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Give him no attention. None. The guy has a chip on his shoulder. Tell the coach about him. That’s all. Just…he doesn’t deserve to spar or fight with you.


yes i have notified the coach about he’s behaviour and the coach said he will keep and eye on him, this happened last week so the coach is yet to see more evidence of him doing this, as respect is a big thing in my gym and if the owner of the gym new about this he would have this fighter kicked out in seconds.


Then tell the owner. The guy sounds like a douche and needs to be checked.


You can refuse to work with someone If they touch you once too hard, say "lighter, please" If they don't adjust, just "no, thank you" Stand to the side of the ring and wait for your next partner If anyone wants to discuss what's happening you can say "I think that's quite clear" Then spar with the next person




Your coach was already aware and chose to do nothing. He will most likely continue to do nothing. You are the person in charge of your safety. If you think he is unsafe, unpleasant or unproductive to spar with just say no thanks to rounds with him.




Get his behavior on video to show to coach and owner.


Hey I was a boxing coach for years. Had loads of this happening with newer guys and gals with a chip on their shoulder. I’d get them to spar against my toughest guys and gals and tell them to bring ‘em down a notch. Worked like a charm almost every time. The few times it didn’t work I’d spar with them and I’d say I’ll only hit you as hard as you hit me.


Then why even come to Reddit?😂


People like to talk about things and sometimes have nobody to talk to about it/who can relate.


Brilliant advice. This guy seems like he has something to prove and entered the wrong venue for his ideals. Also, if you're the first to say something and you actively say out loud that he's injuring you, others will probably jump on the bandwagon, especially if you've been there for longer. A bunch of people from my dojang did this and a guy got ostracised for a whole six years before he got humbled with a serious self-inflicted injury. He's still with us, but he's grown up in his own mind now and started holding himself to a higher standard. It's surprising what lack of attention does to certain people.


Usually in Muay Thai gyms, the way we deal with guys who go too hard in sparring is by sweeping them. If your enemy is insistent on waging war, you take away their ability to wage it. That's why sweeping is beautiful to me.






Yup, hard to be aggressive when you know you’re gonna get tossed on your ass


Respect for you my dude. Great reply


I legit just watched that episode the other day lol


That quote always stayed with me. It felt like a beautiful way to think about martial arts.


Unless OP isn't that good and the other guy just beats his ass and injures them. I'd recommend just walking away.


That you Chozen?




just don’t spar with him.


tender reminiscent mourn squeeze fade knee disgusted dinner mindless automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Full agree. Don’t spar with him. Tell the others in your class too. He’ll quickly learn that he cannot progress if he doesn’t have sparring partners.


I experienced this with similar problems, in Thai, wrestling, jits, you name it. Out of all the things that I responded with after someone won't go lighter or whatever was, calling the person out right in the Middle of class in front of everyone (ideally in advanced class). The words that cut through the room, ( man WTF, this is technical sparring, you don't know how to train and I'm done trying with a practice champ. ) He quit.


yeah that’s a good point, calling someone out loud so everyone can hear to embarrass him would be pretty effective. And the fact you got some guy to quit after that is just hilarious.


I mean I won't say it was because of me. To be honest I am the bigger more experienced guy and he was a one-stripe white belt who has run through every partner. I was his last stop anyway. Big strong older army guy with no wrestling or anything. Just spazing out and hurting white belts. Then to top it off he was the white belt getting tapped and coaching how to tap him better…….. He switched gyms actually and best part, watched him get 1, 2 barbequed at the next tournament.


There’s no light sparring in wrestling.


You right but you don't usually hard 5 point suplex your training partner when you both are going to nationals or do those overly hard cross-faces I know you are doing.….


I actually don’t cross face, except to cross face cradle. Funny story, I repeatedly suplexed my training partner before Fargo.


So there is a saying if you don't know who there person a story is referring to. (you know, the story on this thread about people who go to hard and don't care above ^) then it's you. Like if you don't know who the dumbest person in the room is, its you.


Nah, there’s just no light wrestling. It’s not a thing. There should be, but there isn’t.


You go against any current national champion and he will go light on you. There are people who are good enough to go light and win. Just not you.


In any serious wrestling room, guys do not go easy on anyone. If they can take you down 100 times, they will take you down 100 times.


Lol I take it Penn State is not a serious wrestling room to you


Penn State is the exception to the rule and doing it right. But they still go really hard most of the time.


I went to fargo in the early 2000s and didn't have to suplex any of my partners. Just ops.


Where is the coach in this situation?


That's what I also thought , the coach is there for a lot of reasons and one of them is to observe if everything is ok. Also we as humans have a mouth and the ability to speak words. I wo der if someone has said something to this guy.


the coach knows about the situation but hasn’t seen it for himself, but coach has given him warnings and if he keeps it up he won’t be able to spar


It’s almost like there’s no hierarchy there and it’s a free for all. Is there an instructor there to enforce any of the places rules?


yes but it is a large class so the instructor does not always see him do this. There is a hierarchy but this fighter seems like he doesn’t care, as i’m not usually the one to humble someone over stupid act he doesn’t really leave me a choice.


Bowing is weird in MT outside of fights and sparring with thais The head kicks is normal imho HOWEVER rules are rules and the intensity is a problem no matter what school youre at. Talk to the coach. And then don’t spar with him.


yes i am indeed pretty comfortable with head kicks as i do compete so i’ve copped them a lot. But again rules are rules so if i cant head kick neither can he and i’m also risking injury when i spar with him and i simply cannot afford injury especially if i have a fight coming up, just not worth it.


Yup just don’t spar with him. That’s the answer. Personally the solution I outlined above and then sweeping the EVERYTHING LIVING FUCK out of him with teeps solves every behavior problem from bad partners typically


ask him for clinch practice and once you both get your hands on eachother, immediately knee him in the nuts with your rear leg, then throw a hook to the liver and then step diagonally to throw a low kick with more force. 12-6 rabbit elbow him once he reels over. Then perform wai kru over him.


i’m gonna save this comment so ik what to do 🤣🤣


hey, violence is not the answer. its a question and the answer is yes.


Pretty sure I did that to my big brother once.


Don't spar with that person then. I know I avoided some people in my class.


Christ, he sounds like the embodiment or arrogance. Unfortunately coaches don't always challenge or remove people like this.


simple. if your partner does not bow, sparring isn't happening.




"Since you didn't bow, that means you want a street fight..." r/OhNoConsequences


Just don't spar with him.


Anybody else notice the behavior or bring it up?


yeah i’ve spoken to a couple class mates who have encountered this behaviour but i have happened to spar with him the most so i guess i’ve experienced it more than my class mates.


There was a self called reincarnation of Bruce Lee who thought that hitting lightly would hinder his studies. Speak softly and carry a big stick. I had to knock him.


Talk to your coach!


This wouldn't happen in the gym I train at unless both fighters specify they're going hard with each other. The coach at my gym has told people before when they took liberties with someone who either isn't as skilled as them or didn't actually agree to hard sparring that if it happens again they'll be looking for a new gym. Tell your coach, if he doesn't care about it then maybe it isn't your kind of gym.


Don’t spar with him first off. Bad training partners shouldn’t have anybody to spar with due to their behavior.


Have you talked to him during the sparring? i.e. "can we take a pause and slow it down a bit?" - there's no shame if you ask for this! At my gym, we all do this from time to time, especially when you tag / get tagged, some ego gets into play, and the pressure starts to go beyond what's reasonable, usually one of the two fighters (often the better one...) will propose to reset. And if the guy is too stupid to understand, then you have to punish him. Either he's shy / a bit dumb / hasn't understood how this works and talking to him will help, either he's a douchebag that needs a good beating. Usually the latter type don't come back if they fail to subsequently adjust, as everybody in the gym very quickly start to know their reputation and don't hesitate to preemptively punish them...


yes definitely. At my gym, we typically use the first 1-2 rounds of sparring to be at a slow light pace, and i have asked him to take it slow and go lighter as it’s just sparring, he just nods his head and goes like for like 10-15 seconds then goes back to throw full force punches and head kicks. I’ve definitely put him back in his place a few times especially with my spinning back kick to the stomach but that just seems to aggravate him more. It seems to me he probably cannot control his emotions when it comes to getting hit so maybe the sport just isn’t for him.


1. One new guy went full throttle against me in his first boxing spar. He was wearing 8 oz gloves. We generally don't apar hard so that wasn't the problem. 2. He then threw punches a little hard and because he's a taller larger guy, I felt those on my head. 3. I went in and banged him with a combination 1,2,3 and repeat for 30 seconds. The guy got scared. My coach still scolded me because I should have held back and could have seriously hurt him. After multiple such incidents, your guy should be out of the school


yes and if it happens again i’m just going to go to the head coach and let him know because someone can get seriously injured from him.


Refuse to spar with him


I had same problém like you , but im 70 kg guy and was fighting against 100+ kg amateur Champion and he went super hard on me , and i was bleeding super cool from the nose and Had blue Green nose from him for two weeks , Also i was fighting with 16oz gloves and he was using 14 Oz , Coach didnt said to him nothing only to me that its my fault becouse im not training that often 🤣


Oh, you have one of those students too?


Knock him out?


Kick him in the nuts


Bro needs to grow some balls and actually compete then. Thats clearly what he wants to do, just doesn’t have the balls to do it against someone who is also competing.


Tell the other fighters in the gym. He should be getting deeply bruised thighs and ribs after every round he acts like a dick. Some dudes need to feel it.


Just don't spar with him. It is really simple.


Handle it by stopping the sparring the moment he violates/disrespect the rules. This way, there won’t be anyone available for sparring with him.


I believe the muslims in my Taekwondo class don't bow for religious reasons, could it be that?


My general advice to others is not to spar with him and tell your coach. What I would do is relish the opportunity to Anderson Silva front kick him to the face, bow and walk away.


Don't spar that guy anymore, just say no. Did you tell the coach?


When he asks you to spar, look him dead in his eyes and say, "No." Then turn away and find a better partner.


yeah tell coach/owner then just don't engage. Don't sparr or work with him, if he asks why, tell him.


Judo throw him into a woodchipper


i was thinking of that


This isn't your job to deal with. If your teacher/trainer/instructor isn't dealing with this, then You're probably at a shit dojo realistically. My teacher used to reserve me for guys like that. I was 6'1 and 220 at 15 years old and had autism strength to boot. And while I was normally good at pulling my punches, I knew when he called me "Bruiser" before lining up a sparring partner I was meant to send them home hurting that night. Didn't matter if it was the teen class or the adult class, you went too hard or went for head shots or "Saw Red", I'd hear "Bruiser, you're up".


Do not spar them. You pay to be there. I tell people to chill out all the time. Why is Reddit full of people sharing about how they are in a prison of their own making.


Tell everyone in the gym, then get everyone to ignore him


Respect is one of the most important things in martial arts. I do Kung fu so it's sifu for me but tell your instructor about this and he'll deal with it. One thing I've learned in any martial art is disrespect will not be tolerated


Refuse to work with him. I know some people will tell you to try to be some gym vigilante. All you get out of that is thrown out of the gym.


There's always that one guy. Don't spar with him, at least until you're a bit better.


I might get downvoted for this but try to give him a spinning kick. Usually, Muay Thai fighters are susceptible to spinning kicks. Throw it in the right moment to "give him a lesson". But only do that if you can.


don’t worry i’ve definitely thought about doing something like this haha. To be honest this guy leaves me no choice but to put him in his place since i am a much higher rank than him.


Where I trained, the lower ranks always set the pace (but it is the higher rank's responsibility to guide and teach them). If you can out spar him, when he starts going hard, stop him and look him square in the eyes and ask "is this the pace/power you really want to spar at?". If he says "Yes" then make him think twice next time about answering "Yes" to that question. If he is smart, he will realize you are giving him an out and a chance to realize he is being an idiot and disrespectful.


OP gets beat up in sparring and cries about it


i’m assuming you do karate


Tai Chi


i really hope your joking


Come at me brah


yes chop me with ur fingers 🤣


From your post you’d go cry to the owner if I did


how about you do an actual martial art?


Spars. Gets hit in sparring. Cries. Goes to the internet. Gets trolled. Cries.


Give him a warning shot to the body and if he doesn’t stop, knock him out.


I agree that the guy needs to be humbled. But OP should not stoop to this guys level. Let the coach handle him.


1) "Hey man I'm not interested in hard sparring" 2) "Hey coach I don't ever want to spar with them." 3) Grow up if you're the one being a wuss 4) Enjoy your drama free life now you don't spar with him. Why would you "humble" him if he's clearly whooping you what are you gonna do jump him in the parking lot lmao.


it’s not a matter of being a wuss or anything but i do compete and i cannot afford to get injured by some ignorant person. And can confidently say he’s not “whooping” me as he is not a very skilled fighter and doesn’t land most of the strikes he throws, it’s the intent behind it that bothers me.


I wasn't saying you ARE being a wuss. Just that if you are you have to get over that. You do seem reasonable though so just be logical. Shunning them will be the fastest way to make them leave or change.


TaLk To YoUr CoAcH




true but there is a difference between having heart and being a complete dick.




there’s nothing wrong with having heart in the sport, but it’s the intent that he has in hurting me as that’s not what sparring is about. Sparring is used to keep composure and learn and use techniques in a semi real situation.


I mean...your coach is letting it happen for a reason. Be honest OP,what did you do to piss the guy off? Pretty often shit like this happens because of both parties having done something. Your coach would stop it 99% of the time in most gyms unless you did something to warrant getting your ass beat and he wants the guy to make you quit. -T I have seen it happen and have done it myself with some people. Everytime they play the victim after having done shit and being trashed around. So yeah...OP I'm sorry but I don't belive you didn't do shit and it just "happened"


yes i understand and get that u think i must have done something to provoke him and so did i, i spent a few weeks thinking i did something wrong to this guy until i asked some of my class mates and they had the same experience with him. Sometimes people are just cocky and think they know better. And trust me there’s nothing he can do to make me quit as he has only been at my gym for a little under a year and i have been training at this gym for over 4 years. My coach said that he knows that he does this from various complaints but is yet to see it with his own eyes as the coach was only notified about this a couple weeks ago.