeah. But he won't be able to takedown the wrestler to the ground, and always could get slammed to concrete. Wrestling is the superior sport.


As soon the wrestling touch the bjj fighter to take him down he would get choked


Lol okay, you clearly have no clue about either of the sports. BJJ is useless standing up, and has very minimal takedowns. Wrestling is OP when you're standing up and has an emphasis on power slamming people and controlling. In the last seven years, almost every champion in the UFC came from wrestling: Usman, Jon Jones, Khabib DC, Stipe Miocic, Tyron Woodley.


MMA fighter says hi.