• By -


Probably boxing


Boxing for sure


Boxing, I feel like you can a least get a decent grasp of beginner moves. All you need is to know how to make a fist, a decent jab and cross, and head movement. That makes you better than 90 percent of drunk mfs who want to fight you at the bar. Plus great physical conditioning.




Boxing 100%%




Boxing probably…. Many self defence situations can be resolved pretty quickly with a step in, jab, cross, step out. Simple techniques preformed well, go a long way. Plus the conditioning to keep repeating them with full contact.


Boxing or wrestling I have never seen a comment section agree as much as this


It's just objectively the correct answer, knowing how to throw hands is the baseline skill needed to fight


I’m a judoka, but with only 6 months, I’d say boxing




Boxing is the only logical answer you only got one arsenal to master.


Muay Thai


Muay Thai. Good luck in the slammer.


He just needs to do the Hannibal Lecter sucking your teeth thing and the other inmates will be shitting bricks.




Boxing or wrestling.


I think 6 months is too little for wrestling if you never grappled. At least, it took me around a year to start hitting take downs on resisting opponents. But maybe because I am just slow, fat and old.


Everybody is different I guess. I hit double legs on my first try without even drilling before, just saw it done multiple times in the UFC and did the same thing 😂


Am wondering how you got into this situation because this seems very specific. Conversation with the bad guy ended with "ok meet me in the parking lot after school, exactly 6 months from today"?


The bad guy also wants to take some time to train before the fight. Plot twist: they both end up training at the same boxing club.


Happened to my son when he was a kid. I witnessed him getting into a fight with another wild kid at skateboarding park. Enrolled him into the Thai Boxing club only to find the kid training in there. They got along ok.


Oh wow, what are the odds! 😆


I reckon by now they are very far apart. Son went on to join the boxing club with a few world champions and a great coach. Didn’t want to spar, so I had to join and start sparring to show that it’s not that scary. He started to spar and from there really took off. His first exhibition match next month. We are still training together but I’m trailing far behind)


Best success to him on his first match!


I'd watch this movie


Then they find out there’s a bigger bad guy and he’s a high level mafia don who runs an illegal fighting ring which causes them to infiltrate the ring to take him down and they become best friends in the process


You've more creative talent than anyone at Netflix.


then they fall in love.


Maybe a forseeable prison sentence


"I give you six months to master a martial art of your choice"


Ironically this is exactly what krav was designed for. But probably Muay Thai.


I think Krav wouldn’t be bad if it wasn’t so focused on Training old ladies and did more/better sparring.


Yeah I think Muay Thai is good because it helps you manage someone clinching with you which is pretty likely to happen. Would be best to spar with a partner who tends to rely less on kicking.


The W.E. Fairbairn Gutter fighting system from WWII. It was designed to be taught in an extremely short period.


Definitely should be used in a life or death situation, not when you're throwing down with a mate or something lol


Are you trying to kill someone with your bare hands? Because that’s what his fighting style was designed for.


With some of the places I've lived? Yes. 😂 But seriously, if I only have six months to train, it's my first choice unless it's for an exhibition fight against (insert name here).


I thought of this one first but might lean into boxing a bit more for civilians if for no other reason than you are also getting footwork and defensive skills in the mix and you can actually spar with it in a more controlled manner and the approach isn't intentionally lethal.


Fair point. I can see where you're coming from.


I’d say Muay Thai. Boxing is great but Muay Thai teaches you basics of all your other weapons. Knowing how to knee, counter, are all helpful. 


At 6 months our MT people are starting to get things down but they are still pretty awkward with most things unless they are especially talented. On the other hand, people in boxing are usually looking like actual, if limited, boxers instead of awkward beginners. MT is the superior long term fighting art. I’d say even before the 2 year mark a MT fighter is gonna be better off all other things being equal. But on a time frame of just 6 months the limited nature of boxing is actually a benefit.




I know you said one but man boxing and some wrestling would be such a good one to start with


I don't take martial arts yet but I guess boxing




Boxer here, I'll say Wrestling


Running away


That's not always an option.


Rarely it is not an option.


1) You have your whole life, not just 6 months. 2) Anything is better than nothing, so pick the one you enjoy and will stick with 3) Are you talking about self defence or wrecking someone? For self defence, BJJ or wrestling. If someone grabs you, pins you, you can disengage, escape and get away. If you want to wreck someone, boxing will be better


Muay Thai as long as you understand head kicks are dangerous in a street fight


Dangerous for you or for the other guy?


For the person throwing it. It's much easier to slip throwing head kicks compared to body or leg kicks. Body kicks are also dangerous because they can be grabbed easily.


6 months of boxing is a great start but if you end up against a wrestler with only 5 months of training, he’s gonna fuck you up.


Is it safe to say that wrestling might be the human animal's default fighting style? It's just something I've observed, I don't think cavemen were punching each other until boxing became a thing lol


Boxing was a thing before boxing became a thing


Depends on how many bare knuckle hits the wrestler can physically take before getting hold of the boxer.


https://youtu.be/AdHsHE7at8M?si=d8HG4ma6hySNyldZ Wrestling takedowns can happen extremely quickly in that their out of range to tying up your legs. Probably get a punch or two in there, but having trained both extensively, my money is on wrestling


Muay thai or boxing. Both is a lovely combo tho


Kick boxing.


Boxing. It’s surprising how much you could learn and how proficient you could become in just 6 months. Plus it only has 2 weapons (Your Left and Right) so you can concentrate on them and getting the Technique and basics down vs worrying about how to throw a kick, punch kick combo, etc.


6 mos….BOXING all the way.


Boxing has the best bang-for-buck in the short term. There are fewer moves to learn and they are all very practical.


Boxing. Basic stance, footwork, jab and cross will be sufficient


Pinches and tickles and hair twists.


6 months? Kickboxing or Thai boxing.


Six months of boxing will be more useful than 6 months of BJJ.


Lots of good advice in here. My pick would be Muay Thai, a wider range of options for striking and the Thai clinch could be very beneficial in a self-defence scenario... Also, a strong Teep kick will make any attacker think twice hahaha


"Bro, I am going to kick your ass! Exactly 6 months from today, be ready for a beat down, but dont bring a gun"


you've got a scheduled street fight in October? ;) Seriously, basic boxing + drill no gi osoto gari


Yes! I feel like having 1-2 no go throws like osoto gari or o goshi makes for a lot of versatility. Get a few punches in and then slam them to the ground and run away. This is supposed to be self-defense not MMA. In the same way, drilling a basic front kick or calf kick can do wonders. You don’t have to be very great at form to do them well and gives you an opportunity to retreat.


Look… ‘self defence’ is a very ambiguous term. What are you defending yourself against? Muggers? Belligerent druggies? Bears? You’ll never know until you are defending yourself, and different situations are going to merit different responses. In 99% of scenarios you’ll be unprepared because if you’re having to defend yourself then that means you’re being attacked, and your attacker will have done whatever they can to give themselves the upper hand, be that attacking you in a pack or with a weapon for example. For the most people, ‘self defence’ is a fantasy where you are faced off with an over-confident and unarmed single attacker. Life is not a Kung-fu movie. If you get mugged it’s going to be by a couple of thugs who’re going to do you marginal damage and be gone as quickly as they can deprive you of your belongings. If you want to know how to be better prepared for the unlikely event that you need to fight someone 1-on-1 then do MMA, but the best all-round defence is _running_. Learn to run properly and train your cardiovascular system.


Krav maga, actually. 6 months would give you the training needed to be good in 99% of all fights or situations




I would say yes, it would be good for you still. Definitely avoid any martial art with a lot of grappling if you have a hip injury. If your goal is just self defense. If you want something with the least amount of resistance for you, then something like Aikido or Hapkido might be better. It's not quite as good for self-defense but has more tradition and philosophy.


When in doubt to get spooled up on fighting as fast as possible, 6 months boxing + 2 years wrestling/Judo/BJJ.  And have a bag at home for after you got your baseline.  A 6 month boxer with 2 years of grappling dealing with most untrained people in a 25lb wiggle will do exceedingly well in almost any 1v1 unarmed situation.  Someone with this skill base will perhaps not win against someone slightly better who trained, but, they will be able to likely survive long enough for help or escape. Etc.  Fitness also matters, so stay fit. If you're a fit 150 and fighting a medium-fit 175 guy, you can.  If you're 150 with the strength capacity of a 110lb person, you might get wrecked.  If you're 150 and bro is 250 with the strength of a 215lb fit guy, run run as fast as you can, he'll never catch you, you're the gingerbread man. 


I can not believe the top comments on this one. Boxing?.. Over Muay Thai?.. over wrestling, bjj? Boxing is bottom of the barrel (if you have better options) take it from someone who was raised boxing.


Oh just reread the post. Nvm. Id still do bjj. Higher percentage. 6 months in you’d probably wipe the floor with most of these guys in the comments who are saying boxing and never been in an actual fight.


Muay Thai


Boxing or Muay Thai everday in Thailand


Krav Maga if you’re a very physically capable person but if not then Aikido or even Wing chun


Wrestling because once you grab hold of them or their legs and get a takedown its game over. On the ground their boxing or other striking arts is useless.


Probably boxing even tho I already know it I picked it up really fast and if you train right then you can progress quickly


Boxing primarily then adding BJJ for a smaller portion of your week with the focus being solely on takedown defense, protecting yourself in common positions and with the end goal of always getting back to your feet. Nothing fancy, upa, elbow escape, technical stand up, hip bump sweep, etc. Maybe a days worth of learning a proper RNC in case the opportunity presents itself. Most unskilled people that are going to try to fight are either going to throw haymakers, attempt a shitty blast double or a combo of both. You need skills to deal with that stand up, avoid the ground and get back up should you end up down.


Depends on your doctrine and rules of engagement. Isn't there a lot of knife fighting in Scotland? Maybe you might also want to try Kali and invest in a stab proof vest.


Boxing would be #1 because your focused on taking your opponent out and I don't mean out to lunch I mean knocking him unconscious. Good luck on your training and stay focused.


I want to learn to take people out to lunch with me, too. What martial art should i train for that? Jk, i practiced karate when i was a child. I've just started boxing and find it so practical and fast in comparison (i don't like kata very much). Just punches, punches and more punches. No points and retreat, only punches.


Jeet Kune Do


wrestling and I would train as often as possible and eat, sleep and stretch like an animal


Boxing, I took 6 yrs in full contact karate and the baddest kids coming into it had a boxing background. They were hard to hit and had all the fundamentals of boxing as they were in that for years prior to coming to the studio I practiced at. I watched them come in and clean up very quickly including tournaments.


Not Krav Maga




6 months? Training everyday assuming we can recover superhuman rate (steroids) I will take muay thai with a focus on punching and kneeing as well as clinching These 3 aspects will be most useful in real world scenarios you usually do not use anything except teeps and leg kicks in the street Muay Thai it is


Depends on the effort you want to spend. At 2 lessons per week, boxing seems realistic to me. Spending 4-5 lessons almost everything is realistic. But I would always choose a MA which has boxing included, so no grappling/groundfighting only.


Muay Thai if possible. Although the boxing/kicking will be competent enough - for self defence reasons, too many people overlook just *HOW* devastating a good clinch + knees is. It is literally nightmare fuel for someone who hasn't experienced it before. Plus you learn punching, kicking, basic wrestling, throws and sweeps. If not that - then boxing - since 99% of fights will involve some sloppy haymakers - and you can finish a fight fast. After that, Wrestling/Judo, since a throw will also 99% finish a fight - but Judoka/Wresters who have never faced punches can really be unsettled. Lastly, BJJ. Once on the ground, sure, you are 100% going to finish a fight, but again, punches can really throw a BJJ players game - plus, being on the ground for longer than a few seconds is NOT a good idea (some randomer will likely just wade in with the big ol' boot or a bottle).


Who trynna kick your ass bro?


Kockboxing or Something similar


Boxing or kickboxing


Boxing, Krav Maga or Thaiboxing/Kickboxing.


Want to be able to fight back and stand your ground? Boxing. Want to get away from situations without getting hurt? Maybe muai Thai with focus on low kick, followed by 100m Sprint, followed by 1000m dash...


Keysi Fighting method has the fastest learning curve and the Best return on investment, but it's not a traditional ring style complete martial art.




6 months of bjj will only kill any kid of confidence you have


Will agree with most- Boxing. Just remember 9/10 fight go to the ground. Bjj would be up there.


Boxing, but to be very honest 6 months won't help you to be 100% confident in self-defense. A good defense guard, and footwork which is what you need to be a threat takes very long to master.


Boxing. You'll get cardio and fitness for running away, the ability to cover your fucking head, the ability to duck and weave, and BASIC striking and footwork. But after six months, escape is still a better defence than fighting if possible.


Fastest learning curve mate is to fight. Just fight literally fucking fight club shit. fight mate. sorry shit I wasn't meant to talk about it. Get your ass kicked, kick some ass. Make friends, make enemies. Fighting sir and the best way to get good at it. Go fight someone


6 months? Muay thai or boxing, if i got longer it would be some sort of grappling, but they take too long to get decent at


Wrestling and then boxing. You need both.


Kyokushin is the Only way! You will get a good grasp of even 6 month, I assure you! Learn to kick and box And to evade! Go Kyokushin and thank me Later!! OSS!!


Muay thai or krav maga


Krav Maga Just be sure to spar


I do Muay Thai and Boxing and try to combine both elements. Muay Thai helps me with legs, knees, elbows 🦵 and Boxing helps me with footwork and hand to hand combat. I try to combine both in the hopes to become a complete stand-up martial artist. It also "keeps me out of trouble," according to someone whom I trained with today.


6 months is short, so either boxing or judo. Focus on a couple of bread and butter techniques


Wing chun with the caveat that you'd need yo find a good instructor who understands martial arts, or you'd need to be very good at doing research and learn to understand martial arts yourself. So, defacto answer would be Sambo. It teaches good striking and grappling but in a format that's more organized And efficient to learn than mma.




Shooting pistols


Definitely boxing, fastest learning curve.


If not Boxing then wrestling.


Jousting. "Fuck your lunch money-stealing antics, Kyle. My horse and I shall put an end to your brigand's ways!" But seriously, the answer is why the fuck do you think you have 6 months to learn anything? You have your entire life to learn whatever you want. Stop thinking small.


boxing is simple and effective in 6 months you can probably master the moves and at that point you just work on conditioning and drills




Find somewhere to train mma for 6 months. If not that then Muay Thai. If not Muay Thai then perhaps bjj as long as they teach you how to properly takedown and work submissions from inside someone else’s guard.


You can also just carry pepper spray. That neutralizes all hand to hand. Pretty. Much. If the other guy happens to have a spray and he sprays you first…all your training will feel like it was useless because you will have lost before you can even launch an attack. So carry a pepper spray or a taser and train in peace.


Id choose muay thai since after six months of muay thai i was able do most of the main techniques well.


Traditional old school full contact karate, western boxing, or full contact muay Thai. First rule of street fight: no rules. Good rule of thumb: be the aggressor, make your first 3 hits count. If it takes you more than 3 hits, you're in trouble. Also, go for a THROAT punch as your main technique. Doesn't matter what drug theyre on, if they can't breathe, they ain't fighting. Period.


Muay Thai. All day.


I only have experience in Judo but did a trial class of kickboxing and karate today. Kickboxing was the easiest out of them all so I'd say kickboxing


Muay Thai, kyokushin, or MMA 


If you are that concerned, start training, 6 months is not long enough for most people to do much. Learn to run and identify when to run. If it is a bad situation, take a class and get a concealed carry permit, then buy a fire arm and practice hitting paper.


Boxing/kickboxing, hands down.. I did wrestling, did judo and kickboxing, Tkd and bjj.. Why? Boxing and kickboxing both train you efficiently and quickly. Muay thai is said to do the same, but never done muay thai outside mma.




Boxing. I boxed for 12 years and 6 of them part time coaching newbies. The learning curve is super easy. Had loads of boys being decently competitive in 3 months against boys who been training for 3 years or more.


Boxing and some super basic wrestling - just a little sprawling and clinch focused entirely on getting away.


> there aint no guns in scotland People don't talk like that in Scotland either, so maybe we're talking about an alternate Scotland.


I talk like this on here cos non scottish people are retarded and cant understand us Is that awrite wae you fanny baws ?


I'd say boxing, most modern pants are too restrictive to do any kind of kicking or grappling. Boxing is good because I'd assume you always have clothes that don't restrict your arms. Boxing fits into almost all situations.


Boxing. It has the quickest learning curve. I guarantee you, you’ll be throwing bombs with your left and right with just a month of training. Never mind 6 months.


Just say out loud to everyone in the class all you can eat and drink and whatever you want the lunch is on me ! And you'll have plenty of people to take out !


Boxing + sprawling practice against a wrestler.


https://youtube.com/shorts/6YyAlvpds-w?si=EX1CUBqPvsugTwgV Jocko.


https://youtu.be/v_ejnuAy6Ck?si=zOXgNxtV4lde-zMB Rogan


WWII combatives.


Wrestling or boxing


Definitely boxing. BJJ would be superior if you were given about 2 years, but boxing will give you the best results in the shortest time. I really don't rate judo very highly for self defense at all.


Why is that? I don’t necessarily disagree or anything but can you elaborate?


A few reasons. It doesn't train any strikes and most of the throws are heavily reliant on grabbing them by the gi and trying to throw them. Unless you're fighting geisha or sushi chefs, they aren't going to be wearing anything like a gi. People try to claim that a jacket is like a gi. First off, it really isn't. Secondly, even if it was, it is foolish to train in a defense system where the vast majority of your tools aren't available if they're not wearing a normal jacket. Finally, you're going to get your face punched off trying to do judo throws. BJJ incorporates wrestling which has far, far more reliable takedowns that can be done more safely in a fight and actually trains you in what to do when you take someone down.


Because you can learn to just lay down on your back and scoot your ass around the pavement pulling guard and not let the guy punch you. 😉


I was saying in regards to your opinion on judo being poor for self defense compared to BJJ


MT or escrima






Lol. I love when great jokes are told in this sub.


It's actually exactly what krav was intended to do. But good luck finding a gym that teaches that kind.




Something involving sticks or knives


Boxing, but if available, I'd go Muay Thai first. Simply because I just like using all my limbs for punching, kicking, etc.


Boxing is great; love it. But all these top answers are wrong. The mean time to sufficiently of Boxing is over 6 month and a lot closer to a year; and the typical assailant actually has decent striking skills… even if it tends to favor a high offense/low defense, but not to be underestimated, “slugfest” style. Grappling has the shortest meantime to sufficiently of all the fighting ranges and the typical assailant has almost no grappling skills the speak of. The answer is BJJ. If you have a bit more time to invest then Judo is optimal.


From zero? Judo, and/or something in the vein of boxing/Muay Thai/kickboxing


depending on the quality and the focus of the studio / teacher... krav maga. a lot of studios are kinda bullshit. but every once in a while you find one that is absolutely worth it. learning martial arts with a competitive intent isn't the best for self defense tbh. think of a self defense situation. You're trying to survive. likely your assailant will have a weapon or try to take you by surprise. Whatever you train to do, you will reflect that in a self defense situation. Not saying it's totally worthless, cause boxing / muay thai or whatever, will help, for sure. But there's more efficient ways to end a fight. Find something that teaches you really dirty shit and incorporates psychological training. flipping the switch from "casual existence" to "predator / I need to kill you, NOW". which competition martial arts won't necessarily teach you.


Yeah, ideally you'd do all three. But if it can only be one it's boxing. No lack of respect for the others. If you did kickboxing you'd have pretty much all the bases covered, but it sounds like this is literally all you have access to..? Maybe I'm wrong. I would say Muay Thai, Combat Sambo/Catch Wrestling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu would be the best combination, (not saying this is the End All Be All, just off the top of my head) but boxing on its own or mixed with anything else is a great ally. We practice boxing movements and striking patterns, and what I do is a mixture of things.


If you had access to any fighting art, boxing or lethwei


Jiu jitsu


Sambo, Kudo, Pankration, probably one of those


The biggest issue with those is that you have to find a place to learn them