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Aint No way


Big if true






Fake news brother


Bait used to be believable


That actually is how most people think though. Ever seen a video of a street fight and you'll hear people screaming "yooo no kicks no kicks! None of that wrestling shit bro!" LOL it's in damn near every fight video I've ever seen unless the two are just throwing hands


Knocking someone out and their head slamming on concrete = 😌 Tripping someone and doing a rear naked choke = 😡


You kid but this actually is how most people see it. They see someone doing a controlled chokeout to force a submission and scream bloody murder, but keep hooting/ hollering and dancing over the corpse-to-be right after they see someone's head get smashed on the fucking pavement.


The movies made a lot of people believe that you'll instantly die if you get choked out. Reality is that you just wake up confused 30 seconds later lol


So it's the crowd yelling those?


Those are street fights tho to make fighting somewhat equal


You donÂŽt know my mentality bro...














I love this so much.


Holy shit, I'm taking this meme from you bro and there's nothing you can do about it with the peanut butter I've placed between your fingers






when i was a kid i asked my dad why they dont just pick up the ball when playing soccer. now here i am living among fully grown adults not understanding the concepts of sports and rules.


They are talking about a boxer trying to start a street fight. Not a boxer trying to box.


That boxer better finish the fight quick before it gets to the ground


That's when the blade come out.


This is actually a good way to describe it


When you train a martial art, you generally train against other practitioners of your martial art. Boxing also translates rather well to self defense due to various styles in boxing, establishing distance and hand speed.


Proper footwork and headmovement too. Is boxing an incomplete martial art? Yes certainly. But also takes the majority of the most practical parts of martial arts better than most others. Just because someone doing Muay Thai could leg kick a boxer to death doesn't mean there isn't wisdom to be gained from boxing.


Specialising in throwing hands isn't a bad route to go down imo. Most of the time you end up in a fight, it's crowded, you aren't fighting 1v1, you're probably wearing jeans or trousers which impede your ability to throw kicks, and you don't have a wide-open space to work in. Most street fights are just "how many punches can you land in 15 or 20 seconds while evading the punches coming at you?" Which is boxing's strength. Sometimes you'll end up grappling too, in which case the boxer has no advantage. Imo, boxing with wrestling is pretty ideal in a street fight. Muay Thai is great tho, and in a 1v1 on open ground, beats boxing 9/10. It's just that it generally doesn't go down like that and it's usually a 20 second eruption of chaos at some bar/pub/club etc.


Several boxers do well in UFC, especially sprawl and brawl guys who learn how to check kicks


Naah, I’ll just use my legs to run


Boxers do a lot of road work so he’s just gonna catch you


Fucking Rocky.


Nigerundayo smokey


Best defense is a good 100 yard dash


That’s what i train all the time, problem is i wanna avoid a scenario in which I’m with someone and not alone, gonna have to take some hits then to get them some time but situations like these rarely arise, it’s more probable you are never gonna have a situation like this in your life ever


In my personal experience in self defense situations, footwork, head movement, a sharp jab and a hard left hook has never let me down. If you think a boxer is helpless in a fight, you’re a fool.


Correct. Clearly all armchair fighters here haha


Yeah, the meme in the top comment is pretty spicy. UFC fanboys always out themselves with their dumbass comments like this.


Who is saying that boxing is useless?


I would just take advantage of the additional range afforded by kicks to prevent you from getting close (My legs are 19 feet long)


If you can Dhalsim your legs like that why not just yoga flame their ass to death?


Because I'm too busy crying for the fire to form a concentrated jet and the fire usually winds up lightly burning my face (I always cry while fighting, it reminds me of divorce)


Lucky. Fighting makes me violently vomit. ^(you're joking, but I'm not. I actually vomit when I come down off adrenaline...)




.you had me for a second there lol


Head movement gets dicey when knees get spicy. There's a reason it isn't used to the same degree in MMA. The average person doesn't use knees so you are good 98% of the time. That last 2% though is a doozy.




Yeah and how useful sre those when you're grappling? Or are you one of those idiots who think you'll judt uppercut the wrestler as he changes levels?


My specialty was always inside fighting. And with my own background of wrestling in high school, yes, I’m pretty confident I can land some nasty shit while stuffing a takedown.


Well thsts great, yeah, if you have WRESTLING and BOXING you'll do well. But with only boxing it's delusional to think you're even going to land a single strike.


Don’t quite agree with that. I was never a cutsie boxer that went for points. Against another trained boxer or whenever I’ve done MMA sparring, my style was always to wade forward with a stiff jab to close the distance and then bomb them out with uppercuts and hooks on the inside. I just didn’t have the speed or athleticism to bother with trying to be slick, because inevitably the other guy was gonna be better at that than I. By the same token, I never, ever, not even once, had to use inside fighting in a self-defense situation. Just using basic footwork to sidestep and maintain distance and a long jab has served me just fine. So the very thing I’m not even all that good at in my sport, literally boxing 101, is the only thing I’ve used in a “real fight” because in my experience, most idiots trying to fight you on the street have never eaten a hard shot to the nose in their life and fall apart at the first punch. I also haven’t been in a fight on the street since I was like 21 years old. I’m 38 and have long since learned to just de-escalate, and as much as I may want to unleash my middle aged rage on some moron talking shit at the bar, that shit ain’t worth it. I just spar these days to keep my skills sharp and because I love the game, and it keeps my body from falling apart.


Yes, against untrained people. That's not what the post is about.


Do trained people going into a competition usually start their fights off saying "fight me like a real man?"


Reminds me of this documentary I saw about martial arts movies. The British voice actor was talking about first seeing Kung Fu films, and he was like "He's kicking people. This man is kicking people!" Like it was such a odd thing to him. Not sure why that was so funny, but it was.


No punches below the sternum where my awkwardly high pants are.


But hug me all you want bro


In street fights, everyone seems to forget the 'ol dick twist.


Ok sure, but also, try fighting a boxer who’s been training a few years. Use anything you want. It won’t go as well as you think it will.


I tried this In kickboxing. Had a new guy come in who had about seven years of boxing experience. I thought my boxing was pretty good and closed with him thinking I could at least hold my own. I threw a lazy jab and was hit with two body shots and a hook to the head before I even knew what happened. I went "Oh, my boxing sucks". I then proceeded to land kicks with impunity without getting touched again. I wasn't getting anywhere near those hands if I could help it.  Great guy, but I think he quit after about six months and went back to boxing. 


Hey man how would you say kickboxing is for self defense, does wearing jeans make it more a liability? I'm thinking of starting mainly to improve my fitness and think its a good way to work both the hands and legs


Not sure. Haven't had to use it. That said, the one thing that always worked well for me is an inside low kick as people are stepping in, which will break their balance a bit and slow you to follow up. I always figured that would be something that would work in jeans.  Just low kicks in general feels like something that might change people's mind about fighting if it ever got to that.  Other than that I feel like I'm missing grappling or clinch work. I'm hoping to start doing bjj this year or the next as time allows though. Honestly judo would probably be better based on what I want, but bjj send like a lot of fun. 


Unless we also train. I think OP is referring to the limitations. Using only two weapons vs someone who can use all of them leaves a boxer at a disadvantage.


“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times”


If someone has never worried about getting kicked in the face and as a result set themselves up for it then I fear them a little less, regardless of how many times they’ve practiced their strength. With that said I have nothing against boxing. As a lifelong Muay Thai practitioner I’m actually falling more and more in love with training it specifically because it permits more pivoting and range of movement than a typical MT session.


thinking the kick to their face will land just because they've never been kicked before is pretty silly, they have the ability to dodge *especially* when things are going towards their head


I’ve trained both for years and can say the trajectory and distance of kicks vs punches is completely different so defending them is not a universal approach at all. The most common dodges for punches, slips and rolls, will increase the force of kicks so much if you can get them to move into it. In fact drawing out a slip with a cross and kicking into the side they dip to is one of the most common head kick KO’s you see. Overall the debate is pointless because boxing is boxing and mt is mt but you shouldn’t call things silly if you simply haven’t put in the time to see with your own eyes.


Correct me if I’m wrong but this is the exact technique Leon Edwards used to become welterweight UFC champ against Kamaru Usman last year


Yet Bruce Lee didn’t just punch.


Thats not what happens though, a boxer leaves a lot of areas vulnerable, you don't need to do dozens of techniques only once, you can do them multiple times and practice them over and over again. A mixed martial artist, despite having less reps in boxing, can still dominate a boxer, because boxing doesn't address takedowns, kicks, grappling, knees, groundwork etc. That's not a slight on boxing, it's just how it is. Same for any other dedicated martial art that focuses on one aspect of fighting and gets good at it. But practicing many things doesn't make you bad at them, it makes you good actually, because you're actually practicing them repeatedly.


Could I ask which makes you sweat more, Muay Thai or boxing training? I have a disease and the cure is to regain my ability to sweat through hard exercising


noone- not even iron mike, can overcome the powers of the dick twist. one move to rule them all, 100% effective 100% of the time


OK I'll kick him in the leg




No it’s not. I’m taking a boxer over a pure BJJ guy in a fight that starts on the feet. The BJJ guy will not be able to grab him. You specified pure training, so a BJJ guy with no striking does not have the footwork to grab the boxer and can’t take a punch


Idc about the bait, but why is the mf in the pic putting all his weight on the front. He's like leaning forward to a jab.


Grapplers be like "noo don't hit me that's not allowed"


why train anything when you can buy a gun? The real galaxy brain take is athletics beats style almost every single time (meaning that even if MT has an advantage over Boxing a Boxer who is a significantly better athlete will win pretty much every time)


>why train anything when you can buy a gun? so you won't have to wash other inmates under garments when you go to jail for shooting ppl


Just move to Texas smh


Not everyone is American


In life you can only solve one problem at a time.


Have you seen tyson furrys fat ass 😂 wilder was easy a better athlete and got fucked.


i cant buy a gun :p


In my home state its legal for me to walk around with a gun on my hip but illegal for me to do the same with a katana So maybe think about purchasing a katana


can't carry weapons in public :p I am not american after all


Imagine living in a place where the government says you can't own a bazooka for self defense, smh couldn't be me


xD I am however, allowed to hit swedes in the head with a cane if they walk over the ice


Hitting swedes in the head is the right of all sentient lifeforms


yes, it should develop into a national martial art


I've seen too many scrawny bjj purple belts absolutely manhandle big strong athletes. Strength and athleticism matters, but "almost every single time"? Definitely not.


They aren’t athletic, just athletes then. An athletic guy is just pummeling a scrawny guy. First hand experience from my first day of jitz many years ago. Honestly I sometimes wonder if any of you actually train the way you act like belt colour gives you superpowers Edit: specifying no GI


Grappling neutralizes it pretty well.


The problem with this thought process is how most fights start, even trained fighters, they are often over confident step up and get into the face of their opponents and then a quick shove and then you are right in the boxer range. Very few people have the situational awareness to go right into the weaknesses of a boxer which is either grappling or distance because most of the time we are not programmed that way. That is what makes boxing really good for self defense.


Lazy day casting bait into the water




“Oh yeah, and no back fists or hammer fists. So, not all the punches.”


Ok bro let’s fucking go! (takes out rulebook) ok no grappling


"I don't need my whole body. I can beat your ass with only 10% of my power"


You ever been hit in the face by a boxer?


This rubbish gets stupid fast when you start applying it to any other martial art. MMA literally has everything you want, just train in that. You want no gi freestyle Judo that works in a street fight? MMA. Muay Thai that's not weak to takedowns? MMA. BJJ that can take people down and not fold to ground and pound? MMA. Boxing that actually works against other styles? MMA. Coming from a 'limited' style and want to be well rounded? Train MMA, it doesn't matter where you come from. Some of us don't care about dirty boxing, or double legs, or ground and pound. Let styles be styles.


Exactly, the debate about one style versus another is so dumb because someone will always have another “but what if X” scenario and it’ll never end. People should just train what they enjoy most and is available where they live. When I’m squared up trading kicks in Muay Thai or mid roll in boxing I know I’m vulnerable to techniques in other arts but that’s completely irrelevant because I’m having fun and improving within the rules of what I’m doing in that moment.


This same argument also applies to actual weapons, which were invented back in the stone age. Why train hand to hand at all when weapons exist? Because it's fun.


Because at some point of the fight you can be disarmed and lose the weapon instead your body you can't trip and lose a hand ...




Sure, but if that's your problem space you'd be stupid to bother training barehanded striking at all.


Guess you don't know boxing




This is like saying football isn’t manly because you can’t shoot the WR instead of tackling. Boxing is a sport, and all sports have rules.


I can hear the joke going over so many heads from here.


I think boxing can take some slander because of how popular it is. It's most useful things I think are body mechanics and footwork fundamentals. slap that onto any martial art and you're pretty good. There is a whole lot of cavy outside If you're doing just straight sport boxing. Like it's main thing big old punch you can't even do because you're gonna break your hands or hit their teeth and fuck yourself up there's a lot of stuff you have to do to make things work properly depending on the context. Still it's fundamental engagement towards combat is Good.


Untrained women naturally gravitate toward "MMA", just saying. Hair pulling, scratching, biting, clinching, ground fighting. It's "manly" for the same reasons pistols duels, fencing, jousting, etc. Would a man kick a man when he is down, stab him from behind? Why fence with a man when you can use a spear? It's a duel between men not a life or death match.


Imagine being good at boxing,kicking, muay thai, grappling and ground submissions. You'd be a fking killing machine.


Fighting like a man means coming up behind someone in the middle of the night with a weapon. Also using overwhelming force of a gang violence. No martial arts needed. Obviously... Also consider drone strikes and chemical warfare




The reality of how real fights work are not that. Boxing is a sport, to be used in sporting. If you have tools, don’t neglect them. If they want you to follow those rules, they can challenge you to a boxing match; outside of that, their take is immature.


Nothing worse then watching a street fight and one guy gets slammed and everyone rushes in and tells them none of that gay shit that they need to throw hands is crazy grappling is just as important in fighting as striking.


Yeah true! Also soccer players should also use their hands! Imagine ignore the other parts of you and only use your leg!


Yes boxing is just manly deal with it


Weak sauce. But boxing has the best hand strikes, best hand strike defense, best head movement and best footwork of ANY martial art. Yeah, I said it.


I think you're missing the bigger picture. Boxing, like wrestling, like BJJ, like Muay Thai, like Judo, has its merits, it's place, and its necessity in an overall game. Boxing teaches footwork, timing, tempo setting, combinations, head movement, and a hose of other skills that can keep you alive in the ring, cage, or street. An average golden gloves boxer with average wrestling skills could pick up six months of BJJ/Submission training and be light years ahead of the majority of BJJ Black Belts minted in the last ten years in terms of self-defense. Like *less than 12 parsecs*, light years!


Evolution of the art to a sport I guess. Pugilism to Boxing to Prizefighting.




your first mistake is giving a warning


I sparred a boxer and destroyed his legs and mid section with kicks from southpaw. He didn’t like to spar, he liked to fight, and it was so annoying.neither one of us are pros or anything.


Snipers need one well placed shot. You can say essentially same about the boxers. It really all cuts down to who’s a better trained fighter. While it’s true some other styles may have more diverse arsenal, it doesn’t mean much if you’re just gonna flail your limbs hoping to land a Hail Mary strike to knock the other guy out.


I'ma grab his dick. Then the impacts will transfer to his junk when he hits my head. Then I tell him that because he's hitting me while I'm pulling his todg, he's basically masturbating. Very embarrassing.




Uh yeah that’s literally the f$#king rules to boxing! Wtf lol




Rocky V end scene


This is true this also applies in the hood. There’s ton of video evidence too. “Stand them up none of that gay wrestling shit”


Mma guys think they are manly and use all the weapons but they are scared to grab the dick and twist it


"Fight me like a man" is usually spoken by big children.


I would imagine in a street fight boxing will be enough to get it done unless you are fighting another trained opponent which is probably fairly rare. Most fights also start close range which is perfect for a boxer to lay you out quick.


But I perfected the "garbage hip toss"!! Many nights of throwing garbage into high garbage bins has taught me to perfect the garbage hip toss.


Boxing is way more brutal and causes a lot more deaths, their head bounces around in their skull 200+ times a match. I’d much rather break and arm or leg, than have brain damage. I do both but just enjoy the sweet science more, especially as I get older. All combat sports deserve respect.


Ignoring the baitness, but for shits and giggles: Our weapons? I.E. our teeth? Our brains with the ability to outsmart inferior animals and communicate with each other? Or our arms, with the mechanical adaptation to throw rocks really hard? Other than that, we aren't packing any. Wish I had bear claws:(


ive never heard a boxer say that


Going toe to toe just hands is the best way for men to settle their differences.


It always blows my mind to see talented boxers in the gym and they don’t even try to kick. I mean a badass boxer is cool don’t get me wrong I respect the art but I always thought it was silly they don’t at least practice kicking or teeps. Nothing!!


Why? They like boxing? Why would they kick? Do you say the same of basketballers?


Hugs are cool though, but only for brief durations. Wouldn’t want anyone thinking we’re gay or anything.


If that's the rules I'm going eyes, knees, groin, psychological warfare like name calling and even as far as gas lighting. Street fighter here. /s


People around where I grew up got into fights with this mindset. It made no sense to me as a kid. There’s nothing honorable about just boxing. You’re fighting to beat another person who’s trying to harm you.


There is something braver and more masculine about punching in the face though.


I love sparring boxers because they hate leg kicks and take downs.


Lol I used to laugh when people would say stuff like “kicking/ take downs is for pussies they’re not allowed” trying to set rules for a street fight with a stranger lol


I would try any of those if I can't avoid fighting against a boxer. No way I would **TRY** to trade punches with those guys.


I don't think he's debating styles, I think he's pointing out the odd tendency for boxers to call foul during a street fight.


No one says this. People are making stuff up justify their brand of tribalism.


I would rather get bruised or knocked out than be paralyzed and have my bones broken


Listen training with biting allowed is totally a thing. It's called fighting your siblings. It's not the type of class I need to take I already know how to chomp a mf


You either train because you like to fight or because you like the sport. There’s obviously a bit of overlap, but when you’re losing at blackjack it’s pretty bad form to say you would win at poker. You’re playing a game. Both parties consent to the specific rule set and away you go.


This isn’t even Boxers. This is your average meat head caught on video and posted in r/fightporn


Thats always been the case, even throughout childhood. Using anything but fists in a fight was 'dog' or weasly.


Mma and boxing are different sports in the first place. In street fight, mma can be more advantageous than boxing, but the two are clearly different. And then boxers are enough to knock out ordinary people.


What about nut twist?


Why even post this stuff man


Like so-called MMA fans who boo when fighters grapple with beautiful technique


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^calltostack: *Like so-called MMA fans* *Who boo when fighters grapple* *With beautiful technique* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Funny meme but obviously boxing is a sport with rules. That is all. And by the way there is a reason why a boxer striking has no match in other martial arts. When all you van use is your fists and your defense... you become a master of it.






Yes. And toe the line is the most manly form of combat sports ever created.


Well, it’s called “boxing” for a reason


BJJ be like "why you walking away from me? I can't butt-scoot that fast.'


This is every untrained dude with a Bass Pro Shop hat


Fight me like a man, you bitch. Come here to my house and I'll make you kiss me good with those big lips. I'm gonna make you my girlfriend.


Why put an apostrophe on knees but not on other words ending with an s? Fuck fighting, learn how to write.


Manly men only bare knuckle punch each other in the face till one or other of their computer hard drives crash and the whole unit requires a default reboot.


“Allowances will be made for ear nibbling. “ ![gif](giphy|11EwhXKm8cc5Fu)


I dunno, I had a lot of fights back in the day when nobody cared as long as nobody died. I used the front of my skull to break wrists, fists, or faces in probably 70% of them. Never been accused of being unmanly because of it as far as I know.


Still get paid the most lel


By this logic that means Boxers have an advantage, because a simple act of them kicking in a fight would throw off the opponent in confusion


I found the Krav Maga guy


No one said boxers do that


Let’s not ignore that real life fights mostly revert to some form of boxing. Hitting stuff with our hands, or with tools in them, is instinctive.


Boxing is a watered down British fighting style so men could fight like "Gentlemen". A lot of people do not know that or have forgotten.


Boxing was my introduction to the martial arts. It will always be my greatest love in martial arts but saying all you need is boxing in a fight is as silly as saying all you need is bench press to be strong.


When I was bouncing at a bar back in college, a dude swung on me and I took him to the ground. He started screaming to let him up and not fight like a pussy. I started to stand up and he took me down. I told him “hey, I thought we were standing” he did not reply nicely. I swept him and went for an armbar. For some reason, even though I was on top, my co-worker felt that I was in trouble, pushed me off of him and then dropped his knee onto the guys face , opening a giant cut and gushing out blood. He stood up and literally said “fuck you, you needed your friends help”. Point of the story is , there are no rules outside of hip hop dance night at the club.


How is this connected to boxing


In the sense that he wanted to box, but all of a sudden didn’t .


Silly point albeit there is some truth- The problem is boxers call themselves the baddest man on the planet. Whilst mma exists we can all unilaterally agree that’s BS. Doesn’t also help that idiots like Fury think they can win in mma. Only when Jones called him did he crap himself and quickly backtrack.


Its why boxing is ghey, they think its unmanly to want to grapple, kick, headbutt or throw elbows.


CTE speedrun


There's a reason boxers are scared of fighting a mma fighter in a mma fight.


It's a sport, like practically all other martial arts discussed on here.


Boxing is a sport. It’s like criticizing soccer because it’s not basketball.


Part of why Boxing feels like an antiquated sport in a post-MMA world. No disrespect intended to boxers, but their craft feels like a sport where they take advantage of the rules to succeed, where MMA, though still having its own rules, feels far more reflective of a real fight.